* obtain list of the category */ $sql = "select * from category order by category_name ASC"; if (!($result = $db->query($sql))) { die('Error:' . $db->error()); } $categories = array(); while ($categories[] = $db->fetcharray()) { } $totalcategories = count($categories); $categorylist = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < $totalcategories - 1; $i++) { foreach ($categories as $field => $value) { if ($field == 'category_name') { $categorylist .= '<li><a href="' . VIEW_CATEGORY_URL . $categories[$i]->categoryID . '">' . $categories[$i]->category_name . '</a></li>'; } } } /* * Get the default stylesheets */ include 'admin/template.configuration.php'; $stylesheet = ' themes/' . $default_template_name . '/' . $default_template_stylesheet; $db->close(); $gerger->stop(); $pagegenerated = $gerger->display(); // Generate the page now $tpl = new template_parser('themes/templates/advertise.tpl.php'); $tags = array('{DATELINE}' => niceDate($headline[0]->dateline), '{ARTICLEID}' => $headline[0]->articleID, '{HEADLINE}' => $headline[0]->title, '{AUTHOR}' => 'By ' . getArticle_authors_info($headline[0]->articleID, 'fullname') . ' / BR</p>', '{ARTICLE_BODY}' => makeAShortIntro(strip_tags($headline[0]->article_body)), '{PHOTO}' => $photo, '{VIEW_ARTICLE_URL}' => $my_profile[0]->homeaddress, '{OTHER_HEADLINES}' => $other_headlines, '{OTHER_TOPSTORIES}' => $other_topstories, '{QUOTE_OF_THE_DAY}' => $quote, '{SUBSECTIONS}' => $subsections, '{ADS_148x300}' => $ads148x300, '{MESSAGE}' => $message, '{PAGE_GENERATED}' => ' ' . $pagegenerated, '{SPONSORED_LINKS}' => $sponsoredlinks, '{SUBSECTIONS}' => $subsections, '{CATEGORY}' => $categorylist, '{FOOTER}' => 'themes/templates/footer.tpl.php', '{STYLESHEET}' => $stylesheet); $tpl->parse_template($tags); print $tpl->display();
} // $viewpollresult .= '<input type="button" class="button2" onClick=popupWindow("' . "admin/create_poll_graph.php?topic_id=" . $topicid . '","win1",640,350,"yes","yes"); name="submit" value="Results" class="button" />'; if ($npoll > 1) { $viewpollresult .= '<br><a href="#" onClick=popupWindow("view_more_poll.php","win2",300,300,"yes","yes");>'; $viewpollresult .= ' <b class="whitetext">View more poll>></b>'; $viewpollresult .= '</a>'; } $polls .= '<form name="pollform" method="post" action="admin/save_poll_response2.php">'; $polls .= ' <input type="hidden" name="topicid" value="' . $topicid . '" >'; $polls .= $topic; $polls .= '<br>'; $polls .= $optlabel; $polls .= '<input type="submit" class="button2" name="submit" value="Vote" class="button" />'; $polls .= $viewpollresult; } else { $polls = '<b>No Polls available</b>'; } /* * Get the default stylesheets */ include 'admin/template.configuration.php'; $stylesheet = ' themes/' . $default_template_name . '/' . $default_template_stylesheet; $db->close(); $gerger->stop(); $pagegenerated = $gerger->display(); // Generate the page now $tpl = new template_parser('themes/templates/index.tpl.php'); $tags = array('{FULLSTORY}' => $fullstory, '{DATELINE}' => niceDate($headline[0]->dateline), '{ARTICLEID}' => ' ' . $headline[0]->articleID, '{HEADLINE}' => $headline[0]->title, '{AUTHOR}' => 'By ' . getArticle_authors_info($headline[0]->articleID, 'fullname') . '</p>', '{ARTICLE_BODY}' => makeAShortIntro(strip_tags($headline[0]->article_body)), '{PHOTO}' => $photo, '{VIEW_ARTICLE_URL}' => $my_profile[0]->homeaddress, '{OTHER_HEADLINES}' => $other_headlines, '{OTHER_TOPSTORIES}' => $other_topstories, '{OUR_SEGMENTS}' => $segments, '{TOPICID}' => $topicid, '{POLLS}' => $polls, '{POLL_LABELS}' => $optlabel, '{POLL_TOPIC}' => $topic, '{VIEW_POLL_RESULT}' => $viewpollresult, '{QUOTE_MESSAGE}' => $quote_message, '{QUOTE_AUTHOR}' => $quote_author, '{SUBSECTIONS}' => $subsections, '{ADVERTISEMENTS}' => $ads, '{ADS_148x300}' => $ads148x300, '{ADS_800x140}' => $ads800x140, '{PAGE_GENERATED}' => ' ' . $pagegenerated, '{SPONSORED_LINKS}' => $sponsoredlinks, '{SUBSECTIONS}' => $subsections, '{CATEGORY}' => $categorylist, '{FOOTER}' => 'themes/templates/footer.tpl.php', '{STYLESHEET}' => $stylesheet, '{ENGINE_ LINK}' => '<a href="http://www.google.com"><img src="images/logo_google.png"></a>'); $tpl->parse_template($tags); print $tpl->display();
$row_data .= '<td>'; $row_data .= '<a href="' . VIEW_ARTICLE_URL . $publisher_articles_reports[$i]->articleID . '">'; $title = getArticleTitle($publisher_articles_reports[$i]->articleID); $row_data .= ' ' . $title; $row_data .= '</a>'; $row_data .= '</td>'; $row_data .= '<td class="blue2">'; $category_name = getCategory_name($publisher_articles_reports[$i]->articleID); $row_data .= $category_name; $row_data .= '</td>'; $row_data .= '<td>'; $category_name = getFrontpage_type($publisher_articles_reports[$i]->articleID); $row_data .= ' ' . $category_name; $row_data .= '</td>'; $row_data .= '<td>'; $row_data .= getArticle_authors_info($publisher_articles_reports[$i]->articleID, 'fullname'); $row_data .= '</td>'; $row_data .= '<td>'; $row_data .= getUser_info($publisher_articles_reports[$i]->edited_by, 'fullname'); $row_data .= '</td>'; $row_data .= '<td class="brown">'; $row_data .= ' ' . friendlydate2($publisher_articles_reports[$i]->created); $row_data .= '</td>'; $row_data .= '<td>'; $date = $publisher_articles_reports[$i]->modified ? friendlyDate2($publisher_articles_reports[$i]->modified) : '0'; $row_data .= $date; $row_data .= '</td>'; $row_data .= '<td>'; $row_data .= $publisher_articles_reports[$i]->status; $row_data .= '</td>'; $row_data .= '</tr">';
<?php require 'admin/coreclass.php'; $articleID = $_GET['articleID']; $db = new database(); $sql = "select * from article_versions "; $sql .= " where articleID=" . intval($articleID); if (!($result = $db->query($sql))) { die('Error:' . $db->error()); } while ($article[] = $db->fetcharray()) { } $db->freeresult(); $title = $article[0]->title; $author = getArticle_authors_info($article[0]->articleID, 'fullname'); $dateline = friendlyDate3($article[0]->dateline); $body = strip_tags($article[0]->article_body, ''); $doc = new document_generator('templates/preview.rtf'); $tags = array('<TITLE>' => $title, '<AUTHOR>' => $author, '<DATELINE>' => $dateline, '<BODY>' => $body); $doc->doc_tags($tags); echo $doc->display();
if ($my_articles[$i]->articleID) { $i % 2 == 0 ? $bgcolor = "" : ($bgcolor = "#F5F5F5"); $row_data .= '<tr class="tdhover" id= "tdata" bgcolor = "' . $bgcolor . '">'; $row_data .= '<td>'; $row_data .= $i + 1; $row_data .= '</td>'; $row_data .= '<td class="blue">'; $title = getArticleTitle($my_articles[$i]->articleID); $row_data .= ' ' . $title; $row_data .= '</td>'; $row_data .= '<td class="blue2">'; $category_name = getCategory_name($my_articles[$i]->articleID); $row_data .= $category_name; $row_data .= '</td>'; $row_data .= '<td>'; $row_data .= getArticle_authors_info($my_articles[$i]->articleID, 'fullname'); $row_data .= '</td>'; $row_data .= '<td '; switch ($my_articles[$i]->status) { case 'revise': $row_data .= 'class="blue">'; break; case 'rejected': $row_data .= 'class="red">'; break; case 'approved': $row_data .= 'class="green">'; break; case 'published': $row_data .= 'class="viola">'; break;
for ($i = 0; $i < count($reports); $i++) { if ($reports[$i]->article_versionID) { $i % 2 == 0 ? $bgcolor = "" : ($bgcolor = "#F5F5F5"); $row_data .= '<tr class="tdhover" id= "tdata" bgcolor = "' . $bgcolor . '">'; $row_data .= '<td>'; $row_data .= $i + 1; $row_data .= '</td>'; $row_data .= '<td class="blue">'; $row_data .= $reports[$i]->title; $row_data .= '</td>'; $row_data .= '<td class="viola">'; $category_name = getCategory_name($reports[$i]->articleID); $row_data .= $category_name; $row_data .= '</td>'; $row_data .= '<td class="brown" >'; $row_data .= getArticle_authors_info($reports[$i]->articleID, 'fullname'); $row_data .= '</td>'; $row_data .= '<td class="cyan">'; $row_data .= getUser_info($reports[$i]->edited_by, 'fullname'); $row_data .= '</td>'; $row_data .= '<td class="black">'; $row_data .= friendlyDate2($reports[$i]->created); $row_data .= '</td>'; $row_data .= '<td class="brown">'; $date = $reports[$i]->modified ? friendlyDate2($reports[$i]->modified) : '0'; $row_data .= $date; $row_data .= '</td>'; $row_data .= '<td class="green">'; $row_data .= $reports[$i]->status; $row_data .= '</td>'; $row_data .= '</tr>';
while ($links[] = $db->fetcharray()) { } $db->freeresult(); $sponsoredlinks = ''; $n = count($links) - 1; for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++) { // Count the active banners foreach ($links as $field => $values) { if ($field == 'clientID') { if (checkhttptext($links[$i]->website)) { $url = splithttptext($links[$i]->website); $sponsoredlinks .= '<li><a href="' . $links[$i]->website . '">' . $url[1] . '</a></li>'; } else { $sponsoredlinks .= '<li><a href="http://' . $links[$i]->website . '">' . $links[$i]->website . '</a></li>'; } } } } /* * Get the default stylesheets */ include 'admin/template.configuration.php'; $stylesheet = ' themes/' . $default_template_name . '/' . $default_template_stylesheet; $db->close(); $gerger->stop(); $pagegenerated = $gerger->display(); // Generate the page now $tpl = new template_parser('themes/templates/view_article.tpl.php'); $tags = array('{LINK}' => $link, '{DATELINE}' => niceDate($dateline), '{TITLE}' => $view_article[0]->title, '{AUTHOR}' => getArticle_authors_info($view_article[0]->articleID, 'fullname') . '</p>', '{ARTICLE_BODY}' => $view_article[0]->article_body, '{HEADING_CATEGORY}' => $heading_category, '{OTHER_HEADLINES_CAT}' => $other_headlines_cat, '{OTHER_HEADLINES}' => $other_headlines, '{PAGE_GENERATED}' => ' ' . $pagegenerated, '{PHOTO}' => $photo, '{VIEW_ARTICLE_URL}' => $my_profile[0]->homeaddress, '{OTHER_TOPSTORIES}' => $other_topstories, '{QUOTE_OF_THE_DAY}' => $quote, '{SUBSECTIONS}' => $subsections, '{ADVERTISEMENTS}' => $advertisements, '{ADS_148x300}' => $ads148x300, '{ADS_600x140}' => $ads600x140, '{ADS_180x700}' => $ads180x700, '{SPONSORED_LINKS}' => $sponsoredlinks, '{SUBSECTIONS}' => $subsections, '{CATEGORY}' => $categorylist, '{FOOTER}' => 'themes/templates/footer.tpl.php', '{STYLESHEET}' => $stylesheet); $tpl->parse_template($tags); print $tpl->display();
header('Location: login.php'); } if (isset($_SESSION['login'])) { $userID = $_SESSION['userID']; $usertype = $_SESSION['usertype']; } $articleID = $_GET['articleID']; $db = new database(); // TODO; MUST allow the article to preview no matter what stages been set on.. // so, we hav to change the code into a flexible style....bwahahah!! // Get the writers name of the article $articleID = $_SESSION['articleID']; $title = $_SESSION['title']; $article_body = $_SESSION['article_body']; $created = $_SESSION['created']; $writer_name = getArticle_authors_info($articleID, 'fullname'); $category_name = getCategory_name($articleID); /** * Get the image sets of the article */ $sql = " select * from stockphotos s, "; $sql .= " article_imgs ai "; $sql .= " where ai.articleID=" . $_SESSION['articleID']; $sql .= " and ai.imageID = s.imageID "; $sql .= "and ai.show_image = 1"; $db->query($sql); $article_images = array(); while ($article_images[] = $db->fetcharray()) { } $thumbnail = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < count($article_images) - 1; $i++) {
if ($newsdirector_articles_reports[$i]->articleID) { $i % 2 == 0 ? $bgcolor = "" : ($bgcolor = "#F5F5F5"); $row_data .= '<tr class="tdhover" id= "tdata" bgcolor = "' . $bgcolor . '">'; $row_data .= '<td>'; $row_data .= $i + 1; $row_data .= '</td>'; $row_data .= '<td class="blue">'; $title = $newsdirector_articles_reports[$i]->title; $row_data .= ' ' . $title; $row_data .= '</td>'; $row_data .= '<td class="viola">'; $category_name = getCategory_name($newsdirector_articles_reports[$i]->articleID); $row_data .= $category_name; $row_data .= '</td>'; $row_data .= '<td class="brown" >'; $row_data .= getArticle_authors_info($newsdirector_articles_reports[$i]->articleID, 'fullname'); $row_data .= '</td>'; $row_data .= '<td class="cyan">'; $row_data .= getUser_info($newsdirector_articles_reports[$i]->edited_by, 'fullname'); $row_data .= '</td>'; $row_data .= '<td class="black">'; $row_data .= friendlyDate2($newsdirector_articles_reports[$i]->created); $row_data .= '</td>'; $row_data .= '<td class="brown">'; $date = $newsdirector_articles_reports[$i]->modified ? friendlyDate2($newsdirector_articles_reports[$i]->modified) : '0'; $row_data .= $date; $row_data .= '</td>'; $row_data .= '<td '; switch ($newsdirector_articles_reports[$i]->status) { case 'revise': $row_data .= 'class="blue">';
} if (isset($_POST['send'])) { $db = new database(); $articleID = $_SESSION['articleID']; //$title = $_SESSION['title']; $categoryname = $_SESSION['category_name']; $article_body = $_SESSION['article_body']; $created = $_SESSION['created']; $dateline = $_SESSION['dateline']; $editorID = $_SESSION['edited_by']; $stageID = $_SESSION['stageID']; $articlestageID = $_SESSION['articlestageID']; $subject = $_POST['subject']; $message = $_POST['message']; $date_msg_created = time(); $writerID = getArticle_authors_info($articleID, 'userID'); //print 'w='. $writerID; //print_r($_SESSION) ; // ok lets determine whether the article was approve or rejected.. // this article was reject by the news-director.. if ($_SESSION['status'] == 'Reject') { $sql = " update article_versions "; $sql .= " set article_versions.status = 'rejected' , "; $sql .= " article_versions.stageID = 4 "; $sql .= " where article_versions.articleID=" . $articleID; if (!($result = $db->query($sql))) { die('Error:' . $db->error()); } $sql = " update articles "; $sql .= " set articles.stageID='4' , articles.status='rejected' "; $sql .= " where articles.articleID=" . intval($articleID);
$thumbnail .= '<div align="center"><img src="images/apply_f2.png" border="0" alt="" align="" />'; $thumbnail .= '<p class="orange"><b>Selected</b></p>'; $thumbnail .= '</div>'; } else { $thumbnail .= '<div align="center"> '; $thumbnail .= '<p> </p><p> </p>'; $thumbnail .= '</div>'; } $thumbnail .= '</div>'; } } } // Get the category name $category_name = getCategory_name($articleID); // Get the writer of the article $article_authors = getArticle_authors_info($articleID, 'fullname'); // link for print preview //$link = "preview_article.php?articleID=$articleID"; // Retrieve the frontpage $sql = " select * from frontpage_sections "; if (!($result = $db->query($sql))) { die('Error:' . $db->error()); } $frontpage_sections = array(); while ($row = $db->fetcharray()) { $frontpage_sections[] = $row; } $db->freeresult(); // Populate all the frontpage-sections into an array.. $optfrontpage_sections = ''; $frontpage = array();
$row_data .= '<td>'; $row_data .= '<input type="checkbox" name="cid[]" id="cb' . $i . '" value="' . $article_versions[$i]->articleID . '" onClick="isChecked(this.checked);"/>'; $row_data .= '</td>'; break; } $row_data .= '<td class="blue2">'; $row_data .= '<a href="' . VIEW_ARTICLE_URL . $article_versions[$i]->articleID . '">'; $row_data .= ' ' . $article_versions[$i]->title; $row_data .= '</a>'; $row_data .= '</td>'; $row_data .= '<td class="viola">'; $category_name = getCategory_name($article_versions[$i]->articleID); $row_data .= ' ' . $category_name; $row_data .= '</td>'; $row_data .= '<td class="cyan">'; $author_name = getArticle_authors_info($article_versions[$i]->articleID, 'fullname'); $row_data .= ' ' . $author_name; $row_data .= '</td>'; $row_data .= '<td class="blue2">'; $category_name = getFrontpage_type($article_versions[$i]->articleID); $row_data .= ' ' . $category_name; $row_data .= '</td>'; $row_data .= '<td class="green">'; $row_data .= ' ' . getStage_name($article_versions[$i]->stageID); $row_data .= '</td>'; switch ($_SESSION['stageID']) { case 2: case 3: case 4: $row_data .= '<td '; $status = $article_versions[$i]->status;