Esempio n. 1
 public function generateHTML($fieldName)
     if (self::$custom_field_list == null) {
         self::$custom_field_list = get_custom_fields_specimen();
         foreach (self::$custom_field_list as $custom_field) {
             if ($custom_field->flag == NULL) {
                 array_push(self::$custom_field_name_array, $custom_field->fieldName);
     if ($fieldName == "specimenId" || $fieldName == "Specimen ID") {
     } else {
         if ($fieldName == "comm" || $fieldName == "Comments") {
         } else {
             if ($fieldName == "Lab Reciept Date" || $fieldName == "rdate") {
             } else {
                 if ($fieldName == "refout" || $fieldName == "Referred Out") {
                 } else {
                     if ($fieldName == "doctor" || $fieldName == "Physician") {
                     } else {
                         if (in_array($fieldName, self::$custom_field_name_array)) {
                             $custom_field_obj = get_custom_fields_patient_by_name($fieldName);
Esempio n. 2
	function getNewSpecimenForm($form_num, $pid, $dnum, $session_num, $doc="" ,$title ="Dr.")
		# Returns HTML for new specimen form
		$form_name = 'specimenform_'.$form_num;
		$form_id = $form_name; 
		$form_class = 'specimenform_class';
		$testbox_id = $form_id.'_testbox';
		$stype_id = $form_id.'_stype';
		$dnum_id = $form_id.'_dnum';
		$time_id = $form_id.'_ctime';
		$div_id = 'specimen_form_container_'.$form_num;
		$dialog_id = $div_id."_dialog";
		$specimen_id_div_id = 'specimen-id_'.$form_num;
		$specimen_err_div_id = 'specimen_msg_'.$form_num;
		$doc_row_id = 'doc_row_'.$form_num;
		$ref_out_row_id = 'ref_out_row_'.$form_num;
		$ref_out_check_id = 'ref_out_'.$form_num;
		$lab_config = LabConfig::getById($_SESSION['lab_config_id']);
		<div id='<?php echo $div_id; ?>'>
		<div class='pretty_box' style='width:530px;'>
		<form name='<?php echo $form_name; ?>' id='<?php echo $form_id; ?>' action='ajax/specimen_add.php?session_num=<?php echo $session_num ?>' method='post'>
			<input type='hidden' name='pid' value='<?php echo $pid; ?>' class='uniform_width'></input>
			<?php /*<input type='hidden' name='session_num' value='<?php echo get_session_number(); ?>' class='uniform_width'></input> */ ?>
			<table class='regn_form_table'>
			<tr valign='top' <?php
				if(is_numeric($_SESSION['dnum']) && $_SESSION['dnum'] == 0)
					# Hide if daily num not in use
					echo " style='display:none;' ";
					<label for='dnum'><?php echo LangUtil::$generalTerms['PATIENT_DAILYNUM']; ?><?php $this->getAsterisk(); ?></label>
				<td>   </td>
					<input type="text" name="dnum" id="dnum" value=<?php echo $dnum; ?> size="20" class='uniform_width'> </input>
			<tr valign='top'>				
					<label for='stype'><?php echo LangUtil::$generalTerms['SPECIMEN_TYPE']; ?><?php $this->getAsterisk(); ?></label>
				<td>   </td>
						id='<?php echo $stype_id; ?>' 
						onchange="javascript:get_testbox('<?php echo $testbox_id; ?>', '<?php echo $stype_id; ?>');" 
						option value="">-<?php echo LangUtil::$generalTerms['CMD_SELECT']; ?>-</option>
						<?php $this->getSpecimenTypesSelect($_SESSION['lab_config_id']); ?>
			<tr valign='top'>
					<label for='tests'><?php echo LangUtil::$generalTerms['TESTS']; ?> <?php $this->getAsterisk(); ?></label>
				<td>   </td>
					<span id='<?php echo $testbox_id; ?>' class='uniform_width'>
						-<?php echo LangUtil::$pageTerms['MSG_SELECT_STYPE']; ?>-
			<tr valign='top'<?php
			//if($_SESSION['sid'] == 0)
				echo " style='display:none;' ";
					<label for='sid'>DB Key 
					<?php if($_SESSION['sid'] == 2) $this->getAsterisk(); ?></label>
				<td>   </td>
					<input type="text" name="specimen_id" id="<?php echo $specimen_id_div_id; ?>" value="" onblur="javascript:check_specimen_id('<?php echo $specimen_id_div_id; ?>', '<?php echo $specimen_err_div_id; ?>');" size="20" class='uniform_width'>
					<input type='text' name='specimen_id' id='specimen_id' value="<?php echo $form_num; ?>" readonly="readonly" class='uniform_width'>
					<br><span id='<?php echo $specimen_err_div_id; ?>'></span>
			<tr valign='top' <?php
				if($lab_config->specimenAddl == 0)
					echo " style='display:none;' ";
					<label for='addlid'><?php echo LangUtil::$generalTerms['SPECIMEN_ID']; ?><?php if($_SESSION['s_addl'] == 2) $this->getAsterisk(); ?> </label>
				<td>   </td>
					<input type="text" name="addl_id" id="addl_id" value="" size="20" class='uniform_width'> </input>
			<tr valign='top' <?php
			if($_SESSION['rdate'] == 0)
				echo " style='display:none;' ";
					<label><?php echo LangUtil::$generalTerms['R_DATE']; ?> <?php if($_SESSION['rdate'] == 2) $this->getAsterisk(); ?></label>
				<td>  </td>
					$today = date("Y-m-d");
					$today_array = explode("-", $today);
					$name_list = array("receipt_yyyy", "receipt_mm", "receipt_dd");
					$id_list = array($form_id."_receipt_yyyy", $form_id."_receipt_mm", $form_id."_receipt_dd");
					$value_list = array($today_array[0], $today_array[1], $today_array[2]);
					$this->getDatePicker($name_list, $id_list, $value_list, true); 
			<tr valign='top' style='display:none;'>
					<label><?php echo LangUtil::$generalTerms['C_DATE']; ?></label>
				<td>  </td>
					$today = date("Y-m-d");
					$today_array = explode("-", $today);
					$name_list = array("collect_yyyy", "collect_mm", "collect_dd");
					$id_list = array($form_id."_collect_yyyy", $form_id."_collect_mm", $form_id."_collect_dd");
					$value_list = array($today_array[0], $today_array[1], $today_array[2]);
					$this->getDatePicker($name_list, $id_list, $value_list, false); 
			<tr valign='top' style='display:none;'>
					<label><?php echo LangUtil::$generalTerms['C_TIME']; ?></label>
					<select name='ctime_hh' autocomplete="OFF">
					$time = date("H:i");
					$time_parts = explode(":", $time);
					for($i = 0; $i < 24; $i++)
						if($i < 10)
							$option = '0'.$i;
							$option = $i;
						echo "<option value='$option' ";
						if($option == $time_parts[0])
						//if($option == 9)
							echo "selected ";
						echo ">$option</option>";
					<select name='ctime_mm' autocomplete="OFF">
					for($i = 0; $i < 60; $i++)
						if($i < 10)
							$option = '0'.$i;
							$option = $i;
						echo "<option value='$option' ";
						if($option == $time_parts[1])
						//if($option == "00")
							echo "selected ";
						echo ">$option</option>";
			<tr valign='top'<?php
			if($_SESSION['comm'] == 0)
				echo " style='display:none;' ";
					<label for='comments' valign='top'><?php echo LangUtil::$generalTerms['COMMENTS']; ?><?php if($_SESSION['comm'] == 2) $this->getAsterisk(); ?></label>
				</td><td>   </td>
					<textarea name="comments" id="comments" class='uniform_width'></textarea>
			<tr valign='top' style='display:none' <?php ## Disabled for now ?>>
					<label for='report_to' valign='top'>Report To</label>
				<td>  </td>
					<select name='report_to' class='uniform_width'>
					# Enable the following line if this field is to be used:
					echo " onchange=\"javascript:checkandtoggle(this, '$doc_row_id');\" ";
						<option value='1'>Patient</option>
						<option value='2'>Doctor/Hospital</option>
			<tr valign='top' id='<?php echo $doc_row_id; ?>' <?php
			if($_SESSION['doctor'] == 0)
				echo " style='display:none;' ";
				<td><label for='doctor' valign='top'><?php echo LangUtil::$generalTerms['DOCTOR']; ?><?php if($_SESSION['doctor'] == 2) $this->getAsterisk(); ?></label></label>
					<SELECT name='title' id='<?php echo $doc_row_id; ?>_title'>
					$labtitlefieldoptions = get_custom_fields_labtitle(1);
					$lab_titles = explode("/",$labtitlefieldoptions);
					foreach($lab_titles as $option)
						if(trim($option) == "")
						echo "<option value='$option'";
						if($option == $field_value)
							echo " selected ";
						echo " >$option</option>";
					<input type='text' name='doctor' id='<?php echo $doc_row_id."_input"; ?>'  value='<?php echo $doc; ?>' ></input>
			$custom_field_list = get_custom_fields_specimen();
			foreach($custom_field_list as $custom_field)
			{	if(($custom_field->flag)==NULL)
				<tr valign='top'>
					<td><?php echo $custom_field->fieldName; ?></td>
					<td><?php $this->getCustomFormField($custom_field); ?></td>
			<tr valign='top'<?php
			if($_SESSION['refout'] == 0)
				echo " style='display:none;' ";
					<label for='ref_out' valign='top'><?php echo LangUtil::$generalTerms['REF_OUT']; ?>? <?php if($_SESSION['refout'] == 2) $this->getAsterisk(); ?></label>
				<td>   </td>
					<INPUT TYPE=RADIO NAME="ref_out" id='<?php echo $ref_out_check_id; ?>' VALUE="Y" onchange="javascript:checkandtoggle_ref('<?php echo $ref_out_check_id; ?>', '<?php echo $ref_out_row_id; ?>');"><?php echo LangUtil::$generalTerms['YES']; ?>
					<INPUT TYPE=RADIO NAME="ref_out" onchange="javascript:checkandtoggle_ref('<?php echo $ref_out_check_id; ?>', '<?php echo $ref_out_row_id; ?>');" VALUE="N" checked><?php echo LangUtil::$generalTerms['NO']; ?>
			<tr valign='top' id='<?php echo $ref_out_row_id; ?>' style='display:none'>
				<td><?php echo LangUtil::$generalTerms['REF_TO']; ?></td>
					<input name='ref_out_name' class='uniform_width'></input>
			if($form_num != 1)
				<tr valign='top'>
						<a href="javascript:show_dialog_box('<?php echo $div_id; ?>');"><?php echo LangUtil::$generalTerms['CMD_REMOVE']; ?></a>
					$message = LangUtil::$pageTerms['MSG_SURETO_REMOVE'];
					$ok_function = "remove_specimenbox('$div_id')";
					$cancel_function = "hide_dialog_box('$div_id')";
					$this->getConfirmDialog($dialog_id, $message, $ok_function, $cancel_function, $width=200);
		<span style='float:right'>
			<?php $this->getAsteriskMessage(); ?>
Esempio n. 3
    if (isset($_REQUEST['ref_from_name'])) {
        $specimen->referredFromName = $_REQUEST['ref_from_name'];
$specimen->referredTo = 0;
$specimen->reportTo = $report_to;
if ($doctor != "") {
    $specimen->doctor = $title . $doctor;
} else {
    $specimen->doctor = $doctor;
# Add entry to 'specimen' table
# Add entries to 'specimen_custom_data'
$custom_field_list = get_custom_fields_specimen();
foreach ($custom_field_list as $custom_field) {
    $custom_value = get_custom_value($custom_field);
    $custom_data = new SpecimenCustomData();
    $custom_data->fieldId = $custom_field->id;
    $custom_data->fieldValue = $custom_value;
    $custom_data->specimenId = $specimen_id;
# Add entries to 'test' table
foreach ($tests_list as $test_type_id) {
    $test = new Test();
    $test->specimenId = $specimen_id;
    $test->testTypeId = $test_type_id;
    $test->comments = "";
    $test->userId = $_SESSION['user_id'];
Esempio n. 4
	function getNewSpecimenForm($form_num, $pid, $dnum, $session_num, $doc="" ,$title ="Dr.", $refTo="")
		# Returns HTML for new specimen form
		$form_name = 'specimenform_'.$form_num;
		$form_id = $form_name;
		$form_class = 'specimenform_class';
		$testbox_id = $form_id.'_testbox';
		$stype_id = $form_id.'_stype';
		$dnum_id = $form_id.'_dnum';
		$time_id = $form_id.'_ctime';
		$div_id = 'specimen_form_container_'.$form_num;
		$dialog_id = $div_id."_dialog";
		$specimen_id_div_id = 'specimen-id_'.$form_num;
		$specimen_err_div_id = 'specimen_msg_'.$form_num;
		$doc_row_id = 'doc_row_'.$form_num;
		$refTo_row_id = 'refTo_row_'.$form_num;
		$ref_out_row_id = 'ref_out_row_'.$form_num;
		$ref_out_check_id = 'ref_out_'.$form_num;
		$ref_from_row_id = 'ref_from_row_'.$form_num;
		$ref_from_check_id = 'ref_out_'.$form_num;
		$lab_config = LabConfig::getById($_SESSION['lab_config_id']);
		<div id='<?php echo $div_id; ?>'>
		<div class='pretty_box' style='width:530px;'>
		<form name='<?php echo $form_name; ?>' id='<?php echo $form_id; ?>' action='ajax/specimen_add.php?session_num=<?php echo $session_num ?>' method='post'>
			<input type='hidden' name='pid' value='<?php echo $pid; ?>' class='uniform_width'></input>
			<?php /*<input type='hidden' name='session_num' value='<?php echo get_session_number(); ?>' class='uniform_width'></input> */ ?>
			<table class='regn_form_table'>
			<?php $this->generate_patient_Number($dnum);?>
			<?php $this->generate_specimen_type($stype_id, $testbox_id);?>
			<?php $this->generate_test($testbox_id);?>
					$specimenFieldOrder = $_SESSION['specimenFieldOrder'];
					$custom_field_list = get_custom_fields_specimen();
					$custFieldArray = array();
					foreach($custom_field_list as $custom_field)
							array_push($custFieldArray, $custom_field->fieldName);
					if(sizeOf($specimenFieldOrder) > 0){
						foreach($specimenFieldOrder as $field){
							if(in_array($field, $custFieldArray)){
								// custom field generation
								$custom_field = null;
								foreach($custom_field_list as $custField){
									if($custField->fieldName == $field){
										$custom_field = $custField;
							else if($field == "Specimen ID"){
							} /*else if($field == "Specimen Additional ID"){
								<?php $this->generate_specimen_addId($lab_config);?>
							}*/ else if($field == "Comments"){
							} else if($field == "Lab Reciept Date"){
								 $this->generate_reciept_date($lab_config, $form_id);
							} else if($field == "Referred Out"){
								$this->generate_refOut($ref_out_check_id, $ref_out_row_id, $refTo_row_id, $ref_from_row_id, $refTo); 
							} else if($field == "Physician"){
								$this->generate_doctors($doc_row_id, $doc);
			<tr valign='top'<?php
			//if($_SESSION['sid'] == 0)
				echo " style='display:none;' ";
					<label for='sid'>DB Key
					<?php if($_SESSION['sid'] == 2) $this->getAsterisk(); ?></label>
				<td>   </td>
					<input type="text" name="specimen_id" id="<?php echo $specimen_id_div_id; ?>" value="" onblur="javascript:check_specimen_id('<?php echo $specimen_id_div_id; ?>', '<?php echo $specimen_err_div_id; ?>');" size="20" class='uniform_width'>
					<input type='text' name='specimen_id' id='specimen_id' value="<?php echo $form_num; ?>" readonly="readonly" class='uniform_width'>
					<br><span id='<?php echo $specimen_err_div_id; ?>'></span>
			<tr valign='top' style='display:none;'>
					<label><?php echo LangUtil::$generalTerms['C_DATE']; ?></label>
				<td>  </td>
					$today = date("Y-m-d");
					$today_array = explode("-", $today);
					$name_list = array("collect_yyyy", "collect_mm", "collect_dd");
					$id_list = array($form_id."_collect_yyyy", $form_id."_collect_mm", $form_id."_collect_dd");
					$value_list = array($today_array[0], $today_array[1], $today_array[2]);
					$this->getDatePicker($name_list, $id_list, $value_list, false);
			<tr valign='top' style='display:none;'>
					<label><?php echo LangUtil::$generalTerms['C_TIME']; ?></label>
					<select name='ctime_hh' autocomplete="OFF">
					$time = date("H:i");
					$time_parts = explode(":", $time);
					for($i = 0; $i < 24; $i++)
						if($i < 10)
							$option = '0'.$i;
							$option = $i;
						echo "<option value='$option' ";
						if($option == $time_parts[0])
						//if($option == 9)
							echo "selected ";
						echo ">$option</option>";
					<select name='ctime_mm' autocomplete="OFF">
					for($i = 0; $i < 60; $i++)
						if($i < 10)
							$option = '0'.$i;
							$option = $i;
						echo "<option value='$option' ";
						if($option == $time_parts[1])
						//if($option == "00")
							echo "selected ";
						echo ">$option</option>";
			<tr valign='top' style='display:none' <?php ## Disabled for now ?>>
					<label for='report_to' valign='top'>Report To</label>
				<td>  </td>
					<select name='report_to' class='uniform_width'>
					# Enable the following line if this field is to be used:
					echo " onchange=\"javascript:checkandtoggle(this, '$doc_row_id');\" ";
						<option value='1'>Patient</option>
						<option value='2'>Doctor/Hospital</option>
			/*$custom_field_list = get_custom_fields_specimen();
			foreach($custom_field_list as $custom_field)
			{	if(($custom_field->flag)==NULL)
				<tr valign='top'>
					<td><?php echo $custom_field->fieldName; ?></td>
					<td><?php $this->getCustomFormField($custom_field); ?></td>
			if($form_num != 1)
				<tr valign='top'>
						<a href="javascript:show_dialog_box('<?php echo $div_id; ?>');"><?php echo LangUtil::$generalTerms['CMD_REMOVE']; ?></a>
					$message = LangUtil::$pageTerms['MSG_SURETO_REMOVE'];
					$ok_function = "remove_specimenbox('$div_id')";
					$cancel_function = "hide_dialog_box('$div_id')";
					$this->getConfirmDialog($dialog_id, $message, $ok_function, $cancel_function, $width=200);
		<span style='float:right'>
			<?php $this->getAsteriskMessage(); ?>