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$menu = preg_replace('/ class="sub-menu"/', '/ class="menu_sub" /', $menu); return $menu; } function my_connection_types() { p2p_register_connection_type(array('name' => 'posts_to_projects', 'from' => 'post', 'to' => 'projects')); } add_action('p2p_init', 'my_connection_types'); global $_OURCARE_LANG; global $_OURCARE_OPTIONS; $_OURCARE_OPTIONS = ['phone_code' => '+380 (44)', 'phone_number' => '234-34-34', 'phone' => '+380 (44) 456-45-54', 'mail' => '*****@*****.**', 'address' => 'Адрес']; if (!is_admin()) { // GET LANG ARRAYS $lang = 'ru'; if (function_exists('pll_current_language')) { $lang = pll_current_language(); } if (isset($lang)) { if ($lang == '') { $lang = 'ru'; } } $_OURCARE_LANG = (include "lang/{$lang}.php"); if (function_exists('get_custom')) { $_OURCARE_OPTIONS['phone_code'] = substr(get_custom('phone'), 0, 9); $_OURCARE_OPTIONS['phone_number'] = substr(get_custom('phone'), 9); $_OURCARE_OPTIONS['phone'] = get_custom('phone'); $_OURCARE_OPTIONS['mail'] = get_custom('mail'); $_OURCARE_OPTIONS['address'] = get_custom('address'); } }
function export_to_saleforce( $to_address, $account_holder_name = null, $account_sort_code = null, $account_number = null ) { require_once "salesforce-api/soapclient/SforceEnterpriseClient.php"; try { // get a salesforce connection object instance $my_sforce_connection = new SforceEnterpriseClient(); if (SALESFORCE_SANDBOX === true) { $from_address = get_custom("worldpay_confirmation_email_from_sandbox"); $salesforce_password = get_custom("salesforce_password_sandbox"); $salesforce_security_token = get_custom("salesforce_security_token_sandbox"); $salesforce_username = get_custom("salesforce_username_sandbox"); $my_sforce_connection->createConnection(dirname(__FILE__) . "/enterprise_staging.wsdl.xml"); } else { $from_address = get_custom("worldpay_confirmation_email_from"); $salesforce_password = get_custom("salesforce_password"); $salesforce_security_token = get_custom("salesforce_security_token"); $salesforce_username = get_custom("salesforce_username"); $my_sforce_connection->createConnection(dirname(__FILE__) . "/enterprise_main.wsdl.xml"); } // fill in the definition of the SF system we are connecting // Woodenspoon will need to supply an up to date enterprise WSDL $ini = ini_set("soap.wsdl_cache_enabled", "0"); // from userAuth.php or somewhere else $my_sforce_connection->login( $salesforce_username, $salesforce_password . $salesforce_security_token ); $s_contact_obj = new stdclass(); $s_member_obj = new stdclass(); $s_direct_deb_obj = new stdclass(); /*Contact Entry*/ $s_contact_obj->Email = $_SESSION["email"]; //Monthly $s_contact_obj->FirstName = $_SESSION["firstName"]; $s_contact_obj->LastName = $_SESSION["lastName"]; $s_contact_obj->MobilePhone = $_SESSION["phone"]; $s_contact_obj->Salutation = $_SESSION["title"]; // $s_contact_obj->HomePhone = $_SESSION["home-phone"]; // if ($_SESSION["date_of_birth"] != "--") { $s_contact_obj->Birthdate = $_SESSION["date_of_birth"]; } $s_contact_obj->MailingCity = $_SESSION["town"]; $s_contact_obj->MailingCountry = $_SESSION["country"]; $s_contact_obj->MailingPostalCode = $_SESSION["postcode"]; $s_contact_obj->MailingStreet = $_SESSION["addressLine1"] . " " . $_SESSION["addressLine2"]; $s_contact_obj->Description = $_SESSION["comments"]; if ($_SESSION["dataProtection"]) { $s_contact_obj->Data_Protection_Received__c = 1; } $s_contact_obj->Date_Relationship_Begun__c = date("Y-m-d"); // $s_contact_obj->Primary_Address_Type__c = $_SESSION["address_type"]; if ($_SESSION["giftAid"] == "true") { $s_contact_obj->Said_Yes_to_Gift_Aid__c = 1; //Monthly } else { $s_contact_obj->Not_eligible_for_Gift_Aid__c = 1; //Monthly } // create the SF record. This process returns the unique SF id of the record // there is NO checking for duplicates here. This is performed in SF. $createResponse2 = $my_sforce_connection->create(array($s_contact_obj), "Contact"); /*Membership Entry*/ // this field links the just created contact (the id) to the about to be created membership entry $s_member_obj->Members_Name__c = $createResponse2[0]->id; $s_member_obj->Date_Membership_From__c = date("Y-m-d"); //"2014-08-14"; // $s_member_obj->Stirred_Into_Action_By__c = $_SESSION["hear_about_us"]; if ($_SESSION["donationRepetition"] == "oneoff") { $s_member_obj->Membership_Status__c = "Non Member"; } else { $s_member_obj->Membership_Status__c = "Member"; } $createResponse1 = $my_sforce_connection->create(array($s_member_obj), "Membership__c"); /* the next two bits of code NEED logic to be placed around them I do not know how you are going to decide if this is a direct debit or non direct debit money. You will need to put an IF ELSE around the next two blocks of code Remember these field format values MUST be validated earlier at input by the customer */ $s_direct_deb_obj->Payment_Method__c = $_SESSION["paymentMethod"]; if ($_SESSION["paymentMethod"] == "Direct Debit") { /* BLOCK 1 Direct Debit Entry*/ $s_direct_deb_obj->Bank_Account_Name__c = $account_holder_name; $s_direct_deb_obj->Sort_Code__c = $account_sort_code; $s_direct_deb_obj->Account_Number__c = $account_number; $s_direct_deb_obj->First_Collection_Amount__c = $_SESSION["donationAmountOther"]; $s_direct_deb_obj->Payment_Type__c = "Membership Payment"; //Monthly } else { /* BLOCK2 Non-Direct Debit Entry*/ $s_direct_deb_obj->RecordTypeId = "01240000000DjRYAA0"; $s_direct_deb_obj->Gift_Amount__c = $_SESSION["donationAmountOther"]; } //Monthly if ($_SESSION["donationRepetition"] == "oneoff") { $s_direct_deb_obj->Payment_Status__c = "One-off Payment"; $s_direct_deb_obj->Collection_Frequency__c = "One-off Payment"; $s_direct_deb_obj->Annual_Reminder__c = date("F"); } else { $s_direct_deb_obj->Payment_Status__c = "Ongoing Collection"; $s_direct_deb_obj->Payment_Type__c = "Membership Payment"; if ($_SESSION["donationRepetition"] == "year") { $s_direct_deb_obj->Collection_Frequency__c = "Annually"; } if ($_SESSION["donationRepetition"] == "month") { $s_direct_deb_obj->Collection_Frequency__c = "Monthly"; } } /* end of block 2 */ /* for both types of collection this bit of code actually creates the record in SF */ // create the direct debit record in SF - not truely a DD always $s_direct_deb_obj->Contact__c = $createResponse2[0]->id; $s_direct_deb_obj->Membership__c = $createResponse1[0]->id; $createResponse = $my_sforce_connection->create(array($s_direct_deb_obj), "Direct_Debit__c"); $to = $_SESSION["email"]; $subject = get_custom("thank_you_email_subject"); $message = str_replace("%name%", $_SESSION["firstName"], get_custom("thank_you_email_body")); $headers[] = "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8"; $headers[] = "From: Woodenspoon <" . $from_address . ">"; wp_mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers); if ($createResponse[0]->success != 1 || $createResponse2[0]->success != 1 || $createResponse1[0]->success != 1) { salesforce_error_mail($to_address, $account_holder_name, $account_sort_code, $account_number, $createResponse, $createResponse2, $createResponse1); } } catch (Exception $e) { salesforce_error_mail($to_address, $account_holder_name, $account_sort_code, $account_number, bull, null, null); } session_destroy(); }
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