function makeView() { if (!$this->isEnabled()) { return false; } $iMemberId = getLoggedId() ? getLoggedId() : 0; $sIp = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $iTime = time(); if ($iMemberId) { $sWhere = " AND `viewer` = '{$iMemberId}' "; } else { $sWhere = " AND `viewer` = '0' AND `ip` = INET_ATON('{$sIp}') "; } $iTs = (int) $GLOBALS['MySQL']->getOne("SELECT `ts` FROM `{$this->_aSystem['table_track']}` WHERE `id` = '" . $this->getId() . "' {$sWhere}"); $iRet = 0; if (!$iTs) { $iRet = $GLOBALS['MySQL']->query("INSERT IGNORE INTO `{$this->_aSystem['table_track']}` SET `id` = '" . $this->getId() . "', `viewer` = '{$iMemberId}', `ip` = INET_ATON('{$sIp}'), `ts` = {$iTime}"); } elseif ($iTime - $iTs > $this->_aSystem['period']) { $iRet = $GLOBALS['MySQL']->query("UPDATE `{$this->_aSystem['table_track']}` SET `ts` = {$iTime} WHERE `id` = '" . $this->getId() . "' AND `viewer` = '{$iMemberId}' AND `ip` = INET_ATON('{$sIp}')"); } if ($iRet) { $this->_triggerView(); $oZ = new BxDolAlerts($this->_sSystem, 'view', $this->getId(), $iMemberId); $oZ->alert(); return true; } return false; }
/** * send "tell a friend" email */ function SendTellFriend($iSenderID = 0) { global $profileID; $sRecipient = clear_xss($_POST['friends_emails']); $sSenderName = clear_xss($_POST['name']); $sSenderEmail = clear_xss($_POST['email']); if (strlen(trim($sRecipient)) <= 0) { return 0; } if (strlen(trim($sSenderEmail)) <= 0) { return 0; } $sLinkAdd = $iSenderID > 0 ? 'idFriend=' . $iSenderID : ''; $rEmailTemplate = new BxDolEmailTemplates(); if ($profileID) { $aTemplate = $rEmailTemplate->getTemplate('t_TellFriendProfile', getLoggedId()); $Link = getProfileLink($profileID, $sLinkAdd); } else { $aTemplate = $rEmailTemplate->getTemplate('t_TellFriend', getLoggedId()); $Link = BX_DOL_URL_ROOT; if (strlen($sLinkAdd) > 0) { $Link .= '?' . $sLinkAdd; } } $aPlus = array('Link' => $Link, 'FromName' => $sSenderName); return sendMail($sRecipient, $aTemplate['Subject'], $aTemplate['Body'], '', $aPlus); }
/** * send "tell a friend" email */ function SendTellFriend($iSenderID = 0) { global $profileID; $sSenderEmail = clear_xss(bx_get('sender_email')); if (strlen(trim($sSenderEmail)) <= 0) { return 0; } $sSenderName = clear_xss(bx_get('sender_name')); $sSenderLink = $iSenderID != 0 ? getProfileLink($iSenderID) : BX_DOL_URL_ROOT; $sRecipientEmail = clear_xss(bx_get('recipient_email')); if (strlen(trim($sRecipientEmail)) <= 0) { return 0; } $sLinkAdd = $iSenderID > 0 ? 'idFriend=' . $iSenderID : ''; $rEmailTemplate = new BxDolEmailTemplates(); if ($profileID) { $aTemplate = $rEmailTemplate->getTemplate('t_TellFriendProfile', getLoggedId()); $Link = getProfileLink($profileID, $sLinkAdd); } else { $aTemplate = $rEmailTemplate->getTemplate('t_TellFriend', getLoggedId()); $Link = BX_DOL_URL_ROOT; if (strlen($sLinkAdd) > 0) { $Link .= '?' . $sLinkAdd; } } return sendMail($sRecipientEmail, $aTemplate['Subject'], $aTemplate['Body'], '', array('Link' => $Link, 'SenderName' => $sSenderName, 'SenderLink' => $sSenderLink)); }
function BxGSearchModule(&$aModule) { parent::BxDolModule($aModule); $GLOBALS['aModule'] = $aModule; $this->_iProfileId = getLoggedId(); $GLOBALS['oBxGSearchModule'] =& $this; }
function getCalendar() { $oProfile = new BxBaseProfileGenerator(getLoggedId()); $mSearchRes = $oProfile->GenProfilesCalendarBlock(); list($sResults, $aDBTopMenu, $sPagination, $sTopFilter) = $mSearchRes; return DesignBoxContent(_t('_People_Calendar'), $sResults, 1); }
public function serviceAccountSettingsDelAccount($iAccountId = false) { if (false === $iAccountId) { $iAccountId = getLoggedId(); } return $this->_oAccountForms->deleteAccountForm($iAccountId); }
function __construct($sType, $iAlbum = 0) { $this->iOwnerId = getLoggedId(); if ($this->iOwnerId == 0) { return; } $this->iAlbumId = (int) $iAlbum; $this->sType = strip_tags($sType); $oPrivacy = new BxDolPrivacy('sys_albums', 'ID', 'Owner'); $aPrivField = $oPrivacy->getGroupChooser($this->iOwnerId, 'sys_albums', 'view'); $this->aForm = array('form_attrs' => array('name' => 'form_album', 'action' => '', 'method' => 'post', 'enctype' => 'multipart/form-data'), 'params' => array('db' => array('table' => 'sys_albums', 'key' => 'ID', 'uri' => 'Uri', 'uri_title' => 'Caption', 'submit_name' => 'save')), 'inputs' => array('Caption' => array('type' => 'text', 'name' => 'Caption', 'caption' => _t('_sys_album_caption_capt'), 'required' => true, 'checker' => array('func' => 'length', 'params' => array(3, 128), 'error' => _t('_sys_album_err_capt')), 'db' => array('pass' => 'Xss'), 'display' => true), 'Location' => array('type' => 'text', 'name' => 'Location', 'caption' => _t('_sys_album_caption_loc'), 'db' => array('pass' => 'Xss'), 'display' => true), 'Description' => array('type' => 'textarea', 'name' => 'Description', 'caption' => _t('_sys_album_caption_desc'), 'required' => true, 'html' => false, 'checker' => array('func' => 'length', 'params' => array(3, 255), 'error' => _t('_sys_album_err_desc')), 'db' => array('pass' => 'Xss')), 'allow_view_to' => $aPrivField, 'Type' => array('type' => 'hidden', 'name' => 'Type', 'db' => array('pass' => 'Xss'), 'value' => $this->sType), 'Control' => array('type' => 'input_set', 0 => array('type' => 'submit', 'name' => 'save', 'value' => _t("_sys_album_create")), 1 => array('type' => 'reset', 'name' => 'cancel', 'value' => _t("_sys_album_cancel"))))); $iAlbum = (int) $iAlbum; if ($this->iAlbumId > 0) { $oAlbum = new BxDolAlbums($this->sType); $this->aInfo = $oAlbum->getAlbumInfo(array('fileId' => $iAlbum)); if ($this->iOwnerId != $this->aInfo['Owner']) { return; } $this->aForm['inputs']['Control'] = array('type' => 'input_set', 'colspan' => true, 0 => array('type' => 'submit', 'name' => 'save', 'value' => _t("_sys_album_save_changes")), 1 => array('type' => 'submit', 'name' => 'delete', 'value' => _t("_sys_album_delete")), 2 => array('type' => 'submit', 'name' => 'launch', 'value' => _t("_sys_album_add")), 3 => array('type' => 'submit', 'name' => 'launch', 'value' => _t("_sys_album_edit_items")), 4 => array('type' => 'submit', 'name' => 'launch', 'value' => _t("_sys_album_organize")), 5 => array('type' => 'reset', 'name' => 'cancel', 'value' => _t("_sys_album_cancel"))); foreach ($this->aForm['inputs'] as $sKey => $aValue) { if ($sKey != 'Control') { $this->aForm['inputs'][$sKey]['value'] = $this->aInfo[$sKey]; } } } }
function post($sSystem, $iId, $iCmtAuthorId, $iCmtParentId, $iMood, $sFileId) { global $sIncPath; global $sModule; global $sHomeUrl; $iId = (int) $iId; $iCmtParentId = (int) $iCmtParentId; $iMood = (int) $iMood; bx_import('BxDolCmts'); $oCmts = BxDolCmts::getObjectInstance($sSystem, $iId); if (!$oCmts) { return 0; } $sText = '<iframe width="100%" height="240" src="[ray_url]modules/video_comments/embed.php?id=' . $sFileId . '" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>'; $mixedOverrideResult = null; $oAlert = new BxDolAlerts('bx_video_comments', 'post', $sFileId, getLoggedId(), array('override' => &$mixedOverrideResult, 'text' => &$sText, 'file_id' => &$sFileId, 'object_id' => &$iId, 'author' => &$iCmtAuthorId, 'parent_id' => &$iCmtParentId, 'mood' => &$iMood)); $oAlert->alert(); if (null !== $mixedOverrideResult) { return $mixedOverrideResult; } $iCmtNewId = $oCmts->_oQuery->addComment($iId, $iCmtParentId, $iCmtAuthorId, $sText, $iMood); if (false === $iCmtNewId) { return 0; } bx_import('BxDolAlerts'); $oZ = new BxDolAlerts($sSystem, 'commentPost', $oCmts->getId(), $oCmts->_getAuthorId(), array('comment_id' => $iCmtNewId, 'comment_author_id' => $iCmtAuthorId)); $oZ->alert(); $oCmts->_triggerComment(); return $iCmtNewId; }
public function onPositiveDetection($sIP, $sExtraData = '', $sType = 'dnsbl') { $iIP = sprintf("%u", ip2long($sIP)); $iMemberId = getLoggedId(); $sExtraData = process_db_input($sExtraData); return $GLOBALS['MySQL']->query("INSERT INTO `sys_antispam_block_log` SET `ip` = '{$iIP}', `member_id` = '{$iMemberId}', `type` = '{$sType}', `extra` = '{$sExtraData}', `added` = " . time()); }
function __construct(&$aModule) { parent::__construct($aModule); $GLOBALS['aModule'] = $aModule; $this->_iProfileId = getLoggedId(); $this->_sProto = bx_proto(); }
/** * @description : function will generate profile block (used the profile template ); * @return : Html presentation data ; */ function PrintSearhResult($aProfileInfo, $aCoupleInfo = '', $aExtendedKey = null, $sTemplateName = '', $oCustomTemplate = null) { global $site; global $aPreValues; $iVisitorID = getLoggedId(); $bExtMode = !empty($_GET['mode']) && $_GET['mode'] == 'extended' || !empty($_GET['search_result_mode']) && $_GET['search_result_mode'] == 'ext'; $isShowMatchPercent = $bExtMode && $iVisitorID && $iVisitorID != $aProfileInfo['ID'] && getParam('view_match_percent') && getParam('enable_match'); $sProfileThumb = get_member_thumbnail($aProfileInfo['ID'], 'none', !$bExtMode, 'visitor'); $sProfileMatch = $isShowMatchPercent ? $GLOBALS['oFunctions']->getProfileMatch($iVisitorID, $aProfileInfo['ID']) : ''; $sProfileNickname = '<a href="' . getProfileLink($aProfileInfo['ID']) . '">' . getNickName($aProfileInfo['ID']) . '</a>'; $sProfileInfo = $GLOBALS['oFunctions']->getUserInfo($aProfileInfo['ID']); $sProfileDesc = strmaxtextlen($aProfileInfo['DescriptionMe'], 130); $sProfileZodiac = $bExtMode && getParam('zodiac') ? $GLOBALS['oFunctions']->getProfileZodiac($aProfileInfo['DateOfBirth']) : ''; $sProfile2ASc1 = $sProfile2ASc2 = $sProfile2Nick = $sProfile2Desc = $sProfile2Info = $sProfile2Zodiac = ''; if ($aCoupleInfo) { $sProfile2Nick = '<a href="' . getProfileLink($aCoupleInfo['ID']) . '">' . getNickName($aCoupleInfo['ID']) . '</a>'; $sProfile2Info = $GLOBALS['oFunctions']->getUserInfo($aCoupleInfo['ID']); $sProfile2Desc = strmaxtextlen($aCoupleInfo['DescriptionMe'], 130); $sProfile2Zodiac = $bExtMode && getParam('zodiac') ? $GLOBALS['oFunctions']->getProfileZodiac($aCoupleInfo['DateOfBirth']) : ''; $sProfile2ASc1 = 'float:left;width:31%;margin-right:10px;'; $sProfile2ASc2 = 'float:left;width:31%;display:block;'; } else { $sProfile2ASc2 = 'display:none;'; } $aKeys = array('thumbnail' => $sProfileThumb, 'match' => $sProfileMatch, 'nick' => $sProfileNickname, 'info' => $sProfileInfo, 'i_am_desc' => $sProfileDesc, 'zodiac_sign' => $sProfileZodiac, 'nick2' => $sProfile2Nick, 'info2' => $sProfile2Info, 'i_am_desc2' => $sProfile2Desc, 'zodiac_sign2' => $sProfile2Zodiac, 'add_style_c1' => $sProfile2ASc1, 'add_style_c2' => $sProfile2ASc2); if ($aExtendedKey and is_array($aExtendedKey) and !empty($aExtendedKey)) { foreach ($aExtendedKey as $sKey => $sValue) { $aKeys[$sKey] = $sValue; } } else { $aKeys['ext_css_class'] = ''; } return $oCustomTemplate ? $oCustomTemplate->parseHtmlByName($sTemplateName, $aKeys) : $GLOBALS['oSysTemplate']->parseHtmlByName($sTemplateName, $aKeys); }
/** * Class constructor ; * * @param : $aModule (array) - contain some information about this module; * [ id ] - (integer) module's id ; * [ title ] - (string) module's title ; * [ vendor ] - (string) module's vendor ; * [ path ] - (string) path to this module ; * [ uri ] - (string) this module's URI ; * [ class_prefix ] - (string) this module's php classes file prefix ; * [ db_prefix ] - (string) this module's Db tables prefix ; * [ date ] - (string) this module's date installation ; */ function BxShoutBoxModule(&$aModule) { parent::BxDolModule($aModule); // prepare the location link ; $this->sPathToModule = BX_DOL_URL_ROOT . $this->_oConfig->getBaseUri(); $this->aModuleInfo = $aModule; $this->iMemberId = getLoggedId(); }
/** * Constructor */ function BxProfileCustomizeModule($aModule) { parent::BxDolModule($aModule); $this->iUserId = getLoggedId(); $this->_oConfig->init($this->_oDb); $this->_oTemplate->init($this, $this->_oDb); $this->_aCssMatch = $this->_oDb->getUnits(); }
function insert($aValsToAdd = array()) { $aValsToAdd['client_id'] = strtolower(genRndPwd(self::$LENGTH_ID, false)); $aValsToAdd['client_secret'] = strtolower(genRndPwd(self::$LENGTH_SECRET, false)); $aValsToAdd['scope'] = 'basic'; $aValsToAdd['user_id'] = getLoggedId(); return parent::insert($aValsToAdd); }
/** * Constructor */ function __construct($aModule) { parent::__construct($aModule); $this->iUserId = isLogged() && isAdmin() ? getLoggedId() : 0; $this->_oConfig->init($this->_oDb); $this->_oTemplate->init($this, $this->_oDb); $this->_aCssMatch = $this->_oDb->getUnits(); }
function BxDolFilesDb(&$oConfig) { parent::BxDolModuleDb($oConfig); $this->_oConfig =& $oConfig; $this->iViewer = getLoggedId(); $this->aFileFields = array('medID' => 'ID', 'Categories' => 'Categories', 'medProfId' => 'Owner', 'medTitle' => 'Title', 'medUri' => 'Uri', 'medDesc' => 'Description', 'medTags' => 'Tags', 'medDate' => 'Date', 'medViews' => 'Views', 'Approved' => 'Status', 'Featured' => 'Featured', 'Rate' => 'Rate', 'RateCount' => 'RateCount'); $this->aFavoriteFields = array('fileId' => 'ID', 'ownerId' => 'Profile', 'favDate' => 'Date'); }
public function serviceGetMenuAddonManageToolsProfileStats() { bx_import('SearchResult', $this->_aModule); $sClass = $this->_aModule['class_prefix'] . 'SearchResult'; $o = new $sClass(); $o->fillFilters(array('account_id' => getLoggedId(), 'perofileStatus' => '')); $o->unsetPaginate(); return $o->getNum(); }
/** * News Letters block */ function getBlockCode_Subscribe() { global $site; $iUserId = isLogged() ? getLoggedId() : 0; $oSubscription = BxDolSubscription::getInstance(); $aButton = $oSubscription->getButton($iUserId, 'system', ''); $sContent = $oSubscription->getData() . $GLOBALS['oSysTemplate']->parseHtmlByName('home_page_subscribe.html', array('message' => _t('_SUBSCRIBE_TEXT', $site['title']), 'button_title' => $aButton['title'], 'button_script' => $aButton['script'])); return array($sContent, array(), array(), false); }
public function serviceAccountSettingsDelAccount($iAccountId = false) { if (!$iAccountId) { $iAccountId = bx_process_input(bx_get('id'), BX_DATA_INT); } if (!$iAccountId) { $iAccountId = getLoggedId(); } return $this->_oAccountForms->deleteAccountForm($iAccountId); }
/** * Class constructor ; * * @param : $aModule (array) - contain some information about this module; * [ id ] - (integer) module's id ; * [ title ] - (string) module's title ; * [ vendor ] - (string) module's vendor ; * [ path ] - (string) path to this module ; * [ uri ] - (string) this module's URI ; * [ class_prefix ] - (string) this module's php classes file prefix ; * [ db_prefix ] - (string) this module's Db tables prefix ; * [ date ] - (string) this module's date installation ; */ function BxSimpleMessengerModule($aModule) { parent::BxDolModule($aModule); $this->sHomeUrl = $this->_oConfig->_sHomeUrl; $this->aModuleInfo = $aModule; $this->iLoggedMemberId = getLoggedId(); $this->aCoreSettings = array('update_time' => $this->_oConfig->iUpdateTime, 'number_visible_messages' => $this->_oConfig->iVisibleMessages, 'limit_returning_messages' => $this->_oConfig->iCountRetMessages, 'number_of_allowed_chat_boxes' => $this->_oConfig->iCountAllowedChatBoxes, 'output_block' => $this->_oConfig->sOutputBlock, 'page_receiver' => BX_DOL_URL_ROOT . 'modules/?r=' . $this->aModuleInfo['uri'] . '/get_operation', 'history_block_prefix' => $this->_oConfig->sOutputBlockPrefix, 'save_chat_history' => $this->_oConfig->bSaveChatHistory, 'language_keys' => array('empty_message' => _t('_simple_messenger_empty_message')), 'blink_counter' => $this->_oConfig->iBlinkCounter, 'message_date_format' => $this->_oConfig->sMessageDateFormat); $this->sMemberMenuPosition = isset($_COOKIE['menu_position']) ? $_COOKIE['menu_position'] : getParam('ext_nav_menu_top_position'); $this->oPrivacy = new BxSimpleMessengerPrivacy($this); }
function BxDolTags() { $this->iViewer = getLoggedId(); $this->sCacheFile = 'sys_objects_tag'; $this->sNonParseParams = 'tags_non_parsable'; $this->sCacheTable = 'sys_objects_tag'; $this->sTagTable = 'sys_tags'; $this->aTagFields = array('id' => 'ObjID', 'type' => 'Type', 'tag' => 'Tag', 'date' => 'Date'); $this->aObjFields = array('id' => 'ID', 'name' => 'ObjectName', 'query' => 'Query', 'perm_param' => 'PermalinkParam', 'perm_enable' => 'EnabledPermalink', 'perm_disable' => 'DisabledPermalink', 'lang_key' => 'LangKey'); }
/** * Class constructor ; */ function BxDolProfileInfoPageView($sPageName, &$aMemberInfo) { global $site, $dir; $this->oProfileGen = new BxBaseProfileGenerator($aMemberInfo['ID']); $this->aConfSite = $site; $this->aConfDir = $dir; parent::BxDolPageView($sPageName); $this->iMemberID = getLoggedId(); $this->aMemberInfo =& $aMemberInfo; }
function BxGSearchModule(&$aModule) { parent::BxDolModule($aModule); $GLOBALS['aModule'] = $aModule; $this->_iProfileId = getLoggedId(); $GLOBALS['oBxGSearchModule'] =& $this; if (0 == strncmp('https', BX_DOL_URL_ROOT, 5)) { $this->_sProto = 'https'; } }
/** * Class constructor ; * * @param : $aModule (array) - contain some information about this module; * [ id ] - (integer) module's id ; * [ title ] - (string) module's title ; * [ vendor ] - (string) module's vendor ; * [ path ] - (string) path to this module ; * [ uri ] - (string) this module's URI ; * [ class_prefix ] - (string) this module's php classes file prefix ; * [ db_prefix ] - (string) this module's Db tables prefix ; * [ date ] - (string) this module's date installation ; */ function __construct(&$aModule) { parent::__construct($aModule); // prepare the location link ; $this->sPathToModule = BX_DOL_URL_ROOT . $this->_oConfig->getBaseUri(); $this->sModuleName = 'bx_' . $aModule['uri']; $this->aModuleInfo = $aModule; $this->iMemberId = getLoggedId(); $this->_aObjects = $this->_oDb->getShoutboxObjects(); }
function getBlockCode_People() { $iMemberId = getLoggedId(); $aProfile = $iMemberId ? getProfileInfo($iMemberId) : array(); // default params for search form $aDefaultParams = array('LookingFor' => $aProfile['Sex'] ? $aProfile['Sex'] : 'male', 'Sex' => $aProfile['LookingFor'] ? $aProfile['LookingFor'] : 'female', 'Country' => $aProfile['Country'] ? $aProfile['Country'] : getParam('default_country'), 'DateOfBirth' => getParam('search_start_age') . '-' . getParam('search_end_age')); bx_import('BxDolProfileFields'); $oPF = new BxDolProfileFields(9); $a = array('default_params' => $aDefaultParams); return array($oPF->getFormCode($a), array(), array(), false); }
/** * page code function */ function PageCompPageMainCode() { $memberID = getLoggedId(); $p_arr = getProfileInfo($memberID); //db_assoc_arr( "SELECT `Status` FROM `Profiles` WHERE `ID` = '$memberID'" ); if ($p_arr['Status'] != 'Unconfirmed') { return _t("_NO_NEED_TO_CONFIRM_EMAIL"); } else { return activation_mail($memberID); } }
/** * page code function */ function PageCompPageMainCode() { if ($_POST['DELETE']) { profile_delete(getLoggedId()); bx_logout(); return MsgBox(_t("_DELETE_SUCCESS")); } $aForm = array('form_attrs' => array('action' => BX_DOL_URL_ROOT . 'unregister.php', 'method' => 'post', 'name' => 'form_unregister'), 'inputs' => array('delete' => array('type' => 'hidden', 'name' => 'DELETE', 'value' => '1'), 'info' => array('type' => 'custom', 'content' => _t("_DELETE_TEXT"), 'colspan' => true), 'submit' => array('type' => 'submit', 'name' => 'submit', 'value' => _t("_Delete account")))); $oForm = new BxTemplFormView($aForm); return $oForm->getCode(); }
function getEmbedCode($iFileId) { $sOverride = false; $oAlert = new BxDolAlerts($this->_oConfig->getMainPrefix(), 'embed_code', $iFileId, getLoggedId(), array('override' => &$sOverride)); $oAlert->alert(); if ($sOverride) { return $sOverride; } $iFileId = (int) $iFileId; return getEmbedCode('mp3', 'player', array('id' => $iFileId)); }
public function checkAllowedDelete(&$aDataEntry, $isPerformAction = false) { if (isAdmin() && (int) $aDataEntry['id'] == getLoggedId()) { return _t('_sys_txt_access_denied'); } // check ACL $aCheck = checkActionModule($this->_iProfileId, 'delete account', 'system', $isPerformAction); if ($aCheck[CHECK_ACTION_RESULT] != CHECK_ACTION_RESULT_ALLOWED) { return $aCheck[CHECK_ACTION_MESSAGE]; } return CHECK_ACTION_RESULT_ALLOWED; }
function serviceSetAvatar($iPhotoID, $iAuthorId = 0) { if (!$iAuthorId) { $iAuthorId = getLoggedId(); } $aFileInfo = $this->_oDb->getFileInfo(array('fileId' => $iPhotoID)); $sProfileAlbumUri = uriFilter(str_replace('{nickname}', getUsername($iAuthorId), $this->_oConfig->getGlParam('profile_album_name'))); if ($sProfileAlbumUri != $aFileInfo['albumUri']) { return false; } return $this->_oDb->setAvatar($iPhotoID, $aFileInfo['albumId']); }