public function __construct() { require_once __DIR__ . "/../../../clavis.php"; require_once __DIR__ . "/../../autogen/appEnv.php"; $this->values = []; $this->values = array_merge($this->values, getAppEnv()); $this->values = array_merge($this->values, getAppKeys()); }
/** * */ public function __construct() { $this->values = []; $this->values = array_merge($this->values, getAppEnv()); if (function_exists('getAppKeys')) { $this->values = array_merge($this->values, getAppKeys()); } }
public function __construct($key, $serialize = true, $ttl = false, $gzip = false) { $this->client = new Client(); $this->baseKey = substr(md5(getAppEnv()->getEnv() . $key), 0, 10); $this->serialize = $serialize; $this->ttl = $ttl; $this->gzip = $gzip; }
/** * @return \Igorw\Silex\Config */ function getAppConfig($key = null) { static $cnf = null; if (is_null($cnf)) { $cnf = new Igorw\Silex\Config(getAppEnv()); } if (!is_null($key)) { return $cnf->getConfig($key); } return $cnf; }
<?php define("__APP__", __DIR__ . '/../app'); define("__CONFIG__", __DIR__ . '/../config'); require __APP__ . '/bootstrap/autoload.php'; if (!is_file(__CONFIG__ . '/env.php')) { echo "Please set the config/env.php file. You can use the config/env.default as a example."; die; } $env = (require_once __CONFIG__ . '/env.php'); $app = new \Slim\Slim(getConfigApp($env)); $app->setName(getAppEnv('app_name', 'app', $env)); $app->env = $env; AppSession::setAppSession($app); require __APP__ . '/bootstrap/singleton.php'; $app->view->parserOptions = ['charset' => 'utf-8', 'cache' => realpath(__APP__ . '/templates/cache'), 'auto_reload' => true, 'strict_variables' => false, 'autoescape' => true]; $app->view->parserExtensions = [new \Slim\Views\TwigExtension()]; $app->em = (require __CONFIG__ . '/../config/doctrine.php'); require_once __APP__ . "/routes.php"; $app->run();
function getConfigApp($env) { return ['mode' => getAppEnv('mode', 'production', $env), 'log.enabled' => getAppEnv('log', true, $env), 'templates.path' => __APP__ . '/templates', 'view' => new \Slim\Views\Twig(), 'cookies.encrypt' => getAppEnv('cookies_encrypt', true, $env), 'cookies.path' => getAppEnv('cookies_path', '/', $env), 'cookies.domain' => getAppEnv('cookies_domain', 'localhost', $env), '' => getAppEnv('cookies_secure', false, $env), 'cookies.httponly' => getAppEnv('cookies_httponly', false, $env), 'cookies.secret_key' => getAppEnv('cookies_secret_key', 'secret_key', $env), 'cookies.cipher' => getAppEnv('cookies_cipher', MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, $env), 'cookies.cipher_mode' => getAppEnv('cookies_cipher_mode', MCRYPT_MODE_CBC, $env)]; }
public static function setAppSession($app) { $app->add(new \Slim\Middleware\SessionCookie(['expires' => getAppEnv('cookies_expires', '20 minutes'), 'name' => getAppEnv('cookies_name', 'slim_session')])); }
<?php use GW2Spidy\Util\CLIColors; use GW2Spidy\Util\Functions; use Igorw\Silex\Config; require dirname(__FILE__) . '/../autoload.php'; $name = isset($argv[1]) ? $argv[1] : null; $check = isset($argv[2]) ? $argv[2] : null; $env = isset($argv[3]) ? $argv[3] : null; // '-' is null too ;) just so you can skip the arg if you want $check = $check == '-' ? null : $check; // grab default env $env = $env ?: getAppEnv()->getEnv(); // generate md5 $md5 = md5($name); // cnf file based on env $cnffile = __DIR__ . "/../config/cnf/{$env}.json"; echo CLIColors::getColoredString("adding md5 [[ {$md5} ]] for [[ {$name} ]] to [[ {$env} ]] ... \n", "light_blue"); if (in_array($env, array('dev', 'prod', 'default'))) { die(CLIColors::getColoredString("Can't add API keys to [[ {$env} ]] cnf file, protected.\n", "red")); } if (!file_exists($cnffile)) { die(CLIColors::getColoredString("Config file [[ {$cnffile} ]] doesn't exist.\n", "red")); } $cnf = Config::readConfig($cnffile); if (!$cnf) { die(CLIColors::getColoredString("Parsing cnf failed.\n", "red")); } if (!isset($cnf['gw2spidy']['api_secrets'])) { die(CLIColors::getColoredString("Please create the initial 'api_secrets' entry yourself.\n", "red")); }
public function __construct($key) { $this->baseKey = substr(md5(getAppEnv()->getEnv() . $key), 0, 10); }