function goEnrolments() { $progroup = db::runQuery("select * from process_group where process_status = '2'", 0, 1); if ($progroup) { foreach ($progroup as $pgr) { $supressInvoiceEmail = "0"; $generateInvoice = "true"; $archiveINvoice = "true"; $Continue = true; //Check if we already have an invoice (Usually due to a failed payment needing to be come back through). $enrCheck = db::runQuery("select * from |process_group| where processgroupID = '{$processgroup}'"); if ($enrCheck) { $enrCheckcur = $enrCheck[0]; if (!$enrCheckcur['GroupInvoiceID'] == "") { db::insertQuery("update |process_group| set process_status = '4' where processgroupID = '{$processgroup}'"); continue; } } if ($pgr['campaign_code'] == "") { $campaignCode = false; $campaignDetails = false; $campaignID = 0; $campaignName = false; $allowOfflinePayments = false; $forceOfflinePayments = false; $dontInvoiceUser = false; $addressToInvoice = false; $contactIDtoInvoice = false; $sendAWFANotice = false; $autoLockandCloseInvoice = true; } else { $campaignCode = $pgr['campaign_code']; $campaignDetails = getCampaignDetails($campaignCode); $campaignID = $campaignDetails['ID']; $campaignName = $campaignDetails['campaignName']; $allowOfflinePayments = $campaignDetails['allowOfflinePayments']; $forceOfflinePayments = $campaignDetails['forceOfflinePayments']; $dontInvoiceUser = $campaignDetails['dontInvoiceUser']; $addressToInvoice = $campaignDetails['addressToInvoice']; $contactIDtoInvoice = $campaignDetails['contactIDtoInvoice']; $sendAWFANotice = $campaignDetails['awfaSendInvoiceNotification']; $autoLockandCloseInvoice = $campaignDetails['awfaAutoLockandCloseInvoice']; if ($autoLockandCloseInvoice == 0) { $autoLockandCloseInvoice = false; } if ($autoLockandCloseInvoice == 1) { $autoLockandCloseInvoice = true; } if ($forceOfflinePayments) { $forceOfflinePayments = true; } else { $forceOfflinePayments = false; } if ($contactIDtoInvoice == "") { $contactIDtoInvoice = false; } } $courseID = $pgr['eventID']; $courseDetails = getEventDetails($courseID); $processgroup = db::esc($pgr['processgroupID']); $contactIDtoInvoice = db::esc($contactIDtoInvoice); $allowOfflinePayments = db::esc($allowOfflinePayments); $forceOfflinePayments = db::esc($forceOfflinePayments); $dontInvoiceUser = db::esc($dontInvoiceUser); $addressToInvoice = db::esc($addressToInvoice); //Create Multi Enrolment $trainees = db::runQuery("select * from process_trainee where processgroupID = '{$processgroup}'"); $primaryContact = ""; $courseInstanceID = ""; $processgroup = ""; $costperperson = $courseDetails['cost']; $subt = getDiscountPrice($campaignCode, $costperperson); $costperperson = $subt; if (!$costperperson == $subt) { $hasdiscount = true; } else { $hasdiscount = false; } echo $costperperson . " ---<br>"; $totalCostCal = 0; if ($trainees) { $contactList = ""; foreach ($trainees as $trn) { if ($contactList == "") { $contactList = $contactList . $trn['contactID']; $primaryContact = $trn['contactID']; $courseInstanceID = $trn['eventID']; $processgroup = $trn['processgroupID']; $processgroup = $trn['processgroupID']; $costperperson = $costperperson; } else { $contactList = $contactList . "," . $trn['contactID']; } $totalCostCal = $totalCostCal + $costperperson; } if ($contactIDtoInvoice != false) { $primaryContact = $contactIDtoInvoice; } $totalCostCal = db::esc($totalCostCal); $primaryContact = db::esc($primaryContact); db::insertQuery("update process_group set totalcost = '{$totalCostCal}', process_status = '3', primaryContactID = '{$primaryContact}', allowOfflinePayments = '{$allowOfflinePayments}', forceOfflinePayments = '{$forceOfflinePayments}', dontInvoiceUser = '******', addressToInvoice = '{$addressToInvoice}', contactIDtoInvoice = '{$contactIDtoInvoice}' where processgroupID = '{$processgroup}'"); //$supressInvoiceEmail = "false"; if ($autoLockandCloseInvoice) { $lockInvoiceItems = "false"; $supressInvoiceEmail = "true"; $generateInvoice = "true"; $archiveINvoice = "false"; } else { $lockInvoiceItems = "true"; $supressInvoiceEmail = "false"; $generateInvoice = "true"; $archiveINvoice = "true"; } if ($hasdiscount) { $supressInvoiceEmail = "true"; //20151211 - AJ - Fix for invoices not auto archiving when they should $lockInvoiceItems = "false"; $supressInvoiceEmail = "true"; $generateInvoice = "true"; $archiveINvoice = "false"; } else { $supressInvoiceEmail = "false"; //20151211 - AJ _ Fix for invoices not auto archiving when the should $lockInvoiceItems = "true"; $supressInvoiceEmail = "false"; $generateInvoice = "true"; $archiveINvoice = "true"; } $enrollVars = array('contactID' => $contactList, 'instanceID' => $courseInstanceID, 'payerID' => $primaryContact, 'type' => 'w', 'generateInvoice' => $generateInvoice, 'suppressEmail' => $supressInvoiceEmail, 'archiveInvoice' => $archiveINvoice, 'lockInvoiceItems' => $lockInvoiceItems); $enrollNow = axcelerate_multienroll($enrollVars, $processgroup); ob_start(); echo "Axcelerate Multi Enrol\n"; var_dump($enrollNow); echo "\n\nvars:\n\n"; var_dump($enrollVars); $extrans_dump = ob_get_clean(); dlog($extrans_dump, false, $processgroup); if (isset($enrollNow->error)) { $enrollIsError = true; $trans['message'] = $enrollNow->MESSAGES; dlog("Enrol-Enrolment: Axcelerate returned error: {$processgroup} - " . $trans['message'], false, $processgroup); markGroupError($processgroup, $trans['message']); die; } $groupInvoiceID = ""; $totalCost = 0; foreach ($enrollNow as $student) { $InvoiceID = db::esc($student->INVOICEID); $ContactID = db::esc($student->CONTACTID); $LearnerID = db::esc($student->LEARNERID); $Amount = db::esc($student->AMOUNT); $totalCost = $totalCost + $student->AMOUNT; if ($ContactID == "") { markGroupError($processgroup, ""); } $groupInvoiceID = $InvoiceID; if (!$sendAWFANotice == "") { //Send a manual invoice flag $sendManualInvoice = "1"; $sendAWFANotice = db::esc($sendAWFANotice); } else { $sendManualInvoice = "0"; } db::insertQuery("update process_trainee set learnerID = '{$LearnerID}', invoiceID = '{$InvoiceID}', sendManualInvoice = '{$sendManualInvoice}', manualInvoiceTo = '{$sendAWFANotice}' where contactID = '{$ContactID}' and processgroupID = '{$processgroup}'"); } if ($forceOfflinePayments == true) { db::insertQuery("update process_group set GroupInvoiceID = '{$groupInvoiceID}', process_status = '4', payment_type = 'offline', primaryContactID = '{$primaryContact}' where processgroupID = '{$processgroup}'"); } else { db::insertQuery("update process_group set GroupInvoiceID = '{$groupInvoiceID}', process_status = '4', primaryContactID = '{$primaryContact}' where processgroupID = '{$processgroup}'"); } if ($sendManualInvoice == "1") { sendManualInvoice($processgroup); } } } } }
/** * Translates the four parameters into a event ID url * * @param project_name : string corresponding to `redcap_projects.app_title` column * @param study_id : string corresponding to `redcap_data.record` column * @param event_name : string corresponding to `redcap_events_metadata.descrip` column * @param page_name : string representing the form name `redcap_events_forms.form_name` * * @return string */ function getUrlForEvent($project_name, $study_id, $event_name, $page_name) { $event_details = getEventDetails($project_name, $study_id, $event_name); $url_data = array('pid' => $event_details['project_id'], 'id' => $study_id, 'page' => $page_name, 'event_id' => $event_details['event_id']); $url = "http://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . "/redcap/redcap_v6.0.5/DataEntry/index.php?" . http_build_query($url_data); return $url; }
function sendBookingConfirmation($bookingID, $instanceID, $enrolVar, $ccEmail = false) { $enrolVar['state'] = getStateFromPostcode($enrolVar['postcode']); //$instanceID = "161835"; $courseDetailObj = getEventDetails($instanceID); $courseDetails['name'] = $courseDetailObj['websiteName']; $courseDetails['date'] = date("l", strtotime($courseDetailObj['courseDate'])) . "<br>" . date("j", strtotime($courseDetailObj['courseDate'])) . "<sup>" . date("S", strtotime($courseDetailObj['courseDate'])) . "</sup> " . date("F Y", strtotime($courseDetailObj['courseDate'])); $courseDetails['date_nb'] = date("l", strtotime($courseDetailObj['courseDate'])) . " " . date("j", strtotime($courseDetailObj['courseDate'])) . "<sup>" . date("S", strtotime($courseDetailObj['courseDate'])) . "</sup> " . date("F Y", strtotime($courseDetailObj['courseDate'])); $courseDetails['time'] = date("g:i a", strtotime($courseDetailObj['startDateTime'])) . " to " . date("g:i a", strtotime($courseDetailObj['endDateTime'])); $courseDetails['location'] = str_replace(", ", "<br>", str_replace("\n", "<br>", $courseDetailObj['StreetAddress'])); $courseDetails['maplink'] = "" . str_replace(" ", "+", str_replace("\n", " ", $courseDetailObj['StreetAddress'])); //var_dump($courseDetails); //die(); $emailKey = sha1(date("r", strtotime("now")) . generateRandomString(5) . $bookingID . $instanceID); //$bookingID = "123456789-123456789"; $viewonlinelink = "" . $emailKey; $livedata = $enrolVar['fname'] . " " . $enrolVar['lname'] . "|" . $enrolVar['email'] . "|" . $bookingID; $livechatURL = "" . base64_encode($livedata); $html = getEmailTemplate("template_CouponEmailConfirmation_generic.htm"); $html = varReplace("bookingID", $bookingID, $html); $html = varReplace("emailviewlink", $viewonlinelink, $html); $html = varReplace("livechatURL", $livechatURL, $html); $html = varReplace("user.firstname", $enrolVar['fname'], $html); $html = varReplace("user.lastname", $enrolVar['lname'], $html); $html = varReplace("user.address", $enrolVar['address'], $html); $html = varReplace("user.suburb", $enrolVar['suburb'], $html); $html = varReplace("user.state", $enrolVar['state'], $html); $html = varReplace("user.postcode", $enrolVar['postcode'], $html); $html = varReplace("", $enrolVar['mobile'], $html); $html = varReplace("", $enrolVar['email'], $html); $html = varReplace("user.orginisation", $enrolVar['workplace'], $html); $html = varReplace("", $courseDetails['name'], $html); $html = varReplace("", $courseDetails['date'], $html); $html = varReplace("course.date_nb", $courseDetails['date_nb'], $html); $html = varReplace("course.time", $courseDetails['time'], $html); $html = varReplace("course.location", $courseDetails['location'], $html); $html = varReplace("course.maplink", $courseDetails['maplink'], $html); $message = $html; $semail = "*****@*****.**"; $sname = "Australia Wide First Aid"; $rname = ""; $priority = "high"; $type = "text/html"; $replysemail = $semail; $fullmessage = ""; //$remail = "*****@*****.**"; $remail = $enrolVar['email']; $subject = "First Aid Course Booking Confirmation - " . $enrolVar['fname'] . " " . $enrolVar['lname'] . " - " . $enrolVar['workplace']; email::logEmail($remail, "", $ccEmail, $subjet, $message, $bookingID, $instanceID, $emailKey); esmtp::sendemail_smtp($remail, $subject, $message, $ccEmail); }
function deleteConfirm($iArea, $iEvent) { $aEventDetails = getEventDetails($iEvent); ?> <form id="frmDelete" name="frmDelete" method="post" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?> "> <input type="hidden" name="area" value="<?php echo $iArea; ?> "> <input type="hidden" name="event" value="<?php echo $iEvent; ?> "> <input type="hidden" name="confirmDelete" value="1"> <input type="submit" name="delete" value="Click here to delete <?php echo $aEventDetails->event_name; ?> " > </form> <?php }
function requestAbsenceButton($eventNo) { $absenceRequest = getAbsenceRequest($eventNo, $_COOKIE['email']); if ($absenceRequest['state'] == 'pending') { return '<td><span class="label label-warning">absence request ' . $absenceRequest['state'] . '</span></td><td><div class="btn">edit request</div></td>'; } if ($absenceRequest['state'] == 'confirmed') { return '<td><span class="label label-success">absence request ' . $absenceRequest['state'] . '</span></td><td></td>'; } if ($absenceRequest['state'] == 'denied') { return '<td><span class="label label-important">absence request ' . $absenceRequest['state'] . '</span></td><td><div class="btn">edit request</div></td>'; } else { $eventDetails = getEventDetails($_SESSION['eventNo']); $callTime = strtotime($eventDetails['callTime']); if ($callTime > time()) { return '<div class="btn">request absence</div>'; } } //print_r($absenceRequest); }
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ // $Id: editEvent.php,v 1.4 2005/10/30 22:37:19 atrommer Exp $ checkUser($_SESSION['USERTYPE'], 2); if (!$_REQUEST['event']) { // throw an error, we need an event to edit accessDenied("Please select an event to edit first!"); } $oEvent = getEventDetails($_REQUEST['event']); doHeader("Editing Event"); ?> <form name="frmAddEvent" action="editSchedDetails.php" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="isSubmit"> <input type="hidden" name="area" value="<?php echo $oEvent->event_area_id; ?> "> <input type="hidden" name="event_id" value="<?php echo $oEvent->event_id; ?> "> <strong>Edit a new event:</strong> <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"> <tr>
$updatequery .= "itItemCost = {$itemcost} "; $updatequery .= "WHERE itItemID = {$iItemID}"; ba_db_query($link, $updatequery); $itemidlist .= "," . $iItemID; } else { $insertquery = "insert into {$db_prefix}items "; $insertquery .= "(itTicket, itMeal, itBunk, itMandatory, itAllowMultiple, itDescription, itAvailability, itAvailableFrom, itAvailableTo, itItemCost, itEventID)"; $insertquery .= " VALUES "; $insertquery .= "({$ticket}, {$meal}, {$bunk}, {$mandatory}, {$allowmultiple}, '{$itemdescription}', '{$availability}', '{$availablefrom}', '{$availableto}',{$itemcost}, {$eventid}) "; ba_db_query($link, $insertquery); } } } } if ($eventid > 0) { $eventinfo = getEventDetails($eventid, 0, 'admin.php'); } ?> <script type="text/javascript" src="../inc/wysiwyg/jquery.wysiwyg.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="../inc/wysiwyg/wysiwyg.image.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="../inc/wysiwyg/"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="../inc/wysiwyg/wysiwyg.table.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $('#txtEventDetails').wysiwyg({ initialContent: "Event Details", controls: { html: { visible : true } } });
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ // $Id: mySchedule.php,v 1.14 2006/02/03 20:24:34 atrommer Exp $ checkUser($_SESSION['USERTYPE'], 1); doHeader("My Schedule"); // get the user's schedule if (isset($_REQUEST['getDesc'])) { // display event description $oEvent = getEventDetails($_REQUEST['getDesc']); ?> <b><?php echo $oEvent->event_name; ?> </b> <br> <span class="contactInfo"><?php echo date("l, F jS, Y", strtotime($oEvent->event_date)); ?> (<?php echo date("g:i a", strtotime($oEvent->event_start)); ?> -
if ($tCount > 0) { $t .= " or "; } $t .= "type='{$type}'"; $tCount++; } $sCount = 0; $s = ""; foreach ($semesters as $semester) { if ($sCount > 0) { $s .= " or "; } $s .= "semester='{$semester}'"; $sCount++; } $sql = "select * from event where ({$t}) AND ({$s}) order by callTime desc"; $events = mysql_query($sql); $html = '<div class="block span5" id="events"><table class="table" id="eventsTable">'; while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($events, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { $eventDetails = getEventDetails($row['eventNo']); $html = $html . ' <tr class="event" id="' . $eventDetails['eventNo'] . '"> <td>' . labelArea($eventDetails['type']) . '</td> <td>' . $eventDetails['name'] . '</td> <td>' . date("l, F d, Y", strtotime($eventDetails["callTime"])) . '</td> <td>' . (strtotime($eventDetails['callTime']) > time() ? buttonArea($row['eventNo'], $eventDetails['type']) : '<span class="label label-inverse">This event is over</span>') . '</td> </tr> '; } echo $html . '</table></div>'; eventExtras();
| | Bitsand is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY | WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS | FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more | details. | | You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with | Bitsand. If not, see <>. +---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ //Do not need login check for this page $bLoginCheck = False; include 'inc/inc_head_db.php'; include 'inc/inc_head_html.php'; include 'inc/inc_commonqueries.php'; $db_prefix = DB_PREFIX; $eventinfo = getEventDetails($_GET['EventID'], 0, 'bookinglist.php'); $eventid = $eventinfo['evEventID']; //Get list of players that have paid $sql = "SELECT plFirstName, " . "plSurname, " . "bkBookAs, " . "chName, chPreferredName, chGroupSel, chGroupText, chFaction, chMonsterOnly, " . "bkDatePaymentConfirmed " . "FROM {$db_prefix}players, {$db_prefix}characters, {$db_prefix}bookings " . "WHERE plPlayerID = chPlayerID " . "AND chPlayerID = bkPlayerID " . "AND bkDatePaymentConfirmed <> '' " . "AND bkDatePaymentConfirmed <> '0000-00-00' " . "AND bkEventID = {$eventid}"; $result = ba_db_query($link, $sql); ?> <script src="inc/sorttable.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <?php echo "<h1>" . TITLE . " - Bookings</h1>\n"; echo "<h2>" . htmlentities($eventinfo['evEventName']) . "</h2>\n"; ?> <form action = 'bookinglist.php' method = 'get'> Select event: <select name = 'EventID'>
| Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later | version. | | Bitsand is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY | WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS | FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more | details. | | You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with | Bitsand. If not, see <>. +---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ include '../inc/inc_head_db.php'; include '../inc/inc_admin.php'; include '../inc/inc_head_html.php'; include '../inc/inc_commonqueries.php'; $eventinfo = getEventDetails($_GET["EventID"], 0, 'admin.php'); ?> <h1><?php echo TITLE; ?> - Manage Event</h1> <p> <a href = 'admin.php'>Admin</a> </p> <h2><?php echo htmlentities(stripslashes($eventinfo['evEventName'])); ?> </h2> <p>
function schedEvent($postData, $iEventID = '') { global $mail; global $host; global $docroot; // take the input vals, call addEvent, and call addAssign // if we have an event_id, we do an update, else, we just add if ($iEventID) { $iEID = $iEventID; // we update the event, delete the currently assigned emps, and re-add the sub'd ones updateEvent($iEventID, sanitizeInput($postData['dDate']), sanitizeInput($postData['dStartTime']), sanitizeInput($postData['dEndTime']), sanitizeInput($postData['area']), sanitizeInput($postData['tbName'])); // now do the delete delAssign($iEventID); } else { // first add the event and get back the eventID $iEID = addEvent(sanitizeInput($postData['dDate']), sanitizeInput($postData['dStartTime']), sanitizeInput($postData['dEndTime']), sanitizeInput($postData['area']), sanitizeInput($postData['tbName'])); } // now we grab the positions for the area // and iterate through the emp lists, adding the assignments $oPositions = getAreaPos($postData['area']); $oEmps = getMyEmployees($_SESSION['USERID']); // grab data for email // get sender details $oSender = getUserVals($_SESSION['USERID']); // get event details $oEventDetails = getEventDetails($iEID); // set up email basics $mail->From = $oSender->user_email; $mail->FromName = $oSender->user_first . ' ' . $oSender->user_last; // if updated event, change subj line if ($iEventID) { $sSubj = "UPDATED: "; } else { $sSubj = ""; } $sSubj .= 'You have been scheduled for ' . $oEventDetails->event_name; $mail->Subject = $sSubj; // the message // handle updated event if ($iEventID) { $sBody = "The following event has been UPDATED!\n"; } else { $sBody = ""; } $sBody .= "You have been scheduled for the following:\n"; $sBody .= "Event Name: " . $oEventDetails->event_name . "\n"; $sBody .= "Event Date: " . date("l, F jS, Y", strtotime($oEventDetails->event_date)) . "\n"; $sBody .= "From: " . date("g:i a", strtotime($oEventDetails->event_start)) . " To: " . date("g:i a", strtotime($oEventDetails->event_end)) . "\n"; $sBody .= "\nPlease see http://" . $host . $docroot . " for more details.\n"; $sBody .= "Thanks, \n" . $oSender->user_first . " " . $oSender->user_last; // append to mail $mail->Body = $sBody; // iterate list $bAssigned = false; // this flag flips once an assignment is made foreach ($oEmps as $Emp) { if ($_POST['rad' . $Emp->user_id]) { $bAssigned = true; // flip the flag addAssign($Emp->user_id, $_POST['rad' . $Emp->user_id], $iEID); $mail->AddAddress($Emp->user_email, $Emp->user_first . " " . $Emp->user_last); } } // now check for curUser assign if ($_POST['rad' . $_SESSION['USERID']]) { addAssign($_SESSION['USERID'], $_POST['rad' . $_SESSION['USERID']], $iEID); } // send mail if checkbox checked and if >= 1 emp assigned if ($postData['chkMail'] && $bAssigned) { // send the mail if (!$mail->Send()) { accessDenied("There has been an error sending mail!"); } $mail->ClearAddresses(); $mail->ClearAttachments(); } return $iEID; }
$newbooking = 1; } //Get event and booking details if ($bookingid > 0) { $bookingsql = "Select * FROM {$db_prefix}bookings inner join {$db_prefix}events on evEventID = bkEventID inner join {$db_prefix}players on plPlayerID = bkPlayerID where bkID = " . $bookingid; } else { $bookingsql = "Select * FROM {$db_prefix}events cross join {$db_prefix}players where evEventID = " . $eventid . " and plPlayerID = " . $playerid; } $result = ba_db_query($link, $bookingsql); $bookinginfo = ba_db_fetch_assoc($result); if ($playerid == 0 && ba_db_num_rows($result) == 0) { $sMsg = "You cannot view this booking"; $sURL = fnSystemURL() . 'admin.php?warn=' . urlencode($sMsg); header("Location: {$sURL}"); } $eventinfo = getEventDetails($bookinginfo['evEventID'], 0); //Delete if (($_POST['btnDelete'] != '' || $_POST['btnDeleteAndRebook'] != '') && CheckReferrer('admin_booking.php')) { if ($_POST['txtConfirm'] == 'CONFIRM') { deleteBooking($bookinginfo['bkID']); if ($_POST['btnDelete'] != '') { $sURL = fnSystemURL() . 'admin_manageevent.php?EventID=' . $bookinginfo['bkEventID']; } else { $sURL = fnSystemURL() . 'admin_booking.php?PlayerID=' . $bookinginfo['bkPlayerID'] . "&EventID=" . $bookinginfo['bkEventID']; } header("Location: {$sURL}"); } } //Update if ($_POST['btnSave'] != '' && CheckReferrer('admin_booking.php')) { $bookas = htmlentities(stripslashes($_POST['cboBookAs']));
<?php require_once 'functions.php'; $userEmail = $_COOKIE['email']; //echo 'post: '.$_POST['id']; if ($_POST['id'] == 'current') { $eventNo = $_SESSION['eventNo']; } else { $eventNo = $_POST['id']; $_SESSION['eventNo'] = $eventNo; } $eventDetails = getEventDetails($eventNo); $html = ' <table class="table no-highlight no-border"> <tr> <td class="eventDetialsKey" style="display:none;">Name:</td> <td style="text-align:right;"><h3 class="eventDetailsValue">' . $eventDetails['name'] . '</h3></td> <td class="eventDetialsKey" style="display:none;">Date:</td> <td><h3><span class="eventDetailsValue">' . date('l F d, Y', strtotime($eventDetails['callTime'])) . '</span></h3></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="eventDetialsKey">Call Time:</td> <td><span class="eventDetailsValue">' . date('g:ia', strtotime($eventDetails['callTime'])) . '</span></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="eventDetialsKey">Release Time:</td> <td><span class="eventDetailsValue">' . date('g:ia', strtotime($eventDetails['releaseTime'])) . '</span></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="eventDetialsKey">Uniform:</td> <td><span class="eventDetailsValue">' . $eventDetails['uniform'] . '</span></td>
function goEnrolments() { $progroup = db::runQuery("select * from process_group where process_status = '2'"); if ($progroup) { foreach ($progroup as $pgr) { $supressInvoiceEmail = "0"; $generateInvoice = "true"; $archiveINvoice = "true"; if ($pgr['campaign_code'] == "") { $campaignCode = false; $campaignDetails = false; $campaignID = 0; $campaignName = false; $allowOfflinePayments = false; $forceOfflinePayments = false; $dontInvoiceUser = false; $addressToInvoice = false; $contactIDtoInvoice = false; } else { $campaignCode = $pgr['campaign_code']; $campaignDetails = getCampaignDetails($campaignCode); $campaignID = $campaignDetails['ID']; $campaignName = $campaignDetails['campaignName']; $allowOfflinePayments = $campaignDetails['allowOfflinePayments']; $forceOfflinePayments = $campaignDetails['forceOfflinePayments']; $dontInvoiceUser = $campaignDetails['dontInvoiceUser']; $addressToInvoice = $campaignDetails['addressToInvoice']; $contactIDtoInvoice = $campaignDetails['contactIDtoInvoice']; if ($forceOfflinePayments) { $forceOfflinePayments = true; } else { $forceOfflinePayments = false; } if ($contactIDtoInvoice == "") { $contactIDtoInvoice = false; } } $courseID = $pgr['eventID']; $courseDetails = getEventDetails($courseID); //var_dump($courseDetails); if ($campaignDetails) { //Course Details $courseCostTotal = intval($courseDetails['cost']); $totalAttend = $pgr['total_trainee']; $courseCostTotal = $courseCostTotal * $totalAttend; if ($campaignDetails['discountType'] == 1) { //Percent Discount $courseCostTotal = $courseCostTotal - $courseCostTotal * ("0." . $campaignDetails['discountAmount']); $manualInvoiceEmailPrice = $courseCostTotal; $customPriceOption = false; $sendManualInvoice = false; } else { if ($campaignDetails['discountType'] == 2) { //Custom Price Override - Location $customPriceOption = 2; $courseCostTotal = courseCustomPriceLookup($customPriceOption, $courseID, $courseCostTotal, $campaignCode); $manualInvoiceEmailPrice = $courseCostTotal; $dontInvoiceUser = true; $sendManualInvoice = true; } else { if ($campaignDetails['discountType'] == 3) { //Custom Price Override - Course $customPriceOption = 3; $courseCostTotal = courseCustomPriceLookup($customPriceOption, $courseID, $courseCostTotal, $campaignCode); //return errorBackResponse($courseCostTotal." - ".$courseID); $manualInvoiceEmailPrice = $courseCostTotal; $dontInvoiceUser = true; $sendManualInvoice = true; } else { //Dollor Amount Discount $courseCostTotal = $courseCostTotal - $campaignDetails['discountAmount']; $manualInvoiceEmailPrice = $courseCostTotal; $customPriceOption = false; $sendManualInvoice = false; } } } //return errorBackResponse("Disc Type: ".$campaignDetails['discountType']); } else { //Course Details $courseCostTotal = intval($courseDetails['cost']); $totalAttend = $pgr['total_trainee']; $courseCostTotal = $courseCostTotal * $totalAttend; $manualInvoiceEmailPrice = $courseCostTotal; } $processgroup = db::esc($pgr['processgroupID']); $contactIDtoInvoice = db::esc($contactIDtoInvoice); $allowOfflinePayments = db::esc($allowOfflinePayments); $forceOfflinePayments = db::esc($forceOfflinePayments); $dontInvoiceUser = db::esc($dontInvoiceUser); $addressToInvoice = db::esc($addressToInvoice); db::insertQuery("update process_group set process_status = '3', primaryContactID = '{$contactIDtoInvoice}', allowOfflinePayments = '{$allowOfflinePayments}', forceOfflinePayments = '{$forceOfflinePayments}', dontInvoiceUser = '******', addressToInvoice = '{$addressToInvoice}', contactIDtoInvoice = '{$contactIDtoInvoice}' where processgroupID = '{$processgroup}'"); //Create Multi Enrolment $trainees = db::runQuery("select * from process_trainee where processgroupID = '{$processgroup}'"); $primaryContact = ""; $courseInstanceID = ""; $processgroup = ""; $costperperson = $courseDetails['cost']; if ($trainees) { $contactList = ""; foreach ($trainees as $trn) { if ($contactList == "") { $contactList = $contactList . $trn['contactID']; $primaryContact = $trn['contactID']; $courseInstanceID = $trn['eventID']; $processgroup = $trn['processgroupID']; $processgroup = $trn['processgroupID']; $costperperson = $trn['cost']; } else { $contactList = $contactList . "," . $trn['contactID']; } } if ($contactIDtoInvoice != false) { $primaryContact = $contactIDtoInvoice; } //contact IDS in list 55555,111211,515456 $supressInvoiceEmail = true; //$generateInvoice = true; $archiveINvoice = false; //$contactInvoiceID = '236951'; $enrollVars = array('contactID' => $contactList, 'instanceID' => $courseInstanceID, 'invoiceID' => $contactInvoiceID, 'payerID' => $primaryContact, 'type' => 'w'); $enrollNow = axcelerate_multienroll($enrollVars, $processgroup); $contactListarr = explode(",", $contactList); $totalCost = 0; foreach ($contactListarr as $contact) { $enrollVarsupdate = array('contactID' => $contact, 'instanceID' => $courseInstanceID, 'payerID' => $primaryContact, 'type' => 'w', 'cost' => $costperperson); $enrollNowupdate = axcelerate_multienrollupdate($enrollVarsupdate, $processgroup); var_dump($enrollNowupdate); $totalCost = $totalCost + $costperperson; } if (isset($enrollNow->error)) { $enrollIsError = true; $trans['message'] = $enrollNow->MESSAGES; dlog("Enrol-Enrolment: Axcelerate returned error: {$processgroup} - " . $trans['message']); markGroupError($processgroup, ""); die; } $groupInvoiceID = ""; $totalCost = 0; foreach ($enrollNow as $student) { $InvoiceID = db::esc($student->INVOICEID); $ContactID = db::esc($student->CONTACTID); $LearnerID = db::esc($student->LEARNERID); $Amount = db::esc($student->AMOUNT); $totalCost = $totalCost + $student->AMOUNT; $groupInvoiceID = $InvoiceID; db::insertQuery("update process_trainee set learnerID = '{$LearnerID}', invoiceID = '{$InvoiceID}' where contactID = '{$ContactID}' and processgroupID = '{$processgroup}'"); } if ($forceOfflinePayments == true) { db::insertQuery("update process_group set GroupInvoiceID = '{$groupInvoiceID}', process_status = '4', totalcost = '{$courseCostTotal}', payment_type = 'offline', primaryContactID = '{$primaryContact}' where processgroupID = '{$processgroup}'"); } else { db::insertQuery("update process_group set GroupInvoiceID = '{$groupInvoiceID}', process_status = '4', totalcost = '{$courseCostTotal}', primaryContactID = '{$primaryContact}' where processgroupID = '{$processgroup}'"); } } } } }
| | Bitsand is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY | WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS | FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more | details. | | You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with | Bitsand. If not, see <>. +---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ include '../inc/inc_head_db.php'; include '../inc/inc_admin.php'; include '../inc/inc_head_html.php'; include '../inc/inc_commonqueries.php'; $db_prefix = DB_PREFIX; $key = CRYPT_KEY; $eventinfo = getEventDetails($_GET['EventID'], 0, 'admin.php'); $eventid = $eventinfo['evEventID']; if ($_POST['btnSubmit'] != '' && CheckReferrer('admin_marshal.php')) { foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) { if (substr($key, 0, 7) == "hPlayer") { $iPlayerID = (int) $value; $refnumber = (int) $_POST["txtRefNumber{$value}"]; $marshal = stripslashes($_POST["cboMarshal{$value}"]); $sql_update = "UPDATE {$db_prefix}players SET plRefNumber = {$refnumber}, plMarshal = '{$marshal}' WHERE plPlayerID = " . $iPlayerID; ba_db_query($link, $sql_update); } } } //Get list of players that have confirmed their booking $sql = "SELECT bkPlayerID, " . "plFirstName, " . "plSurname, " . "bkBookAs, " . "plMarshal, " . "plRefNumber " . "FROM {$db_prefix}players, {$db_prefix}bookings " . "WHERE plPlayerID = bkPlayerID and bkEventID = {$eventid}"; $result = ba_db_query($link, $sql);
function GetBunkAvailability($eventid, $bookingtype, $bunks) { global $link, $today, $db_prefix; $sql = "select ifnull(sum(bkBunkAllocated), 0) as BunksAllocated from {$db_prefix}bookings where bkEventID = {$eventid} "; if ($bookingtype != "All") { $sql .= " and bkBookAs = '{$bookingtype}' "; } $result = ba_db_query($link, $sql); $BookingTypeAvailable = ba_db_fetch_row($result); $BookingTypeCount = $BookingTypeAvailable[0]; if ($BookingTypeCount >= $bunks) { return false; } return true; } $eventinfo = getEventDetails($_GET['EventID'], 1); ?> <script type = 'text/javascript'> <?php if (GetBunkAvailability($eventinfo['evEventID'], "All", $eventinfo['evTotalBunks'])) { if (GetBunkAvailability($eventinfo['evEventID'], "Player", $eventinfo['evPlayerBunks'])) { $playerbunks = 1; } else { $playerbunks = 0; } if (GetBunkAvailability($eventinfo['evEventID'], "Monster", $eventinfo['evMonsterBunks'])) { $monsterbunks = 1; } else { $monsterbunks = 0;
//if(isset($_SESSION['EnrolLocked'])){ if ($_SESSION['EnrolLocked'] == true) { //echo "false"; //die(); } else { $_SESSION['EnrolLocked'] = true; } //} else { $_SESSION['EnrolLocked'] = true; //} // $postVar = $_POST; //var_dump($postVar); //Course ID from the form $courseID = $postVar['courseid']; $courseDetails = getEventDetails($courseID); //var_dump($courseDetails); if ($campaignDetails) { //Course Details $courseCostTotal = intval($courseDetails['cost']); if ($campaignDetails['discountType'] == 1) { //Percent Discount $courseCostTotal = $courseCostTotal - $courseCostTotal * ("0." . $campaignDetails['discountAmount']); $manualInvoiceEmailPrice = $courseCostTotal; $customPriceOption = false; $sendManualInvoice = false; } else { if ($campaignDetails['discountType'] == 2) { //Custom Price Override - Location $customPriceOption = 2; $courseCostTotal = courseCustomPriceLookup($customPriceOption, $courseID, $courseCostTotal, $campaignCode);