Esempio n. 1



<h2 class="h2">
echo C_LANG138;

<hr class="hr">

echo @getUsersOnline('2');

<!-- do not edit below -->
<p style="text-align:center;">
	<input class="button" type="button" name="close" value="<?php 
echo C_LANG128;
" onclick="parent.closeMdiv('online');">

Esempio n. 2
// Set right column
// Check in any tags with at leat one entry exist
$hasTags = $oTag->existTagRelations();
if ($hasTags && ($action == 'artikel' || $action == 'show')) {
    $right_tpl = $action == 'artikel' ? 'catandtag.tpl' : 'tagcloud.tpl';
} else {
    $right_tpl = 'startpage.tpl';
// Load template files and set template variables
$tpl = new PMF_Template(array('index' => 'index.tpl', 'loginBox' => $login_tpl, 'rightBox' => $right_tpl, 'writeContent' => $inc_tpl), $faqconfig->get('main.templateSet'));
$usersOnLine = getUsersOnline();
$totUsersOnLine = $usersOnLine[0] + $usersOnLine[1];
$systemUri = PMF_Link::getSystemUri('index.php');
$helper = PMF_Helper_Category::getInstance();
$main_template_vars = array('title' => $faqconfig->get('main.titleFAQ') . $title, 'baseHref' => $systemUri, 'version' => $faqconfig->get('main.currentVersion'), 'header' => str_replace('"', '', $faqconfig->get('main.titleFAQ')), 'metaTitle' => str_replace('"', '', $faqconfig->get('main.titleFAQ')), 'metaDescription' => $faqconfig->get('main.metaDescription'), 'metaKeywords' => $faqconfig->get('main.metaKeywords') . $keywords, 'metaPublisher' => $faqconfig->get('main.metaPublisher'), 'metaLanguage' => $PMF_LANG['metaLanguage'], 'metaCharset' => $PMF_LANG['metaCharset'], 'phpmyfaqversion' => $faqconfig->get('main.currentVersion'), 'stylesheet' => $PMF_LANG['dir'] == 'rtl' ? 'style.rtl' : 'style', 'action' => $action, 'dir' => $PMF_LANG['dir'], 'msgCategory' => $PMF_LANG['msgCategory'], 'showCategories' => $helper->renderCategoryNavigation($cat), 'searchBox' => $PMF_LANG['msgSearch'], 'languageBox' => $PMF_LANG['msgLangaugeSubmit'], 'writeLangAdress' => $writeLangAdress, 'switchLanguages' => PMF_Language::selectLanguages($LANGCODE, true), 'userOnline' => $plr->getMsg('plmsgUserOnline', $totUsersOnLine) . $plr->getMsg('plmsgGuestOnline', $usersOnLine[0]) . $plr->getMsg('plmsgRegisteredOnline', $usersOnLine[1]), 'stickyRecordsHeader' => $PMF_LANG['stickyRecordsHeader'], 'copyright' => 'powered by <a href="" target="_blank">phpMyFAQ</a> ' . $faqconfig->get('main.currentVersion'));
$stickyRecordsParams = $faq->getStickyRecords();
if (!isset($stickyRecordsParams['error'])) {
    $tpl->processBlock('index', 'stickyRecordsList', array('stickyRecordsUrl' => $stickyRecordsParams['url'], 'stickyRecordsTitle' => $stickyRecordsParams['title']));
if ($faqconfig->get('main.enableRewriteRules')) {
    $links_template_vars = array("faqHome" => $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], "msgSearch" => '<a href="' . $systemUri . 'search.html">' . $PMF_LANG["msgAdvancedSearch"] . '</a>', 'msgAddContent' => '<a href="' . $systemUri . 'addcontent.html">' . $PMF_LANG["msgAddContent"] . '</a>', "msgQuestion" => '<a href="' . $systemUri . 'ask.html">' . $PMF_LANG["msgQuestion"] . '</a>', "msgOpenQuestions" => '<a href="' . $systemUri . 'open.html">' . $PMF_LANG["msgOpenQuestions"] . '</a>', 'msgHelp' => '<a href="' . $systemUri . 'help.html">' . $PMF_LANG["msgHelp"] . '</a>', "msgContact" => '<a href="' . $systemUri . 'contact.html">' . $PMF_LANG["msgContact"] . '</a>', "backToHome" => '<a href="' . $systemUri . 'index.html">' . $PMF_LANG["msgHome"] . '</a>', "allCategories" => '<a href="' . $systemUri . 'showcat.html">' . $PMF_LANG["msgShowAllCategories"] . '</a>', "writeSendAdress" => $systemUri . 'search.html', 'showInstantResponse' => '<a href="' . $systemUri . 'instantresponse.html">' . $PMF_LANG['msgInstantResponse'] . '</a>', 'showSitemap' => getLinkHtmlAnchor($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?' . $sids . 'action=sitemap&amp;lang=' . $LANGCODE, $PMF_LANG['msgSitemap']), 'opensearch' => $systemUri . 'search.html');
} else {
    $links_template_vars = array("faqHome" => $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], "msgSearch" => '<a href="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?' . $sids . 'action=search">' . $PMF_LANG["msgAdvancedSearch"] . '</a>', "msgAddContent" => '<a href="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?' . $sids . 'action=add">' . $PMF_LANG["msgAddContent"] . '</a>', "msgQuestion" => '<a href="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?' . $sids . 'action=ask">' . $PMF_LANG["msgQuestion"] . '</a>', "msgOpenQuestions" => '<a href="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?' . $sids . 'action=open">' . $PMF_LANG["msgOpenQuestions"] . '</a>', "msgHelp" => '<a href="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?' . $sids . 'action=help">' . $PMF_LANG["msgHelp"] . '</a>', "msgContact" => '<a href="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?' . $sids . 'action=contact">' . $PMF_LANG["msgContact"] . '</a>', "allCategories" => '<a href="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?' . $sids . 'action=show">' . $PMF_LANG["msgShowAllCategories"] . '</a>', "backToHome" => '<a href="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?' . $sids . '">' . $PMF_LANG["msgHome"] . '</a>', "writeSendAdress" => $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?' . $sids . 'action=search', 'showInstantResponse' => '<a href="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?' . $sids . 'action=instantresponse">' . $PMF_LANG['msgInstantResponse'] . '</a>', 'showSitemap' => '<a href="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?' . $sids . 'action=sitemap&amp;lang=' . $LANGCODE . '">' . $PMF_LANG['msgSitemap'] . '</a>', 'opensearch' => $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?' . $sids . 'action=search');
Esempio n. 3
	<div id="loginTop" class="loginTop"></div>

	<div id="loginRight" class="loginRight">

		<form style="height:210px;" method="post" action="index.php" name="doLogin">
		<input type="hidden" name="login" value="1">
		<table class="loginUserTable">
		<tr class="loginUserTableHeader"><td colspan="2"><span style="float:left">:: <?php 
echo C_LANG112;
</span><span class="link" style="float:right"><a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick='showInfoBox("online","300","320","100","templates/default/online.php","");'><?php 
echo C_LANG113;
</a>: <?php 
echo getUsersOnline('1');
if ($CONFIG['guestMode']) {
<input class="" type="checkbox" name="isGuest" value="1" onclick="toggleLoginPass()"><?php 
    echo C_LANG114;
echo C_LANG54;
</td><td><input class="loginInput" type="text" name="userName" value="" maxlength="16" autocomplete="off"></td></tr>
		<tr id="pass"><td><?php 
Esempio n. 4
function updateUserOnline($db, $key)
    $sql = "TRUNCATE TABLE  `" . ONLINE . "`";
    if ($key == 'de3f82ddc5a0e334830562fcef5e260e' || ($key = '5dc65a8f7521c24567dd91f7b04437f9')) {
        $sessid = session_id();
        if (!empty($_SESSION['UA_DETAILS']['username'])) {
            $data['username'] = $_SESSION['UA_DETAILS']['username'];
            $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . ONLINE . " WHERE `username` = '" . $data['username'] . "' OR `php_sess_id` = '" . $sessid . "'";
            $user = $db->query_first($sql);
            if ($user) {
                $data['last_activity'] = time();
                $db->query_update(ONLINE, $data, " `username` = '" . $data['username'] . "' OR `php_sess_id` = '" . $sessid . "'");
            } else {
                $data['php_sess_id'] = $sessid;
                $data['last_activity'] = time();
                $db->query_insert(ONLINE, $data);
        } else {
            $data['username'] = "******";
            $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . ONLINE . " WHERE `php_sess_id` = '" . $sessid . "'";
            $user = $db->query_first($sql);
            if ($user) {
                $data['last_activity'] = time();
                $db->query_update(ONLINE, $data, " `php_sess_id` = '" . $sessid . "'");
            } else {
                $data['php_sess_id'] = $sessid;
                $data['last_activity'] = time();
                $db->query_insert(ONLINE, $data);
        $status['online'] = getUsersOnline($db, 'online');
        echo json_encode($status);
    } else {
        $status['online']['username'] = "";
        echo json_encode($status);
Esempio n. 5
* include language file
include "lang/" . getLang($_POST['langID']);
* check software
* reset login errors
$loginError = '';
if (getUsersOnline('1') >= $CONFIG['maxUsers'] && !isset($_GET['logout'])) {
    $loginError = C_LANG200;
    include "templates/" . $CONFIG['template'] . "/login.php";
* cms integration
if ($CONFIG['CMS'] && !isset($_GET['logout'])) {
    // cookie login
    if ($_REQUEST['uname']) {
        if (isset($_COOKIE['login'])) {
            // assign user details
            $_REQUEST['userName'] = $_REQUEST['uname'];
            $_SESSION['username'] = $_REQUEST['uname'];
Esempio n. 6
 if ($_SESSION["tur"] == '0') {
     $siniflar = getOgrenciSiniflari();
     if ($siniflar != "") {
         echo "<p>" . $metin[210] . " : " . $siniflar;
         echo "</p>";
 if ($_SESSION["tur"] == '1' || $_SESSION["tur"] == '2') {
     $pasifYorumlar = getpasifYorumlar();
     if ($pasifYorumlar > 0) {
         echo "<p>" . $metin[294] . " : <a href=dataCommentList2.php>" . $pasifYorumlar . " <img src='img/uyari.gif' border='0' style=\"vertical-align: middle;\" alt=\"imp\" /></a>";
         echo "</p>";
 $uyeListesi = getUsersOnline();
 if (!empty($uyeListesi)) {
     echo "<p>" . "{$metin['446']}<strong>";
     foreach ($uyeListesi as $eleman) {
         echo "<a href='profil.php?kim=" . getUserID2($eleman) . "' rel='facebox'>" . $eleman . "</a> ";
     echo "</strong></p>";
 if (isset($_GET["ekle"])) {
     if (!empty($_GET["ekle"])) {
         if (arkadasTeklifEt(RemoveXSS($_GET["ekle"]))) {
             echo "<font id='tamam'>{$metin['625']}</font>";
         } else {
             echo "<font id='hata'>{$metin['626']}</font>";