Esempio n. 1
 public function index()
     $root = array();
     $root['return'] = 1;
     $indexs_list = $GLOBALS['cache']->get("WAP_INDEXS_MORE_" . intval($GLOBALS['city_id']));
     if ($indexs_list === false) {
         $indexs = $GLOBALS['db']->getAll(" select * from " . DB_PREFIX . "m_index where status = 1 and mobile_type = 1 and city_id in (0," . intval($GLOBALS['city_id']) . ") order by sort desc ");
         $indexs_list = array();
         foreach ($indexs as $k => $v) {
             $indexs_list[$k]['id'] = $v['id'];
             $indexs_list[$k]['name'] = $v['name'];
             $indexs_list[$k]['icon_name'] = $v['vice_name'];
             $indexs_list[$k]['color'] = $v['desc'];
             $indexs_list[$k]['img'] = get_abs_img_root($v['img']);
             $indexs_list[$k]['is_hot'] = $v['is_hot'];
             $indexs_list[$k]['is_new'] = $v['is_new'];				
             $indexs_list[$k]['type'] = $v['type'];
             $indexs_list[$k]['data'] = $v['data'] = unserialize($v['data']);
             $indexs_list[$k]['url'] = getWebAdsUrl($v['type'], unserialize($v['data']));
         $GLOBALS['cache']->set("WAP_INDEXS_MORE_" . intval($GLOBALS['city_id']), $indexs_list, 300);
     $root['indexs'] = $indexs_list;
     $root['page_title'] = "更多分类";
Esempio n. 2
 public function index()
     $root = array();
     $root['return'] = 1;
     $city_id = intval($GLOBALS['request']['city_id']);
     $city_name = strim($GLOBALS['request']['city_name']);
     $root['city_id'] = $city_id;
     $root['city_name'] = $city_name;
     $adv_list = $GLOBALS['cache']->get("WAP_INDEX_ADVS_" . intval($city_id));
     if ($adv_list === false) {
         $sql = " select * from " . DB_PREFIX . "m_adv where mobile_type = 1 and city_id in (0,1," . intval($city_id) . ") and status = 1 order by sort desc ";
         $advs = $GLOBALS['db']->getAll($sql);
         $adv_list = array();
         foreach ($advs as $k => $v) {
             $adv_list[$k]['id'] = $v['id'];
             $adv_list[$k]['name'] = $v['name'];
             $adv_list[$k]['img'] = get_abs_img_root($v['img']);
             //$adv_list[$k]['img2'] = get_spec_image($v['img'],640,100,1);
             $adv_list[$k]['type'] = $v['type'];
             $adv_list[$k]['data'] = $v['data'] = unserialize($v['data']);
             $adv_list[$k]['url'] = getWebAdsUrl($v['type'], $v['data']);
         $GLOBALS['cache']->set("WAP_INDEX_ADVS_" . intval($city_id), $adv_list, 300);
     $root['advs'] = $adv_list;
     //$domain = app_conf("PUBLIC_DOMAIN_ROOT")==''?get_domain().APP_ROOT:app_conf("PUBLIC_DOMAIN_ROOT");
     //$root['get_domain'] = $domain;
     $indexs_list = $GLOBALS['cache']->get("WAP_INDEX_INDEX_" . intval($city_id));
     if ($indexs_list === false) {
         $indexs = $GLOBALS['db']->getAll(" select * from " . DB_PREFIX . "m_index where status = 1 and mobile_type = 1 and city_id in (0," . intval($city_id) . ") order by sort desc limit 0,7");
         $indexs_list = array();
         foreach ($indexs as $k => $v) {
             $indexs_list[$k]['id'] = $v['id'];
             $indexs_list[$k]['name'] = $v['name'];
             $indexs_list[$k]['icon_name'] = $v['vice_name'];
             $indexs_list[$k]['color'] = $v['desc'];
             $indexs_list[$k]['img'] = get_abs_img_root($v['img']);
             $indexs_list[$k]['is_hot'] = $v['is_hot'];
             $indexs_list[$k]['is_new'] = $v['is_new'];
             $indexs_list[$k]['img'] = get_abs_img_root($v['img']);
             $indexs_list[$k]['type'] = $v['type'];
             $indexs_list[$k]['data'] = $v['data'] = unserialize($v['data']);
             $indexs_list[$k]['url'] = getWebAdsUrl($v['type'], unserialize($v['data']));
         if (count($indexs_list) == 7) {
             $more = array();
             $more['id'] = 0;
             $more['name'] = '更多';
             $more['icon_name'] = "fa fa-bars";
             $more['color'] = '#45d3bf';
             $url = get_domain() . APP_ROOT . "/" . APP_INDEX . "/index.php?ctl=indexs_more";
             $more['url'] = str_replace("sjmapi", "wap", $url);
             $indexs_list[count($indexs_list)] = $more;
         $GLOBALS['cache']->set("WAP_INDEX_INDEX_" . intval($city_id), $indexs_list, 300);
     $root['indexs'] = $indexs_list;
     $indexs_supplier = $GLOBALS['cache']->get("WAP_INDEX_SUPPLIER_" . intval($city_id));
     if ($indexs_supplier === false) {
         $sql = "select id,name,preview from " . DB_PREFIX . "supplier_location where is_recommend=1  and is_effect=1 ";
         if ($city_id > 0) {
             $ids = load_auto_cache("deal_city_belone_ids", array("city_id" => $city_id));
             if ($ids) {
                 $sql .= " and city_id in (" . implode(",", $ids) . ")";
         $sql .= '  order by sort desc limit 3';
         $indexs_supplier = $GLOBALS['db']->getAll($sql);
         foreach ($indexs_supplier as $k => $v) {
             $indexs_supplier[$k]['preview'] = get_abs_img_root(get_spec_image($v['preview'], 194, 118, 1));
         $GLOBALS['cache']->set("WAP_INDEX_SUPPLIER_" . intval($city_id), $indexs_supplier, 300);
     $root['supplier_list'] = $indexs_supplier;
     $indexs_deal = $GLOBALS['cache']->get("WAP_INDEX_DEAL_" . intval($city_id));
     if ($indexs_deal === false) {
         $now = get_gmtime();
         //buy_type 0普通团购;2在线订购;3秒杀抢团
         $sql = "select id,name,auto_order,sub_name,brief,cate_id,supplier_id,current_price,origin_price,img,begin_time,end_time,buy_type,buy_count " . ",ypoint,xpoint, 0 as distance " . " from " . DB_PREFIX . "deal where buy_type = 0 and publish_wait = 0 and is_shop=0 and is_recommend=1  and is_effect=1 and buy_status!=2 and begin_time<" . $now . " and (end_time = 0 or end_time > " . $now . ") ";
         if ($city_id > 0) {
             $ids = load_auto_cache("deal_city_belone_ids", array("city_id" => $city_id));
             if ($ids) {
                 $sql .= " and city_id in (" . implode(",", $ids) . ")";
         $sql .= ' order by sort desc limit 10';
         $indexs_deal = $GLOBALS['db']->getAll($sql);
         foreach ($indexs_deal as $k => $v) {
             $indexs_deal[$k]['current_price'] = round($v['current_price'], 2);
             $indexs_deal[$k]['origin_price'] = round($v['origin_price'], 2);
             $indexs_deal[$k]['img'] = get_abs_img_root(get_spec_image($v['img'], 140, 85, 1));
             $indexs_deal[$k]['end_time_format'] = to_date($v['end_time']);
             $indexs_deal[$k]['begin_time_format'] = to_date($v['begin_time']);
             if (empty($v['brief'])) {
                 $indexs_deal[$k]['brief'] = $v['name'];
                 $indexs_deal[$k]['name'] = $v['sub_name'];
         $GLOBALS['cache']->set("WAP_INDEX_DEAL_" . intval($city_id), $indexs_deal, 300);
     $root['deal_list'] = $indexs_deal;
     $indexs_supplier_deal = $GLOBALS['cache']->get("WAP_INDEX_SUPPLIER_DEAL_" . intval($city_id));
     if ($indexs_supplier_deal === false) {
         //buy_type = 0 普通商品;1积分商品
         $sql = "select id,name,is_hot,sub_name,brief,cate_id,supplier_id,current_price,origin_price,img,begin_time,end_time,buy_type,buy_count from " . DB_PREFIX . "deal where buy_type = 0 and is_shop=1 and is_recommend=1  and is_effect=1  ";
         $sql .= ' order by sort desc limit 10';
         $indexs_supplier_deal = $GLOBALS['db']->getAll($sql);
         foreach ($indexs_supplier_deal as $k => $v) {
             $indexs_supplier_deal[$k]['img'] = get_abs_img_root(get_spec_image($v['img'], 140, 85, 1));
             $indexs_supplier_deal[$k]['current_price'] = round($v['current_price'], 2);
             $indexs_supplier_deal[$k]['origin_price'] = round($v['origin_price'], 2);
             if (empty($v['brief'])) {
                 $indexs_supplier_deal[$k]['brief'] = $v['name'];
                 $indexs_supplier_deal[$k]['name'] = $v['sub_name'];
         $GLOBALS['cache']->set("WAP_INDEX_SUPPLIER_DEAL_" . intval($city_id), $indexs_supplier_deal, 300);
     $root['supplier_deal_list'] = $indexs_supplier_deal;
     $indexs_event = $GLOBALS['cache']->get("WAP_INDEX_EVENT_" . intval($city_id));
     if ($indexs_event === false) {
         $now = get_gmtime();
         $sql = "select id,name,icon,event_begin_time,event_end_time" . ",ypoint,xpoint, 0 as distance " . " from " . DB_PREFIX . "event where is_recommend=1  and is_effect=1 and event_begin_time<" . $now . " and (event_end_time = 0 or event_end_time > " . $now . ") ";
         if ($city_id > 0) {
             $ids = load_auto_cache("deal_city_belone_ids", array("city_id" => $city_id));
             if ($ids) {
                 $sql .= " and city_id in (" . implode(",", $ids) . ")";
         $sql .= ' order by sort desc limit 10';
         $indexs_event = $GLOBALS['db']->getAll($sql);
         foreach ($indexs_event as $k => $v) {
             $indexs_event[$k]['icon'] = get_abs_img_root(get_spec_image($v['icon'], 300, 182, 1));
             $indexs_event[$k]['event_begin_time_format'] = to_date($v['event_begin_time']);
             $indexs_event[$k]['event_end_time_format'] = to_date($v['event_end_time']);
             $indexs_event[$k]['sheng_time_format'] = to_date($v['event_end_time'] - $now, "d天h小时i分");
         $GLOBALS['cache']->set("WAP_INDEX_EVENT_" . intval($city_id), $indexs_event, 300);
     $root['event_list'] = $indexs_event;
     $youhui_list = $GLOBALS['cache']->get("WAP_YOUHUI_LIST_" . intval($city_id));
     if ($youhui_list === false) {
         $sql = "select id, supplier_id as merchant_id,description,begin_time,youhui_type,total_num,end_time,name as title,list_brief as content,icon as merchant_logo,create_time,xpoint,ypoint,address as api_address,icon as image_1 from " . DB_PREFIX . "youhui";
         $now = get_gmtime();
         $where = "1 = 1 and is_effect = 1 and begin_time<" . $now . " and (end_time = 0 or end_time > " . $now . ") ";
         if (intval($city_id) > 0) {
             $ids = load_auto_cache("deal_city_belone_ids", array("city_id" => intval($city_id)));
             if ($ids) {
                 $where .= " and city_id in (" . implode(",", $ids) . ")";
         $sql .= " where " . $where;
         $sql .= " order by sort limit 0,10";
         $youhui_list = $GLOBALS['db']->getAll($sql);
         //$root['youhui_list_sql'] = $sql;
         foreach ($youhui_list as $k => $v) {
             $youhui_list[$k]['image_1'] = get_abs_img_root(get_spec_image($v['image_1'], 140, 85, 1));
             $youhui_list[$k]['down_count'] = $youhui_list[$k]['sms_count'] + $youhui_list[$k]['print_count'];
             $youhui_list[$k]['begin_time'] = to_date($v['begin_time'], "Y-m-d") . '至' . to_date($v['end_time'], "Y-m-d");
         $GLOBALS['cache']->set("WAP_YOUHUI_LIST_" . intval($city_id), $youhui_list, 300);
     $root['youhui_list'] = $youhui_list;
     $indexs_shop_cate = $GLOBALS['cache']->get("WAP_INDEX_SHOP_CATE_" . intval($city_id));
     if ($indexs_shop_cate === false) {
         $indexs_shop_cate = $GLOBALS['db']->getAll("select id,name,cate_img from " . DB_PREFIX . "shop_cate where recommend=1  and is_effect=1 and pid=0  order by sort desc limit 6");
         foreach ($indexs_shop_cate as $k => $v) {
             $indexs_shop_cate[$k]['cate_img'] = get_abs_img_root($v['cate_img']);
         $GLOBALS['cache']->set("WAP_INDEX_SHOP_CATE_" . intval($city_id), $indexs_shop_cate, 300);
     $root['shop_cate_list'] = $indexs_shop_cate;
     $indexs_cate = $GLOBALS['cache']->get("WAP_INDEX_QUAN_" . intval($city_id));
     if ($indexs_cate === false) {
         $indexs_cate = $GLOBALS['db']->getAll("select id,name,icon_img from " . DB_PREFIX . "deal_cate where recommend=1 and is_delete=0 and is_effect=1 and pid=0 order by sort desc limit 4");
         foreach ($indexs_cate as $k => $v) {
             $indexs_cate[$k]['icon_img'] = get_abs_img_root($v['icon_img']);
         $GLOBALS['cache']->set("WAP_INDEX_QUAN_" . intval($city_id), $indexs_cate, 300);
     $root['cates'] = $indexs_cate;
     $indexs_cate_type = $GLOBALS['cache']->get("WAP_INDEX_CATE_TYPE_" . intval($city_id));
     if ($indexs_cate_type === false) {
         $cate_type_list = $GLOBALS['db']->getAll("select,,dctl.cate_id as pid from " . DB_PREFIX . "deal_cate_type as dct left join " . DB_PREFIX . "deal_cate_type_link as dctl on where dct.is_recommend=1 order by sort desc,id desc limit 8");
         $GLOBALS['cache']->set("WAP_INDEX_CATE_TYPE_" . intval($city_id), $cate_type_list, 300);
     $root['cate_type_list'] = $cate_type_list;
     $root['page_title'] = $GLOBALS['m_config']['program_title'];