public function getAll() { $typeId = intval($_GET['typeId']); empty($typeId) && ($typeId = 2); $db_prefix = C('DB_PREFIX'); if ($typeId == 2) { $follow = M('')->field('follow.fid AS fuid,user.uname AS funame')->table("{$db_prefix}user_follow AS follow LEFT JOIN {$db_prefix}user AS user ON follow.fid=user.uid")->where("follow.uid={$this->mid}")->order('follow.follow_id DESC')->findPage(15); } else { if ($typeId == 3) { $follow = M('')->field('follow.uid AS fuid,user.uname AS funame')->table("{$db_prefix}user_follow AS follow LEFT JOIN {$db_prefix}user AS user ON follow.uid=user.uid")->where("follow.fid={$this->mid}")->order('follow.follow_id DESC')->findPage(15); } else { //目前没有好的方案高效的显示互粉的列表人. //默认显示互粉 // $follow = M('')->field('follow.fid AS fuid,user.uname AS funame') // ->table("{$db_prefix}user_follow AS follow LEFT JOIN {$db_prefix}user AS user ON follow.fid=user.uid") // ->where("follow.uid={$this->mid} AND follow.fid IN (SELECT uid FROM {$db_prefix}user_follow WHERE fid={$this->mid})") // ->order('follow.follow_id DESC') // ->findPage(15); //$follow = M('User')->field('uid AS fuid,uname AS funame')->where("uid IN (SELECT uid FROM {$db_prefix}user_follow WHERE fid={$this->mid}) AND uid IN (SELECT fid FROM {$db_prefix}user_follow WHERE uid={$this->mid})")->findPage(15); //$follow = M('')->query("SELECT follow.fid AS fuid,user.uname AS funame FROM {$db_prefix}user_follow AS follow LEFT JOIN {$db_prefix}user AS user ON follow.fid=user.uid WHERE follow.uid={$this->mid} AND follow.type={$typeId}"); } } foreach ($follow['data'] as $k => $v) { $out[$k]['fUid'] = $v['fuid']; $out[$k]['friendUserName'] = getShort($v['funame'], '3', '…'); $out[$k]['friendHeadPic'] = getUserFace($v['fuid']); } exit(json_encode($out)); }
/** * getEventShort * 去除标签,截取blog的长度 * @param mixed $content * @param mixed $length * @access public * @return void */ function getEventShort($content, $length = 40) { $content = stripslashes($content); $content = strip_tags($content); $content = getShort($content, $length); return $content; }
/** * getPosterShort * 去除标签,截取blog的长度 * @param mixed $content * @param mixed $length * @access public * @return void */ function getPosterShort($content, $length = 60) { $content = stripslashes($content); $content = strip_tags($content); $content = getShort($content, $length); return $content; }
public function __construct($hex) { $this->flightGroupCount = getShort($hex, self::HEADER_FG); $this->messageCount = getShort($hex, self::HEADER_MSG); $this->briefingOfficers = getByte($hex, self::HEADER_BRIEF); $this->capturedOnEject = getBool($hex, self::HEADER_CAPTURED); }
/** * 发帖同步到分享 * @param integer post_id 帖子ID * @param string title 帖子标题 * @param string content 帖子内容 * @param integer uid 发布者uid * @return integer feed_id 分享ID */ public function syncToFeed($post_id, $title, $content, $uid) { $d['content'] = ''; $d['body'] = '【' . $title . '】' . getShort($content, 100) . ' '; $feed = model('Feed')->put($uid, 'weiba', 'weiba_post', $d, $post_id, 'weiba_post'); return $feed['feed_id']; }
function getShortSp($str, $num) { if (utf8_strlen($str) > $num) { $tag = '...'; } $str = getShort($str, $num) . $tag; return $str; }
public function syncToFeed($info_id, $title, $content, $uid) { $d['content'] = ''; $d['body'] = getShort($content, 100) . '【' . $title . '】' . ' ' . U('cat/Index/info', array('info_id' => $info_id)); $feed = M('Feed')->syncToFeed($d['body'], $uid, '0'); // $feed = model('Feed')->put($uid, 'weiba', 'weiba_post', $d, $post_id, 'weiba_post'); return $feed['feed_id']; }
function IsHotList() { //读取推荐列表 $votes = M('vote')->where(' isHot="1" ')->order('rTime DESC')->limit(20)->findAll(); foreach ($votes as &$value) { $value['username'] = getUserName($value['uid']); $value['title'] = getShort($value['title'], 12 - strlen($value['username']) / 2); } return $votes; }
protected function renderFile($data) { $out = '<select name="' . $data['form_name'] . '" id="' . $data['form_id'] . '">'; foreach ($data['data'] as $vo) { if ($vo['id'] == intval($data['selected'])) { $out .= '<option value="' . $vo['id'] . '" selected="selected">' . getShort($vo['name'], 13) . '</option>'; } else { $out .= '<option value="' . $vo['id'] . '">' . getShort($vo['name'], 13) . '</option>'; } } $out .= '</select>'; return $out; }
function __construct($hex) { $this->time = getShort($hex, 0); $type = getShort($hex, 2); if (isset($this->EventTypes[$type])) { $this->type = $this->EventTypes[$type]; } else { $this->type = array('Name' => 'Unknown' . $type, 'Variables' => array()); } for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->type['Variables']); $i++) { $this->variables[] = getShort($hex, 2 + $i * 2); } $this->length = count($this->variables) * 2 + 4; //a short for each variable plus time and type; }
/** * 选择好友Widget * * $data的参数: * array( * 'name'(可选) => '表单的name', // 默认为"fri_ids" * ) * * @see Widget::render() */ public function render($data) { $follow_group_status = D('FollowGroup', 'weibo')->getGroupStatus($data['uid'], $data['fid']); foreach ($follow_group_status as $k => $v) { $v['title'] = (strlen($v['title']) + mb_strlen($v['title'], 'UTF8')) / 2 > 6 ? getShort($v['title'], 3) . '...' : $v['title']; $data['status'] .= $v['title'] . ','; if (!empty($follow_group_status[$k + 1]) && (strlen($data['status']) + mb_strlen($data['status'], 'UTF8')) / 2 >= 13) { $data['status'] .= '···,'; break; } } $data['status'] = substr($data['status'], 0, -1); $content = $this->renderFile(ADDON_PATH . '/widgets/FollowGroup.html', $data); return $content; }
/** * 添加微博进入频道 * @return json 操作后的相关信息数据 */ public function doAddChannel() { // 微博ID $feedId = intval($_POST['feedId']); // 判断资源是否删除 $fmap['feed_id'] = $feedId; $fmap['is_del'] = 0; $isExist = model('Feed')->where($fmap)->count(); if ($isExist == 0) { $return['status'] = 0; $return['info'] = '内容已被删除,推荐失败'; exit(json_encode($return)); } // 频道ID数组 $channelIds = t($_POST['data']); $channelIds = explode(',', $channelIds); $channelIds = array_filter($channelIds); $channelIds = array_unique($channelIds); if (empty($feedId)) { $res['status'] = 0; $res['info'] = '推荐失败'; exit(json_encode($res)); } // 添加微博进入频道 $result = D('Channel', 'channel')->setChannel($feedId, $channelIds); if ($result) { if (!empty($channelIds)) { $config['feed_content'] = getShort(D('feed_data')->where('feed_id=' . $feedId)->getField('feed_content'), 10); $map['channel_category_id'] = array('in', $channelIds); $config['channel_name'] = implode(',', getSubByKey(D('channel_category')->where($map)->field('title')->findAll(), 'title')); $uid = D('feed')->where('feed_id=' . $feedId)->getField('uid'); $config['feed_url'] = '<a target="_blank" href="' . U('channel/Index/index', array('cid' => $channelIds[0])) . '">点此查看</a>'; model('Notify')->sendNotify($uid, 'channel_add_feed', $config); //添加积分 model('Credit')->setUserCredit($uid, 'recommend_to_channel'); } if (empty($channelIds)) { //添加积分 model('Credit')->setUserCredit($uid, 'unrecommend_to_channel'); } $res['status'] = 1; $res['info'] = '推荐成功'; } else { $res['status'] = 0; $res['info'] = '推荐失败'; } exit(json_encode($res)); }
public function setFollowGroup() { $gid = intval($_REQUEST['gid']); $fid = intval($_REQUEST['fid']); $followGroupDao = D('FollowGroup'); $followGroupDao->setGroupStatus($this->mid, $fid, $gid); $follow_group_status = $followGroupDao->getGroupStatus($this->mid, $fid); foreach ($follow_group_status as $k => $v) { $v['title'] = (strlen($v['title']) + mb_strlen($v['title'], 'UTF8')) / 2 > 6 ? getShort($v['title'], 3) . '...' : $v['title']; $_follow_group_status .= $v['title'] . ','; if (!empty($follow_group_status[$k + 1]) && (strlen($_follow_group_status) + mb_strlen($_follow_group_status, 'UTF8')) / 2 >= 13) { $_follow_group_status .= '···,'; break; } } $_follow_group_status = substr($_follow_group_status, 0, -1); exit($_follow_group_status); }
/** * 为新用户创建默认数据 * @param integer $uid 用户UID * @return void */ public function createNewData($uid = 0) { // 创建默认相册 if (intval($uid) <= 0) { $uid = $GLOBALS['ts']['mid']; } $count = $this->where("userId='{$uid}' AND isDel=0")->count(); if ($count == 0) { $name = getShort(getUserName($uid), 5) . '的相册'; // 默认的相册名 $album['cTime'] = time(); $album['mTime'] = time(); $album['userId'] = $uid; $album['name'] = $name; $album['privacy'] = 1; $this->add($album); } }
/** * 首页右侧数据查询 */ private function _indexRight() { $list = D('Category')->order('pid')->findAll(); $catelist = array(); foreach ($list as $v) { if ($v['pid'] && $catelist[$v['pid']]) { $catelist[$v['pid']]['child'][] = $v; } else { $catelist[$v['id']] = $v; } } $hotlist = D('Group', 'group')->getHotList(); foreach ($hotlist as &$hv) { $hv['short_name'] = getShort($hv['name'], 10); $hv['logo'] = logo_path_to_url($hv['logo']); } $this->assign('hotlist', $hotlist); $this->assign('catelist', $catelist); }
public function commentVote() { $this->data['with_new_weibo'] = intval($this->data['with_new_weibo']); //$this->data['type'] = t($this->data['type']); $this->data['type'] = 'vote'; $this->data['appid'] = intval($this->data['appid']); $this->data['comment'] = $this->data['comment']; $this->data['to_id'] = intval($this->data['to_id']); $this->data['author_uid'] = intval($this->data['author_uid']); $this->data['title'] = t(html_entity_decode($this->data['title'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8')); $this->data['url'] = urldecode($this->data['url']); $this->data['table'] = t($this->data['table']); $this->data['id_field'] = t($this->data['id_field']); $this->data['comment_count_field'] = t($this->data['comment_count_field']); $app_alias = getAppAlias($this->data['type']); // 被回复内容 $former_comment = array(); if ($this->data['to_id'] > 0) { $former_comment = M('comment')->where("`id`='{$this->data['to_id']}'")->find(); } // 插入新数据 $map['type'] = $this->data['type']; // 应用名 $map['appid'] = $this->data['appid']; $map['appuid'] = $this->data['author_uid']; $map['uid'] = $this->mid; $map['comment'] = t(getShort($this->data['comment'], $GLOBALS['ts']['site']['length'])); $map['cTime'] = time(); $map['toId'] = $this->data['to_id']; $map['status'] = 0; // 0: 未读 1:已读 $map['quietly'] = 0; $map['to_uid'] = $former_comment['uid'] ? $former_comment['uid'] : $this->data['author_uid']; $map['data'] = serialize(array('title' => $this->data['title'], 'url' => $this->data['url'], 'table' => $this->data['table'], 'id_field' => $this->data['id_field'], 'comment_count_field' => $this->data['comment_count_field'])); if (empty($map['type']) && empty($map['appid']) && empty($map['appuid']) && empty($map['comment'])) { return 0; } $res = M('comment')->add($map); return $res; }
/** * 渲染关注用户分组调整模板 * @example * $data['uid'] integer 用户ID * $data['fid'] integer 关注用户ID * $data['follow_group_status'] array 指定关注用户的分组信息 * @data['tpl'] string 模板字段 * @param array $data 配置的相关信息 * @return string 渲染后的模板数据 */ public function render($data) { // 选择模板 $template = empty($data['tpl']) ? 'FollowGroup' : t($data['tpl']); // 关注用户分类信息 $followGroupStatus = $data['follow_group_status']; // 组装数据 foreach ($followGroupStatus as $key => $value) { $value['gid'] != 0 && ($value['title'] = (strlen($value['title']) + mb_strlen($value['title'], 'UTF8')) / 2 > 4 ? getShort($value['title'], 2) : $value['title']); $data['status'] .= $value['title'] . ','; if (!empty($followGroupStatus[$key + 1]) && (strlen($data['status']) + mb_strlen($data['status'], 'UTF8')) / 2 >= 6) { $data['status'] .= '...,'; break; } } $data['status'] = substr($data['status'], 0, -1); $title = getSubByKey($followGroupStatus, 'title'); // 用于存储原始数据 $data['title'] = implode(',', $title); $content = $this->renderFile(dirname(__FILE__) . '/' . $template . '.html', $data); return $content; }
function report_list() { $dao = D("Report"); $data = $dao->order("cTime desc")->findPage(10); //dump($data["data"]); echo "<table>"; echo "<tr>"; echo "<td>举报人</td>"; echo "<td>链接</td>"; echo "<td>原因</td>"; echo "<td>举报时间</td>"; echo "</tr>"; foreach ($data["data"] as $key => $v) { echo "<tr>"; echo "<td>" . getUserName($v["uid"]) . "</td>"; echo "<td><a href='" . $v["url"] . "'>" . getShort($v["info"], 30) . "</a></td>"; echo "<td>" . $v["reason"] . "</td>"; echo "<td>" . friendlyDate($v["cTime"]) . "</td>"; echo "</tr>"; } echo "</table>"; }
public function __construct($byteString) { $this->platformID = getShort($byteString, self::HEADER_START); $this->flightGroupCount = getShort($byteString, self::HEADER_FG); $this->messageCount = getShort($byteString, self::HEADER_MSG); for ($i = 0; $i < self::IFF_COUNT; $i++) { $this->IFFNames[] = getString($byteString, self::HEADER_IFF + $i * self::IFF_LENGTH, self::IFF_LENGTH); } for ($r = 0; $r < self::REGION_COUNT; $r++) { $this->regionNames[] = getString($byteString, self::HEADER_REGION + $r * self::REGION_LENGTH, self::REGION_LENGTH); } for ($c = 0; $c < self::CARGO_COUNT; $c++) { $this->globalCargos[] = new GlobalCargo(substr($byteString, self::HEADER_CARGO + $c * GlobalCargo::LENGTH, GlobalCargo::LENGTH)); } for ($g = 0; $g < self::GG_COUNT; $g++) { $this->globalGroupNames[] = getString($byteString, self::HEADER_GG + $g * self::GG_LENGTH, self::GG_LENGTH); } $this->hangar = getByte($byteString, self::HEADER_HANGAR); $this->timeLimitMinutes = getByte($byteString, self::HEADER_TIME); $this->endMissionWhenComplete = getBool($byteString, self::HEADER_END); $this->briefingOfficer = getByte($byteString, self::HEADER_OFFICER); $this->briefingLogo = getByte($byteString, self::HEADER_LOGO); $this->hex = \Hex::hexToStr($byteString); }
public function commentBlog() { $map['type'] = $this->data['type']; // 应用名 $map['type'] = 'blog'; $map['appid'] = $this->data['appid']; //知识id $map['appuid'] = $this->data['author_uid']; //作者uid $map['uid'] = $this->mid; $map['comment'] = t(getShort($this->data['comment'], $GLOBALS['ts']['site']['length'])); $map['cTime'] = time(); //$map['toId'] = $this->data['to_id'];//废弃 $map['status'] = 0; // 0: 未读 1:已读 $map['quietly'] = 0; $map['to_uid'] = $former_comment['uid'] ? $former_comment['uid'] : $this->data['author_uid']; $map['data'] = serialize(array('title' => $this->data['title'], 'url' => $this->data['url'], 'table' => $this->data['table'], 'id_field' => $this->data['id_field'], 'comment_count_field' => $this->data['comment_count_field'])); if (empty($map['type']) || empty($map['comment']) || empty($map['appid']) || empty($map['appuid'])) { return 0; } $res = M('comment')->add($map); return $res; }
function addTopic() { $this->need_login(); if (IS_POST) { $title = getShort($_POST['title'], 30); if (empty($title)) { $this->ajaxReturn(false, '标题不能为空', false); } $this->__checkContent($_POST['content'], 10, 5000); $topic['gid'] = $this->gid; $topic['uid'] = $this->mid; $topic['name'] = getUserName($this->mid); $topic['title'] = h(t($title)); $topic['cid'] = intval($_POST['cid']); $topic['addtime'] = time(); $topic['replytime'] = time(); $topic['image_ids'] = implode(',', array_filter(explode('|', $_POST['image_ids']))); $tid = D('Topic', 'group')->add($topic); if ($tid) { $post['gid'] = $this->gid; $post['uid'] = $this->mid; $post['tid'] = $tid; $post['content'] = h($_POST['content']); $post['istopic'] = 1; $post['ctime'] = time(); $post['ip'] = get_client_ip(); $post['image_ids'] = $topic['image_ids']; $post_id = $this->post->add($post); D('GroupFeed', 'group')->syncToFeed('我发布了一个微吧帖子“' . t($_POST['title']) . '”,详情请点击' . U('group/Topic/topic', array('tid' => $tid, 'gid' => $this->gid)), $this->mid, 0, 0, $this->gid); $res['tid'] = $tid; $res['gid'] = $this->gid; return $this->ajaxReturn($res, '发布成功', 1); } else { $this->ajaxReturn(false, '发帖失败', false); } } else { $category_list = $this->topic->categoryList($this->gid); $this->assign('category_list', $category_list); $this->display(); } }
public function update($text, $opt) { require_once 'renren/HttpRequestService.class.php'; require_once 'renren/RenrenRestApiService.class.php'; $refresh_uri = '' . $opt["oauth_token_secret"] . '&client_id=' . RENREN_KEY . '&client_secret=' . RENREN_SECRET; $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $refresh_uri); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); $result = curl_exec($ch); $res = json_decode($result); $access_token = $res->access_token; $refresh_token = $res->refresh_token; $config = new stdClass(); $config->APIURL = ''; $config->APIKey = RENREN_KEY; $config->SecretKey = RENREN_SECRET; $config->APIVersion = '1.0'; $config->decodeFormat = 'json'; $GLOBALS['config'] =& $config; $rrObj = new RenrenRestApiService(); $params = array('name' => getShort($opt["feed_content"], 30), 'description' => $opt["feed_content"], 'url' => $opt["feed_url"], 'image' => $opt["pic_url"], 'action_name' => $GLOBALS['ts']['site']['site_name'], 'action_link' => $opt["feed_url"], 'message' => '分享', 'access_token' => $access_token); $res = $rrObj->rr_post_curl('feed.publishFeed', $params); return true; }
<a href="#" class="dropdown-toggle login-nav" data-toggle="dropdown" style=""> <?php if (!empty($myinfo[headimgurl])) { ?> <img class="admin_head url" src="<?php echo $myinfo["headimgurl"]; ?> "/> <?php } else { ?> <img class="admin_head default" src="/Public/Home/images/default.png"/><?php } ?> <?php echo getShort($myinfo["nickname"], 4); ?> <b class="pl_5 fa fa-sort-down"></b> </a> <ul class="dropdown-menu" style="display:none"> <?php if ($mid == C('USER_ADMINISTRATOR')) { ?> <li><a href="<?php echo U('Admin/Index/Index'); ?> " target="_blank">后台管理</a></li><?php } ?> <li><a href="<?php echo U('Home/Public/lists');
/** * 注册流程 - 第四步骤 */ public function getNRelatedUser() { $type = intval($_POST['type']); if ($type == '5') { //按推荐用户 $sql = "SELECT uid FROM `ts_user_verified` WHERE usergroup_id=5 AND verified=1 order by rand() limit 8"; $list = M()->query($sql); $uids = getSubByKey($list, 'uid'); $userInfos = model('User')->getUserInfoByUids($uids); foreach ($list as $v) { $key = $v['uid']; $arr[$key]['userInfo'] = $userInfos[$key]; } } else { $arr = model('RelatedUser')->getRelatedUserByType($type, 18); } $html = ''; $i = 18 * $type; foreach ($arr as $vo) { $html .= '<li>'; $html .= '<div class="person-pic"><img src="' . $vo['userInfo']['avatar_middle'] . '" height="80px" width="80px"/></div>'; $html .= '<h class="person-nickname">' . getShort($vo['userInfo']['uname'], 5) . '</h>'; $html .= '<div class="checkbox-area">'; $html .= '<input type="checkbox" name="fids[]" value="' . $vo['userInfo']['uid'] . '" class="checkbox" id="check-box-' . $i . '"/>'; $html .= '<label for="check-box-' . $i . '"></label>'; $html .= '</div>'; $html .= '</li>'; $i++; } echo $html; }
/** * getHotList * 推荐列表 * @param mixed $map * @param mixed $act */ public function getHotList() { $opts_ids = self::factoryModel('opts')->field('id')->where('isHot=1')->limit(5)->findAll(); foreach ($opts_ids as &$v) { $v = $v['id']; } $event_map['optsId'] = array('in', $opts_ids); $event_ids = $this->where($event_map)->findAll(); $typeDao = self::factoryModel('type'); foreach ($event_ids as &$v) { $v['type'] = $typeDao->getTypeName($v['type']); $v['address'] = getShort($v['address'], 6); $v['coverId'] = getCover($v['coverId'], 100, 100); } return $event_ids; }
/** * 私信管理列表 * @param integer $isRec [description] * @return void */ public function message($isRec = 0) { // 搜索区别 $_POST['rec'] = $isRec = isset($_REQUEST['rec']) ? t($_REQUEST['rec']) : $isRec; // 列表字段配置 $this->pageKeyList = array('message_id', 'fuid', 'from_uid', 'mix_man', 'content', 'mtime', 'DOACTION'); // 搜索字段配置 $this->searchKey = array('from_uid', 'mix_man', 'content'); // Tab标签配置 $this->pageTab[] = array('title' => L('PUBLIC_PRIVATE_MESSAGE_MANAGEMENT'), 'tabHash' => 'list', 'url' => U('admin/Content/message')); $this->pageTab[] = array('title' => L('PUBLIC_RECYCLE_BIN'), 'tabHash' => 'rec', 'url' => U('admin/Content/messageRec')); // 批量操作按钮配置 $this->pageButton[] = array('title' => L('PUBLIC_MASSAGE_SEARCH'), 'onclick' => "admin.fold('search_form')"); if ($isRec == 0) { $this->pageButton[] = array('title' => L('PUBLIC_MASSAGE_DEL'), 'onclick' => "admin.ContentEdit('','delMessage','" . L('PUBLIC_STREAM_DELETE') . "','" . L('PUBLIC_PRIVATE_MESSAGE') . "');"); } else { $this->pageButton[] = array('title' => L('PUBLIC_REMOVE_COMPLETELY'), 'onclick' => "admin.ContentEdit('','deleteMessage','" . L('PUBLIC_REMOVE_COMPLETELY') . "','" . L('PUBLIC_PRIVATE_MESSAGE') . "')"); } $isRec == 1 && ($_REQUEST['tabHash'] = 'rec'); $this->assign('pageTitle', $isRec ? L('PUBLIC_RECYCLE_BIN') : L('PUBLIC_PRIVATE_MESSAGE_MANAGEMENT')); // 未删除的 $map['a.is_del'] = $isRec == 1 ? 1 : 0; !empty($_POST['from_uid']) && ($map['a.from_uid'] = intval($_POST['from_uid'])); !empty($_POST['mix_man']) && ($map['c.member_uid'] = intval($_POST['mix_man'])); !empty($_POST['content']) && ($map['a.content'] = array('like', '%' . t($_POST['content']) . '%')); $map['b.type'] = array('neq', 3); // 获取列表信息 $listData = model('Message')->getDetailList($map); // 整理列表数据 foreach ($listData['data'] as &$v) { $uids = explode('_', $v['min_max']); $map = array(); $map['uid'] = array('in', $uids); $uname = model('User')->where($map)->getHashList('uid', 'uname'); $v['mix_man'] = implode(',', $uname); if ($v['fuid'] == '1') { $v['fuid'] = L('PUBLIC_SYSTEM'); } else { $v['fuid'] = $uname[$v['fuid']]; } if ($v['from_uid'] == '1') { $v['from_uid'] = L('PUBLIC_SYSTEM'); } else { $v['from_uid'] = $uname[$v['from_uid']]; } $v['content'] = '<div style="width:500px">' . getShort($v['content'], 120, '...') . '</div>'; // 截取120字 $v['mtime'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $v['mtime']); $v['DOACTION'] = $isRec == 0 ? "<a href='javascript:void(0)' onclick='admin.ContentEdit({$v['message_id']},\"delMessage\",\"" . L('PUBLIC_STREAM_DELETE') . "\",\"" . L('PUBLIC_PRIVATE_MESSAGE') . "\");'>" . L('PUBLIC_STREAM_DELETE') . "</a>" : "<a href='javascript:void(0)' onclick='admin.ContentEdit({$v['message_id']},\"MessageRecover\",\"" . L('PUBLIC_RECOVER') . "\",\"" . L('PUBLIC_PRIVATE_MESSAGE') . "\")'>" . L('PUBLIC_RECOVER') . "</a>"; } // 设置操作主键 $this->_listpk = 'message_id'; $this->displayList($listData); }
/** * 设置指定用户的分组 * @param int $gid 分组ID * @param int $fid 用户ID * @param string $action 操作状态类型,空、add、delete */ private function _setFollowGroup($gid, $fid, $add) { $followGroupDao = D('FollowGroup'); $followGroupDao->setGroupStatus($this->mid, $fid, $gid, $add); $follow_group_status = $followGroupDao->getGroupStatus($this->mid, $fid); foreach ($follow_group_status as $k => $v) { $v['gid'] != 0 && ($v['title'] = (strlen($v['title']) + mb_strlen($v['title'], 'UTF8')) / 2 > 4 ? getShort($v['title'], 2) : $v['title']); $_follow_group_status .= $v['title'] . ','; if (!empty($follow_group_status[$k + 1]) && (strlen($_follow_group_status) + mb_strlen($_follow_group_status, 'UTF8')) / 2 >= 6) { $_follow_group_status .= '...,'; break; } } $_follow_group_status = substr($_follow_group_status, 0, -1); S('weibo_followlist_' . $this->mid, null); $result['title'] = $_follow_group_status; $title = getSubByKey($follow_group_status, 'title'); // 用于存储原始数据 $result['oldTitle'] = implode(',', $title); return $result; }
public function ajax_after_publish_weibo() { set_time_limit(0); ignore_user_abort(1); $feedid = intval($_POST['feed_id']); if (!$feedid) { return; } $feeddata = D('FeedData')->where('feed_id=' . $feedid)->getField('feed_data'); $data = unserialize($feeddata); $id = $feedid; //如果传递了一次性同步参数?以参数为主:否则以帐号绑定同步设置为主 $sync = $_POST['sync']; $content = $data['content']; if ($data['type'] == 'postimage') { $attach_id = intval($data['attach_id'][0]); $attach = model('Attach')->where('attach_id=' . $attach_id)->find(); $cloud = model('CloudImage'); if ($cloud->isOpen()) { $is_cloud = ture; $pic = $cloud->getImageUrl($attach['save_path'] . $attach['save_name']); $pic_url = $pic; if (!file_exists($pic)) { $tmp_path = UPLOAD_PATH . '/weibo_tmp/'; @mkdir($tmp_path, 0777, true); $tmp_file = uniqid() . '.jpg'; @file_put_contents($tmp_path . $tmp_file, file_get_contents($pic)); $pic = $tmp_path . $tmp_file; } } else { $pic = UPLOAD_PATH . '/' . $attach['save_path'] . $attach['save_name']; $pic_url = UPLOAD_URL . '/' . $attach['save_path'] . $attach['save_name']; } } $feed_url = U('public/Profile/feed', array('feed_id' => $id, 'uid' => $data['uid'])); //if(!empty($sync)){ $result = array(); // foreach($sync as $key=>$v){ // $sync[$key] = "'{$v}'"; // } // $opt = M('login')->where('uid=' . intval($data['uid']) . ' and is_sync=1')->findAll(); // Url格式化问题 $formatContent = model('Feed')->formatFeedContent($content, 128); $content = $formatContent['body']; //content需要截取成128字 $content = getShort($content, 128, '..'); $content = str_ireplace('[SITE_URL]', SITE_URL, $content); foreach ($opt as $v) { if ($v['type'] == 'location') { continue; } $this->_loadTypeLogin($v['type']); $v['pic'] = $pic; $v['pic_url'] = $pic_url; $v['feed_url'] = $feed_url; $v['feed_content'] = $content; $platform = new $v['type'](); switch ($data['type']) { case 'post': $syncData = $platform->update($content . ' ' . $feed_url, $v); break; case 'postimage': $syncData = $platform->upload($content . ' ' . $feed_url, $v, $pic); //if($is_cloud) // @unlink($tmp_path.$tmp_file); break; default: $syncData = $platform->update($content . ' ' . $feed_url, $v); return; } //记录发的新分享到数据库 if (empty($result)) { $result = $platform->saveData($syncData); } else { $result = array_merge($result, $platform->saveData($syncData)); } } // if(!empty($result)){ // $dao = M('login_weibo'); // $result['weiboId'] = $id; // $dao->add($result); // } //} }
function follow() { $data['type'] = $_GET['type'] == 'follower' ? 'follower' : 'following'; if ($data['type'] == 'following') { //关注分组列表 $data['gid'] = is_numeric($_GET['gid']) ? $_GET['gid'] : 'all'; $group_list = D('FollowGroup', 'weibo')->getGroupList($this->uid); //调整分组列表 if (!empty($group_list)) { $group_count = count($group_list); for ($i = 0; $i < $group_count; $i++) { if ($group_list[$i]['follow_group_id'] != $data['gid']) { $group_list[$i]['title'] = (strlen($group_list[$i]['title']) + mb_strlen($group_list[$i]['title'], 'UTF8')) / 2 > 8 ? getShort($group_list[$i]['title'], 3) . '...' : $group_list[$i]['title']; } if ($i < 2) { $data['group_list_1'][] = $group_list[$i]; } else { if ($group_list[$i]['follow_group_id'] == $data['gid']) { $data['group_list_1'][2] = $group_list[$i]; continue; } $data['group_list_2'][] = $group_list[$i]; } } if (empty($data['group_list_1'][2]) && !empty($data['group_list_2'][0])) { $data['group_list_1'][2] = $data['group_list_2'][0]; unset($data['group_list_2'][0]); } } } // 关注的人列表 $data['list'] = D('Follow', 'weibo')->getList($this->uid, $data['type'], 0, $data['gid']); $this->assign($data); $this->setTitle(getUserName($this->uid) . 'của ' . ($data['type'] == 'follower' ? '粉丝' : '关注')); $this->display(); }
/** * 添加新的私信列表 * @param array $data 私信列表相关数据 * @param integer $from_uid 发布人ID * @return mix 添加失败返回false,成功返回新的私信列表ID */ private function _addMessageList($data, $from_uid) { if (!$data['content'] || !is_array($data['member']) || !$from_uid) { return false; } $list['from_uid'] = $from_uid; $list['title'] = $data['title'] ? t($data['title']) : t(getShort($data['content'], 20)); $list['member_num'] = count($data['member']); $list['type'] = is_numeric($data['type']) ? $data['type'] : (2 == $list['member_num'] ? 1 : 2); $list['min_max'] = $this->_getUidMinMax($data['member']); $list['mtime'] = $data['mtime']; $list['last_message'] = serialize(array('from_uid' => $from_uid, 'content' => h($data['content']))); $list_map['type'] = $list['type']; $list_map['min_max'] = $list['min_max']; if (1 == $list['type'] && ($list_id = D('message_list')->getField('list_id', $list_map))) { $list_map['list_id'] = $list_id; $_list['member_num'] = $list['member_num']; $_list['last_message'] = $list['last_message']; false === D('message_list')->where($list_map)->data($_list)->save() && ($list_id = false); } else { $list_id = D('message_list')->data($list)->add(); } return $list_id; }