</a> <?php } ?> </li> <?php } ?> </ul> </div> <?php } ?> <?php if (getPrevPageURL() || getNextPageURL()) { printPageListWithNav('« ' . gettext('Prev'), gettext('Next') . ' »', false, 'true', 'page-nav', '', true, '5'); } ?> <?php if (function_exists('printGoogleMap')) { ?> <div class="gmap"> <?php setOption('gmap_width', 600, false); printGoogleMap(); ?> </div> <?php }
} else { $link = "#"; } echo "<li><a href=\"{$link}\" title=\"Previous Page\">«</a></li>\n"; for ($i = 1; $i <= $totalPages; $i++) { echo $i == $currentPage ? '<li class="current">' : '<li>'; if ($i < 10) { $page = '0' . $i; } else { $page = $i; } printLinkHTML(getPageNumURL($i), $page, "Page {$page}"); echo "</li>\n"; } if (hasNextPage()) { $link = getNextPageURL(); } else { $link = "#"; } echo "<li><a href=\"{$link}\" title=\"Next Page\">»</a></li>"; ?> </ul> </div> <div id="albumList"> <?php $albumsPerPage = getOption('albums_per_page'); $count = 1; while (next_album() && $count <= $albumsPerPage) { ?>
/** * returns a page nav list. * * @param bool $_oneImagePage set to true if there is only one image page as, for instance, in flash themes * @param int $navlen Number of navigation links to show (0 for all pages). Works best if the number is odd. * @param bool $firstlast Add links to the first and last pages of you gallery * @param int $current the current page * @param int $total total number of pages * */ function getPageNavList($_oneImagePage, $navlen, $firstlast, $current, $total) { $result = array(); if (hasPrevPage()) { $result['prev'] = getPrevPageURL(); } else { $result['prev'] = NULL; } if ($firstlast) { $result[1] = getPageNumURL(1, $total); } if ($navlen == 0) { $navlen = $total; } $extralinks = 2; if ($firstlast) { $extralinks = $extralinks + 2; } $len = floor(($navlen - $extralinks) / 2); $j = max(round($extralinks / 2), min($current - $len - (2 - round($extralinks / 2)), $total - $navlen + $extralinks - 1)); $ilim = min($total, max($navlen - round($extralinks / 2), $current + floor($len))); $k1 = round(($j - 2) / 2) + 1; $k2 = $total - round(($total - $ilim) / 2); for ($i = $j; $i <= $ilim; $i++) { $result[$i] = getPageNumURL($i, $total); } if ($firstlast) { $result[$total] = getPageNumURL($total, $total); } if (hasNextPage()) { $result['next'] = getNextPageURL(); } else { $result['next'] = NULL; } return $result; }
?> <a href="<?php echo htmlspecialchars(getPrevPageURL()); ?> ">Prev</a><?php } else { ?> <span>Prev</span><?php } ?> </li> <li><?php if (hasNextPage()) { ?> <a href="<?php echo htmlspecialchars(getNextPageURL()); ?> ">Next</a><?php } else { ?> <span>Next</span><?php } ?> </li> </ul> </div> <div id="content" class="c"> <div id="leftbox"> <ul class="list c"> <?php while (next_album()) {
?> </div> </div> <?php } ?> </div> <?php if ($zpmas_infscroll) { ?> <div id="page_nav"> <?php if (getNextPageURL()) { ?> <a href="<?php echo getNextPageURL(); ?> ">Next Page</a> <?php } ?> </div> <?php } else { if (hasPrevPage() || hasNextPage()) { ?> <div id="pagination"> <?php printPageListWithNav("« " . gettext("prev"), gettext("next") . " »"); ?> </div> <?php
<a href="<?php echo html_encode(getPrevPageURL()); ?> " accesskey="x">« <?php echo gettext('prev page'); ?> </a> <?php } if (hasNextPage()) { if (hasPrevPage()) { echo ' '; } ?> <a href="<?php echo html_encode(getNextPageURL()); ?> " accesskey="x"><?php echo gettext('next page'); ?> »</a> <?php } echo '</p>'; echo "<em class=\"count\">" . sprintf(gettext('Total matches for <em>%1$s</em>: %2$u'), getSearchWords(), $results); } else { echo "<p>" . gettext('Sorry, no matches found. Try refining your search.') . "</p>"; } } ?> </div>
<div id="fullplate-navigation"> <ul> <?php if (hasPrevPage()) { echo "\t\t" . '<li id="previous"><a href="' . getPrevPageURL() . '" title="Previous Image"><img src="' . $_zp_themeroot . '/images/arrow_left.png" width="16" height="16" alt="left ' . 'arrow" /></a></li>' . "\n"; } else { echo "\t\t" . '<li> </li>' . "\n"; } if (in_context(ZP_IMAGE)) { echo "\t\t" . '<li><a href="' . getFullImageURL() . '" title="Full Size Image"><img src="' . $_zp_themeroot . '/images/arrow_out.png" width="16" height="16" alt="arrows ' . 'pointing out" /></a></li>' . "\n"; } else { echo "\t\t" . '<li> </li>' . "\n"; } if (hasNextPage()) { echo "\t\t" . '<li id="next"><a href="' . getNextPageURL() . '" title="Next Image"><img src="' . $_zp_themeroot . '/images/arrow_right.png" width="16" height="16" alt="right ' . 'arrow" /></a></li>' . "\n"; } else { echo "\t\t" . '<li> </li>' . "\n"; } ?> </ul> </div> <div id="foot"> <div id="logo"> <?php printZenphotoLink(); ?> </div> <div id="info">
/** * Prints the URL of the next page. * * @param string $text text for the URL * @param string $title Text for the HTML title * @param string $class Text for the HTML class * @param string $id Text for the HTML id */ function printNextPageLink($text, $title = NULL, $class = NULL, $id = NULL) { if (hasNextPage()) { printLink(getNextPageURL(), $text, $title, $class, $id); } else { echo "<span class=\"disabledlink\">{$text}</span>"; } }
static function printNavigation($prevtext, $nexttext, $oneImagePage = false, $navlen = 7, $firstlast = true) { $total = getTotalPages($oneImagePage); $current = getCurrentPage(); if ($total < 2) { $class .= ' disabled_nav'; } if ($navlen == 0) { $navlen = $total; } $extralinks = 2; if ($firstlast) { $extralinks += 2; } $len = floor(($navlen - $extralinks) / 2); $j = max(round($extralinks / 2), min($current - $len - (2 - round($extralinks / 2)), $total - $navlen + $extralinks - 1)); $ilim = min($total, max($navlen - round($extralinks / 2), $current + floor($len))); $k1 = round(($j - 2) / 2) + 1; $k2 = $total - round(($total - $ilim) / 2); if ($firstlast) { echo '<div class="nav-cell ' . ($current == 1 ? 'current' : 'first') . '">'; echo "<span class='valign'>"; printLink(getPageURL(1, $total), 1, "Page 1"); echo "</span></div>\n"; if ($j > 2) { echo '<div class="nav-cell">'; echo "<span class='valign'>"; printLink(getPageURL($k1, $total), $j - 1 > 2 ? '...' : $k1, "Page {$k1}"); echo "</span></div>\n"; } } for ($i = $j; $i <= $ilim; $i++) { echo '<div class="nav-cell' . ($i == $current ? " current" : "") . '">'; echo "<span class='valign'>"; printLink(getPageURL($i, $total), $i, "Page {$i}" . ($i == $current ? ' ' . gettext("(Current Page)") : "")); echo "</span></div>\n"; } if ($i < $total) { echo '<div class="nav-cell">'; echo "<span class='valign'>"; printLink(getPageURL($k2, $total), $total - $i > 1 ? '...' : $k2, "Page {$k2}"); echo "</span></div>\n"; } if ($firstlast && $i <= $total) { echo '<div class="nav-cell last">'; echo "<span class='valign'>"; printLink(getPageURL($total, $total), $total, "Page {$total}"); echo "</span></div>\n"; } $prevNextLinks = array(); $prevNextLinks['prev'] = ThemeUtil::getLink(getPrevPageURL(), $prevtext) . "\n"; $prevNextLinks['next'] = ThemeUtil::getLink(getNextPageURL(), $nexttext) . "\n"; return $prevNextLinks; }