function showPlayerSkills($guid)
    global $wDB, $lang;
    $skill_category = $wDB->select('-- CACHE: 1h
  SELECT `id` AS ARRAY_KEY, `name`, `order` FROM `wowd_skill_line_category`');
    $skill_rev = array();
    // Put the data on skills in buffer for sotrirovki their class
    $playerSkill = array();
    $skillcount = getCharacterSkills($guid);
    if ($skillcount) {
        foreach ($skillcount as $guid) {
            $skillId = $guid['skill'];
            // skill id
            if ($skillId == 0) {
            $skill = $guid['value'];
            // skill
            $maxskill = $guid['max'];
            // max skill
            $skillPerm = 0;
            //  with talent (add and skill, and to maxSkill (zanulil)
            $skillTemp = 0;
            // Temporary BNF, affects only the skill (zanulil yet)
            if ($skillLine = getSkillLine($skillId)) {
                $skill = $skill + $skillPerm;
                $maxskill = $maxskill + $skillPerm;
                $category = $skillLine['Category'];
                // Category 12 hidden
                if ($category == 12) {
                $order = $skill_category[$category]['order'];
                $skill_rev[$order] = $category;
                $playerSkill[$order][] = array('id' => $skillId, 'Name' => $skillLine['Name'], 'Category' => $category, 'Description' => $skillLine['Description'], 'icon' => $skillLine['iconId'], 'Skill' => $skill, 'maxSkill' => $maxskill, 'bonus' => $skillTemp);
    if ($playerSkill) {
        //  Output data to a table
        echo '<table class=report cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0><TBODY>';
        echo '<tr><td class=head colspan=3>' . $lang['player_skills'] . '</td></tr>';
        foreach ($playerSkill as $id => $skill_data) {
            $id = $skill_rev[$id];
            echo '<tr><td class=skill_category colspan=3> ' . $skill_category[$id]['name'] . '</td></tr>';
            foreach ($skill_data as $skill) {
                if ($skill['Description'] != '') {
                    $tip = '<table class=skilltip><tr class=top><td>' . $skill['Name'] . '</td></tr><tr><td>' . $skill['Description'] . '</td></tr></table>';
                    echo '<tr ' . addTooltip($tip, 'BORDER, false, STICKY, false') . '>';
                } else {
                    echo '<tr>';
                $pct = intval($skill['Skill'] / $skill['maxSkill'] * 100);
                $text = $skill['Skill'];
                if ($skill['bonus'] > 0) {
                    $text .= '<font class=posstat>+' . $skill['bonus'] . '</font>';
                } else {
                    if ($skill['bonus'] < 0) {
                        $text .= '<font class=negstat>' . $skill['bonus'] . '</font>';
                $text .= ' / ' . $skill['maxSkill'];
                $ico = '';
                if ($skill['icon'] > 1) {
                    $ico = '<img src=' . getSpellIcon($skill['icon']) . '>';
                echo '<td class=skill_ico>' . $ico . '</td>';
                echo '<td class=skill_name><A href="?skill=' . $skill['id'] . '&guid=' . $guid . '">' . $skill['Name'] . '</td>';
                echo '<td class=skill_bar><div class=skill_bar><b class=s1 style="width: ' . $pct . '%;"></b><span>' . $text . '</span></div></td>';
                echo '</tr>';
        echo '</tbody></table>';
Esempio n. 2
function renderAchievement($id, &$a, $guid)
    // Skip show if not completed parent present or no_points not completed
    if ($a['parentAchievement'] || !$a['date'] && !$a['points'] && $guid) {
    echo '<div class="ach_show' . ($a['date'] ? '' : ' locked') . '" onclick="showAchReq(this);">';
    // Render icon
    echo '<img class=ach_icon  src="' . getSpellIcon($a['iconId']) . '">';
    echo '<div class=ach_frame></div>';
    // Render points
    if ($a['points']) {
        echo '<div class=ach_point>' . $a['points'] . '</div>';
    echo '<div class=ach_title>' . $a['name'] . '</div>';
    echo '<div class=ach_desc>' . $a['description'] . '</div>';
    //  echo '<div class=ach_desc>Flags - 0x'.dechex($a['flags']).' - '.$a['count'].'</div>';
    // Render requirements
    echo '<div class=ach_req id=' . $id . '>';
    if ($a['flags'] & CUSTOM_ACHIEVEMENT_SHOW) {
        getAchievementValue(&$a, &$value, &$maxvalue);
        if ($a['flags'] & ACHIEVEMENT_FLAG_BAR) {
            echo '<div class="sub bar">' . renderProgress($value, $maxvalue) . '</div>';
        } else {
            if ($a['flags'] & ACHIEVEMENT_FLAG_MAX_USED) {
                echo '<div class="sub bar">' . renderProgress($value, $maxvalue) . '</div>';
            } else {
                echo '<div class="sub ' . ($value >= $maxvalue ? 'compl' : '') . '">' . $value . '</div>';
    foreach ($a['requirement'] as $r) {
        if ($r['completionFlag'] & ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_FLAG_HIDE_CRITERIA) {
        if ($r['completionFlag'] & ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_FLAG_SHOW_PROGRESS_BAR) {
            echo '<div class=sub_bar>' . renderProgress(@$r['counter'], $r['value'], $r['completionFlag'] & ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_FLAG_MONEY_COUNTER) . '</div>';
        } else {
            $text = $r['name'] ? $r['name'] : $a['name'];
            $completed = $r['counter'] ? $r['counter'] >= $r['value'] ? 'compl' : '' : '';
            //      $text.="-> $r[id] - f=$r[completionFlag], c=$r[counter], d=$r[data], v=$r[value]";
            echo '<div class="sub ' . $completed . '">' . $text . '</div>';
    echo '<br clear="all"/></div>' . "\n";
    // render date
    if ($a['date']) {
        echo '<div class=ach_date>' . getFormattedDate($a['date']) . '</div>';
    if ($a['titleReward']) {
        echo '<div class=ach_reward>' . $a['titleReward'] . '</div>';
    echo '</div>';
Esempio n. 3
    if ($go = $dDB->select("SELECT {$filelds} FROM {$tables} WHERE {$filter} LIMIT 0, ?d", '%' . $name . '%', $limit)) {
        foreach ($go as $g) {
            $result['g'][] = array('txt' => $g['name'], 'link' => '?object=' . $g['entry'], 'type' => $ls_type_name['g']);
// Spell search
if ($type == 's' or $type == 'all') {
    if ($spells = $wDB->select('SELECT `id`, `SpellName`, `Rank`, `SpellIconID` FROM `wowd_spell` WHERE `SpellName` like ? LIMIT 0, ?d', '%' . $name . '%', $limit)) {
        foreach ($spells as $spell) {
            $n = $spell['SpellName'];
            if ($spell['Rank']) {
                $n .= ' (' . $spell['Rank'] . ')';
            $result['s'][] = array('ico' => getSpellIcon($spell['SpellIconID'], 0), 'txt' => $n, 'link' => '?spell=' . $spell['id'], 'type' => $ls_type_name['s']);
// Faction search
if ($type == 'f' or $type == 'all') {
    $factions = $wDB->select('SELECT `id`, `name` FROM `wowd_faction` WHERE `name` like ? LIMIT 0, ?d', '%' . $name . '%', $limit);
    if ($factions) {
        foreach ($factions as $f) {
            $result['f'][] = array('txt' => $f['name'], 'link' => '?faction=' . $f['id'], 'type' => $ls_type_name['f']);
// Area search
if ($type == 'a' or $type == 'all') {
    $area = $wDB->select('SELECT `id`, `name` FROM `wowd_zones` WHERE `name` like ? LIMIT 0, ?d', '%' . $name . '%', $limit);
Esempio n. 4
function show_spell($entry, $iconId = 0, $style = 0)
    global $wDB;
    if (!$iconId) {
        $iconId = $wDB->selectCell('-- CACHE: 1h
	  SELECT `SpellIconID` FROM `wowd_spell` WHERE `id` = ?d', $entry);
    $icon = getSpellIcon($iconId);
    echo '<a href="?spell=' . $entry . '"><img' . ($style ? ' class=' . $style : '') . ' src="' . $icon . '"></a>';
function r_glyphIcon($data)
    echo '<img src="' . getSpellIcon($data['iconId']) . '">';
Esempio n. 6
         echo "<a href=\"" . sprintf($lang['www_spell'], $entry) . "\" target=\"_blank\"\">" . sprintf($lang['www_spell'], $entry) . "</a><br>";
     $icon = getSpellIcon($spell['SpellIconID']);
     echo "<table cellspacing=0 celloadding=0 width=500><tbody>";
     echo "<tr>";
     echo "<td valign=top align=right width=20%>";
     echo "<br><a href=\"#\"><img border=0 src='{$icon}' width=64></a></td>";
     echo "<td>";
     echo "</td>";
     echo "</tr>";
     if ($spell['ToolTip'] && $spell['ToolTip'] != $spell['Description']) {
         echo "<tr>";
         echo "<td valign=top align=right>";
         if ($spell['activeIconID'] && $spell['SpellIconID'] != $spell['activeIconID']) {
             $buff_icon = getSpellIcon($spell['activeIconID']);
             echo "<br><a href=\"#\"><img border=0 src='{$buff_icon}' width=64></a>";
         echo "</td>";
         echo "<td>";
         echo "</td>";
         echo "</tr>";
     echo "</tbody></table>";
     echo "<br>";
     // Вывод данных по спеллу