Esempio n. 1
			  <input id="lastN" size="30" maxlength="50" type="text" name="lastN" required value=<?php 
echo getStudentLastNameByID($_SESSION["studID"]);
			<div class="field fancy-form">
				<label for="studID">Student ID</label>
				<input id="studID" size="30" maxlength="7" type="text" pattern="[A-Za-z]{2}[0-9]{5}" title="AB12345" name="studID" disabled value=<?php 
echo $_SESSION["studID"];
			<div class="field fancy-form">
				<label for="email">E-mail</label>
				<input id="email" size="30" maxlength="255" type="email" name="email" required value=<?php 
echo getStudentEmailByID($_SESSION["studID"]);
			<div class="field fancy-form">
                <!-- Change Major- Value needs to be Shortened version for database efficiency -->
				  <label for="major">Major</label>
				  <select id="major" name = "major">
					<option value="CMPE" <?php 
if (getStudentMajorByID($_SESSION["studID"]) == 'CMPE') {
    echo "selected";
>Computer Engineering</option>
					<option value="CMSC" <?php 
if (getStudentMajorByID($_SESSION["studID"]) == 'CMSC') {
Esempio n. 2
$debug = false;
include '../../CommonMethods.php';
$COMMON = new Common($debug);
//Include functions
include "Functions.php";
if ($_POST["finish"] == 'Cancel') {
    $_SESSION["status"] = "none";
} else {
    //Grab all User data
    //Changed to function calls
    $firstn = getStudentFirstNameByID($_SESSION["firstN"]);
    $lastn = getStudentLastNameByID($_SESSION["lastN"]);
    $studid = $_SESSION["studID"];
    $major = getStudentMajorByID($_SESSION["major"]);
    $email = getStudentEmailByID($_SESSION["email"]);
    $advisor = $_SESSION["advisor"];
    if ($debug) {
        echo "Advisor ->" . $advisor . "<br>\n";
    //If student doesn't exist, create them.
    $apptime = $_SESSION["appTime"];
    if ($_SESSION["studExist"] == false) {
        $sql = "insert into Proj2Students (`FirstName`,`LastName`,`StudentID`,`Email`,`Major`) values ('{$firstn}','{$lastn}','{$studid}','{$email}','{$major}')";
        $rs = $COMMON->executeQuery($sql, $_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"]);
    // ************************ Lupoli 9-1-2015
    // we have to check to make sure someone did not steal that spot just before them!! (deadlock)
    // if the spot was taken, need to stop and reset
    if (isStillAvailable($apptime, $advisor)) {
    } else {