Esempio n. 1
function update_item()
    connect_and_select_db(DB_SERVER, DB_UN, DB_PWD, DB_NAME);
    // Get the bannerid and other data sent by the user from the query
    $itemNumber = $_REQUEST['itemNumber'];
    $itemDescription = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST["itemDescription"]);
    $category = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST["category"]);
    $deptName = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST["departmentName"]);
    $purchCost = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST["purchaseCost"]);
    $retail = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST["retailPrice"]);
    $updateStmt = "update Item\n\tset  ItemDescription = '" . $itemDescription . "', Category = '" . $category . "', DepartmentName = '" . $deptName . "',\n\tPurchaseCost = '" . $purchCost . "', FullRetailPrice = '" . $retail . "'" . "WHERE  ItemNumber = '" . $itemNumber . "'";
    $result = execute_SQL_query_with_no_error_report($updateStmt);
    $message = "";
    if (!$result) {
        $message .= "Error in updating Item: " . $itemNumber . " in database.<br />" . mysql_error() . "<hr />";
    } else {
        $message = "Data for Item updated successfully. <br />Item Number: {$itemNumber}<br />Item Description: {$itemDescription}\n<br />Category: {$category} <br />Department Name: {$deptName}<br />Purchase Cost: {$purchCost}<br\n/>Retail Price: {$retail}<br /><br />";
    $getPromoItemsStmt = "SELECT * FROM PromotionItem WHERE ItemNumber = '{$itemNumber}'";
    //echo "$getPromoItemsStmt";
    $promoItems = execute_SQL_query_with_no_error_report($getPromoItemsStmt);
    $numPromoItems = count_rows_in_result_set($promoItems);
    while ($promoItem = mysql_fetch_assoc($promoItems)) {
        $id = $promoItem['ID'];
        $promoCode = $promoItem['PromoCode'];
        $oldSalePrice = $promoItem['SalePrice'];
        //echo "ID = $id PromoCode: $promoCode OldSalePrice: $oldSalePrice";
        $newSalePrice = getNewSalePrice($retail, $promoCode);
        $promoItemUpdateStmt = "UPDATE PromotionItem\n        set SalePrice = '{$newSalePrice}'\n        where ID = '{$id}'";
        $result = execute_SQL_query_with_no_error_report($promoItemUpdateStmt);
        if (!$result) {
            $message .= "Error in updating Promotion Item: " . $id . " in database.<br />" . mysql_error() . "<hr\n            />";
        } else {
            $message .= "Data for Promotion Item with ID: " . $id . " updated successfully. <br />Old Sale Price: " . $oldSalePrice . "<br />New Sale Price: " . $newSalePrice . "<hr />";
function update_promotion()
    connect_and_select_db(DB_SERVER, DB_UN, DB_PWD, DB_NAME);
    // Get the bannerid and other data sent by the user from the query
    $promoCode = $_POST['promoCode'];
    $name = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST["promotionName"]);
    $description = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST["promotionDescription"]);
    $amountOff = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST["amountOff"]);
    $promoType = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST["promotionType"]);
    $updateStmt = "update Promotion\n\tset  Name = '" . $name . "', Description = '" . $description . "', AmountOff = '" . $amountOff . "',\n\tPromoType = '" . $promoType . "'" . "WHERE  PromoCode = '" . $promoCode . "'";
    $result = execute_SQL_query_with_no_error_report($updateStmt);
    $message = "";
    if (!$result) {
        $message .= "Error in updating Promotion: " . $promoCode . " in database.<br />" . mysql_error() . "<hr />";
    } else {
        $message = "Data for Promotion updated successfully.<br />PromoCode: {$promoCode}<br />Promotion Description:\n{$description} <br />Promotion\nType:\n{$promoType} <br />Promotion Name: {$name} <br />Amount Off: {$amountOff}<br /><br />";
    $getPromoItemsStmt = "SELECT * FROM PromotionItem WHERE PromoCode = '{$promoCode}'";
    //echo "$getPromoItemsStmt";
    $promoItems = execute_SQL_query_with_no_error_report($getPromoItemsStmt);
    $numPromoItems = count_rows_in_result_set($promoItems);
    while ($promoItem = mysql_fetch_assoc($promoItems)) {
        $id = $promoItem['ID'];
        $oldSalePrice = $promoItem['SalePrice'];
        $itemNo = $promoItem['ItemNumber'];
        $retail = getRetailPrice($itemNo);
        //echo "ID = $id PromoCode: $promoCode OldSalePrice: $oldSalePrice";
        $newSalePrice = getNewSalePrice($retail, $promoType, $amountOff);
        $promoItemUpdateStmt = "UPDATE PromotionItem\n        set SalePrice = '{$newSalePrice}'\n        where ID = '{$id}'";
        $result = execute_SQL_query_with_no_error_report($promoItemUpdateStmt);
        if (!$result) {
            $message .= "Error in updating Promotion Item: " . $id . " in database.<br />" . mysql_error() . "<hr\n            />";
        } else {
            $message .= "Data for Promotion Item with ID: " . $id . " updated successfully. <br />Old Sale Price: " . $oldSalePrice . "<br />New Sale Price: " . $newSalePrice . "<hr />";