Esempio n. 1
$search->offset = (get_current_page() - 1) * $page_size;
// pagesize set in the admin panel
$search->pagesize = $page_size;
// since this is index, we only want to view "published" stories
$search->filterToStatus = "published";
// this is for the tabs on the top that filter
if (isset($_GET['part'])) {
    $search->setmek = $db->escape($_GET['part']);
// do the search
$linksum_count = $search->countsql;
$linksum_sql = $search->sql;
if (isset($_REQUEST['category'])) {
    $category_data = get_cached_category_data('category_safe_name', sanitize($_REQUEST['category'], 1));
    $main_smarty->assign('meta_description', $category_data->category_desc);
    $main_smarty->assign('meta_keywords', $category_data->category_keywords);
    // breadcrumbs and page title for the category we're looking at
    $main_smarty->assign('title', '' . $main_smarty->get_config_vars('PLIGG_Visual_Published_News') . ' - ' . $thecat . '');
    $navwhere['text1'] = $main_smarty->get_config_vars('PLIGG_Visual_Published_News');
    $navwhere['link1'] = getmyurl('root', '');
    $navwhere['text2'] = $thecat;
    $main_smarty->assign('navbar_where', $navwhere);
    $main_smarty->assign('pretitle', $thecat);
    $main_smarty->assign('posttitle', $main_smarty->get_config_vars('PLIGG_Visual_Published_News'));
    $main_smarty->assign('page_header', $thecat . $main_smarty->get_config_vars('PLIGG_Visual_Published_News'));
    // pagename
    define('pagename', 'published');
    $main_smarty->assign('pagename', pagename);
} else {
Esempio n. 2
function do_sidebar($var_smarty, $navwhere = '')
    // show the categories in the sidebar
    global $db, $dblang, $globals, $the_cats;
    if ($navwhere == '') {
        global $navwhere;
    // fix for 'undefined index' errors
    if (!isset($navwhere['text4'])) {
        $navwhere['text4'] = '';
    } else {
        $navwhere['text4'] = htmlspecialchars($navwhere['text4']);
    if (!isset($navwhere['text3'])) {
        $navwhere['text3'] = '';
    } else {
        $navwhere['text3'] = htmlspecialchars($navwhere['text3']);
    if (!isset($navwhere['text2'])) {
        $navwhere['text2'] = '';
    } else {
        $navwhere['text2'] = htmlspecialchars($navwhere['text2']);
    if (!isset($navwhere['text1'])) {
        $navwhere['text1'] = '';
    } else {
        $navwhere['text1'] = htmlspecialchars($navwhere['text1']);
    if (!isset($navwhere['link4'])) {
        $navwhere['link4'] = '';
    if (!isset($navwhere['link3'])) {
        $navwhere['link3'] = '';
    if (!isset($navwhere['link2'])) {
        $navwhere['link2'] = '';
    if (!isset($navwhere['link1'])) {
        $navwhere['link1'] = '';
    $var_smarty->assign('navbar_where', $navwhere);
    $var_smarty->assign('body_args', '');
    // fix for 'undefined index' errors
    $_caching = $var_smarty->cache;
    // get the current cache settings
    $var_smarty->cache = true;
    // cache has to be on otherwise is_cached will always be false
    $var_smarty->cache_lifetime = -1;
    // lifetime has to be set to something otherwise is_cached will always be false
    $thetpl = $var_smarty->get_template_vars('the_template_sidebar_modules') . '/categories.tpl';
    // check to see if the category sidebar module is already cached
    // if it is, use it
    if (isset($_GET['category'])) {
        $thecat = sanitize($_GET['category'], 3);
    } else {
        $thecat = '';
    if ($var_smarty->is_cached($thetpl, 'sidebar|category|' . $thecat)) {
        $var_smarty->assign('cat_array', 'x');
        // this is needed. sidebar.tpl won't include the category module if cat_array doesnt have some data
    } else {
        if (isset($_GET['category'])) {
            $thecat = get_cached_category_data('category_safe_name', urlencode(sanitize($_GET['category'], 1)));
            $thecat = $thecat->category_name;
        $var_smarty->assign('UrlMethod', urlmethod);
        foreach ($the_cats as $cat) {
            if ($cat->category_id == $thecat && $cat->category_lang == $dblang && $cat->category_parent == 0) {
                $globals['category_id'] = $cat->category_id;
                $globals['category_name'] = $cat->category_name;
        $pos = strrpos($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"], "/");
        $script_name = substr($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"], $pos + 1, 100);
        $script_name = str_replace(".php", "", $script_name);
        include_once 'dbtree.php';
        $login_user = $db->escape(sanitize($_COOKIE['mnm_user'], 3));
        if ($login_user) {
            /////// for user set category----sorojit.
            $sqlGeticategory = $db->get_var("SELECT user_categories from " . table_users . " where user_login = '******';");
            $array1 = "SELECT * from " . table_categories . " where category__auto_id in ({$sqlGeticategory})";
            $result = mysql_query($array1);
            $array = array();
            while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
                $row[] = $row;
            $right = array();
            $array1 = "SELECT * from " . table_categories . " where category__auto_id in ({$sqlGeticategory}) ORDER BY lft";
            $result1 = mysql_query($array1);
            while ($row = mysql_fetch_object($result1)) {
                $a[] = $row;
            $result = $a;
            $i = 0;
            $lastspacer = 0;
            // added @ thanks to `parterburn` -
            foreach ($result as $row) {
                if (count($right) > 0) {
                    // check if we should remove a node from the stack
                    while ($right[count($right) - 1] < $row->rgt) {
                        if (array_pop($right) == NULL) {
                            // We've reached the top of the category chain
                $array[$i]['principlecat'] = $row->rgt - $row->lft - 1;
                $array[$i]['spacercount'] = count($right);
                $array[$i]['lastspacercount'] = $lastspacer;
                $array[$i]['spacerdiff'] = abs($lastspacer - count($right));
                $array[$i]['auto_id'] = $row->category__auto_id;
                $array[$i]['name'] = $row->category_name;
                $array[$i]['safename'] = $row->category_safe_name;
                if (isset($row->category_color)) {
                    $array[$i]['color'] = $row->category_color;
                if (isset($row->category_parent)) {
                    $array[$i]['parent'] = $row->category_parent;
                    $array[$i]['parent_name'] = GetCatName($row->category_parent);
                    $array[$i]['parent_subcat_count'] = GetSubCatCount($row->category_parent);
                $array[$i]['subcat_count'] = GetSubCatCount($row->category__auto_id);
                $lastspacer = count($right);
                $i = $i + 1;
                $right[] = $row->rgt;
            ///////end of for user set category
            $var_smarty->assign('start', 0);
        } else {
            $array = tree_to_array(0, table_categories);
            $var_smarty->assign('start', 1);
        $var_smarty->assign('lastspacer', 0);
        $var_smarty->assign('cat_array', $array);
        // use the 'totals' table now
        $published_count = get_story_count('published');
        $var_smarty->assign('published_count', $published_count);
        //	    $sql = "select *,  count(*) as count from " . table_links . ", " . table_categories . " where category_lang='$dblang' and category_id=link_category group by link_category ORDER BY category_name ASC";
        //		$categorylist = object_2_array($db->get_results($sql));
        //		$var_smarty->assign('categorylist', $categorylist);
        $var_smarty->assign('category_url', getmyurl('maincategory'));
    $var_smarty->cache = $_caching;
    // set cache back to original value
    $vars = '';
    check_actions('do_sidebar', $vars);
    return $var_smarty;
Esempio n. 3
function tree_to_array($root, $table, $showRoot = TRUE)
    // showRoot -- Do we want to include the "root" category named "all" in our results -- all subcats WILL appear regardless
    global $db;
    $row = get_cached_category_data('category__auto_id', $root);
    if (!$row) {
        $sqlfix = "UPDATE " . table_categories . " SET `category__auto_id` = '0' WHERE `category_name` = 'all' LIMIT 1;";
        $row = $db->get_row($sql);
        if (!$row) {
            die('There is a problem with the categories table. Error CA:001.');
    $right = array();
    $result = get_cached_between($row->lft, $row->rgt);
    $i = 0;
    $lastspacer = 0;
    // added @ thanks to `parterburn` -
    foreach ($result as $row) {
        if (count($right) > 0) {
            // check if we should remove a node from the stack
            while ($right[count($right) - 1] < $row->rgt) {
                if (array_pop($right) == NULL) {
                    // We've reached the top of the category chain
        $array[$i]['principlecat'] = $row->rgt - $row->lft - 1;
        $array[$i]['spacercount'] = count($right);
        $array[$i]['lastspacercount'] = $lastspacer;
        $array[$i]['spacerdiff'] = abs($lastspacer - count($right));
        $array[$i]['id'] = $row->category_id;
        $array[$i]['auto_id'] = $row->category__auto_id;
        $array[$i]['name'] = $row->category_name;
        $array[$i]['safename'] = $row->category_safe_name;
        $array[$i]['order'] = $row->category_order;
        $array[$i]['left'] = $row->lft;
        $array[$i]['right'] = $row->rgt;
        $array[$i]['leftrightdiff'] = $row->rgt - $row->lft;
        $array[$i]['authorlevel'] = $row->category_author_level;
        // DB 11/12/08
        $array[$i]['authorgroup'] = $row->category_author_group;
        if (isset($row->category_color)) {
            $array[$i]['color'] = $row->category_color;
        if (isset($row->category_parent)) {
            $array[$i]['parent'] = $row->category_parent;
            $array[$i]['parent_name'] = GetCatName($row->category_parent);
            $array[$i]['parent_subcat_count'] = GetSubCatCount($row->category_parent);
        $array[$i]['subcat_count'] = GetSubCatCount($row->category__auto_id);
        $lastspacer = count($right);
        $right[] = $row->rgt;
        if ($array[$i]['leftrightdiff'] != 1) {
            for ($j = 0; $j <= $array[$i]['leftrightdiff']; $j++) {
                $array[$i]['subcatalign'] = 1;
    if ($showRoot == FALSE) {
        array_splice($array, 0, 1);
    return $array;
Esempio n. 4
function do_submit2()
    global $db, $main_smarty, $dblang, $the_template, $linkres, $current_user, $Story_Content_Tags_To_Allow;
    $linkres = new Link();
    $main_smarty->assign('auto_vote', auto_vote);
    $main_smarty->assign('Submit_Show_URL_Input', Submit_Show_URL_Input);
    $main_smarty->assign('Submit_Require_A_URL', Submit_Require_A_URL);
    $main_smarty->assign('link_id', sanitize($_POST['id'], 3));
    define('pagename', 'submit');
    $main_smarty->assign('pagename', pagename);
    $linkres->id = sanitize($_POST['id'], 3);
    $thecat = get_cached_category_data('category_id', $linkres->category);
    $main_smarty->assign('request_category_name', $thecat->category_name);
    tags_insert_string($_SESSION['newSid'], $dblang, $linkres->tags);
    $main_smarty->assign('tags', $linkres->tags);
    if (!empty($linkres->tags)) {
        $tags_words = str_replace(",", ", ", $linkres->tags);
        $tags_url = urlencode($linkres->tags);
        $main_smarty->assign('tags_words', $tags_words);
        $main_smarty->assign('tags_url', $tags_url);
    $main_smarty->assign('submit_url_title', $linkres->url_title);
    $main_smarty->assign('submit_id', $linkres->id);
    $main_smarty->assign('submit_title', str_replace('"', "&#034;", $link_title));
    $main_smarty->assign('submit_content', $link_content);
    include mnminclude . 'redirector.php';
    $x = new redirector($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
    $Sid = $_SESSION['newSid'];
    $vars = '';
    check_actions('do_submit2', $vars);
    $_SESSION['step'] = 2;
    $main_smarty->display($the_template . '/pligg.tpl');
Esempio n. 5
 function show($fetch = false)
     global $main_smarty, $db, $cached_links, $current_user;
     include_once mnminclude . 'search.php';
     $search = new Search();
     $search->orderBy = $this->orderBy;
     $search->pagesize = $this->pagesize;
     $search->filterToStatus = $this->filterToStatus;
     $search->filterToTimeFrame = $this->filterToTimeFrame;
     if ($this->category) {
         $thecat = get_cached_category_data('category_safe_name', $this->category);
         $search->category = $thecat->category_id;
     $linksum_sql = $search->sql;
     $link = new Link();
     $links = $db->get_col($linksum_sql);
     $the_results = $links;
     if ($the_results) {
         // find out if the logged in user voted / reported each of
         // the stories that the search found and cache the results
         require_once mnminclude . 'votes.php';
         // DB 03/02/09
         //			$vote = new Vote;
         //			$vote->type='links';
         //			$vote->user=$current_user->user_id;
         //			$vote->link=$the_results;
         //			$results = $vote->user_list_all_votes();
         $vote = '';
         $results = '';
         // we don't actually need the results
         // we're just calling this to cache the results
         // so when we foreach the links we don't have to
         // run 1 extra query for each story to determine
         // current user votes
         // setup the link cache
         $i = 0;
         // if this query changes also change it in the read() function in /libs/link.php
         $sql = "SELECT " . table_links . ".* FROM " . table_links . " WHERE ";
         foreach ($the_results as $link_id) {
             // first make sure we don't already have it cached
             if (!isset($cached_links[$link_id])) {
                 if ($i > 0) {
                     $sql .= ' OR ';
                 $sql .= " link_id = {$link_id} ";
                 $i = $i + 1;
         // if $i = 0 then all the links are already cached
         // so don't touch the db
         // if $i > 0 then there is at least 1 link to get
         // so get the SQL and add results to the cache
         if ($i > 0) {
             $results = $db->get_results($sql);
             // add the results to the cache
             foreach ($results as $row) {
                 $cached_links[$row->link_id] = $row;
         // end link cache setup
     $ssLinks = '';
     if ($links) {
         foreach ($links as $link_id) {
             $link->id = $link_id;
             $link->check_saved = false;
             $link->get_author_info = false;
             $link->check_friends = false;
             if (is_numeric($this->TitleLengthLimit) && strlen($link->title) > $this->TitleLengthLimit) {
                 $link->title = utf8_substr($link->title, 0, $this->TitleLengthLimit) . '...';
             $main_smarty = $link->fill_smarty($main_smarty);
             $ssLinks .= $main_smarty->fetch($this->template);
     if ($fetch == true) {
         return $ssLinks;
     } else {
         echo $ssLinks;
Esempio n. 6
function do_submit1()
    global $db, $main_smarty, $dblang, $the_template, $linkres, $current_user, $Story_Content_Tags_To_Allow;
    $linkres = new Link();
    $main_smarty->assign('auto_vote', auto_vote);
    $main_smarty->assign('Submit_Show_URL_Input', Submit_Show_URL_Input);
    $main_smarty->assign('Submit_Require_A_URL', Submit_Require_A_URL);
    $main_smarty->assign('link_id', sanitize($_POST['id'], 3));
    define('pagename', 'submit');
    $main_smarty->assign('pagename', pagename);
    $linkres->id = sanitize($_POST['id'], 3);
    $thecat = get_cached_category_data('category_id', $linkres->category);
    $main_smarty->assign('request_category_name', $thecat->category_name);
    if (!isset($_POST['summarytext'])) {
        $linkres->link_summary = utf8_substr(sanitize($_POST['bodytext'], 4, $Story_Content_Tags_To_Allow), 0, StorySummary_ContentTruncate - 1);
        $linkres->link_summary = close_tags(str_replace("\n", "<br />", $linkres->link_summary));
    } else {
        $linkres->link_summary = sanitize($_POST['summarytext'], 4, $Story_Content_Tags_To_Allow);
        $linkres->link_summary = close_tags(str_replace("\n", "<br />", $linkres->link_summary));
        if (utf8_strlen($linkres->link_summary) > StorySummary_ContentTruncate) {
            loghack('SubmitAStory-SummaryGreaterThanLimit', 'username: '******'|email: ' . sanitize($_POST["email"], 3), true);
            $linkres->link_summary = utf8_substr($linkres->link_summary, 0, StorySummary_ContentTruncate - 1);
            $linkres->link_summary = close_tags(str_replace("\n", "<br />", $linkres->link_summary));
    $sid = $_POST["sid"];
    tags_insert_string($sid, $dblang, $linkres->tags);
    //$main_smarty->assign('the_story', $linkres->print_summary('full', true));
    $main_smarty->assign('tags', $linkres->tags);
    if (!empty($linkres->tags)) {
        $tags_words = str_replace(",", ", ", $linkres->tags);
        $tags_url = urlencode($linkres->tags);
        $main_smarty->assign('tags_words', $tags_words);
        $main_smarty->assign('tags_url', $tags_url);
    $main_smarty->assign('submit_url_title', $linkres->url_title);
    $main_smarty->assign('submit_id', $linkres->id);
    $main_smarty->assign('submit_title', str_replace('"', "&#034;", $link_title));
    $main_smarty->assign('submit_content', $link_content);
    include mnminclude . 'redirector.php';
    $x = new redirector($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
    header("Location:" . my_base_url . my_pligg_base . "/story.php?title={$sid}");
    $vars = '';
    check_actions('do_submit2', $vars);
    $_SESSION['step'] = 2;
    $main_smarty->display($the_template . '/pligg.tpl');
Esempio n. 7
function do_submit2()
    global $db, $main_smarty, $dblang, $the_template, $linkres, $current_user, $Story_Content_Tags_To_Allow;
    $main_smarty->assign('auto_vote', auto_vote);
    $main_smarty->assign('Submit_Show_URL_Input', Submit_Show_URL_Input);
    $main_smarty->assign('Submit_Require_A_URL', Submit_Require_A_URL);
    $main_smarty->assign('link_id', sanitize($_POST['id'], 3));
    define('pagename', 'submit');
    $main_smarty->assign('pagename', pagename);
    if ($current_user->authenticated != TRUE) {
        $vars = array('username' => $current_user->user_login);
        check_actions('register_check_errors', $vars);
    check_actions('submit2_check_errors', $vars);
    if ($vars['error'] == true) {
        // No action
    $linkres = new Link();
    $linkres->id = sanitize($_POST['id'], 3);
    if ($_SESSION['step'] != 1) {
        die('Wrong step');
    if (!is_numeric($linkres->id)) {
    if (!$linkres->verify_ownership($current_user->user_id)) {
    if ($linkres->votes($current_user->user_id) == 0 && auto_vote == true) {
        $linkres->insert_vote($current_user->user_id, '10');
    if (is_array($_POST['category'])) {
        $linkres->category = sanitize($_POST['category'][0], 3);
        $linkres->additional_cats = array_slice($_POST['category'], 1);
    } else {
        $linkres->category = sanitize($_POST['category'], 3);
    $thecat = get_cached_category_data('category_id', $linkres->category);
    $main_smarty->assign('request_category_name', $thecat->category_name);
    $linkres->title = stripslashes(sanitize($_POST['title'], 3));
    $linkres->title_url = makeUrlFriendly($linkres->title, $linkres->id);
    $linkres->tags = tags_normalize_string(stripslashes(sanitize($_POST['tags'], 3)));
    $linkres->content = close_tags(stripslashes(sanitize($_POST['bodytext'], 4, $Story_Content_Tags_To_Allow)));
    //$linkres->content = str_replace("\n", "<br />", $linkres->content);
    if (isset($_POST['link_field1'])) {
        $linkres->link_field1 = sanitize($_POST['link_field1'], 4, $Story_Content_Tags_To_Allow);
    if (isset($_POST['link_field2'])) {
        $linkres->link_field2 = sanitize($_POST['link_field2'], 4, $Story_Content_Tags_To_Allow);
    if (isset($_POST['link_field3'])) {
        $linkres->link_field3 = sanitize($_POST['link_field3'], 4, $Story_Content_Tags_To_Allow);
    if (isset($_POST['link_field4'])) {
        $linkres->link_field4 = sanitize($_POST['link_field4'], 4, $Story_Content_Tags_To_Allow);
    if (isset($_POST['link_field5'])) {
        $linkres->link_field5 = sanitize($_POST['link_field5'], 4, $Story_Content_Tags_To_Allow);
    if (isset($_POST['link_field6'])) {
        $linkres->link_field6 = sanitize($_POST['link_field6'], 4, $Story_Content_Tags_To_Allow);
    if (isset($_POST['link_field7'])) {
        $linkres->link_field7 = sanitize($_POST['link_field7'], 4, $Story_Content_Tags_To_Allow);
    if (isset($_POST['link_field8'])) {
        $linkres->link_field8 = sanitize($_POST['link_field8'], 4, $Story_Content_Tags_To_Allow);
    if (isset($_POST['link_field9'])) {
        $linkres->link_field9 = sanitize($_POST['link_field9'], 4, $Story_Content_Tags_To_Allow);
    if (isset($_POST['link_field10'])) {
        $linkres->link_field10 = sanitize($_POST['link_field10'], 4, $Story_Content_Tags_To_Allow);
    if (isset($_POST['link_field11'])) {
        $linkres->link_field11 = sanitize($_POST['link_field11'], 4, $Story_Content_Tags_To_Allow);
    if (isset($_POST['link_field12'])) {
        $linkres->link_field12 = sanitize($_POST['link_field12'], 4, $Story_Content_Tags_To_Allow);
    if (isset($_POST['link_field13'])) {
        $linkres->link_field13 = sanitize($_POST['link_field13'], 4, $Story_Content_Tags_To_Allow);
    if (isset($_POST['link_field14'])) {
        $linkres->link_field14 = sanitize($_POST['link_field14'], 4, $Story_Content_Tags_To_Allow);
    if (isset($_POST['link_field15'])) {
        $linkres->link_field15 = sanitize($_POST['link_field15'], 4, $Story_Content_Tags_To_Allow);
    if (!isset($_POST['summarytext'])) {
        $linkres->link_summary = utf8_substr(sanitize($_POST['bodytext'], 4, $Story_Content_Tags_To_Allow), 0, StorySummary_ContentTruncate - 1);
        //$linkres->link_summary = close_tags(str_replace("\n", "<br />", $linkres->link_summary));
    } else {
        $linkres->link_summary = sanitize($_POST['summarytext'], 4, $Story_Content_Tags_To_Allow);
        //$linkres->link_summary = close_tags(str_replace("\n", "<br />", $linkres->link_summary));
        if (utf8_strlen($linkres->link_summary) > StorySummary_ContentTruncate) {
            loghack('SubmitAStory-SummaryGreaterThanLimit', 'username: '******'|email: ' . sanitize($_POST["email"], 3), true);
            $linkres->link_summary = utf8_substr($linkres->link_summary, 0, StorySummary_ContentTruncate - 1);
            //$linkres->link_summary = close_tags(str_replace("\n", "<br />", $linkres->link_summary));
    //get link_group_id
    if (isset($_REQUEST['link_group_id']) && $_REQUEST['link_group_id'] != '') {
        $linkres->link_group_id = intval($_REQUEST['link_group_id']);
    } else {
        $linkres->link_group_id = 0;
    if (link_errors($linkres)) {
    //comment subscription
    if (isset($_POST['comment_subscription'])) {
        $vars = array('link_id' => $linkres->id);
        check_actions('comment_subscription_insert_function', $vars);
    //comment subscription
    if (isset($_POST['timestamp_date_day'])) {
        //open date
        $timestamp_date_day = $_POST['timestamp_date_day'];
        $timestamp_date_month = $_POST['timestamp_date_month'];
        $timestamp_date_year = $_POST['timestamp_date_year'];
        if (!is_numeric($timestamp_date_day) || !is_numeric($timestamp_date_month) || !is_numeric($timestamp_date_year)) {
            $timestamp_date = date("m-d-Y");
        } else {
            $timestamp_date = $timestamp_date_month . "-" . $timestamp_date_day . "-" . $timestamp_date_year;
        $vars = array('link_id' => $linkres->id);
        $vars = array('timestamp_date' => $timestamp_date, 'link_id' => $linkres->id);
        check_actions('comment_subscription_insert_function', $vars);
    $vars = '';
    check_actions('submit_step_3_after_first_store', $vars);
    if ($vars['error'] == true && link_catcha_errors('captcha_error')) {
    $edit = true;
    $link_title = $linkres->title;
    $link_content = $linkres->content;
    $link_title = stripslashes(sanitize($_POST['title'], 3));
    $main_smarty->assign('the_story', $linkres->print_summary('full', true));
    $main_smarty->assign('tags', $linkres->tags);
    if (!empty($linkres->tags)) {
        $tags_words = str_replace(",", ", ", $linkres->tags);
        $tags_url = urlencode($linkres->tags);
        $main_smarty->assign('tags_words', $tags_words);
        $main_smarty->assign('tags_url', $tags_url);
    if (isset($url)) {
        $main_smarty->assign('submit_url', $url);
    } else {
        $main_smarty->assign('submit_url', '');
    $data = parse_url($linkres->url);
    $main_smarty->assign('url_short', $data['host']);
    $main_smarty->assign('submit_url_title', $linkres->url_title);
    $main_smarty->assign('submit_id', $linkres->id);
    $main_smarty->assign('submit_type', $linkres->type());
    $main_smarty->assign('submit_title', str_replace('"', "&#034;", $link_title));
    $main_smarty->assign('submit_content', $link_content);
    if (isset($trackback)) {
        $main_smarty->assign('submit_trackback', $trackback);
    } else {
        $main_smarty->assign('submit_trackback', '');
    $main_smarty->assign('tpl_extra_fields', $the_template . '/submit_extra_fields');
    $main_smarty->assign('tpl_center', $the_template . '/submit_step_3_center');
    $vars = '';
    check_actions('do_submit2', $vars);
    $_SESSION['step'] = 2;
    if (Submit_Complete_Step2) {
    } else {
        $main_smarty->display($the_template . '/pligg.tpl');
Esempio n. 8
function tree_to_array($root, $table, $showRoot = TRUE)
    // showRoot -- Do we want to include the "root" category named "all" in our results -- all subcats WILL appear regardless
    global $db, $cached_categories;
    $row = get_cached_category_data('category__auto_id', $root);
    if (!$row) {
        $sqlfix = "UPDATE " . table_categories . " SET `category__auto_id` = '0' WHERE `category_name` = 'all' LIMIT 1;";
        $cached_categories = loadCategoriesForCache();
        $row = get_cached_category_data('category__auto_id', $root);
        if (!$row) {
            die('There is a problem with the categories table. Error CA:001.');
    $right = array();
    $left = array();
    $result = get_cached_between($row->lft, $row->rgt);
    $i = 0;
    $lastspacer = 0;
    foreach ($result as $row) {
        if (count($right) > 0) {
            // check if we should remove a node from the stack
            while ($right[count($right) - 1] < $row->rgt) {
                if (array_pop($right) == NULL) {
                    // We've reached the top of the category chain
        $array[$i]['first'] = $row->lft - 1 == $left[sizeof($left) - 1];
        $array[$i]['last'] = $row->rgt + 1 == $right[sizeof($right) - 1];
        $array[$i]['principlecat'] = $row->rgt - $row->lft - 1;
        $array[$i]['spacercount'] = count($right);
        $array[$i]['lastspacercount'] = $lastspacer;
        $array[$i]['spacerdiff'] = abs($lastspacer - count($right));
        $array[$i]['id'] = $row->category_id;
        $array[$i]['auto_id'] = $row->category__auto_id;
        $array[$i]['name'] = $row->category_name;
        $array[$i]['safename'] = $row->category_safe_name;
        $array[$i]['order'] = $row->category_order;
        $array[$i]['left'] = $row->lft;
        $array[$i]['right'] = $row->rgt;
        $array[$i]['leftrightdiff'] = $row->rgt - $row->lft;
        $array[$i]['authorlevel'] = $row->category_author_level;
        $array[$i]['authorgroup'] = $row->category_author_group;
        $array[$i]['votes'] = $row->category_votes;
        $array[$i]['karma'] = $row->category_karma;
        $array[$i]['description'] = $row->category_desc;
        $array[$i]['keywords'] = $row->category_keywords;
        if (isset($row->category_color)) {
            $array[$i]['color'] = $row->category_color;
        if (isset($row->category_parent)) {
            $array[$i]['parent'] = $row->category_parent;
            $array[$i]['parent_name'] = GetCatName($row->category_parent);
            $array[$i]['parent_subcat_count'] = GetSubCatCount($row->category_parent);
        $array[$i]['subcat_count'] = GetSubCatCount($row->category__auto_id);
        $lastspacer = count($right);
        $right[] = $row->rgt;
        $left[] = $row->lft;
        if ($array[$i]['leftrightdiff'] != 1) {
            for ($j = 0; $j <= $array[$i]['leftrightdiff']; $j++) {
                $array[$i]['subcatalign'] = 1;
    if ($showRoot == FALSE) {
        array_splice($array, 0, 1);
    return $array;