function get_mentoring_round($round_id)
    global $mentoring_rounds;
    if ($round_id != '') {
        $round = get_Round_for_round_id($round_id);
        if (!$round->is_a_mentor_round()) {
            die("{$mentoring_round->id} is not a mentoring round!");
        return $round;
    // Consider the page they came from.
    $referer = @$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];
    // If they're coming to this page from a MENTORS ONLY book in X2,
    // referrer should contain &expected_state=X2.proj_avail.
    foreach ($mentoring_rounds as $mround) {
        if (strpos($referer, $mround->project_available_state)) {
            return $mround;
    // Just take the first.
    return $mentoring_rounds[0];
<input type="submit" value="<?php 
        echo _("Resize");
" size="3">
        echo "<img src='{$projects_url}/{$projectid}/{$page}' width='{$width}' border='1'>";
} elseif ($frame == "text") {
    slim_header(_("Text Frame"));
    if (!count($error_messages)) {
        if ($round_id == "OCR") {
            $text_column_name = 'master_text';
        } else {
            $round = get_Round_for_round_id($round_id);
            if (is_null($round)) {
                die("unexpected parameter round_id = '{$round_id}'");
            $text_column_name = $round->text_column_name;
        $result = mysql_query(sprintf("SELECT {$text_column_name} FROM {$projectid} WHERE image = '%s'", mysql_real_escape_string($page)));
        $data = mysql_result($result, 0, $text_column_name);
        // Use the font and wrap prefs for the user's default interface layout,
        // since they're more likely to have set those prefs
        if ($userP['i_layout'] == 1) {
            $font_face_i = $userP['v_fntf'];
            $font_size_i = $userP['v_fnts'];
            $line_wrap = $userP['v_twrap'];
        } else {
            $font_face_i = $userP['h_fntf'];
        $activity_ids[] = $activity_id;
// ----------------------------------
mysql_query("\n    CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE access_log_summary\n    SELECT \n        activity,\n        subject_username,\n        MAX( timestamp * (action='request'         ) ) AS t_latest_request,\n        MAX( timestamp * (action='deny_request_for') ) AS t_latest_deny\n    FROM access_log\n    GROUP BY activity, subject_username\n") or die(mysql_error());
foreach ($activity_ids as $activity_id) {
    echo "<h3>";
    echo sprintf(_('Users requesting access to %s'), $activity_id);
    echo "</h3>\n";
    $access_name = "{$activity_id}.access";
    $res = mysql_query("\n        SELECT\n            usersettings.username,\n            users.u_id,\n            access_log_summary.t_latest_request,\n            access_log_summary.t_latest_deny,\n            users.t_last_activity\n        FROM usersettings\n            LEFT OUTER JOIN users USING (username)\n            LEFT OUTER JOIN access_log_summary ON (\n                access_log_summary.subject_username = usersettings.username\n                AND\n                access_log_summary.activity = '{$activity_id}'\n            )\n        WHERE setting = '{$access_name}' AND value='requested'\n        ORDER BY username\n    ") or die(mysql_error());
    if (mysql_num_rows($res) == 0) {
        $word = _('none');
        echo "({$word})";
    } else {
        $review_round = get_Round_for_round_id($activity_id);
        if ($review_round && $review_round->after_satisfying_minima == 'REQ-HUMAN') {
            $can_review_work = TRUE;
            // These users are all requesting access to round Y.  For each, we will
            // provide a link to allow the requestor to review their round X work,
            // by considering each page they worked on in X, and comparing
            // their X result to the subsequent Y result (if it exists yet).
            // (We assume that X is the round immediately preceding Y.)
            $work_round = get_Round_for_round_number($review_round->round_number - 1);
            $round_params = "work_round_id={$work_round->id}&amp;review_round_id={$review_round->id}";
        } else {
            $can_review_work = FALSE;
        echo "<table border='1'>\n";
        echo "<tr>";
Esempio n. 4
if (empty($sampleLimit)) {
    $sampleLimit = $default_sampleLimit;
if (empty($days)) {
    $days = $default_days;
// confirm the review_round_id is later than work_round_id
if (array_search($review_round_id, $rounds) <= array_search($work_round_id, $rounds)) {
    echo "<p class='error'>" . _("Review Round should be a round later than Work Round.") . "</p>";
echo "<hr>";
// we should have valid information at this point
$work_round = get_Round_for_round_id($work_round_id);
$review_round = get_Round_for_round_id($review_round_id);
$time_limit = time() - $days * 24 * 60 * 60;
$res2 = dpsql_query("\n    SELECT\n        page_events.projectid,\n        state,\n        nameofwork,\n        deletion_reason,\n        FROM_UNIXTIME(MAX(timestamp)) AS time_of_latest_save\n    FROM page_events LEFT OUTER JOIN projects USING (projectid)\n    WHERE round_id='{$work_round->id}' AND \n          page_events.username='******' AND \n          event_type='saveAsDone' AND\n          timestamp>{$time_limit}\n    GROUP BY page_events.projectid\n    ORDER BY time_of_latest_save DESC\n") or die("Aborting");
$num_projects = mysql_num_rows($res2);
echo "<p>" . sprintf(_("<b>%d</b> projects with pages saved in <b>%s</b> by <b>%s</b> within the last <b>%d</b> days."), $num_projects, $work_round->id, $username, $days) . "</p>";
// ---------------------------------------------
// snippets for use in queries
$has_been_saved_in_review_round = "(state='{$review_round->page_save_state}'";
for ($rn = $review_round->round_number + 1; $rn <= MAX_NUM_PAGE_EDITING_ROUNDS; $rn++) {
    $round = get_Round_for_round_number($rn);
    $has_been_saved_in_review_round .= " OR state LIKE '{$round->id}.%'";
$has_been_saved_in_review_round .= ")";
// echo "$has_been_saved_in_review_round<br>\n";
$there_is_a_diff = "\n    {$work_round->text_column_name}\n    !=\n    BINARY {$review_round->text_column_name}\n";
// ---------------------------------------------
Esempio n. 5
include_once $relPath . '';
// for PRIVACY_* constants
include_once $relPath . '';
// for page marginalia
include_once $relPath . '';
// for PROJ_ declarations
include_once $relPath . '';
// for TallyBoard
// Display page header.
output_header(_("For Mentors"));
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// Decide which mentoring-round we're dealing with.
$round_id = get_enumerated_param($_GET, 'round_id', null, array_keys($Round_for_round_id_), true);
if ($round_id != '') {
    $mentoring_round = get_Round_for_round_id($round_id);
} else {
    // Consider the page they came from.
    $referer = @$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];
    // If they're coming to this page from a MENTORS ONLY book in X2,
    // referrer should contain &expected_state=X2.proj_avail.
    foreach ($Round_for_round_id_ as $round) {
        if (strpos($referer, $round->project_available_state)) {
            $mentoring_round = $round;
    if (!isset($mentoring_round)) {
        // Just take the first.
        foreach ($Round_for_round_id_ as $round) {
            if ($round->is_a_mentor_round()) {