<? die('don\'t!'); require('includes/global.inc.php'); if ($_GET['a'] == 'rogier') { $sql = "SELECT `id234234sdfsdfwer234234rtt5ete4t6w435r445`, `username` FROM $table[players] ORDER BY id"; $res = mysql_query($sql); while ($rec = mysql_fetch_array($res)) { $galaxy_id = getRandomGalaxyId(); $galaxy_spot = getFreeGalaxySpot($galaxy_id); $sql_update = "UPDATE $table[players] SET `galaxy_id` = '$galaxy_id', `galaxy_spot` = '$galaxy_spot' WHERE `id` = '$rec[id]'"; mysql_query($sql_update) or die(mysql_query()); echo $sql_update.'<br>'; } } else { echo 'hah, no!'; } ?>
} } else { $error = 101; } } if ($do == 'changegalaxy') { $password = secureData($_POST['password']); $sql_checkgal = "SELECT `id`, `x`, `y` FROM $table[galaxy] WHERE `private` = '1' AND `password` = '$password'"; $res_checkgal = mysql_query($sql_checkgal); $num_checkgal = mysql_num_rows($res_checkgal); $rec_checkgal = mysql_fetch_array($res_checkgal); if ($num_checkgal > 0) { if (getFreeGalaxySpot($rec_checkgal['id'])) { $galaxy_spot = getFreeGalaxySpot($rec_checkgal['id']); if ($playerdata['id'] == getGalaxyCommander($playerdata['galaxy_id'])) { $sql_updgalcom = "UPDATE $table[galaxy] SET `commander_id` = '0', `moc_id` = '0', `mow_id` = '0', `moe_id` = '0' WHERE `id` = '$playerdata[galaxy_id]'"; } if ($field = isPlayerMinister($playerdata['id'])) { $sql_updgalcom = "UPDATE $table[galaxy] SET `$field` = '0' WHERE `id` = '$playerdata[galaxy_id]'"; } $playerdata['galaxy_id'] = $rec_checkgal['id']; $playerdata['galaxy_spot'] = $galaxy_spot; $playerdata['res_steel'] -= ($playerdata['res_steel'] * 0.3); $playerdata['res_crystal'] -= ($playerdata['res_crystal'] * 0.3); $playerdata['res_erbium'] -= ($playerdata['res_erbium'] * 0.3); $playerdata['res_titanium'] -= ($playerdata['res_titanium'] * 0.3); $sql_remvotes = "DELETE FROM $table[politics] WHERE `player_id` = '$playerdata[id]' OR `voted_on` = '$playerdata[id]'"; mysql_query($sql_remvotes) or die(mysql_error());
$password = secureData($_POST['password']); $password2 = secureData($_POST['password2']); $email = secureData($_POST['email']); $email2 = secureData($_POST['email2']); if (getIdByUsername($username)) { $msg = '<font color=red>That username is already taken.</font>'; } elseif (getIdByRulername($rulername)) { $msg = '<font color=red>That rulername is already taken.</font>'; } elseif (getIdByPlanetname($planetname)) { $msg = '<font color=red>That planetname is already taken.</font>'; } elseif (getIdByEmail($email)) { $msg = '<font color=red>The email address you\'re trying to use, is already taken.</font>'; } elseif ($password != $password2) { $msg = '<font color=red>The passwords don\'t match!</font>'; } elseif ($email != $email2) { $msg = '<font color=red>The e-mails don\'t match!</font>'; } elseif (!$username || !$planetname || !$password || !$password2 || !$email) { $msg = '<font color=red>Empty fields are not allowed.</font>'; } else { $activation_code = md5($username.time().$email.$secretcode); /* Generate a unique md5 has by using the username, current time, email address and a private code. */ $galaxy_id = getRandomGalaxyId(); if (getFreeGalaxySpot($galaxy_id)) { $galaxy_spot = getFreeGalaxySpot($galaxy_id); } else { $msg = 'Registration failed. Your data was inserted correctly, but the galaxy spot is not right. Contact the crew'; } $password = md5($password); $sql_newplayer = "INSERT INTO `$table[players]` (`username` , `password` , `email` , `activated` , `activation_code` , `rulername`,`planetname` , `galaxy_id` , `galaxy_spot`) VALUES ('$username', '$password', '$email', '0', '$activation_code', '$rulername','$planetname', '$galaxy_id', '$galaxy_spot')"; mysql_query($sql_newplayer) or die(mysql_error()); $msg = '<font color=green>Thank you for registration. You will be redirected to the login page in 3 seconds.<br>You can not login yet, please check your email inbox for the activation e-mail.</font>'; $mail_subject = 'Welcome to Imperial-Battle!'; $mail_body = '<p><font face="Verdana">Hello '.$username.'!</font></p> <p><font face="Verdana">Thank you for signup on this new great game!</font></p> <p><font face="Verdana">Your username is: '.$username.'<br> Your password is: '.$password2.'<br> <br> To activate your account, follow this link: