Esempio n. 1
  * Edit a unit of content, or create a new one.
 public function editcontent($contenttypeslug, $id, Silex\Application $app, Request $request)
     // Make sure the user is allowed to see this page, based on 'allowed contenttypes'
     // for Editors.
     if (empty($id)) {
         $perm = "contenttype:{$contenttypeslug}:create";
     } else {
         $perm = "contenttype:{$contenttypeslug}:edit:{$id}";
     if (!$app['users']->isAllowed($perm)) {
         $app['session']->getFlashBag()->set('error', __('You do not have the right privileges to edit that record.'));
         return redirect('dashboard');
     // set the editreferrer in twig if it was not set yet.
     $tmpreferrer = getReferrer($app['request']);
     if (strpos($tmpreferrer, '/overview/') !== false || $tmpreferrer == $app['paths']['bolt']) {
         $app['twig']->addGlobal('editreferrer', $tmpreferrer);
     $contenttype = $app['storage']->getContentType($contenttypeslug);
     if ($request->getMethod() == "POST") {
         if (!$app['users']->checkAntiCSRFToken()) {
             $app->abort(400, __("Something went wrong"));
         if (!empty($id)) {
             // Check if we're allowed to edit this content..
             if (!$app['users']->isAllowed("contenttype:{$contenttype['slug']}:edit:{$id}")) {
                 $app['session']->getFlashBag()->set('error', __('You do not have the right privileges to edit that record.'));
                 return redirect('dashboard');
         } else {
             // Check if we're allowed to create content..
             if (!$app['users']->isAllowed("contenttype:{$contenttype['slug']}:create")) {
                 $app['session']->getFlashBag()->set('error', __('You do not have the right privileges to create a new record.'));
                 return redirect('dashboard');
         if ($id) {
             $content = $app['storage']->getContent($contenttype['slug'], array('id' => $id));
             $oldStatus = $content['status'];
             $newStatus = $content['status'];
         } else {
             $content = $app['storage']->getContentObject($contenttypeslug);
             $oldStatus = '';
         // Add non successfull control values to request values
         $request_all = $request->request->all();
         foreach ($contenttype['fields'] as $key => $values) {
             if (!isset($request_all[$key])) {
                 switch ($values['type']) {
                     case 'select':
                         if (isset($values['multiple']) and $values['multiple'] == true) {
                             $request_all[$key] = array();
                     case 'checkbox':
                         $request_all[$key] = 0;
         // To check whether the status is allowed, we act as if a status
         // *transition* were requested.
         $content->setFromPost($request_all, $contenttype);
         $newStatus = $content['status'];
         $statusOK = $app['users']->isContentStatusTransitionAllowed($oldStatus, $newStatus, $contenttype['slug'], $id);
         // Don't try to spoof the $id..
         if (!empty($content['id']) && $id != $content['id']) {
             $app['session']->getFlashBag()->set('error', "Don't try to spoof the id!");
             return redirect('dashboard');
         // Save the record, and return to the overview screen, or to the record (if we clicked 'save and continue')
         if ($statusOK && $app['storage']->saveContent($content, $contenttype['slug'])) {
             if (!empty($id)) {
                 $app['session']->getFlashBag()->set('success', __('The changes to this %contenttype% have been saved.', array('%contenttype%' => $contenttype['singular_name'])));
             } else {
                 $app['session']->getFlashBag()->set('success', __('The new %contenttype% has been saved.', array('%contenttype%' => $contenttype['singular_name'])));
             $app['log']->add($content->getTitle(), 3, $content, 'save content');
             // If 'returnto is set', we return to the edit page, with the correct anchor.
             if ($app['request']->get('returnto')) {
                 // We must 'return to' the edit page. In which case we must know the Id, so let's fetch it.
                 $id = $app['storage']->getLatestId($contenttype['slug']);
                 return redirect('editcontent', array('contenttypeslug' => $contenttype['slug'], 'id' => $id), "#" . $app['request']->get('returnto'));
             // No returnto, so we go back to the 'overview' for this contenttype.
             // check if a pager was set in the referrer - if yes go back there
             $editreferrer = $app['request']->get('editreferrer');
             if ($editreferrer) {
                 return simpleredirect($editreferrer);
             } else {
                 return redirect('overview', array('contenttypeslug' => $contenttype['slug']));
         } else {
             $app['session']->getFlashBag()->set('error', __('There was an error saving this %contenttype%.', array('%contenttype%' => $contenttype['singular_name'])));
             $app['log']->add("Save content error", 3, $content, 'error');
     if (!empty($id)) {
         $content = $app['storage']->getContent($contenttype['slug'], array('id' => $id));
         if (empty($content)) {
             $app->abort(404, __('The %contenttype% you were looking for does not exist. It was probably deleted, or it never existed.', array('%contenttype%' => $contenttype['singular_name'])));
         // Check if we're allowed to edit this content..
         if (!$app['users']->isAllowed("contenttype:{$contenttype['slug']}:edit:{$content['id']}")) {
             $app['session']->getFlashBag()->set('error', __('You do not have the right privileges to edit that record.'));
             return redirect('dashboard');
         $title = sprintf("<strong>%s</strong> » %s", __('Edit %contenttype%', array('%contenttype%' => $contenttype['singular_name'])), htmlencode($content->getTitle()));
         $app['log']->add("Edit content", 1, $content, 'edit');
     } else {
         // Check if we're allowed to create content..
         if (!$app['users']->isAllowed("contenttype:{$contenttype['slug']}:create")) {
             $app['session']->getFlashBag()->set('error', __('You do not have the right privileges to create a new record.'));
             return redirect('dashboard');
         $content = $app['storage']->getEmptyContent($contenttype['slug']);
         $title = sprintf("<strong>%s</strong>", __('New %contenttype%', array('%contenttype%' => $contenttype['singular_name'])));
         $app['log']->add("New content", 1, $content, 'edit');
     $oldStatus = $content['status'];
     $allStatuses = array('published', 'held', 'draft', 'timed');
     $allowedStatuses = array();
     foreach ($allStatuses as $status) {
         if ($app['users']->isContentStatusTransitionAllowed($oldStatus, $status, $contenttype['slug'], $id)) {
             $allowedStatuses[] = $status;
     $app['twig']->addGlobal('title', $title);
     $duplicate = $app['request']->query->get('duplicate');
     if (!empty($duplicate)) {
         $content->setValue('id', "");
         $content->setValue('slug', "");
         $content->setValue('datecreated', "");
         $content->setValue('datepublish', "");
         $content->setValue('datedepublish', "1900-01-01 00:00:00");
         // Not all DB-engines can handle a date like '0000-00-00'
         $content->setValue('datechanged', "");
         $content->setValue('username', "");
         $content->setValue('ownerid', "");
         $app['session']->getFlashBag()->set('info', __("Content was duplicated. Click 'Save %contenttype%' to finalize.", array('%contenttype%' => $contenttype['singular_name'])));
     // Set the users and the current owner of this content.
     // For brand-new items, the creator becomes the owner.
     // For existing items, we'll just keep the current owner.
     if (empty($id)) {
         // A new one!
         $contentowner = $app['users']->getCurrentUser();
     } else {
         $contentowner = $app['users']->getUser($content['ownerid']);
     return $app['render']->render('editcontent.twig', array('contenttype' => $contenttype, 'content' => $content, 'allowedStatuses' => $allowedStatuses, 'contentowner' => $contentowner));
  * Delete help topic action
 public function actionDelete()
     // Check Access
     if (isset($_GET['id']) && ($model = PersonalMessageTopic::model()->findByPk($_GET['id']))) {
         alog(at("Deleted Personal Message '{name}'.", array('{name}' => $model->title)));
         // Make sure we are allowed to delete this
         if ($model->author_id != Yii::app()->user->id) {
             ferror(at('Sorry, You are not the author of this personal message so you can not delete it.'));
             alog(at("Tried Deleting a Personal Message '{name}' When he is not the author.", array('{name}' => $model->title)));
         fok(at('Personal Message Deleted.'));
     } else {
Esempio n. 3

require 'vendor/autoload.php';
include_once 'functions.php';
// Set the default referrer here
$referrer = getReferrer() ?: '';
// Set variables to render website
$excludedFiles = ['.', '..', '_layout.html'];
// Initialize templates and render website
$twig = new Twig_Environment(new Twig_Loader_Filesystem('templates'));
echo $twig->render('index.html', ['modals' => array_diff(scandir(__DIR__ . '/templates/landing/modals'), $excludedFiles), 'notifications' => array_diff(scandir(__DIR__ . '/templates/landing/notifications'), $excludedFiles), 'referrer' => trim($referrer, '/'), 'campaign' => date('W'), 'key' => $_REQUEST['key'], 'tag' => $_REQUEST['tag']]);
Esempio n. 4
  * Edit a unit of content, or create a new one.
 public function editContent($contenttypeslug, $id, Silex\Application $app, Request $request)
     // Make sure the user is allowed to see this page, based on 'allowed contenttypes'
     // for Editors.
     if (empty($id)) {
         $perm = "contenttype:{$contenttypeslug}:create";
         $new = true;
     } else {
         $perm = "contenttype:{$contenttypeslug}:edit:{$id}";
         $new = false;
     if (!$app['users']->isAllowed($perm)) {
         $app['session']->getFlashBag()->set('error', __('You do not have the right privileges to edit that record.'));
         return redirect('dashboard');
     // set the editreferrer in twig if it was not set yet.
     $tmpreferrer = getReferrer($app['request']);
     if (strpos($tmpreferrer, '/overview/') !== false || $tmpreferrer == $app['paths']['bolt']) {
         $app['twig']->addGlobal('editreferrer', $tmpreferrer);
     $contenttype = $app['storage']->getContentType($contenttypeslug);
     if ($request->getMethod() == "POST") {
         if (!$app['users']->checkAntiCSRFToken()) {
             $app->abort(400, __("Something went wrong"));
         if (!empty($id)) {
             // Check if we're allowed to edit this content..
             if (!$app['users']->isAllowed("contenttype:{$contenttype['slug']}:edit:{$id}")) {
                 $app['session']->getFlashBag()->set('error', __('You do not have the right privileges to edit that record.'));
                 return redirect('dashboard');
         } else {
             // Check if we're allowed to create content..
             if (!$app['users']->isAllowed("contenttype:{$contenttype['slug']}:create")) {
                 $app['session']->getFlashBag()->set('error', __('You do not have the right privileges to create a new record.'));
                 return redirect('dashboard');
         // If we have an ID now, this is an existing record
         if ($id) {
             $content = $app['storage']->getContent($contenttype['slug'], array('id' => $id));
             $oldStatus = $content['status'];
             $newStatus = $content['status'];
         } else {
             $content = $app['storage']->getContentObject($contenttypeslug);
             $oldStatus = '';
         // Add non successfull control values to request values
         $request_all = $request->request->all();
         foreach ($contenttype['fields'] as $key => $values) {
             if (!isset($request_all[$key])) {
                 switch ($values['type']) {
                     case 'select':
                         if (isset($values['multiple']) and $values['multiple'] == true) {
                             $request_all[$key] = array();
                     case 'checkbox':
                         $request_all[$key] = 0;
         // To check whether the status is allowed, we act as if a status
         // *transition* were requested.
         $content->setFromPost($request_all, $contenttype);
         $newStatus = $content['status'];
         // Don't try to spoof the $id..
         if (!empty($content['id']) && $id != $content['id']) {
             $app['session']->getFlashBag()->set('error', "Don't try to spoof the id!");
             return redirect('dashboard');
         // Save the record, and return to the overview screen, or to the record (if we clicked 'save and continue')
         $statusOK = $app['users']->isContentStatusTransitionAllowed($oldStatus, $newStatus, $contenttype['slug'], $id);
         if ($statusOK) {
             // Get the associate record change comment
             $comment = $request->request->get('changelog-comment');
             // Save the record
             $id = $app['storage']->saveContent($content, $comment);
             // Log the change
             $app['log']->add($content->getTitle(), 3, $content, 'save content');
             if ($new) {
                 $app['session']->getFlashBag()->set('success', __('The new %contenttype% has been saved.', array('%contenttype%' => $contenttype['singular_name'])));
             } else {
                 $app['session']->getFlashBag()->set('success', __('The changes to this %contenttype% have been saved.', array('%contenttype%' => $contenttype['singular_name'])));
              * Bolt 2:
              * We now only get a returnto parameter if we are saving a new
              * record and staying on the same page, i.e. "Save {contenttype}"
             if ($app['request']->get('returnto')) {
                 if ($app['request']->get('returnto') == "new") {
                     return redirect('editcontent', array('contenttypeslug' => $contenttype['slug'], 'id' => $id), "#" . $app['request']->get('returnto'));
                 } elseif ($app['request']->get('returnto') == "ajax") {
                      * Flush any buffers from saveConent() dispatcher hooks
                      * and make sure our JSON output is clean.
                      * Currently occurs due to a 404 exception being generated
                      * in \Bolt\Storage::saveContent() dispatchers:
                      *     $this->app['dispatcher']->dispatch(StorageEvents::PRE_SAVE, $event);
                      *     $this->app['dispatcher']->dispatch(StorageEvents::POST_SAVE, $event);
                     if (ob_get_length()) {
                     // Get our record after POST_SAVE hooks are dealt with and return the JSON
                     $content = $app['storage']->getContent($contenttype['slug'], array('id' => $id, 'returnsingle' => true));
                     return new JsonResponse($content->values);
             // No returnto, so we go back to the 'overview' for this contenttype.
             // check if a pager was set in the referrer - if yes go back there
             $editreferrer = $app['request']->get('editreferrer');
             if ($editreferrer) {
             } else {
                 return redirect('overview', array('contenttypeslug' => $contenttype['slug']));
         } else {
             $app['session']->getFlashBag()->set('error', __('There was an error saving this %contenttype%.', array('%contenttype%' => $contenttype['singular_name'])));
             $app['log']->add("Save content error", 3, $content, 'error');
     // We're doing a GET
     if (!empty($id)) {
         $content = $app['storage']->getContent($contenttype['slug'], array('id' => $id));
         if (empty($content)) {
             $app->abort(404, __('The %contenttype% you were looking for does not exist. It was probably deleted, or it never existed.', array('%contenttype%' => $contenttype['singular_name'])));
         // Check if we're allowed to edit this content..
         if (!$app['users']->isAllowed("contenttype:{$contenttype['slug']}:edit:{$content['id']}")) {
             $app['session']->getFlashBag()->set('error', __('You do not have the right privileges to edit that record.'));
             return redirect('dashboard');
         $app['log']->add("Edit content", 1, $content, 'edit');
     } else {
         // Check if we're allowed to create content..
         if (!$app['users']->isAllowed("contenttype:{$contenttype['slug']}:create")) {
             $app['session']->getFlashBag()->set('error', __('You do not have the right privileges to create a new record.'));
             return redirect('dashboard');
         $content = $app['storage']->getEmptyContent($contenttype['slug']);
         $app['log']->add("New content", 1, $content, 'edit');
     $oldStatus = $content['status'];
     $allStatuses = array('published', 'held', 'draft', 'timed');
     $allowedStatuses = array();
     foreach ($allStatuses as $status) {
         if ($app['users']->isContentStatusTransitionAllowed($oldStatus, $status, $contenttype['slug'], $id)) {
             $allowedStatuses[] = $status;
     $duplicate = $app['request']->query->get('duplicate');
     if (!empty($duplicate)) {
         $content->setValue('id', "");
         $content->setValue('slug', "");
         $content->setValue('datecreated', "");
         $content->setValue('datepublish', "");
         $content->setValue('datedepublish', "1900-01-01 00:00:00");
         // Not all DB-engines can handle a date like '0000-00-00'
         $content->setValue('datechanged', "");
         $content->setValue('username', "");
         $content->setValue('ownerid', "");
         $app['session']->getFlashBag()->set('info', __("Content was duplicated. Click 'Save %contenttype%' to finalize.", array('%contenttype%' => $contenttype['singular_name'])));
     // Set the users and the current owner of this content.
     if (empty($id)) {
         // For brand-new items, the creator becomes the owner.
         $contentowner = $app['users']->getCurrentUser();
     } else {
         // For existing items, we'll just keep the current owner.
         $contentowner = $app['users']->getUser($content['ownerid']);
     $context = array('contenttype' => $contenttype, 'content' => $content, 'allowed_status' => $allowedStatuses, 'contentowner' => $contentowner, 'fields' => $app['config']->fields->fields());
     return $app['render']->render('editcontent/editcontent.twig', array('context' => $context));
  * Delete setting action
 public function actiondeletesetting()
     // Check Access
     if (isset($_GET['id'])) {
         $model = Setting::model()->findByPk($_GET['id']);
         // Make sure the setting is not protected as we can't edit protected settings
         if (!YII_DEBUG && $model->is_protected) {
             // Log Message
             alog(at("Tried Deleting Protected Setting '{name}'", array('{name}' => $model->title)));
             ferror(at("Can't delete that setting as it's a protected setting."));
         // Log Message
         alog(at("Deleted Setting '{name}'", array('{name}' => $model->title)));
         // Clear cache
         fok(at('Setting deleted.'));
         if ($model) {
             $this->redirect(array('setting/viewgroup', 'id' => $model->category));
     } else {
Esempio n. 6
 // Agent ID
 $agent_id = 0;
 if (isset($_REQUEST['AGENTID'])) {
     $agent_id = (int) $_REQUEST['AGENTID'];
 if (isset($_REQUEST['LANGUAGE'])) {
     $language = htmlspecialchars((string) $_REQUEST['LANGUAGE'], ENT_QUOTES);
 if (isset($_REQUEST['oUSERID'])) {
     $_REQUEST['oUSERID'] = (int) $_REQUEST['oUSERID'];
     $query = "SELECT id_domain FROM " . $table_prefix . "domain_user WHERE id_user = "******" Limit 1";
     $rows = $SQL->selectquery($query);
     $row = mysql_fetch_array($rows);
     $domain_id = $rows["id_domain"];
 $refDomain = getReferrer();
 //$refDomain = $_REQUEST['URL'] == "" ? $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] : $_REQUEST['URL'];
 $cookieName = str_replace(".", "", $refDomain);
 //  new condition and refresh value from 5 to 30 in order to support safari third-party cookies restriction
 if (!isset($_COOKIE[$cookieName])) {
     $domainIsValid = false;
     if (isset($domain_id) && $domain_id != '') {
         $query = "SELECT name FROM " . $table_prefix . "domains WHERE id_domain = '" . $domain_id . "'";
         $row = $SQL->selectquery($query);
         $domainName = $row['name'];
         if (!(strripos($domainName, $refDomain) === false)) {
             $domainIsValid = true;
     if (isset($domain_id) && !(strripos($domainName, $refDomain) === false)) {
         if (!isset($_REQUEST['WIDTH'])) {