function populate()
     $employee = DataObjectFactory::Factory('Employee');
     $user = getCurrentUser();
     if (!is_null($user->person_id)) {
         $employee->loadBy('person_id', $user->person_id);
     if ($employee->isLoaded()) {
         $authorisor_model = $employee->holiday_model();
         $authorisees = $employee->getAuthorisees($authorisor_model);
     } else {
         $authorisees = array();
     $holiday = DataObjectFactory::Factory('HolidayRequest');
     $holidays = new HolidayrequestCollection($holiday);
     if (count($authorisees) > 0) {
         $sh = new SearchHandler($holidays, false);
         $sh->setFields(array('id', 'employee', 'employee_id', 'start_date', 'end_date', 'num_days'));
         $sh->addConstraint(new Constraint('status', '=', $holiday->newRequest()));
         $sh->addConstraint(new Constraint('employee_id', 'in', '(' . implode(',', $authorisees) . ')'));
         $sh->setOrderby(array('employee', 'start_date'));
         $holidays->clickcontroller = 'holidayrequests';
         $holidays->editclickaction = 'view';
     $this->contents = $holidays;
Esempio n. 2
 public function Execute()
     $viewData = array();
     $errors = array();
     if (Helper::IsLoggedInAdmin() && isset($_GET["loginAsUser"])) {
         // login as a certain user and redirect to his page
         if (Helper::LoginUserByUsername($_GET["loginAsUser"])) {
             Helper::Redirect("index.php?" . Helper::CreateQuerystring(getCurrentUser()));
     $viewData["Users"] = DataAccess::GetAllUsers(!Helper::IsLoggedInAdmin());
     $viewData["LastMapForEachUser"] = DataAccess::GetLastMapsForUsers("date");
     // last x maps
     $numberOfMaps = isset($_GET["lastMaps"]) && is_numeric($_GET["lastMaps"]) ? (int) $_GET["lastMaps"] : (isset($_GET["lastMaps"]) && $_GET["lastMaps"] == "all" ? 999999 : 10);
     $viewData["LastMaps"] = DataAccess::GetMaps(0, 0, 0, 0, null, $numberOfMaps, "createdTime", Helper::GetLoggedInUserID());
     // last x comments
     $numberOfComments = isset($_GET["lastComments"]) && is_numeric($_GET["lastComments"]) ? (int) $_GET["lastComments"] : (isset($_GET["lastComments"]) && $_GET["lastComments"] == "all" ? 999999 : 10);
     $viewData["LastComments"] = DataAccess::GetLastComments($numberOfComments, Helper::GetLoggedInUserID());
     $viewData["OverviewMapData"] = null;
     $categories = DataAccess::GetCategoriesByUserID();
     foreach ($viewData["LastMaps"] as $map) {
         $data = Helper::GetOverviewMapData($map, false, true, true, $categories);
         if ($data != null) {
             $viewData["OverviewMapData"][] = $data;
     if (isset($_GET["error"]) && $_GET["error"] == "email") {
         $errors[] = sprintf(__("ADMIN_EMAIL_ERROR"), ADMIN_EMAIL);
     $viewData["Errors"] = $errors;
     return $viewData;
Esempio n. 3
 public static function makeHeader($data, $do, &$errors)
     if (strtotime(fix_date($data['order_date'])) > strtotime(fix_date(date(DATE_FORMAT)))) {
         $errors[] = 'Order Date cannot be in the future';
         return false;
     if (!isset($data['id']) || $data['id'] == '') {
         //			$generator = new OrderNumberHandler();
         $generator = new UniqueNumberHandler(false, $data['type'] != 'T');
         $data['order_number'] = $generator->handle(DataObjectFactory::Factory($do));
         $data['status'] = 'N';
         $user = getCurrentUser();
         $data['raised_by'] = $user->username;
     //determine the base currency
     $currency = DataObjectFactory::Factory('Currency');
     $data['rate'] = $currency->rate;
     //determine the twin currency
     $glparams = DataObjectFactory::Factory('GLParams');
     $twin_currency = DataObjectFactory::Factory('Currency');
     $data['twin_rate'] = $twin_currency->rate;
     $data['twin_currency_id'] = $twin_currency->id;
     return DataObject::Factory($data, $errors, $do);
Esempio n. 4
 public function Execute()
     $viewData = array();
     $errors = array();
     // no user specified - redirect to user list page
     if (!getCurrentUser()) {
     // user is hidden - redirect to user list page
     if (!getCurrentUser()->Visible) {
     if (isset($_POST["cancel"])) {
         Helper::Redirect("index.php?" . Helper::CreateQuerystring(getCurrentUser()));
     if (isset($_GET["action"]) && $_GET["action"] == "logout") {
         $location = "index.php?" . Helper::CreateQuerystring(getCurrentUser());
     if (isset($_POST["login"])) {
         $currentUserID = getCurrentUser()->ID;
         if (Helper::LoginUser(stripslashes($_POST["username"]), stripslashes($_POST["password"]))) {
             if (getCurrentUser()->ID == $currentUserID) {
                 Helper::Redirect("index.php?" . Helper::CreateQuerystring(getCurrentUser()));
         $errors[] = __("INVALID_USERNAME_OR_PASSWORD");
     if (isset($_POST["forgotPassword"])) {
         Helper::Redirect("send_new_password.php?" . Helper::CreateQuerystring(getCurrentUser()));
     $viewData["Errors"] = $errors;
     return $viewData;
Esempio n. 5
 public function systemCompany(&$do, &$errors)
     $user = getCurrentUser();
     $person = new Person();
     $format = new xmlrpcmsg('elgg.user.newCommunity', array(new xmlrpcval($person->firstname . ' ' . $person->surname, "string"), new xmlrpcval($person->email, "string"), new xmlrpcval($do->company, "string")));
     $client = new xmlrpc_client("_rpc/RPC2.php", "", 8091);
     $request = $client->send($format);
     if (!$request->faultCode()) {
         $response = $request->value();
         if ($response->structmemexists('owner') && $response->structmemexists('community')) {
             $person->published_username = $response->structmem('owner')->scalarval();
             $do->published = true;
             $do->published_username = $response->structmem('community')->scalarval();
             $do->published_owner_id = $person->id;
         } else {
             $errors[] = 'Failed to publish company';
     } else {
         $errors[] = "Code: " . $request->faultCode() . " Reason '" . $request->faultString();
         return false;
     return true;
 function populate()
     $employee = DataObjectFactory::Factory('Employee');
     $user = getCurrentUser();
     if (!is_null($user->person_id)) {
         $employee->loadBy('person_id', $user->person_id);
     if ($employee->isLoaded()) {
         $authorisor_model = $employee->expense_model();
         $authorisees = $employee->getAuthorisees($authorisor_model);
     } else {
         $authorisees = array();
     $expense = DataObjectFactory::Factory('Expense');
     $expenses = new ExpenseCollection($expense);
     if (count($authorisees) > 0) {
         $sh = new SearchHandler($expenses, false);
         $sh->setFields(array('id', 'expense_number', 'employee', 'employee_id', 'description', 'gross_value'));
         $sh->addConstraint(new Constraint('status', '=', $expense->statusAwaitingAuthorisation()));
         $sh->addConstraint(new Constraint('employee_id', 'in', '(' . implode(',', $authorisees) . ')'));
         $expenses->clickcontroller = 'expenses';
         $expenses->editclickaction = 'view';
     $this->contents = $expenses;
     $this->vars['module'] = 'hr';
     $this->vars['controller'] = 'expenses';
 public function Execute()
     $viewData = array();
     // no user specified - redirect to user list page
     if (!getCurrentUser()) {
     // user is hidden - redirect to user list page
     if (!getCurrentUser()->Visible) {
     // the requested map
     $map = new Map();
     if (!$map->ID) {
         die("The map has been removed.");
     if (Helper::MapIsProtected($map)) {
         die("The map is protected until " . date("Y-m-d H:i:s", Helper::StringToTime($map->ProtectedUntil, true)) . ".");
     if ($map->UserID != getCurrentUser()->ID) {
     $viewData["Comments"] = DataAccess::GetCommentsByMapId($map->ID);
     $viewData["Name"] = $map->Name . ' (' . date(__("DATE_FORMAT"), Helper::StringToTime($map->Date, true)) . ')';
     // previous map in archive
     $previous = DataAccess::GetPreviousMap(getCurrentUser()->ID, $map->ID, Helper::GetLoggedInUserID());
     $viewData["PreviousName"] = $previous == null ? null : $previous->Name . ' (' . date(__("DATE_FORMAT"), Helper::StringToTime($previous->Date, true)) . ')';
     // next map in archive
     $next = DataAccess::GetNextMap(getCurrentUser()->ID, $map->ID, Helper::GetLoggedInUserID());
     $viewData["NextName"] = $next == null ? null : $next->Name . ' (' . date(__("DATE_FORMAT"), Helper::StringToTime($next->Date, true)) . ')';
     $size = $map->GetMapImageSize();
     $viewData["ImageWidth"] = $size["Width"];
     $viewData["ImageHeight"] = $size["Height"];
     $viewData["Map"] = $map;
     $viewData["BackUrl"] = isset($_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"]) && basename($_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"]) == "users.php" ? "users.php" : "index.php?" . Helper::CreateQuerystring(getCurrentUser());
     $viewData["Previous"] = $previous;
     $viewData["Next"] = $next;
     $viewData["ShowComments"] = isset($_GET["showComments"]) && ($_GET["showComments"] = true) || !__("COLLAPSE_VISITOR_COMMENTS");
     $viewData["FirstMapImageName"] = Helper::GetMapImage($map);
     if ($map->BlankMapImage) {
         $viewData["SecondMapImageName"] = Helper::GetBlankMapImage($map);
     $viewData["QuickRouteJpegExtensionData"] = $map->GetQuickRouteJpegExtensionData();
     if (isset($viewData["QuickRouteJpegExtensionData"]) && $viewData["QuickRouteJpegExtensionData"]->IsValid) {
         $categories = DataAccess::GetCategoriesByUserID(getCurrentUser()->ID);
         $viewData["OverviewMapData"][] = Helper::GetOverviewMapData($map, true, false, false, $categories);
         $viewData["GoogleMapsUrl"] = "" . "?q=" . urlencode(Helper::GlobalPath("export_kml.php?id=" . $map->ID . "&format=kml")) . "&language=" . Session::GetLanguageCode();
     if (USE_3DRERUN == '1' && DataAccess::GetSetting("LAST_WORLDOFO_CHECK_DOMA_TIME", "0") + RERUN_FREQUENCY * 3600 < time()) {
         $viewData["RerunMaps"] = Helper::GetMapsForRerunRequest();
         $viewData["TotalRerunMaps"] = count(explode(",", $viewData["RerunMaps"]));
         $viewData["ProcessRerun"] = true;
     return $viewData;
Esempio n. 8
function refreshConfig($auto_redirect = true)
    global $_SITE_CONFIG;
    $db_prefix = getDbPrefix();
    $_SITE_CONFIG['uid'] = getCurrentUser();
    $_SITE_CONFIG['charset'] = 'utf-8';
    $_SITE_CONFIG['lang'] = 'zh_CN';
    $_SITE_CONFIG['timeoffset'] = 8;
    // 系统信息
    $sql = "SELECT `key`,`value` FROM {$db_prefix}system_data WHERE `list` = 'myop' OR `list` = 'siteopt'";
    $res = doQuery($sql);
    foreach ($res as $v) {
        $_SITE_CONFIG[$v['key']] = unserialize($v['value']);
    // 用户信息
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM {$db_prefix}user WHERE `uid` = {$_SITE_CONFIG['uid']}";
    $res = doQuery($sql);
    $_SITE_CONFIG['userInfo'] = $res[0];
    // 消息统计
    $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM {$db_prefix}message WHERE `to_uid` = {$_SITE_CONFIG['uid']} AND `is_read` = 0 AND `deleted_by` <> {$_SITE_CONFIG['uid']}";
    $res = doQuery($sql);
    $_SITE_CONFIG['userCount']['message'] = $res[0]['count'];
    $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM {$db_prefix}notify WHERE `receive` = {$_SITE_CONFIG['uid']} AND `is_read` = 0";
    $res = doQuery($sql);
    $_SITE_CONFIG['userCount']['notify'] = $res[0]['count'];
    $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM {$db_prefix}myop_myinvite WHERE `touid` = {$_SITE_CONFIG['uid']} AND `is_read` = 0";
    $res = doQuery($sql);
    $_SITE_CONFIG['userCount']['appmessage'] = $res[0]['count'];
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM {$db_prefix}user_count WHERE `uid` = {$_SITE_CONFIG['uid']}";
    $res = doQuery($sql);
    $res = $res[0];
    $_SITE_CONFIG['userCount']['comment'] = $res['comment'];
    $_SITE_CONFIG['userCount']['atme'] = $res['atme'];
    $_SITE_CONFIG['userCount']['total'] = array_sum($_SITE_CONFIG['userCount']);
    // 广告
    $place_array = array('middle', 'header', 'left', 'right', 'footer');
    $sql = 'SELECT `content`,`place` FROM ' . $db_prefix . 'ad WHERE `is_active` = "1" AND `content` <> "" ORDER BY `display_order` ASC,`ad_id` ASC';
    $ads = doQuery($sql);
    foreach ($ads as $v) {
        $v['content'] = htmlspecialchars_decode($v['content']);
        $_SITE_CONFIG['ad'][$place_array[$v['place']]][] = $v;
    // 底部文章
    $sql = 'SELECT `document_id`,`title`,`content` FROM ' . $db_prefix . 'document WHERE `is_active` = "1" AND `is_on_footer` = "1" ORDER BY `display_order` ASC,`document_id` ASC';
    $docs = doQuery($sql);
    foreach ($docs as $k => $v) {
        if (mb_substr($v['content'], 0, 6, 'UTF8') == 'ftp://' || mb_substr($v['content'], 0, 7, 'UTF8') == 'http://' || mb_substr($v['content'], 0, 8, 'UTF8') == 'https://' || mb_substr($v['content'], 0, 9, 'UTF8') == 'mailto://') {
            $docs[$k]['url'] = $v['content'];
    $_SITE_CONFIG['footer_document'] = $docs;
Esempio n. 9
 public static function useMySearch($search_data = null, &$errors, $defaults = null, $params)
     $search = new HoursSearch($defaults);
     $search->addSearchField('start_time', 'start_date', 'between');
     $user = getCurrentUser();
     $search->addSearchField('person_id', 'name', 'hidden', $user->person_id, 'hidden');
     foreach ($params as $option) {
         $option = 'add' . $option;
     $search->setSearchData($search_data, $errors);
     return $search;
Esempio n. 10
 protected function get_employee_id()
     $user = getCurrentUser();
     if ($user && !is_null($user->person_id)) {
         $employee = DataObjectFactory::Factory('Employee');
         $employee->loadBy('person_id', $user->person_id);
         if ($employee->isLoaded()) {
             return $employee->id;
     // User is not an employee
     return '';
Esempio n. 11
 function __construct($tablename = 'tickets')
     $this->idField = 'id';
     $this->orderby = 'lastupdated';
     $this->orderdir = 'desc';
     $this->identifier = 'summary';
     $this->identifierField = 'summary';
     $this->hasMany('TicketResponse', 'ticket_id');
     $cc = new ConstraintChain();
     $cc->add(new Constraint('type', '=', 'site'));
     $this->setAlias('response', 'TicketResponse', $cc, 'body');
     $this->belongsTo('TicketQueue', 'ticket_queue_id', 'ticket_queue');
     $this->belongsTo('TicketPriority', 'client_ticket_priority_id', 'client_ticket_priority');
     $this->belongsTo('TicketSeverity', 'client_ticket_severity_id', 'client_ticket_severity');
     $this->belongsTo('TicketStatus', 'client_ticket_status_id', 'client_ticket_status');
     $this->belongsTo('TicketPriority', 'internal_ticket_priority_id', 'internal_ticket_priority');
     $this->belongsTo('TicketSeverity', 'internal_ticket_severity_id', 'internal_ticket_severity');
     $this->belongsTo('TicketStatus', 'internal_ticket_status_id', 'internal_ticket_status');
     $this->belongsTo('TicketCategory', 'ticket_category_id', 'ticket_category');
     $this->belongsTo('TicketReleaseVersion', 'ticket_release_version_id', 'release_version');
     $this->belongsTo('Person', 'originator_person_id', 'originator_person');
     $this->belongsTo('Company', 'originator_company_id', 'originator_company');
     $this->hasOne('Company', 'originator_company_id', 'company');
     $this->belongsTo('User', 'assigned_to', 'person_assigned_to');
     $this->_fields['originator_company_id']->has_default = true;
     $company = new SystemCompany();
     $this->_fields['originator_company_id']->default_value = $company->company_id;
     $user = getCurrentUser();
     if ($user) {
         if (isset($user->email)) {
             $this->_fields['originator_email_address']->has_default = true;
             $this->_fields['originator_email_address']->default_value = $user->email;
         if (!is_null($user->person_id)) {
             $this->_fields['originator_person_id']->has_default = true;
             $this->_fields['originator_person_id']->default_value = $user->person_id;
             if (!is_null($user->persondetail->email->contactmethod)) {
                 $this->_fields['originator_email_address']->has_default = true;
                 $this->_fields['originator_email_address']->default_value = $user->persondetail->email->contactmethod;
     $this->_fields['raised_by']->has_default = true;
     $this->_fields['raised_by']->default_value = EGS_USERNAME;
Esempio n. 12
  * @param void
  * @return ConstraintChain
  * Returns a constraintchain containing OR'd constraints for each status checked on the form
 public function toConstraint()
     $cc = false;
     if (!is_array($this->value)) {
         $this->value = array($this->value);
     $cc = new ConstraintChain();
     $codes = $this->value_set ? $this->value : array_flip($this->default);
     $db = DB::Instance();
     $date = fix_date(date(DATE_FORMAT));
     foreach ($codes as $code => $on) {
         if ($code != '') {
             switch ($code) {
                 case 'Raised by me':
                     $cc->add(new Constraint('raised_by', '=', getCurrentUser()->username));
                 case 'Other Orders':
                     $cc->add(new Constraint('raised_by', '!=', getCurrentUser()->username), 'OR');
                 case 'Authorised by me':
                     $c = new ConstraintChain();
                     $c->add(new Constraint('authorised_by', '=', getCurrentUser()->username));
                     $c->add(new Constraint('date_authorised', 'is not', 'NULL'));
                     $cc->add($c, 'OR');
                 case 'Awaiting Authorisation':
                     $awaitingauth = new POAwaitingAuthCollection(new POAwaitingAuth());
                     $authlist = $awaitingauth->getOrderList(getCurrentUser()->username);
                     if (empty($authlist)) {
                         $authlist = '-1';
                     $c = new ConstraintChain();
                     $c->add(new Constraint('type', '=', 'R'));
                     $c->add(new Constraint('authorised_by', 'is', 'NULL'));
                     $c->add(new Constraint('raised_by', '!=', getCurrentUser()->username));
                     $c->add(new Constraint('id', 'in', '(' . $authlist . ')'));
                     $cc->add($c, 'OR');
     return $cc;
Esempio n. 13
 public function filter(&$res)
     foreach ($this->_unsetFields as $key) {
     $res['about'] = $res['profile']['about'];
     $currentUser = getCurrentUser();
     $returnRes = array();
     if ($currentUser->isAdmin() || $currentUser['id'] == $res['id']) {
         foreach ($this->_privateFields as $key) {
             $returnRes[$key] = $res[$key];
         foreach ($this->_profileFields as $key) {
             $returnRes[$key] = $res['profile'][$key];
     } else {
         foreach ($this->_publicFields as $key) {
             $returnRes[$key] = $res[$key];
         if (in_array('ROLE_TEACHER', $returnRes['roles'])) {
             $returnRes['roles'] = array('ROLE_TEACHER');
         } else {
             $returnRes['roles'] = array('ROLE_USER');
     $res = $returnRes;
     foreach (array('smallAvatar', 'mediumAvatar', 'largeAvatar') as $key) {
         $res[$key] = $this->getFileUrl($res[$key]);
     foreach (array('promotedTime', 'loginTime', 'approvalTime', 'createdTime') as $key) {
         if (!isset($res[$key])) {
         $res[$key] = date('c', $res[$key]);
     $res['updatedTime'] = date('c', $res['updatedTime']);
     return $res;
 public function Execute()
     $viewData = array();
     $errors = array();
     // no user specified - redirect to user list page
     if (!getCurrentUser()) {
     // user is hidden - redirect to user list page
     if (!getCurrentUser()->Visible) {
     // no email address for user is not specified
     if (!getCurrentUser()->Email) {
     if ($_POST["cancel"]) {
         Helper::Redirect("login.php?" . Helper::CreateQuerystring(getCurrentUser()));
     if ($_POST["send"]) {
         $password = Helper::CreatePassword(6);
         $user = getCurrentUser();
         $user->Password = md5($password);
         $fromName = __("DOMA_ADMIN_EMAIL_NAME");
         $subject = __("NEW_PASSWORD_EMAIL_SUBJECT");
         $baseAddress = Helper::GlobalPath("");
         $userAddress = Helper::GlobalPath("index.php?user="******"NEW_PASSWORD_EMAIL_BODY"), $user->FirstName, $baseAddress, $userAddress, $user->Username, $password);
         $emailSentSuccessfully = Helper::SendEmail($fromName, $user->Email, $subject, $body);
         if ($emailSentSuccessfully) {
             Helper::Redirect("login.php?" . Helper::CreateQuerystring(getCurrentUser()) . "&action=newPasswordSent");
         $errors[] = __("EMAIL_ERROR");
     $viewData["Errors"] = $errors;
     return $viewData;
Esempio n. 15
require_once '../includes/header.php';
if (!getCurrentUser()) {
    header('Location: ../user/login.php');

$id = $_GET['id'];
$sql = "SELECT * FROM kids WHERE id = '{$id}'";
$result = mysqli_query($mysql_connection, $sql);
$row = mysqli_fetch_array($result);

if ($row) {
  <div class="row">
    <div class="card col s6 push-s3">
      <div class="card-content">
        <span class="card-title">Edit <?php 
    echo $row['first_name'];
        <form method="post" action="update.php">
          <div class="input-field">
            First name:
            <input type="text" name="first_name" value="<?php 
    echo $row['first_name'];
Esempio n. 16
    echo getCurrentUser('username');
    <div class="row visible-xs visible-sm" style="text-align: center">
        <ul class="mobile_nav">
            <li id="first_menu"><a class="btn btn-default" href="/"><i class="mdi mdi-home"></i>&nbsp;Home</a></li>
            <li id="first_menu"><a class="btn btn-default" href="#info"><i class="mdi mdi-file"></i>&nbsp;Docs</a></li>
            <li><a class="btn btn-default" href="#new_user"><i class="mdi mdi-puzzle"></i>&nbsp;Contents</a></li>
if (getCurrentUser() != '') {
<li><a rel="nofollow" class="btn btn-warning" href="c_admin"><i class="mdi mdi-account"></i>&nbsp;<?php 
    echo getCurrentUser('username');
    <div class="github-fork-ribbon-wrapper left">
        <div class="github-fork-ribbon">
            <a href="" target="_blank">Fork me on GitHub</a>
function _errorlog_logErrorRecord($logType, $logData)
    // limit errors logged per session (to prevent infinite loops from logging infinite errors)
    $maxErrorsPerPage = 25;
    $maxErrorsReached = false;
    static $totalErrorsLogged = 0;
    if ($totalErrorsLogged > $maxErrorsPerPage + 1) {
    // ignore any errors after max error limit
    if ($totalErrorsLogged > $maxErrorsPerPage) {
        $maxErrorsReached = true;
    // get summary of CMS user data
    $CMS_USER = getCurrentUserFromCMS();
    $subsetFields = array();
    foreach (array('num', 'username') as $field) {
        if (isset($CMS_USER[$field])) {
            $subsetFields[$field] = $CMS_USER[$field];
    $subsetFields['_tableName'] = 'accounts';
    $cms_user_summary = print_r($subsetFields, true);
    // get summary of WEB user data
    $WEB_USER = getCurrentUser();
    $subsetFields = array();
    foreach (array('num', 'username') as $field) {
        if (isset($WEB_USER[$field])) {
            $subsetFields[$field] = $WEB_USER[$field];
    $subsetFields['_tableName'] = accountsTable();
    $web_user_summary = print_r($subsetFields, true);
    // create error message
    if ($maxErrorsReached) {
        $errorMessage = t(sprintf("Max error limit reached! Only the first %s errors per page will be logged.", $maxErrorsPerPage));
    } else {
        if (isset($logData['errno'])) {
            $errorName = _errorLog_erronoToConstantName($logData['errno']);
        } else {
            $errorName = 'UNKNOWN_ERROR';
        $errorMessage = "{$errorName}: " . (isset($logData['errstr']) ? $logData['errstr'] : '');
    // create $logDataSummary without
    $logDataSummary = $logData;
    if (array_key_exists('errcontext', $logData)) {
        $logDataSummary['errcontext'] = "*** in symbol table field above ***";
    //  create log record data
    $colsToValues = array('dateLogged=' => 'NOW()', 'updatedDate=' => 'NOW()', 'updatedByuserNum' => '0', 'error' => $errorMessage, 'url' => thisPageUrl(), 'filepath' => isset($logData['errfile']) ? $logData['errfile'] : '', 'line_num' => isset($logData['errline']) ? $logData['errline'] : '', 'user_cms' => isset($CMS_USER['num']) ? $cms_user_summary : '', 'user_web' => isset($WEB_USER['num']) ? $web_user_summary : '', 'http_user_agent' => isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] : '', 'remote_addr' => isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) ? $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] : '', 'request_vars' => print_r($_REQUEST, true), 'get_vars' => print_r($_GET, true), 'post_vars' => print_r($_POST, true), 'cookie_vars' => print_r($_COOKIE, true), 'session_vars' => isset($_SESSION) ? print_r($_SESSION, true) : '', 'server_vars' => print_r($_SERVER, true), 'symbol_table' => isset($logData['errcontext']) ? print_r($logData['errcontext'], true) : '', 'raw_log_data' => print_r($logDataSummary, true), 'email_sent' => 0);
    // insert record
    $newRecordNum = mysql_insert('_error_log', utf8_force($colsToValues, true));
    // remove old log records
    $maxRecords = 900;
    $buffer = 100;
    // only erase records when we're this many over (to avoid erasing records every time)
    if (mysql_count('_error_log') > $maxRecords + $buffer) {
        $oldestRecordToSave_query = "SELECT * FROM `{$GLOBALS['TABLE_PREFIX']}_error_log` ORDER BY `num` DESC LIMIT 1 OFFSET " . ($maxRecords - 1);
        $oldestRecordToSave = mysql_get_query($oldestRecordToSave_query);
        if (!empty($oldestRecordToSave['num'])) {
            mysql_delete('_error_log', null, "num < {$oldestRecordToSave['num']}");
    // send email update
    if ($GLOBALS['SETTINGS']['advanced']['phpEmailErrors']) {
Esempio n. 18
<!DOCTYPE html>
  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <link href="" rel="stylesheet">
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
  <nav class="pink">
    <div class="nav-wrapper">
      <div class="row">
        <div class="col s12">
          <a href="#" class="brand-logo center">I got kids</a>
if ($row = getCurrentUser()) {
            <ul id="nav-mobile" class="left hide-on-med-and-down">
              <li><a href="../kids/index.php">Home</a></li>
              <li><a href="../kids/new.php">New</a></li>
            <ul class="right">
              <li><i class="material-icons">perm_identity</i></li>
    echo $row['email'];
                <form action="../session/destroy.php" method="POST">
                  <button class="waves-effect waves-light btn" type="submit">Log out</button>
Esempio n. 19

//Сценарий для обработки запросов к БД из форм поисков
require_once 'functions/database.php';
require_once 'functions/functions.php';
require_once 'functions/access.php';
// подключение к БД
$link = startup();
//Определение текущего пользователя
$user = getCurrentUser($link);
//Определяем, может ли пользователь редактировать, добавлять, удалять записи и видеть панель администратора
$canDoEdit = canDo($link, $user, 'EDIT_ENTRY');
$canDoAdd = canDo($link, $user, 'ADD_ENTRY');
$canDoDelete = canDo($link, $user, 'DELETE_ENTRY');
$canDoViewAdminPanel = canDo($link, $user, 'ADMIN_PANEL');
//вытаскиваем полное число записей из БД
//$numEntriesAll = getEntriesAll($link);
if (!empty($_POST['numOrder'])) {
    //Поиск записей по номеру договора
    $entries = get_entry_by_order($link, $_POST['numOrder']);
    $searchStringNumOrder = $_POST['numOrder'];
} else {
    if (!empty($_POST['customer'])) {
        //Поиск записей по название клиента
        $entries = get_entries_by_customer($link, $_POST['customer']);
        $searchStringCustomer = $_POST['customer'];
    } else {
        if (!empty($_POST['ip_address'])) {
            //Поиск записей по IP-адресу
            $entries = get_entries_by_ip($link, $_POST['ip_address']);
Esempio n. 20
 function isAuthorised($authoriser)
     // Identifies if the current user is authorised to act
     // for another employee - e.g. to input their holidays
     $user = getCurrentUser();
     if ($user && !is_null($user->person_id)) {
         if ($this->person_id == $user->person_id) {
             // The user is the employee
             return true;
         if ($this->person->reports_to == $user->person_id) {
             // The user is the employees manager
             return true;
         $employee = DataObjectFactory::Factory('Employee');
         $employee->loadBy('person_id', $user->person_id);
         // The user is an authoriser for the employee
         return $authoriser->isAuthorised($this->id, $employee->id);
     return false;
Esempio n. 21
 public function Execute()
     $viewData = array();
     // check if user is not specified or hidden
     if (!getCurrentUser()) {
         // all maps in archive
         $mode = "all";
         $count = $_GET["count"];
         if (!$count) {
             $count = 30;
         $maps = DataAccess::GetMaps(0, 0, 0, 0, null, $count, "ID");
         $categories = DataAccess::GetCategoriesByUserID();
         $users = DataAccess::GetAllUsers(true);
         $viewData["Title"] = _SITE_TITLE;
         $viewData["LastCreatedTime"] = date("r", DataAccess::GetLastCreatedTime());
         $viewData["Description"] = _SITE_DESCRIPTION;
         $viewData["WebsiteUrl"] = Helper::GlobalPath("index.php");
     } else {
         // specified archive
         $mode = "user";
         if (!getCurrentUser()->Visible) {
         $users[getCurrentUser()->ID] = getCurrentUser();
         $maps = DataAccess::GetMaps(getCurrentUser()->ID);
         $categories = DataAccess::GetCategoriesByUserID(getCurrentUser()->ID);
         $viewData["Title"] = __("PAGE_TITLE");
         $viewData["LastCreatedTime"] = date("r", DataAccess::GetLastCreatedTime(getCurrentUser()->ID));
         $viewData["Description"] = __("RSS_DESCRIPTION");
         $viewData["WebsiteUrl"] = Helper::GlobalPath("index.php?" . Helper::CreateQuerystring(getCurrentUser()));
     $viewData["Items"] = array();
     foreach ($maps as $map) {
         $item = array();
         $user = $users[$map->UserID];
         $item["Title"] = hsc(Helper::DateToLongString(Helper::StringToTime($map->Date, true)) . ": " . $map->Name);
         $item["URL"] = $map->MapImage ? Helper::GlobalPath('show_map.php?user='******'&amp;map=' . $map->ID) : "";
         $atoms = array();
         if (__("SHOW_MAP_AREA_NAME") && $map->MapName != "") {
             $atoms[] = $map->MapName;
         if (__("SHOW_ORGANISER") && $map->Organiser != "") {
             $atoms[] = $map->Organiser;
         if (__("SHOW_COUNTRY") && $map->Country != "") {
             $atoms[] = $map->Country;
         $atoms2 = array();
         if (__("SHOW_DISCIPLINE") && $map->Discipline != "") {
             $atoms2[] = hsc($map->Discipline);
         if (__("SHOW_RELAY_LEG") && $map->RelayLeg != "") {
             $atoms2[] = __("RELAY_LEG_LOWERCASE") . ' ' . hsc($map->RelayLeg);
         $item["Description"] = ($mode == "all" ? hsc($user->FirstName . " " . $user->LastName . '<br />') : '') . __("CATEGORY") . ": " . hsc($categories[$map->CategoryID]->Name) . hsc('<br />') . hsc(join(", ", $atoms)) . hsc('<br />') . join(", ", $atoms2);
         $item["PubDate"] = hsc(date("r", Helper::StringToTime($map->CreatedTime, true)));
         $viewData["Items"][] = $item;
     return $viewData;
Esempio n. 22

include 'db_connection.php';
include 'functions.php';
header('Content-Type: application/json');
$user = getCurrentUser($connection);
if (!$user) {
    header("HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized", true, 401);
    echo json_encode(['error' => 'unauthorized']);
$data = json_decode(file_get_contents('php://input'), true);
if ($data) {
    $checkSql = mysqli_query($connection, '
    SELECT username
    FROM ig_usernames
    WHERE username = "******"
    AND deleted_at IS NULL');
    if (mysqli_num_rows($checkSql) != 0) {
        echo json_encode(['error' => 'inList']);
    $inserSql = mysqli_query($connection, '
    INSERT INTO ig_usernames (username, user_id, change_user_id, created_at, updated_at)
    VALUES ("' . mysqli_real_escape_string($connection, strtolower($data['username'])) . '", "' . mysqli_real_escape_string($connection, $_SESSION['user']['id']) . '", "' . mysqli_real_escape_string($connection, $_SESSION['user']['id']) . '", CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)');
    if ($inserSql) {
        $lastId = mysqli_insert_id($connection);
        $lastSql = mysqli_query($connection, '
        SELECT * FROM ig_usernames WHERE id = "' . $lastId . '" AND deleted_at IS NULL');
        $last = mysqli_fetch_array($lastSql);
        echo json_encode($last);
Esempio n. 23
// Delete the no-longer-occurring variants from variant_occurs
print "Deleting disputed rows from variant_occurs...";
theDb()->query("DELETE v.*\nFROM variant_occurs_not n, variant_occurs v\nWHERE n.variant_id=v.variant_id\n AND n.dataset_id=v.dataset_id");
print theDb()->affectedRows();
print "\n";
// For each deleted variant+genome_id assoc, if the latest edit was
// made by this program (i.e., nobody has written any comments about
// this variant+genome_id association), and there is no longer any
// evidence in variant_occurs supporting it, add a "delete" edit and
// remove the entry from snap_latest.
print "Entering \"delete\" edits for \"genome\" comment which have no supporting evidence after deleting those disputed rows and have not been edited by users...";
$q = theDb()->query("\nINSERT IGNORE INTO edits\n(variant_id, genome_id, article_pmid, previous_edit_id, is_draft, is_delete,\n edit_oid, edit_timestamp)\nSELECT old.variant_id, old.genome_id, 0, old.edit_id, 0, 1, ?, ?\nFROM variant_occurs_not del\nLEFT JOIN datasets deld\n ON deld.dataset_id=del.dataset_id\nLEFT JOIN snap_latest old\n ON old.variant_id=del.variant_id\n AND old.article_pmid=0\n AND old.genome_id=deld.genome_id\n AND old.edit_oid=?\nLEFT JOIN variant_occurs v\n ON old.variant_id=v.variant_id\nLEFT JOIN datasets d\n ON v.dataset_id=d.dataset_id\n AND d.genome_id=deld.genome_id\nWHERE old.edit_id IS NOT NULL\n AND d.dataset_id IS NULL\nGROUP BY del.variant_id, deld.genome_id\n", array(getCurrentUser("oid"), $timestamp, getCurrentUser("oid")));
if (theDb()->isError($q)) {
    print $q->getMessage();
print $count_removals = theDb()->affectedRows();
print "\n";
if ($count_removals > 0) {
    print "Really removing them from snap_latest...";
    theDb()->query("\nDELETE FROM snap_latest\nWHERE edit_id IN (SELECT previous_edit_id FROM edits WHERE edit_oid=? AND edit_timestamp=? AND is_delete=1)\n", array(getCurrentUser("oid"), $timestamp));
    print theDb()->affectedRows();
    print "\n";
// Clean up
if (getenv("DEBUG")) {
    theDb()->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS import_genomes_last");
    theDb()->query("CREATE TABLE import_genomes_last LIKE import_genomes_tmp");
    theDb()->query("INSERT INTO import_genomes_last SELECT * FROM import_genomes_tmp");
theDb()->query("DROP TEMPORARY TABLE variant_occurs_not");
theDb()->query("DROP TEMPORARY TABLE import_genomes_tmp");

$usermeta = getCurrentUser();
include 'cities.php';
global $login;
if (isset($_POST['login']) and $login->isUserLoggedIn() and CUSER > 0) {
    updateField('users', 'user_lastlogin', date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'user_id', CUSER);
    updateField('users', 'user_lastlogin_ip', $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], 'user_id', CUSER);
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
        <meta charset="utf-8">
		<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/normalize.css" />
		<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/style.css" />
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		<link rel="icon" href="/favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon">
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		<script src="/chosen.jquery.min.js"></script>
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		<script src="/script.js"></script>
		<!--[if lte IE 9]><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/styleIE.css" /><![endif]-->
<!-- Google Tag Manager -->

<noscript><iframe src="//"
Esempio n. 25
<div class="container">
<label for="password"><?php 
print __("PASSWORD");
<input type="password" class="password" name="password" id="password" value="" />

<div class="buttons">
<input type="submit" class="submit" name="login" value="<?php 
print __("LOGIN");
" />
if (getCurrentUser()->Email) {
 <input type="submit" class="submit" name="forgotPassword" value="<?php 
    print __("FORGOT_PASSWORD");
" /> <?php 
<input type="submit" class="submit" name="cancel" value="<?php 
print __("CANCEL");
" />

Esempio n. 26
 * Get html or txt template. If no data is specified, return content (to eval later).
 * Otherwise replace variables with data and return eval'ed content
 * Always available variables are:
 *  $user from globals and $name, $surename, $nickname of $user
 *  $sitename
 *  $modulename
 * They will be overwritten by variables of $data.
 * @param string $template, may include an folder like email/filename
 * @param string $module
 * @param array  $data; default: false
 * @param string $type; default: html, txt or any other file extension
function getTemplateContent($template, $module, $data = false, $type = 'html', $language = null)
    if (!$language) {
        $language = getConf("language");
    if (!$type) {
        $type = 'html';
    $lang = '_' . $language;
    $defaultLang = '_en';
    $template = constant(strtoupper($module)) . TEMPLATES . "/{$template}";
    $filename = "{$template}{$lang}.{$type}";
    // try to find template file for current or default lang or lang independently or as plain text with or without lang
    if (file_exists("{$template}{$lang}.{$type}")) {
        $filename = "{$template}{$lang}.{$type}";
    } elseif (file_exists("{$template}{$defaultLang}.{$type}")) {
        $filename = "{$template}{$defaultLang}.{$type}";
    } elseif (file_exists("{$template}.{$type}")) {
        $filename = "{$template}.{$type}";
    } elseif (file_exists("{$template}{$lang}.{$type}")) {
        $filename = "{$template}{$lang}.txt";
    } elseif (file_exists("{$template}{$defaultLang}.{$type}")) {
        $filename = "{$template}{$defaultLang}.txt";
    } elseif (file_exists("{$template}.{$type}")) {
        $filename = "{$template}.txt";
    if (!file_exists($filename)) {
        throw new CTFail(t('template.x.not.found', "{$template}.{$type}"));
    //get template prefixed with closing php tag to prevent eval take content as php code
    $content = '?>' . file_get_contents($filename);
    // if no data specified return content
    if (empty($data)) {
        return $content;
    // else extract data into current symbole table and eval content to populate variables
    $user = getCurrentUser();
    // Get $user not through globals, otherwise it could overloaded through extract()!!
    $nickname = isset($user->spitzname) ? $user->spitzname : $user->vorname;
    $surname = $user->vorname;
    $name = $user->name;
    $sitename = getConf('site_name');
    $modulename = getConf($module . '_name', $module);
    if (count($data)) {
    $content = ob_get_contents();
    if (!$content) {
        throw new CTFail(t('error.occured'));
    //TODO: refine error message
    return $content;
Esempio n. 27
 function render_row(&$row)
     global $gDisableEditing;
     $html = "";
     $id_prefix = "v_{$row['variant_id']}__a_{$row['article_pmid']}__g_{$row['genome_id']}__d_{$row['disease_id']}__p_{$row['edit_id']}__";
     $title = "";
     foreach (array("article_pmid", "genome_id", "disease_id") as $keyfield) {
         if (strlen($row[$keyfield]) == 0) {
             $row[$keyfield] = 0;
     if ($row["disease_id"] != "0") {
         $tr = editable("{$id_prefix}f_summary_short__8x1__oddsratio", $row["summary_short"], $row["disease_name"] . "<BR />", array("rownumber" => $this->rownumber, "tip" => "Indicate the contribution of this article to OR statistics for " . htmlspecialchars($row["disease_name"]) . "."));
         if ($tr != "") {
             if ($this->rownumber == 0) {
                 $html .= $this->starttable;
             $html .= $tr;
     } else {
         if ($row["article_pmid"] != "0") {
             $html .= "<A name=\"a" . htmlentities($row["article_pmid"]) . "\"></A>\n";
             $summary = article_get_summary($row["article_pmid"]);
             $html .= editable("{$id_prefix}f_summary_short__70x8__textile", $row[summary_short], $summary . "<BR />", array("tip" => "Explain this article's contribution to the conclusions drawn in the variant summary above."));
         } else {
             if ($row["genome_id"] != "0") {
                 $html .= "<A name=\"g" . $row["genome_id"] . "\"></A>\n";
                 // Pick the most human-readable name for this genome/person
                 if (!($name = $row["name"])) {
                     if (!($name = $row["global_human_id"])) {
                         $name = "[" . $row["genome_id"] . "]";
                 $name = htmlspecialchars($name);
                 // Link to the full genome(s)
                 if ($row["dataset_count"] > 0) {
                     $name = "<A href=\"{$row['dataset_url']}\">{$name}</A>";
                 if ($row["dataset_count"] > 1) {
                     $more = $row["dataset_count"] - 1;
                     $name .= " (";
                     if ($row["dataset_url_2"]) {
                         $name .= "<A href=\"{$row['dataset_url_2']}\">alternate</A>, ";
                     if ($more > 1) {
                         $name .= "plus {$more} other data sets";
                     } else {
                         if ($more == 1) {
                             $name .= "plus 1 other data set";
                         } else {
                             $name = ereg_replace(", \$", "", $name);
                     $name .= ")";
                 // Indicate the SNP that causes the variant
                 if ($row["chr"]) {
                     $name .= htmlspecialchars("\n" . substr($row["zygosity"], 0, 3) . " " . $row["allele"] . " @ " . $row["chr"] . ":" . $row["chr_pos"]);
                     $name = nl2br($name);
                 $html .= editable("{$id_prefix}f_summary_short__70x8__textile", $row[summary_short], $name);
             } else {
                 if ($row["disease_id"] != "0") {
                     // Disease summary not attached to any particular publication
                 } else {
                     $html .= editable("{$id_prefix}f_summary_short__70x8__textile", $row[summary_short], "Short summary", array("tip" => "Provide a one line summary of clinical action to be undertaken given this variant (possibly modified by known phenotypes)."));
                     $html .= editable("{$id_prefix}f_variant_quality", $row, "Variant quality");
                     global $gImpactOptions;
                     $opts =& $gImpactOptions;
                     $qualified_impact = evidence_qualify_impact($row["variant_quality"], $row["variant_impact"]);
                     $html .= editable("{$id_prefix}f_variant_impact__", $row["variant_impact"], "Impact", array("select_options" => $opts, "previewtextile" => $qualified_impact, "tip" => "Categorize the expected impact of this variant."));
                     if (strtolower($qualified_impact) != strtolower($row["variant_impact"])) {
                         $html .= "<P><I>(The \"" . strtolower(eregi_replace(",? " . $row["variant_impact"], "", $qualified_impact)) . "\" qualifier is assigned automatically based on the above evidence and importance scores.)</I></P>";
                     global $gInheritanceOptions;
                     $html .= editable("{$id_prefix}f_variant_dominance__", $row[variant_dominance], "Inheritance pattern", array("select_options" => $gInheritanceOptions));
                     $html .= editable("{$id_prefix}f_summary_long__70x8__textile", $row[summary_long], "Summary of published research, and additional commentary", array("tip" => "Provide a comprehensive review of the variant including youngest age of onset, oldest age of onset and oldest asymptomatic individual."));
     if ($html == "") {
     if (ereg('^<(TABLE|TR)', $html)) {
         // TODO: handle is_delete and flag_edited_id for table rows
         // somehow; for now just don't indicate them at all
         if ($row["is_delete"]) {
         if ($row["flag_edited_id"]) {
             $this->html .= $html;
     } else {
         if (!$gDisableEditing && getCurrentUser() || 0 < strlen($row["talk_text"])) {
             $show_label = 0 < strlen($row["talk_text"]) ? "<B>show discussion</B>" : "start discussion";
             $html .= "<DIV class=\"rectangle-speech-border-hidden\"><DIV>{$show_label}</DIV>";
             $html .= editable("{$id_prefix}f_talk_text__70x8__textile", $row[talk_text], "Discussion<BR />", array("tip" => "Comments about this section"));
             $html .= "</DIV>";
     if ($row["is_delete"]) {
         $html .= "<DIV style=\"outline: 1px dashed #300; background-color: #fdd; color: #300; padding: 20px 20px 0 20px; margin: 0 0 10px 0;\"><P>Deleted in this revision:</P>{$html}</DIV>";
     } else {
         if ($row["flag_edited_id"]) {
             if ($row["previous_edit_id"]) {
                 $edited = "Edited";
             } else {
                 $edited = "Added";
             $html = "<DIV style=\"outline: 1px dashed #300; background-color: #dfd; color: #300; padding: 20px 20px 0 20px; margin: 0 0 10px 0;\"><P>{$edited} in this revision:</P>\n{$html}</DIV>";
     $this->html .= $html;
Esempio n. 28
| 名称  | 类型  | 必需   | 说明 |
| ---- | ----- | ----- | ---- |
| nickname | string | 是 | 接收者昵称 |
| content | string | 是 | 私信内容 |
| type | string | 否 | 私信类型,默认为text |



** 响应 **

$api->post('/', function (Request $request) {
    $nickname = $request->request->get('nickname');
    $content = $request->request->get('content');
    $type = $request->request->get('type', 'text');
    $sender = getCurrentUser();
    $receiver = ServiceKernel::instance()->createService('User.UserService')->getUserByNickname($nickname);
    if (empty($receiver)) {
        throw $this->createNotFoundException("抱歉,该收信人尚未注册!");
    $message = ServiceKernel::instance()->createService('User.MessageService')->sendMessage($sender['id'], $receiver['id'], $content, $type);
    return array('success' => empty($message) ? 'flase' : 'true', 'id' => empty($message) ? 0 : $message['id']);
return $api;
Esempio n. 29
            $params = array('site_url' => FConfig::getUrl(), 'logo_url' => FConfig::getUrl('images/logo_footer.png'), 'username' => $rs_proj->name . ' ' . $rs_proj->lastname, 'oferta_username' => $user['name'] . ' ' . $user['lastname'], 'project_title' => $rs_proj->pro_tit, 'project_url' => $rs_proj->pro_tit);
            $body = FMailer::replaceParameters($params, file_get_contents('../views/emails/modificadaOfertaEnProyectoEmail.html'));
            $mailer = new FMailer();
            $receivers = array(array('email' => $to));
            $mailer->sendEmail($asunto, $body);
    $arreglo[] = array('resp' => "Se ha enviado la información");
    echo json_encode($arreglo);
//comentario en  bid
if ($act == "comentarioOferta") {
    //TODO Warning posible sql inyection
    $offerId = intval($_REQUEST['o_id']);
    $currentUser = getCurrentUser();
    insertTable("oferta_comments", "'',{$offerId}, {$currentUser->id},'" . $_REQUEST['comment'] . "',NOW()");
    $commentId = mysql_insert_id();
    //usuario que oferto
    $user_of = listAll("ofertas", "WHERE id = {$_REQUEST['o_id']}");
    $rs_user_of = mysql_fetch_object($user_of);
    $us_of = getUserInfo($rs_user_of->user_id);
    //usuario que posteo el proyecto
    $user_pro = listAll("proyectos", "WHERE pro_id = {$rs_user_of->pro_id}");
    $rs_user_pro = mysql_fetch_object($user_pro);
    $us_pro = getUserInfo($rs_user_pro->user_id);
    //TODO use Notification model to abstract this logic
    //Begin notification
    //Json data to know what to do with this notification
    $notificationData = new stdClass();
Esempio n. 30
 public function getHours($_start_date = '', $_end_date = '', $_user = '')
     // Used by Ajax to get a list of hours for a user between two dates
     if (isset($this->_data['ajax'])) {
         if (!empty($this->_data['start_date'])) {
             $_start_date = fix_date($this->_data['start_date']);
         if (!empty($this->_data['end_date'])) {
             $_end_date = $this->_data['end_date'];
         if (!empty($this->_data['person_id'])) {
             $_user = $this->_data['person_id'];
     if (empty($_start_date)) {
         $_start_date = fix_date(date(DATE_FORMAT));
     if (empty($_end_date)) {
         $_end_date = fix_date(date(DATE_FORMAT, strtotime("+1 day", strtotime($_start_date))));
     if (empty($_user)) {
         $user = getCurrentUser();
         if (!is_null($user->person_id)) {
             $_user = $user->person_id;
     $hours = new HourCollection();
     if (!empty($_user)) {
         $sh = new SearchHandler($hours, false);
         $sh->addConstraint(new Constraint('person_id', '=', $_user));
         $sh->addConstraint(new Constraint('start_time', 'between', "'" . $_start_date . "' and '" . $_end_date . "'"));
         $sh->setFields(array('id', 'start_time', 'type', 'duration'));
         $sh->setOrderBy('start_time', 'ASC');
     if (isset($this->_data['ajax'])) {
         $this->view->set('no_ordering', true);
         $this->view->set('collection', $hours);
         $this->view->set('showheading', true);
     } else {
         return $hours;