function threadrelated($relatedcon) { global $db, $db_iftag, $db_threadrelated, $forumset, $fid, $read, $tid, $db_modes, $db_dopen, $db_phopen, $db_share_open, $db_groups_open, $groupid, $timestamp; $relatedb = array(); if (in_array($relatedcon, array('allpost', 'alldigest', 'allhits', 'allreply', 'forumpost', 'forumdigest', 'forumhits', 'forumreply'))) { //require_once(R_P.'require/element.class.php'); //$element = new Element($forumset['relatednums']); $element = L::loadClass('element'); $element->setDefaultNum($forumset['relatednums']); switch ($relatedcon) { case 'allpost': $relatedb = $element->newSubject(); break; case 'alldigest': $relatedb = $element->digestSubject(); break; case 'allhits': $relatedb = $element->hitSort(); break; case 'allreply': $relatedb = $element->replySort(); break; case 'forumpost': $relatedb = $element->newSubject($fid); break; case 'forumdigest': $relatedb = $element->digestSubject($fid); break; case 'forumhits': $relatedb = $element->hitSort($fid); break; case 'forumreply': $relatedb = $element->replySort($fid); break; } } elseif ($relatedcon == 'oinfo') { //继续改进 if ($db_modes['o']['ifopen']) { require_once "require/app_core.php"; $addwhere = ''; if (!$db_dopen) { $addwhere .= " AND type!='diary'"; } if (!$db_phopen) { $addwhere .= " AND type!='photo'"; } if (!$db_share_open) { $addwhere .= " AND type!='share'"; } if (!$db_groups_open) { $addwhere .= " AND type!='colony'"; } $query = $db->query("SELECT type,descrip FROM pw_feed WHERE uid=" . S::sqlEscape($read['authorid']) . $addwhere . " ORDER BY timestamp DESC " . S::sqlLimit(0, $forumset['relatednums'])); while ($rt = $db->fetch_array($query)) { $rt['title'] = parseFeedRead($rt['descrip']); $rt['url'] = USER_URL . "{$read['authorid']}"; unset($rt['type']); $relatedb[] = $rt; } } } elseif (in_array($relatedcon, array('pictags', 'hottags'))) { $tagid = $tagdbs = array(); $endtime = $timestamp - 30 * 24 * 3600; $sql = 'WHERE t.ifcheck=1 AND t.tid !=' . S::sqlEscape($tid) . ' AND t.postdate >=' . S::sqlEscape($endtime); $fidout = array('0'); $query = $db->query("SELECT fid,allowvisit,password FROM pw_forums WHERE type<>'category'"); while ($rt = $db->fetch_array($query)) { $allowvisit = !$rt['allowvisit'] || $rt['allowvisit'] != str_replace(",{$groupid},", '', $rt['allowvisit']) ? true : false; if ($rt['password'] || !$allowvisit) { $fidout[] = $rt['fid']; } } $fidout = S::sqlImplode($fidout); $fidout && ($sql .= " AND fid NOT IN ({$fidout})"); if ($db_iftag) { if ($read['tags'] && $relatedcon == 'pictags') { list($tagdb, $tpc_tag) = explode("\t", $read['tags']); $tagdbs = explode(' ', $tagdb); } elseif ($relatedcon == 'hottags') { //* @include_once (D_P.'data/bbscache/tagdb.php'); extract(pwCache::getData(D_P . "data/bbscache/tagdb.php", false)); $j = 0; foreach ($tagdb as $key => $val) { $j++; if ($j > 5) { break; } $tagdbs[] = $key; } unset($tagdb); } if ($tagdbs) { $query = $db->query("SELECT tagid FROM pw_tags WHERE tagname IN(" . S::sqlImplode($tagdbs) . ')'); while ($rt = $db->fetch_array($query)) { $tagid[] = $rt['tagid']; } } if ($tagid) { $query = $db->query("SELECT t.tid,t.subject FROM pw_tagdata tg LEFT JOIN pw_threads t USING(tid) {$sql} AND tg.tagid IN(" . S::sqlImplode($tagid) . ") GROUP BY tid ORDER BY postdate DESC " . S::sqlLimit(0, $forumset['relatednums'])); while ($rt = $db->fetch_array($query)) { $rt['title'] = $rt['subject']; $rt['url'] = "read.php?tid=" . $rt['tid']; unset($rt['subject']); unset($rt['tid']); $relatedb[] = $rt; } } } } elseif (in_array($relatedcon, array('ownpost', 'owndigest', 'ownhits', 'ownreply'))) { $endtime = $timestamp - 15 * 24 * 3600; $sql = "WHERE ifcheck=1 AND tid !=" . S::sqlEscape($tid) . "AND postdate >=" . S::sqlEscape($endtime) . " AND authorid=" . S::sqlEscape($read['authorid']) . " AND fid>0 "; $orderby = ''; switch ($relatedcon) { case 'ownpost': $orderby .= " ORDER BY postdate DESC"; break; case 'owndigest': $sql .= " AND digest>0"; $orderby .= " ORDER BY postdate DESC"; break; case 'ownhits': $orderby .= " ORDER BY hits DESC"; break; case 'ownreply': $orderby .= " ORDER BY replies DESC"; break; } $query = $db->query("SELECT tid,subject FROM pw_threads FORCE INDEX(" . getForceIndex('idx_postdate') . ") {$sql} {$orderby}" . S::sqlLimit(0, $forumset['relatednums'])); while ($rt = $db->fetch_array($query)) { $rt['title'] = $rt['subject']; $rt['url'] = "read.php?tid=" . $rt['tid']; unset($rt['subject']); unset($rt['tid']); $relatedb[] = $rt; } } return $relatedb; }
$forceIndex = ''; if ($author) { $authorarray = explode(",", $author); foreach ($authorarray as $value) { $value = addslashes(str_replace('*', '%', $value)); $authorwhere .= " OR username LIKE " . S::sqlEscape($value); } $authorwhere = substr_replace($authorwhere, "", 0, 3); $authorids = array(); $query = $db->query("SELECT uid FROM pw_members WHERE {$authorwhere}"); while ($rt = $db->fetch_array($query)) { $authorids[] = $rt['uid']; } if ($authorids) { $sql .= " AND authorid IN(" . S::sqlImplode($authorids) . ")"; $forceIndex = " FORCE INDEX(" . getForceIndex('idx_postdate') . ") "; } else { adminmsg('author_nofind'); } } if ($keyword) { $keyword = trim($keyword); $keywordarray = explode(",", $keyword); foreach ($keywordarray as $value) { $value = str_replace('*', '%', $value); $keywhere .= " OR content LIKE " . S::sqlEscape("%{$value}%"); } $keywhere = substr_replace($keywhere, "", 0, 3); $sql .= " AND ({$keywhere}) "; } if ($userip) {
exit('Forbidden'); } } $sql = $forceindex = ''; if ($fid) { $sql = "WHERE t.fid=" . pwEscape($fid) . " AND ifcheck=1 AND t.ifshield=0\n\t\t\t\t\t\t AND specialsort='0' AND postdate>" . pwEscape($timestamp - 604800) . " \n\t\t\t\t\tORDER BY postdate DESC LIMIT {$Rss_listnum}"; } else { $fids = $extra = ''; $query = $db->query("SELECT fid \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM pw_forums \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE allowvisit='' AND f_type!='hidden' AND password='' AND forumsell=''"); while ($rt = $db->fetch_array($query)) { $fids .= $extra . "'" . $rt['fid'] . "'"; $extra = ','; } if ($fids) { $sql = "WHERE t.fid IN({$fids}) AND ifcheck=1 AND specialsort='0' AND ifshield=0 AND postdate>" . pwEscape($timestamp - 604800) . " \n\t\t\t\t\t\tORDER BY postdate DESC \n\t\t\t\t\t\tLIMIT {$Rss_newnum}"; $forceindex = 'FORCE INDEX (' . getForceIndex('idx_postdate') . ')'; } } $title = $fid ? strip_tags($forum[$fid]['name']) : $db_bbsname; $title = decodeRssHtml($title); $title = xmlEscape($title); $channel = array('title' => $title, 'link' => $db_bbsurl, 'description' => "最新帖子", 'copyright' => "Copyright(C) {$db_bbsname}", 'generator' => "", 'lastBuildDate' => date('r'), 'ttl' => $ttl); $Rss = new Rss(array('xml' => "1.0", 'rss' => "2.0", 'encoding' => $db_charset)); if ($sql) { $query = $db->query("SELECT t.tid,t.fid,t.subject,,t.ifhide,t.postdate,t.anonymous,fe.forumset as forumset \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM pw_threads t {$forceindex} \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN pw_forumsextra fe ON t.fid=fe.fid {$sql}"); $lastPostFlag = true; $threaddbs = array(); while ($threaddb = $db->fetch_array($query)) { $threaddbs[$threaddb[tid]] = $threaddb; } if (S::isArray($threaddbs)) {
function setTidsCache($type) { global $db, $fid, $timestamp, $_filename, $t; $useIndex = ""; $orderby = ''; $where = "WHERE " . ($fid ? " fid= " . pwEscape($fid) : "fid IN (" . getFidsForWap() . ")") . " AND specialsort=0 AND ifcheck=1"; if ($type == 'digest') { $where .= " AND digest>0"; $orderby = "ORDER BY topped DESC,lastpost DESC"; } elseif ($type == 'hot') { $time = (int) 3600 * 24 * 30; if ($t == '1') { $time = (int) 3600 * 24; } elseif ($t == '2') { $time = (int) 3600 * 24 * 3; } elseif ($t == '3') { $time = (int) 3600 * 24 * 7; } elseif ($t == '4') { $time = (int) 3600 * 24 * 30; } $where .= " AND postdate>" . (int) ($timestamp - $time); $orderby = "ORDER BY replies DESC"; } elseif ($type == 'new') { $useIndex = 'USE INDEX (' . getForceIndex('idx_postdate') . ')'; $orderby = "ORDER BY postdate DESC"; } else { $orderby = "ORDER BY specialsort DESC,lastpost DESC"; } $limit = "LIMIT 0,500"; $query = $db->query("SELECT tid FROM pw_threads {$useIndex} {$where} {$orderby} {$limit}"); $result = array(); $result['uptime'] = $timestamp; while ($rt = $db->fetch_array($query)) { $result['tids'] .= $rt['tid'] . ','; } if (is_file($_filename)) { include $_filename; } $tidsCache[$type] = $result; writeover($_filename, "<?php\r\n\$tidsCache=" . pw_var_export($tidsCache) . "\r\n?>"); return $result['tids']; }
if (in_array($value, $currentPostsId)) { $readdb[] = $currentPosts[$value]; } else { $readdb[] = array('postdate' => 'N', 'content' => getLangInfo('bbscode', 'post_deleted')); } } } } else { $start_limit = ($page - 1) * $db_readperpage; if ($page == 1) { $readnum = $db_readperpage - 1; } else { $readnum = $db_readperpage; $start_limit--; } $query = $db->query("SELECT p.*,m.uid,m.groupid,m.userstatus FROM {$pw_posts} p force index(" . getForceIndex('idx_tid') . ") LEFT JOIN pw_members m ON p.authorid=m.uid WHERE p.tid=" . S::sqlEscape($tid) . " AND p.ifcheck='1' ORDER BY p.postdate" . S::sqlLimit($start_limit, $readnum)); while ($read = $db->fetch_array($query)) { $readdb[] = $read; } } $db->free_result($query); } $bandb = isban($readdb, $fid); $start_limit = ($page - 1) * $db_readperpage; foreach ($readdb as $key => $read) { isset($bandb[$read['authorid']]) && ($read['groupid'] = 6); $readdb[$key] = viewread($read, $start_limit++); } function viewread($read, $start_limit) { global $groupid, $admincheck, $attach_url, $attachper, $winduid, $tablecolor, $tpc_author, $tpc_buy, $count, $timestamp, $db_onlinetime, $attachpath, $_G, $readcolorone, $readcolortwo, $lpic, $ltitle, $imgpath, $db_ipfrom, $db_showonline, $stylepath, $db_windpost, $db_windpic, $db_signwindcode, $fid, $tid, $pid, $pic_a, $db_shield, $db_anonymousname;
/** * 获取精华帖 * * @param string $type :无用参数 * @param string $fid * @param int $num * @param int $special * @return array */ function digestSubject($round = 0, $num = 0, $special = 0) { !in_array($special, array(1, 2)) && ($special = 0); $fid = $this->_cookFid($round); $num = intval($num) ? intval($num) : $this->defaultnum; $sqladd = ''; $fid && ($sqladd .= " AND fid IN ({$fid}) "); $sqladd .= $special ? ' AND digest=' . S::sqlEscape($special) : "AND digest>'0'"; $sqladd .= $this->_getBlackList('tid', $GLOBALS['db_tidblacklist']); $sql = "SELECT tid,fid,author,authorid,subject,type,postdate,hits,replies,digest,lastpost FROM pw_threads FORCE INDEX (" . getForceIndex('idx_digest') . ") WHERE ifcheck=1 {$sqladd} AND ifshield != 1 AND locked != 2 ORDER BY tid DESC " . S::sqlLimit($num); $query = $this->db->query($sql); while ($rt = $this->db->fetch_array($query)) { $posts[] = $this->_cookSubjectData($rt); } return $posts; }
/** * get post lists * $type must in array('newsubject','newreply','replysort','hitsort') * * @param string $type * @param int $fid * @param int $num * @param int $hour * @return array */ function getPostList($type, $fid, $num = 0, $hour = 0, $special = 0) { global $db_ptable, $timestamp, $db_tidblacklist; $posttype = array('newsubject', 'newreply', 'replysort', 'hitsort'); if (!in_array($type, $posttype)) { return false; } !$fid && ($fid = getCommonFid()); $num = (int) $num; $hour = (int) $hour; $special = (int) $special; !$num && ($num = $this->cachenum); $time = $hour ? strlen($hour) == 10 ? $hour : $timestamp - intval($hour) * 3600 : 0; $sqladd = ''; if ($type == 'replysort' || $type == 'newsubject') { $forceindex = ''; $special && ($sqladd .= 'AND t.special=' . S::sqlEscape($special)); $sqladd .= $time ? ' AND t.postdate>' . S::sqlEscape($time) : ''; if ($fid) { if (strpos($fid, ',') === false) { $fid = trim($fid, "'"); $sqladd .= " AND t.fid=" . S::sqlEscape($fid, false); if ($type == 'newsubject') { $forumpost = $this->db->get_value("SELECT topic FROM pw_forumdata WHERE fid=" . S::sqlEscape($fid, false)); if ($forumpost < 100) { $forceindex = 'FORCE INDEX(' . getForceIndex('idx_fid_ifcheck_specialsort_lastpost') . ')'; } else { $forceindex = 'FORCE INDEX(' . getForceIndex('idx_postdate') . ')'; } } } else { $sqladd .= " AND t.fid IN ({$fid}) "; if ($type == 'newsubject') { $forceindex = 'FORCE INDEX(' . getForceIndex('idx_postdate') . ')'; } } } $sqladd .= $this->_getBlackList('t.tid', $db_tidblacklist); } else { $sqladd .= $time ? ' AND postdate>' . S::sqlEscape($time) : ''; if ($fid) { if (is_numeric($fid)) { $sqladd .= " AND fid ={$fid} "; } else { $sqladd .= " AND fid IN ({$fid}) "; } } $sqladd .= $this->_getBlackList('tid', $db_tidblacklist); } if ($type == 'newsubject') { if ($this->reality == false) { $sql = "SELECT t.tid AS id,t.postdate AS value FROM pw_threads t {$forceindex} WHERE t.ifcheck=1 AND t.anonymous != 1 AND t.ifshield != 1 AND t.locked != 2 {$sqladd} ORDER BY t.postdate DESC " . S::sqlLimit($num); } else { if ($special == 2) { $sql = "SELECT a.*,t.fid FROM pw_threads t LEFT JOIN pw_activity a ON t.tid=a.tid WHERE t.ifcheck='1' AND t.anonymous != 1 AND t.ifshield != 1 AND t.locked != 2 {$sqladd} ORDER BY t.tid DESC " . S::sqlLimit($num); } elseif ($special == 3) { global $db_moneyname, $db_rvrcname, $db_creditname, $db_currencyname, $_CREDITDB; $cType = array('money' => $db_moneyname, 'rvrc' => $db_rvrcname, 'credit' => $db_creditname, 'currency' => $db_currencyname); foreach ($_CREDITDB as $k => $v) { $cType[$k] = $v[0]; } $sql = "SELECT r.tid,r.cbtype,r.catype,r.cbval,r.caval,r.timelimit,t.fid,,t.authorid,t.subject,t.type,t.postdate,t.hits,t.replies ,t.lastpost FROM pw_threads t LEFT JOIN pw_reward r ON t.tid=r.tid WHERE t.ifcheck='1' AND t.anonymous != 1 AND t.ifshield != 1 AND t.locked != 2 {$sqladd} ORDER BY t.tid DESC " . S::sqlLimit($num); } elseif ($special == 4) { $sql = "SELECT tr.tid,,tr.icon,tr.price,t.fid FROM pw_threads t LEFT JOIN pw_trade tr ON t.tid=tr.tid WHERE t.ifcheck='1' AND t.anonymous != 1 AND t.ifshield != 1 AND t.locked != 2 {$sqladd} ORDER BY t.tid DESC " . S::sqlLimit($num); } else { $sql = "SELECT t.tid,t.fid,,t.authorid,t.subject,t.type,t.postdate,t.hits,t.replies,t.lastpost FROM pw_threads t {$forceindex} WHERE ifcheck=1 AND t.anonymous != 1 AND t.ifshield != 1 AND t.locked != 2 {$sqladd} ORDER BY postdate DESC " . S::sqlLimit($num); } } } elseif ($type == 'newreply') { $pw_posts = GetPtable($db_ptable); $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT tid FROM {$pw_posts} FORCE INDEX(PRIMARY) WHERE ifcheck=1 {$sqladd} ORDER BY pid DESC " . S::sqlLimit($num); $tids = array(); $query = $this->db->query($sql); while ($reply = $this->db->fetch_array($query)) { $tids[] = $reply['tid']; } if ($tids) { if ($this->reality == false) { $sql = "SELECT tid AS id,postdate AS value FROM pw_threads WHERE tid IN(" . S::sqlImplode($tids) . ") AND anonymous != 1 AND ifshield != 1 AND locked != 2 ORDER BY lastpost DESC"; } else { $sql = "SELECT tid,fid,author,authorid,subject,type,postdate,hits,replies,lastpost FROM pw_threads WHERE tid IN(" . S::sqlImplode($tids) . ") AND anonymous != 1 AND ifshield != 1 AND locked != 2 ORDER BY lastpost DESC"; } } else { return false; } } elseif ($type == 'replysort') { if ($this->reality == false) { $sql = "SELECT t.tid AS id,t.replies AS value,t.postdate AS addition FROM pw_threads t WHERE t.ifcheck='1' AND t.replies>0 AND t.ifshield != 1 AND t.locked != 2 {$sqladd} ORDER BY t.replies DESC " . S::sqlLimit($num); } else { if ($special == 2) { $sql = "SELECT a.*,t.fid FROM pw_threads t LEFT JOIN pw_activity a ON t.tid=a.tid WHERE t.ifcheck='1' AND t.replies>0 AND t.ifshield != 1 AND t.locked != 2 {$sqladd} ORDER BY t.replies DESC " . S::sqlLimit($num); } elseif ($special == 3) { global $db_moneyname, $db_rvrcname, $db_creditname, $db_currencyname, $_CREDITDB; $cType = array('money' => $db_moneyname, 'rvrc' => $db_rvrcname, 'credit' => $db_creditname, 'currency' => $db_currencyname); foreach ($_CREDITDB as $k => $v) { $cType[$k] = $v[0]; } $sql = "SELECT r.tid,r.cbtype,r.catype,r.cbval,r.caval,r.timelimit,t.fid,,t.authorid,t.subject,t.type,t.postdate,t.hits,t.replies,t.lastpost FROM pw_threads t LEFT JOIN pw_reward r ON t.tid=r.tid WHERE t.ifcheck='1' AND t.replies>0 AND t.ifshield != 1 AND t.locked != 2 {$sqladd} ORDER BY t.replies DESC " . S::sqlLimit($num); } elseif ($special == 4) { $sql = "SELECT tr.tid,,tr.icon,tr.price,t.fid,t.postdate FROM pw_threads t LEFT JOIN pw_trade tr ON t.tid=tr.tid WHERE t.ifcheck='1' AND t.replies>0 AND t.ifshield != 1 AND t.locked != 2 {$sqladd} ORDER BY t.replies DESC " . S::sqlLimit($num); } else { $sql = "SELECT t.tid,t.fid,,t.authorid,t.subject,t.type,t.postdate,t.hits,t.replies,t.lastpost FROM pw_threads t WHERE t.ifcheck='1' AND t.replies>0 AND t.ifshield != 1 AND t.locked != 2 {$sqladd} ORDER BY t.replies DESC " . S::sqlLimit($num); } } } elseif ($type == 'hitsort') { if ($this->reality == false) { $sql = "SELECT tid AS id,hits AS value,postdate AS addition FROM pw_threads WHERE ifcheck='1' AND hits>0 AND ifshield != 1 AND locked != 2 {$sqladd} ORDER BY hits DESC " . S::sqlLimit($num); } else { $sql = "SELECT tid,fid,author,authorid,subject,type,postdate,hits,replies,lastpost FROM pw_threads WHERE ifcheck='1' AND hits>0 AND ifshield != 1 AND locked != 2 {$sqladd} ORDER BY hits DESC " . S::sqlLimit($num); } } $posts = array(); $query = $this->db->query($sql); while ($post = $this->db->fetch_array($query)) { if ($this->reality == false) { $type != 'newreply' && ($post['special'] = $special); $posts[] = $post; } else { $tem = array(); $tem['url'] = 'read.php?tid=' . $post['tid']; $tem['authorurl'] = 'u.php?uid=' . $post['authorid']; if ($type == 'replysort' || $type == 'newsubject') { if ($special == 2) { $tem['title'] = $post['subject']; $tem['value'] = $post['deadline']; $tem['image'] = ''; } elseif ($special == 3) { $tem['title'] = $post['subject']; $tem['value'] = $cType[$post['cbtype']] . ":" . $post['cbval']; $tem['image'] = ''; } elseif ($special == 4) { $tem['title'] = $post['name']; $tem['value'] = $post['price']; $pic = geturl($post['icon'], 'show', 1); if (is_array($pic)) { $tem['image'] = $pic[0]; } else { $tem['image'] = 'images/noproduct.gif'; } } else { $tem['title'] = $post['subject']; $tem['value'] = $type == 'replysort' ? $post['replies'] : $post['postdate']; $tem['image'] = ''; } } elseif ($type == 'hitsort') { $tem['title'] = $post['subject']; $tem['value'] = $post['hits']; $tem['image'] = ''; } else { $tem['title'] = $post['subject']; $tem['value'] = $post['postdate']; $tem['image'] = ''; } $tem['forumname'] = getForumName($post['fid']); $tem['forumurl'] = getForumUrl($post['fid']); list($tem['topictypename'], $tem['topictypeurl']) = getTopicType($post['type'], $post['fid']); $tem['addition'] = $post; $posts[] = $tem; } } return $posts; }
$sm_num < 1 && ($sm_num = 1000); if ($db_tlist) { $rt = $db->get_one("SELECT MAX(tid) AS mtid FROM pw_threads"); $pw_tmsgs = GetTtable($rt['mtid']); } else { $pw_tmsgs = 'pw_tmsgs'; } $fidoff = array('0'); $query = $db->query("SELECT fid,allowvisit,password,f_type,forumsell FROM pw_forums WHERE type<>'category'"); while ($rt = $db->fetch_array($query)) { if ($rt['f_type'] == 'hidden' || $rt['password'] || $rt['forumsell'] || $rt['allowvisit']) { $fidoff[] = $rt['fid']; } } $sql = $fidoff ? ' fid NOT IN(' . S::sqlImplode($fidoff) . ')' : '1'; $query = $db->query("SELECT t.tid,t.fid,t.subject,t.postdate,t.lastpost,t.hits,t.replies,t.digest,tm.content FROM pw_threads t FORCE INDEX (" . getForceIndex('idx_postdate') . ") LEFT JOIN {$pw_tmsgs} tm ON t.tid=tm.tid WHERE {$sql} ORDER BY t.postdate DESC LIMIT {$sm_num}"); while ($rt = $db->fetch_array($query)) { if ($db_htmifopen) { $link = "{$db_bbsurl}/read{$db_dir}tid-{$rt['tid']}{$db_ext}"; } else { $link = "{$db_bbsurl}/read.php?tid={$rt['tid']}"; } if ($for_google) { $mapinfo .= "\t<url>\r\n\t\t<loc>{$link}</loc>\r\n\t\t<lastmod>" . get_date($rt['lastpost']) . "</lastmod>\r\n\t\t<changefreq>daily</changefreq>\r\n\t\t<priority>0.5</priority>\r\n\t</url>\r\n"; } else { $mapinfo .= "\t<item>\r\n\t\t<link>{$link}</link>\r\n\t\t<title>" . str_replace('&', '&', $rt['subject']) . "</title>\r\n\t\t<pubDate>" . get_date($rt['postdate']) . "</pubDate>\r\n\t\t<bbs:lastDate>" . get_date($rt['lastpost']) . "</bbs:lastDate>\r\n\t\t<bbs:reply>{$rt['replies']}</bbs:reply>\r\n\t\t<bbs:hit>{$rt['hits']}</bbs:hit>\r\n\t\t<bbs:mainLen>" . strlen($rt['content']) . "</bbs:mainLen>\r\n\t\t<bbs:boardid>{$rt['fid']}</bbs:boardid>\r\n\t\t<bbs:pick>{$rt['digest']}</bbs:pick>\r\n\t</item>\r\n"; } } $db_charset == 'gbk' && ($db_charset = 'GB2312'); if ($for_google) { $mapinfo = "<urlset xmlns=\"\">\r\n" . $mapinfo . "</urlset>";