public function updateStatus($plugin, $status) { $siteConfig = getUserConfig()->getSiteSettings(); $plugins = (array) explode(',', $siteConfig['plugins']['activePlugins']); switch ($status) { case 'activate': if (!in_array($plugin, $plugins)) { $plugins[] = $plugin; } break; case 'deactivate': if (in_array($plugin, $plugins)) { foreach ($plugins as $key => $thisPlugin) { if ($plugin == $thisPlugin) { unset($plugins[$key]); } } } break; } $siteConfig['plugins']['activePlugins'] = implode(',', $plugins); $siteConfigStatus = getUserConfig()->writeSiteSettings($siteConfig); if (!$siteConfigStatus) { return $this->error('Could not change status of plugin', false); } else { return $this->success('Plugin status changed', true); } }
/** * 修改皮肤弹窗 */ public function change() { $skinList = getSkinList(); $this->assign('skinList', $skinList); $defaultSkin = getUserConfig(); $this->assign('defaultSkin', $defaultSkin); $this->display(T('Addons://Skin@Skin/change')); }
/** * 站点头部钩子,加载换肤插件所需样式 * @param array $param 相关参数 * @return bool * @author 郑钟良<*****@*****.**> */ public function pageHeader($param) { $SkinsUrl = getRootUrl() . "Addons/Skin/Skins/"; $config = getAddonConfig(); if ($config['canSet'] == 0 || $config['mandatory'] == 1) { //强制执行管理员设置的默认皮肤 // 载入换肤插件默认样式 echo '<link href="' . $SkinsUrl . $config['defaultSkin'] . '/style.css" data-role="skin_link" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>'; } else { //执行用户设置样式 // 载入换肤插件用户样式 $userSkin = getUserConfig(); echo '<link href="' . $SkinsUrl . $userSkin['skin'] . '/style.css" data-role="skin_link" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>'; } }
function writeDbLogSql($sql, $type = 's') { if (getUserConfig("dblog") != "") { if ($type == 's') { if (substr($sql, 0, 24) == "insert into pdfarchiving") { return; } } $f = fopen(getUserConfig("dblog"), "a"); if ($f) { fwrite($f, $type . ":" . serialize($sql) . "\r\n"); fclose($f); } else { session_addvalue("error", "unable to write db log"); } } }
function resendConfirm($id) { global $tables, $envelope, $prepend; $userdata = Sql_Fetch_Array_Query("select * from {$tables["user"]} where id = {$id}"); $lists_req = Sql_Query(sprintf('select from %s,%s where %s.listid = and %s.userid = %d', $tables["list"], $tables["list"], $tables["listuser"], $tables["listuser"], $tables["list"], $tables["listuser"], $id)); while ($row = Sql_Fetch_Row($lists_req)) { $lists .= ' * ' . $row[0] . "\n"; } if ($userdata["subscribepage"]) { $subscribemessage = ereg_replace('\\[LISTS\\]', $lists, getUserConfig("subscribemessage:" . $userdata["subscribepage"], $id)); $subject = getConfig("subscribesubject:" . $userdata["subscribepage"]); } else { $subscribemessage = ereg_replace('\\[LISTS\\]', $lists, getUserConfig("subscribemessage", $id)); $subject = getConfig("subscribesubject"); } logEvent("Resending confirmation request to " . $userdata["email"]); if (!TEST) { return sendMail($userdata["email"], $subject, $prepend . $subscribemessage, system_messageheaders($userdata["email"]), $envelope); } }
function resendConfirm($id) { global $tables, $envelope; $userdata = Sql_Fetch_Array_Query("select * from {$tables['user']} where id = {$id}"); $lists_req = Sql_Query(sprintf('select from %s,%s where %s.listid = and %s.userid = %d', $tables['list'], $tables['list'], $tables['listuser'], $tables['listuser'], $tables['list'], $tables['listuser'], $id)); while ($row = Sql_Fetch_Row($lists_req)) { $lists .= ' * ' . $row[0] . "\n"; } if ($userdata['subscribepage']) { $subscribemessage = str_replace('[LISTS]', $lists, getUserConfig('subscribemessage:' . $userdata['subscribepage'], $id)); $subject = getConfig('subscribesubject:' . $userdata['subscribepage']); } else { $subscribemessage = str_replace('[LISTS]', $lists, getUserConfig('subscribemessage', $id)); $subject = getConfig('subscribesubject'); } logEvent($GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Resending confirmation request to') . ' ' . $userdata['email']); if (!TEST) { return sendMail($userdata['email'], $subject, $_REQUEST['prepend'] . $subscribemessage, system_messageheaders($userdata['email']), $envelope); } }
if (is_array($_SESSION["lists"])) { reset($_SESSION["lists"]); $addition = 0; $listoflists = ""; while (list($key, $listid) = each($_SESSION["lists"])) { $query = "replace INTO " . $tables["listuser"] . " (userid,listid,entered) values({$userid},{$listid},now())"; $result = Sql_query($query, 1); # if the affected rows is 2, the user was already subscribed $addition = $addition || Sql_Affected_Rows() == 1; $listoflists .= " * " . $_SESSION["listname"][$key] . "\n"; } if ($addition) { $count["list_add"]++; } if (!TEST && $_SESSION["notify"] == "yes" && $addition) { $subscribemessage = ereg_replace('\\[LISTS\\]', $listoflists, getUserConfig("subscribemessage", $userid)); sendMail($user["systemvalues"]["email"], getConfig("subscribesubject"), $subscribemessage, system_messageheaders(), $envelope); } } if (!is_array($_SESSION["groups"])) { $groups = array(); } else { $groups = $_SESSION["groups"]; } if (isset($everyone_groupid) && !in_array($everyone_groupid, $groups)) { array_push($groups, $everyone_groupid); } if (is_array($groups)) { #add this user to the groups identified reset($groups); $groupaddition = 0;
function makecontact_execute($action, $slot) { global $_POST; global $_GET; global $_CONFIG; require_once "config/db.php"; global $conn; global $_local_error; $_local_error = ""; global $_local_reloadform; $_local_reloadform = ""; global $render_current_slot; global $current_slots; //mark slot on execution stack $render_current_slot++; $current_slots[$render_current_slot] = $slot; if (getUserConfig("pageprotection") == "yes") { if (isset($_POST['fprotection']) && $_POST['fprotection'] != "") { if (isset($_GET['ajax']) && $_GET['ajax'] == 1) { if (intval(session_getvalue("protection_page")) != intval($_POST['fprotection'])) { $_local_error = getLT("protectionerror"); } } else { if (intval(session_getvalue("protection_page")) != intval($_POST['fprotection']) + 1) { $_local_error = getLT("protectionerror"); } } } } //set default filter $control_filter = ""; $control_name = "makecontact"; $control_table = "projectissues"; $control_id = "id"; //check for rights if (getUserConfig('dinsec_makecontact_cando', $action) == 'no') { $_local_error = getLT('nopermissions'); } if (getUserConfig('dinsec_makecontact_canpost', $action) == 'no') { $_local_error = getLT('nopermissions'); } if (session_getvalue("blockaccess_makecontact") == "yes") { $_local_error = getLT('nopermissions'); } if (session_getvalue("blockaccess_projectissues") == "yes") { $_local_error = getLT('nopermissions'); } if ($_local_error == "") { switch ($action) { case 'add': if (isset($_POST['cancel_button']) && $_POST['cancel_button'] == getLT('cancel')) { $_local_error = 'usercanceled'; setSlotView($slot, "add"); break; } if ($_local_error == '') { if (!isset($_POST['iname']) || $_POST['iname'] == '' || strip_tags($_POST['iname']) == '') { $_local_error .= getLT('iname') . ' ' . getLT('shouldbefilled'); } } if ($_local_error == '') { if (!isset($_POST['iemail']) || $_POST['iemail'] == '' || strip_tags($_POST['iemail']) == '') { $_local_error .= getLT('iemail') . ' ' . getLT('shouldbefilled'); } } if ($_local_error == '') { if (!isset($_POST['icontactname']) || $_POST['icontactname'] == '' || strip_tags($_POST['icontactname']) == '') { $_local_error .= getLT('icontactname') . ' ' . getLT('shouldbefilled'); } } if ($_local_error == '') { if (!isset($_POST['useraddress'])) { $_local_error .= getLT('javascript?'); } else { $ab_def = strtok($_POST['useraddress'], "-"); $ab_test = $ab_def . '-' . number_format(floatVal($ab_def . '.12') * 0.34, 4, '.', ''); if ($ab_test !== $_POST['useraddress']) { $_local_error .= getLT('antiboterror?'); } } } if ($_local_error == "") { $conn->addnew($control_table); $conn->setvalue('iname', correctPostValue($_POST['iname'])); $conn->setvalue('iemail', correctPostValue($_POST['iemail'])); $conn->setvalue('icontactname', correctPostValue($_POST['icontactname'])); $html = correctPostValue($_POST['idesc']); $html = str_ireplace("<script", "[script", $html); $html = str_ireplace("<link", "[link", $html); $html = str_ireplace("<style", "[style", $html); $conn->setvalue('idesc', $html); $conn->setvalue('projectid', $_CONFIG['projectid']); $conn->setvalue('idate', date("Y-m-d H:i:s")); $id = $conn->update(); if ($id != "") { session_addvalue($slot . '_info', getLT('wblank')); session_setvalue($slot . "_viewid", $id); setSlotView($slot, "add"); } else { $_local_error = getLT('unableadd'); break; } } case 'sendemail': if (isset($_POST['cancel_button']) && $_POST['cancel_button'] == getLT('cancel')) { $_local_error = 'usercanceled'; break; } if ($_local_error == "") { ob_start(); require_once "config/htmlreport.php"; require_once "config/templates.php"; require_once "config/mail.php"; global $_templates; require_once "config/utils.php"; $_control_replace_sql = "parseAndReplaceAll"; $pdf = new HtmlReport(""); $emailbody = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $emailbody = html_entity_decode($emailbody); $emailsubject = getLT('emailcontact'); global $mails_sql_conn; $mails_sql_conn = create_db_connection(); $mails_sql_conn->openselect($_control_replace_sql("select pemails as email from projects where id=0[config.projectid]")); $noemail = false; if ($mails_sql_conn->eof()) { $noemail = true; } while (!$mails_sql_conn->eof()) { $mailman = createMailObject(); $mailman->IsHTML(true); $emailto = $mails_sql_conn->getvalue("email"); $emailreply = ""; $emailbcc = ""; $emailcc = ""; $emailfrom = ""; $emailbody = getFileContent(getFilePathFor('html', 'makecontact')); require_once "config/utils.php"; $emailbody = parseAndReplaceAll($emailbody); $emailreply = correctPostValue($_POST["iemail"]); $mailman->Body = $emailbody; $mailman->Subject = $emailsubject; $mailman->ClearAddresses(); $mailman->AddAddress($emailto); if ($emailbcc != "") { $mailman->AddBCC($emailbcc); } if ($emailcc != "") { $mailman->AddCC($emailcc); } if ($emailfrom != "") { $mailman->FromName = ""; $mailman->From = $emailfrom; } if ($emailreply != '') { $mailman->AddReplyTo($emailreply); } $mailman->send(); $mails_sql_conn->movenext(); } $mails_sql_conn->close(); if ($noemail) { session_addvalue($slot . '_error', getLT('noemailfound')); } else { session_addvalue($slot . '_info', getLT('yourmessageissent')); } } break; default: //$_local_error="slot:".$slot." unknown post action: ".$action; setSlotView($slot, ""); break; } } if (isset($_POST['cancel_button']) && $_POST['cancel_button'] == getLT('cancel')) { //if($_local_error!="") session_addvalue($slot.'_error',getLT($_local_error)); $_local_error = ''; } else { if ($_local_reloadform != "" || $_local_error != "" || $action == "justreloadform") { //save post for later use foreach ($_POST as $key => $val) { if (is_array($val)) { session_setvalue('savedpost_makecontact_' . $key, correctPostValue(implode(",", str_replace(',', ' ', $_POST[$key])))); } else { session_setvalue('savedpost_makecontact_' . $key, correctPostValue($val)); } } if ($_local_error != "") { session_addvalue($slot . '_error', $_local_error); } } } $render_current_slot--; return $_local_error; }
function resetUniqueValue($md5, $value, $user, $userid = 0) { $connf = create_db_connection(); $connf->execute("update " . getUserConfig("dbprefix") . "uniquevalues set util='" . $connf->escape($value) . "' where md5='" . $connf->escape($md5) . "' and user='******' and userid=0" . intval($userid)); return $value; }
#add this user to the lists identified reset($lists); $addition = 0; $listoflists = ""; while (list($key, $listid) = each($lists)) { $query = "replace INTO " . $tables["listuser"] . " (userid,listid,entered) values({$userid},{$listid},current_timestamp)"; $result = Sql_query($query); # if the affected rows is 2, the user was already subscribed $addition = $addition || Sql_Affected_Rows() == 1; $listoflists .= " * " . $available_lists[$listid] . "\n"; } if ($addition) { $additional_emails++; } if (!TEST && $_POST["notify"] == "yes" && $addition) { $subscribemessage = str_replace('[LISTS]', $listoflists, getUserConfig("subscribemessage", $userid)); sendMail($email, getConfig("subscribesubject"), $subscribemessage, system_messageheaders(), $envelope); } } // end if } // end foreach $num_lists = sizeof($lists); # be grammatically correct :-) $displists = $num_lists == 1 ? $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('list') : $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('lists'); $dispemail = $count_email_add == 1 ? $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('new email was') . " " : $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('new emails were') . " "; $dispemail2 = $additional_emails == 1 ? $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('email was') . " " : $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('emails were') . " "; if (!$some && !$additional_emails) { print "<br/>" . $GLOBALS['I18N']->get("All the emails already exist in the database and are members of the") . " {$displists}."; } else { print "{$count_email_add} {$dispemail} " . $GLOBALS['I18N']->get("succesfully imported to the database and added to") . " {$num_lists} {$displists}.<br/>{$additional_emails} {$dispemail2} " . $GLOBALS['I18N']->get("subscribed to the") . " {$displists}";
function unsubscribePage($id) { global $tables; $email = ''; $userid = 0; $msg = ''; ## for unsubscribe, don't validate host $GLOBALS['check_for_host'] = 0; $res = '<title>' . $GLOBALS['strUnsubscribeTitle'] . '</title>' . "\n"; $res .= $GLOBALS['pagedata']['header']; if (isset($_GET['uid'])) { $userdata = Sql_Fetch_Array_Query(sprintf('select email,id,blacklisted from %s where uniqid = "%s"', $tables['user'], sql_escape($_GET['uid']))); $email = $userdata['email']; $userid = $userdata['id']; $isBlackListed = $userdata['blacklisted'] != '0'; $blacklistRequest = false; } else { if (isset($_REQUEST['email'])) { $email = $_REQUEST['email']; } if (!validateEmail($email)) { $email = ''; } #0013076: Blacklisting posibility for unknown users # Set flag for blacklisting $blacklistRequest = $_GET['p'] == 'blacklist' || $_GET['p'] == 'donotsend'; # only proceed when user has confirm the form if ($blacklistRequest && is_email($email)) { $_POST['unsubscribe'] = 1; $_POST['unsubscribereason'] = s('Forwarded receiver requested blacklist'); } } if (UNSUBSCRIBE_JUMPOFF || !empty($_GET['jo'])) { $_POST['unsubscribe'] = 1; $_REQUEST['email'] = $email; if (!empty($_GET['jo'])) { $blacklistRequest = true; $_POST['unsubscribereason'] = s('"Jump off" used by subscriber, reason not requested'); } else { $_POST['unsubscribereason'] = s('"Jump off" set, reason not requested'); } } foreach ($GLOBALS['plugins'] as $pluginname => $plugin) { # print $pluginname.'<br/>'; if ($plugin->unsubscribePage($email)) { return; } } if (!empty($email) && isset($_POST['unsubscribe']) && isset($_REQUEST['email']) && isset($_POST['unsubscribereason'])) { ## all conditions met, do the unsubscribe #0013076: Blacklisting posibility for unknown users // It would be better to do this above, where the email is set for the other cases. // But to prevent vulnerabilities let's keep it here for now. [bas] if (!$blacklistRequest) { $query = Sql_Fetch_Row_Query(sprintf('select id,email,blacklisted from %s where email = "%s"', $tables['user'], sql_escape($email))); $userid = $query[0]; $email = $query[1]; $isBlackListed = !empty($query[2]); } if (!$userid) { #0013076: Blacklisting posibility for unknown users if ($blacklistRequest && !empty($email)) { addUserToBlacklist($email, $_POST['unsubscribereason']); addSubscriberStatistics('blacklist', 1); $res .= '<h3>' . $GLOBALS['strUnsubscribedNoConfirm'] . '</h3>'; } else { $res .= $GLOBALS['strNoListsFound']; #'Error: '.$GLOBALS["strUserNotFound"]; logEvent('Request to unsubscribe non-existent user: '******'select listid from %s where userid = %d', $GLOBALS['tables']['listuser'], $userid)); while ($row = Sql_Fetch_Row($listsreq)) { array_push($subscriptions, $row[0]); } ## 17753 - do not actually remove the list-membership when unsubscribing # $result = Sql_query(sprintf('delete from %s where userid = %d',$tables["listuser"],$userid)); $lists = ' * ' . $GLOBALS['strAllMailinglists'] . "\n"; if (empty($isBlackListed)) { // only process when not already marked as blacklisted # add user to blacklist addUserToBlacklist($email, nl2br(strip_tags($_POST['unsubscribereason']))); addUserHistory($email, 'Unsubscription', "Unsubscribed from {$lists}"); $unsubscribemessage = str_replace('[LISTS]', $lists, getUserConfig("unsubscribemessage:{$id}", $userid)); sendMail($email, getUserConfig("unsubscribesubject:{$id}"), stripslashes($unsubscribemessage), system_messageheaders($email), '', true); $reason = $_POST['unsubscribereason'] ? "Reason given:\n" . stripslashes($_POST['unsubscribereason']) : 'No Reason given'; sendAdminCopy('List unsubscription', $email . " has unsubscribed\n{$reason}", $subscriptions); addSubscriberStatistics('unsubscription', 1); } } if ($userid) { $res .= '<h3>' . $GLOBALS['strUnsubscribeDone'] . '</h3>'; } #0013076: Blacklisting posibility for unknown users //if ($blacklistRequest) { //$res .= '<h3>'.$GLOBALS["strYouAreBlacklisted"] ."</h3>"; //} $res .= $GLOBALS['PoweredBy'] . '</p>'; $res .= $GLOBALS['pagedata']['footer']; return $res; } elseif (isset($_POST['unsubscribe']) && !is_email($email) && !empty($email)) { $msg = '<span class="error">' . $GLOBALS['strEnterEmail'] . '</span><br>'; } $res .= '<h3>' . $GLOBALS['strUnsubscribeInfo'] . '</h3>' . $msg . '<form method="post" action=""><input type="hidden" name="p" value="unsubscribe" />'; if (!isset($_POST['email']) || empty($email)) { $res .= '<p>' . $GLOBALS['strEnterEmail'] . ': <input type="text" name="email" value="' . $email . '" size="40" /></p>'; } else { $res .= '<p><input type="hidden" name="email" value="' . $email . '" />' . $GLOBALS['strEmail'] . ': ' . $email . '</p>'; } if (!$email) { $res .= '<input type="submit" name="unsubscribe" value="' . $GLOBALS['strContinue'] . '"></form>'; $res .= $GLOBALS['PoweredBy']; $res .= $GLOBALS['pagedata']['footer']; return $res; } $current = Sql_Fetch_Array_query(sprintf('select as listid,user.uniqid as userhash, user.password as password from %s as list,%s as listuser,%s as user where = listuser.listid and = listuser.userid and = "%s"', $tables['list'], $tables['listuser'], $tables['user'], sql_escape($email))); $some = $current['listid']; if (ASKFORPASSWORD && !empty($user['password'])) { # it is safe to link to the preferences page, because it will still ask for # a password $hash = $current['userhash']; } elseif (isset($_GET['uid']) && $_GET['uid'] == $current['userhash']) { # they got to this page from a link in an email $hash = $current['userhash']; } else { $hash = ''; } $finaltext = $GLOBALS['strUnsubscribeFinalInfo']; $pref_url = getConfig('preferencesurl'); $sep = strpos($pref_url, '?') !== false ? '&' : '?'; $finaltext = str_ireplace('[preferencesurl]', $pref_url . $sep . 'uid=' . $hash, $finaltext); if (!$some) { #0013076: Blacklisting posibility for unknown users if (!$blacklistRequest) { $res .= '<b>' . $GLOBALS['strNoListsFound'] . '</b></ul>'; } $res .= '<p><input type=submit value="' . $GLOBALS['strUnsubscribe'] . '">'; } else { if ($blacklistRequest) { $res .= $GLOBALS['strExplainBlacklist']; } elseif (!UNSUBSCRIBE_JUMPOFF) { list($r, $c) = explode(',', getConfig('textarea_dimensions')); if (!$r) { $r = 5; } if (!$c) { $c = 65; } $res .= $GLOBALS['strUnsubscribeRequestForReason']; $res .= sprintf('<br/><textarea name="unsubscribereason" cols="%d" rows="%d" wrap="virtual"></textarea>', $c, $r) . $finaltext; } $res .= '<p><input type=submit name="unsubscribe" value="' . $GLOBALS['strUnsubscribe'] . '"></p>'; } $res .= '</form>'; $res .= '<p>' . $GLOBALS['PoweredBy'] . '</p>'; $res .= $GLOBALS['pagedata']['footer']; return $res; }
function getCodeFromNomenclator($soc, $grupa, $valoare, $type = 0, $paras = array()) { $resp = "0"; $url = getUserConfig("nomenclator_url"); if ($url == '') { global $localcodecall; $localcodecall = array(); $localcodecall['soc'] = $soc; $localcodecall['grupa'] = $grupa; $localcodecall['valoare'] = $valoare; foreach ($paras as $kk => $vv) { $localcodecall[$kk] = $vv; } ob_start(); include "coduri/code.php"; $resp = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); } else { $newurl = $url . "?soc=" . urlencode($soc) . "&grupa=" . urlencode($grupa) . "&valoare=" . urlencode($valoare); foreach ($paras as $kk => $vv) { $newurl .= '&' . $kk . '=' . $vv; } $resp = file_get_contents($newurl); } if ($type !== false) { $r = explode("*", $resp); if (isset($r[$type])) { return $r[$type]; } } return $resp; }
<div class="workstep"><div class="worklabel" style="width:230px;">Afectiuni ginecologice: infectie HPV, cervicita cronica, fibromatoza uterina, endometrioza, mastopatie fibrochistica, nodul mamar, boala inflamatorie pelvina, anexita cronica?</div><div class="workfields" style="width:50px;"><select name="bo_Question17" style="width:50px;"><option value="">Nu</option><option value="1">Da</option></select> </div></div> <?php if (getUserConfig("emaildinprima") == "yes") { ?> <div class="workstep"><div class="worklabel">Email:</div><div class=workfields><input name="emailclient" value="" class="validated" validate="" size="20" type="email"> </div></div> <?php } ?> <?php if (getUserConfig("codpromotional") != "") { ?> <div class="workstep"><div class="worklabel"><?php echo getUserConfig("codpromotional"); ?> :</div><div class=workfields><input name="codpromotional" value="" size="20" type="text"> </div></div> <?php } ?> </div> <!-- worksteps--></div>
}); function updateCells() { var SA=parseFloat($("input[name=sumaasigurata]").val()); var AC=parseFloat($("input[name=anconstructie]").val()); $("*[crule]").each(function(){ var afrule=0; eval($(this).attr("crule")); afrule=afrule.toFixed(0); $(this).html(""+afrule+" EURO"); }); } </script> <?php if (getUserConfig('projectid') != "") { function getColorFromParameter($p, $d) { $valret = session_getvalue("colors_" . $p); if ($valret == "") { $valret = $d; } if (isset($_GET[$p]) && $_GET[$p] != "") { $valret = '#' . substr($_GET[$p], 0, 6); } session_setvalue("colors_" . $p, $valret); return $valret; } ?> <style> #ofertatarife * {text-shadow:none;}
getSiteConfigs(); global $conn; global $_CONFIG; require_once 'extern/Mobilpay/Payment/Request/Abstract.php'; require_once 'extern/Mobilpay/Payment/Request/Card.php'; require_once 'extern/Mobilpay/Payment/Request/Notify.php'; require_once 'extern/Mobilpay/Payment/Invoice.php'; require_once 'extern/Mobilpay/Payment/Address.php'; $errorCode = 0; $errorType = Mobilpay_Payment_Request_Abstract::CONFIRM_ERROR_TYPE_NONE; $errorMessage = ''; if (strcasecmp($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'], 'post') == 0) { if (isset($_POST['env_key']) && isset($_POST['data'])) { #calea catre cheia privata #cheia privata este generata de mobilpay, accesibil in Admin -> Conturi de comerciant -> Detalii -> Setari securitate $privateKeyFilePath = getUserConfig('mobilpay_key'); try { global $objPmReq; $objPmReq = Mobilpay_Payment_Request_Abstract::factoryFromEncrypted($_POST['env_key'], $_POST['data'], $privateKeyFilePath); #uncomment the line below in order to see the content of the request print_r($objPmReq); $errorCode = $objPmReq->objPmNotify->errorCode; // action = status only if the associated error code is zero if ($errorCode == "0") { switch ($objPmReq->objPmNotify->action) { #orice action este insotit de un cod de eroare si de un mesaj de eroare. Acestea pot fi citite folosind $cod_eroare = $objPmReq->objPmNotify->errorCode; respectiv $mesaj_eroare = $objPmReq->objPmNotify->errorMessage; #pentru a identifica ID-ul comenzii pentru care primim rezultatul platii folosim $id_comanda = $objPmReq->orderId; case 'confirmed': #cand action este confirmed avem certitudinea ca banii au plecat din contul posesorului de card si facem update al starii comenzii si livrarea produsului //update DB, SET status = "confirmed/captured" $_GET['mobilpayipn'] = true;
function unsubscribePage($id) { $pagedata = pageData($id); if (isset($pagedata['language_file']) && is_file(dirname(__FILE__) . '/texts/' . $pagedata['language_file'])) { @(include dirname(__FILE__) . '/texts/' . $pagedata['language_file']); } global $tables; $res .= '<title>' . $GLOBALS["strUnsubscribeTitle"] . '</title>'; $res = $pagedata["header"]; if (isset($_GET["uid"])) { $req = Sql_Query("select * from {$tables['user']} where uniqid = \"" . $_GET["uid"] . "\""); $userdata = Sql_Fetch_Array($req); $email = $userdata["email"]; if (UNSUBSCRIBE_JUMPOFF) { $_POST["unsubscribe"] = 1; $_POST["email"] = $email; $_POST["unsubscribereason"] = '"Jump off" set, reason not requested'; } } if (isset($_POST["unsubscribe"]) && (isset($_POST["email"]) || isset($_POST["unsubscribeemail"])) && isset($_POST["unsubscribereason"])) { if (isset($_POST["email"])) { $email = trim($_POST["email"]); } else { $email = $_POST["unsubscribeemail"]; } $query = Sql_Fetch_Row_Query("select id,email from {$tables["user"]} where email = \"{$email}\""); $userid = $query[0]; $email = $query[1]; if (!$userid) { $res .= 'Error: ' . $GLOBALS["strUserNotFound"]; logEvent("Request to unsubscribe non-existent user: "******"email"], 0, 150)); } else { $result = Sql_query("delete from {$tables["listuser"]} where userid = \"{$userid}\""); $lists = " * " . $GLOBALS["strAllMailinglists"] . "\n"; # add user to blacklist addUserToBlacklist($email, nl2br(strip_tags($_POST['unsubscribereason']))); addUserHistory($email, "Unsubscription", "Unsubscribed from {$lists}"); $unsubscribemessage = ereg_replace("\\[LISTS\\]", $lists, getUserConfig("unsubscribemessage", $userid)); sendMail($email, getConfig("unsubscribesubject"), stripslashes($unsubscribemessage), system_messageheaders($email)); $reason = $_POST["unsubscribereason"] ? "Reason given:\n" . stripslashes($_POST["unsubscribereason"]) : "No Reason given"; sendAdminCopy("List unsubscription", $email . " has unsubscribed\n{$reason}"); addSubscriberStatistics('unsubscription', 1); } if ($userid) { $res .= '<h1>' . $GLOBALS["strUnsubscribeDone"] . "</h1><P>"; } $res .= $GLOBALS["PoweredBy"] . '</p>'; $res .= $pagedata["footer"]; return $res; } elseif (isset($_POST["unsubscribe"]) && !$_POST["unsubscribeemail"]) { $msg = '<span class="error">' . $GLOBALS["strEnterEmail"] . "</span><br>"; } elseif (!empty($_GET["email"])) { $email = trim($_GET["email"]); } else { if (isset($_REQUEST["email"])) { $email = $_REQUEST["email"]; } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['unsubscribeemail'])) { $email = $_REQUEST['unsubscribeemail']; } elseif (!isset($email)) { $email = ''; } } if (!isset($msg)) { $msg = ''; } $res .= '<b>' . $GLOBALS["strUnsubscribeInfo"] . '</b><br>' . $msg . formStart(); $res .= '<table> <tr><td>' . $GLOBALS["strEnterEmail"] . ':</td><td colspan=3><input type=text name="unsubscribeemail" value="' . $email . '" size=40></td></tr> </table>'; if (!$email) { $res .= "<input type=submit name=unsubscribe value=\"{$GLOBALS['strContinue']}\"></form>\n"; $res .= $GLOBALS["PoweredBy"]; $res .= $pagedata["footer"]; return $res; } $current = Sql_Fetch_Array_query("SELECT as listid,user.uniqid as userhash, user.password as password FROM {$tables['list']} as list,{$tables['listuser']} as listuser,{$tables['user']} as user where = listuser.listid and = listuser.userid and = \"{$email}\""); $some = $current["listid"]; if (ASKFORPASSWORD && !empty($user['password'])) { # it is safe to link to the preferences page, because it will still ask for # a password $hash = $current["userhash"]; } elseif (isset($_GET['uid']) && $_GET['uid'] == $current['userhash']) { # they got to this page from a link in an email $hash = $current['userhash']; } else { $hash = ''; } $finaltext = $GLOBALS["strUnsubscribeFinalInfo"]; $pref_url = getConfig("preferencesurl"); $sep = ereg('\\?', $pref_url) ? '&' : '?'; $finaltext = eregi_replace('\\[preferencesurl\\]', $pref_url . $sep . 'uid=' . $hash, $finaltext); if (!$some) { $res .= "<b>" . $GLOBALS["strNoListsFound"] . "</b></ul>"; $res .= '<p><input type=submit value="' . $GLOBALS["strResubmit"] . '">'; } else { list($r, $c) = explode(",", getConfig("textarea_dimensions")); if (!$r) { $r = 5; } if (!$c) { $c = 65; } $res .= $GLOBALS["strUnsubscribeRequestForReason"]; $res .= sprintf('<br/><textarea name="unsubscribereason" cols="%d" rows="%d" wrap="virtual"></textarea>', $c, $r) . ' ' . $finaltext . ' <p><input type=submit name="unsubscribe" value="' . $GLOBALS["strUnsubscribe"] . '"></p>'; } $res .= '<p>' . $GLOBALS["PoweredBy"] . '</p>'; $res .= $pagedata["footer"]; return $res; }
<div class="input-prepend"> <span class="add-on indicatie" style="width:200px;">Serie CI/Buletin</span> <input type="text" name="pf_ciserie" value="" size="2" class="text-small" style="width:30px;">-<input type="number" name="pf_cinumar" value="" size="7" style="width:110px;" class="text-small"> </div> </div> </div> <?php } ?> <div class="row"> <div class="span10"> <div class="input-prepend"> <span class="add-on" style="width:200px;">Carte identitate vehicul</span> <input type="text" class="span2 validated" name="serieciv" size=10 <?php if (getUserConfig("platalibra") == "yes") { echo 'validate="required.yes"'; } ?> title="Talon nou: X, Talon vechi: 4"> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="span10"> <div class="input-prepend"> <span class="add-on" style="width:200px;">Adresa de Corespondenta</span> <select name="adresalivrare" class="span2 validated validateundo" validate=""> <option value="prop">Aceeasi adresa</option>
<?php ob_start(); if (getUserConfig("use_locale_jquery") == "yes") { ?> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.js?1"></script><?php } else { ?> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <?php } ?> <script type="text/javascript"> function textareaImplode(name) { var alltxt=''; var allfi=true; $('.'+name+'_implode').each(function() { if($(this).val()!='') { if(!allfi) alltxt+=', '; allfi=false; alltxt+=$(this).attr('label')+'. '+$(this).val(); } }); alltxt=alltxt.toUpperCase(); $('textarea[name='+name+']').html(alltxt); $('textarea[name='+name+']').val(alltxt); } </script>
} } } } if (session_getvalue("current_language") == 'ro') { $acceptro = true; $accepten = false; } if (session_getvalue("current_language") == 'en') { $acceptro = false; $accepten = true; } $_CONFIG['projectthumb'] = "thumb"; //get parameters if (isset($_GET['s']) && $_GET['s'] == 'info' && isset($_GET['id']) && $_GET['id'] != '') { $siteface_id = intval($_GET['id']); session_setvalue("siteface_" . getUserConfig('projectid') . "_id", intval($_GET['id'])); session_setvalue("siteface_" . getUserConfig('projectid') . "_sid", 0); } else { $siteface_id = session_getvalue("siteface_" . getUserConfig('projectid') . "_id"); } if (isset($_GET['s']) && $_GET['s'] == 'info' && isset($_GET['sid']) && $_GET['sid'] != '') { $siteface_sid = intval($_GET['sid']); session_setvalue("siteface_" . getUserConfig('projectid') . "_sid", intval($_GET['sid'])); } else { $siteface_sid = session_getvalue("siteface_" . getUserConfig('projectid') . "_sid"); } //rights $_CONFIG['dinsec_' . getLT("contracts") . '_cando_user'] = '******'; $_CONFIG['dinsec_' . getLT("clients") . '_cando_user'] = '******'; $_CONFIG['dinsec_' . getLT("propertiesorders") . '_cando_user'] = '******';
if (!is_numeric($key)) { if ($old_data[$key] != $val && $key != 'password' && $key != 'modified') { $information_changed = 1; $history_entry .= "{$key} = {$val}\n*changed* from {$old_data[$key]}\n"; } } } if (!$information_changed) { $history_entry .= "\nNo user system details changed"; } $history_entry .= "\n\nList Membership: \n{$lists}\n"; $message = str_replace('[LISTS]', $lists, getUserConfig('updatemessage', $userid)); $message = str_replace('[USERDATA]', $datachange, $message); if ($emailchanged) { $newaddressmessage = str_replace('[CONFIRMATIONINFO]', getUserConfig('emailchanged_text', $userid), $message); $oldaddressmessage = str_replace('[CONFIRMATIONINFO]', getUserConfig('emailchanged_text_oldaddress', $userid), $message); } else { $message = str_replace('[CONFIRMATIONINFO]', '', $message); } print '<title>' . $GLOBALS['strPreferencesTitle'] . '</title>'; print $subscribepagedata['header']; if (!TEST) { if ($emailchanged) { if (sendMail($data['email'], getConfig('updatesubject'), $oldaddressmessage, system_messageheaders($email), $envelope) && sendMail($email, getConfig('updatesubject'), $newaddressmessage, system_messageheaders($email), $envelope)) { $ok = 1; sendAdminCopy('Lists information changed', "\n" . $data['email'] . " has changed their information.\n\nThe email has changed to {$email}.\n\n{$history_entry}", $subscriptions); addUserHistory($email, 'Change', $history_entry); } else { $ok = 0; } } else {
function ws_process($action, $para = '') { switch ($action) { case 'AdaugaOferta': $tipoferta = $_POST['tipoferta']; $xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap=""> <soap:Header> <CredentialHeader xmlns=""> <Username>' . getUserConfig("ws_username") . '</Username> <Password>' . getUserConfig("ws_parola") . '</Password> </CredentialHeader> </soap:Header> <soap:Body> <AdaugaOferta xmlns=""> <tipoferta>' . $tipoferta . '</tipoferta> <datavalabilitate>' . getDateForMysql($_POST['datavalabilitate'], getLT('dateformat')) . '</datavalabilitate> <tipcontract>' . correctPostValue($_POST['tipproprietar']) . '</tipcontract> '; switch ($_POST['tipoferta']) { case 'pad': foreach ($_POST as $wk => $wv) { if ($wk == "tipoferta" || $wk == "datavalabilitate") { continue; } else { if ($wk == "produsdorit") { switch ($wv) { case 'pad+fac': $xml .= '<emitepad>astrapaid</emitepad>'; $xml .= '<emite>bonusold</emite>'; break; case 'pad': $xml .= '<emitepad>astrapaid</emitepad>'; $xml .= '<emite>fara</emite>'; break; case 'fac': $xml .= '<emitepad>fara</emitepad>'; $xml .= '<emite>doarbonus</emite>'; break; } $xml .= '<' . $wk . '>' . correctPostValue($_POST[$wk]) . '</' . $wk . '>'; } else { if ($wk == "panalavalabilitate") { $xml .= '<' . $wk . '>' . getDateForMysql($_POST['panalavalabilitate'], getLT('dateformat')) . '</' . $wk . '>'; } else { $xml .= '<' . $wk . '>' . correctPostValue($_POST[$wk]) . '</' . $wk . '>'; } } } } break; case 'casco': foreach ($_POST as $wk => $wv) { if ($wk == "tipoferta" || $wk == "datavalabilitate") { continue; } else { if ($wk == "panalavalabilitate") { $xml .= '<' . $wk . '>' . getDateForMysql($_POST['panalavalabilitate'], getLT('dateformat')) . '</' . $wk . '>'; } else { $xml .= '<' . $wk . '>' . correctPostValue($_POST[$wk]) . '</' . $wk . '>'; } } } break; case 'decont': foreach ($_POST as $wk => $wv) { if ($wk == "tipoferta" || $wk == "datavalabilitate") { continue; } else { $xml .= '<' . $wk . '>' . correctPostValue($_POST[$wk]) . '</' . $wk . '>'; } } break; case 'sanatate': case 'malpraxis': case 'rotr': foreach ($_POST as $wk => $wv) { if ($wk == "tipoferta" || $wk == "datavalabilitate") { continue; } else { $xml .= '<' . $wk . '>' . correctPostValue($_POST[$wk]) . '</' . $wk . '>'; } } break; case 'medicale': $xml .= ' <nrzile>' . correctPostValue($_POST['nrzile']) . '</nrzile> <panalavalabilitate>' . getDateForMysql($_POST['panalavalabilitate'], getLT('dateformat')) . '</panalavalabilitate> <tipproprietar>' . correctPostValue($_POST['tipproprietar']) . '</tipproprietar> <pf_tippersoana>' . correctPostValue($_POST['pf_tippersoana']) . '</pf_tippersoana> <pf_cnp>' . correctPostValue($_POST['pf_cnp']) . '</pf_cnp> <varsta>' . correctPostValue($_POST['varsta']) . '</varsta> <pj_tippersoana>' . correctPostValue($_POST['pj_tippersoana']) . '</pj_tippersoana> <pj_cui>' . correctPostValue($_POST['pj_cui']) . '</pj_cui> <teritoriu>' . correctPostValue($_POST['teritoriu']) . '</teritoriu> <scop>' . correctPostValue($_POST['scop']) . '</scop> <activitate>' . correctPostValue($_POST['activitate']) . '</activitate> <boli>' . correctPostValue($_POST['boli']) . '</boli> <grupuri>' . correctPostValue($_POST['grupuri']) . '</grupuri> <sporturi>' . correctPostValue($_POST['sporturi']) . '</sporturi> <taridest>' . correctPostValue($_POST['taridest']) . '</taridest> <taridest2>' . correctPostValue($_POST['taridest2']) . '</taridest2> <taridest3>' . correctPostValue($_POST['taridest3']) . '</taridest3> <taritranzit>' . correctPostValue($_POST['taritranzit']) . '</taritranzit> <acoperire>' . correctPostValue($_POST['acoperire']) . '</acoperire> <pretcalatorie>' . correctPostValue($_POST['pretcalatorie']) . '</pretcalatorie> <bagaje>' . correctPostValue($_POST['bagaje']) . '</bagaje> '; break; case 'rezervare': case 'petitie': foreach ($_POST as $wk => $wv) { if ($wk == "tipoferta" || $wk == "datavalabilitate" || $wk == "emailclient") { continue; } else { $xml .= '<' . $wk . '>' . correctPostValue($_POST[$wk]) . '</' . $wk . '>'; } } break; case 'rca': default: switch ($_POST['tipproprietar']) { case 'pf': $xml .= ' <asigurat> <tippersoana>' . correctPostValue($_POST['pf_tippersoana']) . '</tippersoana> <cnpcui>' . correctPostValue($_POST['pf_cnp']) . '</cnpcui> <localitate>' . correctPostValue($_POST['pf_localitate']) . '</localitate> <judet>' . correctPostValue($_POST['pf_judet']) . '</judet> <sector>' . correctPostValue($_POST['pf_sector']) . '</sector> <permisan>' . correctPostValue($_POST['pf_permisan']) . '</permisan> <permisluna>' . correctPostValue($_POST['pf_permisluna']) . '</permisluna> <copii>' . correctPostValue($_POST['pf_copii']) . '</copii> <casco>' . correctPostValue($_POST['pf_casco']) . '</casco> <destinatie>' . correctPostValue($_POST['pf_destinatie']) . '</destinatie> </asigurat> '; break; case 'pj': $xml .= ' <asigurat> <tippersoana>' . correctPostValue($_POST['pj_tippersoana']) . '</tippersoana> <cnpcui>' . correctPostValue($_POST['pj_cui']) . '</cnpcui> <localitate>' . correctPostValue($_POST['pj_localitate']) . '</localitate> <judet>' . correctPostValue($_POST['pj_judet']) . '</judet> <sector>' . correctPostValue($_POST['pj_sector']) . '</sector> <casco>' . correctPostValue($_POST['pj_casco']) . '</casco> <rca>' . correctPostValue($_POST['pj_rca']) . '</rca> <daune>' . correctPostValue($_POST['pj_daune']) . '</daune> <destinatie>' . correctPostValue($_POST['pj_destinatie']) . '</destinatie> </asigurat> '; break; case 'leasing': $xml .= ' <asigurat> <nume>' . correctPostValue($_POST['leasingname']) . '</nume> <cnpcui>' . correctPostValue($_POST['leasingcui']) . '</cnpcui> <localitate>' . correctPostValue($_POST['leasinglocalitate']) . '</localitate> <judet>' . correctPostValue($_POST['leasingjudet']) . '</judet> <sector>' . correctPostValue($_POST['leas_sector']) . '</sector> </asigurat> '; switch ($_POST['tiputilizator']) { case 'pf': $xml .= ' <utilizator> <tippersoana>' . correctPostValue($_POST['pf_tippersoana']) . '</tippersoana> <cnpcui>' . correctPostValue($_POST['pf_cnp']) . '</cnpcui> <localitate>' . correctPostValue($_POST['pf_localitate']) . '</localitate> <judet>' . correctPostValue($_POST['pf_judet']) . '</judet> <sector>' . correctPostValue($_POST['pf_sector']) . '</sector> <permisan>' . correctPostValue($_POST['pf_permisan']) . '</permisan> <permisluna>' . correctPostValue($_POST['pf_permisluna']) . '</permisluna> <copii>' . correctPostValue($_POST['pf_copii']) . '</copii> <casco>' . correctPostValue($_POST['pf_casco']) . '</casco> <destinatie>' . correctPostValue($_POST['pf_destinatie']) . '</destinatie> </utilizator> '; break; case 'pj': $xml .= ' <utilizator> <tippersoana>' . correctPostValue($_POST['pj_tippersoana']) . '</tippersoana> <cnpcui>' . correctPostValue($_POST['pj_cui']) . '</cnpcui> <localitate>' . correctPostValue($_POST['pj_localitate']) . '</localitate> <judet>' . correctPostValue($_POST['pj_judet']) . '</judet> <sector>' . correctPostValue($_POST['pj_sector']) . '</sector> <casco>' . correctPostValue($_POST['pj_casco']) . '</casco> <rca>' . correctPostValue($_POST['pj_rca']) . '</rca> <daune>' . correctPostValue($_POST['pj_daune']) . '</daune> <destinatie>' . correctPostValue($_POST['pj_destinatie']) . '</destinatie> </utilizator> '; break; break; } break; } $codpromo = correctPostValue($_POST['codpromotional']); $xml .= ' <vehicul> <inmatriculare>' . correctPostValue($_POST['inmatriculare']) . '</inmatriculare> <categorie>' . correctPostValue($_POST['categorie']) . '</categorie> <marca>' . correctPostValue($_POST['marca']) . '</marca> <model>' . correctPostValue($_POST['model']) . '</model> <anfabricatie>' . correctPostValue($_POST['anfabricatie']) . '</anfabricatie> <nrinm>' . correctPostValue($_POST['nrinm']) . '</nrinm> <seriesasiu>' . correctPostValue($_POST['seriesasiu']) . '</seriesasiu> <serieciv>' . correctPostValue($_POST['serieciv']) . '</serieciv> <cilindree>' . intval($_POST['cilindree']) . '</cilindree> <propulsie>' . correctPostValue($_POST['propulsie']) . '</propulsie> <cp>' . intval($_POST['cp']) . '</cp> <kg>' . intval($_POST['kg']) . '</kg> <locuri>' . intval($_POST['locuri']) . '</locuri> <parcauto>0</parcauto> <codpromotional>' . $codpromo . '</codpromotional> </vehicul>'; break; } $xml .= ' <emailclient>' . correctPostValue($_POST['emailclient']) . '</emailclient> </AdaugaOferta> </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope>'; //echo $xml;die(); $data = ws_request(getUserConfig("ws_brokerurl"), $xml, 'AdaugaOferta'); $r = $data['soap:Envelope']['soap:Body']; //print_r($r);die(); if (isset($r['soap:Fault'])) { return false; } if (isset($r['AdaugaOfertaResponse']['idoferta'])) { if (intval($r['AdaugaOfertaResponse']['idoferta']['VALUE'])) { return intval($r['AdaugaOfertaResponse']['idoferta']['VALUE']); } } return false; case 'InfoOferta': $xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap=""> <soap:Header> <CredentialHeader xmlns=""> <Username>' . getUserConfig("ws_username") . '</Username> <Password>' . getUserConfig("ws_parola") . '</Password> </CredentialHeader> </soap:Header> <soap:Body> <InfoOferta xmlns=""> <idoferta>' . intval($para) . '</idoferta> </InfoOferta> </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope>'; $data = ws_request(getUserConfig("ws_brokerurl"), $xml, 'InfoOferta'); $r = $data['soap:Envelope']['soap:Body']; //print_r($data); if (isset($r['soap:Fault'])) { return false; } if (isset($r['InfoOfertaResponse']['idoferta'])) { if (intval($r['InfoOfertaResponse']['idoferta']['VALUE'])) { return $r['InfoOfertaResponse']; } } return true; case 'PolitaOferta': if ($action == 'PolitaOferta') { $_GET['TarifeOferta'] = $_GET['PolitaOferta']; } case 'PDFOferta': if ($action == 'PDFOferta') { $_GET['TarifeOferta'] = $_GET['offid']; } case 'TarifeOferta': $xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap=""> <soap:Header> <CredentialHeader xmlns=""> <Username>' . getUserConfig("ws_username") . '</Username> <Password>' . getUserConfig("ws_parola") . '</Password> </CredentialHeader> </soap:Header> <soap:Body> <TarifeOferta xmlns=""> <idoferta>' . intval($_GET['TarifeOferta']) . '</idoferta> ' . ($action == 'PDFOferta' ? '<politaPDF>true</politaPDF>' : '') . ' </TarifeOferta> </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope>'; $data = ws_request(getUserConfig("ws_brokerurl"), $xml, 'TarifeOferta'); //print_r($data);die(); $r = $data['soap:Envelope']['soap:Body']; if (isset($r['soap:Fault'])) { return false; } if (isset($r['TarifeOfertaResponse']['idoferta'])) { $tipoferta = $r['TarifeOfertaResponse']['tipoferta']['VALUE']; if (intval($r['TarifeOfertaResponse']['idoferta']['VALUE'])) { if ($action == "TarifeOferta") { $soc = array(); //check tarifs if (isset($r['TarifeOfertaResponse']['tarif']['societate'])) { //we have one $v = $r['TarifeOfertaResponse']['tarif']; $soc[$v['societate']['VALUE']] = array(); $soc[$v['societate']['VALUE']]['soc'] = $v['societate']['VALUE']; $soc[$v['societate']['VALUE']]['6'] = floatval($v['tarif6']['VALUE']); $soc[$v['societate']['VALUE']]['12'] = floatval($v['tarif12']['VALUE']); $soc[$v['societate']['VALUE']]['1'] = floatval($v['tarif1']['VALUE']); $soc[$v['societate']['VALUE']]['bm'] = floatval($v['bm12']['VALUE']); } else { if (isset($r['TarifeOfertaResponse']['tarif'])) { foreach ($r['TarifeOfertaResponse']['tarif'] as $k => $v) { $soc[$v['societate']['VALUE']] = array(); $soc[$v['societate']['VALUE']]['soc'] = $v['societate']['VALUE']; $soc[$v['societate']['VALUE']]['6'] = floatval($v['tarif6']['VALUE']); $soc[$v['societate']['VALUE']]['12'] = floatval($v['tarif12']['VALUE']); $soc[$v['societate']['VALUE']]['1'] = floatval($v['tarif1']['VALUE']); $soc[$v['societate']['VALUE']]['bm'] = floatval($v['bm12']['VALUE']); $soc[$v['societate']['VALUE']]['com'] = floatval($v['com']['VALUE']); } } } usort($soc, sort12luni); //set logos global $_LANG_; $_LANG_['carpatica'] = '<img src="images/carpatica.png" alt="' . getLT('carpatica') . '">'; $_LANG_['ardaf'] = '<img src="images/ardaf.png" alt="' . getLT('ardaf') . '">'; $_LANG_['astra'] = '<img src="images/astra.png" alt="' . getLT('astra') . '">'; $_LANG_['allianz'] = '<img src="images/allianz.png" alt="' . getLT('allianz') . '">'; $_LANG_['city'] = '<img src="images/city.png" alt="' . getLT('city') . '">'; $_LANG_['abc'] = '<img src="images/abc.png" alt="' . getLT('abc') . '">'; $_LANG_['omniasig'] = '<img src="images/omniasig.png" alt="' . getLT('omniasig') . '">'; $_LANG_['generali'] = '<img src="images/generali.png" alt="' . getLT('generali') . '">'; $_LANG_['grupama'] = '<img src="images/groupama.png" alt="' . getLT('grupama') . '">'; $_LANG_['uniqa'] = '<img src="images/uniqa.png" alt="' . getLT('uniqa') . '">'; $_LANG_['euroins'] = '<img src="images/euroins.png" alt="' . getLT('euroins') . '">'; $_LANG_['asirom'] = '<img src="images/asirom.png" alt="' . getLT('asirom') . '">'; $_LANG_['crediteurope'] = '<img src="images/crediteurope.png" alt="' . getLT('crediteurope') . '">'; $_LANG_['platinum'] = '<img src="images/gothaer.png" alt="Gothaer">'; $_LANG_['mondial'] = '<img src="images/mondial.png" alt="Mondial">'; switch ($tipoferta) { case 'medicale': //print_r($soc); ?> <table class="worktarife" cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border="1"> <tr><th align=right>Asigurator<th align=right>Prima RON <?php foreach ($soc as $k => $v) { if ($v['12'] < 2) { continue; } ?> <tr><td align=center><?php echo getLT($v['soc']); ?> <td align=right class="worktarif"><a href="#" per="12" socid="<?php echo $v['soc']; ?> " tarif="<?php echo showNumber($v['12'], 2); ?> "><?php $tt = showNumber($v['12'], 2); $tt = explode(",", $tt); echo $tt[0] . '<span class="tarifjos">,' . $tt[1] . '</span>'; ?> </a> <?php } ?> </table> <?php if (!isset($r['TarifeOfertaResponse']['ofertafinalizata']) || $r['TarifeOfertaResponse']['ofertafinalizata']['VALUE'] == "false") { ?> <a class="incarcatarife" href="site.php?TarifeOferta=<?php echo intval($_GET['TarifeOferta']); ?> "></a> <?php } break; case 'pad': case 'casco': case 'sanatate': case 'malpraxis': case 'rotr': //print_r($soc); ?> <table class="worktarife" cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border="1"> <tr><th align=right>Asigurator<th align=right>Prima EURO <?php foreach ($soc as $k => $v) { if ($v['12'] < 2) { continue; } ?> <tr><td align=center><?php echo getLT($v['soc']); ?> <td align=right class="worktarif"><a href="#" per="12" socid="<?php echo $v['soc']; ?> " tarif="<?php echo showNumber($v['12'], 2); ?> "><?php $tt = showNumber($v['12'], 2); $tt = explode(",", $tt); echo $tt[0] . '<span class="tarifjos">,' . $tt[1] . '</span>'; ?> </a> <?php } ?> </table> <?php if (!isset($r['TarifeOfertaResponse']['ofertafinalizata']) || $r['TarifeOfertaResponse']['ofertafinalizata']['VALUE'] == "false") { ?> <a class="incarcatarife" href="site.php?TarifeOferta=<?php echo intval($_GET['TarifeOferta']); ?> "></a> <?php } break; case 'rca': default: //print_r($soc); if (getUserConfig('color_design') == "2") { ?> <table class="worktarife" cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border="1"> <tr><th align=right style="font-size: 16px;color:black;" rowspan=2>Asigurator<th align=right style="font-size: 16px;color:black;" colspan=2>6 luni<th align=right style="font-size: 16px;color:black;" colspan=2>1 an <tr><th align=right style="font-size: 16px;color:black;">In rate <th align=right style="font-size: 16px;color:black;">Integral <th align=right style="font-size: 16px;color:black;border-left: solid 2px #eee;">In rate <th align=right style="font-size: 16px;color:black;">Integral <?php foreach ($soc as $k => $v) { if ($v['6'] < 2) { continue; } if ($v['12'] < 2) { continue; } $oldtarif6 = ''; $oldtarif12 = ''; if (false && (getUserConfig("reduceretarife") != "" || getUserConfig("reduceretarife_" . $v['soc']) != "")) { $red = getUserConfig("reduceretarife"); if (getUserConfig("reduceretarife_" . $v['soc']) != "") { $red = getUserConfig("reduceretarife_" . $v['soc']); } $oldv6 = floatval($v[6]); $oldv12 = floatval($v[12]); $v[6] = floatval($v[6]) * (100 - floatval($red)) / 100; $v[12] = floatval($v[12]) * (100 - floatval($red)) / 100; $oldtarif6 = '<span class="tarifjos"> * ' . showNumber($oldv6, 2) . '</span>'; $oldtarif12 = '<span class="tarifjos"> * ' . showNumber($oldv12, 2) . '</span>'; } ?> <tr><td align=center style="text-align:center;"><?php echo getLT($v['soc']); ?> <td align=center class="worktarif"><button socid="<?php echo $v['soc']; ?> " per="6" onclick="return clickPlataInRate('<?php echo showNumber($oldv6, 2); ?> ',this);" class="btn btn-success">In rate <?php echo showNumber($oldv6, 2); ?> </button><br> <td align=center class="worktarif"><button socid="<?php echo $v['soc']; ?> " per="6" onclick="return clickPlataIntegral('<?php echo showNumber($v[6], 2); ?> ',this);" class="btn btn-success">Cu reducere <?php echo showNumber($v[6], 2); ?> </button><br><?php echo $oldtarif6; ?> <td align=center class="worktarif" style="border-left: solid 2px #eee;"><button socid="<?php echo $v['soc']; ?> " per="12" onclick="return clickPlataInRate('<?php echo showNumber($oldv12, 2); ?> ',this);" class="btn btn-success">In rate <?php echo showNumber($oldv12, 2); ?> </button><br> <td align=center class="worktarif"><button socid="<?php echo $v['soc']; ?> " per="12" onclick="return clickPlataIntegral('<?php echo showNumber($v[12], 2); ?> ',this);" class="btn btn-success">Cu reducere <?php echo showNumber($v[12], 2); ?> </button><br><?php echo $oldtarif12; ?> <?php } ?> <tr><td colspan=5> * Comisionul platit brokerului, calculat ca procent din prima totala afisata in tabel, inclus in prima totala.</table> <?php } else { if (false && getUserConfig('codpromotional') == "Card Cheque") { //validate cod promo if (strlen(trim($v['codpromotional']['VALUE'])) == 13 && intval(substr(trim($v['codpromotional']['VALUE']), 0, 7)) == 6426174) { //ok global $_CONFIG; //$_CONFIG['reduceretarife']=10; } } ?> <table class="worktarife" cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border="1"> <tr><th align=right>Asigurator<th align=right>6 luni<th align=right>1 an <?php foreach ($soc as $k => $v) { if ($v['6'] < 2) { continue; } if ($v['12'] < 2) { continue; } $oldtarif6 = ''; $oldtarif12 = ''; if (false && (getUserConfig("reduceretarife") != "" || getUserConfig("reduceretarife_" . $v['soc']) != "")) { $red = getUserConfig("reduceretarife"); if (getUserConfig("reduceretarife_" . $v['soc']) != "") { $red = getUserConfig("reduceretarife_" . $v['soc']); } $oldv6 = floatval($v[6]); $oldv12 = floatval($v[12]); $v[6] = floatval($v[6]) * (100 - floatval($red)) / 100; $v[12] = floatval($v[12]) * (100 - floatval($red)) / 100; $oldtarif6 = '<del><span class="tarifjos">' . showNumber($oldv6, 2) . '</span></del><br>'; $oldtarif12 = '<del><span class="tarifjos">' . showNumber($oldv12, 2) . '</span></del><br>'; } $oldtarif6 = '<br><span class="tarifjos" style="color:gray">*' . $v['com'] . '% ' . showNumber($v[6] * $v['com'] / 100, 2) . '</span>'; $oldtarif12 = '<br><span class="tarifjos" style="color:gray">*' . $v['com'] . '% ' . showNumber($v[12] * $v['com'] / 100, 2) . '</span>'; ?> <tr><td align=center style="text-align:center;"><?php echo getLT($v['soc']); ?> <td align=right class="worktarif"> <a href="#" socid="<?php echo $v['soc']; ?> " per="6" tarif="<?php echo showNumber($v['6'], 2); ?> "><?php $tt = showNumber($v['6'], 2); $tt = explode(",", $tt); echo $tt[0] . '<span class="tarifjos">,' . $tt[1] . '</span>'; echo $oldtarif6; ?> </a><td align=right class="worktarif"><a href="#" socid="<?php echo $v['soc']; ?> " per="12" tarif="<?php echo showNumber($v['12'], 2); ?> "><?php $tt = showNumber($v['12'], 2); $tt = explode(",", $tt); echo $tt[0] . '<span class="tarifjos">,' . $tt[1] . '</span>'; echo $oldtarif12; ?> </a> <?php } ?> <tr><td colspan=3 style="color:gray;font-size:0.3em;">* Comisionul platit brokerului, inclus in prima totala, calculat ca procent din prima totala afisata in tabel. </table> <?php } if (!isset($r['TarifeOfertaResponse']['ofertafinalizata']) || $r['TarifeOfertaResponse']['ofertafinalizata']['VALUE'] == "false") { ?> <a class="incarcatarife" href="site.php?TarifeOferta=<?php echo intval($_GET['TarifeOferta']); ?> "></a> <?php } break; } } if ($action == "PolitaOferta") { if (!isset($r['TarifeOfertaResponse']['politafinalizata']) || $r['TarifeOfertaResponse']['politafinalizata']['VALUE'] == "false") { ?> <a class="incarcapolita" href="site.php?PolitaOferta=<?php echo intval($_GET['PolitaOferta']); ?> "></a> <?php } else { if (!isset($r['TarifeOfertaResponse']['politaid']['VALUE']) || !intval($r['TarifeOfertaResponse']['politaid']['VALUE'])) { ?> <a class="incarcapolitaeroare" href="site.php?PolitaOferta=<?php echo intval($_GET['PolitaOferta']); ?> "></a> <?php } } } if ($action == "PDFOferta") { header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Polita-' . intval($_GET['offid']) . '.pdf";'); return base64_decode($r['TarifeOfertaResponse']['politaPDF']['VALUE']); } } } return false; break; case 'DateOferta': $xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap=""> <soap:Header> <CredentialHeader xmlns=""> <Username>' . getUserConfig("ws_username") . '</Username> <Password>' . getUserConfig("ws_parola") . '</Password> </CredentialHeader> </soap:Header> <soap:Body> <ModificaOferta xmlns=""> <idoferta>' . intval($_POST['offid']) . '</idoferta> '; foreach ($_POST as $k => $v) { switch ($k) { case 'tarif': case 'tipplata': case 'action': break; default: $xml .= '<' . $k . '>' . $v . '</' . $k . '>'; break; } } $xml .= ' </ModificaOferta> </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope>'; $data = ws_request(getUserConfig("ws_brokerurl"), $xml, 'ModificaOferta'); $r = $data['soap:Envelope']['soap:Body']; if (isset($r['soap:Fault'])) { return false; } return true; break; case 'WakeupCall': $xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap=""> <soap:Header> <CredentialHeader xmlns=""> <Username>' . getUserConfig("ws_username") . '</Username> <Password>' . getUserConfig("ws_parola") . '</Password> </CredentialHeader> </soap:Header> <soap:Body> <WakeupCall xmlns=""> <idoferta>' . intval($_GET['WakeupCall']) . '</idoferta> </WakeupCall> </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope>'; $data = ws_request(getUserConfig("ws_brokerurl"), $xml, 'WakeupCall'); $r = $data['soap:Envelope']['soap:Body']; if (isset($r['soap:Fault'])) { return false; } return true; break; case 'ContulNou': case 'ParolaUitata': case 'ContulTau': case 'Reincarca': $xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap=""> <soap:Header> <CredentialHeader xmlns=""> <Username>' . getUserConfig("ws_username") . '</Username> <Password>' . getUserConfig("ws_parola") . '</Password> </CredentialHeader> </soap:Header> <soap:Body> <' . $action . ' xmlns=""> <clientid>' . session_getvalue("login_clientid") . '</clientid> '; foreach ($_POST as $k => $v) { if ($k == "frandom") { continue; } if ($k == "action") { continue; } if ($k == "textbutton") { continue; } if ($k == "automaticsubmit") { continue; } $xml .= '<' . $k . '>' . $v . '</' . $k . '>'; } $xml .= ' </' . $action . '> </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope>'; $data = ws_request(getUserConfig("ws_brokerurl"), $xml, $action); $r = $data['soap:Envelope']['soap:Body']; global $_local_error; $_local_error = ''; if (isset($r['soap:Fault'])) { $_local_error = $r['soap:Fault']['faultstring']['VALUE']; return false; } if (isset($r['Client']['id']['VALUE'])) { if (intval($r['Client']['id']['VALUE'])) { session_setvalue("login_clientid", intval($r['Client']['id']['VALUE'])); } } if (isset($r['Redirect']['screen']['VALUE'])) { ?> <textarea><?php if (isset($r['Redirect']['message']['VALUE'])) { ?> alert("<?php echo $r['Redirect']['message']['VALUE']; ?> ");<?php } ?> location.href='site.php?t=<?php echo $r['Redirect']['screen']['VALUE']; ?> ';</textarea> <?php die; } return true; break; case 'Portofoliu': include "extensions/process_offer_ws_client.php"; break; } }
public function view($plugin) { getAuthentication()->requireAuthentication(); $siteConfig = getUserConfig()->getSiteSettings(); $plugins = (array) explode(',', $siteConfig['plugins']['activePlugins']); if (!in_array($plugin, $plugins)) { $this->logger->warn(sprintf('Tried to call /plugin/%s/view.json on an inactive or non existant plugin', $plugin)); return $this->error('Could not load plugin', false); } $pluginObj = getPlugin(); $conf = $pluginObj->loadConf($plugin); $bodyTemplate = sprintf('%s/plugin-form.php', $this->config->paths->templates); $body = $this->template->get($bodyTemplate, array('plugin' => $plugin, 'conf' => $conf, 'crumb' => $this->session->get('crumb'))); return $this->success(sprintf('Form for %s plugin', $plugin), array('markup' => $body)); }
function getUserConfig($item, $userid = 0) { global $default_config, $tables, $domain, $website; $hasconf = Sql_Table_Exists($tables["config"]); $value = ''; if ($hasconf) { $query = 'select value,editable from ' . $tables['config'] . ' where item = ?'; $req = Sql_Query_Params($query, array($item)); if (!Sql_Num_Rows($req)) { if (array_key_exists($item, $default_config)) { $value = $default_config[$item]['value']; } } else { $row = Sql_fetch_Row($req); $value = $row[0]; if ($row[1] == 0) { $GLOBALS['noteditableconfig'][] = $item; } } } # if this is a subpage item, and no value was found get the global one if (!$value && strpos($item, ":") !== false) { list($a, $b) = explode(":", $item); $value = getUserConfig($a, $userid); } if ($userid) { $query = 'select uniqid, email from ' . $tables['user'] . ' where id = ?'; $rs = Sql_Query_Params($query, array($userid)); $user_req = Sql_Fetch_Row($rs); $uniqid = $user_req[0]; $email = $user_req[1]; # parse for placeholders # do some backwards compatibility: # hmm, reverted back to old system $url = getConfig("unsubscribeurl"); $sep = strpos($url, '?') !== false ? '&' : '?'; $value = str_ireplace('[UNSUBSCRIBEURL]', $url . $sep . 'uid=' . $uniqid, $value); $url = getConfig("confirmationurl"); $sep = strpos($url, '?') !== false ? '&' : '?'; $value = str_ireplace('[CONFIRMATIONURL]', $url . $sep . 'uid=' . $uniqid, $value); $url = getConfig("preferencesurl"); $sep = strpos($url, '?') !== false ? '&' : '?'; $value = str_ireplace('[PREFERENCESURL]', $url . $sep . 'uid=' . $uniqid, $value); $value = str_ireplace('[EMAIL]', $email, $value); $value = parsePlaceHolders($value, getUserAttributeValues($email)); } $value = str_ireplace('[SUBSCRIBEURL]', getConfig("subscribeurl"), $value); $value = preg_replace('/\\[DOMAIN\\]/i', $domain, $value); #@ID Should be done only in one place. Combine getConfig and this one? $value = preg_replace('/\\[WEBSITE\\]/i', $website, $value); if ($value == "0") { $value = "false"; } elseif ($value == "1") { $value = "true"; } return $value; }
?> ; } th.datepickerWeek span { color: <?php echo getUserConfig("theme_color4"); ?> ; } </STYLE> <?php cache_addvalue("head", ob_get_contents()); ob_end_clean(); ob_start(); if (getUserConfig("datepicker") != "yes") { ?> <DIV ID="calendardiv" STYLE="position:absolute;visibility:hidden;background-color:white;z-index:100;"></DIV> <script> var global_cal = new CalendarPopup("calendardiv"); //global_cal.showNavigationDropdowns(); global_cal.setCssPrefix(""); global_cal.setMonthNames(<?php echo getLT('months'); ?> ); global_cal.setDayHeaders(<?php echo getLT('shortdays'); ?> ); global_cal.setWeekStartDay(<?php
$datachange .= $value?$strYes:$strNo; elseif ($attribute["type"] != "textline" && $attribute["type"] != "textarea") $datachange .= AttributeValue($attribute["tablename"],$value); else $datachange .= stripslashes($value); $datachange .= "\n"; } } } } $message = ereg_replace('\[LISTS\]', $lists, getUserConfig("updatemessage",$userid)); $message = ereg_replace('\[USERDATA\]', $datachange, $message); if ($emailchanged) { $newaddressmessage = ereg_replace('\[CONFIRMATIONINFO\]', getUserConfig("emailchanged_text",$userid), $message); $oldaddressmessage = ereg_replace('\[CONFIRMATIONINFO\]', getUserConfig("emailchanged_text_oldaddress",$userid), $message); } else { $message = ereg_replace('\[CONFIRMATIONINFO\]', "", $message); } print '<title>'.$GLOBALS["strPreferencesTitle"].'</title>'; print $subscribepagedata["header"]; if (!TEST) { if ($emailchanged) { if (sendMail($data["email"],getConfig("updatesubject"),$oldaddressmessage, system_messageheaders($email),$envelope) && sendMail($email,getConfig("updatesubject"),$newaddressmessage, system_messageheaders($email),$envelope)) { $ok = 1; sendAdminCopy("Lists information changed",$data["email"] . " has changed their information.\nThe email has changed to $email."); } else { $ok = 0; }
$_LANG_['newsimg'] = "Imagine"; $_LANG_['newsimg2'] = "Imagine secundara"; $_LANG_['newsimg3'] = "Imagine secundara"; $_LANG_['newsimg4'] = "Imagine secundara"; $_LANG_['newsimg5'] = "Imagine secundara"; $_LANG_['newsimg6'] = "Imagine secundara"; $_LANG_['prodimage'] = "Imagine"; $_LANG_['prodimage2'] = "Imagine secundara"; $_LANG_['prodimage3'] = "Imagine secundara"; $_LANG_['prodimage4'] = "Imagine secundara"; $_LANG_['prodimage5'] = "Imagine secundara"; $_LANG_['prodimage6'] = "Imagine secundara"; $_LANG_['astra'] = "ASTRA"; $_LANG_['carpatica'] = "CARPATICA"; $_LANG_['euroins'] = "EUROINS"; $_LANG_['uniqa'] = "UNIQA"; $_LANG_['grupama'] = "GROUPAMA"; $_LANG_['allianz'] = "ALLIANZ"; $_LANG_['asirom'] = "ASIROM"; $_LANG_['omniasig'] = "OMNIASIG"; $_LANG_['platinum'] = "GOTHAER"; $_LANG_['mondial'] = "MONDIAL"; $_LANG_['bcrasig'] = "OMNIASIG BCR"; $_LANG_['generali'] = "GENERALI"; $_LANG_['ardaf'] = "GENERALI ARDAF"; $_LANG_['abc'] = "ABC ASIGURARI"; $_LANG_['city'] = "CITY INSURANCE"; $_LANG_['crediteurope'] = "CREDIT EUROPE"; if (file_exists("cache/language_" . getUserConfig('projectid') . ".php")) { include "cache/language_" . getUserConfig('projectid') . ".php"; }
?> </div></div><?php } } else { //wait for more ?> <div class="workstep"><div class=workfields style="width:295px;height:120px;"> <span id="loadingpolitaimg"><img src="images/ajax-loader.gif">Acum incerc sa emit polita</span> <br> <span id="loadingpolitamesaj" style="display:none;"> Polita dumneavoastra s-a emisa. Puteti descarca o copie de aici: <a href="site.php?t=polita&offid=<?php echo intval($_GET['offid']); ?> ">Polita</a> </span> <span id="loadingpolitaeroare" style="display:none;"><?php echo getUserConfig("mesaj_eroare"); ?> </span> <div style="height:1px;"><div id="offpolita"><a class="incarcapolita" href="site.php?PolitaOferta=<?php echo intval($_GET['offid']); ?> "></a></div></div> </div></div> <?php } ?> </div>
{ //ignore return true; } if(!isElementVisible($(this)) && $(this).css("display")!="block") { nextstep=this; foundone=true; return false; } var valid=true; $(this).find(".validated").each(function(){ if(!validateFieldRule($(this),{},$(this).attr("validate"))) { $(this).css("background-color", "<?php echo getUserConfig("alert_color"); ?> "); ret=false; valid=false; allvalid=false; } else { $(this).css("background-color", "white"); valid=true; } }); if(valid) { //save all
function Payment() { $this->backref = getUserConfig("ws_merch_backurl"); // TDB - from MERCHANT }
<div id="worksteps"> <input type="hidden" name="automaticsubmit" value="false"> <input type="hidden" name="offid" value="<?php echo intval($_GET['offid']); ?> "> <input type="hidden" name="tipoferta" value="rezervare"> <?php require_once "extensions/process_offer_ws.php"; $date = ws_process("InfoOferta", intval($_GET['offid'])); $pin = md5(getUserConfig("sitepin") . "-" . intval($_GET['offid'])); if (isset($_GET['motiv']) && $_GET['motiv'] == "neconfirmare") { if ($pin != $_GET["pin"]) { ?> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="PlataOk"> <input type="hidden" name="textbutton" value="Eroare pin"> <div class="work_col1"> <div class="biglabel"><img src="images/x.png" border=0> Eroare Pin</div> <div class="workstep"><div class=workfields style="width:295px;height:auto;">Linkul nu este valabil, va rugam sa raportati eroarea. </div></div> </div> <?php } else { ?> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="TarifeOferta"> <input type="hidden" name="textbutton" value="Nu avem camere libere"> <input type="hidden" name="ofertastatus" value="2">