$topology=NULL; if (isset($_REQUEST['topology'])) { $topology=$_REQUEST['topology']; } require_once("LayerData.php"); get_layer_table_schema($layer_tablename, $row_id, $topology); break; case 'getLayers': if (isset($_REQUEST['theme_id'])) { $theme_id=$_REQUEST['theme_id']; } require_once("LayerData.php"); get_layers($theme_id); break; case 'getLayerDetails': $layer_tablename=check_layer_tablename_provided(); $fids=NULL; if (isset($_REQUEST['fids'])) { $fids=$_REQUEST['fids']; } require_once("LayerData.php"); get_layer_details($layer_tablename, $fids); break; case 'getLinkTableSchema':
case "get_sub_children": $where_clause = "WHERE pid = " . $_POST['sub_id']; $xml = perform_search($where_clause); echo $xml; break; // get files // get files case "get_sub_files": $files = get_files($_POST['sub_id']); $xml = generate_object_list_xml($files); echo $xml; break; // get layers // get layers case "get_sub_layers": $layers = get_layers($_POST['sub_id']); $xml = generate_object_list_xml($layers); echo $xml; break; // display form // display form case "display_form": display_form($_POST['sub_id']); // nothing echoed back. see method. break; // update name of submission // update name of submission case "update_sub_name": update_sub_name($_POST['sub_id'], escape_special_chars($_POST['sub_name'])); // nothing echoed back. see method. break;
$xmax = $xmin; } if ($ymax < $ymin) { $ymax = $ymin; } $xsize = $xmax - $xmin + 1; $ysize = $ymax - $ymin + 1; $llmin = tile2latlon($xmin, $ymax); $llmax = tile2latlon($xmax, $ymin); $lat_min = $llmin[0]; $lon_min = $llmin[1]; $lat_max = $llmax[2]; $lon_max = $llmax[3]; $scale = req_num('scale', 256); $tiles = isset($_REQUEST['tiles']) && preg_match('/^[a-z0-9|-]+$/', $_REQUEST['tiles']) ? $_REQUEST['tiles'] : 'mapnik'; $layers = get_layers($tiles, $zoom); $redirect = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . rtrim(dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']), '/\\') . '/'; $permalink = $redirect . "bigmap.php?xmin={$xmin}&xmax={$xmax}&ymin={$ymin}&ymax={$ymax}&zoom={$zoom}&scale={$scale}&tiles={$tiles}"; $basename = isset($_REQUEST['basename']) ? $_REQUEST['basename'] : 'bigmap'; $action = isset($_REQUEST['action']) ? $_REQUEST['action'] : ''; if ($action == 'ozimap') { require 'ozimap.php'; exit; } else { if ($action == 'wld') { require 'wld.php'; exit; } else { if ($action == 'kml') { require 'kml.php'; exit;
file: cstc_csgts.php desc: server side script for the carrier sekanni geospatial toolset interface. the client makes requests to this script through ajax ---------------------------------------------------------------*/ include_once 'classes/class_login.php'; include_once 'classes/class_submission_layer.php'; session_start(); if (isset($_GET['ajax_req'])) { switch ($_GET['ajax_req']) { // user wishes to obtain available // layers for operations case "get_layers": $layers = get_layers($_SESSION['obj_login']); echo json_encode($layers); //print_r($layers); // break; } } else { if (isset($_GET['download_file'])) { // only permit the download if the // file being requested was the zip // file that was saved if (isset($_SESSION['output_file']) && substr_count($_GET['download_file'], $_SESSION['output_file']) == 1) { download_file($_GET['download_file']); } } else { if (isset($_POST['ajax_req'])) { switch ($_POST['ajax_req']) {