function calculateTotal($cart) { if (!is_array($cart)) { return 0; } $total = 0; foreach ($cart as $pid => $qty) { $product = getProductInfo($pid); $total = $total + $product['price'] * $qty; } return $total; }
public function getUpgradeProductOptions() { $upgradepackages = $this->getUpgradePIDs(); if (!count($upgradepackages)) { return array(); } $array = array(); $result = select_query("tblproducts", "id", "id IN (" . db_build_in_array($upgradepackages) . ")", "order` ASC,`name", "ASC"); while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $pid = $data['id']; $array[$pid] = getProductInfo($pid); $array[$pid]['pricing'] = getPricingInfo($pid, "", true); } return $array; }
function getProductInfo($id, $field) { global $wpdb; $table = $wpdb->prefix . "postmeta"; $result = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT * FROM " . $table . " WHERE post_id = " . $id . " AND meta_key = '" . $field . "'", ARRAY_A); if ($field = 'sku' && $result['meta_value'] == null) { global $wpdb; $table = $wpdb->prefix . "posts"; $row = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT * FROM " . $table . " WHERE ID = " . $id, ARRAY_A); if ($row['post_parent'] != 0) { return getProductInfo($row['post_parent'], 'sku'); } } if ($field == 'weight') { $result['meta_value'] = convertWeight($result['meta_value']); } return $result['meta_value']; }
/** * Inserts a new order into the orders DB * * @param $orderinfo * @param $cart * @param $username * @return order ID, or FALSE on failure */ function insertOrder($orderinfo, $cart, $username) { if (!$orderinfo || !$cart || !$username) { return FALSE; } include 'db_info.php'; //include('userfunctions.php'); @($db = new mysqli($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpassword, $dbname)); if (mysqli_connect_errno()) { echo "<br><h2 style='color:red'>Database connection error.</h2><br>" . mysqli_connect_error(); return FALSE; } extract($orderinfo); // $orderinfo["addr"] = $addr // Only store the last 4 digits of cards in the db $cardnumber = substr($cardnumber, -4); $db->autocommit(FALSE); // Partial commits are bad $query = "INSERT INTO orders (shipping_addr, shipping_city, shipping_state, shipping_zip, creditcard, shipping_cost, ordertotal) VALUES \r\n\t\t ('" . addslashes($addr) . "', '" . addslashes($city) . "', '" . addslashes($state) . "', '" . addslashes($zip) . "', '" . $cardnumber . "', '" . $shipping . "', '" . $total . "');"; $result = $db->query($query); if (!$result) { return FALSE; } $orderid = $db->insert_id; $query = "INSERT INTO user_orders (username, orderid) VALUES ('" . addslashes($username) . "', '" . $orderid . "');"; $result = $db->query($query); if (!$result) { return FALSE; } foreach ($cart as $pid => $qty) { $product = getProductInfo($pid); $curprice = $product["price"]; $query = "INSERT INTO product_orders (orderid, pid, qty, purchaseprice) VALUES \r\n\t\t\t\t('" . $orderid . "', '" . $pid . "', '" . $qty . "', '" . $curprice . "');"; $result = $db->query($query); if (!$result) { return FALSE; } } $db->commit(); $db->autocommit(TRUE); $db->close(); return $orderid; }
// Remove a product from the cart completely (ignores quantity) if (isset($_GET['remove'])) { $pid = $_GET['remove']; if (isset($_SESSION['cart'][$pid])) { unset($_SESSION['cart'][$pid]); } $_SESSION['numcart'] = countItems($_SESSION['cart']); $_SESSION['statusmsg'] = "Item removed from cart."; header("Location: viewcart.php"); die; } if (isset($_POST['edit'])) { // Edit quantities from the view cart page here foreach ($_SESSION['cart'] as $pid => $qty) { if ($_POST[$pid] <= 0) { unset($_SESSION['cart'][$pid]); } else { $product = getProductInfo($pid); if ($product['stock'] < $_POST[$pid]) { // Immediately error back to view cart, I guess? $_SESSION['errmsg'] = "Unable to modify quantity for product: " . $product['productname'] . "<br>Not enough left in stock!"; header("Location: viewcart.php"); die; } $_SESSION['cart'][$pid] = $_POST[$pid]; } } $_SESSION['numcart'] = countItems($_SESSION['cart']); } header("Location: viewcart.php"); die;
protected function setInfoJigoshop() { $this->itemID = $this->k; $this->productID = $this->row['id']; $unitprice; if (null == $this->row['variation_id']) { // Dans ce cas le variation Id vaut l'id du produit ce qui est bon $variationId = $this->row['id']; } else { // Dans ce cas l'id est celui de la variation qui va permettre d'aller cherche le sku et le prix $variationId = $this->row['variation_id']; $split = explode('.', $this->software->getVersion()); if ($split[0] > 1 || $split[0] == 1 & $split[1] >= 17) { $variations = $this->row["variation"]; foreach ($variations as $key => $value) { array_push($this->attributes, new Attribute($this->software, $this->date, $key, $value)); } $unitprice = $this->row['cost']; } else { //On crée les attributs $object = unserialize(getProductInfo($variationId, 'order_items')); foreach ($object as $key => $value) { array_push($this->attributes, new Attribute($this->software, $this->date, $key, $value)); } $unitprice = $this->row['cost'] / $this->row['qty']; } //On créer les attributs $object = unserialize(getProductInfo($variationId, 'variation_data')); foreach ($object as $key => $value) { array_push($this->attributes, new Attribute($this->software, $this->date, $key, $value)); } } $this->code = getProductInfo($variationId, 'sku'); $this->sku = getProductInfo($variationId, 'sku'); $this->name = $this->row['name']; $this->quantity = $this->row['qty']; $this->price = ''; $this->unitprice = $unitprice; $this->weight = getProductInfo($variationId, 'weight'); }
/** * Function to sort by price ascending */ function sortByPriceDes($product_info) { $product_info = getProductInfo(); $tmp = []; foreach ($product_info as &$val) { if ($val[7][1]) { // if there is special price, we take it, if not - ordinary price $tmp[] =& $val[7][1]; // [7][1] is special price } else { $tmp[] =& $val[6][1]; // [6][1] is price } } array_multisort($tmp, SORT_NUMERIC, SORT_DESC, $product_info); // => Пример #2 Сортировка многомерного массива - array_multisort($ar[0], SORT_ASC, SORT_STRING, $ar[1], SORT_NUMERIC, SORT_DESC); //print_r($tmp); //проверка displayEnabledProducts($product_info); }
$errormess .= '订单插入未成功!' . $oid . "\r\n"; } if ($orderstatus == '交易成功' && $is_add_success) { $update_acc_pay_sql = "update ec_account set allsuccessbuy=allsuccessbuy+1 where accountid='" . $accountid . "'"; $adb->query($update_acc_pay_sql); } //插入ec_crmentity $insertcrmentityordersql = "insert into ec_crmentity(crmid,smcreatorid,smownerid,setype,description,createdtime,modifiedtime) " . "values(" . $salesorderid . "," . $current_user->id . "," . $current_user->id . ",'SalesOrder','" . $description_order . "','" . $createdtime_order . "','" . $modifiedtime_order . "')"; $adb->query($insertcrmentityordersql); //商品数字id $num_iid = $order['num_iid']; //判断产品是否已存在 $productid_tmp = checkItemIsExist($num_iid); if (empty($productid_tmp)) { //获取订单产品信息 $ItemInfo = getProductInfo($rooturl, $session, $appKey, $appSecret, $num_iid); if (empty($ItemInfo)) { $errormess .= "获取订单产品信息失败。\r\n"; } else { $productid = $adb->getUniqueID("ec_crmentity"); $productname = $ItemInfo['title']; $productcode = $product_seqprefix . $productid; $cid = $ItemInfo['cid']; //商品url $detail_url = $ItemInfo['detail_url']; //商品数量 $pro_num = $ItemInfo['num']; //商品价格 $price = $ItemInfo['price']; $comment = $sku_properties_name; //创建时间
<?php /** * Created by IntelliJ IDEA. * User: chamathsilva * Date: 1/16/16 * Time: 7:36 PM */ require_once "../../controllers/DBfunctions/DbFunctions.php"; $productInfo = getProductInfo(); //Sanitize input data using PHP filter_var(). $Ref_id = filter_var($_POST["refname"], FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $product_id = filter_var($_POST["productname"], FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $date = filter_var($_POST["CurrentDate"], FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $amount = abs(filter_var($_POST["Amount"], FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING)); $totalMisingzcost = $amount * floatval($productInfo[$product_id]['Cost']); $totalMisingzcost = $totalMisingzcost * -1; $db->beginTransaction(); $result = $db->query("INSERT INTO Missing (Ref_id,Product_id,Time_Stamp,totalMissingcost) VALUES(:Ref_id,:Product_id,:Time_Stamp,:totalMissingcost)", array("Ref_id" => $Ref_id, "Product_id" => $product_id, "Time_Stamp" => $date, "totalMissingcost" => $totalMisingzcost)); $result = $db->query("UPDATE Product SET currentStock = currentStock + :OutStock WHERE Product_id = :product_id", array("OutStock" => $amount, "product_id" => $product_id)); $db->commit(); if ($result == 1) { $output = "Completed"; } else { $output = "Some thing wrong"; } die($output);
</div> <div id="content"> <div id="navigation"> <h3><u>Navigation</u></h3> <?php include 'navigation.php'; ?> </div> <div id="main"> <h4><a href="index.php">Home</a> -> <a href="admin_index.php">Administration</a> -> Edit Product Details</h4> <?php if (isset($_SESSION['errmsg'])) { echo $_SESSION['errmsg'] . "<br>"; unset($_SESSION['errmsg']); } $product = getProductInfo($_GET['pid']); if (!$product) { $_SESSION['errmsg'] = "Invalid product ID specified."; header("Location: admin_addproduct.php "); die; } ?> <p><b>Product details:</b></p> <form action="doproducts.php?action=edit" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" id="editproduct" name="editproduct"> <input type="hidden" name="PID" value="<?php echo $_GET['pid']; ?> " /> <table border="0"> <tr>
if ($result->num_rows > 0) { $order = $result->fetch_assoc(); $result->free(); // If this isn't your order and you aren't an admin, you can't view the details if ($order["username"] != $_SESSION['username'] && !isAdmin($_SESSION['username'])) { $db->close(); echo "<p>Invalid order ID.</p>"; } else { if (isAdmin($_SESSION['username'])) { echo "<p><h3>Order placed by user: "******"username"] . "</h3></p>"; } $query = "SELECT * FROM product_orders WHERE orderid = '" . $_GET["id"] . "';"; $result = $db->query($query); echo "<table border='0' width='100%'>\r\n\t\t\t<tr><td bgcolor='black'>Item</td>\r\n\t\t\t<td bgcolor='black'>Price</td>\r\n\t\t\t<td bgcolor='black'>Quantity</td>\r\n\t\t\t<td bgcolor='black' align='right'>Total</td></tr>"; while ($record = $result->fetch_assoc()) { $deets = getProductInfo($record['pid']); echo "<tr>"; echo "<td><a href='viewitem.php?p=" . $record['pid'] . "'>" . $deets['productname'] . "</a></td>"; echo "<td>\$" . $record['purchaseprice'] . "</td>"; echo "<td>" . $record["qty"] . "</td>"; echo "<td align='right'>\$" . number_format($record["qty"] * $record['purchaseprice'], 2) . "</td>"; echo "</tr>"; } $result->free(); $query = "SELECT * FROM orders WHERE orderid = '" . $_GET["id"] . "';"; $result = $db->query($query); $orderinfo = $result->fetch_assoc(); echo "<tr>"; echo "<td>Shipping</td>"; echo "<td colspan='2'> </td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td align='right'>\$" . number_format($orderinfo["shipping_cost"], 2) . "</td>"; echo "</tr>";
function calcCartTotals($checkout = "", $ignorenoconfig = "") { global $CONFIG; global $_LANG; global $remote_ip; global $currency; global $promo_data; $cart_total = $cart_discount = $cart_tax = 0; run_hook("PreCalculateCartTotals", $_SESSION['cart']); if (!$ignorenoconfig) { if (array_key_exists("products", $_SESSION['cart'])) { foreach ($_SESSION['cart']['products'] as $key => $productdata) { if ($productdata['noconfig']) { unset($_SESSION['cart']['products'][$key]); continue; } } } $bundlewarnings = bundlesValidateCheckout(); if (array_key_exists("products", $_SESSION['cart'])) { $_SESSION['cart']['products'] = array_values($_SESSION['cart']['products']); } } if ($checkout) { if (!$_SESSION['cart']) { return false; } run_hook("PreShoppingCartCheckout", $_SESSION['cart']); $order_number = generateUniqueID(); $paymentmethod = $_SESSION['cart']['paymentmethod']; $availablegateways = getAvailableOrderPaymentGateways(); if (!array_key_exists($paymentmethod, $availablegateways)) { foreach ($availablegateways as $k => $v) { $paymentmethod = $k; break; } } $userid = $_SESSION['uid']; $ordernotes = ""; if ($_SESSION['cart']['notes'] && $_SESSION['cart']['notes'] != $_LANG['ordernotesdescription']) { $ordernotes = $_SESSION['cart']['notes']; } $cartitems = count($_SESSION['cart']['products']) + count($_SESSION['cart']['addons']) + count($_SESSION['cart']['domains']) + count($_SESSION['cart']['renewals']); if (!$cartitems) { return false; } $orderid = insert_query("tblorders", array("ordernum" => $order_number, "userid" => $userid, "contactid" => $_SESSION['cart']['contact'], "date" => "now()", "status" => "Pending", "paymentmethod" => $paymentmethod, "ipaddress" => $remote_ip, "notes" => $ordernotes)); logActivity("New Order Placed - Order ID: " . $orderid . " - User ID: " . $userid); $domaineppcodes = array(); } $promotioncode = array_key_exists("promo", $_SESSION['cart']) ? $_SESSION['cart']['promo'] : ""; if ($promotioncode) { $result = select_query("tblpromotions", "", array("code" => $promotioncode)); $promo_data = mysql_fetch_array($result); } if (!isset($_SESSION['uid'])) { if (!$_SESSION['cart']['user']['country']) { $_SESSION['cart']['user']['country'] = $CONFIG['DefaultCountry']; } $state = $_SESSION['cart']['user']['state']; $country = $_SESSION['cart']['user']['country']; } else { $clientsdetails = getClientsDetails($_SESSION['uid']); $state = $clientsdetails['state']; $country = $clientsdetails['country']; } if ($CONFIG['TaxEnabled']) { $taxdata = getTaxRate(1, $state, $country); $taxname = $taxdata['name']; $taxrate = $taxdata['rate']; $rawtaxrate = $taxrate; $inctaxrate = $taxrate / 100 + 1; $taxrate /= 100; $taxdata = getTaxRate(2, $state, $country); $taxname2 = $taxdata['name']; $taxrate2 = $taxdata['rate']; $rawtaxrate2 = $taxrate2; $inctaxrate2 = $taxrate2 / 100 + 1; $taxrate2 /= 100; } if ($CONFIG['TaxInclusiveDeduct'] && (!$taxrate && !$taxrate2 || $clientsdetails['taxexempt'])) { $result = select_query("tbltax", "", ""); $data = mysql_fetch_array($result); $excltaxrate = 1 + $data['taxrate'] / 100; } else { $CONFIG['TaxInclusiveDeduct'] = 0; } $cartdata = $productsarray = $tempdomains = $orderproductids = $orderdomainids = $orderaddonids = $orderrenewalids = $freedomains = array(); $recurring_cycles_total = array("monthly" => 0, "quarterly" => 0, "semiannually" => 0, "annually" => 0, "biennially" => 0, "triennially" => 0); if (array_key_exists("products", $_SESSION['cart']) && is_array($_SESSION['cart']['products'])) { foreach ($_SESSION['cart']['products'] as $key => $productdata) { $result = select_query("tblproducts", ",tblproducts.gid, AS groupname,,tblproducts.paytype,tblproducts.allowqty,tblproducts.proratabilling,tblproducts.proratadate,tblproducts.proratachargenextmonth,,tblproducts.servertype,tblproducts.servergroup,tblproducts.stockcontrol,tblproducts.freedomain,tblproducts.freedomainpaymentterms,tblproducts.freedomaintlds", array("" => $productdata['pid']), "", "", "", "tblproductgroups ON"); $data = mysql_fetch_array($result); $pid = $data['id']; $gid = $data['gid']; $groupname = $data['groupname']; $productname = $data['name']; $paytype = $data['paytype']; $allowqty = $data['allowqty']; $proratabilling = $data['proratabilling']; $proratadate = $data['proratadate']; $proratachargenextmonth = $data['proratachargenextmonth']; $tax = $data['tax']; $servertype = $data['servertype']; $servergroup = $data['servergroup']; $stockcontrol = $data['stockcontrol']; $freedomain = $data['freedomain']; if ($freedomain) { $freedomainpaymentterms = $data['freedomainpaymentterms']; $freedomaintlds = $data['freedomaintlds']; $freedomainpaymentterms = explode(",", $freedomainpaymentterms); $freedomaintlds = explode(",", $freedomaintlds); } else { $freedomainpaymentterms = $freedomaintlds = array(); } $productinfo = getProductInfo($pid); $productdata['productinfo'] = $productinfo; if (!function_exists("getCustomFields")) { require ROOTDIR . "/includes/customfieldfunctions.php"; } $customfields = getCustomFields("product", $pid, "", true, "", $productdata['customfields']); $productdata['customfields'] = $customfields; $pricing = getPricingInfo($pid); $qty = $productdata['qty']; if (!$allowqty || !$qty) { $qty = 1; } $productdata['allowqty'] = $allowqty; $productdata['qty'] = $qty; if ($pricing['type'] == "recurring") { $billingcycle = strtolower($productdata['billingcycle']); if (!in_array($billingcycle, array("monthly", "quarterly", "semiannually", "annually", "biennially", "triennially"))) { $billingcycle = ""; } if ($pricing['rawpricing'][$billingcycle] < 0) { $billingcycle = ""; } if (!$billingcycle) { if (0 <= $pricing['rawpricing']['monthly']) { $billingcycle = "monthly"; } else { if (0 <= $pricing['rawpricing']['quarterly']) { $billingcycle = "quarterly"; } else { if (0 <= $pricing['rawpricing']['semiannually']) { $billingcycle = "semiannually"; } else { if (0 <= $pricing['rawpricing']['annually']) { $billingcycle = "annually"; } else { if (0 <= $pricing['rawpricing']['biennially']) { $billingcycle = "biennially"; } else { if (0 <= $pricing['rawpricing']['triennially']) { $billingcycle = "triennially"; } } } } } } } } else { if ($pricing['type'] == "onetime") { $billingcycle = "onetime"; } else { $billingcycle = "free"; } } $productdata['billingcycle'] = $billingcycle; if ($billingcycle == "free") { $product_setup = $product_onetime = $product_recurring = "0"; $databasecycle = "Free Account"; } else { if ($billingcycle == "onetime") { $product_setup = $pricing['rawpricing']['msetupfee']; $product_onetime = $pricing['rawpricing']['monthly']; $product_recurring = 0; $databasecycle = "One Time"; } else { $product_setup = $pricing['rawpricing'][substr($billingcycle, 0, 1) . "setupfee"]; $product_onetime = $product_recurring = $pricing['rawpricing'][$billingcycle]; $databasecycle = ucfirst($billingcycle); if ($databasecycle == "Semiannually") { $databasecycle = "Semi-Annually"; } } } $before_priceoverride_value = ""; if ($bundleoverride = bundlesGetProductPriceOverride("product", $key)) { $before_priceoverride_value = $product_setup + $product_onetime; $product_setup = 0; $product_onetime = $product_recurring = $bundleoverride; } $hookret = run_hook("OrderProductPricingOverride", array("key" => $key, "pid" => $pid, "proddata" => $productdata)); foreach ($hookret as $hookret2) { if (is_array($hookret2)) { if ($hookret2['setup']) { $product_setup = $hookret2['setup']; } if ($hookret2['recurring']) { $product_onetime = $product_recurring = $hookret2['recurring']; continue; } continue; } } $productdata['pricing']['baseprice'] = formatCurrency($product_onetime); $configurableoptions = array(); $configurableoptions = getCartConfigOptions($pid, $productdata['configoptions'], $billingcycle); $configoptions = ""; if ($configurableoptions) { foreach ($configurableoptions as $confkey => $value) { $configoptions[] = array("name" => $value['optionname'], "type" => $value['optiontype'], "option" => $value['selectedoption'], "optionname" => $value['selectedname'], "setup" => 0 < $value['selectedsetup'] ? formatCurrency($value['selectedsetup']) : "", "recurring" => formatCurrency($value['selectedrecurring']), "qty" => $value['selectedqty']); $configoptionsdb[$value['id']] = array("value" => $value['selectedvalue'], "qty" => $value['selectedqty']); $product_setup += $value['selectedsetup']; $product_onetime += $value['selectedrecurring']; if (strlen($before_priceoverride_value)) { $before_priceoverride_value += $value['selectedrecurring']; } if ($billingcycle != "onetime") { $product_recurring += $value['selectedrecurring']; continue; } } } $productdata['configoptions'] = $configoptions; if (in_array($billingcycle, $freedomainpaymentterms)) { $domain = $productdata['domain']; $domainparts = explode(".", $domain, 2); $tld = "." . $domainparts[1]; if (in_array($tld, $freedomaintlds)) { $freedomains[$domain] = $freedomain; } } if ($proratabilling) { $proratavalues = getProrataValues($billingcycle, $product_onetime, $proratadate, $proratachargenextmonth, date("d"), date("m"), date("Y"), $_SESSION['uid']); $product_onetime = $proratavalues['amount']; $productdata['proratadate'] = fromMySQLDate($proratavalues['date']); } if ($CONFIG['TaxInclusiveDeduct']) { $product_setup = format_as_currency($product_setup / $excltaxrate); $product_onetime = format_as_currency($product_onetime / $excltaxrate); $product_recurring = format_as_currency($product_recurring / $excltaxrate); } $product_total_today_db = $product_setup + $product_onetime; $product_recurring_db = $product_recurring; $productdata['pricing']['setup'] = $product_setup * $qty; $productdata['pricing']['recurring'][$billingcycle] = $product_recurring * $qty; $productdata['pricing']['totaltoday'] = $product_total_today_db * $qty; if ($product_onetime == 0 && $product_recurring == 0) { $pricing_text = $_LANG['orderfree']; } else { $pricing_text = ""; if (strlen($before_priceoverride_value)) { $pricing_text .= "<strike>" . formatCurrency($before_priceoverride_value) . "</strike> "; } $pricing_text .= formatCurrency($product_onetime); if (0 < $product_setup) { $pricing_text .= " + " . formatCurrency($product_setup) . " " . $_LANG['ordersetupfee']; } if ($allowqty && 1 < $qty) { $pricing_text .= $_LANG['invoiceqtyeach'] . "<br />" . $_LANG['invoicestotal'] . ": " . formatCurrency($productdata['pricing']['totaltoday']); } } $productdata['pricingtext'] = $pricing_text; if ($promotioncode) { $onetimediscount = $recurringdiscount = $promoid = 0; if ($promocalc = CalcPromoDiscount($pid, $databasecycle, $product_total_today_db, $product_recurring_db, $product_setup)) { $onetimediscount = $promocalc['onetimediscount']; $recurringdiscount = $promocalc['recurringdiscount']; $product_total_today_db -= $onetimediscount; $product_recurring_db -= $recurringdiscount; $cart_discount += $onetimediscount * $qty; $promoid = $promo_data['id']; } } if (isset($productdata['priceoverride'])) { $product_total_today_db = $product_recurring_db = $product_onetime = $productdata['priceoverride']; $product_setup = 0; } $cart_total += $product_total_today_db * $qty; $product_total_qty_recurring = $product_recurring_db * $qty; if ($CONFIG['TaxEnabled'] && $tax && !$clientsdetails['taxexempt']) { $cart_tax += $product_total_today_db * $qty; if ($CONFIG['TaxType'] == "Exclusive") { if ($CONFIG['TaxL2Compound']) { $product_total_qty_recurring += $product_total_qty_recurring * $taxrate; $product_total_qty_recurring += $product_total_qty_recurring * $taxrate2; } else { $product_total_qty_recurring += $product_total_qty_recurring * $taxrate + $product_total_qty_recurring * $taxrate2; } } } $recurring_cycles_total[$billingcycle] += $product_total_qty_recurring; $domain = $productdata['domain']; $serverhostname = $productdata['server']['hostname']; $serverns1prefix = $productdata['server']['ns1prefix']; $serverns2prefix = $productdata['server']['ns2prefix']; $serverrootpw = encrypt($productdata['server']['rootpw']); if ($serverns1prefix && $domain) { $serverns1prefix = $serverns1prefix . "." . $domain; } if ($serverns2prefix && $domain) { $serverns2prefix = $serverns2prefix . "." . $domain; } if ($serverhostname) { $domain = $domain ? $serverhostname . "." . $domain : $serverhostname; } $productdata['domain'] = $domain; if ($checkout) { $multiqtyids = array(); $qtycount = 1; while ($qtycount <= $qty) { $serverid = $servertype ? getServerID($servertype, $servergroup) : "0"; $hostingquerydates = $databasecycle == "Free Account" ? "0000-00-00" : date("Y-m-d"); $serviceid = insert_query("tblhosting", array("userid" => $userid, "orderid" => $orderid, "packageid" => $pid, "server" => $serverid, "regdate" => "now()", "domain" => $domain, "paymentmethod" => $paymentmethod, "firstpaymentamount" => $product_total_today_db, "amount" => $product_recurring_db, "billingcycle" => $databasecycle, "nextduedate" => $hostingquerydates, "nextinvoicedate" => $hostingquerydates, "domainstatus" => "Pending", "ns1" => $serverns1prefix, "ns2" => $serverns2prefix, "password" => $serverrootpw, "promoid" => $promoid)); $multiqtyids[$qtycount] = $serviceid; $orderproductids[] = $serviceid; if ($stockcontrol) { full_query("UPDATE tblproducts SET qty=qty-1 WHERE id='" . mysql_real_escape_string($pid) . "'"); } if ($configoptionsdb) { foreach ($configoptionsdb as $key => $value) { insert_query("tblhostingconfigoptions", array("relid" => $serviceid, "configid" => $key, "optionid" => $value['value'], "qty" => $value['qty'])); } } foreach ($productdata['customfields'] as $key => $value) { insert_query("tblcustomfieldsvalues", array("fieldid" => $value['id'], "relid" => $serviceid, "value" => $value['rawvalue'])); } $productdetails = getInvoiceProductDetails($serviceid, $pid, date("Y-m-d"), $hostingquerydates, $databasecycle, $domain); $invoice_description = $productdetails['description']; $invoice_tax = $productdetails['tax']; if (!$_SESSION['cart']['geninvoicedisabled']) { $prodinvoicearray = array(); $prodinvoicearray['userid'] = $userid; $prodinvoicearray['type'] = "Hosting"; $prodinvoicearray['relid'] = $serviceid; $prodinvoicearray['taxed'] = $invoice_tax; $prodinvoicearray['duedate'] = $hostingquerydates; $prodinvoicearray['paymentmethod'] = $paymentmethod; if (0 < $product_setup) { $prodinvoicearray['description'] = $productname . " " . $_LANG['ordersetupfee']; $prodinvoicearray['amount'] = $product_setup; insert_query("tblinvoiceitems", $prodinvoicearray); $prodinvoicearray['type'] = ""; $prodinvoicearray['relid'] = 0; } if (0 < $product_onetime) { $prodinvoicearray['description'] = $invoice_description; $prodinvoicearray['amount'] = $product_onetime; insert_query("tblinvoiceitems", $prodinvoicearray); } $promovals = getInvoiceProductPromo($product_total_today_db, $promoid, $userid, $serviceid, $product_setup + $product_onetime); if ($promovals['description']) { $prodinvoicearray['type'] = "PromoHosting"; $prodinvoicearray['description'] = $promovals['description']; $prodinvoicearray['amount'] = $promovals['amount']; insert_query("tblinvoiceitems", $prodinvoicearray); } } $adminemailitems .= $_LANG['orderproduct'] . (": " . $groupname . " - " . $productname . "<br>\r\n"); if ($domain) { $adminemailitems .= $_LANG['orderdomain'] . (": " . $domain . "<br>\r\n"); } foreach ($configurableoptions as $confkey => $value) { $adminemailitems .= $value['optionname'] . ": " . $value['selectedname'] . "<br />\r\n"; } foreach ($customfields as $customfield) { if (!$customfield['adminonly']) { $adminemailitems .= "" . $customfield['name'] . ": " . $customfield['value'] . "<br />\r\n"; continue; } } $adminemailitems .= $_LANG['firstpaymentamount'] . ": " . formatCurrency($product_total_today_db) . "<br>\r\n"; if ($product_recurring_db) { $adminemailitems .= $_LANG['recurringamount'] . ": " . formatCurrency($product_recurring_db) . "<br>\r\n"; } $adminemailitems .= $_LANG['orderbillingcycle'] . ": " . $_LANG["orderpaymentterm" . str_replace(array("-", " "), "", strtolower($databasecycle))] . "<br>\r\n"; if ($allowqty && 1 < $qty) { $adminemailitems .= $_LANG['quantity'] . (": " . $qty . "<br>\r\n") . $_LANG['invoicestotal'] . ": " . $productdata['pricing']['totaltoday'] . "<br>\r\n"; } $adminemailitems .= "<br>\r\n"; ++$qtycount; } } $addonsarray = array(); $addons = $productdata['addons']; if ($addons) { foreach ($addons as $addonid) { $result = select_query("tbladdons", "name,description,billingcycle,tax", array("id" => $addonid)); $data = mysql_fetch_array($result); $addon_name = $data['name']; $addon_description = $data['description']; $addon_billingcycle = $data['billingcycle']; $addon_tax = $data['tax']; if (!$CONFIG['TaxEnabled']) { $addon_tax = ""; } $result = select_query("tblpricing", "msetupfee,monthly", array("type" => "addon", "currency" => $currency['id'], "relid" => $addonid)); $data = mysql_fetch_array($result); $addon_setupfee = $data['msetupfee']; $addon_recurring = $data['monthly']; $hookret = run_hook("OrderAddonPricingOverride", array("key" => $key, "pid" => $pid, "addonid" => $addonid, "proddata" => $productdata)); foreach ($hookret as $hookret2) { if (is_array($hookret2)) { if ($hookret2['setup']) { $addon_setupfee = $hookret2['setup']; } if ($hookret2['recurring']) { $addon_recurring = $hookret2['recurring']; continue; } continue; } } $addon_total_today_db = $addon_setupfee + $addon_recurring; $addon_recurring_db = $addon_recurring; $addon_total_today = $addon_total_today_db * $qty; if ($CONFIG['TaxInclusiveDeduct']) { $addon_total_today_db = round($addon_total_today_db / $excltaxrate, 2); $addon_recurring_db = round($addon_recurring_db / $excltaxrate, 2); } if ($promotioncode) { $onetimediscount = $recurringdiscount = $promoid = 0; if ($promocalc = CalcPromoDiscount("A" . $addonid, $addon_billingcycle, $addon_total_today_db, $addon_recurring_db, $addon_setupfee)) { $onetimediscount = $promocalc['onetimediscount']; $recurringdiscount = $promocalc['recurringdiscount']; $addon_total_today_db -= $onetimediscount; $addon_recurring_db -= $recurringdiscount; $cart_discount += $onetimediscount * $qty; } } if ($checkout) { $qtycount = 1; while ($qtycount <= $qty) { $serviceid = $multiqtyids[$qtycount]; $addonsetupfee = $addon_total_today_db - $addon_recurring_db; $aid = insert_query("tblhostingaddons", array("hostingid" => $serviceid, "addonid" => $addonid, "orderid" => $orderid, "regdate" => "now()", "name" => "", "setupfee" => $addonsetupfee, "recurring" => $addon_recurring_db, "billingcycle" => $addon_billingcycle, "status" => "Pending", "nextduedate" => "now()", "nextinvoicedate" => "now()", "paymentmethod" => $paymentmethod, "tax" => $addon_tax)); $orderaddonids[] = $aid; $adminemailitems .= $_LANG['clientareaaddon'] . (": " . $addon_name . "<br>\r\n") . $_LANG['ordersetupfee'] . ": " . formatCurrency($addonsetupfee) . "<br>\r\n"; if ($addon_recurring_db) { $adminemailitems .= $_LANG['recurringamount'] . ": " . formatCurrency($addon_recurring_db) . "<br>\r\n"; } $adminemailitems .= $_LANG['orderbillingcycle'] . ": " . $_LANG["orderpaymentterm" . str_replace(array("-", " "), "", strtolower($addon_billingcycle))] . "<br>\r\n<br>\r\n"; ++$qtycount; } } $addon_total_today_db *= $qty; $cart_total += $addon_total_today_db; $addon_recurring_db *= $qty; if ($addon_tax && !$clientsdetails['taxexempt']) { $cart_tax += $addon_total_today_db; if ($CONFIG['TaxType'] == "Exclusive") { if ($CONFIG['TaxL2Compound']) { $addon_recurring_db += $addon_recurring_db * $taxrate; $addon_recurring_db += $addon_recurring_db * $taxrate2; } else { $addon_recurring_db += $addon_recurring_db * $taxrate + $addon_recurring_db * $taxrate2; } } } $addon_billingcycle = str_replace(array("-", " "), "", strtolower($addon_billingcycle)); $recurring_cycles_total[$addon_billingcycle] += $addon_recurring_db; if ($addon_setupfee == "0" && $addon_recurring == "0") { $pricing_text = $_LANG['orderfree']; } else { $pricing_text = formatCurrency($addon_recurring); if ($addon_setupfee != "0.00") { $pricing_text .= " + " . formatCurrency($addon_setupfee) . " " . $_LANG['ordersetupfee']; } if ($allowqty && 1 < $qty) { $pricing_text .= $_LANG['invoiceqtyeach'] . "<br />" . $_LANG['invoicestotal'] . ": " . formatCurrency($addon_total_today); } } $addonsarray[] = array("name" => $addon_name, "pricingtext" => $pricing_text, "setup" => formatCurrency($addon_setupfee), "recurring" => formatCurrency($addon_recurring), "totaltoday" => formatCurrency($addon_total_today)); $productdata['pricing']['setup'] += $addon_setupfee * $qty; $productdata['pricing']['addons'] += $addon_recurring * $qty; $productdata['pricing']['recurring'][$addon_billingcycle] += $addon_recurring * $qty; $productdata['pricing']['totaltoday'] += $addon_total_today; } } $productdata['addons'] = $addonsarray; $totaltaxrates = 1; if ($CONFIG['TaxEnabled'] && $tax && !$clientsdetails['taxexempt']) { $product_tax = $productdata['pricing']['totaltoday']; if ($CONFIG['TaxType'] == "Inclusive") { $totaltaxrates = 1 + ($taxrate + $taxrate2); $total_without_tax = $productdata['pricing']['totaltoday'] = $product_tax / $totaltaxrates; $total_tax_1 = $total_without_tax * $taxrate; $total_tax_2 = $total_without_tax * $taxrate2; } else { $total_tax_1 = $product_tax * $taxrate; if ($CONFIG['TaxL2Compound']) { $total_tax_2 = ($product_tax + $total_tax_1) * $taxrate2; } else { $total_tax_2 = $product_tax * $taxrate2; } } $total_tax_1 = round($total_tax_1, 2); $total_tax_2 = round($total_tax_2, 2); $productdata['pricing']['totaltoday'] += $total_tax_1 + $total_tax_2; if (0 < $total_tax_1) { $productdata['pricing']['tax1'] = formatCurrency($total_tax_1); } if (0 < $total_tax_2) { $productdata['pricing']['tax2'] = formatCurrency($total_tax_2); } } $productdata['pricing']['setup'] = formatCurrency($productdata['pricing']['setup']); foreach ($productdata['pricing']['recurring'] as $cycle => $recurring) { unset($productdata['pricing']['recurring'][$cycle]); if (0 < $recurring) { $recurringwithtax = $recurring; if ($CONFIG['TaxEnabled'] && $tax && !$clientsdetails['taxexempt'] && $CONFIG['TaxType'] == "Exclusive") { $rectax = $recurringwithtax * $taxrate; if ($CONFIG['TaxL2Compound']) { $rectax += ($recurringwithtax + $rectax) * $taxrate2; } else { $rectax += $recurringwithtax * $taxrate2; } $recurringwithtax += $rectax; } $productdata['pricing']['recurring'][$_LANG["orderpaymentterm" . $cycle]] = formatCurrency($recurringwithtax); $productdata['pricing']['recurringexcltax'][$_LANG["orderpaymentterm" . $cycle]] = formatCurrency($recurring / $totaltaxrates); continue; } } if (0 < $productdata['pricing']['addons']) { $productdata['pricing']['addons'] = formatCurrency($productdata['pricing']['addons']); } $productdata['pricing']['totaltoday'] = formatCurrency($productdata['pricing']['totaltoday']); $productsarray[$key] = $productdata; } } $cartdata['products'] = $productsarray; $addonsarray = array(); if (array_key_exists("addons", $_SESSION['cart']) && is_array($_SESSION['cart']['addons'])) { foreach ($_SESSION['cart']['addons'] as $key => $addon) { $addonid = $addon['id']; $serviceid = $addon['productid']; $result = select_query("tbladdons", "name,description,billingcycle,tax", array("id" => $addonid)); $data = mysql_fetch_array($result); $addon_name = $data['name']; $addon_description = $data['description']; $addon_billingcycle = $data['billingcycle']; $addon_tax = $data['tax']; if (!$CONFIG['TaxEnabled']) { $addon_tax = ""; } $result = select_query("tblpricing", "msetupfee,monthly", array("type" => "addon", "currency" => $currency['id'], "relid" => $addonid)); $data = mysql_fetch_array($result); $addon_setupfee = $data['msetupfee']; $addon_recurring = $data['monthly']; $hookret = run_hook("OrderAddonPricingOverride", array("key" => $key, "addonid" => $addonid, "serviceid" => $serviceid)); foreach ($hookret as $hookret2) { if (strlen($hookret2)) { if ($hookret2['setup']) { $addon_setupfee = $hookret2['setup']; } if ($hookret2['recurring']) { $addon_recurring = $hookret2['recurring']; continue; } continue; } } $addon_total_today_db = $addon_setupfee + $addon_recurring; $addon_recurring_db = $addon_recurring; if ($CONFIG['TaxInclusiveDeduct']) { $addon_total_today_db = round($addon_total_today_db / $excltaxrate, 2); $addon_recurring_db = round($addon_recurring_db / $excltaxrate, 2); } if ($promotioncode) { $onetimediscount = $recurringdiscount = $promoid = 0; if ($promocalc = CalcPromoDiscount("A" . $addonid, $addon_billingcycle, $addon_total_today_db, $addon_recurring_db, $addon_setupfee)) { $onetimediscount = $promocalc['onetimediscount']; $recurringdiscount = $promocalc['recurringdiscount']; $addon_total_today_db -= $onetimediscount; $addon_recurring_db -= $recurringdiscount; $cart_discount += $onetimediscount; } } if ($checkout) { $addonsetupfee = $addon_total_today_db - $addon_recurring_db; $aid = insert_query("tblhostingaddons", array("hostingid" => $serviceid, "addonid" => $addonid, "orderid" => $orderid, "regdate" => "now()", "name" => "", "setupfee" => $addonsetupfee, "recurring" => $addon_recurring_db, "billingcycle" => $addon_billingcycle, "status" => "Pending", "nextduedate" => "now()", "nextinvoicedate" => "now()", "paymentmethod" => $paymentmethod, "tax" => $addon_tax)); $orderaddonids[] = $aid; $adminemailitems .= $_LANG['clientareaaddon'] . (": " . $addon_name . "<br>\r\n") . $_LANG['ordersetupfee'] . ": " . formatCurrency($addonsetupfee) . "<br>\r\n"; if ($addon_recurring_db) { $adminemailitems .= $_LANG['recurringamount'] . ": " . formatCurrency($addon_recurring_db) . "<br>\r\n"; } $adminemailitems .= $_LANG['orderbillingcycle'] . ": " . $_LANG["orderpaymentterm" . str_replace(array("-", " "), "", strtolower($addon_billingcycle))] . "<br>\r\n<br>\r\n"; } $cart_total += $addon_total_today_db; if ($addon_tax && !$clientsdetails['taxexempt']) { $cart_tax += $addon_total_today_db; if ($CONFIG['TaxType'] == "Exclusive") { if ($CONFIG['TaxL2Compound']) { $addon_recurring_db += $addon_recurring_db * $taxrate; $addon_recurring_db += $addon_recurring_db * $taxrate2; } else { $addon_recurring_db = $addon_recurring_db + $addon_recurring_db * $taxrate + $addon_recurring_db * $taxrate2; } } } $addon_billingcycle = str_replace(array("-", " "), "", strtolower($addon_billingcycle)); $recurring_cycles_total[$addon_billingcycle] += $addon_recurring_db; if ($addon_setupfee == "0" && $addon_recurring == "0") { $pricing_text = $_LANG['orderfree']; } else { $pricing_text = formatCurrency($addon_recurring); if ($addon_setupfee != "0.00") { $pricing_text .= " + " . formatCurrency($addon_setupfee) . " " . $_LANG['ordersetupfee']; } } $result = select_query("tblhosting", ",tblhosting.domain", array("" => $serviceid), "", "", "", "tblproducts ON"); $data = mysql_fetch_array($result); $productname = $data['name']; $domainname = $data['domain']; $addonsarray[] = array("name" => $addon_name, "productname" => $productname, "domainname" => $domainname, "pricingtext" => $pricing_text); } $cartdata['addons'] = $addonsarray; } include ROOTDIR . "/includes/additionaldomainfields.php"; $totaldomainprice = 0; if (array_key_exists("domains", $_SESSION['cart']) && is_array($_SESSION['cart']['domains'])) { $result = select_query("tblpricing", "", array("type" => "domainaddons", "currency" => $currency['id'], "relid" => 0)); $data = mysql_fetch_array($result); $domaindnsmanagementprice = $data['msetupfee']; $domainemailforwardingprice = $data['qsetupfee']; $domainidprotectionprice = $data['ssetupfee']; foreach ($_SESSION['cart']['domains'] as $key => $domain) { $domaintype = $domain['type']; $domainname = $domain['domain']; $regperiod = $domain['regperiod']; $domainparts = explode(".", $domainname, 2); $sld = $domainparts[0]; $tld = $domainparts[1]; $temppricelist = getTLDPriceList("." . $tld); if (!isset($temppricelist[$regperiod][$domaintype])) { $tldyears = array_keys($temppricelist); $regperiod = $tldyears[0]; } if (!isset($temppricelist[$regperiod][$domaintype])) { exit("Invalid TLD/Registration Period Supplied for Domain Registration"); } if (array_key_exists($domainname, $freedomains)) { $tldyears = array_keys($temppricelist); $regperiod = $tldyears[0]; $domainprice = "0.00"; $renewprice = $freedomains[$domainname] == "once" ? $temppricelist[$regperiod]['renew'] : ($renewprice = "0.00"); } else { $domainprice = $temppricelist[$regperiod][$domaintype]; $renewprice = $temppricelist[$regperiod]['renew']; } $before_priceoverride_value = ""; if ($bundleoverride = bundlesGetProductPriceOverride("domain", $key)) { $before_priceoverride_value = $domainprice; $domainprice = $renewprice = $bundleoverride; } $hookret = run_hook("OrderDomainPricingOverride", array("type" => $domaintype, "domain" => $domainname, "regperiod" => $regperiod, "dnsmanagement" => $domain['dnsmanagement'], "emailforwarding" => $domain['emailforwarding'], "idprotection" => $domain['idprotection'], "eppcode" => html_entity_decode($domain['eppcode']))); foreach ($hookret as $hookret2) { if (strlen($hookret2)) { $before_priceoverride_value = $domainprice; $domainprice = $hookret2; continue; } } if ($domain['dnsmanagement']) { $dnsmanagement = true; $domainprice += $domaindnsmanagementprice * $regperiod; $renewprice += $domaindnsmanagementprice * $regperiod; if (strlen($before_priceoverride_value)) { $before_priceoverride_value += $domaindnsmanagementprice * $regperiod; } } else { $dnsmanagement = false; } if ($domain['emailforwarding']) { $emailforwarding = true; $domainprice += $domainemailforwardingprice * $regperiod; $renewprice += $domainemailforwardingprice * $regperiod; if (strlen($before_priceoverride_value)) { $before_priceoverride_value += $domainemailforwardingprice * $regperiod; } } else { $emailforwarding = false; } if ($domain['idprotection']) { $idprotection = true; $domainprice += $domainidprotectionprice * $regperiod; $renewprice += $domainidprotectionprice * $regperiod; if (strlen($before_priceoverride_value)) { $before_priceoverride_value += $domainidprotectionprice * $regperiod; } } else { $idprotection = false; } if ($CONFIG['TaxInclusiveDeduct']) { $domainprice = round($domainprice / $excltaxrate, 2); $renewprice = round($renewprice / $excltaxrate, 2); } $domain_price_db = $domainprice; $domain_renew_price_db = $renewprice; if ($promotioncode) { $onetimediscount = $recurringdiscount = $promoid = 0; if ($promocalc = CalcPromoDiscount("D." . $tld, $regperiod . "Years", $domain_price_db, $domain_renew_price_db)) { $onetimediscount = $promocalc['onetimediscount']; $recurringdiscount = $promocalc['recurringdiscount']; $domain_price_db -= $onetimediscount; $domain_renew_price_db -= $recurringdiscount; $cart_discount += $onetimediscount; $promoid = $promo_data['id']; } } if ($regperiod == "1") { $domain_billing_cycle = "annually"; } else { if ($regperiod == "2") { $domain_billing_cycle = "biennially"; } else { if ($regperiod == "3") { $domain_billing_cycle = "triennially"; } } } $recurring_cycles_total[$domain_billing_cycle] += $domain_renew_price_db; if ($CONFIG['TaxEnabled'] && $CONFIG['TaxDomains'] && $CONFIG['TaxType'] == "Exclusive" && !$clientsdetails['taxexempt']) { if ($CONFIG['TaxL2Compound']) { $recurring_cycles_total[$domain_billing_cycle] += $domain_renew_price_db * $taxrate + ($domain_renew_price_db + $domain_renew_price_db * $taxrate) * $taxrate2; } else { $recurring_cycles_total[$domain_billing_cycle] += $domain_renew_price_db * $taxrate + $domain_renew_price_db * $taxrate2; } } if ($checkout) { $donotrenew = $CONFIG['DomainAutoRenewDefault'] ? "" : "on"; $domainid = insert_query("tbldomains", array("userid" => $userid, "orderid" => $orderid, "type" => $domaintype, "registrationdate" => "now()", "domain" => $domainname, "firstpaymentamount" => $domain_price_db, "recurringamount" => $domain_renew_price_db, "registrationperiod" => $regperiod, "status" => "Pending", "paymentmethod" => $paymentmethod, "expirydate" => "00000000", "nextduedate" => "now()", "nextinvoicedate" => "now()", "dnsmanagement" => $dnsmanagement, "emailforwarding" => $emailforwarding, "idprotection" => $idprotection, "donotrenew" => $donotrenew, "promoid" => $promoid)); $orderdomainids[] = $domainid; $adminemailitems .= $_LANG['orderdomainregistration'] . ": " . ucfirst($domaintype) . "<br>\r\n" . $_LANG['orderdomain'] . (": " . $domainname . "<br>\r\n") . $_LANG['firstpaymentamount'] . ": " . formatCurrency($domain_price_db) . "<br>\r\n" . $_LANG['recurringamount'] . ": " . formatCurrency($domain_renew_price_db) . "<br>\r\n" . $_LANG['orderregperiod'] . (": " . $regperiod . " ") . $_LANG['orderyears'] . "<br>\r\n"; if ($dnsmanagement) { $adminemailitems .= " + " . $_LANG['domaindnsmanagement'] . "<br>\r\n"; } if ($emailforwarding) { $adminemailitems .= " + " . $_LANG['domainemailforwarding'] . "<br>\r\n"; } if ($idprotection) { $adminemailitems .= " + " . $_LANG['domainidprotection'] . "<br>\r\n"; } $adminemailitems .= "<br>\r\n"; if ($domaintype == "register") { unset($tempdomainfields); $tempdomainfields = $additionaldomainfields["." . $tld]; if ($tempdomainfields) { foreach ($tempdomainfields as $fieldkey => $value) { $storedvalue = $domain['fields'][$fieldkey]; insert_query("tbldomainsadditionalfields", array("domainid" => $domainid, "name" => $value['Name'], "value" => $storedvalue)); } } } if ($domaintype == "transfer" && $domain['eppcode']) { $domaineppcodes[$domainname] = html_entity_decode($domain['eppcode']); } } $pricing_text = ""; if (strlen($before_priceoverride_value)) { $pricing_text .= "<strike>" . formatCurrency($before_priceoverride_value) . "</strike> "; } $pricing_text .= formatCurrency($domainprice); $tempdomains[$key] = array("type" => $domaintype, "domain" => $domainname, "regperiod" => $regperiod, "price" => $pricing_text, "renewprice" => formatCurrency($renewprice), "dnsmanagement" => $dnsmanagement, "emailforwarding" => $emailforwarding, "idprotection" => $idprotection, "eppvalue" => $domain['eppcode']); $totaldomainprice += $domain_price_db; } } $cartdata['domains'] = $tempdomains; $cart_total += $totaldomainprice; if ($CONFIG['TaxDomains']) { $cart_tax += $totaldomainprice; } $orderrenewals = ""; if (array_key_exists("renewals", $_SESSION['cart']) && is_array($_SESSION['cart']['renewals'])) { $result = select_query("tblpricing", "", array("type" => "domainaddons", "currency" => $currency['id'], "relid" => 0)); $data = mysql_fetch_array($result); $domaindnsmanagementprice = $data['msetupfee']; $domainemailforwardingprice = $data['qsetupfee']; $domainidprotectionprice = $data['ssetupfee']; foreach ($_SESSION['cart']['renewals'] as $domainid => $regperiod) { $result = select_query("tbldomains", "", array("id" => $domainid)); $data = mysql_fetch_array($result); $domainname = $data['domain']; $expirydate = $data['expirydate']; if ($expirydate == "0000-00-00") { $expirydate = $data['nextduedate']; } $dnsmanagement = $data['dnsmanagement']; $emailforwarding = $data['emailforwarding']; $idprotection = $data['idprotection']; $domainparts = explode(".", $domainname, 2); $sld = $domainparts[0]; $tld = "." . $domainparts[1]; $temppricelist = getTLDPriceList($tld, "", true); if (!isset($temppricelist[$regperiod]['renew'])) { exit("Invalid TLD/Registration Period Supplied for Domain Renewal"); } $renewprice = $temppricelist[$regperiod]['renew']; if ($dnsmanagement) { $renewprice += $domaindnsmanagementprice * $regperiod; } if ($emailforwarding) { $renewprice += $domainemailforwardingprice * $regperiod; } if ($idprotection) { $renewprice += $domainidprotectionprice * $regperiod; } if ($CONFIG['TaxInclusiveDeduct']) { $renewprice = round($renewprice / $excltaxrate, 2); } $domain_renew_price_db = $renewprice; if ($promotioncode) { $onetimediscount = $recurringdiscount = $promoid = 0; if ($promocalc = CalcPromoDiscount("D" . $tld, $regperiod . "Years", $domain_renew_price_db, $domain_renew_price_db)) { $onetimediscount = $promocalc['onetimediscount']; $domain_renew_price_db -= $onetimediscount; $cart_discount += $onetimediscount; } } $cart_total += $domain_renew_price_db; if ($CONFIG['TaxDomains']) { $cart_tax += $domain_renew_price_db; } if ($checkout) { $domain_renew_price_db = format_as_currency($domain_renew_price_db); $orderrenewalids[] = $domainid; $orderrenewals .= "" . $domainid . "=" . $regperiod . ","; $adminemailitems .= $_LANG['domainrenewal'] . (": " . $domainname . " - " . $regperiod . " ") . $_LANG['orderyears'] . "<br>\r\n"; $domaindesc = $_LANG['domainrenewal'] . (" - " . $domainname . " - " . $regperiod . " ") . $_LANG['orderyears'] . " (" . fromMySQLDate($expirydate) . " - " . fromMySQLDate(getInvoicePayUntilDate($expirydate, $regperiod)) . ")"; if ($dnsmanagement) { $adminemailitems .= " + " . $_LANG['domaindnsmanagement'] . "<br>\r\n"; $domaindesc .= "\r\n + " . $_LANG['domaindnsmanagement']; } if ($emailforwarding) { $adminemailitems .= " + " . $_LANG['domainemailforwarding'] . "<br>\r\n"; $domaindesc .= "\r\n + " . $_LANG['domainemailforwarding']; } if ($idprotection) { $adminemailitems .= " + " . $_LANG['domainidprotection'] . "<br>\r\n"; $domaindesc .= "\r\n + " . $_LANG['domainidprotection']; } $adminemailitems .= "<br>\r\n"; $tax = $CONFIG['TaxDomains'] ? "1" : "0"; update_query("tbldomains", array("registrationperiod" => $regperiod, "recurringamount" => $domain_renew_price_db), array("id" => $domainid)); insert_query("tblinvoiceitems", array("userid" => $userid, "type" => "Domain", "relid" => $domainid, "description" => $domaindesc, "amount" => $domain_renew_price_db, "taxed" => $tax, "duedate" => "now()", "paymentmethod" => $paymentmethod)); $result = select_query("tblinvoiceitems", ",tblinvoiceitems.invoiceid", array("type" => "Domain", "relid" => $domainid, "status" => "Unpaid", "tblinvoices.userid" => $_SESSION['uid']), "", "", "", "tblinvoices ON"); while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $itemid = $data['id']; $invoiceid = $data['invoiceid']; $result2 = select_query("tblinvoiceitems", "COUNT(*)", array("invoiceid" => $invoiceid)); $data = mysql_fetch_array($result2); $itemcount = $data[0]; if ($itemcount == 1) { update_query("tblinvoices", array("status" => "Cancelled"), array("id" => $invoiceid)); logActivity("Cancelled Previous Domain Renewal Invoice - Invoice ID: " . $invoiceid . " - Domain: " . $domainname); } delete_query("tblinvoiceitems", array("id" => $itemid)); updateInvoiceTotal($invoiceid); logActivity("Removed Previous Domain Renewal Line Item - Invoice ID: " . $invoiceid . " - Domain: " . $domainname); } } $cartdata['renewals'][$domainid] = array("domain" => $domainname, "regperiod" => $regperiod, "price" => formatCurrency($renewprice), "dnsmanagement" => $dnsmanagement, "emailforwarding" => $emailforwarding, "idprotection" => $idprotection); } } $cart_adjustments = 0; $adjustments = run_hook("CartTotalAdjustment", $_SESSION['cart']); foreach ($adjustments as $k => $adjvals) { if ($checkout) { insert_query("tblinvoiceitems", array("userid" => $userid, "type" => "", "relid" => "", "description" => $adjvals['description'], "amount" => $adjvals['amount'], "taxed" => $adjvals['taxed'], "duedate" => "now()", "paymentmethod" => $paymentmethod)); } $adjustments[$k]['amount'] = formatCurrency($adjvals['amount']); $cart_adjustments += $adjvals['amount']; if ($adjvals['taxed']) { $cart_tax += $adjvals['amount']; continue; } } if ($CONFIG['TaxEnabled'] && !$clientsdetails['taxexempt']) { if ($CONFIG['TaxType'] == "Inclusive") { $totaltaxrates = 1 + ($taxrate + $taxrate2); $total_without_tax = $cart_tax / $totaltaxrates; $total_tax_1 = $total_without_tax * $taxrate; $total_tax_2 = $total_without_tax * $taxrate2; } else { $total_tax_1 = $cart_tax * $taxrate; if ($CONFIG['TaxL2Compound']) { $total_tax_2 = ($cart_tax + $total_tax_1) * $taxrate2; } else { $total_tax_2 = $cart_tax * $taxrate2; } } $total_tax_1 = round($total_tax_1, 2); $total_tax_2 = round($total_tax_2, 2); if ($CONFIG['TaxType'] == "Inclusive") { $cart_total -= $total_tax_1 + $total_tax_2; } } else { $total_tax_1 = $total_tax_2 = 0; } $cart_subtotal = $cart_total + $cart_discount; $cart_total += $total_tax_1 + $total_tax_2 + $cart_adjustments; $cart_subtotal = format_as_currency($cart_subtotal); $cart_discount = format_as_currency($cart_discount); $cart_adjustments = format_as_currency($cart_adjustments); $total_tax_1 = format_as_currency($total_tax_1); $total_tax_2 = format_as_currency($total_tax_2); $cart_total = format_as_currency($cart_total); if ($checkout) { $adminemailitems .= $_LANG['ordertotalduetoday'] . ": " . formatCurrency($cart_total); if ($promotioncode && $promo_data['promoapplied']) { update_query("tblpromotions", array("uses" => "+1"), array("code" => $promotioncode)); $promo_recurring = $promo_data['recurring'] ? "Recurring" : "One Time"; update_query("tblorders", array("promocode" => $promo_data['code'], "promotype" => $promo_recurring . " " . $promo_data['type'], "promovalue" => $promo_data['value']), array("id" => $orderid)); } if ($_SESSION['cart']['ns1'] && $_SESSION['cart']['ns1']) { $ordernameservers = $_SESSION['cart']['ns1'] . "," . $_SESSION['cart']['ns2']; if ($_SESSION['cart']['ns3']) { $ordernameservers .= "," . $_SESSION['cart']['ns3']; } if ($_SESSION['cart']['ns4']) { $ordernameservers .= "," . $_SESSION['cart']['ns4']; } if ($_SESSION['cart']['ns5']) { $ordernameservers .= "," . $_SESSION['cart']['ns5']; } } $domaineppcodes = count($domaineppcodes) ? serialize($domaineppcodes) : ""; $orderdata = array(); if (is_array($_SESSION['cart']['bundle'])) { foreach ($_SESSION['cart']['bundle'] as $bvals) { $orderdata['bundleids'][] = $bvals['bid']; } } update_query("tblorders", array("amount" => $cart_total, "nameservers" => $ordernameservers, "transfersecret" => $domaineppcodes, "renewals" => substr($orderrenewals, 0, 0 - 1), "orderdata" => serialize($orderdata)), array("id" => $orderid)); $invoiceid = 0; if (!$_SESSION['cart']['geninvoicedisabled']) { if (!$userid) { exit("An Error Occurred"); } $invoiceid = createInvoices($userid, true, "", array("products" => $orderproductids, "addons" => $orderaddonids, "domains" => $orderdomainids)); if ($CONFIG['OrderDaysGrace']) { $new_time = mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m"), date("d") + $CONFIG['OrderDaysGrace'], date("Y")); $duedate = date("Y-m-d", $new_time); update_query("tblinvoices", array("duedate" => $duedate), array("id" => $invoiceid)); } if (!$CONFIG['NoInvoiceEmailOnOrder']) { sendMessage("Invoice Created", $invoiceid); } } if ($invoiceid) { update_query("tblorders", array("invoiceid" => $invoiceid), array("id" => $orderid)); $result = select_query("tblinvoices", "status", array("id" => $invoiceid)); $data = mysql_fetch_array($result); $status = $data['status']; if ($status == "Paid") { $invoiceid = ""; } } if (!$_SESSION['adminid']) { if (isset($_COOKIE['WHMCSAffiliateID'])) { $result = select_query("tblaffiliates", "clientid", array("id" => (int) $_COOKIE['WHMCSAffiliateID'])); $data = mysql_fetch_array($result); $clientid = $data['clientid']; if ($clientid && $_SESSION['uid'] != $clientid) { foreach ($orderproductids as $orderproductid) { insert_query("tblaffiliatesaccounts", array("affiliateid" => (int) $_COOKIE['WHMCSAffiliateID'], "relid" => $orderproductid)); } } } if (isset($_COOKIE['WHMCSLinkID'])) { update_query("tbllinks", array("conversions" => "+1"), array("id" => $_COOKIE['WHMCSLinkID'])); } } $result = select_query("tblclients", "firstname, lastname, companyname, email, address1, address2, city, state, postcode, country, phonenumber, ip, host", array("id" => $userid)); $data = mysql_fetch_array($result); list($firstname, $lastname, $companyname, $email, $address1, $address2, $city, $state, $postcode, $country, $phonenumber, $ip, $host) = $data; $customfields = getCustomFields("client", "", $userid, "", true); $clientcustomfields = ""; foreach ($customfields as $customfield) { $clientcustomfields .= "" . $customfield['name'] . ": " . $customfield['value'] . "<br />\r\n"; } $result = select_query("tblpaymentgateways", "value", array("gateway" => $paymentmethod, "setting" => "name")); $data = mysql_fetch_array($result); $nicegatewayname = $data['value']; sendAdminMessage("New Order Notification", array("order_id" => $orderid, "order_number" => $order_number, "order_date" => fromMySQLDate(date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), true), "invoice_id" => $invoiceid, "order_payment_method" => $nicegatewayname, "order_total" => formatCurrency($cart_total), "client_id" => $userid, "client_first_name" => $firstname, "client_last_name" => $lastname, "client_email" => $email, "client_company_name" => $companyname, "client_address1" => $address1, "client_address2" => $address2, "client_city" => $city, "client_state" => $state, "client_postcode" => $postcode, "client_country" => $country, "client_phonenumber" => $phonenumber, "client_customfields" => $clientcustomfields, "order_items" => $adminemailitems, "order_notes" => nl2br($ordernotes), "client_ip" => $ip, "client_hostname" => $host), "account"); if (!$_SESSION['cart']['orderconfdisabled']) { sendMessage("Order Confirmation", $userid, array("order_id" => $orderid, "order_number" => $order_number, "order_details" => $adminemailitems)); } $_SESSION['cart'] = array(); $_SESSION['orderdetails'] = array("OrderID" => $orderid, "OrderNumber" => $order_number, "ServiceIDs" => $orderproductids, "DomainIDs" => $orderdomainids, "AddonIDs" => $orderaddonids, "RenewalIDs" => $orderrenewalids, "PaymentMethod" => $paymentmethod, "InvoiceID" => $invoiceid, "TotalDue" => $cart_total, "Products" => $orderproductids, "Domains" => $orderdomainids, "Addons" => $orderaddonids, "Renewals" => $orderrenewalids); run_hook("AfterShoppingCartCheckout", $_SESSION['orderdetails']); } $total_recurringmonthly = $recurring_cycles_total['monthly'] <= 0 ? "" : formatCurrency($recurring_cycles_total['monthly']); $total_recurringquarterly = $recurring_cycles_total['quarterly'] <= 0 ? "" : formatCurrency($recurring_cycles_total['quarterly']); $total_recurringsemiannually = $recurring_cycles_total['semiannually'] <= 0 ? "" : formatCurrency($recurring_cycles_total['semiannually']); $total_recurringannually = $recurring_cycles_total['annually'] <= 0 ? "" : formatCurrency($recurring_cycles_total['annually']); $total_recurringbiennially = $recurring_cycles_total['biennially'] <= 0 ? "" : formatCurrency($recurring_cycles_total['biennially']); $total_recurringtriennially = $recurring_cycles_total['triennially'] <= 0 ? "" : formatCurrency($recurring_cycles_total['triennially']); $cartdata['bundlewarnings'] = $bundlewarnings; $cartdata['rawdiscount'] = $cart_discount; $cartdata['subtotal'] = formatCurrency($cart_subtotal); $cartdata['discount'] = formatCurrency($cart_discount); $cartdata['promotype'] = $promo_data['type']; $cartdata['promovalue'] = $promo_data['type'] == "Fixed Amount" || $promo_data['type'] == "Price Override" ? formatCurrency($promo_data['value']) : round($promo_data['value'], 2); $cartdata['promorecurring'] = $promo_data['recurring'] ? $_LANG['recurring'] : $_LANG['orderpaymenttermonetime']; $cartdata['taxrate'] = $rawtaxrate; $cartdata['taxrate2'] = $rawtaxrate2; $cartdata['taxname'] = $taxname; $cartdata['taxname2'] = $taxname2; $cartdata['taxtotal'] = formatCurrency($total_tax_1); $cartdata['taxtotal2'] = formatCurrency($total_tax_2); $cartdata['adjustments'] = $adjustments; $cartdata['adjustmentstotal'] = formatCurrency($cart_adjustments); $cartdata['rawtotal'] = $cart_total; $cartdata['total'] = formatCurrency($cart_total); $cartdata['totalrecurringmonthly'] = $total_recurringmonthly; $cartdata['totalrecurringquarterly'] = $total_recurringquarterly; $cartdata['totalrecurringsemiannually'] = $total_recurringsemiannually; $cartdata['totalrecurringannually'] = $total_recurringannually; $cartdata['totalrecurringbiennially'] = $total_recurringbiennially; $cartdata['totalrecurringtriennially'] = $total_recurringtriennially; return $cartdata; }
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