/** * Build Slack Attachment payload * * @param Exception $e * * @return Attachment */ protected function buildAttachment($e) { if (!$e instanceof Exception) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf("Expecting instance of \\Exception, %s given.", gettype($e))); } $eClass = get_class($e); $username = auth()->check() ? auth()->user()->username : '******'; $email = auth()->check() ? auth()->user()->email : 'no-such-user'; $route = Route::getCurrentRoute() ?: 'not-existing-route'; return new Attachment(['fallback' => null, 'text' => "{$e->getMessage()} {$eClass}: {$e->getLine()}", 'fields' => [new AttachmentField(['title' => 'Time', 'value' => Carbon::now('Asia/Seoul')->toDateTimeString(), 'short' => true]), new AttachmentField(['title' => 'User', 'value' => "<" . 'http:' . get_profile_url($email) . "|{$username}>", 'short' => true]), new AttachmentField(['title' => 'Route', 'value' => $route, 'short' => true]), new AttachmentField(['title' => 'Class', 'value' => "{$eClass}: {$e->getLine()}"]), new AttachmentField(['title' => 'File', 'value' => $e->getFile()]), new AttachmentField(['title' => 'Message', 'value' => $e->getMessage()]), new AttachmentField(['title' => 'Remote IP', 'value' => Request::ip()]), new AttachmentField(['title' => 'Request Url', 'value' => sprintf("%s %s", Request::method(), Request::fullUrl())]), new AttachmentField(['title' => 'Request Headers', 'value' => Request::header()]), new AttachmentField(['title' => 'Request Content', 'value' => Request::instance()->getContent() ?: json_encode(Request::all())])]]); }
function fetch_page_email($pageNo) { $DOT = "."; $g_ofile = "mc.page" . $pageNo . $DOT . "email"; $fhandle = fopen($g_ofile, "w"); //get page $pageUrl = "http://www.mediaclubofindia.com/profiles/friend/list?page=" . $pageNo; $pageHtml = fetch_page($pageUrl); printf("page = %s \n", $pageUrl); $profiles = get_profile_url($pageHtml); //print_r($profiles); exit ; foreach ($profiles as $profile) { $buffer = get_profile_email($profile); fwrite($fhandle, $buffer); } }
function main_loop() { global $g_root; global $g_ofile; $fhandle = fopen($g_ofile, "w"); //rajeev - till 1000 for ($page = 201; $page <= 300; $page++) { $pageUrl = $g_root . $page; $profiles = get_profile_url($pageUrl); foreach ($profiles as $profile) { $data = get_profile_email($profile); $buffer = NULL; if (empty($data) || is_null($data)) { $buffer = sprintf("__NO_DATA__ %s \n", $profile); } else { $buffer = sprintf("__DATA__ %s|%s|%s|%s \n", $data["email"], $data["name"], $data["title"], $data["company"]); } fwrite($fhandle, $buffer); } } //close resources fclose($fhandle); }
function main_loop() { $root = "http://toostep.com/knowledge/a/all/popular/"; $ofile = "toostep.email"; $fhandle = fopen($ofile, "a"); //rajeev - till 1000 for ($page = 101; $page <= 200; $page++) { $pageUrl = $root . $page; $profiles = get_profile_url($pageUrl); foreach ($profiles as $profile) { $data = get_profile_email($profile); $buffer = NULL; if (empty($data) || is_null($data)) { $buffer = sprintf("__NO_DATA__ %s \n", $profile); } else { $buffer = sprintf("__DATA__ %s|%s|%s|%s \n", $data["email"], $data["name"], $data["title"], $data["company"]); } fwrite($fhandle, $buffer); } } //close resources fclose($fhandle); }
function run_on_name($ch, $name, $pageNo) { global $g_debug; $DOT = "."; $g_ofile = urlencode($name) . $DOT . time() . $DOT . "email"; $fhandle = fopen($g_ofile, "w"); while (1) { $dtime = time() . "999"; $params = array("pageNo" => $pageNo, "type" => "page", "archive" => "0", "d" => $dtime); $qstring = http_build_query($params); $pageUrl = "http://toostep.com/searchUserAjax.html?" . $qstring; if ($g_debug) { print_r($params); printf("page = %s \n", $pageUrl); } $pageHtml = do_post($ch, $pageUrl, $name); if ($g_debug) { echo $pageHtml; } $profiles = get_profile_url($pageHtml); if (sizeof($profiles) == 0) { fclose($fhandle); //name processing finished return; } //print_r($profiles); exit ; //use profiles to get emails foreach ($profiles as $profile) { $data = get_profile_email($profile); $buffer = NULL; if (empty($data) || is_null($data)) { $buffer = sprintf("__NO_DATA__ %s \n", $profile); } else { $buffer = sprintf("__DATA__ %s|%s|%s|%s \n", $data["email"], $data["name"], $data["title"], $data["company"]); } fwrite($fhandle, $buffer); } $pageNo++; } }
/** * Prints the users profile link * * @param unknown_type $user_id * @return null * @since 1.2 */ function profile_url($user_id = null) { echo get_profile_url($user_id); }
function ferinagreeting() { if (get_wp_session('ferinauser')) { $namagw = __('Hi Member', 'ferina'); $firsturl = '<a href="' . get_profile_url() . '">' . __('My Account', 'ferina') . '</a>'; $secondurl = '<a href="#" title="' . __('Logout', 'ferina') . '" id="menu-account-logout">' . __('Logout', 'ferina') . '</a>'; } else { $namagw = __('My Account', 'ferina'); $firsturl = '<a title="' . __('Login', 'ferina') . '" id="menu-account-login" href="#">' . __('Login', 'ferina') . '</a>'; $secondurl = '<a title="' . __('Register', 'ferina') . '" id="menu-account-register" class="Open_reg" href="#">' . __('Register', 'ferina') . '</a>'; } return array('greeting' => $namagw, 'urlsatu' => $firsturl, 'urldua' => $secondurl); }
function run_on_name($name, $pageNo, $lookup) { global $g_debug; $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:10.0.7) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/10.0.7 Iceweasel/10.0.7"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 60); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1); $prefix = date("d-M-y"); $g_ofile = $prefix . "/" . $name . ".email." . time(); if (!file_exists(dirname($g_ofile))) { mkdir(dirname($g_ofile), 0755, true); } $fhandle = fopen($g_ofile, "w"); while (1) { $dtime = time() . "999"; $params = array("pageNo" => $pageNo, "type" => "page", "archive" => "0", "d" => $dtime); $qstring = http_build_query($params); $pageUrl = "http://toostep.com/searchUserAjax.html?" . $qstring; $pageHtml = do_post($ch, $pageUrl, $name); if ($g_debug) { printf(" \n\n ------ dumping search page having profiles ----- \n\n"); echo $pageHtml; } $profiles = get_profile_url($pageHtml); if (sizeof($profiles) == 0) { //free resources curl_close($ch); fclose($fhandle); //name processing finished return; } if ($g_debug) { printf(" \n\n ------- dumping extracted profiles from search page ----- \n\n "); print_r($profiles); } //use profiles to get emails foreach ($profiles as $profile) { $data = get_profile_email($profile); $buffer = NULL; if (empty($data) || is_null($data)) { $buffer = sprintf("__NO_DATA__ %s \n", $profile); } else { $buffer = sprintf("__DATA__ %s|%s|%s|%s \n", $data["email"], $data["name"], $data["title"], $data["company"]); } fwrite($fhandle, $buffer); if ($g_debug) { printf(" \n ----- wrote [%s] ----- \n ", $buffer); } } printf("processed %s - page %s \n", $name, $pageNo); $pageNo++; $lookup[$name] = $pageNo; //save name -page_no to disk save_lookup($lookup); } }