function outputXmlFile($sessionid, $filenr, $bXmlDecl, $bOcXmlTag, $bDocType, $ziptype) { global $zip_basedir, $zip_wwwdir, $sDateformat, $sDateshort, $t1, $t2, $t3, $safemode_zip, $safemode_zip, $sCharset, $bAttrlist; global $absolute_server_URI, $bLicense, $sLanguage; global $ocxmlversion; // alle records aus tmpxml_* übertragen if (!mb_ereg_match('^[0-9]{1,11}', $sessionid)) { die('sessionid invalid'); } if (!mb_ereg_match('^[0-9]{1,11}', $filenr)) { die('filenr invalid'); } /* begin now a few dynamically loaded constants */ $logtypes = array(); $rs = sql('SELECT `id`, `de` FROM log_types'); for ($i = 0; $i < mysql_num_rows($rs); $i++) { $r = sql_fetch_array($rs); $logtypes[$r['id']] = $r['de']; } mysql_free_result($rs); $cachetypes = array(); $rs = sql('SELECT `id`, `short`, `de` FROM cache_type'); for ($i = 0; $i < mysql_num_rows($rs); $i++) { $r = sql_fetch_array($rs); $cachetypes[$r['id']]['de'] = $r['de']; $cachetypes[$r['id']]['short'] = $r['short']; } mysql_free_result($rs); $cachestatus = array(); $rs = sql('SELECT `id`, `de` FROM cache_status'); for ($i = 0; $i < mysql_num_rows($rs); $i++) { $r = sql_fetch_array($rs); $cachestatus[$r['id']]['de'] = $r['de']; } mysql_free_result($rs); $counties = array(); $rs = sql('SELECT `short`, `de` FROM countries'); for ($i = 0; $i < mysql_num_rows($rs); $i++) { $r = sql_fetch_array($rs); $counties[$r['short']]['de'] = $r['de']; } mysql_free_result($rs); $cachesizes = array(); $rs = sql('SELECT `id`, `de` FROM cache_size'); for ($i = 0; $i < mysql_num_rows($rs); $i++) { $r = sql_fetch_array($rs); $cachesizes[$r['id']]['de'] = $r['de']; } mysql_free_result($rs); $languages = array(); $rs = sql('SELECT `short`, `de` FROM languages'); for ($i = 0; $i < mysql_num_rows($rs); $i++) { $r = sql_fetch_array($rs); $languages[$r['short']]['de'] = $r['de']; } mysql_free_result($rs); $objecttypes['4'] = 'user'; $objecttypes['2'] = 'cache'; $objecttypes['3'] = 'cachedesc'; $objecttypes['1'] = 'cachelog'; $objecttypes['6'] = 'picture'; $objecttypes['8'] = 'cachelist'; // not implemented yet /* end now a few dynamically loaded constants */ // temporäre Datei erstellen if (!is_dir($zip_basedir . 'ocxml11/' . $sessionid)) { mkdir($zip_basedir . 'ocxml11/' . $sessionid); } $fileid = 1; while (file_exists($zip_basedir . 'ocxml11/' . $sessionid . '/' . $sessionid . '-' . $filenr . '-' . $fileid . '.xml')) { $fileid++; } $xmlfilename = $zip_basedir . 'ocxml11/' . $sessionid . '/' . $sessionid . '-' . $filenr . '-' . $fileid . '.xml'; $f = fopen($xmlfilename, 'w'); if ($bXmlDecl == '1') { if ($sCharset == 'iso-8859-1') { fwrite($f, '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no" ?>' . "\n"); } else { if ($sCharset == 'utf-8') { fwrite($f, '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>' . "\n"); } } } if ($bDocType == '1') { fwrite($f, '<!DOCTYPE oc11xml PUBLIC "-//Opencaching Network//DTD OCXml V 1.' . $ocxmlversion % 10 . '//EN" "' . $ocxmlversion . '.dtd">' . "\n"); } if ($bOcXmlTag == '1') { $rs = sql('SELECT `date_created`, `modified_since` FROM `xmlsession` WHERE `id`=&1', $sessionid); $r = sql_fetch_array($rs); fwrite($f, '<oc11xml version="1.' . $ocxmlversion % 10 . '" date="' . date($sDateformat, strtotime($r['date_created'])) . '" since="' . date($sDateformat, strtotime($r['modified_since'])) . '">' . "\n"); mysql_free_result($rs); } if ($bAttrlist == '1') { $rs = sql("SELECT SQL_BUFFER_RESULT `id`, `name`, `icon_large`, `icon_no`, `icon_undef` FROM `cache_attrib`"); fwrite($f, $t1 . '<attrlist>' . "\n"); while ($r = sql_fetch_assoc($rs)) { fwrite($f, $t2 . '<attr id="' . $r['id'] . '" icon_large="' . xmlentities($absolute_server_URI . $r['icon_large']) . '" icon_no="' . xmlentities($absolute_server_URI . $r['icon_no']) . '" icon_undef="' . xmlentities($absolute_server_URI . $r['icon_undef']) . '">' . xmlcdata($r['name']) . '</attr>' . "\n"); } fwrite($f, $t1 . '</attrlist>' . "\n"); sql_free_result($rs); } $rs = sql('SELECT SQL_BUFFER_RESULT `user`.`user_id` `id`, `user`.`node` `node`, `user`.`uuid` `uuid`, `user`.`username` `username`, `user`.`pmr_flag` `pmr_flag`, `user`.`date_created` `date_created`, `user`.`last_modified` `last_modified` FROM `tmpxml_users`, `user` WHERE `tmpxml_users`.`id`=`user`.`user_id`'); while ($r = sql_fetch_array($rs)) { fwrite($f, $t1 . '<user>' . "\n"); fwrite($f, $t2 . '<id id="' . $r['id'] . '" node="' . $r['node'] . '">' . $r['uuid'] . '</id>' . "\n"); fwrite($f, $t2 . '<username>' . xmlcdata($r['username']) . '</username>' . "\n"); fwrite($f, $t2 . '<pmr>' . ($r['pmr_flag'] == 0 ? '0' : '1') . '</pmr>' . "\n"); fwrite($f, $t2 . '<datecreated>' . date($sDateformat, strtotime($r['date_created'])) . '</datecreated>' . "\n"); fwrite($f, $t2 . '<lastmodified>' . date($sDateformat, strtotime($r['last_modified'])) . '</lastmodified>' . "\n"); fwrite($f, $t1 . '</user>' . "\n"); } mysql_free_result($rs); $rs = sql('SELECT SQL_BUFFER_RESULT `caches`.`cache_id` `id`, `caches`.`uuid` `uuid`, `caches`.`user_id` `user_id`, `user`.`uuid` `useruuid`, `user`.`username` `username`, `caches`.`name` `name`, `caches`.`longitude` `longitude`, `caches`.`latitude` `latitude`, `caches`.`type` `type`, `caches`.`country` `country`, `caches`.`size` `size`, `caches`.`desc_languages` `desclanguages`, `caches`.`difficulty` `difficulty`, `caches`.`terrain` `terrain`, `caches`.`way_length` `way_length`, `caches`.`search_time` `search_time`, `caches`.`wp_gc` `wp_gc`, `caches`.`wp_nc` `wp_nc`, /* we deliberatly do not use gc_wp_maintained here */ `caches`.`wp_oc` `wp_oc`, `caches`.`date_hidden` `date_hidden`, `caches`.`date_created` `date_created`, `caches`.`is_publishdate` `is_publishdate`, `caches`.`last_modified` `last_modified`, `caches`.`status` `status`, `caches`.`node` `node`, `caches`.`listing_last_modified` `listing_last_modified`, `cache_status`.`allow_user_view` FROM `tmpxml_caches` INNER JOIN `caches` ON `tmpxml_caches`.`id`=`caches`.`cache_id` INNER JOIN `user` ON `caches`.`user_id`=`user`.`user_id` INNER JOIN `cache_status` ON `caches`.`status`=`cache_status`.`id`'); while ($r = sql_fetch_array($rs)) { $bAllowView = $r['allow_user_view'] == 1; if ($r['size'] == 8 && $ocxmlversion < 12) { $r['size'] = 2; } // return as micro in old interface version fwrite($f, $t1 . '<cache>' . "\n"); fwrite($f, $t2 . '<id id="' . $r['id'] . '" node="' . $r['node'] . '">' . $r['uuid'] . '</id>' . "\n"); fwrite($f, $t2 . '<userid id="' . $r['user_id'] . '" uuid="' . $r['useruuid'] . '">' . xmlcdata($r['username']) . '</userid>' . "\n"); fwrite($f, $t2 . '<name>' . xmlcdata($bAllowView ? $r['name'] : '') . '</name>' . "\n"); fwrite($f, $t2 . '<longitude>' . sprintf('%01.5f', $bAllowView ? $r['longitude'] : 0) . '</longitude>' . "\n"); fwrite($f, $t2 . '<latitude>' . sprintf('%01.5f', $bAllowView ? $r['latitude'] : 0) . '</latitude>' . "\n"); fwrite($f, $t2 . '<type id="' . $r['type'] . '" short="' . xmlentities($cachetypes[$r['type']]['short']) . '">' . xmlcdata($cachetypes[$r['type']]['de']) . '</type>' . "\n"); fwrite($f, $t2 . '<status id="' . $r['status'] . '">' . xmlcdata($cachestatus[$r['status']]['de']) . '</status>' . "\n"); fwrite($f, $t2 . '<country id="' . $r['country'] . '">' . xmlcdata($counties[$r['country']]['de']) . '</country>' . "\n"); fwrite($f, $t2 . '<size id="' . $r['size'] . '">' . xmlcdata($cachesizes[$r['size']]['de']) . '</size>' . "\n"); fwrite($f, $t2 . '<desclanguages>' . $r['desclanguages'] . '</desclanguages>' . "\n"); fwrite($f, $t2 . '<difficulty>' . sprintf('%01.1f', $r['difficulty'] / 2) . '</difficulty>' . "\n"); fwrite($f, $t2 . '<terrain>' . sprintf('%01.1f', $r['terrain'] / 2) . '</terrain>' . "\n"); fwrite($f, $t2 . '<rating waylength="' . $r['way_length'] . '" needtime="' . $r['search_time'] . '" />' . "\n"); fwrite($f, $t2 . '<waypoints gccom="' . xmlentities($r['wp_gc']) . '" nccom="' . xmlentities($r['wp_nc']) . '" oc="' . xmlentities($r['wp_oc']) . '" />' . "\n"); fwrite($f, $t2 . '<datehidden>' . date($sDateformat, strtotime($r['date_hidden'])) . '</datehidden>' . "\n"); if ($ocxmlversion >= 12) { $pd = ' ispublishdate="' . $r['is_publishdate'] . '"'; } else { $pd = ""; } fwrite($f, $t2 . '<datecreated' . $pd . '>' . date($sDateformat, strtotime($r['date_created'])) . '</datecreated>' . "\n"); fwrite($f, $t2 . '<lastmodified>' . date($sDateformat, strtotime($r['last_modified'])) . '</lastmodified>' . "\n"); if ($ocxmlversion >= 14) { fwrite($f, $t2 . '<listing_lastmodified>' . date($sDateformat, strtotime($r['listing_last_modified'])) . '</listing_lastmodified>' . "\n"); } $rsAttributes = sql("SELECT `cache_attrib`.`id`, `cache_attrib`.`name`\n\t\t FROM `caches_attributes`\n\t\t INNER JOIN `cache_attrib` ON `caches_attributes`.`attrib_id`=`cache_attrib`.`id`\n\t\t WHERE `caches_attributes`.`cache_id`='&1'", $r['id']); fwrite($f, $t2 . '<attributes>' . "\n"); while ($rAttribute = sql_fetch_assoc($rsAttributes)) { fwrite($f, $t3 . '<attribute id="' . ($rAttribute['id'] + 0) . '">' . xmlcdata($rAttribute['name']) . '</attribute>' . "\n"); } fwrite($f, $t2 . '</attributes>' . "\n"); sql_free_result($rsAttributes); if ($ocxmlversion >= 13) { $rsWaypoints = sql("SELECT `coordinates`.`id`, `coordinates`.`subtype` AS `type`,\n\t\t\t `coordinates`.`latitude`, `coordinates`.`longitude`,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t `coordinates`.`description`,\n\t\t\t `coordinates_type`.`name` AS `type_name`\n\t\t\t FROM `coordinates`\n\t\t\t INNER JOIN `coordinates_type` ON `coordinates_type`.`id`=`coordinates`.`subtype`\n\t\t\t WHERE `cache_id`='&1' AND `type`=1\n\t\t\t ORDER BY `coordinates`.`id` ASC", $r['id']); fwrite($f, $t2 . '<wpts>' . "\n"); while ($rWaypoint = sql_fetch_assoc($rsWaypoints)) { fwrite($f, $t3 . '<wpt id="' . ($rWaypoint['id'] + 0) . '" type="' . ($rWaypoint['type'] + 0) . '" typename="' . xmlentities($rWaypoint['type_name']) . '" longitude="' . sprintf('%01.5f', $rWaypoint['longitude']) . '" latitude="' . sprintf('%01.5f', $rWaypoint['latitude']) . '">' . xmlcdata($rWaypoint['description']) . '</wpt>' . "\n"); } fwrite($f, $t2 . '</wpts>' . "\n"); sql_free_result($rsAttributes); } fwrite($f, $t1 . '</cache>' . "\n"); } mysql_free_result($rs); $rs = sql('SELECT SQL_BUFFER_RESULT `cache_desc`.`id` `id`, `cache_desc`.`uuid` `uuid`, `cache_desc`.`cache_id` `cache_id`, `cache_desc`.`language` `language`, `cache_desc`.`short_desc` `short_desc`, `cache_desc`.`desc` `desc`, `cache_desc`.`desc_html` `desc_html`, `cache_desc`.`hint` `hint`, `cache_desc`.`last_modified` `last_modified`, `caches`.`uuid` `cacheuuid`, `cache_desc`.`node` `node`, `cache_status`.`allow_user_view`, `caches`.`user_id`, `user`.`username`, `user`.`data_license` FROM `tmpxml_cachedescs` INNER JOIN `cache_desc` ON `tmpxml_cachedescs`.`id`=`cache_desc`.`id` INNER JOIN `caches` ON `caches`.`cache_id`=`cache_desc`.`cache_id` INNER JOIN `cache_status` ON `caches`.`status`=`cache_status`.`id` INNER JOIN `user` ON `user`.`user_id`=`caches`.`user_id`'); while ($r = sql_fetch_array($rs)) { $bAllowView = $r['allow_user_view'] == 1; fwrite($f, $t1 . '<cachedesc>' . "\n"); fwrite($f, $t2 . '<id id="' . $r['id'] . '" node="' . $r['node'] . '">' . $r['uuid'] . '</id>' . "\n"); fwrite($f, $t2 . '<cacheid id="' . $r['cache_id'] . '">' . $r['cacheuuid'] . '</cacheid>' . "\n"); fwrite($f, $t2 . '<language id="' . $r['language'] . '">' . xmlcdata($languages[$r['language']]['de']) . '</language>' . "\n"); fwrite($f, $t2 . '<shortdesc>' . xmlcdata($bAllowView ? $r['short_desc'] : '') . '</shortdesc>' . "\n"); $desc = $r['desc']; if ($r['desc_html'] == 0) { $desc = mb_ereg_replace('<br />', '', $desc); $desc = html_entity_decode($desc, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'); } $lang = $sLanguage != "" ? $sLanguage : $r['language']; $disclaimer = getLicenseDisclaimer($r['user_id'], $r['username'], $r['data_license'], $r['cache_id'], $lang, true, true); if ($bLicense) { fwrite($f, $t2 . '<license>' . xmlcdata($disclaimer) . '</license>' . "\n"); } else { if ($disclaimer != "") { $desc .= "<p><em>" . $disclaimer . "</em></p>"; } } $desc .= get_desc_npas($r['cache_id']); fwrite($f, $t2 . '<desc html="' . ($r['desc_html'] == 1 ? '1' : '0') . '">' . xmlcdata($bAllowView ? $desc : '') . '</desc>' . "\n"); $r['hint'] = mb_ereg_replace('<br />', '', $r['hint']); $r['hint'] = html_entity_decode($r['hint'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'); fwrite($f, $t2 . '<hint>' . xmlcdata($bAllowView ? $r['hint'] : '') . '</hint>' . "\n"); fwrite($f, $t2 . '<lastmodified>' . date($sDateformat, strtotime($r['last_modified'])) . '</lastmodified>' . "\n"); fwrite($f, $t1 . '</cachedesc>' . "\n"); } mysql_free_result($rs); if ($ocxmlversion >= 14) { $rating_condition = "AND `cache_logs`.`date`=`cache_rating`.`rating_date`"; } else { $rating_condition = ""; } $rs = sql('SELECT SQL_BUFFER_RESULT `cache_logs`.`id` `id`, `cache_logs`.`cache_id` `cache_id`, `cache_logs`.`user_id` `user_id`, `cache_logs`.`type` `type`, `cache_logs`.`date` `date`, `cache_logs`.`text` `text`, `cache_logs`.`text_html` `text_html`, `cache_logs`.`oc_team_comment`, `cache_logs`.`date_created` `date_created`, `cache_logs`.`last_modified` `last_modified`, `cache_logs`.`log_last_modified` `log_last_modified`, `cache_logs`.`uuid` `uuid`, `user`.`username` `username`, `caches`.`uuid` `cacheuuid`, `user`.`uuid` `useruuid`, `cache_logs`.`node` `node`, IF(NOT ISNULL(`cache_rating`.`cache_id`) AND `cache_logs`.`type` IN (1,7), 1, 0) AS `recommended`, `cache_status`.`allow_user_view`, `user`.`data_license`, `caches`.`country` AS `language` /* hack */ FROM `cache_logs` INNER JOIN `tmpxml_cachelogs` ON `cache_logs`.`id`=`tmpxml_cachelogs`.`id` INNER JOIN `user` ON `cache_logs`.`user_id`=`user`.`user_id` INNER JOIN `caches` ON `caches`.`cache_id`=`cache_logs`.`cache_id` INNER JOIN `cache_status` ON `caches`.`status`=`cache_status`.`id` LEFT JOIN `cache_rating` ON `cache_logs`.`cache_id`=`cache_rating`.`cache_id` AND `cache_logs`.`user_id`=`cache_rating`.`user_id` ' . $rating_condition); while ($r = sql_fetch_array($rs)) { $bAllowView = $r['allow_user_view'] == 1; $r['text'] = mb_ereg_replace('<br />', '', $r['text']); $r['text'] = html_entity_decode($r['text'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'); // locked/invisible should never be returned here - these logs are deleted before // reactivating the cache. Just for the case ... it is safe to return them as 'locked'. if ($r['type'] == 14) { $r['type'] = 13; } if ($ocxmlversion >= 13) { $teamcomment = ' teamcomment="' . $r['oc_team_comment'] . '"'; } else { $teamcomment = ''; if ($r['type'] > 8) { $r['type'] = 3; } } fwrite($f, $t1 . '<cachelog>' . "\n"); fwrite($f, $t2 . '<id id="' . $r['id'] . '" node="' . $r['node'] . '">' . $r['uuid'] . '</id>' . "\n"); fwrite($f, $t2 . '<cacheid id="' . $r['cache_id'] . '">' . $r['cacheuuid'] . '</cacheid>' . "\n"); fwrite($f, $t2 . '<userid id="' . $r['user_id'] . '" uuid="' . $r['useruuid'] . '">' . xmlcdata($r['username']) . '</userid>' . "\n"); fwrite($f, $t2 . '<logtype id="' . $r['type'] . '" recommended="' . $r['recommended'] . '"' . $teamcomment . '>' . xmlcdata($logtypes[$r['type']]) . '</logtype>' . "\n"); fwrite($f, $t2 . '<date>' . date($ocxmlversion >= 13 ? $sDateformat : $sDateshort, strtotime($r['date'])) . '</date>' . "\n"); fwrite($f, $t2 . '<text html="' . $r['text_html'] . '">' . xmlcdata($bAllowView ? $r['text'] : '') . '</text>' . "\n"); fwrite($f, $t2 . '<datecreated>' . date($sDateformat, strtotime($r['date_created'])) . '</datecreated>' . "\n"); fwrite($f, $t2 . '<lastmodified>' . date($sDateformat, strtotime($r['last_modified'])) . '</lastmodified>' . "\n"); if ($ocxmlversion >= 14) { fwrite($f, $t2 . '<log_lastmodified>' . date($sDateformat, strtotime($r['log_last_modified'])) . '</log_lastmodified>' . "\n"); } if ($bLicense) { $lang = $sLanguage != "" ? $sLanguage : $r['language']; $disclaimer = getLicenseDisclaimer($r['user_id'], $r['username'], $r['data_license'], $r['cache_id'], $lang, false, true); fwrite($f, $t2 . '<license>' . xmlcdata($disclaimer) . '</license>' . "\n"); } fwrite($f, $t1 . '</cachelog>' . "\n"); } mysql_free_result($rs); $rs = sql('SELECT SQL_BUFFER_RESULT `pictures`.`id` `id`, `pictures`.`url` `url`, `pictures`.`title` `title`, `pictures`.`object_id` `object_id`, `pictures`.`object_type` `object_type`, `pictures`.`date_created` `date_created`, `pictures`.`uuid` `uuid`, `pictures`.`last_modified` `last_modified`, `pictures`.`display` `display`, `pictures`.`spoiler` `spoiler`, `pictures`.`node` `node`, `pictures`.`mappreview`, IFNULL(`c1`.`cache_id`,`c2`.`cache_id`) AS `cache_id`, IFNULL(`c1`.`country`,`c2`.`country`) AS `language`, /* hack */ IFNULL(`cs1`.`allow_user_view`, `cs2`.`allow_user_view`) AS `auv`, IFNULL(`u1`.`user_id`,`u2`.`user_id`) AS `user_id`, IFNULL(`u1`.`username`,`u2`.`username`) AS `username`, IFNULL(`u1`.`data_license`,`u2`.`data_license`) AS `data_license` FROM `tmpxml_pictures` INNER JOIN `pictures` ON `tmpxml_pictures`.`id`=`pictures`.`id` LEFT JOIN `caches` AS `c1` ON `pictures`.`object_type`=2 AND `pictures`.`object_id`=`c1`.`cache_id` LEFT JOIN `cache_logs` ON `pictures`.`object_type`=1 AND `pictures`.`object_id`=`cache_logs`.`id` LEFT JOIN `caches` AS `c2` ON `cache_logs`.`cache_id`=`c2`.`cache_id` LEFT JOIN `cache_status` AS `cs1` ON `c1`.`status`=`cs1`.`id` LEFT JOIN `cache_status` AS `cs2` ON `c2`.`status`=`cs2`.`id` LEFT JOIN `user` `u1` ON `u1`.`user_id`=`cache_logs`.`user_id` LEFT JOIN `user` `u2` ON `u2`.`user_id`=`c1`.`user_id`'); while ($r = sql_fetch_array($rs)) { $bAllowView = $r['auv'] == 1; fwrite($f, $t1 . '<picture>' . "\n"); fwrite($f, $t2 . '<id id="' . $r['id'] . '" node="' . $r['node'] . '">' . $r['uuid'] . '</id>' . "\n"); fwrite($f, $t2 . '<url>' . xmlcdata($bAllowView ? $r['url'] : '') . '</url>' . "\n"); fwrite($f, $t2 . '<title>' . xmlcdata($bAllowView ? $r['title'] : '') . '</title>' . "\n"); fwrite($f, $t2 . '<object id="' . $r['object_id'] . '" type="' . $r['object_type'] . '" typename="' . xmlentities($objecttypes[$r['object_type']]) . '">' . object_id2uuid($r['object_id'], $r['object_type']) . '</object>' . "\n"); if ($ocxmlversion >= 13) { fwrite($f, $t2 . '<picattr spoiler="' . $r['spoiler'] . '" display="' . $r['display'] . '" preview="' . $r['mappreview'] . '" />' . "\n"); } else { fwrite($f, $t2 . '<attributes spoiler="' . $r['spoiler'] . '" display="' . $r['display'] . '" />' . "\n"); } fwrite($f, $t2 . '<datecreated>' . date($sDateformat, strtotime($r['date_created'])) . '</datecreated>' . "\n"); fwrite($f, $t2 . '<lastmodified>' . date($sDateformat, strtotime($r['last_modified'])) . '</lastmodified>' . "\n"); if ($bLicense) { $lang = $sLanguage != "" ? $sLanguage : $r['language']; $disclaimer = getLicenseDisclaimer($r['user_id'], $r['username'], $r['data_license'], $r['cache_id'], $lang, false, true); fwrite($f, $t2 . '<license>' . xmlcdata($disclaimer) . '</license>' . "\n"); } fwrite($f, $t1 . '</picture>' . "\n"); } mysql_free_result($rs); $rs = sql('SELECT SQL_BUFFER_RESULT `removed_objects`.`id` `id`, `removed_objects`.`localid` `localid`, `removed_objects`.`uuid` `uuid`, `removed_objects`.`type` `type`, `removed_objects`.`removed_date` `removed_date`, `removed_objects`.`node` `node` FROM `tmpxml_removedobjects`, `removed_objects` WHERE `removed_objects`.`id`=`tmpxml_removedobjects`.`id`'); while ($r = sql_fetch_array($rs)) { fwrite($f, $t1 . '<removedobject>' . "\n"); fwrite($f, $t2 . '<id id="' . $r['id'] . '" node="' . $r['node'] . '" />' . "\n"); fwrite($f, $t2 . '<object id="' . $r['localid'] . '" type="' . $r['type'] . '" typename="' . xmlentities($objecttypes[$r['type']]) . '">' . $r['uuid'] . '</object>' . "\n"); fwrite($f, $t2 . '<removeddate>' . date($sDateformat, strtotime($r['removed_date'])) . '</removeddate>' . "\n"); fwrite($f, $t1 . '</removedobject>' . "\n"); } mysql_free_result($rs); if ($bOcXmlTag == '1') { fwrite($f, '</oc11xml>' . "\n"); } fclose($f); $rel_xmlfile = 'ocxml11/' . $sessionid . '/' . $sessionid . '-' . $filenr . '-' . $fileid . '.xml'; $rel_zipfile = 'ocxml11/' . $sessionid . '/' . $sessionid . '-' . $filenr . '-' . $fileid; // zippen und url-redirect if ($ziptype == '0') { tpl_redirect($zip_wwwdir . $rel_xmlfile); exit; } else { if ($ziptype == 'zip') { $rel_zipfile .= '.zip'; } else { if ($ziptype == 'bzip2') { $rel_zipfile .= '.bz2'; } else { if ($ziptype == 'gzip') { $rel_zipfile .= '.gz'; } else { die('unknown zip type'); } } } } $call = $safemode_zip . ' --type=' . escapeshellcmd($ziptype) . ' --src=' . escapeshellcmd($rel_xmlfile) . ' --dst=' . escapeshellcmd($rel_zipfile); system($call); // datei vorhanden? if (!file_exists($zip_basedir . $rel_zipfile)) { die('all ok, but zip failed - internal server error'); } tpl_redirect($zip_wwwdir . $rel_zipfile); exit; }
function search_output() { global $opt, $login; global $cache_note_text; $server_address = $opt['page']['absolute_url']; $server_domain = parse_url($server_address, PHP_URL_HOST); $gpxHead = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <gpx xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" version="1.0" creator=" -" xsi:schemaLocation="" xmlns=""> <name>Cache listing generated from</name> <desc>This is a waypoint file generated from{wpchildren}</desc> <author></author> <email></email> <url>http://' . $server_domain . '</url> <urlname> - Geocaching in Deutschland, Oesterreich und der Schweiz</urlname> <time>{time}</time> <keywords>cache, geocache, opencaching, waypoint</keywords> '; $gpxLine = ' <wpt lat="{lat}" lon="{lon}"> <time>{time}</time> <name>{waypoint}</name> <desc>{cachename}</desc> <src>' . $server_domain . '</src> <url>' . $server_address . 'viewcache.php?cacheid={cacheid}</url> <urlname>{cachename}</urlname> <sym>{sym}</sym> <type>Geocache|{type}</type> <groundspeak:cache id="{cacheid}" {status} xmlns:groundspeak=""> <groundspeak:name>{cachename}</groundspeak:name> <groundspeak:placed_by>{owner}</groundspeak:placed_by> <groundspeak:owner id="{userid}">{owner}</groundspeak:owner> <groundspeak:type>{type}</groundspeak:type> <groundspeak:container>{container}</groundspeak:container> <groundspeak:attributes> {attributes} </groundspeak:attributes> <groundspeak:difficulty>{difficulty}</groundspeak:difficulty> <groundspeak:terrain>{terrain}</groundspeak:terrain> <groundspeak:country>{country}</groundspeak:country> <groundspeak:state>{state}</groundspeak:state> <groundspeak:short_description html="True">{shortdesc}</groundspeak:short_description> <groundspeak:long_description html="True">{desc}<br />{images}</groundspeak:long_description> {hints} <groundspeak:logs> {logs} </groundspeak:logs> <groundspeak:travelbugs> {geokrety} </groundspeak:travelbugs> </groundspeak:cache> </wpt> {cache_waypoints}'; /* Ocprop: * <wpt\s+lat=\"([0-9\-\+\.]+)\"\s+lon=\"([0-9\-\+\.]+)\"> * <time>(.*?)<\/time> * (Date: ^([0-9]{4})\-([0-9]{2})\-([0-9]{2})T[0-9\:\-\.]+(Z)?$/s) * <name>(.*?)<\/name> * <url>http:\/\/www\.opencaching\.de\/viewcache\.php\?cacheid=([0-9]+)<\/url> * <sym>(.*?)<\/sym> * <groundspeak:cache\s+id=\"[0-9]+\"\s+available=\"(True|False)\"\s+archived=\"(True|False)\" * <groundspeak:name>(.*?)<\/groundspeak:name> * <groundspeak:placed_by>(.*?)<\/groundspeak:placed_by> * <groundspeak:owner id="([0-9])+">(.*?)<\/groundspeak:owner> * <groundspeak:type>(.*?)<\/groundspeak:type> * <groundspeak:container>(.*?)<\/groundspeak:container> * <groundspeak:difficulty>(.*?)<\/groundspeak:difficulty> * <groundspeak:terrain>(.*?)<\/groundspeak:terrain> * <groundspeak:country>(.*?)<\/groundspeak:country> * <groundspeak:state>(.*?)<\/groundspeak:state> * <groundspeak:short_description html="(.*?)".*?>(.*?)<\/groundspeak:short_description> * <groundspeak:long_description html="(.*?)".*?>(.*?)<\/groundspeak:long_description> * <groundspeak:encoded_hints>(.*?)<\/groundspeak:encoded_hints> */ $gpxAttributes = ' <groundspeak:attribute id="{attrib_id}" inc="{attrib_inc}">{attrib_name}</groundspeak:attribute>'; $gpxLog = ' <groundspeak:log id="{id}"> <groundspeak:date>{date}</groundspeak:date> <groundspeak:type>{type}</groundspeak:type> <groundspeak:finder id="{userid}">{username}</groundspeak:finder> <groundspeak:text encoded="False">{text}</groundspeak:text> </groundspeak:log>'; $gpxGeokrety = ' <groundspeak:travelbug id="{gkid}" ref="{gkref}"> <groundspeak:name>{gkname}</groundspeak:name> </groundspeak:travelbug>'; $gpxWaypoints = ' <wpt lat="{wp_lat}" lon="{wp_lon}"> <time>{time}</time> <name>{name}</name> <cmt>{comment}</cmt> <desc>{desc}</desc> <url>' . $server_address . 'viewcache.php?cacheid={cacheid}</url> <urlname>{parent} {cachename}</urlname> <sym>{type}</sym> <type>Waypoint|{type}</type> <gsak:wptExtension xmlns:gsak=""> <gsak:Parent>{parent}</gsak:Parent> </gsak:wptExtension> </wpt> '; $gpxFoot = '</gpx>'; $gpxTimeFormat = 'Y-m-d\\TH:i:s\\Z'; $gpxStatus[0] = 'available="False" archived="False"'; // other (unavailable, not archived) $gpxStatus[1] = 'available="True" archived="False"'; //available, not archived $gpxStatus[2] = 'available="False" archived="False"'; //unavailable, not archived $gpxStatus[3] = 'available="False" archived="True"'; //unavailable, archived $gpxStatus[6] = 'available="False" archived="True"'; //locked, visible $gpxContainer[0] = 'Other'; $gpxContainer[2] = 'Micro'; $gpxContainer[3] = 'Small'; $gpxContainer[4] = 'Regular'; $gpxContainer[5] = 'Large'; $gpxContainer[6] = 'Large'; $gpxContainer[7] = 'Virtual'; $gpxContainer[8] = 'Micro'; // cache types known by gpx $gpxType[0] = 'Unknown Cache'; $gpxType[2] = 'Traditional Cache'; $gpxType[3] = 'Multi-cache'; $gpxType[4] = 'Virtual Cache'; $gpxType[5] = 'Webcam Cache'; $gpxType[6] = 'Event Cache'; // unknown ... converted $gpxType[7] = 'Unknown Cache'; $gpxType[8] = 'Unknown Cache'; $gpxType[10] = 'Traditional Cache'; $gpxLogType[0] = 'Other'; $gpxLogType[1] = 'Found it'; $gpxLogType[2] = 'Didn\'t find it'; $gpxLogType[3] = 'Write note'; $gpxLogType[7] = 'Attended'; $gpxLogType[8] = 'Will attend'; $gpxLogType[9] = 'Archive'; $gpxLogType[10] = 'Owner Maintenance'; $gpxLogType[11] = 'Temporarily Disable Listing'; $gpxLogType[13] = 'Archive'; $gpxLogType[14] = 'Archive'; $gpxSymNormal = 'Geocache'; $gpxSymFound = 'Geocache Found'; $childwphandler = new ChildWp_Handler(); $children = ''; $rs = sql('SELECT &searchtmp.`cache_id` `cacheid` FROM &searchtmp'); while ($r = sql_fetch_array($rs) && $children == '') { if (count($childwphandler->getChildWps($r['cacheid']))) { $children = ' (HasChildren)'; } } mysql_free_result($rs); $gpxHead = mb_ereg_replace('{wpchildren}', $children, $gpxHead); $gpxHead = mb_ereg_replace('{time}', date($gpxTimeFormat, time()), $gpxHead); append_output($gpxHead); $user_id = $login->userid; $rs = sql_slave("SELECT SQL_BUFFER_RESULT &searchtmp.`cache_id` `cacheid`, &searchtmp.`longitude` `longitude`, &searchtmp.`latitude` `latitude`,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`cache_location`.`adm2` `state`, `caches`.`wp_oc` `waypoint`, `caches`.`date_hidden` `date_hidden`, `caches`.`name` `name`,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`caches`.`country` `country`, `countries`.`name` AS `country_name`, `caches`.`terrain` `terrain`, `caches`.`difficulty` `difficulty`, `caches`.`desc_languages` `desc_languages`,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`caches`.`size` `size`, `caches`.`type` `type`, `caches`.`status` `status`, `user`.`username` `username`, `caches`.`user_id` `userid`, `user`.`data_license`,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`cache_desc`.`desc` `desc`, `cache_desc`.`short_desc` `short_desc`, `cache_desc`.`hint` `hint`,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tIFNULL(`stat_cache_logs`.`found`, 0) AS `found`\n\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM &searchtmp\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN `caches` ON &searchtmp.`cache_id`=`caches`.`cache_id`\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN `countries` ON `caches`.`country`=`countries`.`short`\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN `user` ON &searchtmp.`user_id`=`user`.`user_id`\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN `cache_desc` ON `caches`.`cache_id`=`cache_desc`.`cache_id`AND `caches`.`default_desclang`=`cache_desc`.`language`\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN `cache_location` ON &searchtmp.`cache_id`=`cache_location`.`cache_id`\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN `stat_cache_logs` ON &searchtmp.`cache_id`=`stat_cache_logs`.`cache_id` AND `stat_cache_logs`.`user_id`='&1'", $user_id); while ($r = sql_fetch_array($rs)) { $thisline = $gpxLine; $lat = sprintf('%01.5f', $r['latitude']); $thisline = mb_ereg_replace('{lat}', $lat, $thisline); $lon = sprintf('%01.5f', $r['longitude']); $thisline = mb_ereg_replace('{lon}', $lon, $thisline); $time = date($gpxTimeFormat, strtotime($r['date_hidden'])); $thisline = mb_ereg_replace('{time}', $time, $thisline); $thisline = mb_ereg_replace('{waypoint}', $r['waypoint'], $thisline); $thisline = mb_ereg_replace('{cacheid}', $r['cacheid'], $thisline); $thisline = mb_ereg_replace('{cachename}', text_xmlentities($r['name']), $thisline); $thisline = mb_ereg_replace('{country}', text_xmlentities($r['country_name']), $thisline); $thisline = mb_ereg_replace('{state}', text_xmlentities($r['state']), $thisline); if ($r['hint'] == '') { $thisline = mb_ereg_replace('{hints}', '', $thisline); } else { // Ocprop: <groundspeak:encoded_hints>(.*?)<\/groundspeak:encoded_hints> $hint = html_entity_decode(strip_tags($r['hint']), ENT_COMPAT, "UTF-8"); } $thisline = mb_ereg_replace('{hints}', ' <groundspeak:encoded_hints>' . text_xmlentities($hint) . '</groundspeak:encoded_hints> ', $thisline); $thisline = mb_ereg_replace('{shortdesc}', text_xmlentities($r['short_desc']), $thisline); $desc = str_replace(' src="images/uploads/', ' src="' . $server_address . 'images/uploads/', $r['desc']); $license = getLicenseDisclaimer($r['userid'], $r['username'], $r['data_license'], $r['cacheid'], $opt['template']['locale'], true, true); if ($license != "") { $desc .= "<p><em>{$license}</em></p>\n"; } $desc .= get_desc_npas($r['cacheid']); $thisline = mb_ereg_replace('{desc}', text_xmlentities(decodeEntities($desc)), $thisline); $thisline = mb_ereg_replace('{images}', text_xmlentities(getPictures($r['cacheid'], $server_address)), $thisline); if (isset($gpxType[$r['type']])) { $thisline = mb_ereg_replace('{type}', $gpxType[$r['type']], $thisline); } else { $thisline = mb_ereg_replace('{type}', $gpxType[0], $thisline); } if (isset($gpxContainer[$r['size']])) { $thisline = mb_ereg_replace('{container}', $gpxContainer[$r['size']], $thisline); } else { $thisline = mb_ereg_replace('{container}', $gpxContainer[0], $thisline); } if (isset($gpxStatus[$r['status']])) { $thisline = mb_ereg_replace('{status}', $gpxStatus[$r['status']], $thisline); } else { $thisline = mb_ereg_replace('{status}', $gpxStatus[0], $thisline); } $sDiffDecimals = ''; if ($r['difficulty'] % 2) { $sDiffDecimals = '.5'; } $r['difficulty'] -= $r['difficulty'] % 2; $thisline = mb_ereg_replace('{difficulty}', $r['difficulty'] / 2 . $sDiffDecimals, $thisline); $sTerrDecimals = ''; if ($r['terrain'] % 2) { $sTerrDecimals = '.5'; } $r['terrain'] -= $r['terrain'] % 2; $thisline = mb_ereg_replace('{terrain}', $r['terrain'] / 2 . $sTerrDecimals, $thisline); $thisline = mb_ereg_replace('{owner}', text_xmlentities($r['username']), $thisline); $thisline = mb_ereg_replace('{userid}', $r['userid'], $thisline); if ($r['found'] > 0) { $thisline = mb_ereg_replace('{sym}', text_xmlentities($gpxSymFound), $thisline); } else { $thisline = mb_ereg_replace('{sym}', text_xmlentities($gpxSymNormal), $thisline); } // clear cache specific data $logentries = ''; $cache_note = false; $attribentries = ''; $waypoints = ''; $gkentries = ''; // fetch logs if ($user_id != 0) { // insert personal note $cacheNote = getCacheNote($user_id, $r['cacheid']); if ($cacheNote) { $thislog = $gpxLog; $thislog = mb_ereg_replace('{id}', 0, $thislog); $thislog = mb_ereg_replace('{date}', date($gpxTimeFormat), $thislog); $thislog = mb_ereg_replace('{userid}', $user_id, $thislog); $thislog = mb_ereg_replace('{username}', text_xmlentities($login->username), $thislog); $thislog = mb_ereg_replace('{type}', $gpxLogType[3], $thislog); $thislog = mb_ereg_replace('{text}', text_xmlentities($cacheNote['note']), $thislog); $logentries .= $thislog . "\n"; } // current users logs $rsLogs = sql_slave("SELECT `cache_logs`.`id`, `cache_logs`.`type`, `cache_logs`.`date`, `cache_logs`.`text`, `user`.`username`, `user`.`user_id` FROM `cache_logs`, `user` WHERE `cache_logs`.`user_id`=`user`.`user_id` AND `cache_logs`.`cache_id`=&1 AND `user`.`user_id`=&2 ORDER BY `cache_logs`.`date` DESC, `cache_logs`.`date_created` DESC", $r['cacheid'], $user_id); while ($rLog = sql_fetch_array($rsLogs)) { $thislog = $gpxLog; $thislog = mb_ereg_replace('{id}', $rLog['id'], $thislog); $thislog = mb_ereg_replace('{date}', date($gpxTimeFormat, strtotime($rLog['date'])), $thislog); $thislog = mb_ereg_replace('{userid}', $rLog['user_id'], $thislog); $thislog = mb_ereg_replace('{username}', text_xmlentities($rLog['username']), $thislog); if (isset($gpxLogType[$rLog['type']])) { $logtype = $gpxLogType[$rLog['type']]; } else { $logtype = $gpxLogType[0]; } $thislog = mb_ereg_replace('{type}', $logtype, $thislog); $thislog = mb_ereg_replace('{text}', text_xmlentities(decodeEntities($rLog['text'])), $thislog); $logentries .= $thislog . "\n"; } mysql_free_result($rsLogs); } // newest 20 logs (except current users) $rsLogs = sql_slave("SELECT `cache_logs`.`id`, `cache_logs`.`type`, `cache_logs`.`date`, `cache_logs`.`text`, `user`.`username`, `user`.`user_id` FROM `cache_logs`, `user` WHERE `cache_logs`.`user_id`=`user`.`user_id` AND `cache_logs`.`cache_id`=&1 AND `user`.`user_id`!=&2 ORDER BY `cache_logs`.`date` DESC, `cache_logs`.`date_created` DESC LIMIT 20", $r['cacheid'], $user_id); while ($rLog = sql_fetch_array($rsLogs)) { $thislog = $gpxLog; $thislog = mb_ereg_replace('{id}', $rLog['id'], $thislog); $thislog = mb_ereg_replace('{date}', date($gpxTimeFormat, strtotime($rLog['date'])), $thislog); $thislog = mb_ereg_replace('{userid}', $rLog['user_id'], $thislog); $thislog = mb_ereg_replace('{username}', text_xmlentities($rLog['username']), $thislog); if (isset($gpxLogType[$rLog['type']])) { $logtype = $gpxLogType[$rLog['type']]; } else { $logtype = $gpxLogType[0]; } $thislog = mb_ereg_replace('{type}', $logtype, $thislog); $thislog = mb_ereg_replace('{text}', text_xmlentities(decodeEntities($rLog['text'])), $thislog); $logentries .= $thislog . "\n"; } mysql_free_result($rsLogs); $thisline = mb_ereg_replace('{logs}', $logentries, $thisline); // attributes $rsAttributes = sql_slave("SELECT `gc_id`, `gc_inc`, `gc_name`\n\t\t FROM `caches_attributes`\n\t\t INNER JOIN `cache_attrib` ON `cache_attrib`.`id`=`caches_attributes`.`attrib_id`\n\t\t WHERE `caches_attributes`.`cache_id`=&1", $r['cacheid']); $gc_ids = array(); while ($rAttrib = sql_fetch_array($rsAttributes)) { // Multiple OC attributes can be mapped to one GC attribute, either with // the same "inc"s or with different. Both may disturb applications, so we // output each GC ID only once. if (!isset($gc_ids[$rAttrib['gc_id']])) { $thisattribute = mb_ereg_replace('{attrib_id}', $rAttrib['gc_id'], $gpxAttributes); $thisattribute = mb_ereg_replace('{attrib_inc}', $rAttrib['gc_inc'], $thisattribute); $thisattribute = mb_ereg_replace('{attrib_name}', text_xmlentities($rAttrib['gc_name']), $thisattribute); $attribentries .= $thisattribute . "\n"; $gc_ids[$rAttrib['gc_id']] = true; } } mysql_free_result($rsAttributes); $thisline = mb_ereg_replace('{attributes}', $attribentries, $thisline); // geokrety $rsGeokrety = sql_slave("SELECT `gk_item`.`id`, `gk_item`.`name`, `caches`.`wp_oc` FROM `gk_item` INNER JOIN `gk_item_waypoint` ON `gk_item`.`id`=`gk_item_waypoint`.`id` INNER JOIN `caches` ON `gk_item_waypoint`.`wp`=`caches`.`wp_oc` WHERE `caches`.`cache_id`=&1", $r['cacheid']); while ($rGK = sql_fetch_array($rsGeokrety)) { $thiskrety = $gpxGeokrety; $thiskrety = mb_ereg_replace('{gkid}', $rGK['id'], $thiskrety); $thiskrety = mb_ereg_replace('{gkref}', sprintf("GK%04X", $rGK['id']), $thiskrety); $thiskrety = mb_ereg_replace('{gkname}', text_xmlentities($rGK['name']), $thiskrety); $gkentries .= $thiskrety . "\n"; } mysql_free_result($rsGeokrety); $thisline = mb_ereg_replace('{geokrety}', $gkentries, $thisline); // additional waypoints, including personal cache note $childWaypoints = $childwphandler->getChildWps($r['cacheid']); $n = 1; $digits = "%0" . strlen(count($childWaypoints)) . "d"; foreach ($childWaypoints as $childWaypoint) { $thiswp = $gpxWaypoints; $thiswp = mb_ereg_replace('{wp_lat}', sprintf('%01.5f', $childWaypoint['latitude']), $thiswp); $thiswp = mb_ereg_replace('{wp_lon}', sprintf('%01.5f', $childWaypoint['longitude']), $thiswp); $thiswp = mb_ereg_replace('{time}', $time, $thiswp); $thiswp = mb_ereg_replace('{name}', $r['waypoint'] . '-' . sprintf($digits, $n), $thiswp); $thiswp = mb_ereg_replace('{cachename}', text_xmlentities($r['name']), $thiswp); $thiswp = mb_ereg_replace('{comment}', text_xmlentities($childWaypoint['description']), $thiswp); $thiswp = mb_ereg_replace('{desc}', text_xmlentities($childWaypoint['name']), $thiswp); switch ($childWaypoint['type']) { case 1: $wp_typename = "Parking Area"; break; // well-known garmin symbols // well-known garmin symbols case 2: $wp_typename = "Flag, Green"; break; // stage / ref point // stage / ref point case 3: $wp_typename = "Flag, Blue"; break; // path // path case 4: $wp_typename = "Circle with X"; break; // final // final case 5: $wp_typename = "Diamond, Green"; break; // point of interest // point of interest default: $wp_typename = "Flag, Blue"; break; // for the case new types are forgotten here .. } $thiswp = mb_ereg_replace('{type}', text_xmlentities($wp_typename), $thiswp); $thiswp = mb_ereg_replace('{parent}', $r['waypoint'], $thiswp); $thiswp = mb_ereg_replace('{cacheid}', $r['cacheid'], $thiswp); $waypoints .= $thiswp; ++$n; } if ($cacheNote && !empty($cacheNote['latitude']) && !empty($cacheNote['longitude'])) { $thiswp = $gpxWaypoints; $thiswp = mb_ereg_replace('{wp_lat}', sprintf('%01.5f', $cacheNote['latitude']), $thiswp); $thiswp = mb_ereg_replace('{wp_lon}', sprintf('%01.5f', $cacheNote['longitude']), $thiswp); $thiswp = mb_ereg_replace('{time}', $time, $thiswp); $thiswp = mb_ereg_replace('{name}', $r['waypoint'] . 'NOTE', $thiswp); $thiswp = mb_ereg_replace('{cachename}', text_xmlentities($r['name']), $thiswp); $thiswp = mb_ereg_replace('{comment}', text_xmlentities($cacheNote['note']), $thiswp); $thiswp = mb_ereg_replace('{desc}', text_xmlentities($cache_note_text), $thiswp); $thiswp = mb_ereg_replace('{type}', "Reference Point", $thiswp); $thiswp = mb_ereg_replace('{parent}', $r['waypoint'], $thiswp); $thiswp = mb_ereg_replace('{cacheid}', $r['cacheid'], $thiswp); $waypoints .= $thiswp; } $thisline = mb_ereg_replace('{cache_waypoints}', $waypoints, $thisline); append_output($thisline); } mysql_free_result($rs); append_output($gpxFoot); }