Esempio n. 1
 private function MergeOtherDocumentContent(&$content)
     // Parses (yams_data:{docId:}tv{:phx}) placeholders.
     // Returns true if the content has been changed.
     $documentVariableNullValues = array('id' => '', 'type' => '\'\'', 'contentType' => '\'\'', 'pagetitle' => '\'\'', 'longtitle' => '\'\'', 'description' => '\'\'', 'alias' => '\'\'', 'link_attributes' => '\'\'', 'published' => 0, 'pub_date' => 0, 'unpub_date' => 0, 'parent' => 0, 'isfolder' => 0, 'introtext' => '\'\'', 'content' => '\'\'', 'richtext' => 0, 'template' => 0, 'menuindex' => 0, 'searchable' => 0, 'cacheable' => 0, 'createdby' => 0, 'createdon' => 0, 'editedby' => 0, 'editedon' => 0, 'deleted' => 0, 'deletedon' => 0, 'deletedby' => 0, 'publishedon' => 0, 'publishedby' => 0, 'menutitle' => '\'\'', 'donthit' => 0, 'haskeywords' => 0, 'hasmetatags' => 0, 'privateweb' => 0, 'privatemgr' => 0, 'content_dispo' => 0, 'hidemenu' => 0);
     // First search out all the placeholders...
     // Place them in cache arrays which have the following structure...
     // For document variables...
     // $dvInfo = array(
     //  docId1 => array(
     //    'dv1' => array(
     //      'match1' => 'phx1'
     //       , 'match2' => 'phx2'
     //       , ...
     //      )
     //    'dv2' => array(
     //      'match1' => 'phx1'
     //       , 'match2' => 'phx2'
     //       , ...
     //      )
     //    , ...
     //    )
     // );
     // or for template variables
     // $tvInfo = array(
     //  docId1 => array(
     //    'tv1' => array(
     //      'match1' => 'phx1'
     //       , 'match2' => 'phx2'
     //       , ...
     //      )
     //    'tv2' => array(
     //      'match1' => 'phx1'
     //       , 'match2' => 'phx2'
     //       , ...
     //      )
     //    , ...
     //    )
     // );
     $contentChanged = FALSE;
     $tvInfo = array();
     $dvInfo = array();
     $nMatches = preg_match_all('/\\(\\(yams_data:(([0-9]{0,13}):)?([^:]+)((:[.*])?)\\)\\)/U' . $this->itsUTF8Modifier, $content, $matches);
     // Loop over the placeholders and fill in the dv and tv caches
     $basepath = $this->itsMODx->config['base_path'] . 'manager/includes';
     for ($i = 0; $i < $nMatches; $i++) {
         $docId = $matches[2][$i];
         if ($docId == '') {
             $docId = $this->itsMODx->documentIdentifier;
         $name = $matches[3][$i];
         if (array_key_exists($name, $documentVariableNullValues)) {
             $info =& $dvInfo;
         } else {
             $info =& $tvInfo;
         if (!array_key_exists($docId, $info)) {
             $info[$docId] = array();
         $docCache =& $info[$docId];
         $phx = $matches[4][$i];
         $match = '/' . preg_quote($matches[0][$i], '/') . '/' . $this->itsUTF8Modifier;
         if (!array_key_exists($name, $docCache)) {
             $docCache[$name] = array();
         $docCache[$name][$match] = $phx;
     // Now loop over the tv array cache and write an SQL statement
     // that will grab the information from the database
     // a maximum of YAMS_DOC_LIMIT docs at a time
     $docIds = array_keys($tvInfo);
     $nDocs = count($docIds);
     $sc = $this->itsMODx->getFullTableName('site_content');
     $st = $this->itsMODx->getFullTableName('site_tmplvars');
     $stt = $this->itsMODx->getFullTableName('site_tmplvar_templates');
     $stc = $this->itsMODx->getFullTableName('site_tmplvar_contentvalues');
     for ($i = 0; $i < $nDocs; $i = $i + YAMS_DOC_LIMIT) {
         $sqlArray = array();
         $jMax = min($nDocs, $i + YAMS_DOC_LIMIT);
         for ($j = $i; $j < $jMax; $j++) {
             $docId = $docIds[$j];
             $docCache =& $tvInfo[$docId];
             $inArray = array_keys($docCache);
             foreach ($inArray as &$tvName) {
                 $tvName = '\'' . $this->itsMODx->db->escape($tvName) . '\'';
             $inList = implode(',', $inArray);
             $sqlArray[] = '(SELECT' . ' AS docid' . ', AS name' . ', IF(stc.value != \'\',stc.value,st.default_text) AS value' . ', st.display AS display' . ', st.display_params AS display_params' . ', st.type AS type' . ' FROM ' . $st . ' st' . ' LEFT JOIN ' . $stc . ' stc' . ' ON = stc.tmplvarid' . ' AND stc.contentid = ' . $docId . ' INNER JOIN ' . $stt . ' stt' . ' ON stt.tmplvarid =' . ' INNER JOIN ' . $sc . ' sc' . ' ON = ' . $docId . ' WHERE' . ' IN (' . $inList . ')' . ' AND sc.deleted = 0' . ')';
         if (count($sqlArray) == 0) {
         $sql = implode(' UNION ', $sqlArray) . ';';
         // Grab the data from the database...
         $result = $this->itsMODx->db->query($sql);
         $count = $this->itsMODx->recordCount($result);
         // Set up find and replace arrays...
         $find = array();
         $replace = array();
         for ($j = 0; $j < $count; $j++) {
             $row = $this->itsMODx->db->getRow($result);
             $docId =& $row['docid'];
             $tvName =& $row['name'];
             $tvValue =& $row['value'];
             $tvDisplay =& $row['display'];
             $tvDisplayParams =& $row['display_params'];
             $tvType =& $row['type'];
             $matches =& $tvInfo[$docId][$tvName];
             include_once $basepath . '/';
             include_once $basepath . '/';
             $w = '100%';
             $h = '300';
             $escapedvalue = YamsUtils::PregQuoteReplacement(getTVDisplayFormat($tvName, $tvValue, $tvDisplay, $tvDisplayParams, $tvType));
             foreach ($matches as $match => $phx) {
                 $find[] = $match;
                 $replace[] = $escapedvalue;
                 // TO DO: PHx stuff...
         if (count($find) == 0) {
         $content = preg_replace($find, $replace, $content, -1, $nReplacements);
         if ($nReplacements > 0) {
             $contentChanged = TRUE;
     // release the tv cache...
     // Now loop over the dv array cache and write an SQL statement
     // that will grab the information from the database
     // a maximum of YAMS_DOC_LIMIT docs at a time
     $docIds = array_keys($dvInfo);
     $nDocs = count($docIds);
     $sc = $this->itsMODx->getFullTableName('site_content');
     $dg = $this->itsMODx->getFullTableName('document_groups');
     // get document groups for current user
     $docgrp = $this->itsMODx->getUserDocGroups();
     if (is_array($docgrp)) {
         $docgrp = implode(',', $docgrp);
     // get document
     if ($this->itsMODx->isFrontend()) {
         $access = 'sc.privateweb=0';
     } else {
         $access = '\'' . $this->itsMODx->db->escape($_SESSION['mgrRole']) . '\'=1 OR sc.privatemgr=0';
         if ($docgrp) {
             $access .= ' OR dg.document_group IN (' . $docgrp . ')';
     for ($i = 0; $i < $nDocs; $i = $i + YAMS_DOC_LIMIT) {
         $sqlArray = array();
         $jMax = min($nDocs, $i + YAMS_DOC_LIMIT);
         for ($j = $i; $j < $jMax; $j++) {
             $docId = $docIds[$j];
             $docCache =& $dvInfo[$docId];
             $colsArray = array();
             $inArray = array_keys($docCache);
             if (count($inArray) == 0) {
             foreach ($documentVariableNullValues as $dvName => $dvNullValue) {
                 if (array_key_exists($dvName, $docCache)) {
                     // We need to grab the data for this column from the database
                     $colsArray[] = 'sc.' . $dvName . ' as ' . $dvName;
                 } else {
                     // Just grab a null value instead
                     $colsArray[] = $dvNullValue . ' as ' . $dvName;
             $cols = implode(', ', $colsArray);
             $sqlArray[] = '(SELECT' . ' ' . $cols . ' FROM ' . $sc . ' sc' . ' LEFT JOIN ' . $dg . ' dg ON dg.document =' . ' WHERE = ' . $docId . ' AND (' . $access . ')' . ' LIMIT 1)';
         if (count($sqlArray) == 0) {
         $sql = implode(' UNION ', $sqlArray) . ';';
         // Grab the data from the database...
         $result = $this->itsMODx->db->query($sql);
         $count = $this->itsMODx->recordCount($result);
         // Set up find and replace arrays...
         $find = array();
         $replace = array();
         for ($j = 0; $j < $count; $j++) {
             $row = $this->itsMODx->db->getRow($result);
             $docId =& $row['id'];
             foreach ($dvInfo[$docId] as $dvName => $matches) {
                 $escapedvalue = YamsUtils::PregQuoteReplacement($row[$dvName]);
                 foreach ($matches as $match => $phx) {
                     $find[] = $match;
                     $replace[] = $escapedvalue;
                     // TO DO: PHx stuff...
             // Delete the rows we have dealt with from the cache...
         // Loop over the rows which haven't been dealt with.
         // These may not be accessible to the user, in which case, output
         // nothing
         foreach ($dvInfo as $docId => $docIdInfo) {
             foreach ($docIdInfo as $dvName => $matches) {
                 foreach ($matches as $match => $phx) {
                     $find[] = $match;
                     $replace[] = '';
                     // TO DO: PHx stuff...
         if (count($find) == 0) {
         $content = preg_replace($find, $replace, $content, -1, $nReplacements);
         if ($nReplacements > 0) {
             $contentChanged = TRUE;
     return $contentChanged;
  * getTemplateVarOutput
  * @version 1.0.1 (2014-02-19)
  * @desc Returns an associative array containing TV rendered output values.
  * @param $idnames {array; '*'} - Which TVs to fetch - Can relate to the TV ids in the db (array elements should be numeric only) or the TV names (array elements should be names only). @required
  * @param $docid {integer; ''} - Id of a document to get. Default: an empty string which indicates the current document.
  * @param $published {0; 1; 'all'} - Document publication status. Once the parameter equals 'all', the result will be returned regardless of whether the ducuments are published or they are not. Default: 1.
  * @param $sep {string} - Separator that is used while concatenating in getTVDisplayFormat(). Default: ''.
  * @return {array; false} - Result array, or false.
 function getTemplateVarOutput($idnames = array(), $docid = '', $published = 1, $sep = '')
     if (count($idnames) == 0) {
         return false;
     } else {
         $output = array();
         $vars = $idnames == '*' || is_array($idnames) ? $idnames : array($idnames);
         $docid = intval($docid) ? intval($docid) : $this->documentIdentifier;
         // remove sort for speed
         $result = $this->getTemplateVars($vars, '*', $docid, $published, '', '');
         if ($result == false) {
             return false;
         } else {
             $baspath = MODX_MANAGER_PATH . 'includes';
             include_once $baspath . '/';
             include_once $baspath . '/';
             for ($i = 0; $i < count($result); $i++) {
                 $row = $result[$i];
                 if (!$row['id']) {
                     $output[$row['name']] = $row['value'];
                 } else {
                     $output[$row['name']] = getTVDisplayFormat($row['name'], $row['value'], $row['display'], $row['display_params'], $row['type'], $docid, $sep);
             return $output;
Esempio n. 3
 function appendTV($tvname, $docIDs)
     global $modx;
     $baspath = MODX_MANAGER_PATH . "includes";
     include_once $baspath . "/";
     include_once $baspath . "/";
     $tbl_site_tmplvar_contentvalues = $modx->getFullTableName('site_tmplvar_contentvalues');
     $tbl_site_tmplvars = $modx->getFullTableName('site_tmplvars');
     $rs = $modx->db->select(",stc.tmplvarid,stc.contentid,stv.type,stv.display,stv.display_params,stc.value", "{$tbl_site_tmplvar_contentvalues} stc LEFT JOIN {$tbl_site_tmplvars} stv ON ", "'{$tvname}' AND stc.contentid IN (" . implode($docIDs, ",") . ")", "stc.contentid ASC");
     $resourceArray = array();
     while ($row = $modx->db->getRow($rs)) {
         $resourceArray["#{$row['contentid']}"][$row['name']] = getTVDisplayFormat($row['name'], $row['value'], $row['display'], $row['display_params'], $row['type'], $row['contentid']);
     if (count($resourceArray) != count($docIDs)) {
         $rs = $modx->db->select('name,type,display,display_params,default_text', $tbl_site_tmplvars, "name='{$tvname}'", 1);
         $row = $modx->db->getRow($rs);
         if (strtoupper($row['default_text']) == '@INHERIT') {
             foreach ($docIDs as $id) {
                 $output = getTVDisplayFormat($row['name'], $row['default_text'], $row['display'], $row['display_params'], $row['type'], $id);
                 if (!isset($resourceArray["#{$id}"])) {
                     $resourceArray["#{$id}"][$tvname] = $output;
         } else {
             $output = getTVDisplayFormat($row['name'], $row['default_text'], $row['display'], $row['display_params'], $row['type'], $row['contentid']);
             foreach ($docIDs as $id) {
                 if (!isset($resourceArray["#{$id}"])) {
                     $resourceArray["#{$id}"][$tvname] = $output;
     return $resourceArray;
Esempio n. 4
 public function renderTV($tvname)
     $out = null;
     if ($this->getID() > 0) {
         include_once MODX_MANAGER_PATH . "includes/";
         include_once MODX_MANAGER_PATH . "includes/";
         $tvval = $this->get($tvname);
         $param = APIHelpers::getkey($this->tvd, $tvname, array());
         $display = APIHelpers::getkey($param, 'display', '');
         $display_params = APIHelpers::getkey($param, 'display_params', '');
         $type = APIHelpers::getkey($param, 'type', '');
         $out = getTVDisplayFormat($tvname, $tvval, $display, $display_params, $type, $this->getID(), '');
     return $out;
 function getTemplateVarOutput($idnames = array(), $docid = "", $published = 1, $sep = '')
     if (count($idnames) == 0) {
         return false;
     } else {
         $output = array();
         $vars = $idnames == '*' || is_array($idnames) ? $idnames : array($idnames);
         $docid = intval($docid) ? intval($docid) : $this->documentIdentifier;
         $result = $this->getTemplateVars($vars, "*", $docid, $published, "", "", $sep);
         // remove sort for speed
         if ($result == false) {
             return false;
         } else {
             $baspath = $this->config["base_path"] . "manager/includes";
             include_once $baspath . "/";
             include_once $baspath . "/";
             for ($i = 0; $i < count($result); $i++) {
                 $row = $result[$i];
                 if (!$row['id']) {
                     $output[$row['name']] = $row['value'];
                 } else {
                     $output[$row['name']] = getTVDisplayFormat($row['name'], $row['value'], $row['display'], $row['display_params'], $row['type'], $docid, $sep);
             return $output;
Esempio n. 6
 function appendTV($tvname, $docIDs)
     global $modx;
     $baspath = $modx->config["base_path"] . "manager/includes";
     include_once $baspath . "/";
     include_once $baspath . "/";
     $tb1 = $modx->getFullTableName("site_tmplvar_contentvalues");
     $tb2 = $modx->getFullTableName("site_tmplvars");
     $query = "SELECT,stc.tmplvarid,stc.contentid,stv.type,stv.display,stv.display_params,stc.value";
     $query .= " FROM " . $tb1 . " stc LEFT JOIN " . $tb2 . " stv ON ";
     $query .= " WHERE'" . $tvname . "' AND stc.contentid IN (" . implode($docIDs, ",") . ") ORDER BY stc.contentid ASC;";
     $rs = $modx->db->query($query);
     $tot = $modx->db->getRecordCount($rs);
     $resourceArray = array();
     for ($i = 0; $i < $tot; $i++) {
         $row = @$modx->fetchRow($rs);
         $resourceArray["#{$row['contentid']}"][$row['name']] = getTVDisplayFormat($row['name'], $row['value'], $row['display'], $row['display_params'], $row['type'], $row['contentid']);
     if ($tot != count($docIDs)) {
         $query = "SELECT name,type,display,display_params,default_text";
         $query .= " FROM {$tb2}";
         $query .= " WHERE name='" . $tvname . "' LIMIT 1";
         $rs = $modx->db->query($query);
         $row = @$modx->fetchRow($rs);
         $defaultOutput = getTVDisplayFormat($row['name'], $row['default_text'], $row['display'], $row['display_params'], $row['type']);
         foreach ($docIDs as $id) {
             if (!isset($resourceArray["#{$id}"])) {
                 $resourceArray["#{$id}"][$tvname] = $defaultOutput;
     return $resourceArray;
Esempio n. 7
  * @param array $contentIds
  * @return array
 function getTmplVars($contentIds)
     $templateVars = array();
     if ($this->config['renderTVDisplayFormat']) {
         include_once MODX_MANAGER_PATH . "includes/";
         include_once MODX_MANAGER_PATH . "includes/";
     if (count($contentIds) > 0) {
         $query1 = "\r\n            SELECT FROM " . $this->modx->getFullTableName('site_tmplvars') . " tv\r\n            LEFT JOIN " . $this->modx->getFullTableName('site_tmplvar_templates') . " stvt ON stvt.tmplvarid =\r\n            WHERE stvt.templateid IN (SELECT DISTINCT template FROM " . $this->config['tbl_catalog'] . " WHERE id IN (" . implode(',', $contentIds) . "))\r\n          ";
         $tv_names_res = $this->modx->db->query($query1);
         $tv_names = array();
         if ($this->modx->db->getRecordCount($tv_names_res) > 0) {
             $query2 = "\r\n              SELECT, tvc.value, tvc.contentid, tv.display, tv.display_params, tv.type\r\n              FROM " . $this->modx->getFullTableName('site_tmplvars') . " tv, " . $this->config['tbl_catalog_tv'] . " tvc\r\n              WHERE = tvc.tmplvarid AND tvc.contentid IN (" . implode(',', $contentIds) . ")\r\n            ";
             $tv_values_res = $this->modx->db->query($query2);
             if ($this->modx->db->getRecordCount($tv_values_res) === 0) {
                 return $templateVars;
             //get tv names
             while ($row = $this->modx->db->getRow($tv_names_res)) {
                 $tv_names[] = $row['name'];
             //get tv values
             while ($row = $this->modx->db->getRow($tv_values_res)) {
                 if ($this->config['renderTVDisplayFormat']) {
                     $tvout = getTVDisplayFormat($row['name'], $row['value'], $row['display'], $row['display_params'], $row['type'], $row['contentid']);
                     $templateVars[$row['contentid']] = !isset($templateVars[$row['contentid']]) ? array($row['name'] => $tvout) : array_merge($templateVars[$row['contentid']], array($row['name'] => $tvout));
                 } else {
                     $templateVars[$row['contentid']] = !isset($templateVars[$row['contentid']]) ? array($row['name'] => $row['value']) : array_merge($templateVars[$row['contentid']], array($row['name'] => $row['value']));
             //fill holes
             foreach ($templateVars as $key => &$val) {
                 $hole = array_diff($tv_names, array_keys($val));
                 foreach ($hole as $k => $v) {
                     $val[$v] = '';
     return $templateVars;
 function getTemplateVarOutput($idnames = array(), $docid = '', $published = 1, $sep = '')
     if (is_array($idnames) && count($idnames) == 0) {
         return false;
     } else {
         $output = array();
         $vars = $idnames == '*' || is_array($idnames) ? $idnames : array($idnames);
         $docid = intval($docid) ? intval($docid) : $this->documentIdentifier;
         $result = $this->getTemplateVars($vars, '*', $docid, $published, '', '');
         // remove sort for speed
         if ($result == false) {
             return false;
         } else {
             $core_path = $this->config['core_path'];
             include_once "{$core_path}";
             include_once "{$core_path}";
             foreach ($result as $row) {
                 if (!$row['id']) {
                     $output[$row['name']] = $row['value'];
                 } else {
                     $output[$row['name']] = getTVDisplayFormat($row['name'], $row['value'], $row['display'], $row['display_params'], $row['type'], $docid, $sep);
             return $output;
  * getTemplateVarOutput
  * @version 1.0 (2013-03-16)
  * @desc Returns the associative array of fields and TVs of a document.
  * @note
  * Differences from the native method:
  * 	— $published parameter can be set as false, and if it is then document publication status does not matter.
  * @param $idnames {array; '*'} - Id, TVs names, or documents fields to get. @required
  * @param $docid {integer; ''} - Id of a document to get. Default: Current document.
  * @param $published {false; 0; 1} - Document publication status which does not matter if published === false. Default: false.
  * @param $sep {string} - Separator that is used while concatenating in getTVDisplayFormat(). Default: ''.
  * @return {mixed} - Массив TV или false, если что-то не так.
 public static function getTemplateVarOutput($idnames = array(), $docid = "", $published = false, $sep = '')
     global $modx;
     if (count($idnames) == 0) {
         return false;
     } else {
         $output = array();
         $vars = $idnames == '*' || is_array($idnames) ? $idnames : array($idnames);
         $docid = intval($docid) ? intval($docid) : $modx->documentIdentifier;
         $result = self::getTemplateVars($vars, '*', $docid, $published, '', '');
         // remove sort for speed
         if ($result == false) {
             return false;
         } else {
             $baspath = $modx->config['base_path'] . 'manager/includes';
             include_once $baspath . '/';
             include_once $baspath . '/';
             for ($i = 0; $i < count($result); $i++) {
                 $row = $result[$i];
                 if (!$row['id']) {
                     $output[$row['name']] = $row['value'];
                 } else {
                     $output[$row['name']] = getTVDisplayFormat($row['name'], $row['value'], $row['display'], $row['display_params'], $row['type'], $docid, $sep);
             return $output;