Esempio n. 1
function update_cpt_connection_link($cpt_name, $val)
    $connections = get_cpt_connections();
    $connections[$cpt_name] = $val;
    return update_option(cptplugin_connection_option, json_encode($connections));
Esempio n. 2

global $cptplugin_url_images;
if (!empty($_POST['detach_image'])) {
    $detached = detach_cpt_image($_POST['cpt_slug']);
} elseif (!empty($_POST['cpt_slug']) && !empty($_FILES['ptImages_CPTimage']['tmp_name'])) {
    $img_id = cptImages_savefile($_FILES['ptImages_CPTimage'], $_POST['cpt_label'], $_POST['cpt_slug']);
$links = get_cpt_connections();
	<div class="wrap">
		<div  id="ptImages" class="metabox-holder">
			<div class="icon32" id="icon-options-general"><br></div>	
				<div id="post-body">
					<div id="post-body-content" class="has-sidebar-content">
						<div class="section introsection">
							<h1>WP CPT Images</h1>
							<h3>Add images to custom post types.</h3>	
							<p>To use, select an image for the custom post type and attach.  You can then use the image in various ways:</p>	
							<p><b>As a shortcode</b>.  Put [cptImage] wherever you want the image to appear. Not that in this usage (without a parameter) it will only appear when you are on a single item of that custom post type OR in the archive page itself.  To call any attached image, use [cptImage cpt="Custom Post Type Name"].</p>							
							<p><b>In PHP in your template</b>.  To retrieve the image url to a variable, use <code>get_cptimage_image($optionalname, $echo)</code> (you can use <code>get_cptimage_image("Custom Post Type Name")</code> to retrieve a specific post type image, or <code>get_cptimage_image("Custom Post Type Name", true)</code> to echo the url rather than retrieving it.  To merely display the image, call <code>cptimage_image("Custom Post type Name")</code> or simply <code>cptimage_image()</code>.  Not that if you do not pass a post type name it will only appear when you are on a single item of that custom post type OR in the archive page itself. </p>
							<p>Plugin by yonatan reinberg and the folks at <a href="">Social Ink</a></p>
						<div class="section">
							<h3>all registered post types</h3>										
							<table class="widefat imagetable">
										<th>Post type name</th>
										<th>Post type slug</th>