function oauth_assign_template_vars($u_redirect = null) { global $template, $conf, $hybridauth_conf, $user; $conf['oauth']['include_common_template'] = true; if ($template->get_template_vars('OAUTH') == null) { if (!empty($user['oauth_id'])) { list($provider, $identifier) = explode('---', $user['oauth_id'], 2); if ($provider == 'Persona') { $persona_email = $identifier; } } $template->assign('OAUTH', array('conf' => $conf['oauth'], 'u_login' => get_root_url() . OAUTH_PATH . 'auth.php?provider=', 'providers' => $hybridauth_conf['providers'], 'persona_email' => @$persona_email, 'key' => get_ephemeral_key(0))); $template->assign(array('OAUTH_PATH' => OAUTH_PATH, 'OAUTH_ABS_PATH' => realpath(OAUTH_PATH) . '/', 'ABS_ROOT_URL' => rtrim(get_gallery_home_url(), '/') . '/')); } if (isset($u_redirect)) { $template->append('OAUTH', compact('u_redirect'), true); } }
} } register_user($_POST['login'], $_POST['password'], $_POST['mail_address'], true, $page['errors'], isset($_POST['send_password_by_mail'])); if (count($page['errors']) == 0) { // email notification if (isset($_POST['send_password_by_mail']) and email_check_format($_POST['mail_address'])) { $_SESSION['page_infos'][] = l10n('Successfully registered, you will soon receive an email with your connection settings. Welcome!'); } // log user and redirect $user_id = get_userid($_POST['login']); log_user($user_id, false); redirect(make_index_url()); } $registration_post_key = get_ephemeral_key(2); } else { $registration_post_key = get_ephemeral_key(6); } $login = !empty($_POST['login']) ? htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($_POST['login'])) : ''; $email = !empty($_POST['mail_address']) ? htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($_POST['mail_address'])) : ''; //----------------------------------------------------- template initialization // // Start output of page // $title = l10n('Registration'); $page['body_id'] = 'theRegisterPage'; $template->set_filenames(array('register' => 'register.tpl')); $template->assign(array('U_HOME' => make_index_url(), 'F_KEY' => $registration_post_key, 'F_ACTION' => 'register.php', 'F_LOGIN' => $login, 'F_EMAIL' => $email, 'obligatory_user_mail_address' => $conf['obligatory_user_mail_address'])); // include menubar $themeconf = $template->get_template_vars('themeconf'); if (!isset($themeconf['hide_menu_on']) or !in_array('theRegisterPage', $themeconf['hide_menu_on'])) { include PHPWG_ROOT_PATH . 'include/';
if (is_admin()) { if ($row['validated'] != 'true') { $tpl_comment['U_VALIDATE'] = add_url_params($url_self, array('action' => 'validate_comment', 'comment_to_validate' => $row['id'], 'pwg_token' => get_pwg_token())); } } $template->append('comments', $tpl_comment); } } $show_add_comment_form = !is_a_guest() || $conf['guestbook']['guest_can_add']; if (isset($edit_comment)) { $show_add_comment_form = false; } if ($show_add_comment_form) { foreach (array('content', 'author', 'website', 'email') as $el) { ${$el} = ''; if ('reject' === @$comment_action and !empty($comm[$el])) { ${$el} = htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($comm[$el])); } } if (is_classic_user()) { $author = $user['username']; $email = $user['email']; } if (empty($conf['comments_email_mandatory'])) { $conf['comments_email_mandatory'] = false; } $template->assign('comment_add', array('F_ACTION' => $url_self, 'KEY' => get_ephemeral_key(3), 'CONTENT' => $content, 'IS_LOGGED' => is_classic_user(), 'AUTHOR' => $author, 'WEBSITE' => $website, 'EMAIL' => $email, 'ACTIVATE_RATING' => $conf['guestbook']['activate_rating'], 'EMAIL_MANDATORY' => $conf['comments_email_mandatory'])); } $template->assign(array('GUESTBOOK_PATH' => GUESTBOOK_PATH, 'ABS_GUESTBOOK_PATH' => realpath(GUESTBOOK_PATH) . '/')); $template->set_filename('guestbook', realpath(GUESTBOOK_PATH . 'template/guestbook.tpl')); $template->assign_var_from_handle('CONTENT', 'guestbook');
$tpl_comment['PWG_TOKEN'] = get_pwg_token(); $tpl_comment['U_CANCEL'] = $url_self; } } if (is_admin()) { $tpl_comment['EMAIL'] = $email; if ($row['validated'] != 'true') { $tpl_comment['U_VALIDATE'] = add_url_params($url_self, array('action' => 'validate_comment', 'comment_to_validate' => $row['id'], 'pwg_token' => get_pwg_token())); } } $template->append('comments', $tpl_comment); } } $show_add_comment_form = true; if (isset($edit_comment)) { $show_add_comment_form = false; } if (is_a_guest() and !$conf['comments_forall']) { $show_add_comment_form = false; } if ($show_add_comment_form) { $key = get_ephemeral_key(3, $page['image_id']); $tpl_var = array('F_ACTION' => $url_self, 'KEY' => $key, 'CONTENT' => '', 'SHOW_AUTHOR' => !is_classic_user(), 'AUTHOR_MANDATORY' => $conf['comments_author_mandatory'], 'AUTHOR' => '', 'WEBSITE_URL' => '', 'SHOW_EMAIL' => !is_classic_user() or empty($user['email']), 'EMAIL_MANDATORY' => $conf['comments_email_mandatory'], 'EMAIL' => '', 'SHOW_WEBSITE' => $conf['comments_enable_website']); if ('reject' == @$comment_action) { foreach (array('content', 'author', 'website_url', 'email') as $k) { $tpl_var[strtoupper($k)] = htmlspecialchars(stripslashes(@$_POST[$k])); } } $template->assign('comment_add', $tpl_var); } }
if (!empty($comment['email'])) { $email = $comment['email']; } } $tpl_comment = array('ID' => $comment['comment_id'], 'U_PICTURE' => $url, 'src_image' => $src_image, 'ALT' => $name, 'AUTHOR' => trigger_change('render_comment_author', $comment['author']), 'WEBSITE_URL' => $comment['website_url'], 'DATE' => format_date($comment['date'], array('day_name', 'day', 'month', 'year', 'time')), 'CONTENT' => trigger_change('render_comment_content', $comment['content'])); if (is_admin()) { $tpl_comment['EMAIL'] = $email; } if (can_manage_comment('delete', $comment['author_id'])) { $tpl_comment['U_DELETE'] = add_url_params($url_self, array('delete' => $comment['comment_id'], 'pwg_token' => get_pwg_token())); } if (can_manage_comment('edit', $comment['author_id'])) { $tpl_comment['U_EDIT'] = add_url_params($url_self, array('edit' => $comment['comment_id'])); if (isset($edit_comment) and $comment['comment_id'] == $edit_comment) { $tpl_comment['IN_EDIT'] = true; $key = get_ephemeral_key(2, $comment['image_id']); $tpl_comment['KEY'] = $key; $tpl_comment['IMAGE_ID'] = $comment['image_id']; $tpl_comment['CONTENT'] = $comment['content']; $tpl_comment['PWG_TOKEN'] = get_pwg_token(); $tpl_comment['U_CANCEL'] = $url_self; } } if (can_manage_comment('validate', $comment['author_id'])) { if ('true' != $comment['validated']) { $tpl_comment['U_VALIDATE'] = add_url_params($url_self, array('validate' => $comment['comment_id'], 'pwg_token' => get_pwg_token())); } } $template->append('comments', $tpl_comment); } }
/** * API method * Returns detailed information for an element * @param mixed[] $params * @option int image_id * @option int comments_page * @option int comments_per_page */ function ws_images_getInfo($params, $service) { global $user, $conf; $query = ' SELECT * FROM ' . IMAGES_TABLE . ' WHERE id=' . $params['image_id'] . get_sql_condition_FandF(array('visible_images' => 'id'), ' AND') . ' LIMIT 1 ;'; $result = pwg_query($query); if (pwg_db_num_rows($result) == 0) { return new PwgError(404, 'image_id not found'); } $image_row = pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result); $image_row = array_merge($image_row, ws_std_get_urls($image_row)); //-------------------------------------------------------- related categories $query = ' SELECT id, name, permalink, uppercats, global_rank, commentable FROM ' . IMAGE_CATEGORY_TABLE . ' INNER JOIN ' . CATEGORIES_TABLE . ' ON category_id = id WHERE image_id = ' . $image_row['id'] . get_sql_condition_FandF(array('forbidden_categories' => 'category_id'), ' AND') . ' ;'; $result = pwg_query($query); $is_commentable = false; $related_categories = array(); while ($row = pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result)) { if ($row['commentable'] == 'true') { $is_commentable = true; } unset($row['commentable']); $row['url'] = make_index_url(array('category' => $row)); $row['page_url'] = make_picture_url(array('image_id' => $image_row['id'], 'image_file' => $image_row['file'], 'category' => $row)); $row['id'] = (int) $row['id']; $related_categories[] = $row; } usort($related_categories, 'global_rank_compare'); if (empty($related_categories)) { return new PwgError(401, 'Access denied'); } //-------------------------------------------------------------- related tags $related_tags = get_common_tags(array($image_row['id']), -1); foreach ($related_tags as $i => $tag) { $tag['url'] = make_index_url(array('tags' => array($tag))); $tag['page_url'] = make_picture_url(array('image_id' => $image_row['id'], 'image_file' => $image_row['file'], 'tags' => array($tag))); unset($tag['counter']); $tag['id'] = (int) $tag['id']; $related_tags[$i] = $tag; } //------------------------------------------------------------- related rates $rating = array('score' => $image_row['rating_score'], 'count' => 0, 'average' => null); if (isset($rating['score'])) { $query = ' SELECT COUNT(rate) AS count, ROUND(AVG(rate),2) AS average FROM ' . RATE_TABLE . ' WHERE element_id = ' . $image_row['id'] . ' ;'; $row = pwg_db_fetch_assoc(pwg_query($query)); $rating['score'] = (double) $rating['score']; $rating['average'] = (double) $row['average']; $rating['count'] = (int) $row['count']; } //---------------------------------------------------------- related comments $related_comments = array(); $where_comments = 'image_id = ' . $image_row['id']; if (!is_admin()) { $where_comments .= ' AND validated="true"'; } $query = ' SELECT COUNT(id) AS nb_comments FROM ' . COMMENTS_TABLE . ' WHERE ' . $where_comments . ' ;'; list($nb_comments) = query2array($query, null, 'nb_comments'); $nb_comments = (int) $nb_comments; if ($nb_comments > 0 and $params['comments_per_page'] > 0) { $query = ' SELECT id, date, author, content FROM ' . COMMENTS_TABLE . ' WHERE ' . $where_comments . ' ORDER BY date LIMIT ' . (int) $params['comments_per_page'] . ' OFFSET ' . (int) ($params['comments_per_page'] * $params['comments_page']) . ' ;'; $result = pwg_query($query); while ($row = pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result)) { $row['id'] = (int) $row['id']; $related_comments[] = $row; } } $comment_post_data = null; if ($is_commentable and (!is_a_guest() or is_a_guest() and $conf['comments_forall'])) { $comment_post_data['author'] = stripslashes($user['username']); $comment_post_data['key'] = get_ephemeral_key(2, $params['image_id']); } $ret = $image_row; foreach (array('id', 'width', 'height', 'hit', 'filesize') as $k) { if (isset($ret[$k])) { $ret[$k] = (int) $ret[$k]; } } foreach (array('path', 'storage_category_id') as $k) { unset($ret[$k]); } $ret['rates'] = array(WS_XML_ATTRIBUTES => $rating); $ret['categories'] = new PwgNamedArray($related_categories, 'category', array('id', 'url', 'page_url')); $ret['tags'] = new PwgNamedArray($related_tags, 'tag', ws_std_get_tag_xml_attributes()); if (isset($comment_post_data)) { $ret['comment_post'] = array(WS_XML_ATTRIBUTES => $comment_post_data); } $ret['comments_paging'] = new PwgNamedStruct(array('page' => $params['comments_page'], 'per_page' => $params['comments_per_page'], 'count' => count($related_comments), 'total_count' => $nb_comments)); $ret['comments'] = new PwgNamedArray($related_comments, 'comment', array('id', 'date')); if ($service->_responseFormat != 'rest') { return $ret; // for backward compatibility only } else { return array('image' => new PwgNamedStruct($ret, null, array('name', 'comment'))); } }