Esempio n. 1
function parse_link($link, $level=0) {
    global $name, $the_file_name, $the_link, $locationheader, $parsed_link, $link_update;
    if ($level > 3)
        return FALSE;
    if ($link == "***" && $link_update)
        $link = getLinkPath($link_update);

    $url_parts = @parse_url( $link );
    //filter out localhost and reserved or private IPs
    if (stripos($url_parts["host"], 'localhost') !== false
        || stripos($url_parts["host"], 'loopback') !== false
        || (filter_var($url_parts["host"], FILTER_VALIDATE_IP) !== false
            && (strpos($url_parts["host"],'127') === 0
                || filter_var($url_parts["host"], FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV4 | FILTER_FLAG_NO_PRIV_RANGE | FILTER_FLAG_NO_RES_RANGE) === false)
        ) {
        return array('response' => 'HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request', 'response_code' => 400);
    if (substr($link,0,6) == "ftp://") {
        // Parsing an FTF-Adress
        $documentpath = $url_parts["path"];

        if (strpos($url_parts["host"],"@")) {
            $url_parts["pass"] .= "@".substr($url_parts["host"],0,strpos($url_parts["host"],"@"));
            $url_parts["host"] = substr(strrchr($url_parts["host"],"@"),1);

        if (preg_match('/[^a-z0-9_.-]/i',$url_parts['host'])){ // exists umlauts ?
            $IDN = new idna_convert();
            $out = $IDN->encode(utf8_encode($url_parts['host'])); // false by error
            $url_parts['host'] = ($out)? $out : $url_parts['host'];

        $ftp = ftp_connect($url_parts["host"]);

        if (!$url_parts["user"]) $url_parts["user"] = "******";
        if (!$url_parts["pass"]) {
            $mailclass = new StudipMail();
            $url_parts["pass"] = $mailclass->getSenderEmail();
        if (!@ftp_login($ftp,$url_parts["user"],$url_parts["pass"])) {
            return FALSE;
        $parsed_link["Content-Length"] = ftp_size($ftp, $documentpath);
        if ($parsed_link["Content-Length"] != "-1") {
            $parsed_link["HTTP/1.0 200 OK"] = "HTTP/1.0 200 OK";
            $parsed_link["response_code"] = 200;
        } else {
            $parsed_link = FALSE;
        $url_parts["pass"] = preg_replace("!@!","%40",$url_parts["pass"]);
        $the_link = "ftp://".$url_parts["user"].":".$url_parts["pass"]."@".$url_parts["host"].$documentpath;
        return $parsed_link;

    } else {
        if (!empty( $url_parts["path"])){
            $documentpath = $url_parts["path"];
        } else {
            $documentpath = "/";
        if ( !empty( $url_parts["query"] ) ) {
            $documentpath .= "?" . $url_parts["query"];
        $host = $url_parts["host"];
        $port = $url_parts["port"];
        $scheme = strtolower($url_parts['scheme']);
        if (!in_array($scheme , words('http https'))) {
            return array('response' => 'HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request', 'response_code' => 400);
        if ($scheme == "https") {
            $ssl = TRUE;
            if (empty($port)) $port = 443;
        } else {
            $ssl = FALSE;
        if (empty( $port ) ) $port = "80";

        if (preg_match('/[^a-z0-9_.-]/i',$host)){ // exists umlauts ?
            $IDN = new idna_convert();
            $out = $IDN->encode(utf8_encode($host)); // false by error
            $host = ($out)? $out : $host;
            $pwtxt = ($url_parts['user'] && $url_parts['pass'])? $url_parts['user'].':'. $url_parts['pass'].'@':'';
            $the_link = $url_parts['scheme'].'://'.$pwtxt.$host.':'.$port.$documentpath;
        $socket = @fsockopen( ($ssl? 'ssl://':'').$host, $port, $errno, $errstr, 10 );
        if (!$socket) {
            return array('response' => 'HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request', 'response_code' => 400);
        } else {
            $urlString = "GET ".$documentpath." HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: $host\r\n";
            if ($url_parts["user"] && $url_parts["pass"]) {
                $pass = $url_parts["pass"];
                $user = $url_parts["user"];
                $urlString .= "Authorization: Basic ".base64_encode("$user:$pass")."\r\n";
            $urlString .= sprintf("User-Agent: Stud.IP v%s File Crawler\r\n", $GLOBALS['SOFTWARE_VERSION']);
            $urlString .= "Connection: close\r\n\r\n";
            fputs($socket, $urlString);
            stream_set_timeout($socket, 5);
            $response = '';
            do {
                $response .= fgets($socket, 128);
                $info = stream_get_meta_data($socket);
            } while (!feof($socket) && !$info['timed_out'] && strlen($response) < 1024);
        $parsed_link = parse_header($response);

        // Anderer Dateiname?
        $disposition_header = $parsed_link['Content-Disposition']
                           ?: $parsed_link['content-disposition'];
        if ($disposition_header) {
            $header_parts = explode(';', $disposition_header);
            foreach ($header_parts as $part) {
                $part = trim($part);
                list($key, $value) = explode('=', $part, 2);
                if (strtolower($key) === 'filename') {
                    $the_file_name = trim($value, '"');
        } else {
            $the_file_name = basename($url_parts['path']) ?: $the_file_name;
        // Weg über einen Locationheader:
        $location_header = $parsed_link["Location"]
                        ?: $parsed_link["location"];
        if (in_array($parsed_link["response_code"], array(300,301,302,303,305,307)) && $location_header) {
            if (strpos($location_header, 'http') !== 0) {
                $location_header = $url_parts['scheme'] . '://' . $url_parts['host'] . '/' . $location_header;
            $parsed_link = parse_link($location_header, $level + 1);
        return $parsed_link;
Esempio n. 2
        $path_file = $STUDIP_BASE_PATH . "/" . $PATH_EXPORT . "/" . $file_id;
        //we want to download from the studip-tmp folder (this mode performs perm checks)
    //we want to download from the studip-tmp folder (this mode performs perm checks)
    case 4:
        $path_file = $TMP_PATH . "/" . $file_id;
        //download lit list as tab delimited text file
    //download lit list as tab delimited text file
    case 5:
        $path_file = false;
        //download linked file
    //download linked file
    case 6:
        $path_file = getLinkPath($file_id);
        //we want to download a file attached to a system message (this mode performs perm checks)
    //we want to download a file attached to a system message (this mode performs perm checks)
    case 7:
        $path_file = get_upload_file_path($file_id);
        //we want to download from the regular upload-folder (this mode performs perm checks)
    //we want to download from the regular upload-folder (this mode performs perm checks)
        $path_file = get_upload_file_path($file_id);
//replace bad charakters to avoid problems when saving the file
$file_name = prepareFilename(basename(Request::get('file_name')));
if (Request::int('zip') && is_file($path_file)) {
Esempio n. 3
        $open_id = $folder_tree->getParents($open_id);
        $open_id = $open_id[0];

    //wurde Code fuer Loeschen von Dateien ubermittelt (=id+"_fd_"), wird erstmal nachgefragt
    if ($open_cmd == 'fd') {
        $query = "SELECT filename, {$_fullname_sql['full']} AS fullname, username
                  FROM dokumente
                  LEFT JOIN auth_user_md5 USING (user_id)
                  LEFT JOIN user_info USING (user_id)
                  WHERE dokument_id = ?";
        $statement = DBManager::get()->prepare($query);
        $result = $statement->fetch();
        if (getLinkPath($open_id)) {
            $question = createQuestion(sprintf(_('Wollen Sie die Verlinkung zu "%s" von %s wirklich löschen?'), $result['filename'], $result['fullname']), array('open' => $open_id.'_rl_'));
        } else {
            $question = createQuestion(sprintf(_('Wollen Sie die Datei "%s" von %s wirklich löschen?'), $result['filename'], $result['fullname']), array('open' => $open_id.'_rm_'));

    //Loeschen von Dateien im wirklich-ernst Mode
    if ($open_cmd == 'rm') {
        if (delete_document($open_id))
            $msg.="msg§" . _("Die Datei wurde gelöscht") . "§";
            $msg.="error§" . _("Die Datei konnte nicht gelöscht werden") . "§";

    //Loeschen von verlinkten Dateien im wirklich-ernst Mode