function dirlist_list($config) { $images = get_file_list($config); $files = get_file_list($config, false); $next_file = $prev_file = ''; // Remove duplicates $dupes = array_intersect($images, $files); foreach ($dupes as $dupe) { unset($files[array_search($dupe, $files)]); } $file = false; if (isset($_GET['f']) && (in_array($_GET['f'], $images) || in_array($_GET['f'], $files))) { $file = $_GET['f']; } else { $file = $images[0]; } $idx = array_search($file, $images); if ($idx !== false) { if ($idx > 0) { $prev_file = $images[$idx - 1]; } if ($idx < count($images)) { $next_file = $images[$idx + 1]; } } include $config['template_file']; }
/** * A method to return the HTML code needed to display a tree-based * menu of all the simulations. * * @return string A string containing the HTML code needed to display * the tests in a tree-based menu. */ function buildTree() { $icon_pkg = "package.png"; // Create the root of the test suite $menu = new HTML_TreeMenu(); $rootNode = new HTML_TreeNode(array('text' => 'Test Datasets', 'icon' => $icon_pkg, 'link' => 'home.php', 'linkTarget' => 'right')); // Create the top-level test groups $aTypes = array('datasets' => 'menu.php'); foreach ($aTypes as $type => $link) { $nodeName = $type . 'RootNode'; ${$nodeName} = new HTML_TreeNode(array('text' => ucwords($type), 'icon' => $icon_pkg, 'link' => $link, 'linkTarget' => "left")); $list = get_file_list(TD_DATAPATH, '.xml', true); foreach ($list as $index => $file) { ${$nodeName}->addItem(new HTML_TreeNode(array('text' => $file, 'icon' => $icon_pkg, 'link' => "action.php?&datasetfile={$file}", 'linkTarget' => 'right'))); } $rootNode->addItem(${$nodeName}); } $menu->addItem($rootNode); $tree = new HTML_TreeMenu_DHTML($menu); $code = file_get_contents(MAX_PATH . '/tests/testClasses/menu.css'); $code .= "\n<script>\n"; $code .= file_get_contents(MAX_PATH . '/tests/testClasses/TreeMenu.js'); $code .= "\n</script>"; $code .= $tree->toHTML(); return $code; }
function module_files_list() { global $smarty; $list = get_file_list('resource'); $smarty->assign('list', $list); $smarty->assign('host', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']); }
function module_pic_list() { global $global, $smarty; $dir_path = url_decode($global['path']); $list = get_file_list($dir_path); $smarty->assign('list', $list); $smarty->assign('dir_path', $dir_path); $smarty->assign('host', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']); }
/** * 模板隐藏安全检测 只是匹配一些敏感函数 */ function m__safe_check() { global $page, $words; $template = $_GET['file']; $dir = dirname(__FILE__) . '/../templates/' . $template; $files = get_file_list($dir); $saferes = ''; // 遍历所有模板页 foreach ($files as $f) { $filecont = strtolower(helper::get_contents($dir . "/" . $f['name'])); /** * 判断模板文件中是否有敏感变量或方法名 */ foreach ($words as $sa) { if (preg_match('~(<\\?|<%)[\\w\\W]*?' . strtolower($sa) . '[\\w\\W]*?(%|\\?>)~', $filecont)) { $saferes .= '模板文件 ' . $f['name'] . " 代码中有敏感字符 " . $sa . ",可能存在安全隐患\\r\\n"; } } if (!empty($saferes)) { die('{"code":"100","msg":"' . $saferes . '请仔细检查模板中存在该字符的代码,本提示不保证绝对准确!"}'); } if (is_file($f['name'])) { /** * 判断是否包含其他文件 */ if (preg_match_all('~(require_once|include_once|require|include)(.*?)(;|\\?>)~', $filecont, $arr)) { $arrs = $arr[2]; foreach ($arrs as $fileurl) { $count1 = substr_count($fileurl, '"'); $count2 = substr_count($fileurl, "'"); if ($count1 > 2 || $count2 > 2) { die('{"code":"100","msg":"模板 ' . $f['name'] . ' 的包含了其他目录的文件 ' . $fileurl . ',可能存在安全隐患"}'); } if (count(explode('/', $fileurl)) > 1) { die('{"code":"100","msg":"模板 ' . $f['name'] . ' 的包含了其他目录的文件 ' . $fileurl . ',可能存在安全隐患"}'); } } } /** * 判断是否又实例化对象(模板是不需要实例化任何东西的) */ if (preg_match('~<\\?[\\w\\W]*?new [\\w\\W]*?\\?>~', $filecont)) { die('{"code":"100","msg":"模板文件 ' . $f['name'] . ' 实例化了一个对象,可能存在安全隐患"}'); } } // echo $f['name'].'<br>'; } die('{"code":"0","msg":"我们不保证文件绝对安全"}'); }
public function get_file_list($path, $arr = array()) { $dir = opendir($path); while ($file = readdir($dir)) { if ($file == '.' || $file == '..') { continue; } else { if (is_dir($path . '\\' . $file)) { $arr = get_file_list($path . '\\' . $file, $arr); } else { $arr[] = $file; } } } closedir($dir); return $arr; }
function get_file_list(&$file_list_array, $path, $extension) { $extension_preg = preg_quote($extension, '/'); if (!is_array($file_list_array)) { $file_list_array = array(); } if ($dir_handle = opendir($path)) { while (($file_name = readdir($dir_handle)) !== false) { if ($file_name != "." && $file_name != "..") { if (@is_dir("{$path}/{$file_name}") && !in_array("{$path}/{$file_name}", $GLOBALS['exclude_dirs_array'])) { get_file_list($file_list_array, "{$path}/{$file_name}", $extension); } else { if (preg_match("/{$extension_preg}\$/iu", $file_name) > 0) { $file_list_array[] = "{$path}/{$file_name}"; } } } } } }
/** * A method to return the HTML code needed to display a tree-based * menu of all the simulations. * * @return string A string containing the HTML code needed to display * the tests in a tree-based menu. */ function buildTree() { $icon_pkg = "package.png"; // Create the root of the test suite $menu = new HTML_TreeMenu(); $rootNode = new HTML_TreeNode(array('text' => 'Simulation Scenarios', 'icon' => $icon_pkg, 'link' => 'home.php', 'linkTarget' => 'right')); // Create the top-level test groups $aTypes = array(SCENARIOS => 'menu.php'); foreach ($aTypes as $type => $link) { $nodeName = $type . 'RootNode'; ${$nodeName} = new HTML_TreeNode(array('text' => ucwords($type), 'icon' => $icon_pkg, 'link' => $link, 'linkTarget' => "left")); $scenarios = get_file_list($type, '.php'); foreach ($scenarios as $index => $scenario) { ${$nodeName}->addItem(new HTML_TreeNode(array('text' => $scenario, 'icon' => $icon_pkg, 'link' => "action.php?dir={$type}&scenario={$scenario}", 'linkTarget' => 'right'))); } $rootNode->addItem(${$nodeName}); } $aParams = array('text' => 'Actions', 'icon' => $icon_pkg, 'link' => "", 'linkTarget' => "right"); // create the Actions node $nodeName = 'ActionsRootNode'; ${$nodeName} = new HTML_TreeNode($aParams); $rootNode->addItem(${$nodeName}); $aParams['text'] = 'Save Current Scenario'; $aParams['link'] = 'action.php?act=save'; ${$nodeName}->addItem(new HTML_TreeNode($aParams)); $aParams['text'] = 'Download Scenario/s'; $aParams['link'] = 'action.php?act=download'; ${$nodeName}->addItem(new HTML_TreeNode($aParams)); $aParams['text'] = 'Upload Scenario/s'; $aParams['link'] = 'action.php?act=upload'; ${$nodeName}->addItem(new HTML_TreeNode($aParams)); // Add the root node to the menu, and return the HTML code $menu->addItem($rootNode); $tree = new HTML_TreeMenu_DHTML($menu); $code = file_get_contents(MAX_PATH . '/tests/testClasses/menu.css'); $code .= "\n<script>\n"; $code .= file_get_contents(MAX_PATH . '/tests/testClasses/TreeMenu.js'); $code .= "\n</script>"; $code .= $tree->toHTML(); return $code; }
function display_patch_list($title, $patchdir) { global $ADMIN_TYPE; echo "<h3>" . $title . "</h3>"; $filelist = get_file_list('./admin/patch_facility/sql/' . $patchdir, 'sql'); $sqllist = NULL; if (is_not_empty_array($filelist)) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($filelist); $i++) { $parsedfile_r = parse_file($filelist[$i]); $sqllist[] = array('sqlfile' => $filelist[$i], 'name' => initcap(str_replace('_', ' ', $parsedfile_r['name']))); } if (is_not_empty_array($sqllist)) { echo "<table>"; echo "<tr class=\"navbar\">" . "<th>Patch</th>" . "<th>SQL File</th>" . "<th></th>" . "<th></th>" . "</tr>"; for ($i = 0; $i < count($sqllist); $i++) { echo "<tr class=\"oddRow\">" . "<td>" . $sqllist[$i]['name'] . "</td>" . "<td>" . $sqllist[$i]['sqlfile'] . "</td>" . "<td><a href=\"admin.php?type={$ADMIN_TYPE}&op=previewsql&mode=job&title=" . urlencode($sqllist[$i]['sqlfile']) . "&patchdir={$patchdir}&sqlfile=" . $sqllist[$i]['sqlfile'] . "&preview=true\" target=\"_new\">Preview</a></td>" . "<td><a href=\"admin.php?type={$ADMIN_TYPE}&op=installsql&patchdir={$patchdir}&sqlfile=" . $sqllist[$i]['sqlfile'] . "\">Install</a></td>" . "</tr>"; } echo "</table>"; } } }
function module_pic_lists() { global $smarty; $list_public = get_file_list('images'); $smarty->assign('list_public', $list_public); $list_editor = get_folder_list('images/editor'); $smarty->assign('list_editor', $list_editor); $k = 0; $lists = array(); $obj = new channel(); $list = $obj->get_list(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($list); $i++) { $arr = get_folder_list('images/' . $list[$i]['cha_code']); if (count($arr)) { $k++; $lists[$k]['channel'] = $list[$i]['cha_code']; $lists[$k]['name'] = $list[$i]['cha_name']; $lists[$k]['folder'] = $arr; } } $smarty->assign('lists', $lists); $smarty->assign('host', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']); }
function get_file_list($a) { // reads all files into an array if ($a[strlen($a) - 1] != "/") { $a .= "/"; } $result_array = array(); chdir($a); $file_handle = @opendir($a); if (isset($file_handle)) { while ($file = readdir($file_handle)) { if ($file == '.' || $file == '..') { continue; } if (is_dir($a . $file)) { $result_array[str_replace($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'], "", $a . $file)] = get_file_list($a . $file); } else { $result_array[] = $a . $file; } } closedir($file_handle); } return $result_array; }
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> <style type=text/css> .fv table{ border-collapse:collapse; } .fv td{ background:#ffc; border:solid 1px #f90; height:22px; } </style> </head> <body> <?php require "config.php"; $ret = get_file_list(DATA); sort_by_key($ret, 'filetime'); if ($_GET['p'] && is_numeric($_GET['p'])) { $p = intval($_GET['p']); $offset = $p * LIMIT; $length = LIMIT; $items = array_slice($ret, $offset, $length); } else { $p = 1; if (count($ret) > LIMIT) { $items = array_slice($ret, 0, LIMIT); } else { $items = $ret; } } echo "<b>" . count($ret) . "</b> in total~ <a href=?action=clear&p=all><b>delete all</b></a> <a href=?action=clear&p={$p}><b>delete page {$p}</b></a>";
/** $page should be a basename of $PHP_SELF with .php replaced with .html This function will determine whether a page can be found, or else a derivative of a page, based on a mapping algorithm. The initial mapping algorithm will match borow.html against any pages that end in _borrow.html too */ function get_opendb_lang_help_page($language, $help_page) { $language = strtolower($language); $filelist_r = get_file_list('./help/' . $language, 'html'); if (is_array($filelist_r)) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($filelist_r); $i++) { if ($help_page == $filelist_r[$i]) { return $language . '/' . $filelist_r[$i]; } } for ($i = 0; $i < count($filelist_r); $i++) { // borrow.html will be returned for item_borrow.html too if (ends_with($help_page, "_" . $filelist_r[$i])) { return $language . '/' . $filelist_r[$i]; } } } return NULL; }
echo "<p><input type='submit' name='setdir' value='Set directory' disabled=1> <i>Torrent must be stopped before changing directory.</i></p>\n"; } else { echo "<input type='hidden' name='hash' value='" . $thistorrent['hash'] . "'>\n"; echo "<input type='hidden' name='newdir' value=''>\n"; echo "<input type='submit' name='setdir' value='Set directory'>\n"; } echo "</fieldset>\n"; echo "</form>\n"; echo "<iframe frameborder=0 src='dirbrowser.php?dir=" . urlencode($seldir) . "&hilitedir=" . urlencode($torrentdir) . "' width=100% height=300px>iFrame</iframe>"; echo "<br> </div>"; // end container div echo "<div class='bottomthin' style='width:552px;'> </div>\n"; } // Debug info if ($r_select == "debug") { echo "<pre class='medtext'>"; echo "<h2>Torrent</h2>"; echo nl2br(print_r($thistorrent)); echo "<h2>Files</h2>"; echo nl2br(print_r(get_file_list($r_hash))); echo "<h2>Peers</h2>"; echo nl2br(print_r(get_peer_list($r_hash))); echo "<h2>Tracker</h2>"; echo nl2br(print_r(get_tracker_list($r_hash))); echo "</pre>"; } ?> </div> </body> </html>
#!/usr/bin/php -q <?php require_once 'require.php'; $files = get_file_list(); //backup_files($files); $hdr = file_get_contents('../header.txt'); $ftr = file_get_contents('../footer.txt'); foreach ($files as $file) { //skip the index file if ($file === 'index.html') { echo "==> Skipping {$file} <==\n"; continue; } //dump file into array $strings = file($file); $body = ''; //process individual lines foreach ($strings as $line) { $line = strip($line); $body .= "{$line}\n"; } $newfile = $hdr . $body . $ftr; file_put_contents($file, $newfile); }
function upload_file($name) { global $image_dir_path; if (isset($_FILES[$name])) { $filename = $_FILES[$name]['name']; if (empty($filename)) { return; } $source = $_FILES[$name]['tmp_name']; $target = $image_dir_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $filename; move_uploaded_file($source, $target); // create the '400', '250', and '100' versions of the image process_image($image_dir_path, $filename); } } switch ($action) { case 'upload': upload_file('file1'); upload_file('file2'); upload_file('file3'); break; case 'delete': $filename = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'filename', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $target = $image_dir_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $filename; if (file_exists($target)) { unlink($target); } break; } $files = get_file_list($image_dir_path); include 'uploadform.php';
/** * @param unknown_type $ADMIN_TYPE * @param unknown_type $typeName * @param unknown_type $sqlRegexp - if provided, assumes that the first group is the type * and the second is a description. Will display both hypen separated. * @param unknown_type $is_not_exists_function */ function generate_sql_list($ADMIN_TYPE, $typeName, $sqlRegexp, $is_not_exists_function) { $filelist = get_file_list('./admin/' . $ADMIN_TYPE . '/sql/', 'sql'); $sitelist = NULL; if (is_not_empty_array($filelist)) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($filelist); $i++) { $parsedfile_r = parse_file($filelist[$i]); $type = NULL; $description = NULL; if (strlen($sqlRegexp) > 0) { if (preg_match($sqlRegexp, $parsedfile_r['name'], $matches)) { $type = strtoupper($matches[1]); $description = str_replace('_', ' ', $matches[2]); } } else { $type = strtoupper($parsedfile_r['name']); } if ($is_not_exists_function($type)) { $sqllist[] = array('sqlfile' => $filelist[$i], 'type' => $type, description => $description); } } if (is_not_empty_array($sqllist)) { echo "<table class=\"sqlList\">"; echo "<tr class=\"navbar\">" . "<th>" . $typeName . "</th>" . "<th>SQL File</th>" . "<th> </th>" . "</tr>"; for ($i = 0; $i < count($sqllist); $i++) { echo "<tr class=\"oddRow\">" . "<td>" . $sqllist[$i]['type'] . (strlen($sqllist[$i]['description']) > 0 ? " - " . $sqllist[$i]['description'] : "") . "</td>" . "<td>" . $sqllist[$i]['sqlfile'] . "</td>" . "<td><a href=\"admin.php?type={$ADMIN_TYPE}&op=installsql&sqlfile=" . $sqllist[$i]['sqlfile'] . "\">Install</a></td>" . "</tr>"; } echo "</table>"; } } }
$installPlugin = new $classname(); $recordCount = $installPlugin->getRecordCount(); if (is_numeric($recordCount)) { echo "\n<p>Record Count: " . $recordCount . "</p>"; } $lastUpdated = $installPlugin->getLastUpdated(); if ($lastUpdated !== FALSE) { $lastUpdatedString = get_localised_timestamp($cfg_date_mask, $lastUpdated); } if (strlen($lastUpdated) > 0) { echo "\n<p>Last updated: " . $lastUpdatedString . "</p>"; } echo "\n<h4>Listing <code>./admin/s_site_plugin/upload/</code> directory</h4>"; echo "\n<table>"; echo "\n<tr class=\"navbar\">" . "<th>CSV File</th>" . "<th>Action</th>" . "\n</tr>"; $file_list_r = get_file_list('./admin/s_site_plugin/upload/', 'csv'); if (is_not_empty_array($file_list_r)) { $toggle = TRUE; reset($file_list_r); while (list(, $file) = each($file_list_r)) { $color = $toggle ? "oddRow" : "evenRow"; $toggle = !$toggle; echo "\n<form name=\"import_file\" action=\"{$PHP_SELF}\" method=\"GET\">" . "\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"type\" value=\"" . $ADMIN_TYPE . "\">" . "\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"site_type\" value=\"" . $HTTP_VARS['site_type'] . "\">" . "\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"op\" value=\"" . $HTTP_VARS['op'] . "\">" . "\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"import_file\" value=\"" . $file . "\">"; echo "\n<tr>"; echo "\n<td class=\"{$color}\">" . $file . "</td>"; echo "<td class=\"{$color}\"><input type=\"submit\" class=\"submit\" value=\"Import\"></td></tr>"; echo "\n</form>"; echo "</table>"; } } else { echo "</table>";
if (!@is_dir($e)) continue; $theme_list[$e] = $e; flush(); } closedir($d); chdir(".."); */ $theme_list = get_theme_list(); foreach ($theme_list as $theme) { echo '<OPTION VALUE="' . $theme . '">'; echo $theme; } echo '</SELECT> <input name="change_theme" value="Активировать" type="submit" class="unit_button" /> </form>'; ##### Редактор -> $file_list = get_file_list($t); if (@$_REQUEST['act'] == "edit") { if (isset($file_list[$_REQUEST['file']])) { $file = htmlspecialchars(file_get_contents(TE_DIR . '/themes/' . $t . '/' . $_REQUEST['file'])); $thFchmod = '<span class="mes"> Права доступа: ' . decoct(0777 & fileperms(TE_DIR . '/themes/' . $t . '/' . $file_list[$_REQUEST['file']])) . '</span> <a target="_blank" href="' . $help['chmod'] . '">[Что это?]</a>'; } } //echo '<pre>'; print_r($file_list); echo '</pre>'; echo ' <form method="post"> <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="action" VALUE="theme_list"> <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="file" VALUE="' . $_REQUEST['file'] . '"> <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="act" VALUE="edit">'; echo '<table border="0"> <tr>
function get_parts_skin_file_uri() { //define( 'FS_METHOD', 'direct' ); define('MERGED_CSS', '_merged_.css'); $skin_file = get_pearts_base_skin(); if (!$skin_file) { return; } //パーツスキンじゃないときは $skin_arr = explode('/', $skin_file); array_pop($skin_arr); //CSSファイル名の除去 $skin_dir = implode('/', $skin_arr); //var_dump(get_theme_local_dir()); //スキンファイルをローカルパスに変換 $skin_local_file = str_replace(get_theme_dir(), get_theme_local_dir(), $skin_file); //URLをローカルパスに変換 $skin_local_dir = str_replace(get_theme_dir(), get_theme_local_dir(), $skin_dir); //ディレクトリ内の全てのCSSファイルを取得 //var_dump($skin_local_dir); $all_files = get_file_list($skin_local_dir . '/'); //var_dump($all_files); //利用するパーツスキンファイルを取得 $skin_pearts_local_files = array(); foreach ($all_files as $pathname) { $pathname = str_replace('\\', '/', $pathname); if (preg_match('/\\.css$/i', $pathname, $matches)) { //フォルダ名の正規表現が[a-zA-Z\-_]+のとき //結合ファイルの時は読み込まない if (preg_match('/\\/_merged_\\.css$/i', $pathname, $m)) { continue; } //スキンのstyle.cssは先頭にするため読み込まない if (!preg_match('/\\/style\\.css$/i', $pathname, $m)) { $skin_pearts_local_files[] = $pathname; } } } //文字列順に並び替え sort($skin_pearts_local_files, SORT_STRING); //先頭にstyle.cssを追加 $skin_pearts_local_files = array_merge(array($skin_local_file), $skin_pearts_local_files); //var_dump($skin_pearts_local_files); //パーツスキンファイルを開いて全てまとめる $merged_css_text = ''; foreach ($skin_pearts_local_files as $pathname) { if (WP_Filesystem()) { //WP_Filesystemの初期化 global $wp_filesystem; //$wp_filesystemオブジェクトの呼び出し //コメントで位置を表示するためのファイル名取得 $comment_file_name = str_replace($skin_local_dir . '/', '', $pathname); $css = $wp_filesystem->get_contents($pathname); //ファイルの読み込み $merged_css_text .= "/****************************\r\n" . "** File:" . $comment_file_name . "\r\n" . "****************************/\r\n" . $css . "\r\n"; //CSSの結合 } } //var_dump($merged_css_text); $merged_css_file = $skin_local_dir . '/' . MERGED_CSS; if (WP_Filesystem()) { //WP_Filesystemの初期化 global $wp_filesystem; //$wp_filesystemオブジェクトの呼び出し $wp_filesystem->put_contents($merged_css_file, $merged_css_text, 0644); } if (!file_exists($merged_css_file)) { return; } //ファイルが存在しないときnull return str_replace(get_theme_local_dir(), get_theme_dir(), $merged_css_file); //成功した時はファイルパスを渡す }
function get_file_list($dir) { $files = array(); if (is_dir($dir)) { if ($dh = opendir($dir)) { while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) { if ($file != '.' && $file != '..' && $file != '.svn') { if (is_dir($dir . $file . '/')) { $files = array_merge($files, get_file_list($dir . $file . '/')); } else { $files[$dir . $file] = $file; } } } closedir($dh); } } return $files; }
HTML; } // ------------------------------------------------ // --- Debug tab // ------------------------------------------------ if ($debug_mode && $r_select == 'debug') { ?> <pre class="medtext"> <h2>Torrent</h2> <?php print_r($this_torrent); ?> <h2>Files</h2> <?php print_r(get_file_list($r_hash)); ?> <h2>Peers</h2> <?php print_r(get_peer_list($r_hash)); ?> <h2>Tracker</h2> <?php print_r(get_tracker_list($r_hash)); ?> </pre> <?php }
} } closedir($handle); return $files; } } ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>解压文件</title> </head> <form action="?m=do_unzip" method="get" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <?php $zips = get_file_list(dirname(__FILE__)); if (empty($zips)) { echo "当前目录下面没有可以解压的zip文件"; } else { ?> <span>请选择要解压的文件</span><br><br><select name="from"> <?php foreach ($zips as $zip) { echo '<option value="' . $zip['name'] . '" >' . $zip['name'] . "</option>"; } ?> </select><br><br> <span>请填写要解压到的目录名称(<font color="red">相对于当前目录,为空表示解压到当前目录下,不能用“/”开头</font>)</span><br><br><input type="text" name="to" value=""/><br/><br> <input type="hidden" name="m" value="do_unzip" /> <input type="submit" value="解压"/> <?php
$hash = $row["ihash"]; $parent_key = $row["ikey"]; file_put_contents($my_data_dir . "/paypal_ds.log", date(DATE_ATOM) . "already registered. client [{$company_name}] {$contact_name} l: {$sftplog} \n", FILE_APPEND); //die("this client already registered, please contact user $eml for shared datasource"); } // send progress bar to client file_put_contents($my_data_dir . "/" . $hash . ".prc", "10"); $waiter = file_get_contents($wwwrealpath . "/paypal-wait.html"); $waiter = str_replace("thekey", $hash, $waiter); echo $waiter; // send page to user flush(); ob_flush(); flush(); if (!$testrun) { $ret = get_file_list($paypal_sftp_login, $paypal_sftp_password); //$result=exec("./ $paypal_sftp_login"." $paypal_sftp_password 2>&1", $ret); //$ftp_response=$result; $stime2 = get_timer(); $list_time = $stime2 - $stime1; $some_data_found = 0; foreach ($ret as $fname) { if (FALSE === strpos($fname, "TRR-")) { continue; } $some_data_found = 1; } if ($ret[3] == $ret[2] && FALSE !== strpos("Password Authentication", $ret[2])) { // [2] => Password Authentication // [3] => Password Authentication $resp = "<b>unable to login into paypal transactions report sftp server (, <br>please check credentials and try again</b><br>If credentials valid, and you still get this message - please contact support.";
function get_file_list($directory) { $all = ""; if ($handle = opendir($directory)) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if (is_file($directory . $file)) { $all .= $directory . $file; } elseif ($file != '.' and $file != '..' and is_dir($directory . $file)) { $all .= $directory . $file; $all .= get_file_list($directory . $file . '/'); } } } closedir($handle); return $all; }
function get_file_list($dir) { $ret = array(); $list = glob($dir . '*'); foreach ($list as $file) { $ext = substr($file, -4); if (in_array($ext, array('.svn', '.php', '.apk', '.ipa', '.zip', '.rar'))) { //过滤svn文件夹和php等文件。 continue; } if (is_dir($file)) { $ret = array_merge($ret, get_file_list($file . '/')); } else { $ret[$file] = substr($file, strlen(__ROOT__)); } } return $ret; }
echo "<hr size=1>"; // Select view... echo "<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=3>\n"; echo "<tr><td> </td>\n"; echo "<td class='" . ($r_select == "files" ? "viewselon" : "viewseloff") . "'><a href='?select=files&hash={$r_hash}'>Files</a></td>\n"; echo "<td> </td>\n"; echo "<td class='" . ($r_select == "tracker" ? "viewselon" : "viewseloff") . "'><a href='?select=tracker&hash={$r_hash}'>Tracker</a></td>\n"; echo "<td> </td>\n"; echo "<td class='" . ($r_select == "torrent" ? "viewselon" : "viewseloff") . "'><a href='?select=torrent&hash={$r_hash}'>Torrent</a></td>\n"; echo "</tr></table>\n"; // Main outer table... echo "<table class='maintable' width='100%'>\n"; echo "<tr><td>\n"; // Display file info... if ($r_select == "files") { $data = get_file_list($r_hash); echo "<form action='control.php' action=post>"; echo "<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 class='maintable' width='100%'>"; echo "<tr class='tablehead'>"; echo "<td>Filename</td>"; echo "<td align=center>Size</td>"; echo "<td align=center>Done</td>"; echo "<td align=center>Chunks</td>"; echo "<td align=center>Priority</td>"; echo "</tr>\n"; $thisrow = "row1"; $index = 0; foreach ($data as $item) { echo "<tr class='{$thisrow}'>"; echo "<td colspan=5>" . wordwrap($item['get_path'], 90, "<br>\n", TRUE) . "</td>"; echo "</tr><tr class='{$thisrow}'>\n";