Collective members growth rate: </td><td> <?php echo $collective_fans_growth_rate; ?> members/day </td></tr> </table> <?php $owned = get_owned('current'); $header = true; foreach ($owned as $id) { $info = get_listing_info($id); $stats = get_listing_stats($id); // now check $lastupdated -- if more than 8 weeks ago, notify! $weeks = 0; if ($stats['lastupdated'] && date('Y') != date('Y', strtotime($stats['lastupdated']))) { $weeks = 52 - date('W', strtotime($stats['lastupdated'])) + date('W'); } else { if ($stats['lastupdated']) { $weeks = date('W') - date('W', strtotime($stats['lastupdated'])); } } if ($stats['lastupdated'] == '' || $weeks >= 8) { if ($header) { ?> <h2>Neglected Listings Notification</h2> <p>The following listings have gone on two months without a newly-approved member or a new/updated affiliate!</p>
MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. For more information please view the readme.txt file. ******************************************************************************/ require 'config.php'; require_once 'mod_errorlogs.php'; require_once 'mod_owned.php'; require_once 'mod_categories.php'; require_once 'mod_members.php'; require_once 'mod_settings.php'; $info = get_listing_info($listing); $stats = get_listing_stats($listing, true); // prepare date format if ($stats['lastupdated']) { $stats['lastupdated'] = @date(get_setting('date_format'), strtotime($stats['lastupdated'])); } else { $stats['lastupdated'] = 'No updates available.'; } // new members? if (isset($stats['newmembers']) && $stats['newmembers'] == '') { $stats['newmembers'] = 'No new members.'; } // find categories this is listed under (collective cats) $cats = ''; $i = 0; $catsarray = explode('|', $info['catid']); foreach ($catsarray as $index => $c) {
function parse_owned_template($id) { require 'config.php'; $db_link = mysql_connect($db_server, $db_user, $db_password) or die(DATABASE_CONNECT_ERROR . mysql_error()); mysql_select_db($db_database) or die(DATABASE_CONNECT_ERROR . mysql_error()); // get date setting $query = "SELECT `value` FROM `{$db_settings}` WHERE " . "`setting` = 'date_format'"; $result = mysql_query($query); if (!$result) { log_error(__FILE__ . ':' . __LINE__, 'Error executing query: <i>' . mysql_error() . '</i>; Query is: <code>' . $query . '</code>'); die(STANDARD_ERROR); } $datesetting = mysql_fetch_array($result); $dateformat = $datesetting['value']; // get info $query = "SELECT * FROM `{$db_owned}` WHERE `listingid` = '{$id}'"; $result = mysql_query($query); if (!$result) { log_error(__FILE__ . ':' . __LINE__, 'Error executing query: <i>' . mysql_error() . '</i>; Query is: <code>' . $query . '</code>'); die(STANDARD_ERROR); } $info = mysql_fetch_array($result); // find categories this is listed under (collective cats) $cats = ''; $i = 0; $catsarray = explode('|', $info['catid']); foreach ($catsarray as $index => $c) { if ($c == '') { $i++; continue; } // blank if ($i == count($catsarray) - 1 && count($catsarray) != 1) { $cats .= 'and '; } $cat = ''; $aline = get_ancestors($c); foreach ($aline as $a) { $cat = get_category_name($a) . ' > ' . $cat; } $cat = rtrim($cat, '> '); $cat = str_replace('>', '»', $cat); $cats .= "{$cat}, "; $i++; } $cats = rtrim($cats, ', '); $query = "SELECT `setting`, `value` FROM `{$db_settings}` WHERE `setting` " . '= "owned_images_dir" OR `setting` = "root_path_absolute" OR ' . '`setting` = "root_path_web"'; $result = mysql_query($query); if (!$result) { log_error(__FILE__ . ':' . __LINE__, 'Error executing query: <i>' . mysql_error() . '</i>; Query is: <code>' . $query . '</code>'); die(STANDARD_ERROR); } $dir = ''; $root_web = ''; $root_abs = ''; while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { if ($row['setting'] == 'owned_images_dir') { $dir = $row['value']; } else { if ($row['setting'] == 'root_path_absolute') { $root_abs = $row['value']; } else { $root_web = $row['value']; } } } $image = $info['imagefile'] && is_file($dir . $info['imagefile']) ? getimagesize($dir . $info['imagefile']) : array('', '', ''); // make sure $image is an array, in case getimagesize() failed if (!is_array($image)) { $image = array(); } $dir = str_replace($root_abs, $root_web, $dir); $query = "SELECT `value` FROM `{$db_settings}` WHERE `setting` = " . "'owned_template'"; $result = mysql_query($query); if (!$result) { log_error(__FILE__ . ':' . __LINE__, 'Error executing query: <i>' . mysql_error() . '</i>; Query is: <code>' . $query . '</code>'); die(STANDARD_ERROR); } $setting = mysql_fetch_array($result); // get listing stats now $stats = get_listing_stats($info['listingid']); $formatted = str_replace('enth3-url', $info['url'], $setting['value']); $formatted = str_replace('enth3-subject', $info['subject'], $formatted); $formatted = str_replace('enth3-title', $info['title'], $formatted); $formatted = str_replace('enth3-desc', $info['desc'], $formatted); $formatted = str_replace('enth3-image', $dir . $info['imagefile'], $formatted); if (count($image)) { $formatted = str_replace('enth3-width', $image[0], $formatted); $formatted = str_replace('enth3-height', $image[1], $formatted); } $formatted = str_replace('enth3-categories', $cats, $formatted); $formatted = str_replace('enth3-listingtype', $info['listingtype'], $formatted); $formatted = str_replace('enth3-desc', $info['desc'], $formatted); $formatted = @str_replace('enth3-opened', date($dateformat, strtotime($info['opened'])), $formatted); $formatted = @str_replace('enth3-updated', date($dateformat, strtotime($stats['lastupdated'])), $formatted); $formatted = str_replace('enth3-pending', $stats['pending'], $formatted); $formatted = str_replace('enth3-approved', $stats['total'], $formatted); $formatted = str_replace('enth3-status', $info['status'], $formatted); $formatted = str_replace('enth3-growth', $stats['average'], $formatted); $formatted = str_replace('enth3-countries', $stats['countries'], $formatted); $formatted = str_replace('enth3-newmembers', $stats['new_members'], $formatted); // deprecated, mostly here for scaling down $formatted = str_replace('enth3-cat', $cats, $formatted); return $formatted; }