<?php require 'functions.php'; require 'config.php'; require 'lib/magpierss/rss_fetch.inc'; // define variables $apptitle = 'pin11870'; $placeholder = 'Localidad'; $btn_search = 'Buscar restaurantes'; $credits = 'experimento realizado por <a href="http://miquelcamps.com" target="_blank">Miquel Camps Orteza</a> con la api de <a href="http://www.11870.com/" target="_blank">11870</a>, <a href="https://developers.google.com/maps/?hl=es" target="_blank">google maps</a>, <a href="http://jquery.com" target="_blank">jquery</a> y <a href="http://masonry.desandro.com/index.html" target="_blank">masonry</a>'; $limit = 50; $items = array(); // geolocation $default = array('lat' => 40.416691, 'lng' => -3.7003453, 'q' => 'Madrid'); list($q, $lat, $lng) = getGeolocation($default); // get results $lat_min = (double) $lat - 0.0036; $lng_min = (double) $lng - 0.0036; $lat_max = (double) $lat + 0.0036; $lng_max = (double) $lng + 0.0036; $tags = str_replace(',', '&tag=', 'restaurante,restaurantes'); $url = 'http://11870.com/api/v1/search?appToken=' . TOKEN_11870 . '&authSign=' . AUTH_11870 . '&count=' . $limit . '&tag=' . $tags . '&tagOp=or&bbox=' . $lng_min . ',' . $lat_min . ',' . $lng_max . ',' . $lat_max; $xml = @fetch_rss($url); if (isset($xml->items) && $xml->items) { foreach ($xml->items as $item) { $item = (object) $item; $items[] = array('img' => str_replace('ps_', 'pl_', $item->link_media), 'title' => utf8_encode($item->title), 'text' => utf8_encode($item->oos['useraddress'] . ', ' . $item->oos['locality'] . ' (' . $item->oos['country'] . ')'), 'url' => $item->link); } } require 'template.php';
/** * Parses an array of peers and applies our filtering * * @param array $peers The array of peers to parse * * @return array */ function parsePeers($peers) { global $config; $to_return = array(); foreach ($peers as $peer) { // Extract IP address for later $peer_addr_array = explode(':', $peer['addr']); $peer_ip = $peer_addr_array[0]; // Continue if peer is 'dark' if ($config['hide_dark_peers'] === true) { if (strcmp($peer_ip, '') == 0 || strpos($peer_ip, '.onion') !== false) { continue; } } // Do geolocation if ($config['geolocate_peer_ip'] === true) { $peer['country'] = getGeolocation($peer_ip, 'geoplugin_countryCode'); } // Override peer addr with IP if ($config['display_peer_port'] === false) { array_pop($peer_addr_array); $peer['addr'] = str_replace(array('[', ']'), '', implode(':', $peer_addr_array)); } $to_return[] = $peer; } return $to_return; }