public function __invoke()
     $today = $this->getDateInThePast(0);
     $oneWeekAgo = $this->getDateInThePast(7);
     $twoWeeksAgo = $this->getDateInThePast(14);
     $threeWeeksAgo = $this->getDateInThePast(21);
     $service = $this->adwords->getService('AdGroupService');
     $selector = new \Selector();
     $selector->predicates = [new \Predicate('Status', 'EQUALS', 'ENABLED'), new \Predicate('CampaignStatus', 'EQUALS', 'ENABLED')];
     $selector->orderBy = new \OrderBy('ctr', 'ASCENDING');
     $selector->paging = new \Paging(0, \AdWordsConstants::RECOMMENDED_PAGE_SIZE);
     do {
         $page = $service->get($selector);
         if (is_array($page->entries)) {
             foreach ($page->entries as $adGroup) {
                 // Let's look at the trend of the ad group's CTR.
                 $statsThreeWeeksAgo = $this->getStatsFor($adGroup, $threeWeeksAgo, $twoWeeksAgo);
                 $statsTwoWeeksAgo = $this->getStatsFor($adGroup, $twoWeeksAgo, $oneWeekAgo);
                 $statsLastWeek = $this->getStatsFor($adGroup, $oneWeekAgo, $today);
                 // Week over week, the ad group is declining - record that!
                 if ($statsLastWeek->getCtr() < $statsTwoWeeksAgo->getCtr() && $statsTwoWeeksAgo->getCtr() < $statsThreeWeeksAgo->getCtr()) {
                     reportRows . push([adGroup . getCampaign() . getName(), adGroup . getName(), statsLastWeek . getCtr() * 100, statsLastWeek . getCost(), statsTwoWeeksAgo . getCtr() * 100, statsTwoWeeksAgo . getCost(), statsThreeWeeksAgo . getCtr() * 100, statsThreeWeeksAgo . getCost()]);
         $selector->paging->startIndex += $selector->paging->numberResults;
     } while (!is_null($page->entries));
Esempio n. 2
function getMaxCallTime($from, $to)
    $customer = getCustomerByPhone($from);
    $call_cost = getCost($from, $to, $customer['tariffid']);
    return floor($customer['balance'] / $call_cost['costPerUnit']) * $call_cost['unitSize'];
Esempio n. 3
         if (!isset($tariffs[$tariff_id])) {
             if (!isset($tariffs[$tariff_id])) {
                 $error['errors'][] = array('line' => $i, 'line_content' => $f_line, 'error' => 'Can\'t find tariff ' . $tariff_id . ' in tariff files.');
         // set call type
         $call_type = parseCallType($cdr['call_type']);
         if ($call_type === NULL) {
             die('Call type is not correct. Please use incoming or outgoing.' . PHP_EOL);
         // generate unix timestamp
         $call_start = mktime($cdr['call_start_hour'], $cdr['call_start_min'], $cdr['call_start_sec'], $cdr['call_start_month'], $cdr['call_start_day'], $cdr['call_start_year']);
         // no payments for incoming call else calculate cost for call
         $call_cost = getCost($cdr['caller'], $cdr['callee'], $tariff_id);
         switch ($call_type) {
             case CALL_INCOMING:
                 $price = 0;
             case CALL_OUTGOING:
                 $price = round(ceil($cdr['time_answer_to_end'] / $call_cost['unitSize']) * $call_cost['costPerUnit'], 5);
         // insert cdr record to database
         $DB->Execute("INSERT INTO\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t voip_cdr (caller, callee, call_start_time, time_start_to_end, time_answer_to_end, price, status, type, voipaccountid)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t VALUES\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);", array($cdr['caller'], $cdr['callee'], $call_start, $cdr['time_start_to_end'], $cdr['time_answer_to_end'], $price, strtolower($cdr['call_status']), $call_type, $customer_list[$cdr['caller']]['voipaccountid']));
     } else {
         $error['errors'][] = array('line' => $i, 'line_content' => $f_line, 'error' => $cdr_error);
Esempio n. 4
      <h1>Rental Confirmation</h1>

    <div id="wrapper">
echo getname();
echo '<br />';
echo '<br />';
echo "Contact Info: ";
echo '<br />';
echo '<br />';
echo getEmail();
echo '<br />';
echo '<br />';
echo 'Your total cost: $';
echo getCost();

    <footer id="footer">
			<hr />
			<p> the information included on this page may not be correct, it was created in CST336 &copy; Joshua Smith 2015</p>
			<img class="image-with border" src="../../../img/csumb-logo.png" alt="csumb logo" />
$max_comps = tableSize("computer_accessories");
$max_cloth = tableSize("clothing");
$types = array("book", "electronics", "computer_accessories", "clothing");
$map = array("book" => "Books", "electronics" => "Electronics", "computer_accessories" => "Computer Accessories", "clothing" => "Clothing");
$sizes = array("book" => $max_books, "electronics" => $max_elecs, "computer_accessories" => $max_comps, "clothing" => $max_cloth);
$max_quant = 5;
// not get order number
for ($order_no = 1; $order_no <= 1000; $order_no++) {
    echo "doing {$order_no} <br />";
    //$time="SELECT FROM_UNIXTIME(RAND() * (1351708200 - 1230748200) + 1230748200)";
    $customer = rand(1, $max_custs);
    $quant = rand(1, $max_quant);
    $cost = 0;
    for ($j = 0; $j < $quant; $j++) {
        $prod = $types[rand(0, 3)];
        $prodid = rand(0, $sizes[$prod] - 1);
        $prod_quant = rand(1, 3);
        $prod_cost = getCost($prod, $prodid);
        $cost += $prod_quant * $prod_cost;
        $query = "INSERT INTO bill_details values ({$order_no}, \"" . $map[$prod] . "\",{$prodid},{$prod_quant},{$prod_cost})";
        echo $query . "<br />";
        $result = mysql_query($query, $pconnect);
    $query = "INSERT INTO billing values ({$order_no}, {$customer},{$cost},FROM_UNIXTIME(RAND() * (1351708200 - 1230748200) + 1230748200))";
    $result = mysql_query($query, $pconnect);

//update billing,(select @i:=@i+1 as ind,billing.bill_date as dt1 from billing order by bill_date) as tbl1 set bill_date=tbl1.dt1 where ID=tbl1.ind ;
Esempio n. 6
   $x = $row[id];
   $str = getBuildStat(increases, $x);
   if ($str != "none") {
       $amt = getPlanetStat($str, $sid, $pid);
       if ($str == "maxcivs") {
           $amt /= 50;
       echo '<tr><td></td>
   <td><a href="./pedia.php?id=' . $x . '">' . getBuildStat(name, $x) . '</a></td>
   <td>' . $amt . '</td>
   <td><a href="javascript:confirmBuilding(' . $x . ');">X</a></td>
   <td>' . getBuildStat(landcost, $x, $sid, $pid) . '</td>
   <td>' . getCost(civs, $x, $sid, $pid) . '</td>
   <td>' . getCost(steel, $x, $sid, $pid) . '</td>
   <td>' . getCost(cylite, $x, $sid, $pid) . '</td>
   <td>' . getCost(plexi, $x, $sid, $pid) . '</td>
   <td>' . calcBuildTime($x, $sid, $pid) . '</td>
   <td><a href="./build.php?id=' . $pid . '&bid=' . $x . '">Build</a></td>
   } else {
       if (!galaxyControlled($sid, $pid)) {
           echo '<tr><td></td>
     <td><a href="./pedia.php?id=' . $x . '">' . getBuildStat(name, $x) . '</a></td>
     <td>' . getBuildStat(landcost, $x, $sid, $pid) . '</td>
     <td>' . getBuildStat(civscost, $x) . '</td>
     <td>' . getBuildStat(steelcost, $x) . '</td>
     <td>' . getBuildStat(cylitecost, $x) . '</td>
     <td>' . getBuildStat(plexicost, $x) . '</td>
     <td>' . getBuildStat(buildtime, $x) . '</td>
Esempio n. 7
    while ($playerHitPoints > 0 && $bossHitPoints > 0) {
        // Player hits boss
        $bossHitPoints -= max(1, $playerDamage - $bossArmor);
        if ($bossHitPoints <= 0) {
            return true;
        // Boss hits player
        $playerHitPoints -= max(1, $bossDamage - $playerArmor);
        if ($playerHitPoints <= 0) {
            return false;
$minGold = false;
$maxGold = false;
$hitpoints = 100;
foreach ($combinations as $combination) {
    $cost = getCost($combination);
    $damage = getDamage($combination);
    $armor = getArmor($combination);
    if (willPlayerWin($hitpoints, $damage, $armor, $bossHitPoints, $bossDamage, $bossArmor)) {
        if (!$minGold || $cost < $minGold) {
            $minGold = $cost;
    } elseif (!$maxGold || $cost > $maxGold) {
        $maxGold = $cost;
echo 'The least amount of gold is ' . $minGold . PHP_EOL;
echo 'You can spend ' . $maxGold . ' gold and still lose' . PHP_EOL;
Esempio n. 8
function canAfford($stat, $bid, $sid, $pid)
    if (getCost($stat, $bid, $sid, $pid) > getPlanetStat($stat, $sid, $pid)) {
        return false;
    return true;
Esempio n. 9
     $create_date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
     $row1 = $db->getrow("select * from transfer where transfer_no = {$transfer_no}");
     $sql2 = "select * from transdetail where transfer_no = {$transfer_no}\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tand trans_qty>0";
     $result2 = $db->query($sql2);
     if ($result2) {
         while ($row2 = $db->fetch_array($result2)) {
             //echo $row['acc_no'];
             $acc_no = $row2['acc_no'];
             $po_date = $row2['po_date'];
             $trans_qty = $row2['trans_qty'];
             $stockIn_no = $row2['stockIn_no'];
             //$sql = "select * from stockin where retailShop_no = $retailShop_no ".
             //	   "and acc_no = '$acc_no' and po_date = '$po_date'";
             if ($row2['IMEI'] == null) {
                 $sql5 = "insert into stockin(poDetail_no,staff_no,acc_no,retailShop_no,po_date,iprice,ava_bal,rec_qty,rec_date,transDetail_no)" . "values(" . getPoDetailNoByStockIn($stockIn_no) . ", {$userno}, {$acc_no}, {$retailShop_no},'{$po_date}'," . getCost(getPoDetailNoByStockIn($stockIn_no)) . ",{$trans_qty},{$trans_qty},'{$create_date}'," . $row2['transDetail_no'] . ")";
                 echo $sql5;
             } else {
                 echo 2;
                 $sql5 = "UPDATE phone SET retailShop_no={$retailShop_no} WHERE IMEI='" . $row2['IMEI'] . "' ";
             $db->query("UPDATE  transfer\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSET  transState_no =  '2', confirmBy='{$userLoginId}', receiveDate='{$create_date}'\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE  transfer_no ={$transfer_no}");
 case 'getTransList':
     $retailShop_list = get_retailshop_list();
     $transfer_state = array(1 => '未收貨', 2 => '已收貨', 3 => '無效');
     $shopno = '';