addInfo('', 0); addInfo('Api KillLogs to check', $redis->zCount('tqApiChars', 0, time())); addInfo("Api KeyInfos to check", $redis->zCount('tqApis', 0, time())); addInfo('Char/Corp Apis', $redis->zCard('tqApiChars')); addInfo('Valid Apis', $redis->zCard('tqApis')); addInfo('', 0); $visitors = new RedisTtlCounter('ttlc:visitors', 300); addInfo('Unique IPs in last 5 minutes', $visitors->count()); $requests = new RedisTtlCounter('ttlc:requests', 300); addInfo('Requests in last 5 minutes', $requests->count()); $info = $redis->info(); $mem = $info['used_memory_human']; $stats = $mdb->getDb()->command(['dbstats' => 1]); $dataSize = number_format($stats['dataSize'] / (1024 * 1024 * 1024), 2); $storageSize = number_format($stats['storageSize'] / (1024 * 1024 * 1024), 2); $memory = getSystemMemInfo(); $memTotal = number_format($memory['MemTotal'] / (1024 * 1024), 2); $memUsed = number_format(($memory['MemTotal'] - $memory['MemFree'] - $memory['Cached']) / (1024 * 1024), 2); $maxLen = 0; foreach ($infoArray as $i) { foreach ($i as $key => $value) { $maxLen = max($maxLen, strlen("{$value}")); } } echo exec('date') . ' Load: ' . getLoad() . " Memory: {$memUsed}G/{$memTotal}G Redis: {$mem} TokuDB: {$storageSize}G / {$dataSize}G\n"; echo "\n"; foreach ($infoArray as $i) { foreach ($i as $name => $count) { if (trim($name) == '') { echo "\n"; continue;
<?php function getSystemMemInfo() { $data = explode("\n", file_get_contents("/proc/meminfo")); $meminfo = array(); foreach ($data as $line) { // some lines will not contain a colon, for those add one at the end list($key, $val) = explode(":", "{$line}:"); $meminfo[$key] = trim($val); } return $meminfo; } // collect some stats and return them as a json object $data = array(); $d = '/data/site/archive'; $data['disk_free_percent'] = round(100.0 * disk_free_space($d) / disk_total_space($d), 2); $meminfo = getSystemMemInfo(); // round(100.0 * intval($meminfo['MemFree']) / intval($meminfo['MemInfo']), 2); $data['memory_free_percent'] = round(100.0 * floatval(split(' ', $meminfo['MemFree'])[0]) / floatval(split(' ', $meminfo['MemTotal'])[0]), 2); $data['load_avg'] = sys_getloadavg()[0]; $data['hostname'] = gethostname(); echo json_encode($data, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);
function xrun() { $unix = new unix(); $siege = $unix->find_program("siege"); $sock = new sockets(); $ARRAY = unserialize(base64_decode($sock->GET_INFO("SquidSiegeConfig"))); if (!is_numeric($ARRAY["GRAB_URLS"])) { $ARRAY["GRAB_URLS"] = 0; } if (!is_numeric($ARRAY["USE_LOCAL_PROXY"])) { $ARRAY["USE_LOCAL_PROXY"] = 1; } if (!is_numeric($ARRAY["SESSIONS"])) { $ARRAY["SESSIONS"] = 150; } if (!is_numeric($ARRAY["MAX_TIME"])) { $ARRAY["MAX_TIME"] = 30; } build_progress_disconnect("{starting}", 5); if (!is_file($siege)) { build_progress_disconnect("{please_wait} {installing} SIEGE", 50); $unix->DEBIAN_INSTALL_PACKAGE("siege"); $siege = $unix->find_program("siege"); if (!is_file($siege)) { build_progress_disconnect("{installing} SIEGE {failed}", 110); } } $f[] = "internet = true"; if ($ARRAY["USE_LOCAL_PROXY"] == 1) { $squid = new squidbee(); if ($squid->hasProxyTransparent == 1) { $port = $squid->second_listen_port; } else { $port = $squid->listen_port; } $addr = ""; } else { $addr = $ARRAY["REMOTE_PROXY"]; $port = intval($ARRAY["REMOTE_PROXY_PORT"]); } if ($addr == null) { build_progress_disconnect("{failed} No proxy address", 110); return; } if ($port == 0) { build_progress_disconnect("{failed} No proxy port", 110); return; } if ($ARRAY["SESSIONS"] == 0) { build_progress_disconnect("{failed} {simulate} 0 sessions", 110); return; } $f[] = "proxy-host ={$addr}"; $f[] = "proxy-port = {$port}"; $f[] = "user-agent = Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; IE 11.0; Win32; Trident/7.0)"; $f[] = "file = /etc/siege/urls.txt"; $f[] = "concurrent = {$ARRAY["SESSIONS"]}"; $f[] = "time = {$ARRAY["MAX_TIME"]}S"; $f[] = "timeout = 5"; $f[] = "logfile = /var/log/siege.log"; if (trim($ARRAY["USERNAME"]) != null) { $f[] = "username = {$ARRAY["USERNAME"]}"; $f[] = "password = {$ARRAY["PASSWORD"]}"; } @file_put_contents("/root/.siegerc", @implode("\n", $f)); $filetemp = $unix->FILE_TEMP(); $nohup = $unix->find_program("nohup"); $URLS_NUMBER = $unix->COUNT_LINES_OF_FILE("/etc/siege/urls.txt"); if ($URLS_NUMBER < 20) { @unlink("/etc/siege/urls.txt"); if ($ARRAY["GRAB_URLS"] == 1) { import_urls(); } else { @copy("/usr/share/artica-postfix/bin/install/squid/urls.txt", "/etc/siege/urls.txt"); } $URLS_NUMBER = $unix->COUNT_LINES_OF_FILE("/etc/siege/urls.txt"); } $FINAL["urls"] = $URLS_NUMBER; $FINAL["START_TIME"] = time(); $ss[] = "{$nohup} {$siege} --concurrent={$ARRAY["SESSIONS"]}"; $ss[] = "--internet --file=/etc/siege/urls.txt --time={$ARRAY["MAX_TIME"]}S"; $ss[] = "--benchmark --rc=/root/.siegerc >{$filetemp} 2>&1 &"; $cmd = @implode(" ", $ss); echo "{$cmd}\n"; build_progress_disconnect("{executing}", 50); system($cmd); sleep(2); $pid = $unix->PIDOF($siege); while ($unix->process_exists($pid)) { $array_mem = getSystemMemInfo(); $MemFree = $array_mem["MemFree"]; $array_load = sys_getloadavg(); $internal_load = $array_load[0]; echo "Memory Free: " . round($MemFree / 1024) . " MB\n"; echo "Load: {$internal_load}\n"; build_progress_disconnect("{please_wait} Load:{$internal_load}", 50); sleep(2); $pid = $unix->PIDOF($siege); } build_progress_disconnect("{please_wait} {analyze}...", 90); $array = explode("\n", @file_get_contents($filetemp)); @unlink($filetemp); while (list($num, $val) = each($array)) { echo "{$val}\n"; if (preg_match("#alert#", $val)) { continue; } if (preg_match("#ERROR#", $val)) { continue; } if (preg_match("#(.+?):\\s+(.+)#", $val, $re)) { $FINAL[trim($re[1])] = trim($re[2]); } } $FINAL["STOP_TIME"] = time(); build_progress_disconnect("{done}...", 99); sleep(5); build_progress_disconnect("{done}...", 100); @file_put_contents("/usr/share/artica-postfix/ressources/logs/web/", serialize($FINAL)); @chmod("/usr/share/artica-postfix/ressources/logs/web/", 0755); }
function MaxSystemLoad($MonitConfig) { $array_load = sys_getloadavg(); $internal_load = $array_load[0]; if ($MonitConfig["MaxLoad"] > 0) { if ($internal_load > $MonitConfig["MaxLoad"]) { if ($MonitConfig["MaxLoadFailOver"] == 1) { $GLOBALS["ALL_SCORES"]++; system_is_overloaded(); squid_admin_mysql(2, "Overloaded system Load: {$GLOBALS["SYSTEM_INTERNAL_LOAD"]}", "System reach {$MonitConfig["MaxLoadFailOver"]} value", __FILE__, __LINE__); $GLOBALS["ALL_SCORES_WHY"][] = "Overloaded system Load: {$GLOBALS["SYSTEM_INTERNAL_LOAD"]}, system {$GLOBALS["SYSTEM_INTERNAL_MEMM"]}MB memory free"; } if ($MonitConfig["MaxLoadReboot"] == 1) { squid_admin_mysql(0, "Overloaded system Load: {$GLOBALS["SYSTEM_INTERNAL_LOAD"]}: reboot the server", "Watchdog system, reboot the server", __FILE__, __LINE__); $unix = new unix(); $shutdown = $unix->find_program("shutdown"); $nohup = $unix->find_program("nohup"); shell_exec("{$nohup} {$shutdown} -r -t 5 >/dev/null 2>&1 &"); return; } } } $array_mem = getSystemMemInfo(); $MemFree = $array_mem["MemFree"]; $MemFree = round($MemFree / 1024); if ($MonitConfig["MinFreeMem"] > 0) { if ($MemFree < $MonitConfig["MinFreeMem"]) { squid_admin_mysql(2, "No memory free: {$MemFree}MB, Need at least {$MonitConfig["MinFreeMem"]}MB", __FILE__, __LINE__); if ($MonitConfig["MaxLoadFailOver"] == 1) { $GLOBALS["ALL_SCORES"]++; $GLOBALS["ALL_SCORES_WHY"][] = "No memory free: {$MemFree}MB, Need at least {$MonitConfig["MinFreeMem"]}MB"; } } } }
function MaxSystemLoad($MonitConfig) { $sock = new sockets(); $unix = new unix(); $shutdown = $unix->find_program("shutdown"); $nohup = $unix->find_program("nohup"); $MonitConfig = unserialize(base64_decode($sock->GET_INFO("SquidWatchdogMonitConfig"))); $MonitConfig = watchdog_config_default($MonitConfig); if ($MonitConfig["LOAD_TESTS"] == 0) { return; } $array_load = sys_getloadavg(); $internal_load = $array_load[0]; $LOAD_WARNING = $MonitConfig["LOAD_WARNING"]; $LOAD_MAX = $MonitConfig["LOAD_MAX"]; $LOAD_MAX_ACTION = $MonitConfig["LOAD_MAX_ACTION"]; $array_mem = getSystemMemInfo(); $MemFree = $array_mem["MemFree"]; $MemFree = round($MemFree / 1024); if ($MonitConfig["MinFreeMem"] > 0) { $report = $unix->ps_mem_report(); if ($MemFree < $MonitConfig["MinFreeMem"]) { squid_admin_mysql(2, "No memory free: {$MemFree}MB, Need at least {$MonitConfig["MinFreeMem"]}MB", $report, __FILE__, __LINE__); if ($MonitConfig["MaxLoadFailOver"] == 1) { $GLOBALS["ALL_SCORES"]++; $GLOBALS["ALL_SCORES_WHY"][] = "No memory free: {$MemFree}MB, Need at least {$MonitConfig["MinFreeMem"]}MB"; FailOverDown("No mem free"); return; } } } if ($internal_load > $LOAD_MAX) { $report = $unix->ps_mem_report(); system_is_overloaded(); $GLOBALS["ALL_SCORES_WHY"][] = "Overloaded system Load: {$GLOBALS["SYSTEM_INTERNAL_LOAD"]}, system {$GLOBALS["SYSTEM_INTERNAL_MEMM"]}MB memory free"; if ($LOAD_MAX_ACTION == "reboot") { squid_admin_mysql(0, "Overloaded system Load: {$GLOBALS["SYSTEM_INTERNAL_LOAD"]}: reboot the server", $report, __FILE__, __LINE__); shell_exec("{$nohup} {$shutdown} -r -t 5 >/dev/null 2>&1 &"); return; } if ($LOAD_MAX_ACTION == "failover") { squid_admin_mysql(0, "Overloaded system Load: {$GLOBALS["SYSTEM_INTERNAL_LOAD"]}: [action=failover]", $report, __FILE__, __LINE__); FailOverDown("Overloaded"); return; } if ($LOAD_MAX_ACTION == "restart") { squid_admin_mysql(0, "Overloaded system Load: {$GLOBALS["SYSTEM_INTERNAL_LOAD"]}: [action=restart]", $report, __FILE__, __LINE__); restart_squid(true); return; } squid_admin_mysql(0, "Overloaded system Load: {$GLOBALS["SYSTEM_INTERNAL_LOAD"]}: Overloaded system [action=none]", $report, __FILE__, __LINE__); } if ($MonitConfig["MaxLoad"] > 0) { $report = $unix->ps_mem_report(); if ($internal_load > $MonitConfig["MaxLoad"]) { if ($MonitConfig["MaxLoadFailOver"] == 1) { $GLOBALS["ALL_SCORES"]++; system_is_overloaded(); squid_admin_mysql(2, "Overloaded system Load: {$GLOBALS["SYSTEM_INTERNAL_LOAD"]}", "System reach {$MonitConfig["MaxLoadFailOver"]} value", __FILE__, __LINE__); $GLOBALS["ALL_SCORES_WHY"][] = "Overloaded system Load: {$GLOBALS["SYSTEM_INTERNAL_LOAD"]}, system {$GLOBALS["SYSTEM_INTERNAL_MEMM"]}MB memory free"; } if ($MonitConfig["MaxLoadReboot"] == 1) { squid_admin_mysql(0, "Overloaded system Load: {$GLOBALS["SYSTEM_INTERNAL_LOAD"]}: reboot the server", "Watchdog system, reboot the server", __FILE__, __LINE__); $unix = new unix(); $shutdown = $unix->find_program("shutdown"); $nohup = $unix->find_program("nohup"); shell_exec("{$nohup} {$shutdown} -r -t 5 >/dev/null 2>&1 &"); return; } } } }