Esempio n. 1
     * Prints html meta data to be used in the <head> section of a page
    static function getHTMLMetaData()
        global $_zp_gallery, $_zp_galley_page, $_zp_current_album, $_zp_current_image, $_zp_current_zenpage_news, $_zp_current_zenpage_page, $_zp_gallery_page, $_zp_current_category, $_zp_authority, $_zp_conf_vars, $_myFavorites, $htmlmetatags_need_cache, $_zp_page;
        zp_register_filter('image_processor_uri', 'htmlmetatags::ipURI');
        $host = sanitize("http://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']);
        $url = $host . getRequestURI();
        // Convert locale shorttag to allowed html meta format
        $locale = str_replace("_", "-", getUserLocale());
        $canonicalurl = '';
        // generate page title, get date
        $pagetitle = "";
        // for gallery index setup below switch
        $date = strftime(DATE_FORMAT);
        // if we don't have a item date use current date
        $desc = getBareGalleryDesc();
        $thumb = '';
        if (getOption('htmlmeta_sitelogo')) {
            $thumb = getOption('htmlmeta_sitelogo');
        if (getOption('htmlmeta_og-image') || getOption('htmlmeta_twittercard')) {
            $ogimage_width = getOption('htmlmeta_ogimage_width');
            $ogimage_height = getOption('htmlmeta_ogimage_height');
            if (empty($ogimage_width)) {
                $ogimage_width = 1280;
            if (empty($ogimage_height)) {
                $ogimage_height = 900;
        $type = 'article';
        switch ($_zp_gallery_page) {
            case 'index.php':
                $desc = getBareGalleryDesc();
                //$canonicalurl = $host . getGalleryIndexURL();
                $canonicalurl = $host . getPageNumURL($_zp_page);
                $type = 'website';
            case 'album.php':
                $pagetitle = getBareAlbumTitle() . " - ";
                $date = getAlbumDate();
                $desc = getBareAlbumDesc();
                $canonicalurl = $host . getPageNumURL($_zp_page);
                if (getOption('htmlmeta_og-image') || getOption('htmlmeta_twittercard')) {
                    $thumbimg = $_zp_current_album->getAlbumThumbImage();
                    getMaxSpaceContainer($ogimage_width, $ogimage_height, $thumbimg, false);
                    $thumb = $host . html_encode(pathurlencode($thumbimg->getCustomImage(NULL, $ogimage_width, $ogimage_height, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, false, NULL)));
            case 'image.php':
                $pagetitle = getBareImageTitle() . " (" . getBareAlbumTitle() . ") - ";
                $date = getImageDate();
                $desc = getBareImageDesc();
                $canonicalurl = $host . getImageURL();
                if (getOption('htmlmeta_og-image') || getOption('htmlmeta_twittercard')) {
                    $thumb = $host . html_encode(pathurlencode(getCustomSizedImageMaxSpace($ogimage_width, $ogimage_height)));
            case 'news.php':
                if (function_exists("is_NewsArticle")) {
                    if (is_NewsArticle()) {
                        $pagetitle = getBareNewsTitle() . " - ";
                        $date = getNewsDate();
                        $desc = trim(getBare(getNewsContent()));
                        $canonicalurl = $host . $_zp_current_zenpage_news->getLink();
                    } else {
                        if (is_NewsCategory()) {
                            $pagetitle = $_zp_current_category->getTitlelink() . " - ";
                            $date = strftime(DATE_FORMAT);
                            $desc = trim(getBare($_zp_current_category->getDesc()));
                            $canonicalurl = $host . $_zp_current_category->getLink();
                            $type = 'category';
                        } else {
                            $pagetitle = gettext('News') . " - ";
                            $desc = '';
                            $canonicalurl = $host . getNewsIndexURL();
                            $type = 'website';
                    if ($_zp_page != 1) {
                        $canonicalurl .= '/' . $_zp_page;
            case 'pages.php':
                $pagetitle = getBarePageTitle() . " - ";
                $date = getPageDate();
                $desc = trim(getBare(getPageContent()));
                $canonicalurl = $host . $_zp_current_zenpage_page->getLink();
                // for all other possible static custom pages
                $custompage = stripSuffix($_zp_gallery_page);
                $standard = array('contact' => gettext('Contact'), 'register' => gettext('Register'), 'search' => gettext('Search'), 'archive' => gettext('Archive view'), 'password' => gettext('Password required'));
                if (is_object($_myFavorites)) {
                    $standard['favorites'] = gettext('My favorites');
                if (array_key_exists($custompage, $standard)) {
                    $pagetitle = $standard[$custompage] . " - ";
                } else {
                    $pagetitle = $custompage . " - ";
                $desc = '';
                $canonicalurl = $host . getCustomPageURL($custompage);
                if ($_zp_page != 1) {
                    $canonicalurl .= '/' . $_zp_page;
        // shorten desc to the allowed 200 characters if necesssary.
        $desc = html_encode(trim(substr(getBare($desc), 0, 160)));
        $pagetitle = $pagetitle . getBareGalleryTitle();
        // get master admin
        $admin = $_zp_authority->getMasterUser();
        $author = $admin->getName();
        $meta = '';
        if (getOption('htmlmeta_http-equiv-cache-control')) {
            $meta .= '<meta http-equiv="Cache-control" content="' . getOption("htmlmeta_cache_control") . '">' . "\n";
        if (getOption('htmlmeta_http-equiv-pragma')) {
            $meta .= '<meta http-equiv="pragma" content="' . getOption("htmlmeta_pragma") . '">' . "\n";
        if (getOption('htmlmeta_name-keywords')) {
            $meta .= '<meta name="keywords" content="' . htmlmetatags::getMetaKeywords() . '">' . "\n";
        if (getOption('htmlmeta_name-description')) {
            $meta .= '<meta name="description" content="' . $desc . '">' . "\n";
        if (getOption('htmlmeta_name-page-topic')) {
            $meta .= '<meta name="page-topic" content="' . $desc . '">' . "\n";
        if (getOption('htmlmeta_name-robots')) {
            $meta .= '<meta name="robots" content="' . getOption("htmlmeta_robots") . '">' . "\n";
        if (getOption('htmlmeta_name-publisher')) {
            $meta .= '<meta name="publisher" content="' . FULLWEBPATH . '">' . "\n";
        if (getOption('htmlmeta_name-creator')) {
            $meta .= '<meta name="creator" content="' . FULLWEBPATH . '">' . "\n";
        if (getOption('htmlmeta_name-author')) {
            $meta .= '<meta name="author" content="' . $author . '">' . "\n";
        if (getOption('htmlmeta_name-copyright')) {
            $meta .= '<meta name="copyright" content=" (c) ' . FULLWEBPATH . ' - ' . $author . '">' . "\n";
        if (getOption('htmlmeta_name-rights')) {
            $meta .= '<meta name="rights" content="' . $author . '">' . "\n";
        if (getOption('htmlmeta_name-generator')) {
            $meta .= '<meta name="generator" content="Zenphoto ' . ZENPHOTO_VERSION . '">' . "\n";
        if (getOption('htmlmeta_name-revisit-after')) {
            $meta .= '<meta name="revisit-after" content="' . getOption("htmlmeta_revisit_after") . '">' . "\n";
        if (getOption('htmlmeta_name-expires')) {
            $expires = getOption("htmlmeta_expires");
            if ($expires == (int) $expires) {
                $expires = preg_replace('|\\s\\-\\d+|', '', date('r', time() + $expires)) . ' GMT';
            $meta .= '<meta name="expires" content="' . $expires . '">' . "\n";
        // OpenGraph meta
        if (getOption('htmlmeta_og-title')) {
            $meta .= '<meta property="og:title" content="' . $pagetitle . '">' . "\n";
        if (getOption('htmlmeta_og-image') && !empty($thumb)) {
            $meta .= '<meta property="og:image" content="' . $thumb . '">' . "\n";
        if (getOption('htmlmeta_og-description')) {
            $meta .= '<meta property="og:description" content="' . $desc . '">' . "\n";
        if (getOption('htmlmeta_og-url')) {
            $meta .= '<meta property="og:url" content="' . html_encode($url) . '">' . "\n";
        if (getOption('htmlmeta_og-type')) {
            $meta .= '<meta property="og:type" content="' . $type . '">' . "\n";
        // Social network extras
        if (getOption('htmlmeta_name-pinterest')) {
            $meta .= '<meta name="pinterest" content="nopin">' . "\n";
        // dissalow users to pin images on Pinterest
        // Twitter card
        $twittername = getOption('htmlmeta_twittername');
        if (getOption('htmlmeta_twittercard') || !empty($twittername)) {
            $meta .= '<meta property="twitter:creator" content="' . $twittername . '">' . "\n";
            $meta .= '<meta property="twitter:site" content="' . $twittername . '">' . "\n";
            $meta .= '<meta property="twitter:card" content="summary">' . "\n";
            $meta .= '<meta property="twitter:title" content="' . $pagetitle . '">' . "\n";
            $meta .= '<meta property="twitter:description" content="' . $desc . '">' . "\n";
            if (!empty($thumb)) {
                $meta .= '<meta property="twitter:image" content="' . $thumb . '">' . "\n";
        // Canonical url
        if (getOption('htmlmeta_canonical-url')) {
            $meta .= '<link rel="canonical" href="' . $canonicalurl . '">' . "\n";
            if (METATAG_LOCALE_TYPE) {
                $langs = generateLanguageList();
                if (count($langs) != 1) {
                    foreach ($langs as $text => $lang) {
                        $langcheck = zpFunctions::getLanguageText($lang, '-');
                        //	for hreflang we need en-US
                        if ($langcheck != $locale) {
                            switch (METATAG_LOCALE_TYPE) {
                                case 1:
                                    $altlink = seo_locale::localePath(true, $lang);
                                case 2:
                                    $altlink = dynamic_locale::fullHostPath($lang);
                            switch ($_zp_gallery_page) {
                                case 'index.php':
                                    $altlink .= '/';
                                case 'gallery.php':
                                    $altlink .= '/' . _PAGE_ . '/gallery';
                                case 'album.php':
                                    $altlink .= '/' . html_encode($_zp_current_album->name) . '/';
                                case 'image.php':
                                    $altlink .= '/' . html_encode($_zp_current_album->name) . '/' . html_encode($_zp_current_image->filename) . IM_SUFFIX;
                                case 'news.php':
                                    if (function_exists("is_NewsArticle")) {
                                        if (is_NewsArticle()) {
                                            $altlink .= '/' . _NEWS_ . '/' . html_encode($_zp_current_zenpage_news->getTitlelink());
                                        } else {
                                            if (is_NewsCategory()) {
                                                $altlink .= '/' . _NEWS_ . '/' . html_encode($_zp_current_category->getTitlelink());
                                            } else {
                                                $altlink .= '/' . _NEWS_;
                                case 'pages.php':
                                    $altlink .= '/' . _PAGES_ . '/' . html_encode($_zp_current_zenpage_page->getTitlelink());
                                case 'archive.php':
                                    $altlink .= '/' . _ARCHIVE_;
                                case 'search.php':
                                    $altlink .= '/' . _SEARCH_ . '/';
                                case 'contact.php':
                                    $altlink .= '/' . _CONTACT_ . '/';
                                    // for all other possible none standard custom pages
                                    $altlink .= '/' . _PAGE_ . '/' . html_encode($pagetitle);
                            // switch
                            //append page number if needed
                            switch ($_zp_gallery_page) {
                                case 'index.php':
                                case 'album.php':
                                    if ($_zp_page != 1) {
                                        $altlink .= _PAGE_ . '/' . $_zp_page . '/';
                                case 'gallery.php':
                                case 'news.php':
                                    if ($_zp_page != 1) {
                                        $altlink .= '/' . $_zp_page;
                            $meta .= '<link rel="alternate" hreflang="' . $langcheck . '" href="' . $altlink . '">' . "\n";
                        // if lang
                    // foreach
                // if count
            // if option
        // if canonical
        if (!empty($htmlmetatags_need_cache)) {
            $meta .= '<script type="text/javascript">' . "\n";
            $meta .= 'var caches = ["' . implode('","', $htmlmetatags_need_cache) . '"];' . "\n";
            $meta .= '
					window.onload = function() {
						var index,value;
						for (index in caches) {
								value = caches[index];
									cache: false,
									type: "GET",
									url: value
            $meta .= '</script>' . "\n";
        zp_remove_filter('image_processor_uri', 'htmlmetatags::ipURI');
        echo $meta;
Esempio n. 2
 * Prints an image or album statistic slideshow using the {@link  jQuery plugin Galleria}
 * See readme/documentation for usage:
 * Call directly in a template file or codeblock.
 * NOTE: movie and audio files not supported.
 * @param string $type return statistics of either 'images' or 'albums'
 * @param integer $number the number of items to get (images or albums, depending on $type set)
 * @param string $option
 *  	"popular" for the most popular
 *		"latest" for the latest uploaded by id (Discovery)
 * 		"latest-date" for the latest by date
 * 		"latest-mtime" for the latest by mtime
 *   	"latest-publishdate" for the latest by publishdate
 *      "mostrated" for the most voted
 *		"toprated" for the best voted
 *		"latestupdated" for the latest updated
 *		"random" for random order (yes, strictly no statistical order...)
 * @param string $albumfolder foldername of a specific album to pull items from
 * @param bool $collection only if $albumfolder is set: true if you want to get statistics from this album and all of its subalbums
 * @param bool $linkslides true to link to image or album on slide, else click advances slideshow instead
 * @param mixed $autoplay true to autoplay slideshow with interval set in options, false to start with slideshow stopped.  Set integer in milliseconds to autoplay at that interval (Ex. 4000), overriding plugin option set.
 * @param integer $threshold the minimum number of ratings an image must have to be included in the list. (Default 0)
function printGslideshowStatistic($type, $number, $option, $albumfolder = '', $collection = false, $linkslides = true, $autoplay = true, $threshold = 0)
    $data = 'data';
    $embedded = true;
    $forceheight = true;
    $imagenumber = 0;
    $albumtitle = '';
    $returnpath = '';
    require_once SERVERPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . '/' . PLUGIN_FOLDER . '/image_album_statistics.php';
    if ($type == 'album' || $type == 'albums') {
        $albums = getAlbumStatistic($number, $option, $albumfolder);
    } else {
        $images = getImageStatistic($number, $option, $albumfolder, $collection, $threshold);

				var data = [

    if ($type == 'album' || $type == 'albums') {
        $c = 1;
        foreach ($albums as $album) {
            $tempalbum = newAlbum($album['folder']);
            $albumpath = html_encode(rewrite_path("/" . pathurlencode($tempalbum->name), "index.php?album=" . pathurlencode($tempalbum->name)));
            $albumthumb = $tempalbum->getAlbumThumbImage();
            $image = newImage($tempalbum, $albumthumb->filename);
            $ext = isImagePhoto($image);
            if ($ext) {
                echo '{' . "\n";
                echo 'thumb: \'' . getCustomSizedImageMaxSpace(getOption('gslideshow_thumbsize'), getOption('gslideshow_thumbsize')) . '\',' . "\n";
                echo 'image: \'' . getCustomSizedImageMaxSpace(getOption('gslideshow_mediumsize'), getOption('gslideshow_mediumsize')) . '\',' . "\n";
                echo 'big: \'' . getCustomSizedImageMaxSpace(getOption('gslideshow_bigsize'), getOption('gslideshow_bigsize')) . '\',' . "\n";
                echo 'title: \'' . html_encode($tempalbum->getTitle()) . '\',' . "\n";
                $desc = $tempalbum->getDesc();
                $desc = str_replace("\r\n", '<br />', $desc);
                $desc = str_replace("\r", '<br />', $desc);
                echo 'description: \'' . js_encode($desc) . '\',' . "\n";
                echo 'link: \'' . $albumpath . '\'' . "\n";
                if ($c == $number) {
                    echo '}' . "\n";
                } else {
                    echo '},' . "\n";
        echo "\n";
    } else {
        $c = 1;
        foreach ($images as $image) {
            $ext = isImagePhoto($image);
            if ($ext) {
                echo '{' . "\n";
                echo 'thumb: \'' . getCustomSizedImageMaxSpace(getOption('gslideshow_thumbsize'), getOption('gslideshow_thumbsize')) . '\',' . "\n";
                echo 'image: \'' . getCustomSizedImageMaxSpace(getOption('gslideshow_mediumsize'), getOption('gslideshow_mediumsize')) . '\',' . "\n";
                echo 'big: \'' . getCustomSizedImageMaxSpace(getOption('gslideshow_bigsize'), getOption('gslideshow_bigsize')) . '\',' . "\n";
                echo 'title: \'' . html_encode($image->getTitle()) . '\',' . "\n";
                $desc = $image->getDesc();
                $desc = str_replace("\r\n", '<br />', $desc);
                $desc = str_replace("\r", '<br />', $desc);
                echo 'description: \'' . js_encode($desc) . '\',' . "\n";
                echo 'link: \'' . html_encode($image->getLink()) . '\'' . "\n";
                if ($c == $number) {
                    echo '}' . "\n";
                } else {
                    echo '},' . "\n";
        echo "\n";
    printGalleriaRun($data, $linkslides, $autoplay, $embedded, $forceheight, $imagenumber, $albumtitle, $returnpath);
    // needed if the slideshow is for example called directly via album object before the next_album loop on index.php
Esempio n. 3
    static function printSlideShow($heading = true, $speedctl = false, $albumobj = "", $imageobj = "", $width = "", $height = "")
        if (!isset($_POST['albumid']) and !is_object($albumobj)) {
            echo "<div class=\"errorbox\" id=\"message\"><h2>" . gettext("Invalid linking to the slideshow page.") . "</h2></div>";
            echo "</div></body></html>";
        global $_zp_flash_player, $_zp_current_image, $_zp_current_album, $_zp_gallery;
        //getting the image to start with
        if (!empty($_POST['imagenumber']) and !is_object($imageobj)) {
            $imagenumber = $_POST['imagenumber'] - 1;
            // slideshows starts with 0, but zp with 1.
        } elseif (is_object($imageobj)) {
            $imagenumber = imageNumber() - 1;
        } else {
            $imagenumber = 0;
        // set pagenumber to 0 if not called via POST link
        if (isset($_POST['pagenr'])) {
            $pagenumber = sanitize_numeric($_POST['pagenr']);
        } else {
            $pagenumber = 0;
        // getting the number of images
        if (!empty($_POST['numberofimages'])) {
            $numberofimages = sanitize_numeric($_POST['numberofimages']);
        } elseif (is_object($albumobj)) {
            $numberofimages = $albumobj->getNumImages();
        //getting the album to show
        if (!empty($_POST['albumid']) and !is_object($albumobj)) {
            $albumid = sanitize_numeric($_POST['albumid']);
        } elseif (is_object($albumobj)) {
            $albumid = $albumobj->id;
        } else {
            $albumid = -1;
        // setting the image size
        if (!empty($width) and !empty($height)) {
            $width = sanitize_numeric($width);
            $height = sanitize_numeric($height);
        } else {
            $width = getOption("slideshow_width");
            $height = getOption("slideshow_height");
        $option = getOption("slideshow_mode");
        // jQuery Cycle slideshow config
        // get slideshow data
        $gallery = new Gallery();
        if ($albumid <= 0) {
            // search page
            $dynamic = 2;
            $search = new SearchEngine();
            $params = $_POST['preserve_search_params'];
            $images = $search->getImages(0);
            $searchwords = $search->words;
            $searchdate = $search->dates;
            $searchfields = $search->fields;
            $page = $search->page;
            if (empty($_POST['imagenumber'])) {
                $albumq = query_single_row("SELECT title, folder FROM " . prefix('albums') . " WHERE id = " . abs($albumid));
                $album = new Album($gallery, $albumq['folder']);
                $returnpath = getSearchURL($searchwords, $searchdate, $searchfields, $page);
                //$returnpath = rewrite_path('/'.pathurlencode($album->name).'/page/'.$pagenumber,'/index.php?album='.urlencode($album->name).'&page='.$pagenumber);
            } else {
                $returnpath = getSearchURL($searchwords, $searchdate, $searchfields, $page);
            $albumtitle = gettext('Search');
        } else {
            $albumq = query_single_row("SELECT title, folder FROM " . prefix('albums') . " WHERE id = " . $albumid);
            $album = new Album($gallery, $albumq['folder']);
            $albumtitle = $album->getTitle();
            if (!checkAlbumPassword($albumq['folder'], $hint)) {
                echo gettext("This album is password protected!");
            $dynamic = $album->isDynamic();
            $images = $album->getImages(0);
            // return path to get back to the page we called the slideshow from
            if (empty($_POST['imagenumber'])) {
                $returnpath = rewrite_path('/' . pathurlencode($album->name) . '/page/' . $pagenumber, '/index.php?album=' . urlencode($album->name) . '&page=' . $pagenumber);
            } else {
                $returnpath = rewrite_path('/' . pathurlencode($album->name) . '/' . rawurlencode($_POST['imagefile']) . getOption('mod_rewrite_image_suffix'), '/index.php?album=' . urlencode($album->name) . '&image=' . urlencode($_POST['imagefile']));
        // slideshow display section
        switch ($option) {
            case "jQuery":
                $validtypes = array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif', 'png', 'mov', '3gp');
					<script type="text/javascript">
							$(function() {
								var ThisGallery = '<?php 
                echo html_encode($albumtitle);
								var ImageList = new Array();
								var TitleList = new Array();
								var DescList = new Array();
								var ImageNameList = new Array();
								var DynTime=(<?php 
                echo getOption("slideshow_timeout");
) * 1.0;	// force numeric
                for ($imgnr = 0, $cntr = 0, $idx = $imagenumber; $imgnr < $numberofimages; $imgnr++, $idx++) {
                    if ($dynamic) {
                        $filename = $images[$idx]['filename'];
                        $album = new Album($gallery, $images[$idx]['folder']);
                        $image = newImage($album, $filename);
                    } else {
                        $filename = $images[$idx];
                        $image = newImage($album, $filename);
                    $ext = is_valid($filename, $validtypes);
                    if ($ext) {
                        $img = getCustomSizedImageMaxSpace($width, $height);
                        //$img = WEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . '/i.php?a=' . pathurlencode($image->album->name) . '&i=' . urlencode($filename) . '&s=' . $imagesize;
                        echo 'ImageList[' . $cntr . '] = "' . $img . '";' . "\n";
                        echo 'TitleList[' . $cntr . '] = "' . js_encode($image->getTitle()) . '";' . "\n";
                        if (getOption("slideshow_showdesc")) {
                            $desc = $image->getDesc();
                            $desc = str_replace("\r\n", '<br />', $desc);
                            $desc = str_replace("\r", '<br />', $desc);
                            echo 'DescList[' . $cntr . '] = "' . js_encode($desc) . '";' . "\n";
                        } else {
                            echo 'DescList[' . $cntr . '] = "";' . "\n";
                        if ($idx == $numberofimages - 1) {
                            $idx = -1;
                        echo 'ImageNameList[' . $cntr . '] = "' . urlencode($filename) . '";' . "\n";
                echo "\n";
                $numberofimages = $cntr;
								var countOffset = <?php 
                echo $imagenumber;
								var totalSlideCount = <?php 
                echo $numberofimages;
								var currentslide = 2;
								function onBefore(curr, next, opts) {
									//$(next).parent().animate({opacity: 0});

									if (opts.timeout != DynTime) {
										opts.timeout = DynTime;
									if (!opts.addSlide)
									var currentImageNum = currentslide;
									if (currentImageNum == totalSlideCount) {
										opts.addSlide = null;
									var relativeSlot = (currentslide + countOffset) % totalSlideCount;
									if (relativeSlot == 0) {relativeSlot = totalSlideCount;}
									var htmlblock = "<span class='slideimage'><h4><strong>" + ThisGallery + ":</strong> ";
									htmlblock += TitleList[currentImageNum]  + " (" + relativeSlot + "/" + totalSlideCount + ")</h4>";
									htmlblock += "<img src='" + ImageList[currentImageNum] + "'/>";
									htmlblock += "<p class='imgdesc'>" + DescList[currentImageNum] + "</p></span>";

								function onAfter(curr, next, opts){
                if (!isMyALbum($album->name, ALL_RIGHTS)) {
									//Only register at hit count the first time the image is viewed.
									if ($(next).attr( 'viewed') != 1) {
                    echo FULLWEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . '/' . PLUGIN_FOLDER;
                    echo pathurlencode($album->name);
										$(next).attr( 'viewed', 1 );

										$(next).find('img').height() + $(next).find('p').height() + $(next).find('h4').height() + 40
									); //.animate({opacity: 1}, 'normal', 'linear');
									//getOption('slideshow_onafter'); //make it generic
										fx:     '<?php 
                echo getOption("slideshow_effect");
										speed:   <?php 
                echo getOption("slideshow_speed");
										timeout: DynTime,
										next:   '#next',
										prev:   '#prev',
										cleartype: 1,
										before: onBefore,
										after: onAfter
								$('#speed').change(function () {
									DynTime = this.value;
									return false;
								$('#pause').click(function() { $('#slides').cycle('pause'); return false; });
								$('#play').click(function() { $('#slides').cycle('resume'); return false; });
						});	// Documentready()
						<div id="slideshow" align="center">
                // 7/21/08dp
                if ($speedctl) {
                    echo '<div id="speedcontrol">';
                    // just to keep it away from controls for sake of this demo
                    $minto = getOption("slideshow_speed");
                    while ($minto % 500 != 0) {
                        $minto += 100;
                        if ($minto > 10000) {
                        // emergency bailout!
                    $dflttimeout = getOption("slideshow_timeout");
                    /* don't let min timeout = speed */
                    $thistimeout = $minto == getOption("slideshow_speed") ? $minto + 250 : $minto;
                    echo 'Select Speed: <select id="speed" name="speed">';
                    while ($thistimeout <= 60000) {
                        // "around" 1 minute :)
                        echo "<option value={$thistimeout} " . ($thistimeout == $dflttimeout ? " selected='selected'>" : ">") . round($thistimeout / 1000, 1) . " sec</option>";
                        /* put back timeout to even increments of .5 */
                        if ($thistimeout % 500 != 0) {
                            $thistimeout -= 250;
                        $thistimeout += $thistimeout < 1000 ? 500 : ($thistimeout < 10000 ? 1000 : 5000);
                    echo "</select> </div>";
                if (!is_object($albumobj)) {
                    // disable controls if calling the slideshow directly on homepage for example
						<div id="controls">
						<div><span><a href="#" id="prev"
                    echo gettext("Previous");
"></a></span> <a
                    echo $returnpath;
" id="stop"
                    echo gettext("Stop and return to album or image page");
						<a href="#" id="pause"
                    echo gettext("Pause (to stop the slideshow without returning)");
						<a href="#" id="play" title="<?php 
                    echo gettext("Play");
"></a> <a
							href="#" id="next" title="<?php 
                    echo gettext("Next");
						<div id="slides" class="pics">
                if ($cntr > 1) {
                    $cntr = 1;
                for ($imgnr = 0, $idx = $imagenumber; $imgnr <= $cntr; $idx++) {
                    if ($idx >= $numberofimages) {
                        $idx = 0;
                    if ($dynamic) {
                        $folder = $images[$idx]['folder'];
                        $dalbum = new Album($gallery, $folder);
                        $filename = $images[$idx]['filename'];
                        $image = newImage($dalbum, $filename);
                        $imagepath = FULLWEBPATH . getAlbumFolder('') . pathurlencode($folder) . "/" . urlencode($filename);
                    } else {
                        $folder = $album->name;
                        $filename = $images[$idx];
                        //$filename = $animage;
                        $image = newImage($album, $filename);
                        $imagepath = FULLWEBPATH . getAlbumFolder('') . pathurlencode($folder) . "/" . urlencode($filename);
                    $ext = is_valid($filename, $validtypes);
                    if ($ext) {
                        echo "<span class='slideimage'><h4><strong>" . $albumtitle . gettext(":") . "</strong> " . $image->getTitle() . " (" . ($idx + 1) . "/" . $numberofimages . ")</h4>";
                        if ($ext == "3gp") {
                            echo '</a>
												<object classid="clsid:02BF25D5-8C17-4B23-BC80-D3488ABDDC6B" width="352" height="304" codebase="">
												<param name="src" value="' . $imagepath . '"/>
												<param name="autoplay" value="false" />
												<param name="type" value="video/quicktime" />
												<param name="controller" value="true" />
												<embed src="' . $imagepath . '" width="352" height="304" autoplay="false" controller"true" type="video/quicktime"
												pluginspage="" cache="true"></embed>
                        } elseif ($ext == "mov") {
                            echo '</a>
									 			<object classid="clsid:02BF25D5-8C17-4B23-BC80-D3488ABDDC6B" width="640" height="496" codebase="">
										 		<param name="src" value="' . $imagepath . '"/>
										 		<param name="autoplay" value="false" />
										 		<param name="type" value="video/quicktime" />
										 		<param name="controller" value="true" />
										 		<embed src="' . $imagepath . '" width="640" height="496" autoplay="false" controller"true" type="video/quicktime"
										 		pluginspage="" cache="true"></embed>
                        } else {
                            printCustomSizedImageMaxSpace($alt = '', $width, $height, NULL, NULL, false);
                            //echo "<img src='".WEBPATH."/".ZENFOLDER."/i.php?a=".urlencode($folder)."&i=".urlencode($filename)."&s=".$imagesize."' alt='".html_encode($image->getTitle())."' title='".html_encode($image->getTitle())."' />\n";
                        if (getOption("slideshow_showdesc")) {
                            $desc = $image->getDesc();
                            $desc = str_replace("\r\n", '<br />', $desc);
                            $desc = str_replace("\r", '<br />', $desc);
                            echo "<p class='imgdesc'>" . $desc . "</p>";
                        echo "</span>";
            case "flash":
                if ($heading) {
                    echo "<span class='slideimage'><h4><strong>" . $albumtitle . "</strong> (" . $numberofimages . " images) | <a style='color: white' href='" . $returnpath . "' title='" . gettext("back") . "'>" . gettext("back") . "</a></h4>";
                echo "<span id='slideshow'></span>";
					<script type="text/javascript">
                echo FULLWEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . '/' . PLUGIN_FOLDER;
                echo getOption("slideshow_flow_player_width");
                echo getOption("slideshow_flow_player_height");
						{config: {
						  autoPlay: true,
						  useNativeFullScreen: true,
						  playList: [
                echo "\n";
                $count = 0;
                foreach ($images as $animage) {
                    if ($dynamic) {
                        $folder = $animage['folder'];
                        $filename = $animage['filename'];
                        $salbum = new Album($_zp_gallery, $folder);
                        $image = newImage($salbum, $filename);
                        $imagepath = FULLWEBPATH . getAlbumFolder('') . pathurlencode($salbum->name) . "/" . urlencode($filename);
                    } else {
                        $folder = $album->name;
                        $filename = $animage;
                        $image = newImage($album, $filename);
                        $imagepath = FULLWEBPATH . getAlbumFolder('') . pathurlencode($folder) . "/" . pathurlencode($filename);
                    $ext = is_valid($filename, array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif', 'png', 'flv', 'mp3', 'mp4'));
                    if ($ext) {
                        if ($ext == "flv" || $ext == "mp3" || $ext == "mp4") {
                            $duration = "";
                        } else {
                            $duration = ", duration: " . getOption("slideshow_speed") / 10;
                        if ($count > 0) {
                            echo ",\n";
                        echo "{ url: '" . FULLWEBPATH . getAlbumFolder('') . pathurlencode($folder) . "/" . urlencode($filename) . "'" . $duration . " }";
                echo "\n";
						  showPlayListButtons: true,
						  showStopButton: true,
						  controlBarBackgroundColor: 0,
						 	showPlayListButtons: true,
						 	controlsOverVideo: 'ease',
						 	controlBarBackgroundColor: '<?php 
                echo getOption('flow_player_controlbarbackgroundcolor');
						  controlsAreaBorderColor: '<?php 
                echo getOption('flow_player_controlsareabordercolor');
                echo "</span>";
                echo "<p>";
                printf(gettext("Click on %s on the right in the player control bar to view full size."), "<img style='position: relative; top: 4px; border: 1px solid gray' src='" . WEBPATH . "/" . ZENFOLDER . '/' . PLUGIN_FOLDER . "/slideshow/flowplayerfullsizeicon.png' />");
                echo "</p>";
Esempio n. 4
  * Prints html meta data to be used in the <head> section of a page
 static function getHTMLMetaData()
     global $_zp_gallery, $_zp_page, $_zp_current_album, $_zp_current_image, $_zp_current_search, $_zp_current_article, $_zp_current_page, $_zp_gallery_page, $_zp_current_category, $_zp_authority, $_zp_conf_vars, $_myFavorites;
     $host = sanitize("http://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']);
     $url = $host . getRequestURI();
     // Convert locale shorttag to allowed html meta format
     $locale_ = getUserLocale();
     $locale = zpFunctions::getLanguageText($locale_, '-');
     $canonicalurl = '';
     // generate page title, get date
     $pagetitle = "";
     // for gallery index setup below switch
     $date = strftime(DATE_FORMAT);
     // if we don't have a item date use current date
     $desc = getBareGalleryDesc();
     $thumb = '';
     if (getOption('htmlmeta_sitelogo')) {
         $thumb = getOption('htmlmeta_sitelogo');
     if (getOption('htmlmeta_og-image') || getOption('htmlmeta_twittercard')) {
         $ogimage_width = getOption('htmlmeta_ogimage_width');
         $ogimage_height = getOption('htmlmeta_ogimage_height');
         if (empty($ogimage_width)) {
             $ogimage_width = 1280;
         if (empty($ogimage_height)) {
             $ogimage_height = 900;
         $twittercard_type = 'summary';
     $type = 'article';
     switch ($_zp_gallery_page) {
         case 'index.php':
             $desc = getBareGalleryDesc();
             $canonicalurl = $host . $_zp_gallery->getLink($_zp_page);
             $type = 'website';
         case 'album.php':
         case 'favorites.php':
             $pagetitle = getBareAlbumTitle() . " - ";
             $date = getAlbumDate();
             $desc = getBareAlbumDesc();
             $canonicalurl = $host . $_zp_current_album->getLink($_zp_page);
             if (getOption('htmlmeta_og-image') || getOption('htmlmeta_twittercard')) {
                 $thumbimg = $_zp_current_album->getAlbumThumbImage();
                 getMaxSpaceContainer($ogimage_width, $ogimage_height, $thumbimg, false);
                 $thumb = $host . html_encode(pathurlencode($thumbimg->getCustomImage(NULL, $ogimage_width, $ogimage_height, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, false, NULL)));
                 $twittercard_type = 'summary_large_image';
         case 'image.php':
             $pagetitle = getBareImageTitle() . " (" . getBareAlbumTitle() . ") - ";
             $date = getImageDate();
             $desc = getBareImageDesc();
             $canonicalurl = $host . $_zp_current_image->getLink();
             if (getOption('htmlmeta_og-image') || getOption('htmlmeta_twittercard')) {
                 $thumb = $host . html_encode(pathurlencode(getCustomSizedImageMaxSpace($ogimage_width, $ogimage_height)));
                 $twittercard_type = 'summary_large_image';
         case 'news.php':
             if (function_exists("is_NewsArticle")) {
                 if (is_NewsArticle()) {
                     $pagetitle = getBareNewsTitle() . " - ";
                     $date = getNewsDate();
                     $desc = trim(getBare(getNewsContent()));
                     $canonicalurl = $host . $_zp_current_article->getLink();
                 } else {
                     if (is_NewsCategory()) {
                         $pagetitle = $_zp_current_category->getTitlelink() . " - ";
                         $date = strftime(DATE_FORMAT);
                         $desc = trim(getBare($_zp_current_category->getDesc()));
                         $canonicalurl = $host . $_zp_current_category->getLink($_zp_page);
                         $type = 'category';
                     } else {
                         $pagetitle = gettext('News') . " - ";
                         $desc = '';
                         $canonicalurl = $host . getNewsPathNav($_zp_page);
                         $type = 'website';
         case 'pages.php':
             $pagetitle = getBarePageTitle() . " - ";
             $date = getPageDate();
             $desc = trim(getBare(getPageContent()));
             $canonicalurl = $host . $_zp_current_page->getLink();
             // for all other possible static custom pages
             $custompage = stripSuffix($_zp_gallery_page);
             $standard = array('contact' => gettext('Contact'), 'register' => gettext('Register'), 'search' => gettext('Search'), 'archive' => gettext('Archive view'), 'password' => gettext('Password required'));
             if (is_object($_myFavorites)) {
                 $standard['favorites'] = gettext('My favorites');
             if (array_key_exists($custompage, $standard)) {
                 $pagetitle = $standard[$custompage] . " - ";
             } else {
                 $pagetitle = $custompage . " - ";
             $desc = '';
             $canonicalurl = $host . getCustomPageURL($custompage);
     // shorten desc to the allowed 200 characters if necesssary.
     $desc = html_encode(trim(substr(getBare($desc), 0, 160)));
     $pagetitle = $pagetitle . getBareGalleryTitle();
     // get master admin
     $admin = $_zp_authority->getMasterUser();
     $author = $admin->getName();
     $meta = '';
     if (getOption('htmlmeta_http-equiv-cache-control')) {
         $meta .= '<meta http-equiv="Cache-control" content="' . getOption("htmlmeta_cache_control") . '">' . "\n";
     if (getOption('htmlmeta_http-equiv-pragma')) {
         $meta .= '<meta http-equiv="pragma" content="' . getOption("htmlmeta_pragma") . '">' . "\n";
     if (getOption('htmlmeta_name-keywords')) {
         $meta .= '<meta name="keywords" content="' . htmlmetatags::getMetaKeywords() . '">' . "\n";
     if (getOption('htmlmeta_name-description')) {
         $meta .= '<meta name="description" content="' . $desc . '">' . "\n";
     if (getOption('htmlmeta_name-page-topic')) {
         $meta .= '<meta name="page-topic" content="' . $desc . '">' . "\n";
     if (getOption('htmlmeta_name-robots')) {
         $meta .= '<meta name="robots" content="' . getOption("htmlmeta_robots") . '">' . "\n";
     if (getOption('htmlmeta_name-publisher')) {
         $meta .= '<meta name="publisher" content="' . FULLWEBPATH . '">' . "\n";
     if (getOption('htmlmeta_name-creator')) {
         $meta .= '<meta name="creator" content="' . FULLWEBPATH . '">' . "\n";
     if (getOption('htmlmeta_name-author')) {
         $meta .= '<meta name="author" content="' . $author . '">' . "\n";
     if (getOption('htmlmeta_name-copyright')) {
         $meta .= '<meta name="copyright" content=" (c) ' . FULLWEBPATH . ' - ' . $author . '">' . "\n";
     if (getOption('htmlmeta_name-rights')) {
         $meta .= '<meta name="rights" content="' . $author . '">' . "\n";
     if (getOption('htmlmeta_name-generator')) {
         $meta .= '<meta name="generator" content="ZenPhoto20 ' . ZENPHOTO_VERSION . '">' . "\n";
     if (getOption('htmlmeta_name-revisit-after')) {
         $meta .= '<meta name="revisit-after" content="' . getOption("htmlmeta_revisit_after") . ' days">' . "\n";
     if (getOption('htmlmeta_name-expires')) {
         $expires = getOption("htmlmeta_expires");
         if ($expires == (int) $expires) {
             $expires = preg_replace('|\\s\\-\\d+|', '', date('r', time() + $expires)) . ' GMT';
         $meta .= '<meta name="expires" content="' . $expires . '">' . "\n";
     // OpenGraph meta
     if (getOption('htmlmeta_opengraph')) {
         $meta .= '<meta property="og:title" content="' . $pagetitle . '">' . "\n";
         if (!empty($thumb)) {
             $meta .= '<meta property="og:image" content="' . $thumb . '">' . "\n";
         $meta .= '<meta property="og:description" content="' . $desc . '">' . "\n";
         $meta .= '<meta property="og:url" content="' . html_encode($url) . '">' . "\n";
         $meta .= '<meta property="og:type" content="' . $type . '">' . "\n";
     // Social network extras
     if (getOption('htmlmeta_name-pinterest')) {
         $meta .= '<meta name="pinterest" content="nopin">' . "\n";
     // dissalow users to pin images on Pinterest
     // Twitter card
     $twittername = getOption('htmlmeta_twittername');
     if (getOption('htmlmeta_twittercard') || !empty($twittername)) {
         $meta .= '<meta name="twitter:creator" content="' . $twittername . '">' . "\n";
         $meta .= '<meta name="twitter:site" content="' . $twittername . '">' . "\n";
         $meta .= '<meta name="twitter:card" content="' . $twittercard_type . '">' . "\n";
         $meta .= '<meta name="twitter:title" content="' . $pagetitle . '">' . "\n";
         $meta .= '<meta name="twitter:description" content="' . $desc . '">' . "\n";
         if (!empty($thumb)) {
             $meta .= '<meta name="twitter:image" content="' . $thumb . '">' . "\n";
     // Canonical url
     if (getOption('htmlmeta_canonical-url')) {
         $meta .= '<link rel="canonical" href="' . $canonicalurl . '">' . "\n";
         if (METATAG_LOCALE_TYPE) {
             $langs = generateLanguageList();
             if (count($langs) != 1) {
                 if (METATAG_LOCALE_TYPE == 1) {
                     $locallink = seo_locale::localePath(false, $locale_);
                 } else {
                     $locallink = '';
                 foreach ($langs as $text => $lang) {
                     $langcheck = zpFunctions::getLanguageText($lang, '-');
                     //	for hreflang we need en-US
                     if ($langcheck != $locale) {
                         if (METATAG_LOCALE_TYPE == 1) {
                             $altlink = seo_locale::localePath(true, $lang);
                         } else {
                             $altlink = dynamic_locale::fullHostPath($lang);
                         switch ($_zp_gallery_page) {
                             case 'index.php':
                                 $altlink .= str_replace($locallink, '', $_zp_gallery->getLink($_zp_page));
                             case 'album.php':
                             case 'favorites.php':
                                 $altlink .= str_replace($locallink, '', $_zp_current_album->getLink($_zp_page));
                             case 'image.php':
                                 $altlink .= str_replace($locallink, '', $_zp_current_image->getLink());
                             case 'news.php':
                                 if (function_exists("is_NewsArticle")) {
                                     if (is_NewsArticle()) {
                                         $altlink .= str_replace($locallink, '', $_zp_current_article->getLink());
                                     } else {
                                         if (is_NewsCategory()) {
                                             $altlink .= str_replace($locallink, '', $_zp_current_category->getLink($_zp_page));
                                         } else {
                                             $altlink .= getNewsPathNav($_zp_page);
                             case 'pages.php':
                                 $altlink .= str_replace($locallink, '', $_zp_current_page->getLink());
                             case 'archive.php':
                                 $altlink .= getCustomPageURL('archive');
                             case 'search.php':
                                 $searchwords = $_zp_current_search->codifySearchString();
                                 $searchdate = $_zp_current_search->getSearchDate();
                                 $searchfields = $_zp_current_search->getSearchFields(true);
                                 $searchpagepath = getSearchURL($searchwords, $searchdate, $searchfields, $_zp_page, array('albums' => $_zp_current_search->getAlbumList()));
                                 $altlink .= $searchpagepath;
                             case 'contact.php':
                                 $altlink .= getCustomPageURL('contact');
                                 // for all other possible none standard custom pages
                                 $altlink .= getCustomPageURL($pagetitle);
                         // switch
                         $meta .= '<link rel="alternate" hreflang="' . $langcheck . '" href="' . html_encode($altlink) . '">' . "\n";
                     // if lang
                 // foreach
             // if count
         // if option
     // if canonical
     echo $meta;