function ranks() { $name = get_parameter("name"); $ranks = ""; // read 'ranks.txt' file line by line, extract a line that contains a matching 'name' parameter value // 'ranks.txt' file을 한줄 한줄 읽고, 'name' 매개변수의 값을 가진 줄(line)을 추출하시오 $names_array = file("ranks.txt"); foreach ($names_array as $line) { $tmp_name = explode(" ", $line)[0]; if ($tmp_name === $name) { $ranks .= $line; break; } } if ($ranks) { // emit a retured ranking data from the 'generate_xml' function as an output in XML data format // 'generate_xml' 함수에서 반화하는 랭킹 데이터를 XML 데이터 형식으로 만들어 내보내시오 return generate_xml($ranks); } else { header("HTTP/1.1 410 Gone"); die("HTTP/1.1 410 Gone - There is no data for this name/gender."); } }
function generate_pdf($url) { $xml = pdf_FlateEncode(generate_xml($url)); $xmllen = strlen($xml); $eol = ' '; $endobj = 'endobj' . $eol; $xref = array(); $pdf = '%PDF-1.5' . $eol; $pdf = $pdf . '%' . RandomNonASCIIString(4) . $eol; $xref[] = strlen($pdf); $pdf = $pdf . ioDef(1) . '<</Length ' . strlen($xml) . '/Filter [/FlateDecode]/Type /EmbeddedFile>>' . $eol; $pdf = $pdf . 'stream' . $eol; $pdf = $pdf . $xml . $eol; $pdf = $pdf . $eol . 'endstream' . $eol; $pdf = $pdf . $endobj; $xref[] = strlen($pdf); $pdf = $pdf . ioDef(2) . '<</V () /Kids [' . ioRef(3) . '] /T (' . 'Top[0]' . ') >>' . $eol . $endobj; $xref[] = strlen($pdf); $pdf = $pdf . ioDef(3) . '<</Parent ' . ioRef(2) . ' /Kids [' . ioRef(4) . '] /T (Page1[0])>>'; $pdf = $pdf . $eol . $endobj; $xref[] = strlen($pdf); $pdf = $pdf . ioDef(4) . '<</MK <</IF <</A [0.0 1.0]>>/TP 1>>/P ' . ioRef(5); $pdf = $pdf . '/FT /Btn/TU (' . 'Image' . ')/Ff 65536/Parent ' . ioRef(3); $pdf = $pdf . '/F 4/DA (/CourierStd 10 Tf 0 g)/Subtype /Widget/Type /Annot/T (' . 'Image[0]' . ')/Rect [107.385 705.147 188.385 709.087]>>'; $pdf = $pdf . $eol . $endobj; $xref[] = strlen($pdf); $pdf = $pdf . ioDef(5) . '<</Rotate 0 /CropBox [0.0 0.0 612.0 792.0]/MediaBox [0.0 0.0 612.0 792.0]/Resources <</XObject >>/Parent '; $pdf = $pdf . ioRef(6) . '/Type /Page/PieceInfo null>>'; $pdf = $pdf . $eol . $endobj; $xref[] = strlen($pdf); $pdf = $pdf . ioDef(6) . '<</Kids [' . ioRef(5) . ']/Type /Pages/Count 1>>'; $pdf = $pdf . $eol . $endobj; $xref[] = strlen($pdf); $pdf = $pdf . ioDef(7) . '<</PageMode /UseAttachments/Pages ' . ioRef(6); $pdf = $pdf . '/MarkInfo <</Marked true>>/Lang (en-us)/AcroForm ' . ioRef(8); $pdf = $pdf . '/Type /Catalog>>'; $pdf = $pdf . $eol . $endobj; $xref[] = strlen($pdf); $pdf = $pdf . ioDef(8) . '<</DA (/Helv 0 Tf 0 g )/XFA [(template) ' . ioRef(1) . ']/Fields ['; $pdf = $pdf . ioRef(2) . ']>>'; $pdf = $pdf . $endobj . $eol; $xrefPosition = strlen($pdf); $pdf = $pdf . 'xref' . $eol; $pdf = $pdf . '0 ' . (count($xref) + 1) . $eol; $pdf = $pdf . '0000000000 65535 f' . $eol; $i = 0; while ($i < count($xref)) { $temp = sprintf('%010d 00000 n', $xref[$i]); $pdf = $pdf . $temp . $eol; ++$i; } $pdf = $pdf . 'trailer' . '<</Size ' . (count($xref) + 1) . '/Root ' . ioRef(7) . '>>' . $eol; $pdf = $pdf . 'startxref' . $eol; $pdf = $pdf . $xrefPosition . $eol; $pdf = $pdf . '%%EOF'; return $pdf; }
} $from_pos += 4; $query_parts['search_from'] = substr($search_query, $from_pos, $where_pos - $from_pos); $query_parts['search_where'] = substr($search_query, $where_pos, $order_pos - $where_pos); return $query_parts; } $ids = explode(",", $_POST['records']); add2log($_REQUEST['module'], $_REQUEST['name'], "start update xml [" . count($ids) . " objects processed]"); if (isset($_POST['custom_generate']) && $_POST['custom_generate'] == '1') { $path = "custom/kXML/custom_generate/{$_REQUEST['module']}/{$_REQUEST['name']}"; if (file_exists($path)) { $name_this = str_replace('.php', '', $_REQUEST['name']); $name_this = 'generate_xml_' . $name_this; include_once $path; foreach ($ids as $id) { generate_xml($id); } } //echo "Объявления добавлены в файл выбранной Вами доски. \n Обработано объектов: ".count($ids); echo "Объявления добавлены в файл выбранной Вами доски."; return false; } $first_line = true; //$bean=loadBean($_POST['module']); $n_ = ' '; $encoding = 'UTF-8'; $search = array(); $elements = array(); $elements_h = array(); $path = $_POST['module'];
/* count of cols in 1st array */ $b = $arr2[1]; /* count of cols in 2nd array */ if ($a == $b) { return 0; } return $a < $b ? -1 : 1; } prepare_conversion(); $table_names = array(); $tables = array(); $r = odbc_tables($conn); while ($t = odbc_fetch_array($r)) { // print_r($t); $type = $t['TABLE_TYPE'] == 'TABLE'; $owner = true; if (isset($t['TABLE_OWNER'])) { $owner = strtolower($t['TABLE_OWNER']) != 'information_schema'; } if ($type && $owner) { $table_names[] = $t['TABLE_NAME']; } } for ($i = 0; $i < count($table_names); $i++) { $cols = get_cols($conn, $table_names[$i]); $cnt = count($cols); $tables[] = array($cols, $cnt, $table_names[$i]); } usort($tables, "cmp"); generate_xml($tables);
db_table_struct_select(); break; case 'add_query': add_query(); break; case 'edit_query': edit_query(); break; case 'db_tables': db_tables(); break; case 'show_stats': show_stats(); break; case 'generate_xml': generate_xml(); break; case 'generate_csv': generate_csv(); break; case 'paypal_info': paypal_info(); break; case 'default': setdefault(); break; case 'product_option': product_option(); break; case 'preview': preview_formmaker();
function creat_group($name, $descr, $list_id, $req, $group_type) { global $l; if (trim($name) == "") { return array('RESULT' => 'ERROR', 'LBL' => $l->g(638)); } if (trim($descr) == "") { return array('RESULT' => 'ERROR', 'LBL' => $l->g(1234)); } //static group? if ($group_type == 'STATIC') { $static = 1; $req = ""; } else { $static = 0; } //does $name group already exists $reqGetId = "SELECT id FROM hardware WHERE name='%s' and deviceid = '_SYSTEMGROUP_'"; $argGetId = $name; $resGetId = mysql2_query_secure($reqGetId, $_SESSION['OCS']["readServer"], $argGetId); if ($valGetId = mysql_fetch_array($resGetId)) { return array('RESULT' => 'ERROR', 'LBL' => $l->g(621)); } //insert new group $sql_insert = "INSERT INTO hardware(deviceid,name,description,lastdate) VALUES( '_SYSTEMGROUP_' , '%s', '%s', NOW())"; $arg_insert = array($name, $descr); mysql2_query_secure($sql_insert, $_SESSION['OCS']["writeServer"], $arg_insert); //Getting hardware id $insertId = mysql_insert_id($_SESSION['OCS']["writeServer"]); $xml = generate_xml($req); //Creating group $sql_group = "INSERT INTO groups(hardware_id, xmldef, create_time) VALUES ( %s, '%s', UNIX_TIMESTAMP() )"; $arg_group = array($insertId, $xml); mysql2_query_secure($sql_group, $_SESSION['OCS']["writeServer"], $arg_group); addLog("CREATE GROUPE", $name); //Generating cache if ($list_id != '') { $nb_computer = add_computers_cache($list_id, $insertId, $static); return array('RESULT' => 'OK', 'LBL' => $nb_computer); } return array('RESULT' => 'OK', 'LBL' => $l->g(607) . " " . $l->g(608)); }
$square_footage = $_POST['square_footage']; $bedrooms = $_POST['bedrooms']; $bathrooms = $_POST['bathrooms']; $stories = $_POST['stories']; $lot_size = $_POST['lot_size']; $year_built = $_POST['year_built']; $propertyType = $_POST['propertyType']; $pType = $_POST['pType']; $address = $_POST['address']; $street = $_POST['street']; $city = $_POST['city']; $state = $_POST['state']; $zip = $_POST['zip']; $date = date('Y-m-d'); //echo "($street,$city,$state,$zip,'',$date"; $xml_result = generate_xml($street, $city, $state, $zip, '', $date); $results = array(); /*criteria- 1 ******** sqft->10+- age 5+- saledate<180 prox0.5mile lot size 50+- ***********/ $C1Rangesqrft = MinMax(10, $square_footage); $C1RangeAge = MinMaxAge(5, $year_built); $C1Rangelot = MinMax(50, $lot_size); $C1Proximity = "0.5"; /*criteria- 2 ******** sqft->10+- age 5+- saledate<180 prox0.5mile lot size 50+- ***********/ $C2Rangesqrft = MinMax(15, $square_footage); $C2RangeAge = MinMaxAge(10, $year_built); $C2Rangelot = MinMax(50, $lot_size); $C2Proximity = "1"; /*criteria- 3 ******** sqft->10+- age 5+- saledate<180 prox0.5mile lot size 50+- ***********/ $C3Rangesqrft = MinMax(20, $square_footage); $C3RangeAge = MinMaxAgePer(50, $year_built); $C3Rangelot = MinMax(50, $lot_size);
function model_location_and_time_xml($latitude, $longitude, $radius, $datetime, $numresults, $pollutant, $maxfit) { $query = query_location_time_circle_unique_entries($latitude, $longitude, $radius, $datetime, $pollutant); generate_xml($query, $numresults, $maxfit); }
<?php require_once "inc/model/functions.php"; require_once "config/file_locations.php"; require_once "config/graph_variables.php"; if (isset($_POST["command"]) and strpos($_POST["command"], "create_xml") !== False) { error_reporting(0); $xml_string = generate_xml($_POST, $xml_structure_file); $f = fopen($new_xml_file, 'w'); if ($f == False) { echo "{$new_xml_file} is not writable"; exit; } fwrite($f, $xml_string); chmod("{$new_xml_file}", 0666); fclose($f); echo "successful"; exit; } else { if (isset($_POST["command"]) and $_POST["command"] == "run") { $result = shell_exec("sh " . $sh_file); if (strpos($result, "done") !== False) { echo "successful"; } else { echo "{$sh_file} could not be executed. Try changing the persmission of the file to 755."; } exit; } else { if (isset($_GET["command"]) and $_GET["command"] == "default") { echo get_default($default_xml); exit;