Esempio n. 1
//TODO handle these with ajax calls
$userInput->setValidator('notification', new Claro_Validator_ValueType('string'));
$notify = $userInput->get('notification', '');
//collect forum-topic-post settings and init some vars
$postSettingList = get_post_settings($postId);
$topicSettingList = get_topic_settings($topicId);
if (false !== $postSettingList && $editMode != 'quote') {
    $forumSettingList = get_forum_settings($postSettingList['forum_id']);
    $topicSettingList = get_topic_settings($postSettingList['topic_id']);
    $topicId = $topicSettingList['topic_id'];
} elseif (false !== $topicSettingList) {
    $forumSettingList = get_forum_settings($topicSettingList['forum_id']);
    $forumId = $forumSettingList['forum_id'];
} else {
    $forumSettingList = get_forum_settings($forumId);
$incrementViewCount = 'show' == $cmd ? true : false;
//init anonymity status
if (get_conf('clfrm_anonymity_enabled') == 'TRUE') {
    $anonymityStatus = $forumSettingList['anonymity'];
} else {
    $anonymityStatus = 'forbidden';
//check access rights
$is_postAllowed = !claro_is_current_user_enrolment_pending() && claro_is_course_member() && $forumSettingList['forum_access'] != 0 && (!$topicId || !$topicSettingList['topic_status']) || claro_is_allowed_to_edit() ? true : false;
$is_viewAllowed = !is_null($forumSettingList['idGroup']) && !($forumSettingList['idGroup'] == claro_get_current_group_id() || claro_is_in_a_group() || claro_is_group_allowed()) && !claro_is_allowed_to_edit() ? false : true;
// NOTE : $forumSettingList['idGroup'] != claro_get_current_group_id() is necessary to prevent any hacking
// attempt like rewriting the request without $cidReq. If we are in group
// forum and the group of the concerned forum isn't the same as the session
// one, something weird is happening, indeed ...
Esempio n. 2
if ($cmd == 'exDelCat') {
    if (delete_category($_REQUEST['catId'])) {
        $dialogBox->success(get_lang('Category deleted'));
    } else {
        $dialogBox->error(get_lang('Unable to delete category'));
        if (claro_failure::get_last_failure() == 'GROUP_FORUMS_CATEGORY_REMOVALE_FORBIDDEN') {
            $dialogBox->error(get_lang('Group forums category can\'t be deleted'));
        } elseif (claro_failure::get_last_failure() == 'GROUP_FORUM_REMOVALE_FORBIDDEN') {
            $dialogBox->error(get_lang('You can not remove a group forum. You have to remove the group first'));
if ($cmd == 'exDelForum') {
    $forumSettingList = get_forum_settings($_REQUEST['forumId']);
    if (is_null($forumSettingList['idGroup'])) {
        if (delete_forum($_REQUEST['forumId'])) {
            $dialogBox->success(get_lang('Forum deleted'));
        } else {
            $dialogBox->error(get_lang('Unable to delete Forum'));
    } else {
        $dialogBox->error(get_lang('You can\'t remove a group forum. You have to remove the group first'));
if ($cmd == 'exEmptyForum') {
    if (delete_all_post_in_forum($_REQUEST['forumId'])) {
        $dialogBox->success(get_lang('Forum emptied'));
    } else {
        $dialogBox->error(get_lang('Unable to empty forum'));
Esempio n. 3
                $dialogBox->success(get_lang('This topic is now open to new contributions'));
            } else {
                $dialogBox->error(get_lang('Error while updating topic lock status'));
if (claro_is_course_member()) {
    if ($cmd == 'exNotify') {
        request_forum_notification($forumId, claro_get_current_user_id());
    } elseif ($cmd == 'exdoNotNotify') {
        cancel_forum_notification($forumId, claro_get_current_user_id());
//load forum settings and check access rights
if (false === ($forumSettingList = get_forum_settings($forumId))) {
    $dialogBox->error(get_lang('Unknown forum'));
    $viewAllowed = false;
} elseif (!is_null($forumSettingList['idGroup']) && ($forumSettingList['idGroup'] != claro_get_current_group_id() || !claro_is_in_a_group() || !claro_is_group_allowed())) {
    //this forum is attached to a group which the current user is not member of
    $dialogBox->error(get_lang('You are not allowed to access this forum'));
    $viewAllowed = false;
} else {
    $forum_name = $forumSettingList['forum_name'];
    $forum_cat_id = $forumSettingList['cat_id'];
    $forum_post_allowed = $forumSettingList['forum_access'] != 0 ? true : false;
    $display_name = $forum_name;
    if (get_conf('clfrm_anonymity_enabled', true)) {
        if ('allowed' == $forumSettingList['anonymity']) {
            $display_name .= ' (' . get_lang('anonymity allowed') . ')';
        } elseif ('default' == $forumSettingList['anonymity']) {
Esempio n. 4
  Main Section
if (isset($_REQUEST['post_id'])) {
    $post_id = (int) $_REQUEST['post_id'];
} else {
    $post_id = 0;
$is_allowedToEdit = claro_is_allowed_to_edit() || claro_is_group_tutor() && !claro_is_course_manager();
// ( claro_is_group_tutor()
//  is added to give admin status to tutor
// && !claro_is_course_manager())
// is added  to let course admin, tutor of current group, use student mode
$postSettingList = get_post_settings($post_id);
if ($postSettingList && $is_allowedToEdit) {
    $topic_id = $postSettingList['topic_id'];
    $forumSettingList = get_forum_settings($postSettingList['forum_id']);
    $forum_name = stripslashes($forumSettingList['forum_name']);
    $forum_cat_id = $forumSettingList['cat_id'];
     * Check if the topic isn't attached to a group,  or -- if it is attached --,
     * check the user is allowed to see the current group forum.
    if (!is_null($forumSettingList['idGroup']) && ($forumSettingList['idGroup'] != claro_get_current_group_id() || !claro_is_group_allowed())) {
        // NOTE : $forumSettingList['idGroup'] != claro_get_current_group_id() is necessary to prevent any hacking
        // attempt like rewriting the request without $cidReq. If we are in group
        // forum and the group of the concerned forum isn't the same as the session
        // one, something weird is happening, indeed ...
        $allowed = false;
        $dialogBox->error(get_lang('Not allowed'));
    } else {
        if (isset($_REQUEST['cancel'])) {
Esempio n. 5
 * swap rank of a forum in a category with his neiborgth
 * @param integer $currForumId
 * @param string $direction (UP|DOWN)
 * @return boolean true whether success else claro_failure result
function move_forum_rank($currForumId, $direction)
    if (strtoupper($direction) == 'UP') {
        $operator = ' < ';
        $orderDirection = ' DESC ';
    } elseif (strtoupper($direction) == 'DOWN') {
        $operator = ' > ';
        $orderDirection = ' ASC ';
    } else {
        return claro_failure::set_failure('WRONG DIRECTION');
    $tbl_cdb_names = claro_sql_get_course_tbl();
    $forumSettingList = get_forum_settings($currForumId);
    $cat_id = $forumSettingList['cat_id'];
    $currForumRank = $forumSettingList['forum_rank'];
    $sql = "SELECT forum_id    AS id,\n                   forum_order AS rank\n            FROM  `" . $tbl_cdb_names['bb_forums'] . "`\n            WHERE cat_id      = " . (int) $cat_id . "\n            AND   forum_order " . $operator . " " . (int) $currForumRank . "\n            ORDER BY forum_order " . $orderDirection . " LIMIT 1";
    $adjacentForum = claro_sql_query_get_single_row($sql);
    if (is_array($adjacentForum)) {
        $sql = "UPDATE `" . $tbl_cdb_names['bb_forums'] . "`\n                SET `forum_order` = " . (int) $currForumRank . "\n                WHERE `forum_id` =  " . (int) $adjacentForum['id'];
        if (claro_sql_query($sql) == false) {
            return false;
        $sql = "UPDATE `" . $tbl_cdb_names['bb_forums'] . "`\n                SET   `forum_order` = " . (int) $adjacentForum['rank'] . "\n                WHERE `forum_id`    = " . (int) $currForumId;
        if (claro_sql_query($sql) == false) {
            return false;
    } else {
        return false;
    return true;