Esempio n. 1
 $confWrongPen = 2 * $confMultiplier;
 $confCorrGain = 1 * $confMultiplier;
 $skillWrongPen = 50;
 $skillCorrGain = 10;
 //$userID = getUserID($_SESSION['username']);
 $userID = '90';
 $streakBonus = 0;
 $skills[] = 'vocabulary';
 //Keep track of type of users practice
 $scoreDecr = 0.0008;
 $scoreIncr = 0.001;
 $correct = boolean;
 //Variables for answer comparison
 $questionFromBank = $_POST['questionFromBank'];
 $answerFromBank = $_POST['answerFromBank'];
 $answerID = getAnswerIDVocab($_POST['questionID'], $questionFromBank);
 $wordIDGuess = getGuessID($_POST['guess'], $answerID, $answerFromBank);
 $cvset = getSkill('cvset', $userID);
 $vstyle = getSkill('vstyle', $userID);
 //Stats Variables
 $deck_id = getDeckInfo($cvset, 'id');
 $word_id = $_POST['questionID'];
 $user_id = $userID;
 $correct = '';
 $word_lv = getWordInfo($cvset, $word_id, $questionFromBank);
 $vstyle_id = getVstyleId($vstyle);
 $time_taken = (int) $_POST['minutesTaken'] * 60 + (int) $_POST['secondsTaken'];
 /*$changeLog[] = '<div class="dropdown small">
 		<a href="#" class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" role="button" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false"><i class="fa fa-bar-chart"></i><span class="sr-only">Results</span><span class="hidden-xs caret"></span></span></a>
 			<ul class="dropdown-menu">';*/
 //Get and compare the answer ID of the question word with the input word to see if matching
Esempio n. 2
    $answerChoices[$rand]['id'] = $answerID;
    $answerChoices[$rand][$element] = $answer;
    //Finalized Variables Used in kanjiRE.php
    $question = $vstyle == 'audioR' || $vstyle == 'audioK' ? getWordInfo('audio_filename', $questionID, $questionFromBank) : getWord($questionID, $questionFromBank);
    if (isSentencesDeck(getVocStat('cvset', $userID)) == '1') {
        $sentences = getSentences($questionID);
    } else {
        $sentences = False;
} elseif (getSkill('vStyle', $userID) == 'engK' || getSkill('vStyle', $userID) == 'engKR') {
    //*************************************English<-->Kanji+Hiragana; Hiragana***************************
    //$choiceQ = 5;
    $questionFromBank = 'etest';
    $answerFromBank = 'jtest';
    //get word
    $questionID = getQuizWordID($userID, getSkill('vStyle', $userID));
    //echo "newQuesID is: $questionID <br />";
    $question = getWord($questionID, $questionFromBank);
    $answerID = getAnswerIDVocab($questionID, $questionFromBank);
    $answer = getWord($answerID, $answerFromBank);
    //get random words in HIRAGANA
    $answerChoices = getRandomWords($choiceQ, $answerFromBank, $answerID, $userID, 'word');
    //need to get hiragana, not kanji
    //hide answer within choices
    $rand = rand(0, $choiceQ - 1);
    $answerChoices[$rand] = $answer;
    list($choice1, $choice2, $choice3, $choice4, $choice5) = $answerChoices;