function get_buttons($user_id) { // 5/3/11 $regs_viewed = ""; if (isset($_SESSION['viewed_groups'])) { $regs_viewed = explode(",", $_SESSION['viewed_groups']); } $query2 = "SELECT * FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}allocates` WHERE `type`= 4 AND `resource_id` = '{$user_id}' ORDER BY `group`"; // 5/3/11 $result2 = mysql_query($query2) or do_error($query2, 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__); $al_buttons = ""; while ($row2 = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_assoc($result2))) { // 5/3/11 if (!empty($regs_viewed)) { if (in_array($row2['group'], $regs_viewed)) { $al_buttons .= "<DIV style='display: block;'><INPUT TYPE='checkbox' CHECKED name='frm_group[]' VALUE='{$row2['group']}'></INPUT>" . get_groupname($row2['group']) . " </DIV>"; } else { $al_buttons .= "<DIV style='display: block;'><INPUT TYPE='checkbox' name='frm_group[]' VALUE='{$row2['group']}'></INPUT>" . get_groupname($row2['group']) . " </DIV>"; } } else { $al_buttons .= "<DIV style='display: block;'><INPUT TYPE='checkbox' CHECKED name='frm_group[]' VALUE='{$row2['group']}'></INPUT>" . get_groupname($row2['group']) . " </DIV>"; } } // dump($al_buttons); return $al_buttons; }
$al_names .= " Superadmin Level"; } if (isset($_SESSION['viewed_groups'])) { // 6/10/11 $curr_viewed = explode(",", $_SESSION['viewed_groups']); } else { $curr_viewed = $al_groups; } $curr_names = ""; // 6/10/11 $z = 0; // 6/10/11 foreach ($curr_viewed as $grp_id) { // 6/10/11 $counter = count($curr_viewed) > $z + 1 ? ", " : ""; $curr_names .= get_groupname($grp_id); $curr_names .= $counter; $z++; } $heading = "Add Ticket - " . get_variable('map_caption'); if (get_num_groups() && COUNT(get_allocates(4, $_SESSION['user_id'])) > 1) { // 6/10/11 $regs_string = "<FONT SIZE='-1'>Allocated " . get_text("Regions") . ": " . $al_names . " | Currently Viewing " . get_text("Regions") . ": " . $curr_names . "</FONT>"; // 6/10/11 } else { $regs_string = ""; } ?> <SCRIPT> var obj_sugg; function createAutoComplete() {
<td class="TableData"><?php echo $result['name']; ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td nowrap class="TableContent" width="90">头像:</td> <td class="TableData"> <?php echo public_upload('pic', $result['pic']); ?> </td> <td nowrap class="TableContent" width="90">所属权限组:</td> <td class="TableData"><?php echo get_groupname($result['groupid']); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td nowrap class="TableContent" width="90">所属部门:</td> <td class="TableData"> <?php echo get_realdepaname($result['departmentid']); ?> </td> <td nowrap class="TableContent" width="90">所属岗位:</td> <td class="TableData"><?php echo get_postname($result['positionid']); ?>
} else { $post = "disable"; } #echo $evtcfg.": ".$post; config($eventconfig['checkbox'][$i]['config'], $eventID, $post); $log_new[$evtcfg] = $post; } // End for log_add("eventadmin", "doConfig", serialize($log_new), serialize($log_old)); header("Location: ?module=eventadmin&action=config&action=config&saved=OK"); } elseif (($action == "groupRights" || $action == "changeGroupRights") && !empty($_GET['groupID'])) { if (acl_access("eventadmin", "", $eventID) != 'Admin') { die("Sorry, you have to be eventadmin to give eventrights"); } $groupID = $_GET['groupID']; $content .= "<h2>" . _("Editing group rights for:") . " <strong>" . get_groupname($groupID) . "</strong></h2>\n<br />\n"; $content .= "<a href=\"?module=eventadmin&action=groupManagement\">" . lang("Back to groups", "eventadmin") . "</a>\n<br /><br />\n"; $content .= "<table>"; // List up eventaccess-rights for ($i = 0; $i < count($eventaccess); $i++) { $qFindAccess = db_query("SELECT * FROM " . $sql_prefix . "_ACLs WHERE eventID = {$eventID}\n\t\t\tAND groupID = '" . db_escape($groupID) . "' AND accessmodule = '" . $eventaccess[$i] . "'"); $rFindAccess = db_fetch($qFindAccess); $access = $rFindAccess->access; if (!isset($access)) { $access = 'No'; } $content .= "<tr><td>"; $content .= $eventaccess[$i]; $content .= "</td><td>"; if ($action == "changeGroupRights" && $eventaccess[$i] == $_GET['accessmodule']) { $content .= "<form method=POST action=?module=eventadmin&action=doChangeRights&groupID={$groupID}&accessmodule={$eventaccess[$i]}>";
$authorized_ids[] = $row['cat_id']; } $inserts = array(); $to_autorize_ids = array_diff($private_uppercats, $authorized_ids); foreach ($to_autorize_ids as $to_autorize_id) { $inserts[] = array('group_id' => $page['group'], 'cat_id' => $to_autorize_id); } mass_inserts(GROUP_ACCESS_TABLE, array('group_id', 'cat_id'), $inserts); invalidate_user_cache(); } } // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | template init | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ $template->set_filenames(array('group_perm' => 'group_perm.tpl', 'double_select' => 'double_select.tpl')); $template->assign(array('TITLE' => l10n('Manage permissions for group "%s"', get_groupname($page['group'])), 'L_CAT_OPTIONS_TRUE' => l10n('Authorized'), 'L_CAT_OPTIONS_FALSE' => l10n('Forbidden'), 'F_ACTION' => get_root_url() . 'admin.php?page=group_perm&group_id=' . $page['group'])); // only private categories are listed $query_true = ' SELECT id,name,uppercats,global_rank FROM ' . CATEGORIES_TABLE . ' INNER JOIN ' . GROUP_ACCESS_TABLE . ' ON cat_id = id WHERE status = \'private\' AND group_id = ' . $page['group'] . ' ;'; display_select_cat_wrapper($query_true, array(), 'category_option_true'); $result = pwg_query($query_true); $authorized_ids = array(); while ($row = pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result)) { $authorized_ids[] = $row['id']; } $query_false = ' SELECT id,name,uppercats,global_rank
if ($act == "view") { //查看别人的资料 $fuid = htmlspecialchars($_GET["fromuid"]); //来自谁 $tuid = htmlspecialchars($_GET["touid"]); //要查看谁的资料 $sql = "select regdate from disc_common_member where uid='{$tuid}'"; $res0 = $db->Execute($sql); $sql = "select uid, gender,constellation, resideprovince, residecity, residedist,height,interest,birthyear,birthmonth,birthday from disc_common_member_profile where uid='{$tuid}'"; $res = $db->Execute($sql); if ($res->fields['uid']) { $sql2 = "select * from disc_common_member where uid='{$tuid}'"; $res2 = $db->Execute($sql2); $groupid = $res2->fields["groupid"]; //用户组 $groupname = get_groupname($groupid); //组名称 $username = $res2->fields["username"]; //昵称 $credits = $res2->fields["credits"]; //总计发放 $birthyear = $res2->fields["birthyear"]; $birthmonth = $res2->fields["birthmonth"]; $birthday = $res2->fields["birthday"]; $uid = $res->fields['uid']; $regdate = $res0->fields["regdate"]; $server = $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"]; if ($regdate == "" || $regdate == null) { $avatar_url = "http://{$server}/uc_server/images/noavatar_middle.gif"; } else { $uid2 = $uid;
function get_user_group_butts_readonly($user_id) { // 6/10/11 $query2 = "SELECT * FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}allocates` WHERE `type`= 4 AND `resource_id` = '{$user_id}'"; // 6/10/11 $result2 = mysql_query($query2) or do_error($query2, 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__); $al_buttons = "<DIV ID='groups_sh' style='width: 100%; align: left; display: none;'>"; while ($row2 = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_assoc($result2))) { // 6/10/11 $al_buttons .= "<DIV style='float: left;'><INPUT TYPE='checkbox' CHECKED name='frm_group[]' OnClick='javascript:return ReadOnlyCheckBox()' onkeydown='javascript:return ReadOnlyCheckBox()' VALUE='{$row2['group']}'></INPUT>" . get_groupname($row2['group']) . " </DIV>"; } $al_buttons .= "</DIV>"; return $al_buttons; }
} if ($department = getGP('department', 'P', 'int')) { $wheresql .= " AND a.departmentid = {$department}"; } if ($usergroup = getGP('usergroup', 'P', 'int')) { $wheresql .= " AND a.groupid = {$usergroup}"; } $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . DB_TABLEPRE . "user a," . DB_TABLEPRE . "user_view b WHERE {$wheresql} ORDER BY ASC"; $result = $db->query($sql); while ($row = $db->fetch_array($result)) { if ($row['ischeck'] == '1') { $ischeck = '正常'; } else { $ischeck = '禁用'; } $archive = array("" . $row[username] . "", "" . get_groupname($row['groupid']) . "", "" . $row[name] . "", "" . get_postname($row['positionid']) . "", "" . $ischeck . "", "" . $row[loginip] . "", "" . get_realdepaname($row['departmentid']) . ""); $content[] = $archive; } $excel = new ExcelWriter($outputFileName); if ($excel == false) { echo $excel->error; } foreach ($content as $v) { $excel->writeLine($v); } $excel->sendfile($outputFileName); } elseif ($do == 'add') { if ($_POST['view'] != '') { $id = getGP('id', 'P', 'int'); if ($id != '') { $username = getGP('username', 'P');
class="checkbox" /></td> <td class="checkbox"><input name="numbers[<?php echo $row['id']; ?> ]" type="text" style="width:30px;" value="<?php echo $row['numbers']; ?> " /></td> <td class="title"> <ul><li class="name"><?php echo $row['username']; ?> </li> <li class="no J-bizNo"> <?php echo get_groupname($row['groupid']); ?> </li></ul> </td> <td class="name"><?php echo $row['name']; ?> </td> <td class="status"> <span class="amount-pay amount-pay-out"><?php if ($row['ischeck'] == '1') { echo '正常'; } else { echo '<font color=red>禁用</font>'; } ?>
</table> <form name="save" method="post" action="#"> <table class="TableBlock" width="90%" align="center"> <tr> <td nowrap class="TableHeader" colspan="6"><b> 基本信息</b></td> </tr> <tr> <td nowrap align="left" width="120" class="TableContent">OA用户名:</td> <td nowrap align="left" class="TableData" width="180"><?php echo get_realusername($blog['userid'], 'username'); ?> </td> <td nowrap align="left" width="120" class="TableContent">权限组:</td> <td class="TableData" colspan="2"><?php echo get_groupname(get_realusername($blog['userid'], 'groupid')); ?> </td> <td class="TableData" align="center" rowspan="6" colspan="1"> <div class="avatar"><img src="<?php echo get_human_db($blog['id'], "toa_1_56"); ?> " width=130></div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td nowrap align="left" width="120" class="TableContent">编号:</td> <td nowrap align="left" class="TableData" width="180"><?php echo $blog['number']; ?> </td>