$queryEntered = $_POST['query']; $cleanedQuery = cleanQuery($queryEntered); //****************************************************************************** //Turn off Warning-reporting for the following warning on CSSERVER: //Warning: file_get_contents() [function.file-get-contents]: // SSL: fatal protocol error in ... //error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_PARSE); error_reporting(0); //****************************************************************************** //****************************************************************************** //IF WORD SUGGESTIONS HAVE BEEN REQUESTED DISPLAY ALTERNATIVES if (isset($_POST['reWrite']) && $_POST['reWrite'] != '') { //ONLY WANT THE FIRST WORD FOR OUR LOOKUP $firstQueryWord = getFirstWord($cleanedQuery); //LOOKUP THE WORD getSynonyms($firstQueryWord, $synonyms); //INCLUDE PHP FUNCTION WHICH CREATES A FORM BASED ON THE SYNONYM ARRAY include 'functions/synonymForm.php'; //RUN FUNCTION TO CREATE FORM OF SYNONYMS listSynonyms($synonyms); } else { //IF REWRITE IS NOT REQUESTED, PROCESS QUERY: //CALL FUNCTIONS TO GET RESULTS FROM SEARCH ENGINES getBlekkoResults($blekkoResultsOrig); //get Blekko getGoogleResults($googleResultsOrig); //get Google getBingResults($bingResultsOrig); //get Bing //************************************************************************** //**************************************************************************
require_once 'includes/clusteringFunctions.php'; require_once 'includes/evaluationFunctions.php'; require_once 'includes/complexSearchFunctions.php'; require_once 'includes/displayModuleFunctions.php'; // Initialize the session if (!isset($_SESSION)) { session_start(); } // Get data if (isset($_GET['searchText'])) { $search = $_GET['searchText']; if (isset($_GET['submit'])) { // Tokenise search string and remove punctuation $searchExploded = tokeniseQuery($search); // Query Re-write Engine using global method: Query Expansion $synonyms = getSynonyms($searchExploded); // Query Pre-processing Module and Complex Search Ability if (isset($_GET['RadioGroup2'])) { $radioGroup2 = $_GET['RadioGroup2']; // If stemming is set to off if ($radioGroup2 == 'stemmingOff') { // Do boolean search if there are operators $operators = array("AND", "and", "OR", "or", "NOT", "not"); /* foreach ( $searchExploded as $value ) { if ( in_array( $value , $operators )) { $searchExploded = booleanQuery( $searchExploded ); } $search = implode( " " , $searchExploded ); }