function search_files($base) { global $search, $exclude, $replace; $file_list = get_dir_list($base); $ret = array(); foreach ($file_list as $p => $af) { foreach ($af as $f) { // 过滤掉不是 php 的文件 foreach ($search['file'] as $pat) { if (!preg_match($pat, $f)) { continue 2; } } $path = "{$p}/{$f}"; $cont = file_get_contents($path); foreach ($search['key'] as $sk) { $pat_sk = "/{$sk} (.*)/i"; if (preg_match_all($pat_sk, $cont, $match_all)) { $match_all = array_unique($match_all[1]); foreach ($match_all as $ma) { foreach ($exclude['key'] as $ek) { if (!preg_match($ek, $ma)) { foreach ($replace as $s => $r) { $ma = preg_replace($s, $r, $ma); } $ret[$path][] = trim($ma); } } } } } } } return $ret; }
public function index() { $aLangs = get_dir_list(PH7_ROOT_INSTALL . 'langs/'); $aLangsList = (include PH7_ROOT_INSTALL . 'inc/'); $sLangSelect = ''; foreach ($aLangs as $sLang) { $sSel = empty($_REQUEST['l']) ? $sLang == $this->sCurrentLang ? '" selected="selected' : '' : $sLang == $_REQUEST['l'] ? '" selected="selected' : ''; $sLangSelect .= '<option value="?l=' . $sLang . $sSel . '">' . $aLangsList[$sLang] . '</option>'; } $this->oView->assign('lang_select', $sLangSelect); $this->oView->assign('sept_number', 1); $this->oView->display('index.tpl'); }
/** * @return string The links of the available languages. */ function get_langs_html() { $aLangs = get_dir_list(DATA_PATH); $aLangsList = (include ROOT_PATH . 'inc/conf.lang.php'); $sHtml = '<div id="lang">'; foreach ($aLangs as $sLang) { if ($sLang === LANG) { continue; } $sHtml .= '<a href="' . RELATIVE . substr($sLang, 0, 2) . '" data-load="ajax"><img src="' . STATIC_URL . 'img/flags/' . $sLang . '.gif" alt="' . $aLangsList[$sLang] . '" title="' . $aLangsList[$sLang] . '" /></a> '; } $sHtml .= '</div>'; return $sHtml; }
/** * Returns select lists with all the subdirectories along the current directory path * * @param string $dir * @return string */ function get_dir_selects($dir) { $dirs = explode("/", str_replace("\\", '/', $dir)); $subdirs = get_dir_list(); if (sizeof($subdirs) > 0) { $subdirs = array_merge(array('ext_disabled' => '-'), $subdirs); } if (empty($dirs[0])) { array_shift($dirs); } $dirsCopy = $dirs; $implode = ''; $selectedDir = @$dirs[0]; foreach ($subdirs as $index => $val) { if ($GLOBALS['use_mb']) { if (mb_detect_encoding($val) == 'ASCII') { $subdirs[$index] = utf8_encode($val); } else { $subdirs[$index] = $val; } } else { $subdirs[$index] = utf8_encode($val); } } $dir_links = ext_selectList('dirselect1', $selectedDir, $subdirs, 1, '', 'onchange="theDir=this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;if(theDir!=\'ext_disabled\' ) chDir(theDir);"'); $i = 2; foreach ($dirs as $directory) { if ($directory != "") { $implode .= $directory; $next = next($dirsCopy); $subdirs = get_dir_list($implode); foreach ($subdirs as $index => $val) { unset($subdirs[$index]); if ($GLOBALS['use_mb']) { if (mb_detect_encoding($index) == 'ASCII') { if (mb_detect_encoding($val) == 'ASCII') { $subdirs[utf8_encode($index)] = utf8_encode($val); } else { $subdirs[utf8_encode($index)] = $val; } } else { if (mb_detect_encoding($val) == 'ASCII') { $subdirs[$index] = utf8_encode($val); } else { $subdirs[$index] = $val; } } } else { $subdirs[utf8_encode($index)] = utf8_encode($val); } } if ($next !== false) { $selectedDir .= '/' . $next; } else { if (sizeof($subdirs) > 0) { $subdirs = array_merge(array('ext_disabled' => '-'), $subdirs); } } $dir_links .= ' / ' . ext_selectList('dirselect' . $i++, $selectedDir, $subdirs, 1, '', 'onchange="theDir=this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;if(theDir!=\'ext_disabled\' ) chDir(theDir);"'); $implode .= '/'; } } //echo '<pre>'.htmlspecialchars($dir_links).'</pre>';exit; return $dir_links; }
} while (($e = readdir($d)) !== false) { if ($e == '.' || $e == '..') { continue; } if (!@is_dir($e)) { continue; } $inc[$e] = $e; flush(); } closedir($d); chdir(".."); return $inc; } $cat = get_dir_list(); //нажата кнопка if (isset($_REQUEST['doupload'])) { if (is_sid()) { //если имеем дело с человеком, вкл. библиотеку $d = strval($_REQUEST['dir']); if (!isset($cat[$d]) || $d == '') { $d = ''; } else { $d = $cat[$d]; } require_once TE_DIR . '/lib/upload.php'; $uns = upload_file($max_size = 10145728, $dir = $d, $cerber = false); //вернет сообщение об успешности загрузки } else { $uns = my_lang('feedback_t3');
function get_dir_selects($dir) { $dirs = explode("/", $dir); $subdirs = get_dir_list(); if (empty($dirs[0])) { array_shift($dirs); } $dirsCopy = $dirs; $implode = ''; $selectedDir = @$dirs[0]; $dir_links = jx_selectList('dirselect1', $selectedDir, $subdirs, 1, '', 'onchange="theDir=this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;if(theDir!=\'jx_disabled\' ) chDir(theDir);"'); $i = 2; foreach ($dirs as $directory) { if ($directory != "") { $implode .= $directory; $next = next($dirsCopy); $subdirs = get_dir_list($implode); if ($next !== false) { $selectedDir .= '/' . $next; } else { if (sizeof($subdirs) > 0) { $subdirs = array_merge(array('jx_disabled' => '-'), $subdirs); } } $dir_links .= ' / ' . jx_selectList('dirselect' . $i++, $selectedDir, $subdirs, 1, '', 'onchange="theDir=this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;if(theDir!=\'jx_disabled\' ) chDir(theDir);"'); $implode .= '/'; } } return $dir_links; }
/** * 取系统前台的主题列表 * @return [type] [description] */ function get_theme_list() { $rearr = []; $path = APP_PATH . 'Home/View/'; $list = get_dir_list($path); foreach ($list as $key => $value) { $filepath = $path . $value . '/tpl.ini'; if (file_exists($filepath)) { $con = file_get_contents($filepath); $con = json_decode($con, true); $rearr[$value] = $con['name']; } else { $rearr[$value] = $value; } } return $rearr; }
/** * 新添加插件 */ public function newadd() { if (IS_POST) { $title = I('post.title'); $name = I(''); $author = I(''); $descr = I('post.descr'); if (empty($title) || empty($name) || empty($author) || empty($descr)) { $this->error('插件信息不能为空!'); } //查找是不是存在相同标识的插件 $dirlist = get_dir_list(ADDONS_PATH); $dirlist = str_replace('Plugin', '', $dirlist); $addoninfo = array(); if (in_array($name, $dirlist)) { $temarr = run_plugin_method($name, 'getConfig'); $this->error("插件标识符已经存在!,插件名字:{$temarr['name']}"); } $p_content = file_get_contents('./Data/tpldata/plugin/TestPlugin.class.php'); $p_config = file_get_contents('./Data/tpldata/plugin/View/config.html'); $p_con = file_get_contents('./Data/tpldata/plugin/View/content.html'); $p_content = str_replace('Test', $name, $p_content); $p_content = str_replace(array('[PLUGIN_TITLE]', '[PLUGIN_AUTHOR]', '[PLUGIN_DESCR]'), array($title, $author, $descr), $p_content); /* $p_content = str_replace('[PLUGIN_NAME]', $author, $p_content); $p_content = str_replace('[PLUGIN_DESCR]', $descr, $p_content);*/ $p_config = str_replace('Test', $name, $p_config); $p_con = str_replace('Test', $name, $p_con); create_folder("./Plugins/{$name}/View"); file_put_contents("./Plugins/{$name}/{$name}Plugin.class.php", $p_content); file_put_contents("./Plugins/{$name}/View/content.html", $p_con); file_put_contents("./Plugins/{$name}/View/config.html", $p_config); $this->success(L('_ADD_SUCCESS_')); } else { //$field = get_model_attr('plugin'); $field = array(array('field' => 'title', 'name' => 'title', 'type' => 'string', 'title' => '插件名字', 'note' => '名称', 'extra' => null, 'value' => '测试', 'is_show' => 3), array('field' => 'name', 'name' => 'name', 'type' => 'string', 'title' => '插件标识符', 'note' => '只能用英文名(单词第一个字母大写)', 'extra' => null, 'is_show' => 3), array('field' => 'author', 'name' => 'author', 'type' => 'string', 'title' => '插件作者', 'note' => '', 'extra' => null, 'is_show' => 3), array('field' => 'descr', 'name' => 'descr', 'type' => 'string', 'title' => '插件描述', 'note' => '', 'extra' => null, 'is_show' => 3)); $this->meta_title = '添加新插件'; $this->assign('fieldarr', $field); $this->assign('data', null); $this->display(); } }