/** * Generate the json data to be plotted in the graph * TODO: Ugly code, need to revise * * The data is an array of graph coordinates, which in our case is in this form * ([time], [number of likes/comments]) * * @param $period * The period to calculate the most popular status (by month, e.g. 6 or 12 months) */ function generate_data($statuses, $period = null) { $oldest_status = get_oldest($statuses); $oldest_year = get_year($oldest_status['updated_time']); // year of the oldest status $newest_status = get_newest($statuses); $newest_year = get_year($newest_status['updated_time']); // year of the most recent status // Currently the graph can only plot time period of 2, 3, 4, 6 // So make it 12 months if an invalid number is passed if (($period == null) || ($period > 12) || ((12 % $period) != 0)) { $period = 12; } $from = "01-01-$oldest_year"; $data = array(); for ($year = $oldest_year; $year <= $newest_year + 1; $year++) { $to = "01-01-$year"; for ($month = 1 + $period; $month <= 12 + 1; $month += $period) { if ($to != $from) { $most_popular = get_most_popular($statuses, '', $from, $to); if ($most_popular) { $popularity = $most_popular['like_count'] + $most_popular['comment_count']; } else { $popularity = 0; } // Notes: The Flot API can only accept time data as Javascript timestamp // We need to pass a valid date string and generate timestamp at front end $data['plot_data'][] = array(date('M j, Y', strtotime("$to")), $popularity); $data['status_data'][] = array( 'status' => status_format_js($most_popular), 'from' => $from, 'to' => $to, ); if ($year == $newest_year + 1) { break; } } $next = $month + 1; $from = $to; $to = "01-$month-$year"; } } return $data; }
?> <div class="blog"> <div class="container"> <h2><?php echo ucfirst($_GET['t']); ?> </h2> <div class="single-inline"> <?php if (isset($_GET['t'])) { $display = 4; $start = isset($_GET['s']) && filter_var($_GET['s'], FILTER_VALIDATE_INT, array('min_range' => 1)) ? $_GET['s'] : 0; $type = $_GET['t']; switch ($type) { case 'newest': $result = get_newest($start, $display); break; case 'topmonth': $result = get_topmonth($start, $display); break; case 'topweek': $result = get_topweek($start, $display); break; case 'eSport': $result = get_news_type($type, $start, $display); break; case 'news': $result = get_news_type($type, $start, $display); break; case 'review': $result = get_news_type($type, $start, $display);
# \\param fmt # \\return # \\description # \\see func1 func2 [S[apps/plugin.c]] # # Markup: # [W[wiki url]] # [S[svn url]] # [F[function]] # [[url]] # %BR% # =code= MOO; foreach(get_newest() as $line) { echo "\n".clean_func($line["func"])."\n"; if(strlen($line["group"]) > 0) echo " \\group ".$line["group"]."\n"; if(strlen($line["cond"]) > 2) echo " \\conditions "._simplify($line["cond"])."\n"; foreach(get_args($line["func"]) as $param) { if(strlen($param) > 0 && $param != "...") { $param = split_var($param); $param = $param[1];
<p style="height: 10px;"></p> </div> <div class="newest_youth"> <?php $t = array("Weibliche A", "Männliche A", "Weibliche B", "Männliche B", "Weibliche C", "Männliche C", "Männliche D", "Männliche E", "Minis"); $c = 0; $html = '<table>'; foreach ($t as $k) { $c++; if ($c % 2 == 1) { $color = '#ccc'; } else { $color = '#fff'; } $bericht = get_newest($k); $html .= '<tr style="background-color: ' . $color . '; font-weight: 800;">'; $html .= '<td><a href="bericht.php?id=' . $bericht['id'] . '">' . $k . '</a></td></tr>'; $html .= '<tr style="background-color: ' . $color . ';">'; $html .= '<td style="padding-left: 20px; padding-right: 20px;"><a href="bericht.php?id=' . $bericht['id'] . '">' . $bericht['titel'] . '</a></td></tr>'; } $html .= '</table>'; echo $html; ?> <p style="height: 10px;"></p> </div> </div> <p style="width: 1000px;"></p> </div> <footer>
<? require_once("functions.php"); $input = file_get_contents($argv[1]); $input = parse_documentation($input); /* Format input */ foreach($input as $rootname => $rootel) { foreach($rootel as $name => $el) $input[$name] = $el; unset($input[$rootname]); } $new = get_newest(); /* Format new */ foreach($new as $name => $el) { unset($new[$name]); $name = clean_func($el["func"]); $new[$name] = array( "group" => array($el["group"]), "description" => array("") ); if(strlen($el["cond"]) > 2) $new[$name]["conditions"][0] = $el["cond"];