Esempio n. 1
 * Script para remover acentos e caracteres especiais:
function removeSpecialChars($oldText)
    // Se corrige os acentos com iso, taca iso
    if (strlen($oldText) > strlen(utf8_decode($oldText))) {
        $oldText = utf8_decode($oldText);
     * A função "strtr" substitui os caracteres acentuados pelos não acentuados.
     * A função "ereg_replace" utiliza uma expressão regular que remove todos os
     * caracteres que não são letras, números e são diferentes de "_" (underscore).
    $newText = preg_replace('[^a-zA-Z0-9_-.]', '', strtr($oldText, 'áàãâéêíóôõúüçÁÀÃÂÉÊÍÓÔÕÚÜÇ ', 'aaaaeeiooouucAAAAEEIOOOUUC_'));
    if (!(strlen($newText) > 0)) {
        $newText = 'nome_invalido-' . getRandomNumbers() . getRandomNumbers();
    return $newText;
Esempio n. 2

use Tsugi\Core\LTIX;
use Tsugi\Util\LTI;
use Tsugi\Util\Mersenne_Twister;
$sanity = array('urllib' => 'You should use urllib to retrieve the data from the URL', 'BeautifulSoup' => 'You should use the BeautifulSoup library to parse the HTML');
// Compute the stuff for the output
$code = 42;
$new = getShuffledNames($code);
$nums = getRandomNumbers($code, min(50, count($new)), 100);
$sum_sample = array_sum($nums);
$code = $USER->id + $LINK->id + $CONTEXT->id;
$new = getShuffledNames($code);
$nums = getRandomNumbers($code, min(50, count($new)), 100);
$sum = array_sum($nums);
$oldgrade = $RESULT->grade;
if (isset($_POST['sum']) && isset($_POST['code'])) {
    $RESULT->setJsonKey('code', $_POST['code']);
    if ($_POST['sum'] != $sum) {
        $_SESSION['error'] = "Your sum did not match";
        header('Location: ' . addSession('index.php'));
    $val = validate($sanity, $_POST['code']);
    if (is_string($val)) {
        $_SESSION['error'] = $val;
        header('Location: ' . addSession('index.php'));
    LTIX::gradeSendDueDate(1.0, $oldgrade, $dueDate);
    // Redirect to ourself
Esempio n. 3
    return $returnString;
function getRandomSymbols($intNumOfSymbols = 1)
    $returnString = "";
    //--setup symbol array
    $symbolArray = array('*', '+', '=', '%', '@', '#');
    //setup for symbol string
    for ($x = 1; $x <= $intNumOfSymbols; $x++) {
        $randomKey = array_rand($symbolArray, 1);
        $returnString = $returnString . $symbolArray[$randomKey];
    return $returnString;
function getRandomNumbers($intNumOfNumbers = 1)
    $returnString = "";
    //--setup number array
    $numberArray = array('1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '0');
    //setup for symbol string
    for ($x = 1; $x <= $intNumOfNumbers; $x++) {
        $randomKey = array_rand($numberArray, 1);
        $returnString = $returnString . $numberArray[$randomKey];
    return $returnString;
$password = getRandomWordString(6) . getRandomSymbols(6) . getRandomNumbers(8);
Esempio n. 4

if (!isset($_SESSION['username'])) {
    header('Location: login.php');
if (isset($_POST['run'])) {
    $dir = 'img/';
    $files = glob($dir . '*.jpg');
    if (isset($_POST['bet'])) {
        $_SESSION['bet'] = $_POST['bet'];
    $quantity = 3;
    $nums = getRandomNumbers(1, count($files), $quantity);
    $_SESSION['pengar'] -= $_SESSION['bet'];
    if ($nums[0] == $nums[1] && $nums[1] == $nums[2]) {
        $_SESSION['won'] = 'Voitit ' . $_SESSION['bet'] * 7 . ' euroa!';
        $_SESSION['pengar'] += $_SESSION['bet'] * 7;
    } else {
        $_SESSION['won'] = '';
} else {
    $_SESSION['won'] = '';
if (isset($_POST['transferMoney'])) {
    $_SESSION['creditcard'] = $_POST['creditcard'];
    $_SESSION['pengar'] += $_POST['amount'];
function showImage($imgNumber)
Esempio n. 5
    <input type='number' name='intWords' min="1" max="10"> How many words do you want (e.g., 1 to 10)?<br>
    <input type='number' name='intSpecialCharacters' min="1" max="10"> How many Special Characters do you want (e.g., 1 to 10)?<br>
    <input type='number' name='intNumbers' min="1" max="10"> How many Numbers do you want (e.g., 1 to 10)?<br>	
	<input type='number' name='intTotalCharacters' min="1" max="50"> How many Total Characters do you want (e.g., 1 to 50)?<br>	
	<br />
	<input type='submit' value='Generate'><br>

<hr />
    <!-- These programming hooks are for debugging -->
echo "<div id='hideblock'>";
//echo "This is the value passed: " . $_POST['intWords']; echo "<br>";
//echo "This is the value passed: " . $_POST['intSpecialCharacters']; echo "<br>";
//echo "This is the value passed: " . $_POST['intNumbers']; echo "<br>";
//echo "Trim your password to how many characters: " . $_POST['intTotalCharacters']; echo "<br>";
$newPassword = getRandomWordString(!empty($_POST['intWords']) ? $_POST['intWords'] : 1) . getRandomSymbols(!empty($_POST['intSpecialCharacters']) ? $_POST['intSpecialCharacters'] : 1) . getRandomNumbers(!empty($_POST['intNumbers']) ? $_POST['intNumbers'] : 1);
echo "<h3 class='pass'>The Password is: " . $newPassword . "</h3>";
echo "<h3 class='pass'>A Trimmed Version of the Password is: " . substr($newPassword, 0, !empty($_POST['intTotalCharacters']) ? $_POST['intTotalCharacters'] : 12) . "</h3>";
echo "</div>";

