Esempio n. 1
 * Recursive detect DOMText fit $len
 * Find text and check if that text appending still fit the required len. 
 * @param DOMNode $dom
 * @param int $len
 * @param type $buffer
function getNext($dom, $len, &$buffer = '')
    // fulled -> by pass all followed tag
    if (mb_strlen($buffer) >= $len) {
        return null;
    } else {
        if (get_class($dom) == 'DOMText') {
            // if tag is text -> try to use this text
            // still shorter than required $len
            if (mb_strlen($buffer . $dom->wholeText) < $len) {
                $buffer .= $dom->wholeText;
                return $dom;
            } else {
                // Get part of this node text fitting the required $len
                //return null;
                // try to get part of
                $part = $len - mb_strlen($buffer);
                $st = mb_substr($dom->wholeText, 0, $part);
                $buffer .= $st;
                return $st;
            // node have childs -> check each child
        } elseif (isset($dom->childNodes) && $dom->childNodes->length > 0) {
            $i = 0;
            while ($i < $dom->childNodes->length) {
                $child = $dom->childNodes->item($i);
                $ret = getNext($child, $len, $buffer);
                if ($ret === null || is_string($ret)) {
                    while ($i < $dom->childNodes->length) {
                    if (is_string($ret)) {
                        $dom->appendChild(new DOMText($ret . '...'));
                } else {
            // if all child deleted -> return null node
            if ($dom->childNodes->length == 0) {
                return null;
            } else {
                return $dom;
            // other leaf node (br, img)
        } else {
            echo $dom->nodeName;
            return $dom;
    //TODO image balancing -> 1 image equivalent how many charaters?
Esempio n. 2
function generateNavibar($page)
    $prev = getPrev($page);
    $next = getNext($page);
    $prev5 = getPrev($page, 5);
    $next5 = getNext($page, 5);
    $page = intval($page);
    $html = '';
    $html .= '<form>';
    $html .= createButton($prev5, !doesPageExist("{$prev5}"), '&lt;&lt;');
    $html .= createButton($prev, !doesPageExist("{$prev}"), '&lt;');
    $html .= "</form>";
    $html .= createDropDownMenu($page, getFileCountInDirectory('pages/'));
    $html .= '<form>';
    $html .= createButton($next, !doesPageExist("{$next}"), '&gt;');
    $html .= createButton($next5, !doesPageExist("{$next5}"), '&gt;&gt;');
    $html .= "</form>";
    return $html;
Esempio n. 3
function showPagination($META, $url, $currentPage, $prevOn, $nextOn, $pageNav)
    if ($prevOn) {
        $pageNav[] = "<a href='" . $url . ($currentPage - 1) . "'>" . getPrev() . "</a>";
    if ($nextOn) {
        $pageNav[] = "<a href='" . $url . ($currentPage + 1) . "'>" . getNext() . "</a>";
    if (count($pageNav)) {
        echo "<ul style=\"list-style: none;\">\n<li style=\"float: left;margin-right: 15px;\">" . implode("</li>\n<li style=\"float: left;margin-right: 15px;\">", $pageNav) . "</li>\n</ul><br/>\n";
Esempio n. 4
<div class="next"><?php 
    echo getNext();
    echo printAll();
<div class="nextprevbar">
<div class="prev"><?php 
    echo getPrev();
<div class="next"><?php 
    echo getNext();
} else {
    require_once 'include/pages/_login.php';

Esempio n. 5

ini_set('display_errors', '1');
include "assets/includes/sonicflow.php";
#$gs = new GrooveShark();
$failcount = 0;
echo "Daemon started.\n";
while (true) {
    try {
        $next = getNext();
        if ($next[0] == '') {
            $failcount = 0;
        } else {
            $id = $next[0];
            $song = $next[1];
            $songId = $song->id;
            if ($song != null) {
                $failcount = 0;
                if ($next[2] != CACHE_IN_PROGRESS) {
                    $cmd = "mplayer -cache 8192 /var/www/SonicFlow/assets/songs/" . $id . ".mp3";
            } else {
                echo "\n\nFailed to retrieve URL for {$song->title} by {$song->artist}!\n\n";
                if ($failcount >= 3) {
if (count($json) == 0) {
    echo '<a href="#"> <li class="list-group-item">Vazio</li></a>';
foreach ($json as $atual) {
    echo '<a href="' . $atual["@Ontology#link"] . '"> <li class="list-group-item">' . $atual["@Ontology#label"] . '</li></a>';

    <div class="col-lg-3 espacado">
    <form action="topicoatual.php" method="get">
$next = getNext($topico);
//  print_r($next);
if (count($next) == 1) {
    echo "<button type='submit' name= 'selecao' value='" . $next[0]["@Ontology#id"] . "' > Next</button>";
    echo $next[0]["@Ontology#label"];
        <input type="hidden" name="modelo" value="<?php 
echo $modelo;


Esempio n. 7
            } else {
                $numConsecutive = 1;
        if ($numPairs < 2) {
            if ($char === $prev) {
                if ($numRepeats % 2 === 1) {
            } else {
                $numRepeats = 0;
        $prev = $char;
    return $has3Consecutive && $numPairs >= 2;
function getNext($input)
    $next = $input;
    do {
        $next = increment($next);
        while (($validLen = strcspn($next, 'iol')) !== strlen($next)) {
            $next = increment(substr($next, 0, $validLen + 1)) . substr($next, $validLen + 1);
    } while (!isValid($next));
    return $next;
echo 'Answer: ' . getNext($input) . PHP_EOL;
Esempio n. 8
function bottom($ID_MSG)
    echo "    <div class = \"sitefooter\">\n";
    echo "       <img src = \"\" alt = \"The Evolution of Sport\" style = \"position: relative; top: 10px;\"> <br>\n";
    echo "       <h3>\n";
    echo "       &copy; 2010 Guardian Sports, Ann Arbor, MI<br>\n";
    echo "       <a class = \"lightbg\" href = \"mailto:\"></a>\n";
    echo "       </h3>\n";
    echo "    </div>\n";
    echo "    <div class = \"allbottom\">\n";
    echo "      <ul class = \"navbottom\">\n";
    if (strpos($filename, 'events')) {
        $id = 4;
        $cat = "events";
    } elseif (strpos($filename, 'league')) {
        $id = 8;
        $cat = "league";
    } elseif (strpos($filename, 'other')) {
        $id = 10;
        $cat = "other";
    } elseif (strpos($filename, 'turkiball') > 20) {
        $id = 9;
        $cat = "turkiball";
    } else {
        $id = 0;
        $cat = "";
    echo "      <li><a href = \"\">Older Post</a>\n";
    echo "      <li><a href = \"" . $cat . "archive.php\">Archive</a>\n";
    echo "      <li><a href = \"" . getNext($ID_MSG, $id) . "\">Newer Post</a>\n";
    echo "      </ul>\n";
    echo "    </div>\n\n";
    echo "</div>\n\n";
Esempio n. 9
function addMonthlyCol($numMonths, &$dataArray)
    //adds a monthly column beginning with January
    $next = getNext($dataArray, 0);
    $dataArray[0][$next] = "Date/Time";
    $year = date("Y");
    for ($i = 0; $i < $numMonths; $i++) {
        if ($i > 12 && $i % 12 == 0) {
            //after 12 months, go to next year
        $mm = $i % 12 + 1;
        $month = date("m/t", strtotime("{$year}-{$mm}"));
        $next = getNext($dataArray, $i + 1);
        $dataArray[$i + 1][$next] = "{$month}  23:59:59";
Esempio n. 10
        exec("particle call {$photonName} setheight " . $presets[$previousPosition]['height']);
    } elseif ($cmd == "down" && isset($presets[$nextPosition])) {
        // Go down one position
        exec('notify-send -i ' . $presets[$nextPosition]['icon'] . ' "Moving desk to ' . $nextPosition . '"');
        exec("particle call {$photonName} setheight " . $presets[$nextPosition]['height']);
    } elseif (isset($presets[$cmd])) {
        // go to the preset
        exec('notify-send -i ' . $presets[$cmd]['icon'] . ' "Moving desk to ' . $cmd . '"');
        exec("particle call {$photonName} setheight " . $presets[$cmd]['height']);
} else {
    if ($standingTime > 0 && $totalTime > 0) {
        echo "    Time Standing: " . convertToHoursMins($standingTime) . " - " . number_format($standingTime / $totalTime * 100, 1) . "%\n";
    if ($sittingTime > 0 && $totalTime > 0) {
        echo "     Time Sitting: " . convertToHoursMins($sittingTime) . " - " . number_format($sittingTime / $totalTime * 100, 1) . "%\n";
    echo "     Time at desk: " . convertToHoursMins($totalTime) . "\n\n";
    $currentHeight = exec("particle call {$photonName} getheight");
    echo "   Current Height: " . $currentHeight . "cm\n";
    $currentPosition = getClosest($currentHeight, $presets);
    $previousPosition = getPrevious($currentPosition, $presets);
    $nextPosition = getNext($currentPosition, $presets);
    if (!is_null($previousPosition)) {
        echo "      Up Position: " . $previousPosition . " (" . $presets[$previousPosition]['height'] . "cm)\n";
    echo " Current Position: " . $currentPosition . " (" . $presets[$currentPosition]['height'] . "cm)\n";
    if (!is_null($nextPosition)) {
        echo "    Down Position: " . $nextPosition . " (" . $presets[$nextPosition]['height'] . "cm)\n";
Esempio n. 11
function translateCommonlabel($template)
    global $pagesize, $articleid;
    $template = str_replace("【#sitename】", getSitename(), $template);
    $template = str_replace("【#htmltitle】", getHtmltitle(), $template);
    $template = str_replace("【#copyright】", getCopyright(), $template);
    $template = str_replace("【#path】", getPath(), $template);
    $template = str_replace("【#logo】", getLogo(), $template);
    $template = str_replace("【#chanels】", getChanels(), $template);
    $template = str_replace("【#childcolumnlist】", getChildcolumnlist(), $template);
    $template = str_replace("【#sitekeywords】", getSitekeywords(), $template);
    $template = str_replace("【#columnkeywords】", getColumnkeywords(), $template);
    $template = str_replace("【#articlekeywords】", getArticlekeywords(), $template);
    $template = str_replace("【#columnname】", getColumnname(), $template);
    $template = str_replace("【#articleid】", $articleid, $template);
    $template = str_replace("【#articletitle】", getArticletitle(), $template);
    $template = str_replace("【#articlecontent】", getArticlecontent(), $template);
    $template = str_replace("【#date】", getAdddate(), $template);
    $template = str_replace("【#hits】", getHits(), $template);
    $template = str_replace("【#author】", getAuthor(), $template);
    $template = str_replace("【#source】", getSource(), $template);
    $template = str_replace("【#picurl】", getPicurl(), $template);
    $template = str_replace("【#pre】", getPre(), $template);
    $template = str_replace("【#next】", getNext(), $template);
    $template = str_replace("【#notes】", getNotes(), $template);
    $template = str_replace("【#commentform】", getCommentform(), $template);
    $template = translateSdefFeildlabel($template);
    $template = str_replace("【#showpage】", getPage($pagesize), $template);
    return $template;
Esempio n. 12
require_once "assets/includes/sonicflow.php";
 * This will check whether there is a new song yet.
 * Returns true if there is a new song; otherwise, false.
 * If this is being called from the now playing page, then it
 *   will return the new song id if there is a new song; otherwise, 0.
$id_front = $_POST['id_front'];
$id_back = $_POST['id_back'];
$from = $_POST['from'];
if ($from == "queue") {
    $song_front = getNext();
    $song_back = getLast();
    $song_front = $song_front[1];
    $song_back = $song_back[1];
    echo $id_front != $song_front->id || $id_back != $song_back->id;
} else {
    $song_front = getNext();
    $song_front = $song_front[1];
    if ($id_front != $song_front->id) {
        $json = getSongJson($song_front);
        echo $json;
    } else {
        echo 0;
function getSongJson($song)
    $arr = array('id' => $song->id, 'title' => $song->title, 'artist' => $song->artist, 'album' => $song->album, 'arturl' => $song->arturl);
    return json_encode($arr);
Esempio n. 13

if ($paginator->getLastPage() > 1) {
    <nav class="text-right"> 
        <ul class="pagination">
    echo getPrevious($paginator->getCurrentPage(), $paginator->getUrl($paginator->getCurrentPage() - 1));
    echo $presenter->getPageRange(1, $paginator->getLastPage());
    echo getNext($paginator->getCurrentPage(), $paginator->getLastPage(), $paginator->getUrl($paginator->getCurrentPage() + 1));


function getPrevious($currentPage, $url)
    if ($currentPage <= 1) {
        return '<li class="previous disabled"> <span aria-hidden="true">&laquo;</span></li>';
Esempio n. 14
$count = isset($_REQUEST["count"]) ? $_REQUEST["count"] : 0;
$buf = "";
$moji = array("1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "0");
$moji = array("あ", "い", "う", "え", "お", "か", "き", "く", "け", "こ");
$moji = array("ア", "イ", "ウ", "エ", "オ", "カ", "キ", "ク", "ケ", "コ");
$c = 0;
function getNext()
    global $c, $moji;
    $m = $moji[$c];
    $c = ($c + 1) % 10;
    return $m;
for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
    $buf .= getNext();
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<script src="//"></script>
Esempio n. 15
function doDiscard($msg)
    $sid = SID;
    $redis = getRedis();
    $user = getUser();
    if (!$user['tableid']) {
        return false;
    $tableid = $user['tableid'];
    $seatid = $user['seatid'];
    $seatkey = "seat-{$seatid}";
    //check table state
    $table = getTable();
    if (!$table['state']) {
        return false;
    //check state state
    $seat = $table['seats'][$seatid];
    if ($seat['state']) {
        return false;
    //check current
    if ($table['current'] != $seatid) {
        return false;
    //update seat
    $seat['state'] = SEAT_STATE_DISCARD;
    $next = getNext($table);
    $table['seats'][$seatid] = $seat;
    $table['current'] = $next;
    $redis->hmset("table:{$tableid}", array($seatkey => json_encode($seat), 'current' => $next));
    $router = getRouter();
    $router->publish("table:{$tableid}", packMsg('discard', array('sid' => $sid, 'current' => $next)));