function DeleteOneline($C, $d, $sync_arr) { global $table, $date; $_ONELINE = getDbSelect($table['s_oneline'], 'parent=' . $C['uid'], '*'); while ($_O = db_fetch_array($_ONELINE)) { if ($d['comment']['give_opoint'] && $_O['mbruid']) { getDbInsert($table['s_point'], 'my_mbruid,by_mbruid,price,content,d_regis', "'" . $_O['mbruid'] . "','0','-" . $d['comment']['give_opoint'] . "','한줄의견삭제(" . getStrCut(str_replace('&', ' ', strip_tags($_O['content'])), 15, '') . ")환원','" . $date['totime'] . "'"); getDbUpdate($table['s_mbrdata'], 'point=point-' . $d['comment']['give_opoint'], 'memberuid=' . $_O['mbruid']); } } getDbDelete($table['s_oneline'], 'parent=' . $C['uid']); // 댓글 수량 동기화 $sync_arr = explode('|', $R['sync']); $feed_table = $sync_arr[0]; $feed_uid = $sync_arr[1]; getDbUpdate($feed_table, 'oneline=oneline-1', 'uid=' . $feed_uid); }
getLink('', '', '로그인해 주세요.', ''); } $scorelog = '[' . $my['uid'] . ']'; } else { $scorelog = '[' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . ']'; if ($my['uid']) { $scorelog .= '[' . $my['uid'] . ']'; } } $R = getUidData($table[$m . 'data'], $uid); if (!$R['uid']) { getLink('', '', '존재하지 않는 게시물입니다.', ''); } $UT = getDbData($table[$m . 'xtra'], 'parent=' . $R['uid'], '*'); $scoreset = array('good' => 'score1', 'bad' => 'score2'); // 공감,비공감 또는 추천,비추천 등 2개이상의 체크가 가능할 경우 둘중 하나라도 체크했을때 중복을 제한하려면 주석을 풀어주세요. //if (strpos('_'.$UT['score1'],'['.$my['uid'].']') || strpos('_'.$UT['score1'],'['.$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'].']') || strpos('_'.$UT['score2'],'['.$my['uid'].']') || strpos('_'.$UT['score2'],'['.$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'].']')) //{ // getLink('','','이미 반영된 글입니다.',''); //} if (!strpos('_' . $UT[$scoreset[$value]], '[' . $my['uid'] . ']') && !strpos('_' . $UT[$scoreset[$value]], '[' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . ']')) { getDbUpdate($table[$m . 'data'], $scoreset[$value] . '=' . $scoreset[$value] . '+' . $score, 'uid=' . $R['uid']); if (!$UT['parent']) { getDbInsert($table[$m . 'xtra'], 'parent,site,bbs,' . $scoreset[$value], "'" . $R['uid'] . "','" . $s . "','" . $R['bbs'] . "','" . $scorelog . "'"); } else { getDbUpdate($table[$m . 'xtra'], $scoreset[$value] . "='" . $UT[$scoreset[$value]] . $scorelog . "'", 'parent=' . $R['uid']); } } else { getLink('', '', '이미 반영된 글입니다.', ''); } getLink('', '', '반영되었습니다.', '');
//if($U['type']==2) unlink($g['path_file'].$U['folder'].'/'.$U['thumbname']); unlink('./modules/bbs/upload/' . $U['folder'] . '/' . $U['tmpname']); if ($U['type'] == 2) { unlink('./modules/bbs/upload/' . $U['folder'] . '/' . $U['thumbname']); } } } } } //한줄의견삭제 if ($R['oneline']) { $_ONELINE = getDbSelect($table['s_oneline'], 'parent=' . $R['uid'], '*'); while ($_O = db_fetch_array($_ONELINE)) { getDbUpdate($table['s_numinfo'], 'oneline=oneline-1', "date='" . substr($_O['d_regis'], 0, 8) . "' and site=" . $_O['site']); if ($_O['point'] && $_O['mbruid']) { getDbInsert($table['s_point'], 'my_mbruid,by_mbruid,price,content,d_regis', "'" . $_O['mbruid'] . "','0','-" . $_O['point'] . "','한줄의견삭제(" . getStrCut(str_replace('&', ' ', strip_tags($_O['content'])), 15, '') . ")환원','" . $date['totime'] . "'"); getDbUpdate($table['s_mbrdata'], 'point=point-' . $_O['point'], 'memberuid=' . $_O['mbruid']); } } getDbDelete($table['s_oneline'], 'parent=' . $R['uid']); } getDbDelete($table['s_comment'], 'uid=' . $R['uid']); getDbUpdate($table['s_numinfo'], 'comment=comment-1', "date='" . substr($R['d_regis'], 0, 8) . "' and site=" . $R['site']); if ($R['point'] && $R['mbruid']) { getDbInsert($table['s_point'], 'my_mbruid,by_mbruid,price,content,d_regis', "'" . $R['mbruid'] . "','0','-" . $R['point'] . "','댓글삭제(" . getStrCut($R['subject'], 15, '') . ")환원','" . $date['totime'] . "'"); getDbUpdate($table['s_mbrdata'], 'point=point-' . $R['point'], 'memberuid=' . $R['mbruid']); } echo '[RESULT:ok:RESULT]'; ?>
} else { $upfileNum = 1; $name = _LANG('a5002', 'mediaset'); $fileExt = 'mp4'; $mingid = getDbCnt($table['s_upload'], 'min(gid)', ''); $gid = $mingid ? $mingid - 1 : 100000000; $QKEY = "gid,pid,category,hidden,tmpcode,site,mbruid,fileonly,type,ext,fserver,url,folder,name,tmpname,thumbname,size,width,height,alt,caption,description,src,linkto,license,down,d_regis,d_update,sync,linkurl"; $QVAL = "'{$gid}','{$gid}','{$category}','0','{$tmpcode}','{$s}','{$mbruid}','{$_fileonly}','0','{$fileExt}','0','','','{$name}','','','0','0','0','','','','{$src}','0','0','0','{$d_regis}','','',''"; getDbInsert($table['s_upload'], $QKEY, $QVAL); if ($gid == 100000000) { db_query("OPTIMIZE TABLE " . $table['s_upload'], $DB_CONNECT); } } if ($fileonly != 'Y') { if (!getDbRows($table['s_uploadcat'], 'mbruid=' . $my['uid'] . ' and type=2')) { getDbInsert($table['s_uploadcat'], 'gid,site,mbruid,type,hidden,users,name,r_num,d_regis,d_update', "'0','" . $s . "','" . $my['uid'] . "','2','0','','none','0','" . $date['totime'] . "',''"); getDbInsert($table['s_uploadcat'], 'gid,site,mbruid,type,hidden,users,name,r_num,d_regis,d_update', "'1','" . $s . "','" . $my['uid'] . "','2','0','','trash','0','" . $date['totime'] . "',''"); } $_tname = 'uid=' . (int) $category; if (!$category) { $_tname = "name='none'"; } if ($category == -1) { $_tname = "name='trash'"; } getDbUpdate($table['s_uploadcat'], 'r_num=r_num+' . $upfileNum, 'mbruid=' . $my['uid'] . ' and type=2 and ' . $_tname); } if ($link == 'Y') { getLink('reload', 'parent.', '', ''); } exit;
$fileExt = $fileExt == 'jpeg' ? 'jpg' : $fileExt; $userimg = $id . '_' . $imgset[$i] . '.' . $fileExt; $saveFile = $g['dir_module'] . 'var/files/' . $userimg; if (is_uploaded_file($tmpname)) { if (!strstr('[gif][jpg][png][swf]', $fileExt)) { getLink('', '', '헤더/풋터파일은 gif/jpg/png/swf 파일만 등록할 수 있습니다.', ''); } move_uploaded_file($tmpname, $saveFile); @chmod($saveFile, 0707); ${'img' . $imgset[$i]} = $userimg; } } $Ugid = getDbCnt($table[$m . 'list'], 'max(gid)', '') + 1; $QKEY = "gid,id,name,category,num_r,d_last,d_regis,imghead,imgfoot,puthead,putfoot,addinfo,writecode"; $QVAL = "'{$Ugid}','{$id}','{$name}','{$category}','0','','" . $date['totime'] . "','{$imghead}','{$imgfoot}','{$puthead}','{$putfoot}','{$addinfo}','{$writecode}'"; getDbInsert($table[$m . 'list'], $QKEY, $QVAL); $mfile = $g['dir_module'] . 'var/code/' . $id; if (trim($codhead)) { $fp = fopen($mfile . '.header.php', 'w'); fwrite($fp, trim(stripslashes($codhead))); fclose($fp); @chmod($mfile . '.header.php', 0707); } if (trim($codfoot)) { $fp = fopen($mfile . '.footer.php', 'w'); fwrite($fp, trim(stripslashes($codfoot))); fclose($fp); @chmod($mfile . '.footer.php', 0707); } $backUrl = $g['s'] . '/?r=' . $r . '&m=admin&module=' . $m . '&front=makebbs&iframe=Y&uid=' . getDbCnt($table[$m . 'list'], 'max(uid)', ''); }
<?php if (!defined('__KIMS__')) { exit; } if (!$my['uid']) { getLink('', '', '정상적인 접근이 아닙니다.', ''); } $R = getUidData($table[$m . 'data'], $uid); if (!$R['uid']) { getLink('', '', '삭제되었거나 존재하지 않는 게시물입니다.', ''); } $B = getUidData($table[$m . 'list'], $R['bbs']); if (!$B['uid']) { getLink('', '', '존재하지 않는 게시판입니다.', ''); } $mbruid = $my['uid']; $category = $_HM['name'] ? $_HM['name'] : $B['name']; $subject = addslashes($R['subject']); $url = getLinkFilter($g['s'] . '/?' . ($_HS['usescode'] ? 'r=' . $r . '&' : '') . ($c ? 'c=' . $c : 'm=' . $m), array('bid', 'skin', 'iframe')); $d_regis = $date['totime']; if (getDbRows($table['s_scrap'], "mbruid=" . $mbruid . " and url='" . $url . "'")) { getLink('', '', '이미 스크랩된 게시물입니다.', ''); } $_QKEY = 'mbruid,category,subject,url,d_regis'; $_QVAL = "'{$mbruid}','{$category}','{$subject}','{$url}','{$d_regis}'"; getDbInsert($table['s_scrap'], $_QKEY, $_QVAL); getLink('', '', '스크랩 되었습니다.', '');
$marr2 = 0; $sms = 1; $mailing = 1; $smail = 0; $point = 0; $usepoint = 0; $money = 0; $cash = 0; $num_login = 1; $pw_q = ''; $pw_a = ''; $now_log = 0; $last_log = ''; $last_pw = $date['totime']; $is_paper = 0; $d_regis = $date['totime']; $sns = ''; $noticeconf = ''; $num_notice = 0; $addfield = ''; $_QKEY = "memberuid,site,auth,mygroup,level,comp,admin,adm_view,"; $_QKEY .= "email,name,nic,grade,photo,home,sex,birth1,birth2,birthtype,tel1,tel2,zip,"; $_QKEY .= "addr0,addr1,addr2,job,marr1,marr2,sms,mailing,smail,point,usepoint,money,cash,num_login,pw_q,pw_a,now_log,last_log,last_pw,is_paper,d_regis,tmpcode,sns,noticeconf,num_notice,addfield"; $_QVAL = "'{$memberuid}','{$s}','{$auth}','{$mygroup}','{$level}','{$comp}','{$admin}','{$adm_view}',"; $_QVAL .= "'{$email}','{$name}','{$nic}','','{$photo}','{$home}','{$sex}','{$birth1}','{$birth2}','{$birthtype}','{$tel1}','{$tel2}','{$zip}',"; $_QVAL .= "'{$addr0}','{$addr1}','{$addr2}','{$job}','{$marr1}','{$marr2}','{$sms}','{$mailing}','{$smail}','{$point}','{$usepoint}','{$money}','{$cash}','{$num_login}','{$pw_q}','{$pw_a}','{$now_log}','{$last_log}','{$last_pw}','{$is_paper}','{$d_regis}','','{$sns}','{$noticeconf}','{$num_notice}','{$addfield}'"; getDbInsert($table['s_mbrdata'], $_QKEY, $_QVAL); getDbUpdate($table['s_mbrlevel'], 'num=num+1', 'uid=' . $level); getDbUpdate($table['s_mbrgroup'], 'num=num+1', 'uid=' . $mygroup); } getLink('reload', 'parent.', '', '');
} if ($uid) { $R = getUidData($table['s_oneline'], $uid); if (!$R['uid']) { echo '[RESULT:존재하지 않는 한줄의견입니다. :RESULT]'; } if (!$my['admin'] && $my['uid'] != $R['mbruid']) { echo '[RESULT:정상적인 접근이 아닙니다.:RESULT]'; } $QVAL = "hidden='{$hidden}',content='{$content}',html='{$html}',d_modify='{$d_regis}',adddata='{$adddata}'"; getDbUpdate($table['s_oneline'], $QVAL, 'uid=' . $R['uid']); } else { //댓글의 부모글에 한줄의견 수량 추가 $sync_arr = explode('|', $R['sync']); $feed_table = $sync_arr[0]; $feed_uid = $sync_arr[1]; getDbUpdate($feed_table, 'oneline=oneline+1', 'uid=' . $feed_uid); $maxuid = getDbCnt($table['s_oneline'], 'max(uid)', ''); $uid = $maxuid ? $maxuid + 1 : 1; $QKEY = "uid,site,parent,parentmbr,hidden,name,nic,mbruid,id,content,html,report,point,d_regis,d_modify,ip,agent,adddata"; $QVAL = "'{$uid}','{$s}','{$parent}','{$parentmbr}','{$hidden}','{$name}','{$nic}','{$mbruid}','{$id}','{$content}','{$html}','{$report}','{$point}','{$d_regis}','{$d_modify}','{$ip}','{$agent}','{$adddata}'"; getDbInsert($table['s_oneline'], $QKEY, $QVAL); getDbUpdate($table['s_comment'], "oneline=oneline+1,d_oneline='" . $d_regis . "'", 'uid=' . $parent); getDbUpdate($table['s_numinfo'], 'oneline=oneline+1', "date='" . $date['today'] . "' and site=" . $s); if ($point && $my['uid']) { getDbInsert($table['s_point'], 'my_mbruid,by_mbruid,price,content,d_regis', "'" . $my['uid'] . "','0','" . $point . "','한줄의견(" . getStrCut(str_replace('&', ' ', strip_tags($content)), 15, '') . ")포인트','" . $date['totime'] . "'"); getDbUpdate($table['s_mbrdata'], 'point=point+' . $point, 'memberuid=' . $my['uid']); } } echo '[RESULT:ok:RESULT]'; exit;
<?php if (!defined('__KIMS__')) { exit; } checkAdmin(0); // history에 저장 $arrCP = explode(",", $cpnumber); for ($i = 0; $i < count($arrCP); $i++) { //$arrTemp = explode("||", $arrCP[$i]); //if( strlen($arrTemp[0]) == 11 ) // $receiver = substr($arrTemp[0], 0, 3) . "-" . substr($arrTemp[0], 3, 4) . "-" . substr($arrTemp[0], 7, 4); //else // $receiver = substr($arrTemp[0], 0, 3) . "-" . substr($arrTemp[0], 3, 3) . "-" . substr($arrTemp[0], 6, 4); $key = "cp,writer,content,send_date,from_type"; $val = "'" . $arrCP[$i] . "','" . $my['uid'] . "','" . $receiver . "','" . $smsText . "','" . date("YmdHis") . "','batch'"; echo "<script>alert('" . $arrCP[$i] . "');</script>"; getDbInsert($table['smshistory'], $key, $val); } // 전송 getSendSMS("_sms", "sms", $cpnumber, "대량전송(관리자)", $smsText, $xms); // 페이지 이동 getLink($g['s'] . "/?r=" . $r . "&m=sms&a=a_refresh", 'self.', '전송이 완료되었습니다.', ''); //getLink($g['s']."/",'self.','전송이 완료되었습니다.','');
$my['admin'] = 1; $nick = $nick ? $nick : _LANG('a008', 'install'); $sex = $sex ? $sex : 0; $cellphone = $tel_1 && $tel_2 && $tel_3 ? $tel_1 . '-' . $tel_2 . '-' . $tel_3 : ''; $birth1 = $birth_1 ? $birth_1 : 0; $birth2 = $birth_2 && $birth_3 ? $birth_2 . $birth_3 : 0; $QUE = "insert into " . $table['s_mbrdata'] . " \n(memberuid,site,auth,mygroup,level,comp,admin,adm_view,\nemail,name,nic,grade,photo,home,sex,birth1,birth2,birthtype,tel1,tel2,zip,\naddr0,addr1,addr2,job,marr1,marr2,sms,mailing,smail,point,usepoint,money,cash,num_login,pw_q,pw_a,now_log,last_log,last_pw,is_paper,d_regis,tmpcode,sns,noticeconf,num_notice,addfield)\nvalues\n('1','1','1','1','1','0','" . $my['admin'] . "','',\n'" . $email . "','" . $name . "','" . $nick . "','','','','" . $sex . "','" . $birth1 . "','" . $birth2 . "','" . $birthtype . "','','" . $cellphone . "','',\n'','','','','0','0','1','1','0','0','0','0','0','1','" . _LANG('a09', 'install') . "','','1','" . $date['totime'] . "','" . $date['today'] . "','0','" . $date['totime'] . "','','','','0','')"; db_query($QUE, $DB_CONNECT); $groupset = array('A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H'); $i = 0; foreach ($groupset as $_val) { getDbInsert($table['s_mbrgroup'], 'gid,name,num', "'" . $i . "','" . _LANG('a010', 'install') . $_val . "','" . (!$i ? 1 : 0) . "'"); $i++; } for ($i = 1; $i < 101; $i++) { getDbInsert($table['s_mbrlevel'], 'gid,name,num,login,post,comment', "'" . ($i == 20 ? 1 : 0) . "','" . _LANG('a011', 'install') . $i . "','" . ($i == 1 ? 1 : 0) . "','0','0','0'"); } $_tmpdfile = $g['path_module'] . 'admin/var/var.system.php'; include $_tmpdfile; if ($d['admin']['syslang'] != $sitelang) { $d['admin']['syslang'] = $sitelang; $fp = fopen($_tmpdfile, 'w'); fwrite($fp, "<?php\n"); foreach ($d['admin'] as $key => $val) { fwrite($fp, "\$d['admin']['" . $key . "'] = \"" . addslashes(stripslashes($val)) . "\";\n"); } fwrite($fp, "?>"); fclose($fp); @chmod($_tmpdfile, 0707); } setcookie('svshop', $id . '|' . $pw1, time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * 30, '/');
$_QVAL .= "zip='{$zip}',addr0='{$addr0}',addr1='{$addr1}',addr2='{$addr2}',job='{$job}',marr1='{$marr1}',marr2='{$marr2}',sms='{$sms}',mailing='{$mailing}',pw_q='{$pw_q}',pw_a='{$pw_a}',sns='{$sns}',addfield='{$addfield}'"; getDbUpdate($table['s_mbrdata'], $_QVAL, 'memberuid=' . $memberuid); $isCOMP = getDbData($table['s_mbrcomp'], 'memberuid=' . $memberuid, '*'); if ($comp) { $comp_num = $comp_num_1 && $comp_num_2 && $comp_num_3 ? $comp_num_1 . $comp_num_2 . $comp_num_3 : 0; //$comp_type = $comp_type; $comp_name = trim($comp_name); $comp_ceo = trim($comp_ceo); $comp_upte = trim($comp_upte); $comp_jongmok = trim($comp_jongmok); $comp_tel = $comp_tel_1 && $comp_tel_2 ? $comp_tel_1 . '-' . $comp_tel_2 . ($comp_tel_3 ? '-' . $comp_tel_3 : '') : ''; $comp_fax = $comp_fax_1 && $comp_fax_2 && $comp_fax_3 ? $comp_fax_1 . '-' . $comp_fax_2 . '-' . $comp_fax_3 : ''; $comp_zip = $comp_zip_1 . $comp_zip_2; $comp_addr0 = $comp_addr1 && $comp_addr2 ? substr($comp_addr1, 0, 6) : ''; $comp_addr1 = $comp_addr1 && $comp_addr2 ? $comp_addr1 : ''; $comp_addr2 = trim($comp_addr2); $comp_part = trim($comp_part); $comp_level = trim($comp_level); if ($isCOMP['memberuid']) { $_QVAL = "comp_num='{$comp_num}',comp_type='{$comp_type}',comp_name='{$comp_name}',comp_ceo='{$comp_ceo}',comp_upte='{$comp_upte}',comp_jongmok='{$comp_jongmok}',"; $_QVAL .= "comp_tel='{$comp_tel}',comp_fax='{$comp_fax}',comp_zip='{$comp_zip}',comp_addr0='{$comp_addr0}',comp_addr1='{$comp_addr1}',comp_addr2='{$comp_addr2}',comp_part='{$comp_part}',comp_level='{$comp_level}'"; getDbUpdate($table['s_mbrcomp'], $_QVAL, 'memberuid=' . $isCOMP['memberuid']); } else { $_QKEY = "memberuid,comp_num,comp_type,comp_name,comp_ceo,comp_upte,comp_jongmok,"; $_QKEY .= "comp_tel,comp_fax,comp_zip,comp_addr0,comp_addr1,comp_addr2,comp_part,comp_level"; $_QVAL = "'{$memberuid}','{$comp_num}','{$comp_type}','{$comp_name}','{$comp_ceo}','{$comp_upte}','{$comp_jongmok}',"; $_QVAL .= "'{$comp_tel}','{$comp_fax}','{$comp_zip}','{$comp_addr0}','{$comp_addr1}','{$comp_addr2}','{$comp_part}','{$comp_level}'"; getDbInsert($table['s_mbrcomp'], $_QKEY, $_QVAL); } } getLink('reload', 'parent.', '변경되었습니다.', '');
$memberuid = $my['uid']; $url = $g['s'] . '/?r=' . $r . '&m=' . $m . '&module=' . $_addmodule . '&front=' . $_addfront; if (getDbRows($table['s_admpage'], 'memberuid=' . $memberuid . " and url='" . $url . "'")) { getLink('', '', '이미 등록된 북마크입니다.', ''); } $maxgid = getDbCnt($table['s_admpage'], 'max(gid)', 'memberuid=' . $memberuid); $MD = getDbData($table['s_module'], "id='" . $_addmodule . "'", '*'); $varfile = $g['path_module'] . $_addmodule . '/lang.' . $_HS['lang'] . '/admin/var/'; if (is_file($varfile)) { include $varfile; $name = $MD['name'] . ' - ' . $d['amenu'][$_addfront]; } else { $name = $MD['name']; } $gid = $maxgid + 1; getDbInsert($table['s_admpage'], 'memberuid,gid,name,url', "'{$memberuid}','{$gid}','{$name}','{$url}'"); $bookmark_uid = getDbCnt($table['s_admpage'], 'max(uid)', ''); if ($_addmodule == 'admin' && $_addfront == 'bookmark') { getLink('reload', 'parent.', '', ''); } else { ?> <script> parent.getId('_bookmark_star_').className = 'fa fa-lg fa-star rb-star-fill'; parent.getId('_bookmark_notyet_').className = 'btn-group btn-group-sm dropdown hidden'; parent.getId('_bookmark_already_').className = 'btn-group btn-group-sm dropdown'; parent.getId('_add_bookmark_').innerHTML <?php if (getDbRows($table['s_admpage'], 'memberuid=' . $my['uid']) > 1) { ?> +<?php } ?>
<?php if (!defined('__KIMS__')) { exit; } if (!$my['uid']) { getLink('', '', '정상적인 접근이 아닙니다.', ''); } $memberuid = 0; $price = 0; if ($my['admin']) { foreach ($members as $val) { $P = getUidData($table['s_' . $pointType], $val); $price = $price + $P['price']; $memberuid = $P['my_mbruid']; getDbDelete($table['s_' . $pointType], 'uid=' . $P['uid']); } getDbInsert($table['s_' . $pointType], 'my_mbruid,by_mbruid,price,content,d_regis', "'" . $memberuid . "','0','{$price}','내역을 정리하였습니다.','" . $date['totime'] . "'"); } else { foreach ($members as $val) { $P = getUidData($table['s_' . $pointType], $val); $price = $price + $P['price']; getDbDelete($table['s_' . $pointType], 'uid=' . $P['uid'] . ' and my_mbruid=' . $my['uid']); } getDbInsert($table['s_' . $pointType], 'my_mbruid,by_mbruid,price,content,d_regis', "'" . $my['uid'] . "','0','{$price}','내역을 정리하였습니다.','" . $date['totime'] . "'"); } getLink('reload', 'parent.', '', '');
@chmod($g['path_tmp'] . 'out/' . $M['id'] . '.txt', 0707); } //회원탈퇴 if ($act == 'tool_out') { getDbUpdate($table['s_mbrdata'], 'auth=4', 'memberuid=' . $M['memberuid']); } //포인트지급 if ($act == 'give_point') { getDbUpdate($table['s_mbrdata'], $pointType . '=' . $pointType . '+' . $price, 'memberuid=' . $M['memberuid']); getDbInsert($table['s_' . $pointType], 'my_mbruid,by_mbruid,price,content,d_regis', "'" . $M['memberuid'] . "','0','" . $price . "','" . $comment . "','" . $date['totime'] . "'"); } //쪽지전송 if ($act == 'send_paper') { $QKEY = 'parent,my_mbruid,by_mbruid,inbox,content,html,upload,d_regis,d_read'; $QVAL = "'0','" . $M['memberuid'] . "','" . $my['uid'] . "','1','" . $memo . "','{$html}','{$upload}','" . $send_time . "',''"; getDbInsert($table['s_paper'], $QKEY, $QVAL); getDbUpdate($table['s_mbrdata'], 'is_paper=1', 'memberuid=' . $M['memberuid']); } //문자전송 if ($act == 'send_sms') { $frame = "_sms_" . $sms_cnt; $form = "sms" . $sms_cnt; $title = "관리자전송(" . $M['name'] . ")"; getSendSMS($frame, $form, $M['tel2'], $title, $sms); $sms_cnt++; } //메일전송 if ($act == 'send_email') { if ($mailing && !$M['mailing']) { continue; }
$MAXC = getDbCnt($table['s_menu'], 'max(gid)', 'depth=' . ($depth + 1) . ' and parent=' . $parent); $sarr = explode(',', trim($name)); $slen = count($sarr); for ($i = 0; $i < $slen; $i++) { if (!$sarr[$i]) { continue; } $gid = $MAXC + 1 + $i; $xdepth = $depth + 1; $xname = trim($sarr[$i]); $xnarr = explode('=', $xname); $QKEY = "gid,site,isson,parent,depth,id,menutype,mobile,hidden,reject,name,target,redirect,joint,perm_g,perm_l,layout,imghead,imgfoot,addattr,num,d_last,addinfo"; $QVAL = "'{$gid}','{$account}','0','{$parent}','{$xdepth}','{$xnarr['1']}','{$menutype}','{$mobile}','{$hidden}','{$reject}','{$xnarr['0']}','{$target}','{$redirect}','{$joint}','{$perm_g}','{$perm_l}','{$layout}','','','{$addattr}','0','',''"; getDbInsert($table['s_menu'], $QKEY, $QVAL); $lastmenu = getDbCnt($table['s_menu'], 'max(uid)', ''); getDbInsert($table['s_seo'], 'rel,parent,title,keywords,description', "'1','{$lastmenu}','{$title}','{$keywords}','{$description}'"); if (!$redirect && $menutype == 1 && strstr($joint, 'cync=Y')) { $ctarr = getMenuCodeToPath($table['s_menu'], $lastmenu, 0); $catcode = ''; $ctnum = count($ctarr); for ($j = 0; $j < $ctnum; $j++) { $catcode .= $ctarr[$j]['id'] . '/'; } $c = substr($catcode, 0, strlen($catcode) - 1); $joint = str_replace('cync=Y', 'cync=[' . $m . '][c' . $lastmenu . '][,,,][][][c:' . $c . ']', $joint); } if (!$xnarr[1]) { getDbUpdate($table['s_menu'], "id='" . $lastmenu . "',joint='" . $joint . "'", 'uid=' . $lastmenu); } else { $ISMCODE = getDbData($table['s_menu'], "uid<> " . $lastmenu . " and id='" . $xnarr[1] . "' and site=" . $s, '*'); if ($ISMCODE['uid']) {
if ($B['var']['perm_l_down'] > $my['level'] || strstr($B['var']['perm_g_down'], '[' . $my['sosok'] . ']')) { getLink('', '', '다운로드 권한이 없습니다.', '-1'); } } if ($B['var']['point3']) { if (!$my['uid']) { getLink('', '', '다운로드 권한이 없습니다.', '-1'); } $UT = getDbData($table[$cyncArr['data'][0] . 'xtra'], 'parent=' . $AT['uid'], '*'); if (!strpos('_' . $UT['down'], '[' . $my['uid'] . ']') && !strpos('_' . $_SESSION['module_' . $cyncArr['data'][0] . '_dncheck'], '[' . $AT['uid'] . ']')) { if ($confirm == 'Y' && $my['point'] >= $B['var']['point3']) { if (!$my['admin'] && $my['uid'] != $AT['mbruid']) { getDbInsert($table['s_point'], 'my_mbruid,by_mbruid,price,content,d_regis', "'" . $my['uid'] . "','0','-" . $B['var']['point3'] . "','다운로드(" . getStrCut($AT['subject'], 15, '') . ")','" . $date['totime'] . "'"); getDbUpdate($table['s_mbrdata'], 'point=point-' . $B['var']['point3'] . ',usepoint=usepoint+' . $B['var']['point3'], 'memberuid=' . $my['uid']); if (!$UT['parent']) { getDbInsert($table[$cyncArr['data'][0] . 'xtra'], 'parent,site,bbs,down', "'" . $AT['uid'] . "','" . $s . "','" . $AT['bbs'] . "','[" . $my['uid'] . "]'"); } else { getDbUpdate($table[$cyncArr['data'][0] . 'xtra'], "down='" . $UT['down'] . "[" . $my['uid'] . "]'", 'parent=' . $AT['uid']); } } $_SESSION['module_' . $cyncArr['data'][0] . '_dncheck'] = $_SESSION['module_' . $cyncArr['data'][0] . '_dncheck'] . '[' . $AT['uid'] . ']'; getLink('', '', '결제되었습니다. 다운로드 받으세요.', 'close'); } else { getWindow($g['s'] . '/?iframe=Y&r=' . $r . '&m=' . $cyncArr['data'][0] . '&bid=' . $AT['bbsid'] . '&mod=down&dfile=' . $uid . '&uid=' . $AT['uid'], '', 'width=550px,height=350px,status=yes,toolbar=no,scrollbars=no', $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] . '#attach', ''); exit; } } } } $cyncQue = $fdexp[1] . '=' . $fdexp[1] . '+1'; getDbUpdate($cyncArr['data'][3], $cyncQue, $fdexp[0] . '=' . $cyncArr['data'][1]);
} foreach ($_tmptable1 as $key => $val) { fwrite($fp, "\$table['{$key}'] = \"{$val}\";\n"); } fwrite($fp, "?>"); fclose($fp); @chmod($_tmptfile, 0707); } else { if (is_file($table_db . '.done')) { include $table_db . '.done'; } } $maxgid = getDbCnt($_tmptable2['s_module'], 'max(gid)', ''); $QKEY = "gid,system,hidden,mobile,name,id,tblnum,icon,d_regis"; $QVAL = "'" . ($maxgid + 1) . "','0','0','1','" . getFolderName($g['path_tmp'] . 'app/' . $package_folder . '/modules/' . $module) . "','{$module}','" . count($table) . "','kf-module','" . $date['totime'] . "'"; getDbInsert($_tmptable2['s_module'], $QKEY, $QVAL); } closedir($dirh); } //플러그인설치 if (is_dir($g['path_tmp'] . 'app/' . $package_folder . '/plugins')) { $dirh = opendir($g['path_tmp'] . 'app/' . $package_folder . '/plugins'); while (false !== ($filename = readdir($dirh))) { if ($filename == '.' || $filename == '..') { continue; } if (is_dir($g['path_plugin'] . $filename)) { continue; } if (!$d['ov'][$filename]) { $plVersion = '';
<?php if (!defined('__KIMS__')) { exit; } checkAdmin(0); $i = 0; foreach ($sosokmembers as $val) { getDbUpdate($table['s_mbrgroup'], 'gid=' . $i++ . ",name='" . trim(${'name_' . $val}) . "'", 'uid=' . $val); } if ($name) { getDbInsert($table['s_mbrgroup'], 'gid,name,num', "'" . $i . "','" . trim($name) . "','0'"); } getLink('reload', 'parent.', '', '');
getLink('reload', 'parent.', '', ''); } else { $MAXC = getDbCnt($table['s_menu'], 'max(gid)', 'depth=' . ($depth + 1) . ' and parent=' . $parent); $sarr = explode(',', trim($name)); $slen = count($sarr); for ($i = 0; $i < $slen; $i++) { if (!$sarr[$i]) { continue; } $gid = $MAXC + 1 + $i; $xdepth = $depth + 1; $xname = trim($sarr[$i]); $xnarr = explode('=', $xname); $QKEY = "gid,site,isson,parent,depth,id,menutype,mobile,hidden,reject,name,target,redirect,joint,perm_g,perm_l,layout,imghead,imgfoot,puthead,putfoot,num,d_last,addinfo"; $QVAL = "'{$gid}','{$account}','0','{$parent}','{$xdepth}','{$xnarr['1']}','{$menutype}','{$mobile}','{$hidden}','{$reject}','{$xnarr['0']}','{$target}','{$redirect}','{$joint}','{$perm_g}','{$perm_l}','{$layout}','','','','','0','',''"; getDbInsert($table['s_menu'], $QKEY, $QVAL); $lastmenu = getDbCnt($table['s_menu'], 'max(uid)', ''); if (!$redirect && $menutype == 1 && strstr($joint, 'cync=Y')) { $ctarr = getMenuCodeToPath($table['s_menu'], $lastmenu, 0); $catcode = ''; $ctnum = count($ctarr); for ($j = 0; $j < $ctnum; $j++) { $catcode .= $ctarr[$j]['id'] . '/'; } $c = substr($catcode, 0, strlen($catcode) - 1); $joint = str_replace('cync=Y', 'cync=[' . $m . '][c' . $lastmenu . '][,,,][][][c:' . $c . ']', $joint); } if (!$xnarr[1]) { getDbUpdate($table['s_menu'], "id='" . $lastmenu . "',joint='" . $joint . "'", 'uid=' . $lastmenu); } else { $ISMCODE = getDbData($table['s_menu'], "uid<> " . $lastmenu . " and id='" . $xnarr[1] . "' and site=" . $s, '*');
exit; } checkAdmin(0); $name = trim($name); $name = str_replace('http://', '', $name); $name = str_replace('/', '', $name); if ($vtype == 'sub') { $name = $name . $_fdomain; } if ($cat && !$vtype) { $R = getDbData($table['s_domain'], "uid<>" . $cat . " and name='" . $name . "'", '*'); if ($R['uid']) { getLink('', '', _q('This is a domain already has registered.', 'a1001', 'domain'), ''); } getDbUpdate($table['s_domain'], "name='{$name}',site='{$site}'", 'uid=' . $cat); getLink('reload', 'parent.', '', ''); } else { $R = getDbData($table['s_domain'], "name='" . $name . "'", '*'); if ($R['uid']) { getLink('', '', _LANG('a1001', 'domain'), ''); } $MAXC = getDbCnt($table['s_domain'], 'max(gid)', 'depth=' . ($depth + 1) . ' and parent=' . $parent); $gid = $MAXC + 1; $xdepth = $depth + 1; getDbInsert($table['s_domain'], "gid,is_child,parent,depth,name,site", "'{$gid}','0','{$parent}','{$xdepth}','{$name}','{$site}'"); if ($parent) { getDbUpdate($table['s_domain'], 'is_child=1', 'uid=' . $parent); } db_query("OPTIMIZE TABLE " . $table['s_domain'], $DB_CONNECT); getLink($g['s'] . '/?r=' . $r . '&m=admin&module=' . $m . ($parent ? '&cat=' . $parent : '') . ($code ? '&code=' . $code : ''), 'parent.', '', ''); }
getDbUpdate($table['s_tag'], 'hit=hit-1', 'uid=' . $_TAG['uid']); } else { getDbDelete($table['s_tag'], 'uid=' . $_TAG['uid']); } } } } foreach ($_tagarr2 as $_t) { if (!$_t || in_array($_t, $_tagarr1)) { continue; } $_TAG = getDbData($table['s_tag'], 'site=' . $s . " and date='" . $_tagdate . "' and keyword='" . $_t . "'", '*'); if ($_TAG['uid']) { getDbUpdate($table['s_tag'], 'hit=hit+1', 'uid=' . $_TAG['uid']); } else { getDbInsert($table['s_tag'], 'site,date,keyword,hit', "'" . $s . "','" . $_tagdate . "','" . $_t . "','1'"); } } } if ((!$uid || $reply == 'Y') && $snsCallBack && is_file($g['path_module'] . $snsCallBack)) { $xcync = "[][][][][][m:" . $m . ",bid:" . $bbsid . ",uid:" . $NOWUID . "]"; $orignSubject = strip_tags($subject); $orignContent = getStrCut($orignSubject, 60, '..'); $orignUrl = 'http://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . str_replace('./', '/', getCyncUrl($xcync)) . '#CMT'; include_once $g['path_module'] . $snsCallBack; if ($snsSendResult) { getDbUpdate($table[$m . 'data'], "sns='" . $snsSendResult . "'", 'uid=' . $LASTUID); } } include_once $g['dir_module'] . 'theme/_pc/' . $bid . '/_var.php'; // 메일 발송
if ($type == 2) { $thumbname = md5($tmpname) . '.' . $fileExt; $thumbFile = $savePath3 . '/' . $thumbname; ResizeWidth($saveFile, $thumbFile, 150); @chmod($thumbFile, 0707); $IM = getimagesize($saveFile); $width = $IM[0]; $height = $IM[1]; } @chmod($saveFile, 0707); } $mingid = getDbCnt($table['bbsupload'], 'min(gid)', ''); $gid = $mingid ? $mingid - 1 : 100000000; $QKEY = "gid,hidden,tmpcode,site,mbruid,type,ext,fserver,url,folder,name,tmpname,thumbname,size,width,height,caption,down,d_regis,d_update,cync"; $QVAL = "'{$gid}','{$hidden}','{$tmpcode}','{$s}','{$mbruid}','{$type}','{$fileExt}','{$fserver}','{$url}','{$folder}','{$name}','{$tmpname}','{$thumbname}','{$size}','{$width}','{$height}','{$caption}','{$down}','{$d_regis}','{$d_update}','{$cync}'"; getDbInsert($table['bbsupload'], $QKEY, $QVAL); getDbUpdate($table['s_numinfo'], 'upload=upload+1', "date='" . $date['today'] . "' and site=" . $s); $lastuid = getDbCnt($table['bbsupload'], 'max(uid)', ''); $sourcePath = './modules/bbs' . str_replace('..', '', $savePath3); // 소스에 보여주는 패스트 -- 상대경로를 제거한다. $code = '100'; $src = $sourcePath . '/' . $tmpname; $result = array($code, $src, $lastuid); // 이미지 path 및 이미지 uid 값 echo json_encode($result); // 최종적으로 에디터에 넘어가는 값 } else { $code = '200'; $msg = '업로드금지 확장자입니다.'; $result = array($code, $msg); echo json_encode($result);
fclose($fp); @chmod($mfile, 0707); $mfile = $g['path_page'] . $id . '.widget.php'; $fp = fopen($mfile, 'w'); fwrite($fp, ''); fclose($fp); @chmod($mfile, 0707); if ($cachetime) { $fp = fopen($g['path_page'] . $id . '.txt', 'w'); fwrite($fp, $cachetime); fclose($fp); @chmod($g['path_page'] . $id . '.txt', 0707); } $QKEY = "pagetype,ismain,mobile,id,category,name,perm_g,perm_l,layout,joint,hit,sosokmenu,d_regis,d_update"; $QVAL = "'{$pagetype}','{$ismain}','{$mobile}','{$id}','{$category}','{$name}','{$perm_g}','{$perm_l}','{$layout}','{$joint}','{$hit}','{$sosokmenu}','{$d_regis}','{$d_update}'"; getDbInsert($table['s_page'], $QKEY, $QVAL); $lastpage = getDbCnt($table['s_page'], 'max(uid)', ''); if ($pagetype == 1) { $joint = str_replace('cync=Y', 'cync=[' . $m . '][p' . $lastpage . '][,,,][][][mod:' . $id . ']', $joint); getDbUpdate($table['s_page'], "joint='{$joint}'", 'uid=' . $lastpage); } if (!$_HS['startpage'] && $ismain == 1) { getDbUpdate($table['s_site'], 'startpage=' . $lastpage, 'uid=' . $s); } db_query("OPTIMIZE TABLE " . $table['s_page'], $DB_CONNECT); if ($backc == 'user') { $typeset = array(1 => 'module', 2 => 'widget', 3 => 'source'); getLink($g['s'] . '/?r=' . $r . '&iframe=' . $iframe . '&' . $lastpage . '&type=' . $typeset[$pagetype], 'parent.', '', ''); } elseif ($backc == 'add') { getLink($g['s'] . '/?r=' . $r . '&iframe=' . $iframe . '&system=edit.all&type=page', 'parent.', '', ''); } else {
$QVAL = "display='{$display}',hidden='{$hidden}',notice='{$notice}',subject='{$subject}',content='{$content}',html='{$html}',d_modify='{$d_regis}',upload='{$upload}',adddata='{$adddata}'"; getDbUpdate($table['s_comment'], $QVAL, 'uid=' . $R['uid']); } else { $R = getUidData($table[$m . 'data'], $parent); getDbUpdate($table[$m . 'data'], "comment=comment+1,d_comment='" . $date['totime'] . "'", 'uid=' . $R['uid']); $cync = '[' . $m . '][' . $R['uid'] . '][uid,comment,oneline,d_comment][' . $table[$m . 'data'] . '][' . $R['mbruid'] . '][m:' . $m . ',bid:' . $R['bbsid'] . ',uid:' . $R['uid'] . ']'; $minuid = getDbCnt($table['s_comment'], 'min(uid)', ''); $uid = $minuid ? $minuid - 1 : 1000000000; $QKEY = "uid,site,parent,parentmbr,display,hidden,notice,name,nic,mbruid,id,pw,subject,content,html,"; $QKEY .= "hit,down,oneline,score1,score2,report,point,d_regis,d_modify,d_oneline,upload,ip,agent,sync,sns,adddata"; $QVAL = "'{$uid}','{$s}','" . $m . $R['uid'] . "','{$parentmbr}','{$display}','{$hidden}','{$notice}','{$name}','{$nic}','{$mbruid}','{$id}','{$pw}','{$subject}','{$content}','{$html}',"; $QVAL .= "'{$hit}','{$down}','{$oneline}','{$score1}','{$score2}','{$report}','{$point}','{$d_regis}','{$d_modify}','{$d_oneline}','{$upload}','{$ip}','{$agent}','{$cync}','','{$adddata}'"; getDbInsert($table['s_comment'], $QKEY, $QVAL); getDbUpdate($table['s_numinfo'], 'comment=comment+1', "date='" . $date['today'] . "' and site=" . $s); if ($point && $my['uid']) { getDbInsert($table['s_point'], 'my_mbruid,by_mbruid,price,content,d_regis', "'" . $my['uid'] . "','0','" . $point . "','댓글(" . getStrCut($subject, 15, '') . ")포인트','" . $date['totime'] . "'"); getDbUpdate($table['s_mbrdata'], 'point=point+' . $point, 'memberuid=' . $my['uid']); } $_SESSION['xW'] = $uid; if ($snsCallBack && is_file($g['path_module'] . $snsCallBack)) { $xcync = $cync . ',CMT:' . $uid; $orignSubject = strip_tags($subject); $orignContent = getStrCut($orignSubject, 60, '..'); $orignUrl = 'http://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . str_replace('./', '/', getCyncUrl($xcync)) . '#CMT'; include $g['path_module'] . $snsCallBack; if ($snsSendResult) { getDbUpdate($table['s_comment'], "sns='" . $snsSendResult . "'", 'uid=' . $uid); } } } include $theme . 'comment/function.php';
<?php if (!defined('__KIMS__')) { exit; } if (!$my['uid']) { getLink('', '', '정상적인 접근이 아닙니다.', ''); } foreach ($members as $val) { $R = getUidData($table['s_friend'], $val); if (!$R['rel']) { getDbInsert($table['s_friend'], 'rel,my_mbruid,by_mbruid,category,d_regis', "'1','" . $my['uid'] . "','" . $R['my_mbruid'] . "','','" . $date['totime'] . "'"); getDbUpdate($table['s_friend'], 'rel=1', 'uid=' . $R['uid']); } } getLink('reload', 'parent.', '', '');
<?php if (!defined('__KIMS__')) { exit; } checkAdmin(0); $term1 = $year1 . $month1 . $day1 . $hour1 . $min1 . '00'; $term2 = $year2 . $month2 . $day2 . $hour2 . $min2 . '00'; $name = trim(strip_tags($name)); if ($uid) { $QVAL = "hidden='" . $hidden . "',term0='" . $term0 . "',term1='" . $term1 . "',term2='" . $term2 . "',name='" . $name . "',content='" . $content . "',html='" . $html . "',upload='" . $upload . "',center='" . $center . "',"; $QVAL .= "ptop='" . $ptop . "',pleft='" . $pleft . "',width='" . $width . "',height='" . $height . "',scroll='" . $scroll . "',type='" . $type . "',dispage='" . $dispage . "'"; getDbUpdate($table['s_popup'], $QVAL, 'uid=' . $uid); } else { $QKEY = "hidden,term0,term1,term2,name,content,html,upload,center,ptop,pleft,width,height,scroll,type,dispage"; $QVAL = "'{$hidden}','{$term0}','{$term1}','{$term2}','{$name}','{$content}','{$html}','{$upload}','{$center}','{$ptop}','{$pleft}','{$width}','{$height}','{$scroll}','{$type}','{$dispage}'"; getDbInsert($table['s_popup'], $QKEY, $QVAL); } getLink('reload', 'parent.', $alert, $history);
@chmod($mfile . '.php', 0707); $fp = fopen($mfile . '.widget.php', 'w'); fwrite($fp, ''); fclose($fp); @chmod($mfile . '.widget.php', 0707); $_i++; } db_query("insert into " . $table['s_mbrid'] . " (site,id,pw)values('1','{$id}','" . md5($pw1) . "')", $DB_CONNECT); $QUE = "insert into " . $table['s_mbrdata'] . " \n(memberuid,site,auth,sosok,level,comp,admin,adm_view,\nemail,name,nic,grade,photo,home,sex,birth1,birth2,birthtype,tel1,tel2,zip,\naddr0,addr1,addr2,job,marr1,marr2,sms,mailing,smail,point,usepoint,money,cash,num_login,pw_q,pw_a,now_log,last_log,last_pw,is_paper,d_regis,tmpcode,sns,addfield)\nvalues\n('1','1','1','1','1','0','1','',\n'{$email}','{$name}','관리자','','','','0','0','0','0','','','',\n'','','','','0','0','1','1','0','0','0','0','0','1','킴스큐 설치시에 입력한 회원비밀번호는?','{$pw1}','1','" . $date['totime'] . "','" . $date['today'] . "','0','" . $date['totime'] . "','','','')"; db_query($QUE, $DB_CONNECT); $sosokset = array('A그룹', 'B그룹', 'C그룹', 'D그룹', 'E그룹', 'F그룹', 'G그룹', 'H그룹'); $i = 0; foreach ($sosokset as $_val) { getDbInsert($table['s_mbrgroup'], 'gid,name,num', "'" . $i . "','" . $_val . "','" . (!$i ? 1 : 0) . "'"); $i++; } for ($i = 1; $i < 101; $i++) { getDbInsert($table['s_mbrlevel'], 'gid,name,num,login,post,comment', "'" . ($i == 20 ? 1 : 0) . "','레벨" . $i . "','" . ($i == 1 ? 1 : 0) . "','0','0','0'"); } setcookie('svshop', $id . '|' . $pw1, time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * 30, '/'); $_SESSION['mbr_uid'] = 1; $_SESSION['mbr_pw'] = md5($pw1); $fp = fopen($g['path_module'] . 'admin/var/users/' . $id . '.widget.php', 'w'); fwrite($fp, ''); fclose($fp); @chmod($g['path_module'] . 'admin/var/users/' . $id . '.widget.php', 0707); if ($iswpiinstall) { unlink($wpivfile); getLink('./?r=' . $id . '&panel=Y', '', '설치가 완료되었습니다. 홈페이지로 이동합니다.', ''); } getLink('./?r=' . $id . '&panel=Y', 'parent.', '설치가 완료되었습니다. 홈페이지로 이동합니다.', '');
getDbDelete($table[$m . 'xtra'], 'parent=' . $R['uid']); getDbUpdate($table[$m . 'list'], 'num_r=num_r-1', 'uid=' . $R['bbs']); if ($cuid) { getDbUpdate($table['s_menu'], "num='" . getDbCnt($table[$m . 'month'], 'sum(num)', 'site=' . $s . ' and bbs=' . $R['bbs']) . "'", 'uid=' . $cuid); } getDbDelete($table['s_trackback'], "parent='" . $R['bbsid'] . $R['uid'] . "'"); if ($R['point1'] && $R['mbruid']) { getDbInsert($table['s_point'], 'my_mbruid,by_mbruid,price,content,d_regis', "'" . $R['mbruid'] . "','0','-" . $R['point1'] . "','게시물삭제(" . getStrCut($R['subject'], 15, '') . ")환원','" . $date['totime'] . "'"); getDbUpdate($table['s_mbrdata'], 'point=point-' . $R['point1'], 'memberuid=' . $R['mbruid']); } $backUrl = getLinkFilter($g['s'] . '/?' . ($_HS['usescode'] ? 'r=' . $r . '&' : '') . ($c ? 'c=' . $c : 'm=' . $m), array('bid', 'skin', 'iframe', 'cat', 'p', 'sort', 'orderby', 'recnum', 'type', 'where', 'keyword')); getLink($backUrl, 'parent.', '신고건수 누적으로 삭제처리 되었습니다.', $history); } else { getDbUpdate($table[$m . 'data'], 'hidden=1', 'uid=' . $R['uid']); $backUrl = getLinkFilter($g['s'] . '/?' . ($_HS['usescode'] ? 'r=' . $r . '&' : '') . ($c ? 'c=' . $c : 'm=' . $m), array('bid', 'skin', 'iframe', 'cat', 'p', 'sort', 'orderby', 'recnum', 'type', 'where', 'keyword')); getLink($backUrl, 'parent.', '신고건수 누적으로 게시제한처리 되었습니다.', $history); } } else { $UT = getDbData($table[$m . 'xtra'], 'parent=' . $R['uid'], '*'); if (!strpos('_' . $UT['singo'], '[' . $my['uid'] . ']')) { getDbUpdate($table[$m . 'data'], 'singo=singo+1', 'uid=' . $R['uid']); if (!$UT['parent']) { getDbInsert($table[$m . 'xtra'], 'parent,site,bbs,singo', "'" . $R['uid'] . "','" . $s . "','" . $R['bbs'] . "','[" . $my['uid'] . "]'"); } else { getDbUpdate($table[$m . 'xtra'], "singo='[" . $my['uid'] . "]'", 'parent=' . $R['uid']); } getLink('', '', '신고처리 되었습니다.', ''); } else { getLink('', '', '이미 신고하신 게시물입니다.', ''); } }
<?php if (!defined('__KIMS__')) { exit; } checkAdmin(0); foreach ($oneline_members as $val) { $R = getUidData($table['s_oneline'], $val); if (!$R['uid']) { continue; } $C = getUidData($table['s_comment'], $R['parent']); getDbDelete($table['s_oneline'], 'uid=' . $R['uid']); getDbUpdate($table['s_comment'], 'oneline=oneline-1', 'uid=' . $C['uid']); getDbUpdate($table['s_numinfo'], 'oneline=oneline-1', "date='" . substr($R['d_regis'], 0, 8) . "' and site=" . $R['site']); if ($R['point'] && $R['mbruid']) { getDbInsert($table['s_point'], 'my_mbruid,by_mbruid,price,content,d_regis', "'" . $R['mbruid'] . "','0','-" . $R['point'] . "','한줄의견삭제(" . getStrCut(str_replace('&', ' ', strip_tags($R['content'])), 15, '') . ")환원','" . $date['totime'] . "'"); getDbUpdate($table['s_mbrdata'], 'point=point-' . $R['point'], 'memberuid=' . $R['mbruid']); } //동기화 $cyncArr = getArrayString($C['cync']); $fdexp = explode(',', $cyncArr['data'][2]); if ($fdexp[0] && $fdexp[2] && $cyncArr['data'][3]) { getDbUpdate($cyncArr['data'][3], $fdexp[2] . '=' . $fdexp[2] . '-1', $fdexp[0] . '=' . $cyncArr['data'][1]); } } getLink('reload', 'parent.', '', '');
$comp_tel = $comp_tel_1 && $comp_tel_2 ? $comp_tel_1 . '-' . $comp_tel_2 . ($comp_tel_3 ? '-' . $comp_tel_3 : '') : ''; $comp_fax = $comp_fax_1 && $comp_fax_2 && $comp_fax_3 ? $comp_fax_1 . '-' . $comp_fax_2 . '-' . $comp_fax_3 : ''; $comp_zip = $comp_zip_1 . $comp_zip_2; $comp_addr0 = $comp_addr1 && $comp_addr2 ? substr($comp_addr1, 0, 6) : ''; $comp_addr1 = $comp_addr1 && $comp_addr2 ? $comp_addr1 : ''; $comp_addr2 = trim($comp_addr2); $comp_part = trim($comp_part); $comp_level = trim($comp_level); $_QKEY = "memberuid,comp_num,comp_type,comp_name,comp_ceo,comp_upte,comp_jongmok,"; $_QKEY .= "comp_tel,comp_fax,comp_zip,comp_addr0,comp_addr1,comp_addr2,comp_part,comp_level"; $_QVAL = "'{$memberuid}','{$comp_num}','{$comp_type}','{$comp_name}','{$comp_ceo}','{$comp_upte}','{$comp_jongmok}',"; $_QVAL .= "'{$comp_tel}','{$comp_fax}','{$comp_zip}','{$comp_addr0}','{$comp_addr1}','{$comp_addr2}','{$comp_part}','{$comp_level}'"; getDbInsert($table['s_mbrcomp'], $_QKEY, $_QVAL); } if ($point) { getDbInsert($table['s_point'], 'my_mbruid,by_mbruid,price,content,d_regis', "'{$memberuid}','0','{$point}','" . $d['member']['join_pointmsg'] . "','{$d_regis}'"); } //이메일인증 if ($auth == 3 && $d['member']['join_email']) { include_once $g['path_core'] . 'function/email.func.php'; $content = implode('', file($g['dir_module'] . 'doc/_auth.txt')); $content = str_replace('{NAME}', $name, $content); $content = str_replace('{NICK}', $nic, $content); $content = str_replace('{ID}', $id, $content); $content = str_replace('{EMAIL}', $email, $content); $content .= '<a href="' . $g['url_root'] . '/?r=' . $r . '&m=member&a=email_auth&tmpuid=' . $memberuid . '&tmpcode=' . $d_regis . '" style="font-weight:bold;font-size:20px;">[인증요청]</a>'; getSendMail($email . '|' . $name, $d['member']['join_email'] . '|' . $_HS['name'], '[' . $_HS['name'] . ']회원가입 인증요청 메일입니다.', $content, 'HTML'); } if ($auth == 1) { include_once $g['path_core'] . 'function/email.func.php'; if ($d['member']['join_email_send'] && $d['member']['join_email']) {