Esempio n. 1
function allmember_class()
    global $allow_order, $rsort, $grade;
    $get = MooGetGPC('clear', 'integer', 'G');
    $total = 0;
    $page_links = '';
    $sort_arr = $member_list = array();
    $currenturl = "index.php?action=allmember&h=class";
    $currenturl1 = "index.php?action=allmember&h=class&clear=1";
    //$condition = array();
    //$condition['uid']=$condition['username']=$condition['nickname']=$condition['telphone']=$condition['sid'] = '';
    $sql_where = 'where 1';
    /* $effect_grade=MooGetGPC('effect_grade','integer','G');
    	$startTime=MooGetGPC('start','string','G'); */
    $where = get_search_condition('');
    //if(!empty($keyword)) $where = $where." AND m.sid = $keyword";
    $query_builder = get_query_builder($where, $allow_order, '', '', 'regdate', 'desc', $rsort);
    $where = $sql_where . $query_builder['where'];
    $sql_sort = $query_builder['sort'];
    $sort_arr = $query_builder['sort_arr'];
    $rsort_arr = $query_builder['rsort_arr'];
    $kefu_list = get_kefulist();
    if ($get == 1) {
        $page_per = 20;
        $page = get_page();
        $limit = 20;
        $total = get_allmember_count($where);
        $page_total = max(1, ceil($total / $limit));
        $page = min($page, $page_total);
        $offset = ($page - 1) * $limit;
        //$offset = 0;//enky add
        $member_list = get_member_list($where, $sql_sort, "limit {$offset},{$page_per}");
        if ($member_list) {
            foreach ($member_list as $key => $user) {
                if (preg_match_all("/(wf=\\w+)&?|(st=\\w+)&?/i", $user['source'], $matches)) {
                    $member_list[$key]['source'] = $matches[1][0] . "<br />" . $matches[2][1];
        // echo $url = "http://".$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
        $currenturl = "index.php?action=allmember&h=class";
        //$currenturl1 = "index.php?action=allmember&h=class&clear=1";
        $currenturl1 = "index.php?action=allmember&h=class&clear=1&effect_grade={$effect_grade}&keyword={$keyword}&end={$endTime}&start={$startTime}";
        $page_links = multipage($total, $page_per, $page, $currenturl1);
        $age_arr = array();
        for ($i = 18; $i < 100; $i++) {
            $age_arr[] = $i;
        $condition = get_condition($where);
    $title = '分类会员列表';
    require_once adminTemplate('allmember_general');
Esempio n. 2
function other_complaint_box()
    global $_MooClass, $dbTablePre, $_MooCookie, $areaid_arr, $foreground, $background, $accept_arr, $status_arr, $kefu_arr, $adminid, $groupname;
    $type = MooGetGPC('type', 'string', 'G');
    $type = $type ? $type : 'list';
    $allow_type = array('list', 'show', 'submit', 'del');
    if (!in_array($type, $allow_type)) {
        salert('没有该操作', 'index.php?action=other&h=complaint_box');
    switch ($type) {
        case 'list':
            $page = get_page();
            $starttime = MooGetGPC('starttime', 'string', 'G');
            $endtime = MooGetGPC('endtime', 'string', 'G');
            $uid = MooGetGPC('uid', 'integer', 'G');
            $condition = array('module' => MooGetGPC('module', 'integer', 'G'), 'areaid' => MooGetGPC('areaid', 'integer', 'G'), 'status' => MooGetGPC('status', 'integer', 'G'), 'accept' => MooGetGPC('accept', 'integer', 'G'));
            $sql = "select * from {$dbTablePre}complaint_box ";
            $sql_count = "select count(1) as count from {$dbTablePre}complaint_box ";
            $sql_where = "";
            $n = 0;
            $field = MooGetGPC('field', 'string', 'G');
            $value = MooGetGPC('value', 'string', 'G');
            $where = array();
            if ($field == 'uid' && $value) {
                foreach ($kefu_arr as $key => $val) {
                    if ($value == $val) {
                        $isuid = $key;
                $where[] = "uid = '{$isuid}'";
            if ($field == 'cid' && $value) {
                $where[] = "cid = '{$value}'";
            foreach ($condition as $key => $val) {
                if (isset($_GET[$key]) && $val >= 0) {
                    $where[] = "`{$key}` = '{$val}'";
            if ($starttime) {
                $starttime = strtotime($starttime);
                $where[] = "submittime >= '{$starttime}'";
            if ($endtime) {
                $endtime = strtotime($endtime);
                $where[] = "submittime <= '{$endtime}'";
            $sql_where = implode(' and ', $where);
            $allow_order = array('submittime' => '提交时间', 'replaytime' => '回复时间', 'areaid' => '反馈区域', 'status' => '处理结果', 'accept' => '是否采纳', 'cid' => '意见ID');
            $query_builder = get_query_builder($sql_where, $allow_order, 'accept', 0, 'submittime', 'desc', array(), 1);
            $sql_where = 'where ' . $query_builder['where'];
            $sql_order = $query_builder['sort'];
            $sort_arr = $query_builder['sort_arr'];
            $rsort_arr = $query_builder['rsort_arr'];
            $total = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getOne($sql_count . $sql_where);
            $total = $total['count'];
            $limit = 15;
            $offset = ($page - 1) * $limit;
            $sql_where .= "{$sql_order} limit {$offset}, {$limit}";
            $complaint = array();
            $complaint = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getAll($sql . $sql_where);
            //echo $sql.$sql_where;
            $currenturl = "index.php?" . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];
            include_once adminTemplate('other_complaint_list');
        case 'show':
            $cid = MooGetGPC('cid', 'integer', 'G');
            if ($cid) {
                $sql = "select * from {$dbTablePre}complaint_box where cid = '{$cid}'";
                $complaint = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getOne($sql);
                $lei = '查看意见反馈';
            } else {
                $lei = '意见反馈提交';
            include_once adminTemplate('check_show');
        case 'submit':
            $cid = MooGetGPC('cid', 'integer', 'P');
            $replay = MooGetGPC('replay', 'string', 'P');
            $accept = MooGetGPC('accept', 'integer', 'P');
            $status = MooGetGPC('status', 'integer', 'P');
            $module = MooGetGPC('module', 'integer', 'P');
            $uid = MooGetGPC('uid', 'integer', 'P');
            $areaid = MooGetGPC('areaid', 'ingeter', 'P');
            $content = MooGetGPC('content', 'string', 'P');
            $complaint = MooGetGPC('complaint', 'string', 'P');
            if ($cid) {
                if ($complaint == '回复') {
                    $time = time();
                    $sql = "update {$dbTablePre}complaint_box set `replay` = '{$replay}', `accept` = '{$accept}', `status` = '{$status}', replaytime = '{$time}' where cid = {$cid}";
                    salert("回复成功", "index.php?action=other&h=complaint_box&type=list");
                } else {
                    if ($adminid == $uid) {
                        $timetype = 'submittime';
                    } else {
                        $timetype = 'replaytime';
                    $sql = "update {$dbTablePre}complaint_box set content = '{$content}', `replay` = '{$replay}', `accept` = '{$accept}', `status` = '{$status}', {$timetype} = '{$time}' where cid = {$cid}";
                    salert("修改成功", "index.php?action=other&h=complaint_box&type=show&cid={$cid}");
            } else {
                $time = time();
                $sql = "insert into {$dbTablePre}complaint_box(uid, areaid, `module`, content, submittime) values('{$adminid}', '{$areaid}', '{$module}', '{$content}', '{$time}')";
                $cid = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->insertId();
                salert("发表成功", "index.php?action=other&h=complaint_box&type=list");
        case 'del':
            $cid = MooGetGPC('cid', 'integer', 'G');
            $sql = "delete from {$dbTablePre}complaint_box where cid = '{$cid}'";
            salert("删除成功", "index.php?action=other&h=complaint_box&type=list");
Esempio n. 3
function check_image()
    global $_MooClass, $dbTablePre, $allow_order, $rsort;
    $sid = $GLOBALS['adminid'];
    $type = MooGetGPC('type', 'string', 'R') == '' ? 'list' : MooGetGPC('type', 'string', 'R');
    $lei = "会员相册图片审核";
    $uid = MooGetGPC('uid', 'integer', 'R');
    $usersid = MooGetGPC('usersid', 'string', 'R');
    $id = MooGetGPC('id', 'integer', 'R');
    $checkArr = array(1 => '审核通过', 0 => '未审核');
    switch ($type) {
        case 'list':
            //note 获得当前url
            $pass = MooGetGPC('pass', 'integer', 'R');
            $page = get_page();
            $prepage = 20;
            $start = ($page - 1) * $prepage;
            $sql_where = '';
            $usersid = MooGetGPC('usersid', 'string', 'R');
            if ($usersid === null) {
                $usersid = -1;
            } else {
                $usersid = intval($usersid);
            $myservice_idlist = get_myservice_idlist();
            if (empty($myservice_idlist) || $myservice_idlist === $GLOBALS['adminid']) {
                $sql_where = " AND b.sid ={$GLOBALS['adminid']}";
                //$sql_where = " AND b.sid IN({$GLOBALS['adminid']})";
            } elseif ($myservice_idlist == 'all') {
                $adminUser = $GLOBALS['_MooClass']['MooMySQL']->getAll("select uid,username from web_admin_user", 0, 0, 0, true);
                //if(isset($_GET['usersid'])){$sql_where=" AND b.sid='$usersid'";}
                if ($usersid >= 0) {
                    $sql_where = " AND b.sid='{$usersid}'";
                    $start = 0;
            } else {
                $adminUser = $GLOBALS['_MooClass']['MooMySQL']->getAll("select uid,username from web_admin_user  where uid in ({$myservice_idlist}) ", 0, 0, 0, true);
                $sql_where = " AND b.sid IN({$myservice_idlist}) ";
                //if(isset($_GET['usersid'])){$sql_where .=" AND b.sid='$usersid'";}
                if ($usersid >= 0) {
                    $sql_where .= " AND b.sid='{$usersid}'";
                    $start = 0;
            $currenturl = "index.php?action=check&h=image&pass={$pass}";
            //$currenturl2 = preg_replace("/(&page=\d+)/","",$currenturl);
            $currenturl2 = preg_replace("/(&pass=\\d+)/", "", $currenturl) . "&pass={$pass}";
            $currenturl2 = preg_replace("/(&sid=\\d+)/", '', $currenturl2);
            if (!empty($uid)) {
                $sql_where = '';
                $start = 0;
                $sql_where .= " AND b.uid=" . $uid;
                $usersid = -1;
            } else {
                $sql_where .= " AND a.syscheck=" . $pass;
            if ($usersid >= 0) {
                $currenturl2 = $currenturl2 . "&usersid={$usersid}";
            $query_builder = get_query_builder($sql_where, $allow_order, '', '', 'pic_date', 'asc', $rsort);
            $sort_arr = $query_builder['sort_arr'];
            $rsort_arr = $query_builder['rsort_arr'];
            $sql_sort = $query_builder['sort'];
            $order = MooGetGPC('order', 'string', 'R');
            $method = MooGetGPC('method', 'string', 'R');
            if (!empty($order) && !empty($method)) {
                $sql_sort = "order by {$order} {$method} ";
                $currenturl2 .= "&order={$order}&method={$method}";
            $sql_sort = str_replace("pic_date", "a.pic_date", $sql_sort);
            $sql_sort = str_replace("uid", "a.uid", $sql_sort);
            $currentur = $currenturl2;
            if (strpos($sql_where, 'b.') === false) {
                $sql_count = "SELECT count(1) as c FROM {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}pic AS a WHERE 1 {$sql_where}";
                $sql = "SELECT a.imgid FROM {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}pic AS a left join {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}members_login AS d on d.uid=a.uid WHERE 1 {$sql_where} LIMIT {$start},{$prepage} ";
                //ORDER BY d.lastvisit DESC
            } else {
                $sql_count = "SELECT count(1) as c FROM {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}pic AS a left  JOIN {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}members_search AS b on a.uid=b.uid WHERE 1 {$sql_where}";
                $sql = "SELECT a.imgid FROM {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}pic AS a left JOIN {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}members_search AS b on a.uid=b.uid left join {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}members_login AS d on d.uid=b.uid WHERE 1 {$sql_where} LIMIT {$start},{$prepage} ";
                //ORDER BY d.lastvisit ASC
            $total_count = $GLOBALS['_MooClass']['MooMySQL']->getOne($sql_count, true);
            $total = $total_count['c'];
            $list_imgid = $GLOBALS['_MooClass']['MooMySQL']->getAll($sql, 0, 0, 0, true);
            $list = array();
            if (!empty($list_imgid)) {
                $imgids = array();
                foreach ($list_imgid as $img) {
                    $imgids[] = $img['imgid'];
                $sql = "SELECT a.uid,a.imgid as id,a.syscheck AS syscheck,b.nickname,b.birthyear,b.sid as sid,b.gender,c.allotdate,d.lastvisit FROM {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}pic AS a left JOIN {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}members_search AS b on a.uid=b.uid left join {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}members_base AS c on c.uid=b.uid left join {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}members_login AS d on d.uid=c.uid WHERE a.imgid in (" . implode(',', $imgids) . ") {$sql_sort}";
                $list = $GLOBALS['_MooClass']['MooMySQL']->getAll($sql, 0, 0, 0, true);
                foreach ($list as $key => $val) {
                    $uidpic = $val['id'];
                    $sql = "select pic_date from web_pic where imgid='{$uidpic}'";
                    $resultpic = $GLOBALS['_MooClass']['MooMySQL']->getOne($sql);
                    if (!empty($resultpic)) {
                        $picdate = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($resultpic['pic_date']));
                        $list[$key]['pic_date'] = $picdate;
                    } else {
                        $list[$key]['pic_date'] = null;
            require adminTemplate("check_list");
        case 'show':
            $pass = MooGetGPC('pass', 'integer', 'G');
            $usersid = MooGetGPC('usersid', 'integer', 'R');
            $page = MooGetGPC('page', 'integer', 'G');
            if (!$images) {
                $images = $GLOBALS['_MooClass']['MooMySQL']->getAll("SELECT a.*,b.birthyear,b.gender,c.mainimg FROM {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}pic as a join {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}members_search as b on a.uid=b.uid left join {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}members_base as c on b.uid=c.uid WHERE a.uid='{$uid}' and a.syscheck={$pass}");
            $image = count($images) > 0 ? $images[0] : array();
            $id = isset($image['imgid']) ? $image['imgid'] : '';
            $url = "http://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
            $url = preg_replace("/www./", "", $url);
            $url = preg_replace("/show/", "list", $url);
            $url = preg_replace("/&uid=\\d+/", "", $url);
            serverlog(1, $dbTablePre . "pic", $GLOBALS['username'] . "查询会员相册", $GLOBALS['adminid']);
            require adminTemplate("check_show");
        case 'submit':
            $is_pass = MooGetGPC('pass', 'string');
            $is_onpass = MooGetGPC('nopass', 'string');
            $uid = MooGetGPC('uid', 'integer', 'P');
            if ($is_onpass) {
                $imagesname = MooGetGPC('imagesname', 'string');
                $pic_date = MooGetGPC('pic_date', 'string');
                $imagessrc1 = "../data/upload/images/photo/" . $pic_date . "/orgin/" . $imagesname;
                $GLOBALS['_MooClass']['MooMySQL']->query("DELETE FROM {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}pic WHERE `imgid`='{$id}'");
                if (file_exists(".." . thumbImgPath("1", $pic_date, $imagesname))) {
                    unlink(".." . thumbImgPath("1", $pic_date, $imagesname));
                if (file_exists(".." . thumbImgPath("2", $pic_date, $imagesname))) {
                    unlink("../" . thumbImgPath("2", $pic_date, $imagesname));
                if (file_exists(".." . thumbImgPath("3", $pic_date, $imagesname))) {
                    unlink(".." . thumbImgPath("3", $pic_date, $imagesname));
                if (file_exists($imagessrc1)) {
                serverlog(2, $dbTablePre . "pic", $GLOBALS['username'] . "未通过用户的图片" . $id, $GLOBALS['adminid'], $uid);
                sendusermessage($uid, "您的图片不符合图片要求,已被红娘删除,请您按要求进行操作", "图片审核");
                $alert = '审核图片删除成功';
            } elseif ($is_pass) {
                $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS num FROM {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}pic   WHERE syscheck=1 and isimage='0' and uid='{$uid}'";
                $pic_count = $GLOBALS['_MooClass']['MooMySQL']->getOne($sql);
                $pc = $pic_count['num'] + 1;
                $sql = "update {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}members_search set pic_num='{$pc}' where uid='{$uid}'";
                searchApi('members_man members_women')->updateAttr(array('pic_num'), array($uid => array((int) $pc)));
                if (MOOPHP_ALLOW_FASTDB) {
                    $value['pic_num'] = $pc;
                    MooFastdbUpdate('members_search', 'uid', $uid, $value);
                $GLOBALS['_MooClass']['MooMySQL']->query("UPDATE {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}pic SET `syscheck`=1 WHERE `imgid`='{$id}'");
                serverlog(3, $dbTablePre . "pic", $GLOBALS['username'] . "通过用户的图片" . $id, $GLOBALS['adminid'], $uid);
                sendusermessage($uid, "您的图片已经过红娘的审核,您还可以继续上传您的照片", "图片审核");
                $alert = '审核图片成功';
            //enky add
            if (!$images) {
                $images = $GLOBALS['_MooClass']['MooMySQL']->getAll("SELECT a.*,b.birthyear,b.gender,c.mainimg FROM {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}pic as a join {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}members_search as b on a.uid=b.uid left join {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}members_base as c on b.uid=c.uid WHERE a.uid='{$uid}' and a.syscheck=0");
            $image = count($images) > 0 ? $images[0] : array();
            $id = isset($image['imgid']) ? $image['imgid'] : '';
            //enky add end
            if ($images) {
                $url = 'index.php?action=check&h=image&type=show&id=' . $image['imgid'] . "&usersid={$usersid}" . "&uid={$uid}";
            } else {
                /* $url = "http://".$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
                               $url=preg_replace("/submit/", "list", $url);
                               $url=preg_replace("/&uid=\d+/", "", $url);
                               //$url=preg_replace("/&usersid=\d+/", "", $url);
                               $url .="&pass=0"; */
                $url = "index.php?action=check&h=image&type=list&usersid={$usersid}&pass=0";
            $imgkey = $images ? 1 : 0;
            setcookie('images', $imgkey);
            salert($alert, $url);
Esempio n. 4
function site_recommend_diamond_district()
    $allow_order = array('s.gender' => '性别', 's.birthyear' => '年龄', 'd.mainimg' => '形象照', 's.images_ischeck' => '形象照是否审核', 's.bgtime' => '升级开始时间', 's.endtime' => '升级结束时间');
    $rsort = '';
    $page_per = 10;
    $page = intval(max(1, MooGetGPC('page', 'integer')));
    $limit = 10;
    $offset = ($page - 1) * $limit;
    //url get 取变量值
    $province = MooGetGPC('workprovince', 'integer', 'G');
    $city = MooGetGPC('workcity', 'integer', 'G');
    $startdate = MooGetGPC('startdate', 'string', 'G');
    $enddate = MooGetGPC('enddate', 'string', 'G');
    $uid = MooGetGPC('uid', 'integer', 'G');
    $isindex = MooGetGPC('isindex', 'integer', 'G');
    if ($_POST) {
        $province = MooGetGPC('workprovince', 'integer', 'P');
        $city = MooGetGPC('workcity', 'integer', 'P');
        $startdate = MooGetGPC('startdate', 'string', 'P');
        $enddate = MooGetGPC('enddate', 'string', 'P');
        $uid = MooGetGPC('uid', 'integer', 'P');
        $isindex = MooGetGPC('isindex', 'integer', 'P');
    //note 修正广东省深圳和广州的区域查询
    if (in_array($province, array(10101201, 10101002))) {
        $city = $province;
        $province = 10101000;
    if (in_array($province, array('10102000', '10103000', '10104000', '10105000'))) {
        $city = '0';
    $sql_where = '';
    $where = $whereturl = array();
    if (!empty($startdate)) {
        $where[] = 's.bgtime>=' . strtotime($startdate);
        $whereturl[] = 'startdate=' . $startdate;
    if (!empty($enddate)) {
        $where[] = 's.endtime<=' . strtotime($enddate);
        $whereturl[] = 'enddate=' . $enddate;
    if (!empty($province)) {
        $where[] = 's.province=' . $province;
        $whereturl[] = 'workprovince=' . $province;
    if (!empty($city)) {
        $where[] = '' . $city;
        $whereturl[] = 'workcity=' . $city;
    if (!empty($isindex)) {
        $where[] = 'd.isindex=1';
        $whereturl[] = 'isindex=1';
    if (!empty($uid)) {
        $where[] = 'uid=' . $uid;
    $sql_where = empty($where) ? '' : 'where ' . implode(' and ', $where);
    $query_builder = get_query_builder($sql_where, $allow_order, '', '', '', '', $rsort);
    $sql_sort = $query_builder['sort'];
    $sort_arr = $query_builder['sort_arr'];
    $rsort_arr = $query_builder['rsort_arr'];
    $sort = MooGetGPC('sql_sort', 'string', 'G');
    if (!empty($sort)) {
        $sql_sort = $sort;
    $currenturl = 'index.php?action=site_recommend_diamond&h=district&' . implode('&', $whereturl) . "&sql_sort={$sql_sort}";
    /* $sort=MooGetGPC('sql_sort','string','G');
    	   $currenturl='index.php?action=site_recommend_diamond&h=district&'.implode('&', $whereturl)."&sql_sort={$sql_sort}";
    	} */
    $sql = "SELECT COUNT(d.uid) AS COUNT FROM web_diamond_recommend as d left join web_members_search as s on d.uid=s.uid  {$sql_where}";
    $result = $GLOBALS['_MooClass']['MooMySQL']->getOne($sql, true);
    $total = $result['COUNT'];
    $sql = "select d.uid,d.username,d.nickname,s.gender,d.mainimg,s.images_ischeck,s.birthyear,s.bgtime,s.endtime,s.province,,d.isindex,d.sort from web_diamond_recommend as d left join web_members_search as s on d.uid=s.uid {$sql_where} {$sql_sort}  LIMIT {$offset},{$limit} ";
    $list = $GLOBALS['_MooClass']['MooMySQL']->getAll($sql, 0, 0, 0, true);
    $comment = array();
    foreach ($list as $key => $value) {
        $value['bgtime'] = date('Y-m-d', $value['bgtime']);
        $value['endtime'] = date('Y-m-d', $value['endtime']);
        $value['k'] = $key + 1;
        $comment[] = $value;
    $pages = multipage($total, $page_per, $page, $currenturl);
    $page_num = ceil($total / $limit);
    require_once adminTemplate('site_recommend_diamond_district');
Esempio n. 5
function myuser_goonlist()
    //global $allow_order, $rsort;
    $where = $link = '';
    $allow_order = array('uid' => 'ID', 'birthyear' => '年龄', 'effect_grade' => '类', 'images_ischeck' => '照片', 'salary' => '收入', 'allotdate' => '分配时间', 'regdate' => '注册时间', 'next_contact_time' => '下次联系时间', 'usertype' => '会员类型', 'login_meb' => '登陆次数', 'sid' => '工号/客服', 'is_lock' => '是否锁定');
    $rsort = array('birthyear' => 1);
    $condition = '';
    if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
        $id = $_POST['changesid'];
        foreach ($id as $uid) {
            $sql = "delete from {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}member_goon where uid='{$uid}'";
    $userid = $_GET['usersid'];
    $myservice_idlist = get_myservice_idlist();
    if (empty($myservice_idlist)) {
        $condition .= " m.sid IN({$GLOBALS['adminid']}) ";
    } elseif ($myservice_idlist == 'all') {
        if (isset($userid)) {
            $condition .= "  g.uid={$userid}";
    } else {
        $condition .= "  m.sid IN({$myservice_idlist}) ";
        if (isset($userid)) {
            $condition .= "  g.uid={$userid}";
    $keyword = trim(MooGetGPC('keyword', 'string', 'G'));
    $choose = MooGetGPC('choose', 'string', 'G');
    if ($condition) {
        if (!empty($choose) && !empty($keyword)) {
            $condition = " and m.{$choose} ='{$keyword}'";
    } else {
        if (!empty($choose) && !empty($keyword)) {
            $condition = " m.{$choose} ='{$keyword}'";
    if ($condition) {
        $where = " where {$condition}";
    $query_builder = get_query_builder($where, $allow_order, '', '', '', '', $rsort);
    $sql_sort = $query_builder['sort'];
    $sort_arr = $query_builder['sort_arr'];
    $rsort_arr = $query_builder['rsort_arr'];
    $sql = "SELECT count(id) AS c FROM {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}member_goon g \n            LEFT JOIN {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}members_search m\n            ON g.uid=m.uid\n            {$where} ";
    $members_total = $GLOBALS['_MooClass']['MooMySQL']->getOne($sql, true);
    $total = $members_total['c'];
    $page_per = 12;
    $limit = 12;
    if (isset($_GET['page_per'])) {
        $page_per = intval(MooGetGPC('page_per', 'integer', 'G'));
        $limit = $page_per;
        $link = "&page_per={$page_per}";
    $page = get_page();
    $page_total = max(1, ceil($total / $limit));
    $page = min($page, $page_total);
    $offset = ($page - 1) * $limit;
    $sql_get_goonids = "SELECT g.uid,g.effect_grade as effect_grade,g.next_contact_time as next_contact_time \n    \t\tFROM {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}member_goon g \n            LEFT JOIN {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}members_search m on g.uid=m.uid\n            LEFT JOIN {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}members_base as b ON g.uid=b.uid\n            {$where} {$sql_sort} LIMIT {$offset},{$limit}";
        $sql_get_goonids= "SELECT uid,effect_grade,next_contact_time 
    FROM {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}member_goon g  
    $where {$sql_sort} LIMIT {$offset},{$limit}
    $goonid_res_arr = $GLOBALS['_MooClass']['MooMySQL']->getAll($sql_get_goonids, 0, 0, 0, true);
    if ($goonid_res_arr) {
        $save_goon_id = array();
        for ($i = 0; $i < 12; $i++) {
            if ($goonid_res_arr[$i]['uid'] != null) {
                $save_goon_id[] = $goonid_res_arr[$i]['uid'];
        $goonids_str = implode(',', $save_goon_id);
        $sql_get_sb = "select * from {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}members_search s\n\t             left join {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}members_base b on s.uid=b.uid \n\t             where s.uid in (" . $goonids_str . ")";
        $sb_res = $GLOBALS['_MooClass']['MooMySQL']->getAll($sql_get_sb, 0, 0, 0, true);
        $count_goonres = count($goonid_res_arr);
        $merge_all_arr = array();
        for ($i = 0; $i < $count_goonres; $i++) {
            if (!empty($sb_res[$i])) {
                $merge_all_arr[] = array_merge($goonid_res_arr[$i], $sb_res[$i]);
        $member_list = $merge_all_arr;
      	return true;
    //$member_list = $GLOBALS['_MooClass']['MooMySQL']->getAll($sql);
    $page_links = $currenturl = null;
    $currenturl = "index.php?action=myuser&h=goon_list" . $link . "&keyword={$keyword}&choose={$choose}";
    if (!empty($member_list)) {
        $page_links = multipage($total, $page_per, $page, $currenturl);
    //add end
    $title = '重点跟进的会员';
    require_once adminTemplate('myuser_goonlist');