Esempio n. 1

	<div class="container well panel panel-primary">
if (empty($notifOut)) {

		<h4>Sorry, you have no updates.</h4>

} else {
    foreach ($notifOut as $key => $value) {
        $coming = getPUname($value[1], $conn)[0];
        $going = getPUname($value[2], $conn)[0];
        if ($value[0] == 0) {

            echo $coming[1];
</b> didn't responded yet to your request for his <b><?php 
            echo $coming[0];
</b> in exchange for your <b><?php 
            echo $going[0];
            echo $value[3];
Esempio n. 2
        //0 for no filter, 1 for city, 2 for state
        header("Location: swap.php?filter=" . $filter . "&p_name=" . $p_name);
    /*Incoming unseen */
    $notifIn = query("SELECT distinct request.pid2,request.pid1,request.update_date from request,user_info,product where product.uid=user_info.uid AND request.pid1 in (SELECT from product where product.uid=:uid) AND request.state=0 AND user_info.uid=:uid order by request.update_date desc", array('uid' => $uid), $conn);
    /* Outgoing all */
    $notifOut = query("SELECT request.state,request.pid1,request.pid2,request.update_date from request,user_info,product where product.uid=user_info.uid AND AND user_info.uid=:uid", array('uid' => $uid), $conn);
    // die(print_r($notifOut));
    if (isset($_POST['accept'])) {
        $accept = explode('.', $_POST['accept']);
        update("UPDATE request SET state = -1 , update_date=now() where pid1 = :pid2 OR pid2 = :pid2", array('pid2' => $accept[1]), $conn);
        update("UPDATE request SET state = -1 , update_date=now() where pid1 = :pid2 OR pid2 = :pid2", array('pid2' => $accept[0]), $conn);
        update("UPDATE request SET state = 1 , update_date=now() where pid1 = :pid2 AND pid2 = :pid1", array('pid2' => $accept[1], 'pid1' => $accept[0]), $conn);
        update("UPDATE product SET swapped = 1 where pid=:pid1 OR pid=:pid2", array('pid1' => $accept[0], 'pid2' => $accept[1]), $conn);
        $fuid = getPUname($accept[0], $conn)[0][2];
        insert("INSERT INTO buddy VALUE(:fuid,:uid)", array('fuid' => $fuid, 'uid' => $uid), $conn);
        $url = "user.php?id=" . $fuid;
        echo "<script>\n\t\t\talert('SWAP Confirmed. Meet your SWAP buddy');</script>";
        header("refresh:1; url=" . $url);
        // dpr($url);
        /*echo "<script>
        		alert('Request Confirmed. Please contact the following user');
    if (isset($_POST['decline'])) {
        $accept = explode('.', $_POST['decline']);
        update("UPDATE request SET state = -1 , update_date=now() where pid1 = :pid2 AND pid2 = :pid1", array('pid2' => $accept[1], 'pid1' => $accept[0]), $conn);
        header("Location: notification.php");
Esempio n. 3

							<div id="swaps" class="tab-pane" align="left">
if (empty($barters)) {

								<h4>Sorry, you have no past Swaps.</h4>
} else {
    foreach ($barters as $key => $value) {
        $own = getPUname($value[0], $conn)[0];
        $second = getPUname($value[1], $conn)[0];

        echo $second[0];
</b> of <b><?php 
        echo $second[1];
</b> with <b><?php 
        echo $own[0];
</b> of <b><?php 
        echo $own[1];
.</b> <br> <?php