Esempio n. 1

//$content = file_get_contents('');
//$content = file_get_contents('frame0_11_1.html');
if (isset($update_xz) && ($content = getUrlContent('' . $update_xz . '_1.html'))) {
    preg_match("/<!-- SUDA_CODE_END -->.*<!-- Start  Wrating  -->/si", $content, $match);
    preg_match("/<li class=\"datea\">有效日期:(.*)<\\/li>/i", $content, $dates);
    $yxqx = $dates[1];
    $match[0] = str_replace("\n", '', $match[0]);
    preg_match("/<div class=\"lotconts\">(.*)<\\/div>/i", $match[0], $zhpg);
    $zhpg = $zhpg[1];
    $match[0] = str_replace("</div>", "\n", $match[0]);
    preg_match_all("/<h4>(.*)<\\/h4>(.*)/i", $match[0], $match1);
    foreach ($match1[1] as $k => $m) {
        switch (substr($m, 0, 8)) {
            case '综合运势':
                $zhys = substr_count($match1[2][$k], '<img');
            case '健康指数':
                $jkzs = $match1[2][$k];
            case '工作状况':
                $gzzk = substr_count($match1[2][$k], '<img');
            case '理财投资':
                $nctz = substr_count($match1[2][$k], '<img');
            case '商谈指数':
                $stzs = $match1[2][$k];
Esempio n. 2
    //$cookie_jar = tempnam('./','cookie'); // Create file with unique file name (cookie*)
    $cookie_jar = './cookie.txt';
    $resource = curl_init();
    curl_setopt($resource, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
    curl_setopt($resource, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
    curl_setopt($resource, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $postdata);
    curl_setopt($resource, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, $cookie_jar);
    curl_setopt($resource, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, $cookie_jar);
    curl_setopt($resource, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
    return $resource;
// 取得此 Url 的內容
function getUrlContent($resource, $url)
    curl_setopt($resource, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
    curl_setopt($resource, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
    $content = curl_exec($resource);
    return $content;
// Test:
// post to url and get cookie
$url = '';
$postdata = 'username=admin&password=1234';
$resource = setUrlCookie($url, $postdata);
// set cookie 'u' => 'admin' or anything
// get contents (need cookie check)
$url = '';
echo getUrlContent($resource, $url);
// Login success.
* @param $origin_path 原始物理图片地址
* @param array $sizes 缩略图大小信息 为空则取后台设置
		数组 参数1 为宽度,
			 参数4为是否水印 默认为 0(不生成水印)
* @param $path 存储的路径
* @param $file_name 保存的文件名
* @param $del_temp 是否删除临时文件
* @param $id 关联编号,将根据编号生成目录
* 返回 复制成功的信息,如为false则复制失败
* array(
* 	'path'	=>	xxx  //物理路径
*  'url'	=>	xxx  //相对路径
* );
* by fzmatthew
function copyImage($origin_path, $sizes = array(), $path = 'share', $del_temp = true, $id = 0)
    global $_FANWE;
    static $size_setting = NULL, $image = NULL;
    if ($image === NULL) {
        include_once fimport('class/image');
        $image = new Image();
    if ($path == 'temp') {
        $dir = './public/upload/temp/' . fToDate(NULL, 'Y/m/d/H');
    } else {
        if ($id > 0) {
            $dir = './public/upload/' . $path . '/' . getDirsById($id);
        } else {
            $dir = './public/upload/' . $path . '/' . fToDate(NULL, 'Y/m/d');
    makeDir(FANWE_ROOT . $dir);
    $file_name = md5(microtime(true)) . random('6') . '.jpg';
    $file_path = FANWE_ROOT . $dir . "/" . $file_name;
    $bln = false;
    if (file_exists($origin_path) && @copy($origin_path, $file_path)) {
        $bln = true;
    } else {
        $data = getUrlContent($origin_path);
        if (!empty($data) && @file_put_contents($file_path, $data) > 0) {
            $bln = true;
    if ($bln) {
        $info = $image->getImageInfo($file_path);
        if ($info['type'] != 'jpg' && $info['type'] != 'jpeg') {
            if (!$image->convertType($file_path, $file_path)) {
                return false;
        $water_image = $_FANWE['setting']['water_image'];
        if (!empty($water_image)) {
            $water_image = FANWE_ROOT . $water_image;
        $water_mark = intval($_FANWE['setting']['water_mark']);
        $alpha = intval($_FANWE['setting']['water_alpha']);
        $place = intval($_FANWE['setting']['water_position']);
        if ($sizes !== false && empty($sizes)) {
            if ($size_setting === NULL) {
                if (!isset($_FANWE['cache']['image_sizes'])) {
                $size_setting = $_FANWE['cache']['image_sizes'];
            $sizes = $size_setting;
        foreach ($sizes as $size) {
            if ($size[0] > 0 || $size[1] > 0) {
                $thumb_bln = false;
                $thumb_type = isset($size[2]) ? intval($size[2]) : 0;
                if ($thumb = $image->thumb($file_path, $size[0], $size[1], $thumb_type)) {
                    if (isset($size[3]) && intval($size[3]) > 0) {
                        $image->water($thumb['path'], $water_image, $alpha, $place);
        if ($del_temp) {
        return array('path' => $file_path, 'url' => $dir . "/" . $file_name, 'width' => $info[0], 'height' => $info[1]);
    } else {
        return false;
    public function fetch($url)
        global $_FANWE;
        $id = $this->getID($url);
        if (empty($id)) {
            return false;
        $key = 'dangdang_' . $id;
        $share_goods = FDB::resultFirst('SELECT share_id,goods_id FROM ' . FDB::table('share_goods') . ' 
			WHERE uid = ' . $_FANWE['uid'] . " AND goods_key = '{$key}'");
        if ($share_goods) {
            $result['status'] = -1;
            $result['share_id'] = $share_goods['share_id'];
            $result['goods_id'] = $share_goods['goods_id'];
            return $result;
        $content = getUrlContent("" . $id);
        if (empty($content)) {
            return false;
        $content = gbToUTF8($content);
        $content = preg_replace("/[\r\n]/", '', $content);
        @preg_match("/<h1>(.*?)<\\/h1>/", $content, $title);
        if (empty($title)) {
            return false;
        @preg_match("/var oldimage \\= '(.*?)';/", $content, $img);
        if (empty($img)) {
            return false;
        @preg_match("/<span class=\"promotions_price_d\">¥<b>(.*?)<\\/b><\\/span>/u", $content, $price);
        if (empty($price)) {
            @preg_match("/<span.*?id=\"salePriceTag\">¥(.*?)<\\/span>/u", $content, $price);
            if (empty($price)) {
                return false;
            } else {
                $price = (double) $price[1];
        } else {
            $price = (double) $price[1];
        if (FS("Image")->getIsServer()) {
            $args = array();
            $args['pic_url'] = $img[1];
            $server = FS("Image")->formatServer($_FANWE['request']['image_server'], 'DE');
            $server = FS("Image")->getImageUrlToken($args, $server, 1);
            $body = FS("Image")->sendRequest($server, 'savetemp', true);
            if (empty($body)) {
                return false;
            $image = unserialize($body);
            $result['image_server'] = $server['image_server'];
        } else {
            $image = copyFile($img[1], "temp", false);
            if ($image === false) {
                return false;
            $image['server_code'] = '';
        $result['item']['key'] = $key;
        $result['item']['name'] = strip_tags(str_replace('[当当自营]', '', $title[1]));
        $result['item']['price'] = $price;
        $result['item']['img'] = $image['path'];
        $result['item']['server_code'] = $image['server_code'];
        $result['item']['pic_url'] = $img[1];
        $result['item']['url'] = "" . $id;
        $from = $_FANWE['cache']['business']['dangdang']['from'];
        if (!empty($from)) {
            $result['item']['taoke_url'] = "" . $from . "&ad_type=10&sys_id=1&backurl=" . $result['item']['url'];
        @preg_match("/<div class=\"legend\"><a href=\"http:\\/\\/shop\\.dangdang\\.com\\/(.*?)\".*?>(.*?)<\\/a><a.*?>.*?<\\/a><\\/div>/", $content, $shop);
        if (!empty($shop)) {
            $result['shop']['name'] = $shop[2];
            $result['shop']['url'] = "" . $shop[1];
            if (!empty($from)) {
                $result['shop']['taoke_url'] = "" . $from . "&ad_type=10&sys_id=1&backurl=" . $result['shop']['url'];
            if (!FS("Shop")->getShopExistsByUrl($result['shop']['url'])) {
                $content = getUrlContent($result['shop']['url']);
                if (!empty($content)) {
                    $content = preg_replace("/[\r\n]/", '', $content);
                    @preg_match("/<dl.*?id=\"hslice_shop_basic_info_" . $shop[1] . "\">.*?<dt><a.*?><img src=\"(.*?)\".*?\\/><\\/a><\\/dt>/", $content, $shop_img);
                    if (!empty($shop_img)) {
                        if (FS("Image")->getIsServer()) {
                            $args = array();
                            $args['pic_url'] = $shop_img[1];
                            $server = FS("Image")->getImageUrlToken($args, '', 1);
                            $body = FS("Image")->sendRequest($server, 'savetemp', true);
                            if (!empty($body)) {
                                $image = unserialize($body);
                            } else {
                                $image = false;
                        } else {
                            $image = copyFile($shop_img[1], "temp", false);
                            if ($image === false) {
                                $image['server_code'] = '';
                        if ($image !== false) {
                            $result['shop']['logo'] = $image['path'];
                            $result['shop']['server_code'] = $image['server_code'];
        return $result;
 public function serverSide($options)
     // Handle empty values
     if (empty($options['value'])) {
         return 'success';
     $messageArray = array();
     // Perform the server side check with a scrape
     $serverSideResponse = getUrlContent($options['url'] . '&value=' . $options['value']);
     // Can't read the URL
     if ($serverSideResponse['status'] != 'success') {
         $messageArray[] = 'This component could not be validated.';
     } else {
         $serverSideResponse = json_decode($serverSideResponse['response']);
         if ($serverSideResponse->status == 'success') {
             $messageArray == 'success';
         } else {
             $messageArray = $serverSideResponse->response;
     return $messageArray;
     function getUrlContent($url, $postData = null)
         // Handle objects and arrays
         $curlHandler = curl_init();
         curl_setopt($curlHandler, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
         curl_setopt($curlHandler, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, 1);
         curl_setopt($curlHandler, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 20);
         // Time out in seconds
         curl_setopt($curlHandler, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
         if ($postData != null) {
             foreach ($postData as $key => &$value) {
                 if (is_object($value) || is_array($value)) {
                     $value = json_encode($value);
             curl_setopt($curlHandler, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $postData);
         $request = curl_exec($curlHandler);
         if (!$request) {
             $response = array('status' => 'failure', 'response' => 'CURL error ' . curl_errno($curlHandler) . ': ' . curl_error($curlHandler));
         } else {
             $response = array('status' => 'success', 'response' => $request);
         return $response;
Esempio n. 6
function process_sales($login, $options, $reptype)
    global $last_http_headers;
    $appleid = $login["appleid"];
    //  function process_sales($sales_url, $appleid, $options, $reptype) {
    $reptype_l = strtolower($reptype);
    if (!is_dir(BASE_META_DIR . "/salesreports") && !mkdir(BASE_META_DIR . "/salesreports")) {
        return error("couldn't access salrereports directory");
    if (!is_dir(BASE_META_DIR . "/salesreports/{$appleid}") && !mkdir(BASE_META_DIR . "/salesreports/{$appleid}")) {
        return error("couldn't access salrereports directory for appleid={$appleid}");
    if (!is_dir(BASE_META_DIR . "/salesreports/{$appleid}/{$reptype_l}") && !mkdir(BASE_META_DIR . "/salesreports/{$appleid}/{$reptype_l}")) {
        return error("couldn't access salrereports {$reptype_l} directory for appleid={$appleid}");
    $filenames = array();
    $attcnt = 0;
    if ($reptype_l == 'daily') {
        $from = 0;
        $to = 30;
    } else {
        $from = 0;
        $to = 24;
    $weekbeg = mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m'), date('d'), date('Y')) - (date('N') - 1) * 24 * 60 * 60 - 24 * 60 * 60;
    for ($i = $from; $i < $to; $i++) {
        if ($reptype_l == 'daily') {
            $dt = date("Ymd", time() - $i * 24 * 60 * 60);
        } else {
            $dt = date("Ymd", $weekbeg - 7 * $i * 24 * 60 * 60);
        $fntocheck = "S_" . $reptype[0] . "_" . $login["vendorid"] . "_{$dt}.txt";
        echo "checkin report file {$fntocheck}... ";
        if (file_exists(BASE_META_DIR . "salesreports/{$appleid}/{$reptype_l}/" . $fntocheck)) {
            echo "report previously got. skipping \n";
        echo "new report, getting\n";
        echo "{$reptype} processing date {$dt}\n";
        $postvars = array("USERNAME" => $login["appleid"], "PASSWORD" => $login["password"], "VNDNUMBER" => $login["vendorid"], "TYPEOFREPORT" => "Sales", "DATETYPE" => $reptype, "REPORTTYPE" => "Summary", "REPORTDATE" => $dt);
        $res = getUrlContent("", $postvars, true);
        $filename = isset($last_http_headers["content-disposition"]) ? $last_http_headers["content-disposition"] : false;
        $ERRORMSG = isset($last_http_headers["ERRORMSG"]) ? $last_http_headers["ERRORMSG"] : false;
        if ($ERRORMSG) {
            echo "ITC Error: {$ERRORMSG}\n";
        echo "filename={$filename}\n";
        if (!$filename && $attcnt == 5) {
            if ($options["debug"]) {
                echo "content-disposition http header not found. skipping this report\n";
        if (!$filename) {
        $ar = explode("=", $filename);
        $filename = $ar[1];
        # Check for an override of the file name. If found then change the file
        # name to match the outputFormat.
        if ($options["outputFormat"]) {
            $filename = date($options["outputFormat"], $downloadReportDate);
        $filebuffer = $res;
        $filename = BASE_META_DIR . "salesreports/{$appleid}/{$reptype_l}/" . $filename;
        if ($options["unzipFile"] && substr($filename, -3) == '.gz') {
            #Chop off .gz extension if not needed
            $filename = substr($filename, 0, strlen($filename) - 3);
        if ($options["debug"]) {
            echo "Saving download file: {$filename}\n";
        file_put_contents($filename, $filebuffer);
        if ($options["unzipFile"]) {
            if ($options["debug"]) {
                echo "unzipping report file\n";
            $HandleRead = gzopen($filename, "rb");
            $rest = substr($filebuffer, -4);
            $GZFileSize = end(unpack("V", $rest));
            $report = gzread($HandleRead, $GZFileSize);
            if (!$report) {
                warn("some problems with unzipping\n");
            file_put_contents($filename, $report);
            if ($options["debug"]) {
                echo "unzipping succeeded\n";
        $filenames[] = $filename;
    return $filenames;
Esempio n. 7
    curl_setopt($resource, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
    return $resource;
function getUrlContent($resource, $url)
    curl_setopt($resource, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
    curl_setopt($resource, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
    $content = curl_exec($resource);
    return $content;
$url = '';
$postdata = "txtID={$id}&txtPWD={$pwd}&Chk=Y";
$resource = setUrlCookie($url, $postdata);
$url = '';
$html = getUrlContent($resource, $url);
//echo iconv("UTF-8","BIG5", $html);
if (iconv("BIG5", "UTF-8", $html) == "無權使用 請登入") {
    //echo 'Login Error';
} else {
    if (!isset($_SESSION['id'])) {
        $_SESSION['id'] = $id;
        $_SESSION['pwd'] = $pwd;
//================Start parse================//
include '../simple_html_dom.php';
class subject
    public $name;
    public function vjiaFetch($url)
        global $_FANWE;
        $urls = $this->getVjiaID($url);
        if (empty($urls['id'])) {
            return false;
        $key = 'vjia_' . $urls['id'];
        $share_goods = FDB::resultFirst('SELECT share_id,goods_id FROM ' . FDB::table('share_goods') . ' 
			WHERE uid = ' . $_FANWE['uid'] . " AND goods_key = '{$key}'");
        if ($share_goods) {
            $result['status'] = -1;
            $result['share_id'] = $share_goods['share_id'];
            $result['goods_id'] = $share_goods['goods_id'];
            return $result;
        $url = $urls['url'];
        $content = getUrlContent($url);
        if (empty($content)) {
            return false;
        $content = preg_replace("/[\r\n]/", '', $content);
        @preg_match("/<li class=\"title\">(.*?)<\\/li>/", $content, $title);
        if (empty($title)) {
            return false;
        @preg_match("/<div class=\"sp-bigImg\">.*?<img.*?src=\"(.*?)\".*?\\/>.*?<\\/div>/", $content, $img);
        if (empty($img)) {
            return false;
        @preg_match("/<span id=\"SpecialPrice\">(.*?)<\\/span>/", $content, $price);
        if (empty($price)) {
            return false;
        if (FS("Image")->getIsServer()) {
            $args = array();
            $args['pic_url'] = str_replace('/mid/', '/big/', $img[1]);
            $server = FS("Image")->formatServer($_FANWE['request']['image_server'], 'DE');
            $server = FS("Image")->getImageUrlToken($args, $server, 1);
            $body = FS("Image")->sendRequest($server, 'savetemp', true);
            if (empty($body)) {
                return false;
            $image = unserialize($body);
            $result['image_server'] = $server['image_server'];
        } else {
            $image = copyFile(str_replace('/mid/', '/big/', $img[1]), "temp", false);
            if ($image === false) {
                return false;
            $image['server_code'] = '';
        $result['item']['key'] = $key;
        $result['item']['name'] = strip_tags(trim($title[1]));
        $result['item']['price'] = (double) $price[1];
        $result['item']['img'] = $image['path'];
        $result['item']['server_code'] = $image['server_code'];
        $result['item']['pic_url'] = $img[1];
        $result['item']['url'] = $url;
        $Source = $_FANWE['cache']['business']['vancl']['Source'];
        if (!empty($Source)) {
            $result['item']['taoke_url'] = $result['item']['url'] . "?Source=" . $Source;
        return $result;
Esempio n. 9
 public static function build_http_query_multi($params)
     if (!$params) {
         return '';
     //print_r( $params );
     //return null;
     // Urlencode both keys and values
     $keys = array_keys($params);
     $values = array_values($params);
     //$keys = SinaOAuthUtil::urlencode_rfc3986(array_keys($params));
     //$values = SinaOAuthUtil::urlencode_rfc3986(array_values($params));
     $params = array_combine($keys, $values);
     // Parameters are sorted by name, using lexicographical byte value ordering.
     // Ref: Spec: 9.1.1 (1)
     uksort($params, 'strcmp');
     $pairs = array();
     self::$boundary = $boundary = uniqid('------------------');
     $MPboundary = '--' . $boundary;
     $endMPboundary = $MPboundary . '--';
     $multipartbody = '';
     foreach ($params as $parameter => $value) {
         //if( $parameter == 'pic' && $value{0} == '@' )
         if (in_array($parameter, array("pic", "image")) && $value[0] == '@') {
             $url = ltrim($value, '@');
             $content = getUrlContent($url);
             $filename = reset(explode('?', basename($url)));
             $mime = self::get_image_mime($url);
             $multipartbody .= $MPboundary . "\r\n";
             $multipartbody .= 'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="' . $parameter . '"; filename="' . $filename . '"' . "\r\n";
             $multipartbody .= 'Content-Type: ' . $mime . "\r\n\r\n";
             $multipartbody .= $content . "\r\n";
         } else {
             $multipartbody .= $MPboundary . "\r\n";
             $multipartbody .= 'content-disposition: form-data; name="' . $parameter . "\"\r\n\r\n";
             $multipartbody .= $value . "\r\n";
     $multipartbody .= $endMPboundary;
     // For each parameter, the name is separated from the corresponding value by an '=' character (ASCII code 61)
     // Each name-value pair is separated by an '&' character (ASCII code 38)
     // echo $multipartbody;
     return $multipartbody;
Esempio n. 10
 * Find URLs and titles of items in a given feed
 * Since there are several ways a feed can provide URL
 * to the item, we'll look for 'link' attribute first.
 * If it wasn't found, we'll settle for 'guid'.
 * @param string $url URL of the feed
 * @return array Associative array: URL=>Title
function getFeedItems($url)
    $result = array();
    $xml = simplexml_load_string(getUrlContent($url));
    if ($xml) {
        foreach ($xml->channel->item as $item) {
            $link = $item->link ? $item->link : $item->guid;
            $result[(string) $link] = (string) $item->title;
    return $result;
Esempio n. 11
function init()
    try {
        $path = __DIR__ . '/../app/config/parameters.ini';
        $data = parse_ini_file($path);
        if (empty($data)) {
            throw new Exception("配置文件或内容损坏,请重新配置");
        $database_host = $data['database_host'];
        $database_port = $data['database_port'];
        $database_name = $data['database_name'];
        $database_user = $data['database_user'];
        $database_password = $data['database_password'];
        $database_host_im = $data['database_host_im'];
        $database_port_im = $data['database_port_im'];
        $database_name_im = $data['database_name_im'];
        $database_user_im = $data['database_user_im'];
        $database_password_im = $data['database_password_im'];
        $tmp = parse_url($data['ejabberd-server-http']);
        $host = $tmp["host"];
        $conn = mysql_connect($database_host . ':' . $database_port, $database_user, $database_password, true);
        if (!$conn) {
            throw new Exception("WEB服务数据库连接失败,请重新配置");
        mysql_select_db($database_name, $conn);
        $errmsg = mysql_error();
        if (!empty($errmsg)) {
            throw new Exception("WEB数据库错误:" . $errmsg);
        $sql = "SET NAMES 'utf8'";
        mysql_query($sql, $conn);
        mysql_query('delete from we_enterprise', $conn);
        mysql_query('delete from we_circle', $conn);
        mysql_query('delete from we_appcenter_apps', $conn);
        mysql_query('delete from we_sys_param', $conn);
        mysql_query('delete from we_micro_account', $conn);
        mysql_query('delete from we_department', $conn);
        //初始化企业 数据
        $eno = $data['ENO'];
        $edomain = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['en_domain']);
        $ename = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['en_name']);
        $admin = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['admin_account']);
        $sql = 'insert into we_enterprise(eno,edomain,ename,eshortname,sys_manager)values(\'' . $eno . '\',\'' . $edomain . '\',\'' . $ename . '\',\'' . $ename . '\',\'' . $admin . '\')';
        $result = mysql_query($sql, $conn);
        $sql = 'insert into we_department(eno,dept_id,dept_name,parent_dept_id,fafa_deptid)values(\'' . $eno . '\',\'v' . $eno . '\',\'' . $ename . '\',\'v' . $eno . '\',\'v' . $eno . '\')';
        $result = mysql_query($sql, $conn);
        $sql = 'insert into we_circle(circle_id,circle_name,create_staff,create_date,manager,enterprise_no,network_domain)values(\'10000\',\'' . $ename . '\',\'' . $admin . '\',now(),\'' . $admin . '\',\'' . $eno . '\',\'' . $edomain . '\')';
        $result = mysql_query($sql, $conn);
        $sql = 'insert into we_sys_param(param_name,param_value)values(\'ejabberd_server_path\',\'\'),(\'imserver\',\'' . $host . ':5222\'),(\'mobile_active_code\',\'888888\')';
        $result = mysql_query($sql, $conn);
        $sql = 'insert into we_appcenter_apps(appid,appkey,appname,state,appdeveloper,apptype)values(\'35dc24ba28ee06ce8741259c19fbc8e8\',\'61xU54Wx\',\'实时通知\',1,\'' . $eno . '\',\'99\')';
        $result = mysql_query($sql, $conn);
        $conn_im = mysql_connect($database_host_im . ':' . $database_port_im, $database_user_im, $database_password_im, true);
        if (!$conn_im) {
            throw new Exception("IM服务数据库连接失败,请重新配置");
        mysql_select_db($database_name_im, $conn_im);
        $errmsg = mysql_error();
        if (!empty($errmsg)) {
            throw new Exception("IM数据库错误:" . $errmsg);
        $sql = "SET NAMES 'utf8'";
        mysql_query($sql, $conn_im);
        mysql_query('delete from cluster_node', $conn_im);
        mysql_query('delete from cluster_node_media', $conn_im);
        mysql_query('delete from users', $conn_im);
        mysql_query('delete from im_employee', $conn_im);
        mysql_query('delete from im_base_dept', $conn_im);
        $sql = 'insert into cluster_node(nodename,nodetype,isenabled,isstart,ip,start_time)values(\'ejabberd@' . $host . '\',0,1,1,\'' . $host . '\',now())';
        $result = mysql_query($sql, $conn_im);
        $sql = 'insert into cluster_node_media(nodename,serv_type,port,extern_ip,extern_port)values(\'ejabberd@' . $host . '\',\'fileproxy\',7777,\'' . $host . '\',7777),(\'ejabberd@' . $host . '\',\'tcp\',4478,\'' . $host . '\',4478),(\'ejabberd@' . $host . '\',\'udp\',4478,\'' . $host . '\',4478)';
        $result = mysql_query($sql, $conn_im);
        $sql = 'insert into im_base_dept(deptid,deptname,pid,path,noorder)values(\'v' . $eno . '\',\'' . $ename . '\',\'-10000\',\'/-10000/v' . $eno . '/\',0)';
        $result = mysql_query($sql, $conn_im);
        $sql = 'insert into im_sys_seq(table_name,col_name,name,curr_value,step)values(\'im_base_dept\',\'deptid\',\'im_base_dept_deptid\',100001,1)';
        $result = mysql_query($sql, $conn_im);
        $url = $data['open_api_url'] . '/api/http/exec_dataaccess?module=ApiHR&action=org_add';
        $url .= '&deptname=体验部门&deptid=&eno=' . $eno . '&pid=';
        $re = json_decode(getUrlContent($url), true);
        $admininfo = array();
        $admininfo['eno'] = $eno;
        $admininfo['account'] = $admin;
        $admininfo['deptid'] = '';
        $admininfo['realName'] = $_GET['admin_name'];
        $admininfo['passWord'] = $_GET['admin_pwd'];
        $admininfo['duty'] = '系统管理员';
        $admininfo['mobile'] = '';
        $url = $data['open_api_url'] . '/api/http/exec_dataaccess?module=ApiHR&action=staff_add&staffinfo=';
        $url .= json_encode(array($admininfo));
        $re = json_decode(getUrlContent($url), true);
        $url = $data['open_api_url'] . '/api/http/exec_dataaccess?openid=' . $admin . '@' . $edomain . '&module=service&action=register_service&params=';
        $params = array();
        $params['concern_approval'] = '0';
        $params['deptid'] = array('v' . $eno);
        $params['desc'] = '用于发布公司内部管理规章制度';
        $params['login_account'] = '';
        $params['micro_id'] = '';
        $params['name'] = '规章制度';
        $re = json_decode(getUrlContent($url . json_encode($params)), true);
        $params['name'] = '企业新闻';
        $params['desc'] = '用于发布公司事件';
        $re = json_decode(getUrlContent($url . json_encode($params)), true);
        $filepath = __DIR__ . '/install/install.ini';
        $ft = fopen($filepath, 'w+');
        fwrite($ft, "install=ok");
        $data = array("returncode" => "0000", "msg" => '');
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        if (isset($conn) && !empty($conn)) {
        $filepath = __DIR__ . '/install/install.ini';
        $ft = fopen($filepath, 'w+');
        fwrite($ft, $e);
        $data = array("returncode" => "9999", "msg" => $e->getMessage());
    echo json_encode($data);
Esempio n. 12
function checkLoginValid()
    $url = "http://" . $_POST['host'] . ":8086/db?u=" . urlencode($_POST['user']) . "&p=" . urlencode($_POST['pw']);
    $httpResult = getUrlContent($url);
    debug("Login check against {$url} returned: ");
    return 200 == $httpResult['status_code'];
Esempio n. 13
function getUrlContent($url)
    $ch = curl_init();
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 5);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
    $data = curl_exec($ch);
    $httpcode = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
    return $httpcode >= 200 && $httpcode < 300 ? $data : false;
$json = getUrlContent("");
$data = json_decode($json, true);
print $data['lastUpdate'];
Esempio n. 14
     mysql_query($sql, $conn);
 $sql = "SET NAMES 'utf8'";
 mysql_query($sql, $conn);
 while (true) {
     $sql = "select conv_id, post_to_circle circle_id, conv_content from we_convers_list where conv_id=conv_root_id and conv_id > {$lastconvid} order by 0+conv_id limit 0, 100";
     $result = mysql_query($sql, $conn);
     if (mysql_num_rows($result) == 0) {
     while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
         $conv_content = $row["conv_content"];
         $conv_content = iconv("UTF-8", "GBK//IGNORE", $conv_content);
         $tokenstr = getUrlContent($cwsurl, urlencode($conv_content));
         $tokenstr = iconv("GBK", "UTF-8//IGNORE", $tokenstr);
         $tokenarr = explode(" ", $tokenstr);
         $tokenarr = array_unique(array_map(function ($item) {
             return trim($item);
         }, $tokenarr));
         $filterstr = "'\"\\/,.!!"#\$%&()*+-_={}[]#¥%&`'()〔〕〈〉《》「」『』〖〗【】.*+,-.。、?…—·ˉˇ¨‘’“”々~‖∶/:;|〃<=>?@[\]^_`{|} ̄";
         $tokenarr = array_filter($tokenarr, function ($item) use(&$filterstr) {
             return !empty($item) && strpos($filterstr, $item) === false;
         $conv_id = $row["conv_id"];
         $circle_id = $row["circle_id"];
         foreach ($tokenarr as &$token) {
             $sql = "insert into we_convers_index(circle_id, token, conv_id) values('{$circle_id}', '{$token}', '{$conv_id}')";
function getUrlContent2($url, $postvars = false, $gethdr = false)
    $attcnt = 1;
    global $last_http_code, $scrape_options;
    while (true) {
        if ($attcnt >= MAXATTEMPT) {
            return error("aborting getUrlContent2 after " . MAXATTEMPT . " attempts getting content");
        $cont = getUrlContent($url, $postvars, $gethdr);
        if ($last_http_code == 404) {
            return error("page not found. strange");
        if ($cont) {
        if ($scrape_options["debug"]) {
            echo "sleeping for {$attcnt} sec\n";
        if ($scrape_options["debug"]) {
            echo "  attempt {$attcnt}\n";
    return $cont;
Esempio n. 16
 public function sentShare($uid, $data)
     global $_FANWE;
     static $bln = false;
     if (!$bln) {
         $uid = (int) $uid;
         $bind = FS("User")->getUserBindByType($uid, 'tqq');
         $_FANWE['login_oauth']['tqq'][OpenSDK_Tencent_Weibo::ACCESS_TOKEN] = $bind['access_token'];
         $_FANWE['login_oauth']['tqq'][OpenSDK_Tencent_Weibo::OAUTH_TOKEN_SECRET] = $bind['oauth_token_secret'];
         $bln = true;
     $data['content'] .= ' ' . $data['url'];
     if (empty($data['img'])) {
         OpenSDK_Tencent_Weibo::call('t/add', array('content' => $data['content'], 'clientip' => $_FANWE['client_ip']), 'POST');
     } else {
         $content = getUrlContent($data['img']);
         $filename = reset(explode('?', basename($data['img'])));
         OpenSDK_Tencent_Weibo::call('t/add_pic', array('content' => $data['content'], 'clientip' => $_FANWE['client_ip']), 'POST', array('pic' => array('type' => 'image/jpg', 'name' => $filename, 'data' => $content)));
 public function getPrice($img)
     $dir = './public/upload/temp/' . fToDate(NULL, 'Y/m/d/H');
     $file_name = md5(microtime(true)) . random('6') . '.png';
     makeDir(FANWE_ROOT . $dir);
     $file_path = FANWE_ROOT . $dir . "/" . $file_name;
     $img_data = getUrlContent($img);
     if (empty($img_data) || @file_put_contents($file_path, $img_data) == 0) {
         return false;
     $xs_count = 2;
     $keys = array('7' => array('011111011000111100011110001111000111100011110001111000110111110' => 0, '000110001111000001100000110000011000001100000110000011000111111' => 1, '011111011000111100011000001100001100001100001100001100001111111' => 2, '011111011000111100011000001100011100000011110001111000110111110' => 3, '000011000011100010110010011010001101111111000011000001100000110' => 4, '011111101100000110000011111000000110000011110001111000110111110' => 5, '001111001100001100000111111011000111100011110001111000110111110' => 6, '111111100000110000011000011000001100001100000110000110000011000' => 7, '011111011000111100011110001101111101100011110001111000110111110' => 8, '011111011000111100011110001111000110111111000001100001100111100' => 9), '9' => array('001111100011000110110000011110000011110000011110000011110000011110000011110000011011000110001111100' => 0, '000011000001111000000011000000011000000011000000011000000011000000011000000011000000011000001111110' => 1, '011111100110000110110000011000000011000000110000001100000011000000110000001100000011000000111111111' => 2, '011111100110000110110000011000000011000000110000111100000000110000000011110000011110000110011111100' => 3, '000000110000001110000010110000100110001000110010000110100000110111111111000000110000000110000000110' => 4, '011111111011000000011000000011000000011111100000000110000000011000000011110000011110000110011111100' => 5, '000111110001100000011000000110000000110111100111000110110000011110000011110000011011000110001111100' => 6, '111111111000000011000000110000000110000001100000001100000011000000011000000110000000110000001100000' => 7, '001111100011000110110000011110000011011000110001111100011000110110000011110000011011000110001111100' => 8, '001111100011000110110000011110000011110000011011000111001111011000000011000000110000001100011111000' => 9));
     $configs = array('1' => array('word_width' => 9, 'offset_l' => 20, 'offset_t' => 4, 'word_spacing' => 2, 'd_width' => 5), '2' => array('word_width' => 7, 'offset_l' => 18, 'offset_t' => 4, 'word_spacing' => 2, 'd_width' => 5), '3' => array('word_width' => 7, 'offset_l' => 17, 'offset_t' => 3, 'word_spacing' => 2, 'd_width' => 4));
     $res = imagecreatefrompng($file_path);
     $size = getimagesize($file_path);
     $data = array();
     $offset_r = 0;
     for ($j = $size[0] - 1; $j >= 0; $j--) {
         $rgb = imagecolorat($res, $j, 6);
         $rgbarray = imagecolorsforindex($res, $rgb);
         if ($rgbarray['red'] < 125 || $rgbarray['green'] < 125 || $rgbarray['blue'] < 125) {
         } else {
     $offset_b = 0;
     for ($i = $size[1] - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) {
         $rgb = imagecolorat($res, 9, $i);
         $rgbarray = imagecolorsforindex($res, $rgb);
         if ($rgbarray['red'] < 125 || $rgbarray['green'] < 125 || $rgbarray['blue'] < 125) {
         } else {
     $img_width = $size[0];
     if ($offset_b == 9) {
         $config = $configs[2];
     } elseif ($offset_b == 10) {
         $config = $configs[3];
     } else {
         $config = $configs[1];
     $word_width = $config['word_width'];
     $key = $keys[$word_width];
     $offset_l = $config['offset_l'];
     $offset_t = $config['offset_t'];
     $word_spacing = $config['word_spacing'];
     $d_width = $config['d_width'];
     $no_l = $size[0] - ($xs_count * ($word_width + $word_spacing) + $d_width + $offset_r);
     $no_r = $no_l + $d_width;
     for ($i = $offset_t; $i < $size[1] - $offset_b; $i++) {
         $w = 0;
         for ($j = $offset_l; $j < $size[0] - $offset_r; $j++) {
             if ($j >= $no_l && $j < $no_r) {
             $rgb = imagecolorat($res, $j, $i);
             $rgbarray = imagecolorsforindex($res, $rgb);
             if ($rgbarray['red'] < 125 || $rgbarray['green'] < 125 || $rgbarray['blue'] < 125) {
                 $data[$i - $offset_t][$w] = 1;
             } else {
                 $data[$i - $offset_t][$w] = 0;
     $prices = array();
     $length = count($data[0]);
     $height = count($data);
     $count = ($length + $word_spacing) / ($word_width + $word_spacing);
     for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
         $x = $i * ($word_width + $word_spacing);
         for ($h = 0; $h < $height; $h++) {
             $temp = '';
             for ($w = $x; $w < $x + $word_width; $w++) {
                 $prices[$i] .= $data[$h][$w];
     $number = '';
     foreach ($prices as $price) {
         $number .= $key[$price];
     return (double) $number / 100;
Esempio n. 18
    $data = curl_exec($ch);
    $httpcode = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
    return $httpcode >= 200 && $httpcode < 300 ? $data : false;
$dom = intval(date("j"));
$mon = intval(date("m"));
$year_start = 1949;
$year_end = intval(date("Y"));
//loop through and get all of the data
$y = $year_start;
$big_data = array();
while ($y < $year_end) {
    $base_url = "" . $y . "/" . $mon . "/" . $dom . "/CustomHistory.html?format=1";
    $dat = getUrlContent($base_url);
    $csv_dat = str_getcsv($dat, "\n");
    foreach ($csv_dat as &$row) {
        $row = str_getcsv($row);
    #first row is null, next is header
    if ($year_start - $y == 0) {
        foreach ($csv_dat[1] as $key => $value) {
            $big_data[0][] = strip_tags($value);
    foreach ($csv_dat[2] as $key => $value) {
        $big_data[$y - $year_start + 1][] = strip_tags($value);