Esempio n. 1
$aid = RemoveXSS($id);
updateVisit($aid, $typeid);
$row = getPhotoInfo($aid);
if (empty($row['id'])) {
$photoid = $row['id'];
$destlist = getPhotoChildDest($dest_id);
if (is_array($row)) {
    $row['num'] = getPhotoNum($aid);
    $row['subname'] = $row['title'];
    $row['litpic'] = !empty($row['litpic']) ? $row['litpic'] : getDefaultImage();
    $destlist = $destlist = getPhotoChildDest($row['kindlist'], true);
    $row['seodescription'] = !empty($row['description']) ? "<meta name=\"description\" content=\"" . $row['description'] . "\"/>" : "";
    $row['seokeyword'] = !empty($row['keyword']) ? "<meta name=\"keywords\" content=\"" . $row['keyword'] . "\"/>" : "";
    $row['seotitle'] = !empty($row['seotitle']) ? $row['seotitle'] : $row['title'];
    $row['commenthomeid'] = $row['id'];
    $picturelist = getPhotoPictures($row['id'], 'lit240');
    if (empty($imgid)) {
        $firstpic = $picturelist[0];
    } else {
        $firstpic = $dsql->GetOne("select * from #@__photo_picture where id={$imgid}");
        $prevpic = $dsql->GetOne("select * from #@__photo_picture where pid='{$row['id']}' and id<'{$imgid}' order by id desc");
        $nextpic = $dsql->GetOne("select * from #@__photo_picture where pid='{$row['id']}' and id>'{$imgid}' order by id asc");
Esempio n. 2
    $pv->Fields['seokeyword'] = !empty($destinfo['keyword']) ? "<meta name=\"keywords\" content=\"" . $destinfo['keyword'] . "\"/>" : "";
    $pv->Fields['seodescription'] = !empty($destinfo['description']) ? "<meta name=\"description\" content=\"" . $destinfo['description'] . "\"/>" : "";
    $pv->Fields['seotitle'] = !empty($destinfo['seotitle']) ? $destinfo['seotitle'] : $destinfo['shortname'];
} else {
    $join = " #@__allorderlist b on( = b.aid and b.typeid='6') ";
    $tableorder = " ifnull(b.isding,0) desc,ifnull(b.isjian,0) desc,ifnull(b.displayorder,9999) asc,a.modtime desc,a.addtime desc";
if (!empty($attrid)) {
    $attrid_arr = explode('_', $attrid);
    foreach ($attrid_arr as $k => $v) {
        $where .= !empty($v) ? " and FIND_IN_SET({$v},a.attrid)" : '';
$_photoModule = new CommonModule('sline_photo as a');
$destlist = getPhotoChildDest($dest_id);
$mianbao = getPhotoMianbao($dest_id);
$pagesize = 12;
$pageno = empty($pageno) ? 1 : $pageno;
$offset = ($pageno - 1) * $pagesize;
$count = $_photoModule->getCount($where);
$photolist = $_photoModule->getAll($where, $tableorder, "{$offset},{$pagesize}", "a.*", $join);
$page = getPhotoPage($count, $pageno, $pagesize, array('dest_id' => $dest_id, 'attrid' => $attrid));
foreach ($photolist as $k => $v) {
    $weburl = GetWebURLByWebid($v['webid']);
    $photolist[$k]['pic'] = getUploadFileUrl(str_replace('litimg', 'allimg', $v['litpic']));