Esempio n. 1
 * Helper to create an img tag
 * @param string $uri image uri
 * @param array $attrs attribute key value pairs
 * @param boolean $return if set to true a string is returned
 * @return string
function img($uri, $attrs = array(), $return = false)
    static $mode = false;
    static $version = false;
    static $web_root = false;
    if ($mode === false) {
        $config = getZombieConfig();
        $mode = $config['env'];
        $web_root = $config['web_root'];
        if ($web_root == '/') {
            $web_root = '';
        if ($mode == 'prod') {
            require_once $config['zombie_root'] . "/config/version.php";
            $version = version();
            $version = $version['images'];
    $html_attrs = attrsToString($attrs);
    $uri = imgUri($uri, $mode, $version, $web_root);
    $tag = "<img src=\"{$uri}\" {$html_attrs} />";
    if ($return) {
        return $tag;
    } else {
        echo $tag;
Esempio n. 2
 function __construct($template, $app, $base_dir, $options = array())
     $this->config = getZombieConfig();
     $this->template = $template;
     $this->app = strtolower($app);
     $this->options = $options;
     $this->base_dir = $base_dir;
Esempio n. 3
function compile($options)
    $config = getZombieConfig();
    $root = $config['zombie_root'];
    if (@(include __DIR__ . "/../../../config/version.php")) {
        $old_version = version();
    } else {
        $old_version = array('css' => 'css', 'js' => 'js', 'images' => 'images');
    $version = uniqid();
    $compile_css = false;
    $compile_js = false;
    $compile_images = false;
    $compile_templates = false;
    if (isset($options['css'])) {
        $compile_css = true;
        $compile_js = true;
        $compile_templates = true;
    if (isset($options['js'])) {
        $compile_js = true;
        $compile_css = true;
        $compile_templates = true;
    if (isset($options['images'])) {
        $compile_images = true;
        $compile_css = true;
        $compile_templates = true;
    if (isset($options['templates'])) {
        $compile_templates = true;
    if (isset($options['all']) || !$compile_css && !$compile_js && !$compile_images && !$compile_templates) {
        $compile_css = true;
        $compile_js = true;
        $compile_images = true;
        $compile_templates = true;
    $css_version = $compile_css ? $version : $old_version['css'];
    $js_version = $compile_js ? $version : $old_version['js'];
    $images_version = $compile_images ? $version : $old_version['images'];
    writeVersion($css_version, $js_version, $images_version);
    if ($compile_css) {
        compileCss($css_version, $old_version['css'], $images_version);
    if ($compile_templates) {
    if ($compile_js) {
        compileJs($js_version, $old_version['js'], $css_version, $images_version);
    if ($compile_images) {
        copyImages($images_version, $old_version['images']);
Esempio n. 4
 public function __construct()
     $this->config = getZombieConfig();
     $this->json = array();
     $this->view_base = classToUnderscore(get_class($this));
     $sess_class = underscoreToClass($this->config['session']['type'] . '_' . 'session');
     $this->session = $sess_class::getSession();
     $this->bouncer = "Basic";
     $this->allowed_formats = array("Html", "FourOhFour");
Esempio n. 5
  * Construct a new query.
  * @param string $query the query to be executed.
  * @param string $connector the connector from the config file.
 public function __construct($query = '', $connector = 'mysql')
     if (MysqlQuery::$db == null) {
         $config = getZombieConfig();
         MysqlQuery::$db = mysql_connect($config[$connector]['host'], $config[$connector]['user'], $config[$connector]['pass']);
         mysql_select_db($config[$connector]['database'], MysqlQuery::$db);
     if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
         $this->magic_quotes_on = true;
     $this->query = $query;
Esempio n. 6
 * decrypt data with default cipher and password
 * @param string $data encrypted data
 * @param string $pass optional password
 * @param string $type optional algorithm
 * @return string
function decrypt($data, $pass = null, $type = null)
    if (is_null($type)) {
        $config = getZombieConfig();
        $type = $config['crypt']['type'];
        if (is_null($pass)) {
            $pass = $config['crypt']['pass'];
    $iv = substr($data, 0, 16);
    $data = substr($data, 16);
    $decrypted = openssl_decrypt($data, $type, $pass, false, $iv);
    return $decrypted;
Esempio n. 7
 * @package Util
 * @ignore
function deploy()
    $config = getZombieConfig();
    $zombie_root = $config['zombie_root'];
    $deploy_root = $config['deploy_root'];
    if (!isset($config['deploy_root'])) {
        die("deploy_root must be set in config before deploying.\n");
    if (!file_exists($zombie_root . "/config/version.php")) {
        die("It appears you haven't compiled your javascript.\n" . "Don't forget to do this before deploying.\n");
    if (!file_exists($deploy_root . "/config/config.php")) {
        die("Deploy directory has no config/config.php\n" . "Create it before deploying.\n");
    if (file_get_contents($zombie_root . "/config/version.php") == file_get_contents($deploy_root . "/config/version.php")) {
        echo "NOTICE: You have not compiled since last deploy.\n";
    echo "Deleting old.\n";
    exec("rm -rf {$deploy_root}/web");
    exec("rm -rf {$deploy_root}/apps");
    exec("rm -rf {$deploy_root}/model");
    exec("rm -rf {$deploy_root}/zombie-core");
    exec("rm -rf {$deploy_root}/zombie.php");
    echo "Copying config files.\n";
    exec("cp {$zombie_root}/config/version.php {$deploy_root}/config/version.php");
    exec("cp {$zombie_root}/config/javascript.xml {$deploy_root}/config/javascript.xml");
    exec("cp {$zombie_root}/config/images.xml {$deploy_root}/config/images.xml");
    exec("cp {$zombie_root}/config/stylesheets.xml {$deploy_root}/config/stylesheets.xml");
    echo "Copying apps.\n";
    exec("cp -r {$zombie_root}/apps {$deploy_root}/apps");
    echo "Copying model.\n";
    exec("cp -r {$zombie_root}/model {$deploy_root}/model");
    echo "Copying web.\n";
    exec("cp -r {$zombie_root}/web {$deploy_root}/web");
    echo "Copying core.\n";
    exec("cp -r {$zombie_root}/zombie-core {$deploy_root}/zombie-core");
    symlink($deploy_root . "/zombie-core/zombie.php", $deploy_root . "/zombie.php");
    echo "Migrating database.\n";
    echo passthru("php {$deploy_root}/zombie.php migrate action=run");
    $other_config = file_get_contents("{$deploy_root}/config/config.php");
    $other_config = str_replace("getZombieConfig", "getDeployConfig", $other_config);
    eval("?>" . $other_config);
    $other_config = getDeployConfig();
    if ($config['web_root'] != $other_config['web_root']) {
        echo "Compiling.\n";
        echo passthru("php {$deploy_root}/zombie.php compile");
    echo "\nDone.\n";
Esempio n. 8
function compileCss($version, $old_version, $images_version)
    echo "COMPILING CSS\n";
    $config = getZombieConfig();
    $root = $config['zombie_root'];
    exec("rm -rf {$root}/web/build/css/" . $old_version);
    exec("mkdir -p {$root}/web/build/css/" . $version);
    $files = getCssFileLists();
    foreach ($files as $file => $list) {
        $css = compileCssList($list, true, $version, $images_version);
        $out_file = $root . "/web/build/css/{$version}/{$file}.css";
        echo "writing {$out_file}\n";
        file_put_contents($out_file, $css);
    echo "\n";
Esempio n. 9
function getJSTemplate($app, $view, $compress = true)
    $config = getZombieConfig();
    $root = $config['zombie_root'];
    $input_file = "{$root}/apps/{$app}/views/{$view}.html";
    $js_file = "{$root}/apps/{$app}/views/{$view}.js";
    if (file_exists($input_file)) {
        $function_declare = "zs.template.templates['{$app}/{$view}'] = function";
        $js_code = getTemplateOutput($input_file, 'JS', $compress, $function_declare);
        return $js_code;
    } else {
        if (file_exists($js_file)) {
            $js_code = file_get_contents($js_file);
            $js_code = "zs.template.templates['{$app}/{$view}'] = function() { " . "return (" . trim($js_code) . ")();}\n";
            return $js_code;
Esempio n. 10
function doInstall($package_name)
    echo "\nINSTALLING PACKAGE: {$package_name}\n";
    $config = getZombieConfig();
    $zroot = $config['zombie_root'];
    $files_to_copy = array();
    $package_dir = __DIR__ . "/" . $package_name;
    if (!file_exists($package_dir)) {
        die("Package '{$package_name}' does not exist.\n");
    $find_cmd = "find " . $package_dir;
    $list = shell_exec($find_cmd);
    $files_to_copy = explode("\n", trim($list));
    $pdir_len = strlen($package_dir) + 1;
    foreach ($files_to_copy as $key => $file) {
        $files_to_copy[$key] = substr($file, $pdir_len);
    foreach ($files_to_copy as $file) {
        $src_file = $package_dir . "/" . $file;
        $dest_file = $zroot . "/" . $file;
        if ($file == "package.json" || $file == "install.php") {
        if (file_exists($dest_file)) {
            if (!is_dir($dest_file)) {
                echo "skipping {$dest_file}\n";
        if (is_dir($src_file)) {
            echo "mkdir {$dest_file}\n";
        } else {
            echo "writing {$dest_file}\n";
            copy($src_file, $dest_file);
    $install_file = $package_dir . "/install.php";
    if (file_exists($install_file)) {
        echo shell_exec("php {$install_file}");
Esempio n. 11
function compileJs($version, $old_version, $css_version, $images_version)
    $config = getZombieConfig();
    $root = $config['zombie_root'];
    $js_config = getJsCompileConfig();
    $base_dir = "{$root}/web/build/js/{$version}";
    exec("rm -rf {$root}/web/build/js/" . $old_version);
    exec("mkdir -p {$base_dir}");
    if (!file_exists(__DIR__ . "/tmp")) {
        mkdir(__DIR__ . "/tmp");
    $apps_dir = __DIR__ . "/../../../apps/";
    $apps = getDirContents($apps_dir, array('dir'));
    foreach ($apps as $app) {
        $create_dir = false;
        foreach ($js_config['standalone'] as $arr) {
            if ($arr["app"] == $app) {
                $create_dir = true;
        foreach ($js_config['nocompile'] as $arr) {
            if ($arr["app"] == $app) {
                $create_dir = true;
        $templates = getDirContents($apps_dir . $app . "/views/.compiled/", array("file"));
        foreach ($templates as $template) {
            if (substr($template, -3) == '.js') {
                $create_dir = true;
                if (!isset($js_config['module'][$app])) {
                    $js_config['module'][$app] = array();
        if ($create_dir || !empty($js_config['module'][$app])) {
            echo "creating dir {$base_dir}/{$app}\n";
    $main_files = array();
    $loaded_js = "var zs = zs || {};\n" . "zs.settings = zs.settings || {};\n" . "zs.settings.mode = \"prod\";\n" . "zs.settings.version = \"{$version}\";\n" . "zs.settings.cssVersion = \"{$css_version}\";\n" . "zs.settings.imagesVersion = \"{$images_version}\";\n" . "zs.util = zs.util || {};\n" . "zs.util.scripts = zs.util.scripts || {};\n";
    foreach ($js_config['main'] as $main) {
        $dir = realpath(__DIR__ . "/../../../apps/" . $main["app"] . "/views/scripts");
        $file = $dir . '/' . $main["file"];
        array_push($main_files, $file);
        $loaded_js .= "zs.util.scripts[\"/build/js/{$version}/{$main["app"]}/{$main["file"]}\"] = \"loaded\";\n";
    echo "\nCOMPILING MAIN JS:\n   ";
    echo implode("\n  ", $main_files) . "\n";
    $tmp_file = __DIR__ . "/tmp/tmp.js";
    file_put_contents($tmp_file, $loaded_js);
    array_unshift($main_files, $tmp_file);
    $main_js = getCompiledJs($main_files);
    $write_file = $base_dir . "/main.js";
    echo "WRITING MAIN JS: {$write_file}\n";
    file_put_contents($write_file, $main_js);
    foreach ($js_config['standalone'] as $standalone) {
        $dir = realpath(__DIR__ . "/../../../apps/" . $standalone["app"] . "/views/scripts");
        $file = $dir . '/' . $standalone["file"];
        echo "compiling {$file}\n";
        $standalone_compiled = getCompiledJs(array($file));
        $write_file = $base_dir . "/" . $standalone["app"] . "/" . $standalone["file"];
        echo "writing {$write_file}\n\n";
        file_put_contents($write_file, $standalone_compiled);
    echo "\nCOPYING NOCOMPILE JS\n\n";
    foreach ($js_config['nocompile'] as $nocompile) {
        $dir = realpath(__DIR__ . "/../../../apps/" . $nocompile["app"] . "/views/scripts");
        $file = $dir . '/' . $nocompile["file"];
        echo "copying {$file}\n";
        $write_file = $base_dir . "/" . $nocompile["app"] . "/" . $nocompile["file"];
        echo "to {$write_file}\n\n";
        file_put_contents($write_file, file_get_contents($file));
    echo "\nCOMPILING MODULE JS\n\n";
    foreach ($js_config['module'] as $app => $js_files) {
        $templates = getDirContents($apps_dir . $app . "/views/.compiled/", array("file"));
        foreach ($templates as $key => $template) {
            if (substr($template, -3) !== '.js') {
        if (count($js_files) > 0 || count($templates) > 0) {
            echo "compiling module {$app}\n   ";
            $dir = realpath(__DIR__ . "/../../../apps/" . $app . "/views/scripts");
            $tdir = realpath(__DIR__ . "/../../../apps/" . $app . "/views/.compiled");
            $read_files = array();
            $loaded_js = '';
            foreach ($templates as $template) {
                array_push($read_files, $tdir . '/' . $template);
                $loaded_js .= "zs.util.scripts[\"/build/js/{$version}/{$app}/template/{$template}\"] = \"loaded\";\n";
            foreach ($js_files as $js_file) {
                array_push($read_files, $dir . '/' . $js_file);
                $loaded_js .= "zs.util.scripts[\"/build/js/{$version}/{$app}/{$js_file}\"] = \"loaded\";\n";
            echo implode("\n   ", $read_files);
            echo "\n";
            $compiled = $loaded_js . getCompiledJs($read_files);
            $write_file = $base_dir . "/" . $app . "/main.js";
            echo "writing {$write_file}\n\n";
            file_put_contents($write_file, $compiled);
        } else {
            echo "skipping module {$app} (no javascript)\n\n";
    exec("rm -rf " . __DIR__ . "/tmp");
Esempio n. 12
 public function templatePrepare()
     if (!isset($this->options['table'])) {
         die("table option required:\nzombie.php generate-app app=<app> template=mysql_crud table=<table>\n");
     $config = getZombieConfig();
     $this->replace['AJAX_COMMA_SEP_FIELDS'] = '';
     $this->replace['AJAX_COMMA_SEP_FIELDS_WID'] = '';
     $this->replace['ENUM_OPTIONS'] = '';
     $this->replace['FIELD_NAME'] = '';
     $this->replace['FIELD_NAME_NICE'] = '';
     $this->replace['HTML_EDIT_FIELDS'] = '';
     $this->replace['HTML_EDIT_FIELDS'] = '';
     $this->replace['HTML_FIELDS_TD'] = '';
     $this->replace['HTML_FIELDS_TH'] = '';
     $this->replace['INSERT_FIELDS_COMMA_SEP'] = '';
     $this->replace['INSERT_DOLLAR_PARAMS'] = '';
     $this->replace['INSERT_FUNC_PARAMS_APP'] = '';
     $this->replace['INSERT_FUNC_PARAMS_MODEL'] = '';
     $this->replace['INSERT_REQUEST_PARAMS'] = '';
     $this->replace['INSERT_REQUEST_PARAMS'] = '';
     $this->replace['JOIN_FIELD'] = '';
     $this->replace['MODEL_GET_ALL'] = '';
     $this->replace['MYSQL_JOINS'] = '';
     $this->replace['MYSQL_ADD_PARAMS'] = '';
     $this->replace['QUERY_INSERT_ADD_PARAMS'] = '';
     $this->replace['REQUIRED_CLASS'] = '';
     $this->replace['SET_FIELDS_COMMA_SEP'] = '';
     $this->replace['SQL_FIELDS_COMMA_SEP'] = '';
     $this->replace['SQL_JOINS'] = '';
     $this->replace['TABLE_NAME'] = $this->options['table'];
     $this->replace['UPDATE_REQUEST_PARAMS'] = '';
     $query = new MysqlQuery();
     $table_desc = $query->describe($this->options['table']);
     $i = 0;
     $field_templates = array();
     foreach ($table_desc as $sql_field) {
         $validators = array();
         $field_name = $sql_field['Field'];
         $field_name_nice = ucwords(str_replace("_", " ", $field_name));
         $field_type = $sql_field['Type'];
         $is_join = false;
         if ($sql_field['Null'] == 'NO') {
             array_push($validators, "required");
         if ($field_type == "text") {
             $html_type = "textarea";
             $field_template = $this->getField("textarea");
         } else {
             if (preg_match('/_id$/', $field_name)) {
                 $html_type = "select";
                 $is_join = true;
                 $field_template = $this->getField("table_select");
             } else {
                 if (strpos($field_type, 'enum') === 0) {
                     $html_type = "select";
                     $field_template = $this->getField("enum_select");
                 } else {
                     $html_type = "input";
                     $field_template = $this->getField("textbox");
                     $matches = array();
                     if (preg_match('/char\\((\\d+)\\)$/', $field_type, $matches)) {
                         $len = $matches[1];
                         $v = "maxlen=" . $len;
                         array_push($validators, $v);
                     } else {
                         if (preg_match('/^int/', $field_type, $matches)) {
                             array_push($validators, "int");
                         } else {
                             if (preg_match('/^decimal|^float|^double/', $field_type, $matches)) {
                                 array_push($validators, "number");
         if (count($validators) > 0) {
             $this->replace['VALIDATE'] = "validate=\"" . implode(",", $validators) . "\" ";
         } else {
             $this->replace['VALIDATE'] = "";
         $this->replace['INSERT_FIELDS_COMMA_SEP'] .= $sql_field['Field'] . "\n                      , ";
         $this->replace['UPDATE_REQUEST_PARAMS'] .= "\$request['{$field_name}'],\n                      ";
         $this->replace['SQL_FIELDS_COMMA_SEP'] .= $this->options['table'] . "." . $sql_field['Field'] . "\n                     , ";
         $this->replace['AJAX_COMMA_SEP_FIELDS_WID'] .= '                      "' . $field_name . '":form.find("' . $html_type . '[name=' . $field_name . "]\").val(),\n";
         if ($field_name != 'id') {
             $this->replace['AJAX_COMMA_SEP_FIELDS'] .= '                      "' . $field_name . '":form.find("' . $html_type . '[name=' . $field_name . "]\").val(),\n";
             if (!$is_join) {
                 $this->replace['HTML_FIELDS_TD'] .= "      <td><?= \$row['{$field_name}'] ?></td>\n";
                 $this->replace['HTML_FIELDS_TH'] .= "      <th>{$field_name_nice}</th>\n";
             $this->replace['INSERT_FUNC_PARAMS_APP'] .= '$request[\'' . $field_name . "'],\n" . str_repeat(" ", 32 + strlen($this->replace['TABLE_NAME']));
             $this->replace['INSERT_FUNC_PARAMS_MODEL'] .= '$' . $field_name . ",\n                          ";
             $this->replace['MYSQL_ADD_PARAMS'] .= "\n             ->addParam(\$" . $field_name . ")";
             $this->replace['QUERY_INSERT_ADD_PARAMS'] .= '      $query->addParam($' . $field_name . ');' . "\n";
             $this->replace['QUERY_INSERT_ADD_PARAMS'] .= '      $query->addParam($' . $field_name . ');' . "\n";
             $this->replace['SET_FIELDS_COMMA_SEP'] .= $sql_field['Field'] . " = \${$i} \n                  , ";
             $this->replace['INSERT_REQUEST_PARAMS'] .= "\$request['{$field_name}'],\n                      ";
             $this->replace['INSERT_DOLLAR_PARAMS'] .= "\$" . ($i - 1) . ", ";
             $this->replace['FIELD_NAME'] = $field_name;
             $this->replace['FIELD_NAME_NICE'] = $field_name_nice;
             if ($field_type == "text") {
                 $this->replace['HTML_EDIT_FIELDS'] .= $field_template->getContents();
             } else {
                 if ($is_join) {
                     $other_table = substr($field_name, 0, strlen($field_name) - 3);
                     $other_table_model_class = underscoreToClass($other_table . '_' . 'model');
                     $this->replace['MODEL_GET_ALL'] .= "      \${$other_table}_model = new {$other_table_model_class}();\n" . "      \$this->data['{$other_table}'] = \${$other_table}_model->getAll();\n";
                     $join_field = $this->getTableJoinField($other_table);
                     $this->replace['JOIN_FIELD'] = $join_field;
                     if (strlen($join_field) > 0) {
                         $this->replace['OTHER_TABLE_NAME'] = $other_table;
                         $this->replace['MYSQL_JOINS'] .= "\n             ->leftJoin('{$other_table} ON {$other_table}.id = {$other_table}_id')";
                         $this->replace['SQL_JOINS'] .= "         LEFT JOIN {$other_table} ON {$other_table}.id = {$other_table}_id\n";
                         $this->replace['SQL_FIELDS_COMMA_SEP'] .= "{$other_table}.{$join_field} {$other_table}_{$join_field}\n                     , ";
                         $this->replace['HTML_FIELDS_TD'] .= "      <td><?= \$row['{$other_table}_{$join_field}'] ?></td>\n";
                         $field_name_nice = ucwords(str_replace("_", " ", $other_table . " " . $join_field));
                         $this->replace['FIELD_NAME_NICE'] = $field_name_nice;
                         $this->replace['HTML_FIELDS_TH'] .= "      <th>{$field_name_nice}</th>\n";
                         $this->replace['HTML_EDIT_FIELDS'] .= $field_template->getContents();
                 } else {
                     if (strpos($field_type, 'enum') === 0) {
                         $enums = explode(",", str_replace("'", "", substr(substr($field_type, 5), 0, -1)));
                         $this->replace['ENUM_OPTIONS'] = "";
                         foreach ($enums as $enum) {
                             $this->replace['ENUM_OPTIONS'] .= "            <option value=\"{$enum}\">{$enum}</option>\n";
                         $this->replace['HTML_EDIT_FIELDS'] .= $field_template->getContents();
                     } else {
                         $this->replace['HTML_EDIT_FIELDS'] .= $field_template->getContents();
     $this->replace['AJAX_COMMA_SEP_FIELDS'] = rtrim($this->replace['AJAX_COMMA_SEP_FIELDS'], "\n");
     $this->replace['AJAX_COMMA_SEP_FIELDS_WID'] = rtrim($this->replace['AJAX_COMMA_SEP_FIELDS_WID'], "\n");
     $this->replace['HTML_EDIT_FIELDS'] = rtrim($this->replace['HTML_EDIT_FIELDS'], "\n");
     $this->replace['MYSQL_JOINS'] = rtrim($this->replace['MYSQL_JOINS'], " \n");
     $this->replace['MYSQL_ADD_PARAMS'] = rtrim($this->replace['MYSQL_ADD_PARAMS'], " \n");
     $this->replace['SQL_JOINS'] = rtrim($this->replace['SQL_JOINS'], "\n");
     $this->replace['HTML_FIELDS_TH'] = rtrim($this->replace['HTML_FIELDS_TH'], "\n");
     $this->replace['HTML_FIELDS_TD'] = rtrim($this->replace['HTML_FIELDS_TD'], "\n");
     $this->replace['SQL_FIELDS_COMMA_SEP'] = rtrim($this->replace['SQL_FIELDS_COMMA_SEP'], " ,\n");
     $this->replace['SET_FIELDS_COMMA_SEP'] = rtrim($this->replace['SET_FIELDS_COMMA_SEP'], " ,\n");
     $this->replace['INSERT_DOLLAR_PARAMS'] = rtrim($this->replace['INSERT_DOLLAR_PARAMS'], " ,");
     $this->replace['INSERT_FIELDS_COMMA_SEP'] = rtrim($this->replace['INSERT_FIELDS_COMMA_SEP'], " ,\n");
     $this->replace['INSERT_REQUEST_PARAMS'] = rtrim($this->replace['INSERT_REQUEST_PARAMS'], " ,\n");
     $this->replace['UPDATE_REQUEST_PARAMS'] = rtrim($this->replace['UPDATE_REQUEST_PARAMS'], " ,\n");
     $this->replace['INSERT_FUNC_PARAMS_APP'] = rtrim($this->replace['INSERT_FUNC_PARAMS_APP'], " ,\n");
     $this->replace['INSERT_FUNC_PARAMS_MODEL'] = rtrim($this->replace['INSERT_FUNC_PARAMS_MODEL'], " ,\n");
Esempio n. 13
function addToMigration($name, $php)
    $config = getZombieConfig();
    $migrate_file = $config['zombie_root'] . "/model/migrate/" . $name . ".php";
    if (!file_exists($migrate_file)) {
        die("Migration '" . $name . "' does not exist.\n");
    $contents = file_get_contents($migrate_file) . $php;
    file_put_contents($migrate_file, $contents);
Esempio n. 14
function copyImages($version, $old_version)
    echo "COPYING IMAGES\n\n";
    $config = getZombieConfig();
    $root = $config['zombie_root'];
    exec("rm -rf {$root}/web/build/images/" . $old_version);
    exec("mkdir -p {$root}/web/build/images/" . $version);
    $apps_dir = __DIR__ . "/../../../apps/";
    $apps = getDirContents($apps_dir, array('dir'));
    $resize = array();
    foreach ($apps as $app) {
        $config_file = "{$root}/apps/{$app}/config/compile.json";
        if (file_exists($config_file)) {
            $contents = file_get_contents($config_file);
            $config_arr = json_decode($contents, true);
            if (!$config_arr) {
                echo "ERROR: Possible problem with compile config for `{$app}`\n";
            if (isset($config_arr['images']) && is_array($config_arr['images'])) {
                $images = $config_arr['images'];
                foreach ($images as $image) {
                    if (isset($image['resize'])) {
                        array_push($resize, array('app' => $app, 'name' => $image['name'], 'size' => $image['resize']));
    foreach ($apps as $app) {
        $images_src = realpath($apps_dir . $app . "/views/images");
        if (!$images_src) {
        $images = getDirContents($images_src . "/", array("file"));
        if (count($images) > 0) {
            $image_dest = realpath("{$root}/web/build/images/" . $version) . "/" . $app;
            echo "creating dir " . $image_dest . "\n";
        foreach ($images as $image) {
            $path_parts = pathinfo($images_src . "/" . $image);
            $ext = $path_parts['extension'];
            $img_source = $images_src . "/" . $image;
            $img_dest = $image_dest . "/" . $image;
            if (`which convert`) {
                foreach ($resize as $resize_info) {
                    if ($app == $resize_info['app'] && $resize_info['name'] == $image) {
                        $size = $resize_info['size'];
                        echo "resizing {$img_source}\n";
                        exec("convert -resize {$size} {$img_source} {$img_dest}");
                        $img_source = $img_dest;
            } else {
                if (count($resize) > 0) {
                    echo "error: could not find convert command\n";
            if ($ext == 'png' && `which pngcrush`) {
                echo "optimizing png\n";
                exec("pngcrush -rem alla -rem gAMA -rem cHRM -rem iCCP -rem sRGB -brute -reduce {$img_source} {$img_dest}");
            } else {
                if ($ext == 'jpg' || $ext == 'jpeg') {
                    echo "optimizing jpeg\n";
                    exec("jpegtran -copy none -optimize -outfile {$img_dest} {$img_source}");
                } else {
                    copy($img_source, $img_dest);
            echo "copying {$images_src}/{$image}\n" . "to {$image_dest}/{$image}\n\n";
Esempio n. 15
 function buildUrls()
     if ($this->images_version !== false) {
         $build = "/build/images/" . $this->images_version;
         preg_match_all("/url\\(['\"]?\\/images(\\/[a-z0-9_]+\\/[a-z0-9_\\-]+\\.[a-z]+)['\"]?\\)/i", $this->css, $matches);
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($matches[0]); ++$i) {
             $new_url = "url('" . $build . $matches[1][$i] . "')";
             $this->css = str_replace($matches[0][$i], $new_url, $this->css);
     $config = getZombieConfig();
     $web_root = $config['web_root'];
     if ($web_root != '/' && !empty($web_root)) {
         preg_match_all("/url\\(['\"]?(\\/.*?)['\"]?\\)/i", $this->css, $matches);
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($matches[0]); ++$i) {
             $new_url = "url('" . $web_root . $matches[1][$i] . "')";
             $this->css = str_replace($matches[0][$i], $new_url, $this->css);
Esempio n. 16
  * @ignore
 protected function __construct()
     $this->config = getZombieConfig();
Esempio n. 17
 public function __construct()
     $this->config = getZombieConfig();
Esempio n. 18

# Copyright (c) 2011, Regaltic LLC.  This file is
# licensed under the General Public License version 3.
# See the LICENSE file.
 * @package Util
 * @ignore
require_once 'util.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../config/config.php';
$config = getZombieConfig();
$GLOBALS['zombie_root'] = $config['zombie_root'];
function autoloadApp($class)
    $slug = classToUnderscore($class);
    @(include $GLOBALS['zombie_root'] . '/apps/' . $slug . '/' . $slug . '.php');
function autoloadModel($class)
    if (substr($class, -5) == 'Model') {
        $slug = classToUnderscore(substr($class, 0, strlen($class) - 5));
        include $GLOBALS['zombie_root'] . '/model/' . $slug . '.php';
function autoloadSession($class)
    if (substr($class, -7) == 'Session') {
        include $GLOBALS['zombie_root'] . '/zombie-core/session/' . $class . '.php';