function ea_text_field_private_stripe_key_render() { $tPrivateStripeKey = get_private_stripe_key(); ?> <input type='text' name='ea_settings[ea_text_field_private_stripe_key]' value='<?php echo $tPrivateStripeKey; ?> '> <?php }
function ea_donation_form_shortcode() { ob_start(); //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ if (isset($_GET['dbToken']) == false) { echo "<strong>Error: No token given. Please go back to the email and click on the link again</strong>"; exit; } $tDbTokenSg = esc_sql($_GET['dbToken']); $tItemsMix = getItemsArrayForToken($tDbTokenSg); $tNrOfItemsNr = count($tItemsMix); if ($tNrOfItemsNr > 0) { if ($tNrOfItemsNr > 1) { echo "<strong>More than one match in the database</strong>"; //-TODO: Change to Firebug. //TODO: Somehow ensure that the latest record is updated if there are more than one match. } if ($tItemsMix[0][0] == Constants::not_set) { // -THIS CASE IS THE DEFAULT, WHAT WE EXPECT // Do nothing, just continue. } else { $tAlreadyDonatatedMsgSg = '<h4>You have already made a donation for this call!</h4>'; // 'You can still make another donation by going <a href="' . getCurrentUrlWithoutParams() . '">here</a></h4>'; echo "{$tAlreadyDonatatedMsgSg}"; exit; } } else { echo "<strong>Error: Incorrect token! (Token does not exist in the database)</strong>"; exit; } $tPrefillEmailSg = getCallerEmailByDbToken($tDbTokenSg); ?> <p> <label for="amountDollars">Donation Amount:</label> </p> <input type="text" id="amountDollars" readonly style="border:0; color:#f6931f; font-weight:bold;"> <div id="sliderDollars"></div> <link rel="stylesheet" href="//"> <script> jQuery(document).ready(function() { // TODO: Investigate why we need to have a special order of the functions, in reverse of how they // are used. We expected to avoid this since we are using "jQuery(function" as per this link: // try { // Give the initial donation amount either from the URL parameter or from a constant value. function getInitialDonationAmount() { var retVal = getUrlParamValue(gConst.recDonationDollarsUrlParamName); if (retVal === null) { retVal = gConst.noRedirectDonationDollars; } return retVal; } // Event handling for when the user drags slider. function slideFunction(iEvent, iUi) { jQuery("#amountDollars").val("$" + iUi.value); updateHeartSize(iUi.value); } gConst.initialDonationAmount = getInitialDonationAmount(); jQuery("#sliderDollars").slider({ value: gConst.initialDonationAmount, min: gConst.minDonationDollars, max: <?php $tmp = get_max_donation(); echo "{$tmp}"; ?> , step: gConst.donationStepSizeDollars, slide: slideFunction }); // Display the initial value as text. jQuery("#amountDollars").val("$" + jQuery("#sliderDollars").slider("value")); } catch (e) { console.error("ERROR: ", e.message); } }); </script> <form id="stripeForm" action=<?php echo getBaseUrl() . pages::donation_sent; ?> method="POST"> <script src=""></script> <!-- HTTPS is important, otherwise strange errors will occur. --> <button id="customButton">Donate</button> <script> // Checkout on button click. try { jQuery('#customButton').on('click', function (e) { // Get the amount from the slider. var tAmount = 100 * jQuery("#sliderDollars").slider("value"); // Open Stripe dialogue.{ key: '<?php echo get_private_stripe_key(); ?> ', image: '<?php echo getLogoUri(); ?> ', token: function (responseToken) { // Submit the token that we get back from the Stripe server to _our_ server. var tokenInput = jQuery('<input type=hidden name=stripeToken />').val(; var tDatabaseTokenSg = jQuery('<input type=hidden name=dbToken />').val(getDatabaseToken()); // (The token is used on the server side to create the actual charge). var tAmountStr = jQuery('<input type=hidden name=amountCents />').val(tAmount); jQuery('#stripeForm').append(tokenInput).append(tAmountStr).append(tDatabaseTokenSg).submit(); }, name: 'Empathy App', description: 'Empathy App Donation', email: '<?php echo $tPrefillEmailSg; ?> ', amount: tAmount }); e.preventDefault(); }); // Close checkout on page navigation. jQuery(window).on('popstate', function () { handler.close(); }); } catch (e) { console.error("ERROR: ", e.message); } </script> </form> <div id="container"></div> <script> jQuery(document).ready(function() { try { // SVG image made with Inkscape and var paper = Raphael('container', gHeartImg.dim, gHeartImg.dim); var path3053 = paper.path(""); path3053.attr({id: 'path3053',fill: '#000000','stroke-width': '0','stroke-opacity': '1'}).data('id', 'path3053'); var path3051 = paper.path(""); path3051.attr({id: 'path3051',fill: '#000000','stroke-width': '0','stroke-opacity': '1'}).data('id', 'path3051'); var path3049 = paper.path(""); path3049.attr({id: 'path3049',fill: '#000000','stroke-width': '0','stroke-opacity': '1'}).data('id', 'path3049'); var path4100 = paper.path("M 27.696928,76.261018 C 19.747206,68.626322 11.266398,60.587164 7.4748915,50.835542 3.6833851,41.083922 3.3734124,26.811381 9.7549518,17.653528 16.136491,8.4956721 22.187901,4.6870338 32.951844,3.819554 43.715784,2.9520766 54.370274,9.8559705 58.825976,15.322773 63.03182,9.0752373 73.149817,2.1597917 82.97532,2.535815 c 9.825503,0.3760235 17.58955,4.1161266 24.45634,14.16105 6.86678,10.04492 6.42359,25.935606 2.63918,34.821536 C 106.2864,60.40433 95.625874,73.161814 87.142497,79.412544 78.659121,85.663272 67.21867,93.59175 59.402765,95.98188 51.60661,93.099221 35.646649,83.895715 27.696928,76.261018 z"); path4100.attr({id: 'path4100',fill: '#ff3e35',stroke: '#000000',"stroke-width": '5',"stroke-linecap": 'butt',"stroke-linejoin": 'miter',"stroke-opacity": '1',"stroke-miterlimit": '4',"stroke-dasharray": 'none',"fill-opacity": '1'}).data('id', 'path4100'); gHeartImg.tHeartSet = paper.set(path3053, path3051, path3049, path4100); updateHeartSize(gConst.initialDonationAmount); } catch (e) { console.error("ERROR: " + e.message); } }); </script> <?php $ob_content = ob_get_contents(); //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ob_end_clean(); return $ob_content; }